Up to the edge of the scarlet. Usunennya pardon "Windows does not get connected to Wi-Fi". What robiti, how did you win the pardon "Do not get connected to the whole thing"? It’s hard to get out of the given hedge

Even more often when connected to childless hedgehog koristuvachi are being made with special pardons. Singingly, naiposhyrenіshoyu є - Windows did not go far to connect to WiFi. Well, for a pardon and yak її put down? About tse and pіde mova.

Ale persh nіzh go to the problems of connection and іх virіshennya, for a cob of words about those who are pratsyuє dumb fringes. On the right, in order to open private groups, as a rule, you can use the WiFi router. The computer itself must be connected to them. This means that in case of any problems with connections, it is necessary to reconfigure the access point (router).

Why Windows won't connect to WiFi network

There are no more reasons for such a favor. To look at the skin from them is simply ill-advised. To that, let's solve the most advanced problems with connections before WiFi networkі їх solution. Also, if the computer is running a net, or if you cannot connect to it, then you will need to reconfigure the parameters:

  • Revision of the correctness of the entered key of the hem.
  • Setting up a router.
  • Conversion of drivers.
  • nalashtuvannya mouthless z'єdnannya on Windows.
  • Setting up firewall and anti-virus programs.

You can also confront the software and drivers, and bring problems to the robot of the mouthless adapter. Let's go in order.

Reversion of the key

It is often the reason for the villote that the password is changed. Tse means that when the key is entered, we just have mercy. To that in the first place, it is necessary to reconsider the correctness of the written code. Try again to connect to the hedge, if you respectfully change the layout of the keyboard, as well as the "Capslock" is not turned on.

Yak know the password for your WiFi in the parameters of the router: Video

Setting up a router

If you still remember the correctness of the entered key, then you can change the settings of the router. For all, connect to the new one for an additional cable. Go ahead, open your favorite browser and write down the router's IP address in the address row. I will show the values ​​on the lower panel of the annex, as well as in the instructions (yaksho є).

You can easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

Now we need to enter a password and login. A collection of - tse admin, admin vidpovidno. If you have already changed the price of the dan, then enter your value. Pislya tsyogo go to the menu nalashtuvan. Everything is simple here. We are going to set up a mouthless hedgehog (Wi-Fi). We know the Security Settings. In the security parameters, you need to know the fancy key. If necessary, you can remember it.

Dal, next to reconfigure the MAC address filter. All in all, it is possible, well, for someone who has access to the router (the power of evil is not enabled), brought your computer into the filter by the MAC address. With the correct password, you will not be able to connect to the WiFi network through the price.

To reconsider, you need to go to the "MAC-Filtering" item in the settings of the childless hemline and to reconsider, which there are attachments. You do not need to know the MAC address of your computer, just add it to the list of all the attachments there.

Yak nalashtuvati MAC filter in a router: Video

It is also recommended to re-enable the router, as the stench can give you a lot. There are absolutely all models, both budgetary and the most expensive. As soon as you have seen all the applications, and Windows has not gone far to connect to WiFi, then we go to the setting up of the operating system.

Conversion of drivers

In the first place, it is necessary to reconsider the presence of the drivers and the correctness of their robots. On the right in that, be-yaka Windows version I will need a software secured hardware part, as for the robot of the same module it is required special program... By the correctness of the її of the robot, to lay down and the possession of the robot (in our type of a mouthless module).

Otzhe, it is possible to reconsider the price in the dispatcher of the plant. The service in any version of Windows can be accessed through the power of my computer. It is known "My computer" on the work table, or in the start menu, the onslaught right button bears and vibraєmo "Power". At the window in the left menu, we know "Attachment manager". Now we need to know the name "Merezhevy adapters" and іdkrіty її.

If there’s no such thing, then it’s worth talking about those who are drivers on fancy pictures dumb. You need to get up to such a problem. Ale yaksho vi you can turn on WiFi module, And the computer can back up the available hedge, but before they can not be connected, then the driver will be installed. Nutrition only in the correctness of the robots. Otzhe, vіdkrivaєmo gіlku nested adapters... They guilty have two attachments:

  • Edge-to-edge adapter.
  • adapter mouthless ring(Wireless Network Adapter).

