Chim riven vіdіznyaєtsya vіd jeep. Details of RAW as JPEG in photography. What format to choose, RAW or JPEG

Even more often you can almost categorically recommend - you can’t know from JPEG! Only charіvne the word RAW allows you to create a masterpiece without zamislyuyuchis! Only RAW allows you to look at everything in detail and from the captured image to create a wonderful picture! Strongly declare, but even more similar to advertising went out. How hard are you? How much difference is obvious for a great amateur photographer in practice? Why is RAW really playing so well over JPEG, or is it just a damn technocratic vision? What is there such a picture here? If the price is catchable, is there less money for the rich on the equal footing?

In this article, I will try to show on my butt, why it is especially less to like RAW. As you already vikonuet, then my dosvid can be shown to you in the same way. And for those who have not yet dared to master the graphic editor, you can improve to the correct layout.

So let's do it. Most of today's cameras allow you to take pictures in two formats - JPEG and RAW.

RAW - this is a "image" of the data from the matrix of your camera, which have undergone a minimum processing.

JPEG is the result of a further substantive processing of these data by the camera's processor, it is possible to reach these settings, as you have chosen and as you have written the scribe.

Different companies have their own extensions, for understanding the RAW format. For example, Nikon has files with NEF extensions, Canon has CRW or CR2, and for clarity, I gave RAW writing.

The main advantages of the RAW format are:

- RAW tse output. Yogo mayzhe not hitting the processor of the camera, irrevocably processing the picture for an hour of conversion to JPEG;

- RAW to collect more information, because on the matrix of the camera, one image point is encoded with a combination of 12-14 bits, and the internal camera JPEG is encoded with 8 bits.

What gives pershu perevaga:

RAW conversion jpegs can always vikonati on home computer de more intelligent programs, for example Photoshop, to smash more clearly;

- You can always fine-tune the transformation process. The camera can use mechanisms to suppress noise, increase the sharpness of color correction. Having edited the JPEG output, you will no longer be able to save the output. RAW gives you a lot of options for image correction.

Another thing can be described simply - to show that you have included all the words from your vocabulary for the purpose of denoting the narration and have left out only "black" and "bile". There is no gray, you will not say "light" or, on the contrary, "dark". So, JPEG and RAW have a lot of overlaps with their own "emotions".

To show the advantages of RAW, I have done some experiments with the landscape, we will take an hour of our divas campaign.

This is how the axis looks like uncompleted JPEGs and looks like RAW itself. Tse vihіdniy pristry, taking away from the camera.

Exit frame

Having adjusted the exposure of the camera over the entire frame, as a result of the gloom, it turned out to be “vigorilime”. Instead of fluffy roses - the missions were absolutely white. Let's try to change the clarity to a minimum and marvel at what we see:

Change brightness in RAW

It doesn't matter to remember that behind the little sparkles, the texture of the gloomy was overlooked in all the details.

Now let's change the clarity to JPEG:

Change brightness in JPEG

A significant part of the gloominess has been so beaten out. The dots in the graphic file should be replaced by a pure white color, and the scribbles do not change the clarity, do not change the additional information from “nothing”. Such a problem itself can be seen on the leaves of trees. That color of the sky is filled with a bluish bluish color.

Now we try another option - increase the brightness to the maximum:

!— wp:image("id":5758,"align":"center") -->

Increase brightness in RAW

The landscape has no failed shadows, so the effect is not so dark, it can be seen that the shadows hung more beautifully in RAW, lower in JPEG.

I looked at the two simplest operations, and the most important ones. Prote not only at the order of the dark ones, but on the other hand, overexcitation of the RAW images. There is one more great plus in detailing. The two lower signs show the price better. Marvel at the bushes in the midst of the sky under the mirror of the rear view. Abo on the bushes on the aphids of the white shila zliva in the center.



The picture seems to speak for itself. Having acquired the “automatic” image in JPEG, the camera has spent a lot of details, that’s why, from the scratch above the road, bushes and tree twigs have sprung up. Prote sign on the right shows - the stench is there. This frame was specially considered in the minds of important minds for the camera, if the dark panel was attached with a bright picture behind the frontal slope. RAW format saves a lot more details.

If you add such problems, like setting the balance of white, saturation, contrast, like making a mistake on the end of the image, then the advantages of the RAW format become even more vagomimi.

In order to demonstrate them in the whole world, I will show you the difference between the images on the very cob of the article and the result that can be taken from RAW with clumsy manipulations to improve the sharpness, contrast, grafting everything with masks, and polishing with “curves”:

Well, I think the advantages of RAW are obvious. RAW allows you to draw the darkness from the white sky or from the black smog, adjust the white balance correctly, if you take a portrait between a window and a daylight lamp, it's easy to get HDR (for HDR fans) too bad. RAW gives you the opportunity to be more shamelessly put up to the choice of parameters, shards allow the graphic editor to use their pardons. For me, it’s even more important, because the greater recognition of the reportage character and pardons with the lashings are not rare.

And as soon as you turn the photographs with a magnifying glass, you can know more rich pluses, so as not to fall into the void. Axis, why don’t they throw stench, why do they give respect to lovers on them? Tse already virishuvati dermal independently.

For myself, I've been growing visnovok for a long time, I don't need RAW in 90% of the possibilities, then 10% of that, so that I can take photos less in the new. I am in front of the fact that I don’t know the arguments for taking JPEGs. Ledve is more serial zyomka, but how often do we sing with series? A smaller file size is easily compensated by a larger flash drive size.

Also, if you are planning to start processing your photos with a graphic editor, don't forget to try RAW, as many images can be saved quickly. The axis only spodіvatisya on RAW is not varto, but the sign is not a camera, but a person. Small technical mistakes can be corrected, but a “masterpiece” is hardly a bugger at the editor.

