Akado type of connection to the Internet. Yak nalashtuvati router acad. It is necessary to set the value of only a few of them

Akado is the operator of telecommunications services that provides services to the Internet, digital television, Radio and telephone in the three largest places in Russia: Moscow, Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg. May receive positive feedback, so as to practice on the modern establishment and give services to the most modern standards.

Operator practicing ultramodern technologies

Looking back at the main technology of connecting to the All-World's Pawutin - DOCSIS, the wealthy coristuvachiv vikaє impersonal power, how to establish and connect the possession. It is proponed in the report to be discussed.

What is DOCSIS technology

DOCSIS technology transmits all telecommunications services over a television coaxial cable. So you can marvel at the TV set and surf the Internet one by one. It’s even more convenient, it’s not necessary to lay cables for decals of postal workers. The plan to pay for everything is richer.

Іsnuє kіlka standardіv tekhnologii. The most recent one is EuroDOCSIS 3.0. In most districts of Moscow, the same wines are utilized. At once, the maximum speed for access is 150 Mbit / sec. Prospects for the development of technology are expected to reach speeds of up to 800 Mbit / sec.

Setting up a router for a robot in Akado

Connection scheme

When connected to Akado, a coaxial cable will be carried out in your premises. Vіnіchim vіdіznyаєєєєєєєєєєєєєє svіchаy svіdny tvіzіy cable. At the entrance to the apartment, a splitter is installed. Yogo zavdannya - spread the signal between various outbuildings. Other attachments are connected to the new one, such as a modem, a tuner or a radio. Our device will have a router with support for DOCSIS technology. You don’t need to worry, de yoga, so if the company is connected, it’s possible to buy yoga or rent it. After that, you turn on the router and connect to the next dartless mesh on whatever your device.

Setting up a router via a web interface

  1. Connect the Akado coaxial cable to the router's main socket. Nadіyno yogo to fasten, shob vіn shіlno buv fastenings.
  2. Connect router to electric lines 220 V, press the power button on the rear panel of the add-on.

  1. At the back of the router, you will find information about the login and password of the wireless network (SSID - name of the network, password - password), as well as data for entering the interface (Login - access addresses, ID - login, PW - password).
  2. Call the setting via login to, login - admin, password - admin or password. Speed ​​up be a browser.

  1. Since authorization is based on the MAC address of the owner, you will not need to enter any data. Everything you can change and improve - the mode of work and safety protocol. It is recommended to use the WPA2 standard and the AES encryption algorithm. Look at the worst. You can find this item in the “Wireless Network Setting” section.

With the first connection, you will have to get a little more time until the Internet appears. This is done through those that the MAC address of the router needs to be activated on the Akado server.


Like a bachite, setting up the Internet for the Akado company is not easy. At the first connection, the master will give you all the blessings. You will need all the visconati on your own, as you have made a rearrangement in the room, and the maestri for a few days of checks are not allowed.

Are you an AKADO provider? Please leave comments with suggestions.

Tse zovsіm not smoothly, as if to understand what you yourself think about the hour of our diy. All settings are made on the firm's routers TP Link . Why same TP Link? Having consulted with different smart routers, I’ve been positively improving the stability of their work: once I’ve tweaked and forgotten about the new one for a few years, without hanging up, the infection of the security and the other insufferable insenitnits)

Turn on the router, so that the light bulbs do not blink and blink, it can be fixed in the blinks of the ON / OFF button, it works in other models

On the other side there is a sticker with the address, and so in the name of Koristuvach (username) І Password ( Password) To enter web-interface router

Connected with a cable, which is included in the kit, a computer or a laptop to a router, Zhovty ports 1-4.

Click on Manual Internet Connection Setup, you may be confused, the bottom line is that you need to know the WAN settings.

You need to select the connection type on Dynamic IP (DHCP)

I don't specify a DNS server, MTU = 1500. After saving, we can configure the router by pressing the Save Settings button. Configuring to Dynamic IP (DHCP) mode on the ciom is completed.

Switching to PPPoE mode

To configure to PPPoE mode, you need to fill in the following parameters.

Company "Akado Telecom" - the post-manager of television / communication services, is widely developed in the middle of such great cities as Moscow or St. Petersburg. The provider is responsible for serving clients with modern technology and standards, for the profit of which it earns all new and new positive reviews. Today we can see how to fix the Akado router, having connected to Docsis technology, a new subscriber can work without instructions.