Krim tsyogo, you can be Bluetooth attachment and інші mesh modules. If the adapter for a mouthless ring is heard, it means that the driver is not working correctly. There can also be problems and problems. You can learn a pardon by pressing on the modules with the right button of the bear and vibravsha "Vlastivosti".

At the window, at the depository "Zagalny" (as a rule, you see it first), you know the item "Stan will attach". Here will be given a pardon and a number (as it is not a proper order). Know the pardon, you can know the ways of usunenny. As a rule, reinstalling the driver will show all problems.

Replacing the driver is borderline simple. Vin є on disk, which is included in the set with a laptop. If there is no such disk, you can add it to the official website of the laptop computer. If you have locked up the installation, turn it over to the robot software security, Yak is meant to be, and try to connect to your net.

Yak reinstall WiFi driver: Video

Setting up mouthless data in the Windows control console

First for everything, we need to see the center of keruvannya with hemlines and by gallon access... The same tool allows you to control all the cut-outs, including those without mouths. There are a number of ways to improve the process, but the easiest way is to understand it.

We know the sign of the fencing in the tray (lower right kut), the onslaught of the bear with the right button, and the item "Center for fencing and access control" is vibrated. At the top of the list, check out the item "Change adapter parameters". Now we have been served in the service, yak allowing the keruvati to be given. Known jarlik "Bezrotova festoon". Kilkoma on the new right button of the bear and vibrate "Vlastivosti".

At the "Network" contributor, you need to know the Internet protocol version 4 TCPIPv4. Vibiraєmo yogo and onslaught of "Vlastivosti". In the menu it is necessary to set the forerunner to the item "Automatically correct the IP-address". Crumbs below also change the marker on the automatic received tribute. Push “Ok”, close the window and try to connect to the net.

As Windows all the same cannot be connected to the framing, then you turn to the control center and select the item "Manage the dumb fenders". It is known in the list I will need the net and the onslaught of the "Power of the adapter". Dal, transformed the TCPIPv4 protocol, as it is described by vishche. I know trying to connect.

As soon as the problem was not solved, go to the menu "Management of mouthless fences", know and see the need for fences. Do not be too proud, Windows is all the same її know. The price is necessary for the reduction of all parameters of the connection.

system diagnostics

As soon as we have seen all the applications, and the system is all the same kind of pardon and Windows does not go far to connect to WiFi, then it will be necessary to test the diagnostics. You can turn it on in a decilkom way. Of course, in the event of any mercy, as a rule, the system itself proposes diagnostics. Ale, if all the same did not become, then the best shvidky way Launch - click on the heirloom icon in the third with the right button and vibrate "Diagnostics of malfunctions".

The writing system will automatically start a joke and make pardons. You only have to follow the tales on the screen. Slide it means that such a diagnosis can be made as soon as possible, as Windows does not expect to know it, and it’s a pity for the first time.

We looked at the best broadened pardons, as you can easily slip on your own. At the same time, there are several serious pardons, which can be used for individual purposes. All entries about faults and troubles are to be found in the Windows logs. If necessary, you can wonder and learn the code of the pardon tied to childless connections. Tse will help you to know better the solution.

Yak marvel at Windows pod_y magazine

All operating systems the whole magazine is located in one month. In order to see it, you need to know the shortcut "My computer". Win can be found on the work table, in the start menu, or for the additional help of the file manager. Press the bear's right button on the new one and select the "Control" item.

At the window in the left menu we know "Revision of the pod". We know the Windows Logs folder. Vidkrivaєmo її. Now the item "System" is known. Tse і є necessary journal. Vidkrivaєmo yogo. When you open it, you will need a few more steps, so the system will be great in the number of records that will be scanned for every single hour.

In many magazines, the names of the zhivt tricytes are marked with signs of hail from all over the place, and the pardons - in circles of hearts. Now you just want to know a pardon in the list, tied to the Internet. local hems, I see it with a mobile click with a button of the bear. In the window, you can download all the information about the pardon, as well as the code, for which you can know the solution to the problem in the Internet.