What is the work of a team who does not have a camera in RAW format? As you continue post-processing in a graphic editor, professionals recommend that you install as little as possible all additional corrections. For example, change or reduce the increase in contrast or sharpness. All you can do is then independently on the computer.

I often give food, but I can’t give a short opinion, so I can say it effectively in essence. Meals are like this:

  • What is better than jpeg?
  • Why is raw not as sharp as jpeg?

Now, whoever feeds, I redirect my calm conscience to this article.

For the first time, we have to learn a little about it, how the sensor of most cameras or the matrix, how it is called. It is made up of a great number of small photosensitive elements that register the amount of light that fell on them. Qi elements are called in a different way, but for simplicity, we call them pixels. The skin of them is covered with a light filter of one of the three colors of RGB - red, blue or green. As a result, the skin color pixel is less sensitive to its “own” color (additional information can be taken to the “Bayer filter” request).

The hour of capture is approximately the same: the sensor pixels are read, scaled up to the selected ISO, and converted to digital information, sound 12-bit, or rather 14-bit. Tse i є RAW, syri data. Those that are written in them can be more simply expressed like this: the first pixel is the first pixel of light in 2015, the pixel is another - 1589 and so on. If the camera captures at 14 bits, a skin pixel can only be given one of 16384 values. There is a scheme to everything: every pixel is blue, every pixel is red, every one is green. Damn it, raw files have a lot more to spare, but we don’t have a problem at the moment.

Dali, as soon as the RAW capture is selected, these data are simply recorded on the memory card in a specific format, which is how the camera's recorder has been sorted. For example, Nikon won NEF, Canon - CR2 or CRW, Pentax - PEF and so on. All formats are different RAW.

As soon as a JPEG capture is selected, the data is first processed by the camera's processor to capture the JPEG and then the JPEG is written to the card. With this change, there will be different transformations, for which you can see the coming:

  1. Color interpolation. The skin pixel of the camera sensor can only provide information about one color. The image, which is made up of squares of three colors with different colors, will look more like a mosaic below in a photograph. With color interpolation, the skin pixel becomes normal, tricolor. This is the way to collect information about the colors from the subsidiary pixels. This process is called in English - demosaicing, which can be roughly translated as "rozmozannya".
  2. 12 or 14 bits are converted to 8 bits, because JPEG can be less than 8-bit. Tsі chotiri bіti, scho you see, not so little, as you can get away. Although 12 bits can be 4096 stans, then 8 bits can be more than 256, 16 times less. RAW files do not have pixels for color channels and information about one pixel takes only 12 or 14 bits. RAW is essentially a monochrome format. In a color 8-bit file, one pixel can have three channels, each of them has 8 bits, so information about one pixel takes 24 bits or 3 bytes, which are larger, lower in RAW files. Axis why navit 8-bit TIFF with no cost is borrowed on the disk twice more space, lower RAW (more raw can also be squeezed with no cost). 16-bit TIFF borrows about 6 times as much per month, less RAW.
  3. Colorimetric interpretation. Chervoniy, blue, green - more understanding. It is necessary for the algorithm to know "skіlki hіshati y gram". Vіd tsogo to lay the correctness of the color of the image. The exact mathematical values ​​of the RGB colors are assigned to that.
  4. White balance. Setting the white balance by you does not affect the sensor. This setting will stop for less than an hour of RAW-JPEG conversion.
  5. Gamma correction. If you do not work, the image will be dark. The human eye is strong for the weak, light and muffled intensely. To the point, all of ours feel non-linear. The sensor is spriymaє light absolutely uncomplicated, linearly, skilki otrimav - stіlki elektriki vіddav. It is necessary for this to be corrected, which imitates the adoption of people.
  6. Sharpening. With color interpolation, sharpness decreases. The algorithm searches for contrast between and strengthens the difference in clarity on them.
  7. Zglazhuvannya
  8. Noise suppression
  9. Data compression behind the jpeg algorithm, ring out with the inputs.

For a photographer, the main difference between raw and jpeg lies in the fact that raw has all the transformations you need after the capture in the raw converter hard processor computer, controlling the result on the big monitor, and in case of jpeg you set these parameters in a short camera menu before shooting. The camera is zoomed out to process photos in a fraction of a second on an apparently weak processor. RAW-converter can use richly folded algorithms and don't change the flooring for an hour, but you will probably get better brightness on the way out.

In addition, at the hour of the rent, you may not catch / forget to set all the parameters correctly, you can have mercy or just don’t know what shorter pidide don't download the result, like when working in a raw-converter. Trying to change the parameters from the list of parameters in the finished jpeg, in which the mass of information is irrevocably lost, which will lead to a sharp decrease in the clarity of the image. As soon as the file is saved again in JPEG, which is often necessary, then additional information will be added, with which new jpeg-embossed defects will be overlaid on the old one.

Such a long time for the first time, I want to try to make a short yakomog.

How do I smash the image in raw and convert it to jpeg in lightroom, how will I cut it, lower the jpeg right from the camera?

The evidence on the other side of the food is already obvious, but everything should be left to fall in order, as if it were made. The camera's processor, obviously, is not such an exhausting as on a computer, but the heads of the most talented engineers, without a world of help from their companies, were beating over it. The stench really did a lot of work with this kind of jpeg, like a bi delighting the koristuvach with his brilliance and barwistiness, and it’s not a fact that you can get such a good raw-converter yourself. Yours will be better for the objective quality, but for the subjective one - it is impossible.

However, at the time of the pardon in the adjusted chamber, you will definitely take the best result of the first hour of shooting in raw. RAW will tell you to pardon in the exposition in two hours.