How to practice Docsis technology, pluses

For the cob of the cob, the essence of the relationship is through the connection of Docsis.

Danish way The connection includes the ability to connect different services over one coax cable, which is recognized for television. To put it simply, access to a TV set, telephone connection, Internet or radio is now possible through one cord. It’s more convenient, shards include the need to install life with non-essential cable channels and wires. Stop pissing often old look budinki and can become the causes of child injuries and other inaccuracies.

It is also impossible not to recognize the advantage from the financial point of view - to pay a rich budgetary salary to one postal worker, nizh kіlkom. Catering costs connection to services.

What is worth the speed of data transmission - the ambitions of the technology are not seen. on given moment Docsis allows you to exchange information with a speed of 150 megabits / second, and in the future - it promises to increase the bandwidth up to 800 megabits / second.

How to connect and fix the Akado router

Since you have made agreements with the Akado company, you will definitely need information that explains how to fix the Akado router. Let's look at the step-by-step progress from the moment the possession was restored.

Later, an installer arrived at your apartment or house, who is guilty of laying a coaxial cord on the premises. Mayte on the court, sho given technology can be used for crushing walls. After that, as the first opening for the cable is broken, it is carried out in the house and the splitter is connected to the next one. Attachment of appointments for equal distribution of the signal between the equipment installed in your booth (TV set, personal computer).

Dalі to the splitter you can add a router, TV set-top box, fixed telephone or radio. As for us, we need to fix the Akado router, we will discuss in detail the direct connection of the router. You can either buy it or rent it from the postal worker at the same time with the signing of the service agreement.

  • Choose a place for the router. It’s guilty that it’s accessible, but at the same time the router is not guilty of being “respected under your feet”. It is best to put yogo in the corridor, so as not to pull the cable all over the place. Live near the fence with a voltage of at least 220 volts. Activate the power button.
  • Plug in the opening for the new coaxial cord, securely fix the remaining one, so that the coding plug does not slip out of the socket.
  • Return respect to the back of the router - a search engine will show you the data on it: login, access point and password. (As a rule, standard identification data - login / password - admin, addresses -

  • View on a computer or smartphone with access to an Internet browser, which you can see. Go to the found address and fix the registration data. You won't be able to retrieve the latest data - the system authorizes you, scooping information from the MAC address of the owner.

  • If necessary, proceed with the request to “set up a dartless mesh” and select a byte to change the security protocol to AES encryption.

After completing the descriptions of the manipulations, try to activate the connection. Once the router is activated on the server of the company, the next day after the completion of the installation, it may appear only after a few years (about 2).

We looked at how to master the possession of Akado. Manipulation is clumsy and takes a minimum amount of time. If you don’t want to bother with the fixes on your own, turn for help to the maister - you’ll get your connection, if you come to pull the cable into the house.

Complicated? Watch a short video of setting up the modem.

Akado is a popular Internet provider, the servants of which are the servants of Moscow and the Moscow region. If you become a subscriber of this provider, then all that you need is to set up the Internet correctly.

As a rule, the main part of the Internet access via Akado is established through the web interface of the router. Oskіlki navіt at Akado are expanding different models routers, not seeming already about those who independently added a router, then the interface in your case can be seriously challenged, but the configuration principle will remain unchanged.

Croc 1: router connection

First of all, you will need to connect the router correctly. It’s easy to do it: for the cob, you will need to provide a food router. It’s possible to rob it, like vikoristovuvat the block of life, which is included in the kit, connect it to the router and, apparently, in the measure.

If you need to secure the router access to the Internet. For this, it is necessary to connect an Internet cable to the router, which is carried out by the Akado provider to your apartment. For some data, the cable will need to be inserted into a special socket on the back side of the router, which, as a rule, is either seen in color, or signed with the word “WAN” or “Internet”.

If the setting of the router is done from the computer, then we will need to have two attachments between ourselves. You can use it for an additional cable, which is included in the kit to the modem. One end of the cable you should connect to one of the LAN sockets of the router (no matter which one), and the other, obviously, connect to the computer.

At this stage, the connection of the router to the computer is completed, which means that we can safely proceed to the process of setting up the router on the computer.