The problem of the middle has been extended. koristuvachіv Windows, If the computer cannot be connected before Wi-Fi... There are several reasons for this problem. In the first part of the statty, we try to make them all work out.

The reasons for which the computer cannot be connected to a childless hedge, to finish. Below we can see the most obvious reasons for the order of removal.

[B] Reason 1: Incorrectly entered key from a mouthless mesh

It's not wonderful, but koristuvach_v have problems with connecting to Wi-Fi through an incorrect password.

If you don’t remember exactly, as you are looking at your password from Wi-Fi, then the information can be edited by going back to the parameters of the router. To run any browser and enter [b] in the address bar (Ridche [b] ) I press Enter key. Enter the login password to enter the parameters of the router (as a standard, you can use it as a login and password [b] "Admin"), And then go to the section [b] "Bezrotova hem" - "Bezpeki key"(You can see the name) and take a look at the information about the current password for Wi-Fi.

After entering the password, pay respect to the keyboard layout, as well as the activity of the Caps Lock key.

[B] Reason 2: the router is frozen

Even earlier, the computer quietly vikonuvav plugged in to the childless hedge, and then abruptly lost, try to restart the router. For a couple of twins, turn it on and ditch it again. Change the connection option to Wi-Fi.

[B] Reason 3: "glitch" in the robot Wi-Fi adapter

Try to enable and disable the Wi-Fi adapter. If you are the owner of a laptop, then for a new one, as a rule, you will see the next key [b] Fn + F2.

[B] Reason 4: incorrect robot drivers

click in Windows Provider by menu [b] "My computer" RMB and vibrate the "Power" button.

At the left part of the displayed window, the vibration parameter [b] "Attachment manager".

Rose tab [b] "Merezhevi attachments"... Yaksho bilya svogo Wi-Fi adapter you bachite the sign of the hail, then the driver needs to be updated. To go to the official website of the laptop virobnik and download required drivers I will add it for your model. Carry out the installation of the drivers on the laptop, and then check it out.

[B] P Rice 4: in the settings of the router є interconnection by number of attachments, which can be connected

You, I know, still need to reconfigure the settings of the router, so that it changes, the number is set in the adjusted settings for a sufficient number of attachments to be connected.

Having entered the settings of the router, go to the section [b] "Bezrotova festoon" and reverse the required item. If necessary, expand the number of outbuildings to be connected and to save the maintenance.

[B] Reason 5: in the settings of the router, there is a filter for the MAC address

You can start up, for whatever reason I’ll attach your MAC address to a buv of entries in the black list, through which I’ll block the connection to W-Fi. This is often a problem with an evil router.

Go to the setup of the router and vibrate the distribution [b] "Filter MAC-address" abo [b] "MAC-Filtering" and invert what are included there as annexes. If it stinks there, you can tidy it up from the list. We will also not be able to change the key for the security of the mouthless hem, as well as the password for entering the settings of the router.

[B] Reason 6: wrong settings on a computer

View [b] "Control panel"і go to distribution [b] "Center for fencing and access control".

Click on the buttons with the parameters in the left area of ​​the window.

Click on your own RMB data and go to item [b] "Vlastivosti".

Today we will talk about those, how to get confused about the pardon, tied with the parameters of the hedgehog. For example, on Windows 8, or 8.1, you will see the following: "Do not connect to the circuit."

Windows 7 has a lot of things, I will write it in the upcoming articles. Alright at once, I will pop up how to get confused about the pardon, which will appear in Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10. You will be able to see it, if it’s connected before, if it’s automatically connected. For whatever reason, there are no reasons for the appearance of a pardon, ale nayposhirenisha - a pardon through the snake of setting up a childless hedge, a computer with a whole bunch of connections.

In other words, let's start with the next rank: we have a computer that works on Windows 8 or Windows 10, there are no connections to the childless hedge and everything is fine. When you turn on the computer and try to connect to Wi-Fi, fix "Reconstruction of Vimogi of the Fringe" And then there is a pardon "It’s not hard to connect to the whole net."