Apparently, on the third power supply, you already caught it for everything: roblox sharpening at lightroom on jpeg-files, we can force the sharpness there, because it was already strong enough, so it should come out sharper, lower on raw. On raw-files in lightroom, the shortcuts already cost the value of the Sharpening and Nose Reduction parameters. On JPEG, all sliders for capturing should be set to zero, because it is already broken in the camera.

For the sake of justice, it is necessary to say about the shortfalls.

  • raw takes more space, lower jpeg (or less lower tiff). The smallest sign in the memory card
  • serial capture in raw is more common, lower in jpeg, shards of "high" space in the process, tse record on the memory card
  • raw looks different in different converters or in different versions of the same converter
  • for a review of raw, you need special software

RAW or Jpeg - what difference and in what format is better known?

How to secure the transfer of color to the color - tse nutrition praises, singsong, be it a photographer. You can regulate the color transfer in two ways:

  • Significantly in the JPEG format it is necessary to improve the quality of the camera - white balance, richness, clearness, contrast of the image
  • Know the RAW format (as the device gives such a possibility) and adjust the color transfer when processing photos on a PC

Having offended you, you can find your pluses and minuses, I will try briefly about them. But first, let's get down to practice, let's take a look at the differences between JPEG and RAW formats.

JPEG format

The format, having omitted its name as a shorthand Joint Photographic Experts Group, is the organization that created the format. JPEG today is the most popular format for taking photographs, so all cameras without a fault can take images in this format, and all attachments for creating pictures and video (personal computers of all kinds, media, DVD, BlueRay and other attachments) can read this format and display the image on the screen. The summation of the great number of building outbuildings is the main advantage of the JPEG format. In addition, JPEG files may be slower in comparison with other graphic formats - BMP, TIFF.

Prote, JPEG has some shortfalls. When encoding an image in the JPEG format, data is compressed, as a result, some part of the data is wasted. At a great degree of pressure, the quality of the picture is seriously suffering, in someone else one can see the rank of artifacts, to be created, calling out the second great amount of information for an hour of pressure.

The picture, I think, does not require comments.

Obviously, the camera can have a small amount of equal image quality, for example, standard (standard, normal), good (good), best (fine, superfine). In the standard quality of the photograph, a dead light may be lost (on a flash drive with which you can put a lot of photographs), but in some situations in the photographs there may be commemorative artifacts. The greatest style to improve the quality of the photograph, to clarify the details - in the same way to compress the building, to improve the detail of the picture.

Photos collected in highest capacity you can get a larger amount of megabytes, less znіmkіv can be stored on a flash drive, and the details on them are much better. On a nutritional note, as you know more about the JPEG format, I definitely recommend victorizing for the highest quality. Flash drives that hard disks not expensive pavements, to look at the quality of photographs. Photographs taken with "standard" brightness may look badly on the computer screen, but in case of an insignificant image they may look at you.

If the language is about detailing the hour of shooting in JPEG, it is impossible not to guess the improvement of the distribution of the photograph. If the device has a maximum capacity of, for example, 12 megapixels, then the maximum capacity of an image is approximately 4000 * 3000 pixels (which is enough for another 30 * 45 cm). However, you can change the size of the photographs to improve the clarity of the image. Sound the settings marked with letters:

  • S (English small - small)- the least razdіlna zdatnіst, which is the least enough for a friend 10 * 15 cm. As a rule, 2-3 megapixels.
  • M (English medium - medium)- Average allowed. The size of the building of the photograph can be varied from 5 to 10 megapixels, which corresponds to the format of another 20*30 cm.
  • L (eng. large - great)- the maximum distribution of buildings, which reflects the distribution of the building of the matrix in megapixels. Modern devices have up to 36 megapixels, druk format - up to 90*60 cm.

Possibility of other photographs on majestic canvases is a doubtful thing for a cross-sectional photoamateur. However, taking photographs in the most possible space, we supplementary ability framing the image without visible losses in the quality of the image. This is the most important factor in the greed of the L regime, with which photos are saved on a flash drive with the maximum razdіlnoyu building.

Also, in order to take into account the maximum diversity of the building in the marriage with the greatest detail, in adjusting the quality of the photo, select the mode - maximum razdіlna zdatnіst (L) with minimal squeezing (best, superfine).

Some times the verbal description of the stage is embossed with pictograms. The axis of the butt menu for choosing the brightness in Canon mirrors. For the time being, we are only marveling at the left column:

Bachimo, before the letters L, M, S - pictograms with a smooth left edge and steps. A pictogram with a smooth edge gives a smaller grip, with a smaller one - a larger one. In the right column - different options for the capture of the RAW format, about which there is a troch below.

Set the level and degree of compression - just do half of it ... Now it’s necessary to finish a row of stitches to ensure the best color. The transfer of the color is completed in two stages:

  1. Restoration of white balance
  2. Adjustment of image parameters - contrast, saturation, sharpness.

White balance

You remembered that the dzherela of different lights could make different colors of the day. A candle gives a light, a dark sun - a red one, a fluorescent lamp - a black one. Our eyes and brains are blessed with such a rank that, for practical purposes, a sheet of white paper will be taken up - to wind up the windows of illumination from one side with a candle, and from the other - with a fluorescent lamp. Mozok "Primusovo" to remind himself about what his eyes are looking for a white object, the shards of wine know that paper has a white color.

Unfortunately, this number cannot be passed through the matrix of the camera. The camera does not know what color the objects are known to us, so in the minds of the unknown it is possible to create colors. The most typical butt - when taken without sleeping in the premises, illuminated by lamps of heating, photographs often go to the living room.

In order to avoid such a creation of colors, our forces "help" the camera to be appointed, which object can "get into" it. Tse to fight for additional functions of the established balance of white.