Krok 2: setting up a router on a computer

  1. Change your switch-on router (on the new side, the diodes are on), and then launch it on the computer, be it a browser and go to the new one for the upcoming messages:
  2. As soon as you press the Enter key, an authorization window will appear on the screen, in which you need to enter data to enter the web interface. While the data are standard, in the first, and in the other field, the word “admin” (without paws) is entered. Even so, the data didn’t come, and you didn’t get to enter the settings of the router, then you need to look around the case of the router, de, as a rule, on the day, the sticker with information about the router is to be posted. Here you have to fill in the authorization data for your modem (login and password).
  3. Having entered the web interface, for the first time we need to set up the Internet on the modem. On the left panel, you need to open a tab "Merezha", In my choice "Z'ednannya". To see it in the window click on the button "Add".

  4. A window will appear on the screen, in which case you will need to fill in the fields before the data is given by your provider.

    Setting up PPPoE

    • Type of order- PPPoE;
    • Im'ya Koristuvacha- data, as it is necessary to take from the contract laid down from Akado;
    • password- same. Qi data are taken from the contract with the provider;
    • Password Confirmation- re-enter the security key;
    • MTU– 1492;
    • we press the button "Save" for accepting changes.

    Setting up dynamic IPoE

    • Type of order- IPoE;
    • MTU– 1400;
    • enable RIP- uncheck the checkbox for this item;
    • enable IGMP- put a checkbox;
    • NAT- put a checkbox;
    • Merezhevy screen- put a checkbox;
    • Click on the button "Save".

    L2TP setup

    • Type of order- set the "L2TP" parameter;
    • physical interface- WAN;
    • retract automatically- put a checkbox;
    • im'ya service- write "L2TP";
    • Im'ya Koristuvacha
    • password- data provided by the provider;
    • Password Confirmation- re-enter the security key;
    • keep alive- put a checkbox;
    • LCP interval – 30;
    • LCP failures – 5;
    • MTU– 1400;
    • enable RIP- uncheck the checkbox;
    • enable IGMP- uncheck the checkbox;
    • NAT- put a checkbox;
    • Merezhevy screen- put a checkbox;

      Stop making changes to the push button "Save".

  5. If the Internet is successfully installed, you will be left with a lot of wiping on the router WiFi setup. You can do it, in the Lviv region you have passed through to the division Merezha - Wi-Fi. Check that you have an active tab in the upper part of the window "Basic adjustment", And then make the following changes:
    • Enable wireless connection- put a checkbox;
    • SSID- ask bazhan im'ya without a dart, as it is necessary to write in English mine;
    • Krajina- establish a country of residence;
    • Maximum number of clients- this item is indicated enough. The optimal value is 10;
    • Click on the button "Change".

  6. At the top of the window, open the tab "Nalashtuvannya security", De, I know again, you will need to carry out a small adjustment:
    • merezheva authentication- WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
    • PSK encryption key- enter a password that will protect your rootless mesh (the minimum number of characters is 8 characters);
    • WPA2 Forward Authentication- put a checkbox;
    • Click on the button "Change".

    On this, Vlasna, setting up the Internet on the router can be completed.

Krok 3: computer setup

Vlasne, on which Internet setup for Akado can be completed. We send your respect to those who have found it difficult for you, you should send a call to hot line provider, de fahіvets will help you to identify the reason for the lack of access to the Internet and in the sense of the term use її.

Akado router setupі OnLime as simple as possible. To be more precise, there is no need to install anything there - just connect the cable to the router and connect to the Internet. However, the newcomer can still get the power out, how to fix the Akado router or OnLime, so I zrobiv report instruction, Yaka is universal for whatever wifi models router independent of the picker - TP-Link, D-Link, Asus, Zyxel Keenetic, Xiaomi, Tenda, Netis, Netgear or whatever. Retail can only be in the same designed interface of the administrative section, as well as in the names and layout of the settings section.

The service is suitable for any provider, but it’s not possible to find them in the list, which should give the Internet to a dynamic IP address - Qwerty, Akado, 2 to whom, Cactus, Onlime, MosNet, RiNet, StarLink and others.

In order to connect the router to the Internet via Akado, OnLime, Qwerty or 2 to whom, it is necessary to insert the provider's cable into the WAN port, And adding an Ethernet cable (patchcord) in the kit - with one end to the computer card, the other - to the LAN port on the router

On the computer (Windows 7) go to the branch lace stitching by lance:
Start> Control Panel> Merge and Internet> Merge Control Center access> Manage network connections> Change adapter settings.

Kilkoma right button click on the item "Connection by local lines»I go to «Vlastivosti»

Go to the “Internet protocol version 4” section and set the permissions to “Remove IP automatically” and “Remove the address DNS servers automatically »

Let's take care of it.