It’s okay, but maybe you and you yourself changed the hedge on the router, for example, the password, and so on. D. Nalashtuvannya, on the other hand, didn’t need to be saved on the computer itself, the axis and there was a pardon.

The solution to the problem with the hem

The solution to the problem is even simpler, all the more difficult it is to "get back to the bottom of the net" and reconnect to it. Windows 8 is priced in the following way:

For a cob, click on the badge of the hedge, the right-hander can open the panel, you can see all your Wi-Fi hedge and, perhaps, other ones. Onslaught with the right button of Misha on the problematic hem and embossed point "Z'єdnuvatisya with tsієyu hedge".

Now I know the panel is open and the keys are connected to the bottom, having entered the password at the same time, as soon as they were installed.

As everything went well, you can shake it against your "Connected".

You can, when you try to connect again, there will be a pity, then try to set the parameters of the router in such a rank, if everything is okay, or rewrite him, and also rewrite the computer and convert him to the virus.

I don’t mind that it’s necessary to write in the comments and I will help you.

The pardon "Windows does not connect to the service" Service about system podії "" to respond to the problems of services and system components of the system. The reason for the slaughter can be the viral activity, the conflict of possession, the insanity of the software security.

Pislya show the mercy stop correctly pratsyuvati bagato system services... You can enter the ability to log into the system with the accounts of the other koristuvachiv. It’s one of quiet vipadkiv, since it’s okay to sit in the system before the administrator’s regional record, if it’s easier to fix the problem. Unimportant to the system's upgrade, about those that “change the login to the system of zvychanykh koristuvachiv", Windows doesn’t let you change your account to the administrator's oblivious record.

Frequent reason to have pardons є pooshkojennya system files as a result of viral activity. Deyakі methods of fixing problems and how to display Windows to the checkpoint of the update and their work, which can be downloaded or seen files on computers. Before the cob independent solution problems and then to save all important documents and files, set the point of renewal (instructions to be completed).

Ways to resolve the problem:

Vikoristannya command row cmd.exe

The pardon "Do not connect to the service" can be corrected behind the help of the console commands netsh winsock reset і route -f. Tsi command to throw off the lines Windows installations on the adjustment for the suggestions, which allows you to shake off the pardon and renew the praise of the system and the net. Skidding nalashtuvan not usun the cause of the problem: viruses, conflict of ownership or software.

Writing for usunennya pardon will take an hour for a joke and usunennya for a pardon. Alternative option- update the system to one of the points of renewal, if there is no viral infection or any irregularities.

Reports about the process regional record) Administrator:

  1. Natisnut Start -> Standard -> Command row abo Start -> Viconati -> enter in the end cmd.exe and natisnut Enter.
  2. Enter the command route -f і press Enter. The command will show only if the administrator's rights are evident and clear the routing table from all entries. All the important paths and high school routes become too robust.
  3. to introduce netsh command winsock reset і press Enter. The command viroblyaє skidding one of the key controllers of the system - Windows Sockets.
  4. Restart the computer, and the snaps have taken effect. Bazhano add a link to the bookmarks on the vipadq, as if you are aware of the lack of Windows, you will be connected to the service again.

Windows Sockets handles are modular and flexible, and can be loaded with viruses and add-ons. The whole mechanism is necessary for the system so that the programs could access the Internet simply, uniquely engaging in interaction with the drivers. Windows Sockets can have vbudovanі vіlіakі obrobniki, yogo vykorystovuyut antivirus for overloading and scanning traffic for threats. Even at the stage of the processing of packages, there was a pardon, the koristuvach rejected the non-working Internet, there was nothing in additions and a pardon for such a wizard:

It is not a good idea to connect to Windows services
Windows will not connect until the System Pod Announcement Service. The problem of pereshkojaє to the entrance to the system of koristuvachіv with interfering rights.
Koristuvach with the rights of an administrator can look over the log of system pods to identify the causes of problems.

System update from control point

As soon as you send the console commands and rewrite the computer, the pardon will continue to appear, and the cause of the problem, and without knowing it, you can see the system at one of the remaining control points of the update. For checkpoints, the update is required, but the stink is earlier - the function is enabled on computers running Windows XP and 7.