The easiest way to restore white balance is to choose one of the previously installed programs. As a rule, the camera may need a few adjustments. Call out like this:

  • Sonyachno
  • Khmarno
  • Zahid Svitanok
  • Roasting lamp
  • Fluorescent lamp
  • Spalah
  • Koristuvalnytsky balance of white

In the auto balance mode of the white camera, it will automatically change the type of lighting source and automatically adjust the color transfer. Most of all, it’s best to go, but 100% rely on this function not varto. Particularly love him to have mercy when the lighting is bright, for example - the fire lamp burns at the recipient (zhovty vіdtinok), and daylight penetrates from the vіkna (blakitny vіdtinok). And here nobody insures you if they appear on the photo, but, on the contrary, blue osib.

The second photo shows the pardoning of the automatic white balance for an hour of mixed lighting. In order to hide such pardons, in a number of vipadkivs it is necessary to go up to the primus installation, the balance of white light is right up to the most important type of lighting. This mood was helped by setting the balance of the white "burning lamp". The landscape behind the window is a little blue, the scarlet life in the foreground has faded, making the color transfer closer to reality. Vihіd, zrozumіlo, є - quickly restore the balance of the white vіdpovіdno to the core of the main visvitlennya. We went to the place, illuminated by the lamps of roasting - we set the balance of the white "lamp of roasting". Viyshli nadvir - they installed, fallow, wait a minute, "drowsy" or "gloomy".

In the valleys of light, if from one side it is light from the window, from the other side - light from the lamp, often helping to sleep. If there is enough darkness, then it’s good to “crush” other lights and light up the stage, which is seen as a single light. The balance of the white when it is necessary to set either "sleep" or "auto" (when the sleep is turned on, the device itself will designate it as the main type of illumination). The best result is achieved with the most beautiful sleeping, but for the amateur "butt" photography in the majority of the vipadkiv enough for a well-worn sleeping bag.

Manual (koristuvatsky) white balance

Before the modes are set to balance the white light and suffocate more lights, which are often victorious, ale trap situations, if you don’t have to go to the proponing modes. Take, for example, a heating lamp. Attenuated lamps (75-100 W) give light closer to white, while weak lamps (25-40 W) make a bright yellow light. Special vipadok- energy-saving lamps, especially cheap ones, the range of which is such that people can’t see the eye of an hour in an adequate way to assess the color picture.

Some devices have the ability to fine-tune the balance of white, prominently placed in front, however, in order to optimally adjust the color for these minds of illumination, it is necessary to increase the amount of frames with different lashings choose that setting, with which color transfer is as close as possible to reality. For a long time and not zavzhdi effectively, shards should be oriented to the picture, which is shown on the RK-screen, the color of which is not zavzhdi ideal.

It's easier to speed up the "manual white balance" function. For whom it is necessary to take a picture of a white object (or just an arch of a white paper), and then show the camera this image as a star, which should set the white balance. I don’t care about writing a report, I don’t want to be afraid in a certain rank - different devices have their own sequence of actions, I recommend that you speed up the instructions, everything is painted in crocodile for your device.

More cameras can save one or a piece to improve the white balance. If you regularly have to take pictures under specific lighting, you should save the sense of adjusting the balance of white, so that you don’t suffer from photographing a white sheet.

To illustrate the feasibility of manual white balance, I would like to show the balance of colors in two photographs:

Automatic BB

Manual BB (as a test of the white color of the victorist, the white jacket of the left character)

The result is memorable - for the first person, the photograph went to life, for another, the color was close to reality.

Improving the style of the image

The "image style" function is sing-song for all cameras. With help, you can improve clarity, contrast, richness of colors, clarity of the picture, as well as zoom the camera in b/w, sepia modes.

As a rule, the device can already set the installed image styles - landscape, portrait, natural tones, accurate tone reproduction, and so on, as well as a sprig of "empty" middle ones for adjusting the coristuvach. Axis butt to the menu item "Select image style for the Canon EOS 5D camera:

All presets and parameters combination:

  • sharpness
  • contrast
  • richness
  • color tone

Let's think about the function of adjusting the picture on the TV :) With contrast, richness and color tone, I think everything was clear. Under sharpness, the program is able to "strengthen" the contours of objects, for which the picture is more sharp. The key word is "hello". Really, the software increase in sharpness does not increase the detail of the picture. Even though the object in the photograph is a bit of a mess (not in focus, otherwise the lens could not convey all its nuances), no software algorithm can "invent" the details, which are daily. Do not varto spodіvatisya on polypshennya the quality of photography turn the "regulator" sharpness on the povnu.

As you can see, getting a camera for shooting in JPEG format to get the best result is not so easy, as you can get at first glance. The very same thing is the main shortcoming of JPEG in front of another format - RAW - about which one can be discussed further.

RAW format

Why is the RAW format needed and why is it short for the JPEG format?

The format, having removed its name from the English word "raw", which means "Syria, unfinished". At the principle of the whole, you must correct the essence. When using the RAW format, the signal taken from the matrix is ​​written to the file on the USB flash drive (the extension of the file may be different for different cameras). Do not rob the camera of any kind, hoping for the ability of the coristuvachev to process information on a PC for help special programs- RAW converter. To give great importance - the photographer does not need to worry about white balance, brightness, contrast, image saturation - everything can be adjusted later on a good monitor. "Siri" data carry a great amount of transcendental information, so that in times of consumption it is possible to adjust all the parameters of the image as accurately and correctly as possible.

In the JPEG format, all "image" data are eliminated, in order to secure the smallest file size, which seriously limits the possibility of processing. Even though the brightness of that contrast can still be corrected, then the wrong balance of the white will be corrected significantly more folded, especially if the pardon is great. And here it is necessary to sacrifice the naturalness of the flowers. The axis of the butt, if the photo that went into the zhovtizna, was pulled from JPEG and from RAW.