Setting up a router for the Internet via OnLime and Akado

The next stage is connecting the router to the Internet via OnLime and Akado. On the lower roof of the router case, we know the IP or WEB addresses for entering the admin panel, as well as the login and password

Vіdkrivaєmo on the computer browser and in the address budіvnitstvo enter the indications of the IP address, after which in the merging vіknі - login and password from the sticker.

We know in the menu of the router the item "WAN" or "Internet"

At the column "Type of WAN connection" select "Dynamic IP"

In the column “MAC address” it is indicated “Clone from the computer” (like the provider has IP binding)

There is no such possibility, but MAC addresses need to write manually

then turn on the computer in a split " Merezhevy connection”, Press 2 times with the left button of the mouse on“ Connecting to the local border ”and go to“ Authority ”. Here we know “Physical addresses” - it is necessary to write the value in the specific text field in the router.

We take care of the adjustment and reset the router.

Setting up WiFi on a router for Akado and OnLime

Lost on the right for the malim - get WiFi, according to which the Internet will be lunatic like OnLime and Akado. Vіdkrivaєmo in the menu of the division "Bezdrotova merezha"
We set the appropriate values ​​for:

  • SSID - name your wifi network, as it will appear in the list for connection
  • The method of zahistu merezhi -
  • Encryption type - AES or TKIP
  • Key - password for connecting to WiFi, not less than 8 characters

Zastosovuєmo settings. Vіdkrivaєmo laptop or smartphone WiFi module, Turn on yoga.
Kіlkom on ikonku dartless z'ednannya in the lower right corner of the panel Windows icons
It is known in the list of merezh with our name and it is connected, vikoristovuyuchi only scho tasks password.

enjoy yourself wireless internet Akado and Onlime - the axis is so easy and simple to connect the router, it’s all right, you have the same viide yoga installed!

Today I will tell you about the principles of setting up routers in the form of the Akado provider. Danish provider is connected to subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region. Configuring routers in Akado works differently, they don’t have any standard type of connection, connections are made with a static ip-address, PPPoE, configuration for the help of a DHCP server - ce automatic setting your router, so the settings are transmitted to you through a special server.

Before starting the setup, I recommend that you specify the type of connection to the Internet in technical support Akado. So it is necessary to login and password to enter the router, and to connect to the router. How to set up lace pattern you can find out here:

Connection scheme

Setting up a router via a DHCP server

After connecting the router, you need to go into the setup. For the first time, you need to know the main ip-address for your router, as a rule, it is indicated in the manual, or on the label of the router itself, or on the box of the router.

After that, as you have recognized the details for the entrance, we go to the store.

Open the browser, enter the address in the address bar, in my view:

If you see what the web interface looks like, I'll show you on butt D-Link DIR-300:

Click on Manual Internet Connection Setup, you may be confused, the bottom line is that you need to know the WAN settings.

You need to select the connection type on Dynamic IP (DHCP)

I don't specify a DNS server, MTU = 1500. After saving, we can configure the router by pressing the Save Settings button. Configuring to Dynamic IP (DHCP) mode on the ciom is completed.

Switching to PPPoE mode

To configure to PPPoE mode, you need to fill in the following parameters.

selectable mode PPPoE connection(Username/Password).

  • Address Mode - Dynamic IP.
  • User Name - koristuvach's name (your login, check with Akado).

The other parameters will be saved as in the picture, after you save the settings of the router by pressing the Save Settings button. Switching to PPPoE mode on CI is completed.

Setting to VPN mode (PPTP)

To configure to VPN (PPTP) mode, you need to fill in the following parameters.

Select PPTP connection mode.

The main parameters here are:

  • Address Mode - Static IP.
  • PPTP IP Address - server IP address.
  • PPTP Subnet Mask - subnet mask.
  • PPTP Getway IP Address is the default gateway.
  • PPTP Server IP Address - specify the server address;
  • Username - name of the koristuvach (your login, check with Akado).
  • Password - your koristuvach password (check with Akado).
  • Verify Password - enter the password again.

Parameters (PPTP IP Adress, PPTP Subnet Mask, PPTP Getway IP Adress) are seen individually, for the skin peeler. The other parameters will be saved as in the picture, after you save the settings of the router by pressing the Save Settings button. Nalashtuvannya in VPN mode (PPTP) on tsomu is completed.

Did you know a friend's pardon? View text and press Ctrl + Enter

The provider, which may sound like the name "Akado", has a peculiarity. As a connection protocol, it can use one of the following: static IP, dynamic IP, PPPoE, and possibly more. But in the skin time I will attach the MAC address, which will be connected to these values, as it will be saved in the database.