Windows prompts you to vibrate the control point and to bring up, as the data will be visible or updated. In any case, before the cob, the process of renewal will be saved. important files on to a noble nose... Do not change files for the presence of viruses, especially since the service of system pod_dies may appear due to an infected computer.

how to launch Windows update from control point:

  1. Method 1: Start up, enter the update and vibrate in a row.
  2. Option 2: Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Copy and update, appear in the lower part of the Update screen system parameters For a computer, when you click on the Start system update button.
  3. Method 3: Start up, enter rstrui і press Enter in a row. Abo enter qiu zh command in the Viconati menu (Win + R).
  4. Way 4: Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Zachist systems and press on the button Update system.

Regardless of the fact that from the way of launching the update system, Windows will vibrate the control point. Often it’s like the automatic archiving on the computer is turned on, and the koristuvach himself is not shy backup copies.

In general, in the distribution of updates and archives in the Control Panel, approximately the following picture will be promoted:

Navit if you just go in such a rank, all one thing is to try to start the process of renewal. In the window "Updating system files and parameters", you need to vibrate the option "Turn the update point" to look over all the available archives.

Windows automatically picks up checkpoints for critical system updates and a number of other types of systems. When the system is updated from a control point, another point will be updated from out-camp files and systems. As soon as it seems, the system can be displayed later, it is possible to display the files back, or to back up the files, all one is more beautiful than the mother on the new nose.

Scanning the system for help sfc / scannow

It is possible to carry out system diagnostics by sending the sfc / scannow command in the control panel. In order for Windows to be able to replace the screensaver, you see files, In the drives (or on the other hand), the same version of Windows is to blame. It is not only the version of the system itself (XP, 7, 10), but the update package (SP). Naykrashche vikoristovuvati that disk, from which Windows was installed on the computer.

To run a scan of the system, you need:

  1. run command line... For the whole, it is necessary to enter cmd in a row in the "Start" menu, or in the Start menu -> Viconati.
  2. Enter the command sfc / scannow and press Enter.
  3. Check out the end of the system diagnostics.

Regardless of the updated files, Windows can clamp down on restarting the computer when the system is scanned. The result will also be read: if it was in the distance, there would be pardons, if it was in the distance, it would be in the distance, if there were any problems and there was an hour of reconciliation.

It is possible to start a system rewrite without an installer disk. If there are no pardons, then the system will not need to update any files. Well there will be graces, ale Instalation disc Windows is displayed, then you will not be able to hear any files. Show up about an offensive witch: The program to retrieve Windows resources has detected some files, but you can not update any of them. It will be said that the way is, according to which one can marvel at the reversal log.

Vikoristannya programs Windows Repair Free

You can try to resolve the problem of connecting to the service about system podії is possible for additional help cat-free version program Windows Repair... Before you start the program, you need to set the update point for non-transferable problems.

Last day:

  1. View Start -> Programs -> Standard -> Services -> System update.
  2. Press "Create an update point", then "Dal", enter a name to save points and press the "Create" button again.
  3. Check out the end of the renewal point, add Windows Repair Free or Windows Repair (all in one) from the official site.
  4. Install the program on your computer, run the addon.
  5. Open the Step 2 tab.
  6. Press the Do It button to flip the disc. The computer will automatically re-rewire when there is a certain amount of time.
  7. To rewrite the PC again, open the program, open the Step 3 tab and launch the onset of the step against the onslaught of the SFC button.
  8. If you want to, go to the system update tab and Start Repairs and start the process of attacks on Start button.
  9. The program proposes to set the point of renewal - a trace of the message "Ні", the samples of the archivation of the Viconan Bull for the time being.
  10. There are two points in the left part of the window:
    1. Remove Policies Set By Infections
    2. Set Windows Services To Default Startup
  11. Press the Start button to start the scan process. The computer didn’t slid down to the point of being scammed in the hour after it was scanned.

As soon as it is necessary to re-insure that the problem is not violated, it can be done quickly by using one method - to connect all the attachments from the computer to the computer. For example, a pardon can be wicked one hour by connecting to a PC microphone, navigation and music center. I will not be attached overnight, pardons.