Departure option

Selected variant (JPEG)

Variant (RAW)

As you can see from the aiming of the butts, when trying to correct the balance of the white in JPG, the picture came up with a little unnatural image, the photo was taken on a cheap negative film, it was scanned on a single-button scanner. I’ll admit that in this moment I didn’t report any special zusils to bring the colors closer to the real ones, for which I needed a few operations. Adobe Photoshop. You can read a report about correcting the white balance in JPEG in the article /article45.html. The essence of the article is to the extent that it is possible to correct an insignificant pardon to the white balance in JPEG, but it is also possible to complete a non-trivial task. With a serious improvement in the white balance, it is impossible to transfer the color without visible loss of brightness, using the JPEG format, unfortunately, it is impossible.

Basic capabilities of RAW

Instead of writing here about the possibilities of RAW, I'll show you a butt, as if a photograph was taken at random. On the eve of a summer trip to St. Petersburg, we saw the Hermitage with the retinue, of course, taking a camera with us. Like in all museums, in the Hermitage, a ziomka with a spalah is fenced. To recap the situation, I took a bright Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens. Ale was famously standing in the fact that in the various halls there was a variety of lighting - in some days there were windows, in others - piece lighting. Yakby, I'm spying on the JPEG format, I'm tormented to set the white balance. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the capture was carried out in RAW and it was possible to simulate the situation, which would be the result with quieter BB settings for JPEG. Otzhe, let's start from the cob:

Automatic white balance:

Zhakhliva sumish zhovtizni z chervoninnyam! Such photographs often come up when, when illuminated by a great number of lamps, ignited under a slight pressure, in which case the photograph becomes filled with a yellow breeze. Well, let's try to restore the balance of the white "Frying Lamp" ... The axis of what happened:

Trochs are shorter. Zhovtizni changed, then the unreasonable greenery appeared. The result is also unsatisfactory.

Option h manual setting the balance of the white is more laborious, the oskilki will have to carry out the procedure on the skin of the new room. Fortunately, there is a RAW file, which allows you to set the correct white balance on your computer in 1 mouse click.

For RAW processing, the Digital Photo Professional program was used, as was included with the kit with the Canon EOS 5D camera (on the disk with software). If there are other devices, there are more lower upgrades, more similar ones are given before them.

The program may have a simple interface, so it can be developed in a warehouse of special difficulties. In fact, it duplicates the adjustment of the camera, which adds color, as well as a number of other functions.

To establish a balance of white, take a pipette (shown with a red arrow) and titsaєmo їy in those places of photography, as if we could look white or light-sіrim. In this vipadka - ce bula was my jacket. What colors have become in the photograph, it can be seen from the picture. The result cannot be canceled in the same time, which is taken away by the standard parameters of the camera.

The Digital Photo Professional program allows you to retroactively adjust the color of the image, which is available through the menu of the camera. In this way, you take away the possibility of not spending an hour on improving the balance of white, choosing the style of the image. It is especially relevant when zyomtsі reportage, de skin second bovaє on the rahunka. The program allows you to work some speeches, which are simply inaccessible through the menu, for example - adjusting noise reduction, adjusting sharpness, correcting chromatic aberrations and distortions (twisting straight lines along the edges of the frame). One mind, for which everything works - the photo is smashed in RAW format. Most of the JPEG features are not available.

Needless to say, that the Digital Photo Professional program can have relatively small functionality similar to the popular Adobe Photoshop Lightroom program, but protect the fact that the licensed Adobe Photoshop Lightroom costs about 200 dollars, moreover, upgrading to new versions costs $1 (about $1 for the program) ). Digital Photo Professional is delivered to us absolutely cost-free and so it is cost-free upgrade to new versions. Prote, є nuance - the program itself cannot be acquired, it can be installed from the disk. From the Canon website, you can get more updates to the latest version.

I don’t feel like writing here a help from Digital Photo Professional for two reasons - first, it will be less for Canon’s owners, in a different way, such a help is already -

For example, the JPEG version has the correct white balance set, better for everything, the photo option, taken from the RAW format, I will improve the brightness. The reason is simple. The productivity of the computer's processor is much greater than the productivity of the camera and it's "too tough" folding image processing algorithms - more detail, noise filtering, and other processing. It is not scary for a computer to start as a loan worker for a day, it’s not scary for a computer - it can be fast. With photozoomtsi, a second of skin becomes like gold. As a last resort - algorithms that are used by the camera to process the image taken from the matrix, squeezed into a simple clock frame, so as not to reduce the speed of the camera's characteristics. For example, dії, like a computer can count for 10 seconds, the device is guilty of counting for no more than 1 second. This is inevitably indicated by the quality of the processing, especially if the device may not have the most modern and swedish processor. For this reason, the result of zjomki from JPEG is practically higher, lower correct RAW conversions.

It is impossible not to guess one more technical aspect. When using JPEG, information about the color of a pixel is encoded in 24 bits, when using RAW - from 30 to 42 bits. It doesn’t matter if you show how many more colors you can encode in 42 bits instead of 24.

The main shortcomings of the RAW format?

RAW is not available on all cameras. The owners of DSLRs and "top" cameras can be calm, but those who have reasonably inexpensive compact devices can be enchanted - in them, more than anything, the RAW format is not.

RAW files cannot be opened on any device, except for a PC with a special firmware installed. Media players, digital photo frames, tablet computers will not display photos in RAW format. For which one you need to convert the JPEG format (on a PC, with software for RAW processing.

The program for processing RAW, which is included with the camera on a disk, can achieve a small set of capabilities. More functional software and most of the cost.

The size of the file is about 2 times larger than JPEG at the highest quality. It seems that you are going to be more expensive in Trival, in which case you can take pictures in RAW, stock up on a flash drive with more charge.