Pod Akado router setup looks awkward, otherwise on the right, as not all models support, for example, PPPoE and Cloning MAC overnight. Let's try to get into these details.

Akado logo

Є routers, in which the option “pіdminі MAC-addresses” is allowed for the day, which works on the PPPoE protocol. Vernishe, it is necessary to navigate not to the outbuildings themselves, but to their firmware (the option can be added to more new version ON). So, the problems can be fixed, as the PPPoE connection protocol is defeated. As an idea, there is no chance of making a call to the technical support service to ask to change the MAC value in the database. Only the axis of the next connection to the tethered cable computer will become marno: there will be no connection. І single outbuilding, building to access the Internet, to lose the router.

The first step is to fix the router better than to say two words. In the first place, it is necessary to know which protocol is victorious for connection. It's not a "DHCP client" (or "dynamic IP") and not a "static IP", you need to be valid on another power supply. It should sound like this: what supports this MAC cloning router with the necessary protocol?

As an example, let's look at the configuration of the router for the PPPoE connection protocol. It will be shown how to create a connection in the interface of DIR-XX D-Link routers (white-black design).

Setting up a PPPoE connection

The following information is written on a creamy piece of paper:

  1. Akado subscriber login
  2. Password of this subscriber
  3. MAC address of the merging card, which was connected to the Akado modem

You can find the MAC addresses in the computer in the following way: right click on the connection icon, select the “Stan” row. Next, go to the tab “Pidtrimka”, click on “Details”. You can check the MAC value in the first row.

Sequence of previous events

First of all, in order to connect to the router, it is necessary to correctly configure the computer (more precisely, the yogo mesh card). At the "dominion" wire connection Specify that "TCP / IP Protocol" will work, deselecting IP and DNS automatically:

Laying out the lace pattern

Dali, for an additional patch cord, connect whether there is a LAN port of the router with a networked PC port. And the axis of the WAN port or the Internet is used to connect the provider's cable (in our case - a patch cord that goes to the modem). At the end of the day, a meal is served on the router, and then, we need a drink.

If a call sign is displayed on the connection icon in the computer, select the word "Enable" after right-clicking on the icon. At the web interface D-Link routers you can go for the address: Administrator password and login: admin and admin (otherwise, empty password and admin).

Dodatkovo, respectfully, that as a pardon for the connection, you can’t fix it by stretching the whilini after the router is turned on, and the hardware is dropped. It's recommended if you don't enter the settings interface. On the turned on and enabled router, press the reset button for 10-15 seconds.

Nalashtovuemo in the router z'ednannya with "Akado"

Open the first page of the web interface, select the manual configuration mode:

Start page for D-Link interface

Let's go to the tab "Merezha" -> "Z'ednannya", press "Add":

On the other hand, it is necessary to select the protocol of choice (we have PPPoE):

Setting up a PPPoE connection (cob)

Do not forget that the "MAC" field here may have a meaningful value, as we recommended that you type it in front of a piece of paper. Install the necessary sequence of symbols, vicarious great Latin letters.

We continue setting up the call:

Setting up a PPPoE connection (continued)

Storinka, yaku mi bachimo, revenge all the necessary parameters.

It is necessary to put the value of only a few of them:

  1. Login, vision "Akado"
  2. Confirmed password
  3. Required to check the box "Keep Alive"

The MTU values ​​are locked, and the “IGMP” axis can be checked (this is how the IPTV setting is transferred)

Important to know! The checkboxes "NAT" and "Merezheviy screen" are guilty of being put in a trap!


On the rest of the crochet, step on. At the menu, to the broken animal on the right, select the item "System" -\u003e "Save and re-vantagize". Whenever a re-advance order is made, it will be automatically created. Away settings!

How to connect a router to Akado?

Master's note:

connect wifi router There are two ways to get to Akado's Internet: using a DSL router, or by connecting a LAN router to a DSL modem, which is already installed. Another option deserves detailed respect.

For robots you need fencing cable.

As the computer already has a built-in DSL-modem, which serves as the computer's access to the Internet, in this case, the wire cable must be connected to the outbuilding. Make a connection to the WAN port of the new Wi-Fi router. For the help of another tethered cable, call stationary computer with the LAN socket of your router.