Persh nіzh start z'yasovuvati, which doesn’t work Wi-Fi or the Internet, slid the nobility (especially for quiet hto just add Wi-Fi router), It's not enough just to connect the provider's cable to the router, which you also need to set up (set up Internet and Wi-Fi). All the below described methods of operation, as long as you have Wi-Fi and the Internet, and then stop quickly or you cannot connect the new attachment to Wi-Fi. For the sake of convenience, I have divided the article into two parts, the perch is assigned the unhappiness of connecting to a childless hedge, another part will be connected to your power supply, if you are connected to the Wi-Fi hedge, but the Internet is dumb.

It’s not a good idea to get connected with Wi-Fi.

Reloading the router.

First, if you need to restore if there are any problems with connecting to Wi-Fi, you need to re-enable the router. For the sake of it, simply turn on the power unit from the router and turn it on again in a few seconds. After 1-2 minutes. Try to get bogged down, if you try to connect again until the mouthless mesh. I would recommend that you update the firmware of the router (maybe the virobnik knows about the problem and corrects it in the new firmware).

Turning on the Wi-Fi module on the laptop.

Reverse the number of Wi-Fi enabled on the laptop, I will not turn, all the ways Wi-Fi enabled I have described at the statti Turn on Wi-Fi on your laptop .

A snake to the regime of the childless hedgehog.

If you want to connect the attachments (laptop, smartphone) for more than 5-7 rockets, you need to wake up, but you may not need to random regime robots wifi -n... It is necessary to switch the router to robotic mode, which can be attached to the add-on or turn on the change mode b / g / n... More reports about the modes of robots Wi-Fi are described. In order to switch the mode of the mouthless mesh, you need to go to the web interface of the router, go to Wi-Fi settings and vibrate the standby mode.

View of the dubbed name of the SSID.

One s any problems It is difficult to connect to Wi-Fi - the process of duplicating Wi-Fi hedgehogs (SSID). Supposedly, you came to know them, they have Wi-Fi called "Home", and they successfully connected. An hour has passed, and even among those who know, or in their own homes, they have created a whole lot of fences. The laptop (which can be used to connect to tablets, smartphones) will be connected to an early password, otherwise it will not be prompted for a new password. To find out the whole problem, you need to see the list of Wi-Fi savers.

For the whole press the right mouse button on badge in the lower right corner of the screen and vibrate "Center for fencing and access control".

Write a list of preserving mouthless hemlines. As soon as you link up, you must connect to the list, you need to see the list. Viber the line and press the "Vidal" button. If you want to connect your childless mesh, you will need to enter a password.

No Internet connection via Wi-Fi.

Reverse payment to the Internet.

It’s simplest, it’s possible with a non-radiating Internet - it’s an hour to pay off from the provider. To find out the situation, call your provider by phone and check if you have a foreign trade and do not use a line.

Static IP addresses.

One of the problems is not a robot for the Internet, maybe it is - prescribing a static address not with the same pattern settings, which are necessary. In general, I recommend vikoristovuvati automatically reject hedgehog nalashtuvan... For the whole, it is necessary to go to the Center for the management of fences and access. One of the ways to start the flow with the right mouse button on badge in the lower right corner of the screen and vibrate "Center for fencing and access control".

The best way to speed up hot keys + , enter command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

Not importantly, from the ways in which the result was shown, there will be only one - to appear on the monitor zd_snuvati connection to the net... Further required for mouthless connection natisnuti two clicks Misha, In the wake of the stanu vibrati "Vlastivosti" in the wink of the authorities "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"

The problem is with the router.

The Internet may not be able to run through a zby router, simply because you can re-enable it. If the router skips the settings to the Internet, in this case it is necessary to connect to the Internet via the web interface and re-enter the Internet settings, so that in general I would recommend that you update the router with fewer problems.


Here is a statistic describing all the different ways to solve problems with Wi-Fi and the Internet. If the meaningful methods did not help you, you can describe the problem in detail in the comments and at the same time with the readers of this site I will try to help you.