What is the RAW+JPEG format?

Most devices can choose such a mode, if the photos are recorded on a flash drive in 2 files - one is RAW, the other is JPEG. It’s worth it in quiet situations, if the main problem is in the JPEG format, but it’s necessary to play it safe, so that, in case of anything, it’s possible to take the wrong image from RAW.

As a matter of fact, as the results of the JPEG format please the photographer (or the owner), the RAW files can be easily seen. As you can see in the picture, for the JPEG option, you can choose a different size and size. Please be aware that when changing to RAW + JPEG, the flash drive will end up faster, lower just in RAW.

In what format do you know?

As much as you can see in the maximum output from your camera, as you can see in the maximum possible image quality, I strongly recommend shooting with RAW. The mustache is farther apart, and the handyman is let in, so that the capture is carried out by itself in this format.

Food for self-control

How does your camera know about RAW:

1. Install on your computer a program for processing RAW (as it is not installed yet). If you don't know where to take it - look on the disk what is in the kit with the camera.

2. Collect a small amount of images in RAW+JPEG format. As if you are in the house, try to do without sleeping.

3. Capture the result of the capture on the PC and process the RAW files in installed program. Set the correct white balance (according to the white image distance), clarity, contrast, noise reduction ratio. Match the accepted results with the JPEG images.

If your camera does not support RAW

1. Reverse how you selected the image quality. Set up the maximum distribution of buildings with the minimum constraint.

2. Experiment with 3 image styles - change brightness, contrast, richness, color scheme. To save the nalashtuvannya, which was the most worthy, like the regime of a koristuvach. How to know - read the instructions before the camera.

3. Learn how to balance the white paper on the arcade paper.

Article text updated: 8.11.2019

The blog has already gone through 4 years. In the course of an hour, many lessons for amateur photographers have been published on this side, having mastered how you can accurately improve the quality of your photographs. Surely, the time has come to talk about those who are practically impossible to take the perfect picture by taking pictures in JPEG. Today's photo lesson of appointments for newbies: revealing the secrets why the signs of informed photographers often look rich and sharp, so that the stink of the same camera and lens, like lying near your photo camera.

As soon as I turn, I don’t dare to write short articles. Get ready, there will be a lot of text below. So that you don’t drown in the new, I’ll bring you back to life.

1.0. Format RAW vs. JPEG. Advantages and shortcomings

Superechka about those who choose: zjomka from RAW or JPEG format is open to endless discussion in the field of photography. Some photos prefer RAW, others prefer JPEG. What is the RAW format for digital photography? Why is it that the shortfalls of RAW in pairs with JPEGs, and why? What do you know about RAW or JPEG format? Chi uzkladnyuvateme Zyomka in RAW a little further processing? The axis of action is the widest power, which is what amateur photographers ask, having bought their first digital mirrorless or mirrorless camera and turning it around. I succumb, otrimavshi outward appearance about the advantages and shortcomings of both formats, photos can be reviewed, chi varto win with your RAW robot.

Note. Here and further in the description of the last hour of shooting, the following order is observed: 1/100 - video recorder in seconds, 9.0 - aperture, 100 - ISO value, 22 - focal length in millimeters. All pictures in this period are taken on the amateur Nikon D5100 spade DSLR with the simplest KIT lens Nikon 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6G AF-S VR DX.

I remember that I looked at the camera setup and read the manual to Nikon D5100, rozmirkovuchi about those for which the NEF file is needed (so Nikon means RAV) and why I am guilty of yogo vikoristovuvaty. JPEG - the same image format that wins in the most compact cameras for zamovchuvannyam, and we all know him well, looking over and exchanging JIPEG images online and zavantazhuєmo / zavantazhuєmo їx from ours and on our mobile extensions.

And yet, about RAW, I wanted to find out once again. Possibly, the word “Syria” was the only thing (this is how you can translate the meaning of this word from english movie), as it sounded intriguing, possible, ce bulo bazhannya invariably take away the nayrіzkіshі, nаyаkіsnіshі best photos. Depending on what happened, I changed the image brightness on my camera to “RAW + F” (Zyomka NEF + JPEG real-time brightness) and tried the image brightness.

The first thing I remembered was how small my memory card was. Khvilinka! Why did the number of photos change from 959 to 270? The image on the RK-display looked like that, but with what did it take up three times more memory? I am a disappointment. Then I took a memory card and inserted it into my computer. To my surprise, the papacy has two types of file representations: JPEG and NEF. І I navіt not a moment vіdkriti tsey NEF! Good, I didn’t say: “It’s no good, you need to get rid of only JPEG”, more later, if I learned how to work in the NEF editing program, which is called “Lightroom”, I rewrote all the shots anew.

Sound familiar? If you are in a similar situation, do not be tempted to watch RAW, you will bite your tongue in the future. We really need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of both formats, first take a decision, so that we don’t fool around.

1.1. What is RAW format?

RAW images, also known as "digital negatives", are in fact unprocessed files, as they are taken directly from the camera's matrix. The stench is true "siri", like a saline ore, like it is necessary to remake, to take away the chavun chi steel. On the view of JPEG files, which can be easily viewed, reviewed and developed by more programs for reviewing and editing images, RAW in a proprietary format, which is attached to the camera and matrix picker, this is not supported by all software products.

RAV files save the most information about the image and allow for more colors and capture a wider dynamic range than the JPEG image. To display the recorded image on the camera's RC display, the RAW files are composed of two parts - the actual RAW data from the camera's matrix and the processed JPEG image for review. A lot of programs for revisiting images, including the camera screen, transcribing the whole JPEG, turning it into a RAW file, for visualizing.