Launch the Internet browser and open the web interface to install the Wi-Fi router. It is necessary to enter a login and password, after which you can gain access to the login. From the WAN menu, select the DynamicIP function. In the "MAC-address" field, enter the physical address of the computer's boundary card, for which the router's settings were vibrated. Then press the CloneMACAddress button. The DNS address fields can have a value of

By pressing the Apply button, you will save the entered settings. Click on the Wireless menu to activate the wireless access point. Set the type of security you need. If so, you will need to enter a password that will secure the connection to the wireless network. When working with Akado, it is necessary to turn on the Firewall function, the shards will be less respectful. For which you need to set the Disable parameter.

Having saved all the settings of the router, it is necessary to re-install. After all, you have entered the web-interface fencing, Display the Status menu. The value of the MAC address field can be changed physical address Tie card PC. If the IP-address field is set to, you must click the DHCP Release, DHCP Renew buttons. The Russian version of the firmware may have "Update DHCP".

The wireless access point has already been created, now it is no longer possible to connect a laptop to it. Enter the settings for the drotoless twill adapter, It is necessary to select the Internet protocol TCP / IP. The paragraphs “Otrimat DNS-server address automatically” and “Otrimat IP-address automatically” need to set the right. Nalashtuvannya is saved.

Connection scheme

With the first connection, you will have to get a little more time until the Internet appears. This is done through those that the MAC address of the router needs to be activated on the Akado server.


Like a bachite, setting up the Internet for the Akado company is not easy. At the first connection, the master will give you all the blessings. You will need all the visconati on your own, as you have made a rearrangement in the room, and the maestri for a few days of checks are not allowed.

Are you an AKADO provider? Please leave comments with suggestions.

Depending on the address of the subscriber, the connection to Akado Telecom is carried out for an additional Ethernet cable or a coaxial cable with a modem. You can specify the technology available for your address in the technical support of the Internet provider, naming the street and the number of the booth. The adjustment of the router given by the provider is fixed by the master without a cost. For an additional fee, the company's spivrobitnik will help you fix a third-party fence.

Akado connection via cable modem

For residents of houses connected to a provider via a coaxial cable, access to the Internet is only possible with a different cable modem. ISP Akado recommends adding new trademarks for work in cooperation with DOCSIS technology:

  • Technicolor;
  • HUMAX;
  • Motorola;
  • UPVEL;
  • webstar;
  • SAGEM.

The cable modem works in the transformation of analog signals into digital ones. Reworked data to be sent through border port, In which connection is a computer or a WiFi router. Connect a coaxial cable, conduct it to the booths or the apartment, in the same way on a cable modem. At the Ethernet port, insert the cable wifi router or a computer. Increase the attachment to the electric line and check out your entanglement. After that, move on to the establishment of the final possession.

Important! Akado does not guarantee the correct operation of modems received from third-party postal workers. In order for mothers to be able to get into the service of support for the improvement of the possession, vikoristovyte outbuildings given by the provider.

Ethernet connection setup

As soon as the subscriber's booths are connected to the tether for Ethernet technology, a standard tether cable is laid in the premises. Dosit connect yoga to the router, laptop or computer. The zavdyaks of the DHCP server, which works on the provider's side, if connected via an attachment cable, it will automatically set the connection parameters. Insert the cords up to the appropriate sockets, plug the router into the socket and press the power button when it is active.

Get respect! Connect the Akado cable to the "Internet" or "WAN" port. Attachment of local yards is required to be connected in LAN rosettes.

How to set up WiFi on a router

Open the web interface of the router for the address shown on the sticker at the bottom of the add-on. Enter the standard account name and password, after which press the "Enter" button. If the initial data is not applicable (there is a pardon for authorization), the factory parameters must be changed. To do this, press the "Reset" button and press it for 10-15 seconds. Let's try again to enter the admin panel.

Go to the section "WiFi -> Zagalni nalashtuvannya". Indicate the name, under which your dart-less merezha will be displayed. wrap automatic installation channel, to avoid the need for skin time to set the current range of work. For the "Security Setting" request, select the "WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK" option in the "Merezheva Authentication" drop-down list. Install the PSK encryption key, which will be required to connect to Merezі WiFi. Click "Change" in the lower right corner of the side, after which click "Save" to re-adjust WiFi router and the beginning of the work of new parameters.

Important glad! If you have a key to access WiFi, do not forget to remember the password for the router. Deyakі models also allow you to change your login, win for robots and from the login panel.

