Start services in windows 7. You can turn on some Windows services to speed up the system

Wake up in Windows 7 services - ce special programs, It will turn on automatically as soon as the computer is turned on. As a rule, the stink is practiced in the "quiet", background mode. To recognize the same services at once, you can run the task manager (shift + ctrl + esc) and go to the “services” tab.

A large part of the representations of services - ce additions, yakі zabezpechuyut normal work yours operating system Windows. For example, converting the system code into a more intuitive, graphical interface, connecting to the Internet, and so on. To that, it is possible to turn it on, but it is categorically impossible to do otherwise.

So it turned out that a part of the services, albeit for locking, work on Windows, in fact, you don’t need more coristuvachs and you can turn them on. In the middle of these services, and so, they significantly reduce the performance of your computer and make it more susceptible to a virus attack. Moreover, the stench is not easy to reduce the zakhist, but they can also help the penetration of viruses into the pristine.

How do you know that windows services are being built - these are additions, how, how and all other programs can be used system resources. Therefore, having included deeds from them, you can:

  1. I will raise a scorching riven to the zakhist.
  2. Reduce CPU occupancy.
  3. Speed ​​up the work of the system.

Varto remember what you want antivirus program You can't protect your system for all hundred windows. Especially, if you care that you can not worry about security, if you have to stand rest version antivirus. In order to move the computer behind, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures “manually”. And itself - turn on the uncommon and threaten the service.

How do you know that the service is not really needed?

If you are still doubtful, in that case the services are included, but if not, then do not worry, we report about the skin. A bright butt of a similar program, as you definitely don’t need it, will ensure the facsimile work. The stench has long been outdated and they practically do not corrode anything, the service is running dosi є basic in Windows 7. It automatically turns on with the launch of Windows and saves, although not great, but system resources. That and zagalna zahist system vіd neї kulgaє. Aje for robotic fax, it is necessary to remove access to important system files і local lines, To that її you can boldly turn it on.

So, if you turn on some non-essential services, which at first glance will insignificantly affect the operation of the system, you will greatly increase your productivity. Obviously, it does not mean that you will have a lot of services. I need to start asking about them for what they say, and think: what do you need me to smell? To that you will definitely be convinced that this is a service and for which it is needed, then you will not worry about those who, having turned on your computer, stop working, you will not happen.

How to spend in service management?

Still, you were called to raise a fiery roar of protection and swede Roboti Windows, Then first you need to go to the service management menu. For whom:

The menu will look something like this. For more comfortable work, you can:

How to turn on the inappropriate?

Before that, proceed until the middle of the day non-essential add-ons, It is necessary to understand the main principle: how to include them. There is no individual approach to a skin program here. Everything is beaten by a suvorim algorithm. In order to inappropriate programs do not run, you can:

  1. Clean them up from the auto-advance menu.
  2. Turn it on again.
  3. Establish a manual robotic mode (on a vimogu koristuvach).

It is possible to analyze on the basis of the inclusion of the function "Remove register". As already understood from the name, then it allows you to take away access to change the registry in remote mode. This means that if your computer is subject to a virus attack, then a shkidlivy file can deny access to all files on your computer. Otzhe, for її inclusion:

That's it, the service is not only turned on, but it won't start automatically when Windows is attacked. To re-enable її, just click tsі w dії navpaki.

including non-consumable

The first step is to start before turning on other quiet programs, remember that a large part of it is responsible for the normal functioning of Windows. To that respectfully revise, as if to include it yourself. Let's look at it, it's definitely not to inject into the normal operation of the computer, but to reduce the overall zahist of the system.

Services that can be included in the first line:

  1. Everything is connected with remote access (registry, Windows management, Robotic steel, tincture).
  2. Transaction coordinator and smart card.

Services that can be turned on or switched to manual mode:

  1. Automatic connection manager for remote access.
  2. NetBIOS support module and local computer browser (required for robotic local networks).
  3. Fax, bluetooth robot adapter.
  4. Robot with WIA images (required for connecting a scanner, camera).

Afterwards, the speed of the work of your computer, as well as the fire safety of growth. Remember that you only need to turn them on, if you are convinced that you don’t need the stench. Also, it’s not varto to turn on if it’s thoughtless. If you hesitate, then do not chip anything. And also, obov'yazkovo koristaytes anti-virus programs.

In contact with

Why Windows operating systems have been famous for a long time, because of their rich functionality, for which there is a good amount of computer resources for those functions, so you can never win. In this article, the language is about the services, so as the deacons of them do not only save resources, but also a guideline for viruses.