1.2. Advantages of the RAW format

  1. Porivnyanni with a 8 -ative JPEG format, Yaki Mostiti up to 256 Vidtіniv Chervonny, green so blue koloriv (Vseogo 16.8 milioniv), 12-Bitni zybilchi kilkiyta ) quit!) or navit more. On the Nikon D610, I can write 14-bit RAW files, which is equivalent to about 4.3 trillion. we can color. It's just a majestic number, tied with 16 millions!
  2. RAV files have the widest dynamic range (spreading between the maximum and minimum brightness of lights and shadows), and then can be tweaked to highlight underexposed or overexposed images or parts of the image.
  3. Before the RAW image is created, all capture parameters (also known as metadata or EXIF), including information about a specific camera and picker, are simply added to the file. This means that the image itself is left unchanged - you can only hope to fix it as information, and you can make changes to them later in programs for further editing, such as Lightroom and Photoshop. The majestic honor of the RAW victoria, to that, as it is, for me it is vipadkovo zastosuemo wrong setting(for example, white balance) in front of the camera, but at the same time, it is possible to change your life.
  4. Due to the number of colors, savings in RAW images, the type of color space, installations in camera settings (sRGB or Adobe RGB), the time of capture in RAW format is also not important - we can change it to be the value in the processing process.
  5. On the view of JPEG, RAW-files, there is no waste, so that the stench does not suffer from artefacts of image compression.
  6. When using RAW, you don't need to increase the sharpness of the image, which means that you can tweak for more advanced algorithms on your computer.
  7. RAV files can be vindicated as proof of your authorship and correctness (non-modification) of the image. Even though you shot a snowy person in tayzi and took a picture from RAW, nobody can say that you tried Photoshop to add a humanoid to the photo. 🙂

1.3. Shortcomings of the RAW format

  1. RAW files require post-processing and conversion before revision, which adds a significant hour to the process of taking photos.
  2. RAW takes up a lot more camera memory and space on flash, lower JPEG. Tse means that the card can be saved less image, and the buffer can be quickly filled, after which the speed of the loan will significantly decrease. For robots with RAW images, we also need more operational memory it has more disk space on the computer.
  3. RAW files are not up to the standard for any kind of binaries. For example, Nikon's security software cannot read RAW files from Canon cameras and on the other hand. In addition, not all image editors can display RAW files. As we have a completely new camera, as it was successfully released from sales, it may take another hour for software companies to update it, adding support to our model. The axis of the main recognition of the RAV format in different varieties: NEF - Nikon; CRW, CR2 for Canon cameras, ARW, SRF and SR2 for Sony, RAF for Fujifilm, ORF for Olympus, RW2 for Panasonic, PTX, PEF for Pentax, SRW for Samsung, 3FR for Hasselblad ) cameras, if you don't know what RAB is) and DNG is the universal format of Adobe.
  4. We will need to convert RAW files to a different format, for example, JPEG or TIFF, first of all, we can show them to friends and clients, they may not show any suitable programs for review.
  5. Although RAW files cannot be processed by third-party software, they must be saved as XMP files, which means a larger volume when saving those folded files (so we do not convert our RAW files to DNG format).
  6. Through the expansion of the image in the RAW format, the procedure for archiving and backup takes more than an hour.

1.4. What is JPEG?

Today, JPEG is the most popular format, which allows you to reproduce millions of colors in a very slick file. JPEG embossing method "with waste", which means that you can't see any information from the image. For this format, there are different levels of compression (for a wide range of images), which add to the clarity of the image size. The more details are taken, the more the file fits.

1.5. Advantages of the JPEG format

  1. JPEG images are processed in the camera, and all parameters, such as white balance, color saturation, tonal curves, sharpness and color space, are already inked in the image. That's why you don't need to spend an hour on the post-production of the image - everything that you need to build, you can extract the image from the memory card and you can copy it.
  2. Rozmir Jeep is smaller, lower in RAW files, and the first ones take up less memory and significantly less computational tightness.
  3. Through smaller size Cameras can record JPEG files more quickly, which will take up more of the camera's buffer. Tse means that in the regions of RAV we can take more swedishness and more trivaly hour.
  4. Most of the current attachments and programs support the Jpeg format, which makes it easy to use the victorian.
  5. Digital cameras adjust different compressing and size parameters for JPEG files, which allows you to choose between image quality and size.
  6. A smaller file size also means a smaller copy.

1.6. Shortcomings of the JPEG format

  1. The embossing algorithm "with expenses" means that we use the actual details from the photographs. Tsya vtrata details, especially in strongly stylist files, appearing on the images as "artifacts" and will make a litter for the eyes.
  2. JPEG images are 8-bit, which overlays 16 million possible colors. Tse means that all other colors, like the camera is designed to work, really, look, if the image is converted to the Jeep format.
  3. JPEG images can also have a higher dynamic range compared to RAW, which means that overexposed/underexposed images and shadows will be twisted and sometimes not.
  4. Shards of the camera are now being processed by the Jeep-image, whether or not the pardons in the built-in camera will be practically irreversible. For example, if we are already moving sharpness, then we can then work to turn around.

1.7. Which format to choose, RAW or JPEG?

Let's get to the crux of the matter: how can we convert RAW or JPEG?

For me, RAW has a lot to override the advantages of JPEG victoria. Attach files saving at a time can be easily inexpensive, and I don’t worry about resizing the file when backing up. I’m already spending a lot of time on a photo shoot, then I don’t mind spending a little more than an hour, and I’ll spend more time on photo editing. True, I had a chance to process images from Photoshop one by one, I started looking at RAW, because I didn’t have an hour to process hundreds of photos from skin at a higher price. For such miraculous post-production programs, like Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, we can work with images in batch mode and spend at least an hour on an individual post-production (if necessary) - for example, my record: 600 prints in 3 years.