This instruction describes the procedure for connecting the router to the Akado Internet provider. To demonstrate the work from the control panel, win dlink router. The assigned settings are suitable for both connection methods. Through the network of the Akado company, you can also connect interactive TV(IPTV) and digital telephony. congestion of complex tariff plans vigіdnіshe, nizh zamovlennya okremo services.

Akado is the operator of telecommunications services, which provides services to the Internet, digital television, radio and telephone in the three largest cities of Russia: Moscow, Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg. May receive positive feedback, so as to practice on the modern establishment and give services to the most modern standards.

Operator practicing ultramodern technologies

Looking back at the main technology of connecting to the All-World's Pawutin - DOCSIS, the wealthy coristuvachiv vikaє impersonal power, how to establish and connect the possession. It is proponed in the report to be discussed.

What is DOCSIS technology

DOCSIS technology transmits all telecommunications services over a television coaxial cable. So you can marvel at the TV set and surf the Internet one by one. It’s even more convenient, it’s not necessary to lay cables for decals of postal workers. The plan to pay for everything is richer.

Іsnuє kіlka standardіv tekhnologii. The most recent one is EuroDOCSIS 3.0. In most districts of Moscow, the same wines are utilized. at once maximum speed access to become 150 Mbit / sec. Prospects for the development of technology are expected to reach speeds of up to 800 Mbit / sec.

Setting up a router for a robot in Akado

Connection scheme

When connected to Akado, a coaxial cable will be carried out in your premises. Vіnіchim vіdіznyаєєєєєєєєєєєєєє svіchаy svіdny tvіzіy cable. At the entrance to the apartment, a splitter is installed. Yogo zavdannya - spread the signal between different outbuildings. Other attachments are connected to the new one, such as a modem, a tuner or a radio. Our device will have a router with support for DOCSIS technology. You don’t need to worry, de yoga, so if the company is connected, it’s possible to buy yoga or rent it. After that, you turn on the router and connect to the next dartless mesh on whatever your device.

Setting up a router via a web interface

  1. Connect the Akado coaxial cable to the router's main socket. Nadіyno yogo to fasten, shob vіn shіlno buv fastenings.
  2. Connect the router to the 220 V electric wire, press the power button on the back panel of the add-on.

  1. At the back of the router, you will find information about the login and password of the wireless network (SSID - name of the network, password - password), as well as data for entering the interface (Login - access addresses, ID - login, PW - password).
  2. Call the setting via login to, login - admin, password - admin or password. Speed ​​up be a browser.

  1. Since authorization is based on the MAC address of the owner, you will not need to enter any data. Everything you can change and improve - the mode of work and safety protocol. It is recommended to use the WPA2 standard and the AES encryption algorithm. Look at the worst. You can find this item in the “Wireless Network Setting” section.

How to connect Akado Internet?

In order to connect the services of access to the Internet and / or TV service from the Akado company, you will need to complete the above form with all the data assigned, or call us during business hours by phone. After filling out an application for connection for a short period of time, call you fakhivets and recognize an hour for you to get a fakhivtsya, which will carry out the necessary work on connection.

How to fix the Akado Internet?

In this case, there is no unambiguous short answer to the question. Setting up the Internet to lie down in the form of offensive elements: modem, router, type of connection, stationary computer or laptop, operating system and acts and other elements. The success of such elements can be a few dozen, but the point is to get to the point where you want to fine-tune the possession for stable work, then turn for help to fakhіvtsіv.

Chi varto rent the possession of Akado or buy?

For us, the point is obvious - buy a yakіsne obladnannya. Why? The most important vipadkіv yakіst obladnannya i yogo software, Promoted by Internet providers, as certified by them, you earn more money and more money than a fair market price. The design of some types of routers (routers) can be shocking in parity with other brands, like, for example, the Thomson TCW770 router is a great big chain.

Which router (router) to choose for Akado?

As it has already been indicated more, varto pridbati once akіsny router (ASUS, Zyxel, D-link) and koristuvatisya and enjoy їkhіsnoї uninterrupted robot. Yakscho vi vibrali high fare, Then cheap cheap routers simply do not see the actual speed of the tariff, but will be reduced.

How to fix a router for Akado?

The essence of setting up a connection to the Internet through the company Akado is simple and it is necessary to enter the unique identifier of the networked property, the so-called MAC address, which must be specified in the settings of the property on the subscriber's side and on the provider's side. To ensure the security of a robotic cellless cell, it is necessary to encrypt the cell using available methods.

Technical support of Akado subscribers?