To be more precise, then we will analyze: what are the services and what stinks are needed, how to use and how to use services in Windows 7, how windows services you can turn it on, etc. Let's start in order.

2 How to enable services in Windows 7?

It's easy to fight. Nezalezhno vіd Windows versions, Go to computer management and select services.

You will see a list of dodatkіv.

Before speaking in the expanded mode, you can marvel at what skin supplements you can add and include them. For whom to press on be it from the services with the left mouse button.

To enable and fix the start of the service, you need to go to power.

How to start a windows service? In the same way, the authorities have the additions launched. If it is necessary to work for an hour, then we choose to start Windows services automatically. If there is a need for a start, then select the type of launch - manually.

At times, even though it was not possible to start the Windows service, the problem was found out, or in the adjusted programs, since everything is ok with the settings, then most of the viruses messed up yoga. I recommend installing. The problem of launching certain supplements, which are the same for several articles, to that in the world of the relevance of the problem will be articles with better solutions. Don't miss out -.

2.1 Which Windows services can be enabled?

Let's move on to the next one. The list of services I include:

  • Windows Search
  • offline files
  • Agent zahistu treadmill access
  • computer browser
  • Additional service IP
  • Second login
  • Grouping of the participants
  • Automatic connection manager remote access
  • Dispatcher to a friend (only if the printer does not win)
  • Remote access connection manager (as it does not virtual mesh- VPN)
  • Dispatcher
  • Productivity alert logs
  • Setting up servers for remote desktops
  • Smart Card Removal Policy
  • Listener of the home group
  • Folder under Windows
  • Merezhevy login
  • Tablet PC Input Service
  • service zavantazhennya Windows image(WIA)
  • Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
  • smart card
  • Vuzol diagnostic system
  • Vuzol diagnostics service
  • Fax
  • Host of the productivity library
  • Center for security
  • Windows Update Service

You can also turn on other non-essential Windows 7 services. But before turning it on, I recommend that you read what it means addendum and just turn it on.

2.2 How do I delete a Windows service?

In order to remove non-essential services, we pass in the power of an addendum according to the algorithm described above. Zupinyaєmo the service is still running and a copy of the name.

sc delete "Update Jump Flip" (in the paws enter the copied service name)

As the name of the program is summed up in one word, then we introduce the same command only without paws, for example:

sc delete SysMain

important: When looking at the service, be respectful, the shards of this process are not brutal. Read the functions and features of the program before going through the language.

That's all, after turning on non-essential Windows services, the computer's system resources are activated as non-essential work. To see the effect of optimizing Windows more, remember the rajah before reading the previous article:

Regardless of those that zavantazhennya and vіdguk operating system Windows 7 is rich in what to turn over the front of Vista, її standard settings є far from the most optimal for work. However, to speed up the work of "simka", it is necessary to ensure that the deacons are introduced before the changes are made, resulting in an improvement in functionality and a beautiful look of the system. Your zavdannya є choose such a configuration, as to provide you with the best possible performance between productivity, functionality and with a sultry look.

Windows 7: system performance optimization

It seems that the most irritating of the koristuvach is called dovge zavantazhennya operating system. Irrespective of those that the "Simka" is optimized by retailers in such a way that it will be 10-20 seconds faster than Vista, but you will have to work harder and even more quickly.

Rich-core processors allow you to speed up the system's uptake even more, for which you need to tweak a number of upgrades.

Open the msconfig utility by typing its name in the Start menu row.

At the end, we need the Availability tab, where you need to click on the Additional parameters button.

Check the box next to Number of processors and select the maximum number of your cores in the drop-down menu. After that, as you press OK to save money, reboot the system, and you will be more excited about Windows 7.

To speed up the development of the system, it is necessary to repair those that are able to lie down without interruption depending on the number of processes and add-ons that are launched at the same time with the start of Windows. So, I'll open the msconfig utility again and go to the next tab Auto-enrollment.

rich Windows add-ons be registered in the auto-advance system without a hitch. If such programs become too rich, the zavantazhennya begins to signify gibberish. Therefore, carefully analyze the list of submissions in the auto-acquisition add-ons tab and uncheck the checkboxes for those programs that you do not need. Ideally, uncheck the box next to the name of your antivirus.

Accelerate the same way Windows takeover allow the inclusion of all non-essential services, as if they were not just starting, but the robot. We will look at those inclusions below.