Why don't you use the Internet, you've got it new router and you don't know how to do yoga, when you come new computer, If you need to connect, briefly seeming, you need a technical support for the servants of the Akado company, then come to us for help.

services computer assistance Akado subscribers

Krіm settings for access to the company Akado's company, it is practically possible to complete a list of computer assistance services, building the satisfaction of the most successful client. You can find out more about the services of computer assistance on the sides of our site.

What are the reasons why Akado does not work?

The main reasons for which you may not be able to use the Internet: the router is broken, the settings are wrong, the PC is infected with viruses, the drivers are incorrectly processed, the wifi adapter in the PC, free of charge for a rahunka and a lot of other things. Reach out to us for help. Our fahivets has come to you with a long bet, explaining why the Internet is not working and doing it for a correct job.

service area

Merezhі company Akado ohoplyuyut mayzhe 100% of the territory of Moscow and a number of places in the Moscow region. In Moscow, the occupant can be practically skinned by the servants of the company.

Connection scheme

Basic instructions for setting up Akado

  • Windows 8: automatic settings, static settings, PPPoE, mac address
  • Windows 7:

Company "Akado Telecom" - the post-manager of television / communication services, is widely developed in the middle of such great cities as Moscow or St. Petersburg. The provider is responsible for serving clients with modern technology and standards, for the profit of which it earns all new and new positive reviews. Today we can see how to fix the Akado router, having connected to Docsis technology, a new subscriber can work without instructions.

How to practice Docsis technology, pluses

For the cob of the cob, the essence of the relationship is through the connection of Docsis.

The Danish connection method includes the ability to connect different services over one coax cable, which is recognized for television. To put it simply, access to a TV set, telephone connection, Internet or radio is now possible through one cord. It’s more convenient, shards include the need to install life with non-essential cable channels and wires. Rest often psuet zvnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshі looking budinka and can become the causes of child injuries and other inaccuracies.

It is also impossible not to recognize the advantage from the financial point of view - to pay a rich budgetary salary to one postal worker, nizh kіlkom. Catering costs connection to services.

What is worth the speed of data transmission - the ambitions of the technology are not seen. At the moment, Docsis allows the exchange of information with a speed of 150 megabits / second, and in the future - it will increase the throughput of the building up to 800 megabits / second.

How to connect and fix the Akado router

Since you have made agreements with the Akado company, you will definitely need information that explains how to fix the Akado router. Let's look at the step-by-step progress from the moment the possession was restored.

Later, an installer arrived at your apartment or house, who is guilty of laying a coaxial cord on the premises. Mayte on uvazi, scho given technology may on uvazi crushing walls. After that, as the first opening for the cable is broken, it is carried out in the house and the splitter is connected to the next one. Attachment of appointments for equal distribution of the signal between the equipment installed in your booth (TV set, personal computer).

Dali to the splitter you can get a router, a TV set-top box, a landline phone or a radio. As for us, we need to fix the Akado router, we will discuss in detail the direct connection of the router. You can either buy it or rent it from the postal worker at the same time with the signing of the service agreement.

  • Choose a place for the router. It’s guilty that it’s accessible, but at the same time the router is not guilty of being “respected under your feet”. It is best to put yogo in the corridor, so as not to pull the cable all over the place. Live near the fence with a voltage of at least 220 volts. Activate the power button.
  • Plug in the opening for the new coaxial cord, securely fix the remaining one, so that the coding plug does not slip out of the socket.
  • Return respect to the back of the router - a search engine will show you the data on it: login, access point and password. (As a rule, standard identification data - login / password - admin, addresses -

  • View on a computer or smartphone with access to an Internet browser, which you can see. Go to the found address and fix the registration data. You won't be able to retrieve the latest data - the system authorizes you, scooping information from the MAC address of the owner.

  • If necessary, proceed with the request to “set up a dartless mesh” and select a byte to change the security protocol to AES encryption.

After completing the descriptions of the manipulations, try to activate the connection. Once the router is activated on the server of the company, the next day after the completion of the installation, it may appear only after a few years (about 2).

We looked at how to master the possession of Akado. Manipulation is clumsy and takes a minimum amount of time. If you don’t want to bother with the fixes on your own, turn for help to the maister - you’ll get your connection, if you come to pull the cable into the house.

Complicated? Watch a short video of setting up the modem.

Setting up the Akado and OnLime router is as simple as possible. To be more precise, there is no need to install anything there - just connect the cable to the router and connect to the Internet. However, u...