Optimization of robotic services in Windows 7

The whole family of OS Windows has anonymous services, which are recognized for interaction with internal devices, drivers and system options. Many third-party programs also add their services to the system. Pratsyuyuchi in the background mode, a lot of services significantly reduce the productivity of the system, at the same time, even without reducing functionality. Moreover, a number of Windows 7 services are harmful to the overall security of the system. Before such services, in the first place, it is necessary to lock up the launches of the Remote Registry, which allows malicious people to make changes to the system into the system.

You can open the service management utility in two ways: go to the path Control Panel - Administration - Services or enter services.msc in the Start menu row.

after launch which appendage You will see a list of all services in front of you.

To turn on that service, it is necessary to click on it with the left button, after which you will see it all the time.

Click on the Startup button to attach the service to the robot and change the startup type to Enabled, to get ahead of it when the system starts up. After that press Zastosuvati and OK, the service will no longer affect the robots of your computer.

When working with a list of services, the next thing is especially important, since the inclusion of a necessary process can lead to a partial waste of the system’s efficiency: you can add to the robot a small amount of possession or an addendum. As you have made changes in the power of dozens of services at once, it will not be easy to know the service you need, what is needed for the work of those other programs.

Below is a list of services that can be turned on practically on any computer, be it a single machine or a part of a local network.

  • Delete registry allows you to make changes to the registry of the system for remote subscribers. From the mirroring of the security of the service, the next turn on in the general language order.
  • Offline Files is validated for the implementation of the Offline Files API. Chi is not needed for the most important koristuvachs. We turn it on.
  • The Tablet PC Input service is required for robotic pen and similar input devices on tablets. We turn it on.
  • registration service Pardon Windows vіdpovіdaє for vedennya journal of pardons of the system. If in times of vindication of problems with the PC, you can analyze the log entries in order to identify the reasons for the vindication of pardons, fill in the type of service start in Auto. As a matter of fact, if you don’t mention the fact that it is recorded in the journal of the robotic system, the service can be turned on.
  • IPsec key modules for key exchange ... - secure the robot with IKE keys and the IPsec protocol robot with revalidation. We turn it on.
  • The client was aware of the calls that have changed. The service checks the linking of files that are between NTFS systems. When you turn it on your computer will work better.
  • Windows search is necessary for indexing to be found on the computer files with a method of security work and search. If you don't get caught by the system's bug, the service can be turned on.
  • parental control. This service has been consumed in Windows 7 with Vista version and is needed only for the sake of sanity with it. We turn it on.

On most home PCs that do not enter the warehouse of local storage, you can turn on other services.

  • IPSec Policy Agent. Practically nikoli does not win on a home PC. We turn it on.
  • KtmRm for the coordinator of branch transactions. As you familiarize yourself with the description of the service, it will become clear that it is not recommended to run it, so you are not convinced that you need it. We turn it on.
  • Additional service IP. Don't win over home computer. We turn it on.
  • Dispatcher friend. If you are not using the printer, turn on this service. Every time you have other documents, try setting the start to Manual. If in any case the signet will not work, change the startup type to Auto. Chi bude pratsyuvati your printer chi n_ at the type of start Manually, lay only yogo drivers.
  • A second login to the system is required to start processes on behalf of another clerk. Vіdklyuchaemo s mirkuvan bezpeki.
  • Fax. It turns out that you do not manage and do not accept faxes.
  • Windows Protector Protects Windows spy programs. You can turn it on, if you plan to install an alternative system to the Zahistu into the system.
  • Windows firewall. You can turn it on, as you have installed a third-party firewall in the system.
  • Smart card withdrawal policy. If you don't have smart cards, you don't need the service.
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. If you don't have iSCSI devices, you can set the startup type for the service to Manual.
  • The presence of SSDP is necessary for devices that implement the SSDP protocol. You can turn it on.
  • Adaptive brightness control is necessary only for PC owners with a built-in light sensor for automatic brightness control of the monitor.
  • The computer browser is necessary for the display of working machines in the local area. A single computer service is not required. We turn it on.
  • Server. The service is needed only for computers that win for the organization access to files or printer. We turn it on.
  • service Bluetooth trims. Be quiet as you don't have Bluetooth.

Do not turn on all services at once. In short, turn them on two or three, and then re-attach the system. If the computer and other devices will work normally, turn on the next services. In the other case, you can get stuck with this, if you don’t understand, the inclusion of which services is important for the full-time robot of the computer.

Changing the shutdown time: optimizing Windows 7

You can also change the hour of the system’s vimikanie, you can only change it for the help of a barbarian method - changing the hour, which is given to the process to complete running programs. If the system fails to complete its work, the stench will be stinking primus.

Open the registry again and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -\u003e System -\u003e CurrentControlSet -\u003e Control.

Find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter there and change its value from 12000 to 2000.

ReadyBoost function

Windows 7 implements the option to use flash to store additional data up to RAM for data cache. This allows you to speed up the operation of reading and writing data, as well as increase the productivity of the system.

Availability is required to select the ReadyBoost option USB storage or flash cards, which are connected to a PC for an additional card reader. Insert the accumulator into USB port computer and in the autorun window, select the item Speed ​​up the robot of the system with Windows ReadyBoost.

Specify the limit of the space available for the selection. To save, press the Stop and OK buttons.

Then the file ReadyBoost.sfcache will be created on the USB stick. Do not ever remove a USB flash drive from your computer!

Hard Disk Optimization in Windows 7

Tsya function dіє in the family Windows systems, Starting from the version of XP, it won't be in "simts", however, although in XP this option was enabled behind the lock, in Windows you need to enable it yourself.

click right button Click the My Computer icon and open Attachment Manager. Find Disk Attachments in the list, right-click on the name of the HDD and select Power. Show up vikno, why do we need the Politics tab. We put a tick on the item "Disable buffer cleaning ...".

Right there in the add-on dispatcher, in the list of the IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers check box, where the powers of all ATA channels are in the Extended Capabilities tab, check the checkbox for the Enable / Enable DMA (Enable DMA) item.

Accelerated copying and moving files

One of the new options in Windows 7 is the remote retail price, which is recognized for the calculation of the authorities between two objects, which allows the speed of the transfer of the transferred data, however, it takes more than an hour for the calculation. You can enable this option in the Windows Components utility. Find the Program icon on the checkout panel and check it in the list of words Turn Windows components on and off. Check the checkbox next to Vіddalene retail \u200b\u200bstisk next uncheck the box.

Enabling verification of digital signature drivers

Qia installation allows you to significantly speed up the hour required for installing drivers. Find the utility gpedit.msc for help from the Start menu.

Let's go to the section Koristuvach Config. Go to the Admin Templates -\u003e System -\u003e Installing the driver. click Digital signature in the add-on drivers and in the window, select the Turn on option, click Stop and OK.

I will review sketches as soon as possible

To improve the visibility of thumbnails, make the necessary settings in the registry. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Mouse.

Change the MouseHoverTime parameter to 100 or lower.

Quick Start Menu

When you open the Start menu, the system displays the current hour for the appointment and the last match installed programs. If you do not need this option, then you can turn it on, speed up the menu opening hour.

Right-click on the Start button and select Power from the menu.

At the Menu tab, click on the Adjust button. At the top of the list, uncheck the checkbox for the item “See recently installed programs”.

There is a small pause before opening the Start menu, you can change it by changing the default registry setting. For this start, start the registry by entering the word regedit in the Start menu row and pressing Enter.

In the registry editor, find the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Desktop and change the value of the MenuShowDelay key from 400 to 50. The last pause when the menu is opened will noticeably shorten.

Inclusion of non-essential visual effects

If your computer is not equipped with a hard-wired video card, but with a video card for work with a graphics solution, put into the mother card, then there may be a decrease in productivity visual effects Aero. Particularly often with this problem, the owners of inexpensive laptops, which are more important for office work, are stuck.

In the Control Panel, click on the System and Windows icon, select Additional system settings. You will appear in front of you, de slid to go to the Dodatkovo tab.

Press the Parameters button in the SWIDCODE branch. Vіdkriєtsya vіkno zі the list of special effects, many z yih pomіtnі vplyvayut on the productivity of the system.

You need to fix the system in such a way as to ensure optimal communication between good looks and swedcode. On weak computers, you can turn on all the effects by selecting the item "Protect I'll get the swidcode". Having set the “Particular effects” item to active, you can independently choose which effect you need. Please do not include the paragraph “Smooth unevenness of screen fonts” for better.

The procedure for turning on non-essential services is the same for netbooks and computers with limited resources or equipped with more powerful hard disks. For details about those services in Windows 7, you can safely turn them on, and if you don't, how to turn on the required components, read our article.

How to recognize service operators (components) in Windows 7?

Koristuvach can speed up in two ways.

via Start

Press "Start", then "Vikonati". At the window, enter the row services.msc.

Enter services.msc in a row

The Danish way is the best, the oskilka is given information about the service, which gives an understanding of the meaning for the system.

Then go to "Services"

You can also access the additional toolbar by clicking on the "Administration" tool and selecting "Services".

To open a service, simply click on the appropriate row in the list

To enable the service, double-click on it and at the end, change the Startup Type option to Enabled. Then click "Zupinity" and "OK".


After hitting "Win" + R, enter msconfig.exe in the row and click "OK".

Type in msconfig.exe

At the window, you need to open the "Services" tab.

After clicking on the "Services" tab, a list of all available background add-ons is displayed

To add an addendum, you need to check the box next to it and click on “Zastosuvati”. Which row will have the date of inclusion.

To turn on the service, you need to uncheck the box and confirm the choice

After the onslaught of "OK" will appear one more time, it is necessary to choose, if the computer is reset, so that the changes will take effect.

For the changes to take effect, the computer needs to be reset

Video: step-by-step instructions for enabling services for optimization

What services can be turned on without shkod for the system?

More background additives ensure the stability of the system. For this reason, it is necessary to convert their names and functions.

For good reason, all computers can work without offensive services:

  1. Vіddeleniy register. Give the opportunity to other short-term employees to change the registry of the system, it is necessary to turn it on if you want to be safe.
  2. Fax. There is no connection to tsey pristriy, then the service can be turned on.
  3. Pardon registry service "Windows". Reply for the log of pardons and notifications about emergency completion or hanging programs.
  4. The client was aware of the calls that have changed. It is connected with NTFS files, which are transferred between the computer or between them.
  5. Poshuk Windows (Windows Search). We need only tim, who often turns to search for files.
  6. Parental Control ( Batkiv control). Don't be mean.
  7. Additional service IP. Marne on a PC for home coring.
  8. Dispatcher friend. Only needed for a robotic printer.
  9. Secondary login. Gives the ability to run the process from another oblique record. Bazhano turn on for the sake of safety.
  10. Tablet PC input service. If there is no pen or handwritten input, then the service is not needed.
  11. Windows protector. If on a computer, if the system is protected, then you can turn it on.
  12. Windows firewall. Those same as in paragraph above.
  13. Smart card withdrawal policy. If such elements are not won, the service is not needed.
  14. The manifestation of SSDP. Vyavlennya pristroїv, scho Vykoristovuyut protocol SSDP, to which, for example, can be seen "reasonable" bit technology. If there is no such possession, then the service can be turned on.
  15. Adaptive regulation of brightness. If there is no light sensor in the laptop, then the service can be turned on.
  16. Computer browser. If there are no local lines, then you can turn them on.
  17. Access to HID devices. Before them, one can see the input of information, for example, a USB mouse, a webcam and a scanner. If such possession is not victorious, then the service can be turned on.
  18. Basic services of the TPM module. If TMP and/or BitLocker chips are not enabled, then you can turn it on.
  19. Server. If the computer is not included in the local network, then you can turn it on.
  20. Bluetooth support service. If there is no such thing in the computer, if it doesn’t work, then the service can be turned on.
  21. NetBIOS support module. If there is no connection to the local network, then you can connect.
  22. Windows Image Capture Service (WIA). Needed for a robotic scanner or a digital camera.

At the robot of some services it is impossible to get involved?

The onset of background supplements is categorically impossible:

  1. Windows Audio. When turned on, the sound disappears.
  2. Windows Driver Foundation. Plunge into the drivers.
  3. Multimedia class planner. When the sound is turned on.
  4. Plug and play. At times of service, the system cannot recognize new additions.
  5. Superfetch. Viznaє programs, yakі koristuvach vikoristovuє most often and add them to the operational memory (but do not start). The computer will work and turn off the service, but productivity will decrease. You can turn it on if the computer has less than 1 GB of RAM. Otherwise, the effect will be negative.
  6. Head planner. You can’t turn on someone who has a lot of money. Without it, you cannot switch the keyboard layout.
  7. Removal of weekly procedures (RPC). Plunge into a lot of other services.
  8. The session manager is the desktop wicon manager.
  9. Those. When enabled, disable the Aero interface.
  10. Windows installer. Allows you to install add-ons.

How to add Windows components?

More koristuvachiv dosit Windows 7 with a standard set of components. Ale іnodi it is necessary to turn on addenda or utilities. Sob tse robiti, it is necessary to robit the foot:

Video: instructions for adding components

"Enabled or enabled Windows components" does not work or the list is empty: what work and what is the reason?

There can be a number of reasons.

Like one of the installed programs remembered the value in the registry

Through the "Start" or for an additional combination of keys "Win" + R, open the "Vikonati" window and enter regedit.

Type in regedit

Let's follow the address HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Control - Windows and know the CSDReleaseType parameter. If there is a value there, if the value is 0, then it is necessary to remember it, after which press “OK” and reset the computer.

You need to know the CSDReleaseType parameter, change the value to "0" and click "OK"

Sign in from the public record without administrator rights

It is necessary either to remove the rights of the administrator, or to log in from oblіkovogo record administrator.

Alternatively, you can see the files in folder C:\\Windows\\Servicing\\Packages.

For usunennya, it will be necessary to update. You will need to get the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7:

  • For 32-bit processor:\u003d3132.
  • For 64-bit processor:\u003d20858.

To determine the capacity, you need to press "Start", open "Control Panel", then "System". The capacity is specified in the "Type of system" item.

Through the "Control Panel" enter "System" and know the item "Type of system", where the processor capacity is indicated

Close all programs and run the file. Vin may extension.msu. The whole process takes 10-15 minutes.

After installation, close the window and restart the computer. Let's re-open the list of components. As always and earlier empty, then it is necessary to correct the pardons manually.

Open C: \\ Windows \\ Logs \\ CBS \\ CheckSUR.log and look at the "Checking Package Manifests and Cataloges" rows. If it’s a pardon, then stand on the cob of the row (f), and give the pardon code and the way. Ale yakshcho pіd qim in a row є \u200b\u200bіnsha, i stand in front (fix), mean, given a pardon bula corrected.

in tsyumu text document pardons, yakі far away chi not far away

In rows, signs erysipelas in color pardons were given, but they did not get away with correcting. Pardons in this example can be heard quietly, so that the koristuvach will appear.

It is necessary to write down the information from the rows, demonstrating the wrong corrections, for example, on the arch paper. That part is important, as it starts with "Package_".

Now I need to manually see the registry keys. Click to open "Vikonati" and enter "regedit" in the row. At the end, go for the address HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ ComponentBasedServicing \\ Packeges \\ and know the key with a pardon. In this butt, a pardon was made in the fourth row.

After the removal of a random key, the problem with the list of components can be reversed.

Smart - program for enabling non-essential services

Bezkoshtovny software, which is not necessary to install.

Allows you to install one of the following configuration settings:

  1. Safe Tweaks. Naybezpechnіsha, pіdіyde bіlshostі koristuvachіv. The work of the system is not in the line, but the productivity is increased.
  2. Moderate Tweaks. Include mayzhe half of the services, intermediary multimedia capabilities of the system. More productivity.
  3. Advance Tweaks. It is recommended to stick only to coristuvachas. Turns on all services, the room is quiet, which is necessary for the functioning of the system.
  4. custom. Tezh for fahivtsiv. Є manual mode for setting up services.

To enable the change, you need to click "Apply" and confirm your action

Inclusion of non-victorious services of the camp good tool to optimize (speed up) a robotic computer with a small operational memory. And for a vipadku with a laptop, I’ll also bring the robots and batteries to a greater level of trivality.

Like I said earlier, I understand the processes, like in any case it’s impossible to chip. Before them one can see:

In addition, research and development of additional products, the launch of which is done manually. And to that їх chіpati not varto, so don't start the stench actively.

Special Certificate( )

Previously, if I have a computer with weak characteristics, I tried in every possible way to speed up my robot. One of the methods was the inclusion of services. It so happened that, if I was zealous, there were no such descriptions, and that skin day passed on my fear and risk.

Deyakі protsesi menі diyno vdalos vivantage without problems. Alas, it's a pity, one of them appeared to be respectful. I have lost my coristuvach with usima parameters. Good luck, the day before I created a new one. From what in the future and pratsyuvav. I was spared. In the other case, I might have put in important information for me, so I just had a chance to re-install the OS.

Well, in Windows 7 there are anonymous services, the skin may have its own functions. What do you have weak computer or a netbook - it's better to try the descriptions of the way. In a different way, fill in everything, like є. Help me to get away possible problems in the future. At the same time, after vivantage of the tool, you don’t start up as an addendum - try to turn everything around, like it was. At times, if it's impossible to install - update the system or re-install the OS again.

I am convinced that you will make the right decision. Tell your friends about me. I think here and stink to know a lot of brown joys.