A little more than an hour of processing and expansion of files - not so important problems are due to the ability to retrieve details from RAW files. Like other photographs, the situations became less clear with no further illumination, if I could not trust the camera, and there was no time to adjust the exposure, which led to a nasty exposure of the image. Yakby, I knew from JPEG, such details would be irrevocably ruined, and I would take off some vague photographs. But if I shoot rocks in RAW, then I can easily adjust the exposure and further adjust and take a good picture. There is a great difference among the Poles, especially among different rare, wine-coloured moments, which cannot be re-named.

Let's look at the whole frame:

I made a pardon, and the image turned out to be underexposure at 1 - 1.5 steps. Alas, for what I know from RAW, the Lightroom program can still redeem the details. Lower right-handed RAW frame (I increased the exposure and added light in Lightroom, masked the bright sky and darkened it).

As you can remember, the frame on the right is full of more colors and details, the lower frame is left-handed. Particularly remember to change the color in the shadows, the JPEG file is 8-bit and add a lot less information to restore the colors and details. If we take a picture, underexposure at the 2nd stage, or even stronger, it is more likely that it is practically impossible to reproduce yoga from JPEG, while from RAW it is possible to take away some of the color of the details.

Another extended problem, Crimean exposition, є correct stitching white balance. As if wine is nastyly nailed, we take an inaccurate photograph in every way.

Image taken for standard fittings cameras.

In any case, my idea of ​​​​a super RAW or JPEG is this: we put ourselves seriously before our hoarding of photography and plan to sell it in the future, or demonstrate our robots, you need to know in RAW. If you take a photo for the family archive or have fun, and don’t have time to post, you can get around JPEG.

2.0. How do I edit my photos

In this article, I will explain what post-production and all of the stages won't work for digital photography. It is necessary to be sure that the robotic technique can be strongly influenced by different photographers, the shards are much more varied and do not have the same standard working process, which would be suitable for us. Therefore, the information presented here can only be used as a guideline, so that you can generally understand how to process a photo. Only we can find the optimal way of processing according to our needs.

The photographs of today's article were taken at the leaf fall of 2012, if we flew with a team at the entrance to Mexico with a second-stringed tooth near New York. With me, I have a small camera Nikon D5100 KIT 18-55 VR. I didn’t know how to fix it, so when I knew the scene modes: “Portrait”, “Landscape”, “Night landscape” just.

I always take pictures in two formats: “RAW + F”, so that the frame of the performances on the flash drive is skinned with two frames: NEF and the inner-camera JPEG with a small degree of compression (I watch it in the evenings at the hotel on the netbook).

Sparks when changing in RAV do not have a special meaning for such parameters as white balance (WB), steps for operating shadows and lights (smut - there was no clipping), then my Jeep from the camera does not have such a garni, like a moment to come, like I specifically introduced the improved situation: the correct WB, the use of the “Active D-Lighting” function for “drawing” details from the darkened areas of the image is thin.

Tim is not less, I respect that a newcomer, who leans to read the instructions to the camera and learn in practice in practice, it looks like JPEG pictures, like you should be lower. I hope my NEF photo clips will show you what potential for improving the quality of your camera's imagery.

2.1. Editing for digital photography

Obrobka in the right way - all stages of work with digital images from the point of view of the eyes. It is made up of low mutually interlocking cuts, broken up by photographers in order to sort out your work. Simplicity and standardization are two key words, stones of good rewards. The number of stages in which process can be adjusted, but stinks, as a rule, are:

  1. Setting up the camera and zyomka.
  2. Copying an image to a computer.
  3. Import znіmkіv in the processing program.
  4. Systematization and sorting of images.
  5. Post-broken.
  6. Image export.
  7. Backup copy.
  8. Druk chi publication of a photo on the Internet.

We look at the leather from the krokiv okremo.

2.2. Setting up cameras and zyomka

The process of capturing a picture starts from the cameras, and those, as we photograph, madly, add to the working process. For example, as we photograph in the RAW format, the working process will be folded three times, lower yakbi we knew in JPEG. Why? To the extent that RAV files need to be processed, the first stink will become an asset for others or publications. Also, RAW files take up a lot of memory, which, insanely, increase their import, export and backup copy.

As you know, in the Jeep format, it is necessary to select, what kind of victorious color profile, embossing and resizing the file, white balance and so on. Having offended the options, we can lose our pride and lack, and if we happen to be guilty, it’s more likely to fall in our turn.

In order to sharpen the image, even before pressing the camera shutter button, the photographer is guilty of adjusting the impersonal processing parameters: white balance, Picture Control mode (when including sharpness, contrast, clearness, richness, brightness), shadow lighting level (Active D-lighting) And how strong will be noise dampening.

Name Picture Control and Active D-lighting to designate the editing menu items in Nikon cameras. Canon EOS cameras have Picture Styles and Auto Lighting Optimizer, apparently. In Sony mirrorless cameras, the function of hanging shadows is called DRO (Dynamic Range Optimization). For Fujifilm X mirrorless cameras, shadow processing is set by three items: "DR", "H tone" and "S tone" in the menu shvidkikh nalashtuvan"Q" (Quick menu).

In addition, as we can see HDR or panoramas, we can photograph a series of frames, which adds one more point to the processing process - HDR-image or panorama stitching. To that, the next step is to prove it, as if we had set up the cameras, we want to win, and it’s important to me.

2.3. Copying an image to a computer

There are many ways to transfer images to a computer. The first step is to connect the memory card to SD or CompactFlash format for an additional card reader or USB cable.

The other is the process of copying files from a card or camera to a computer. Can you rob different ways. You can copy the files to a single folder on the hard disk with the help of the operating system, or use such programs as Adobe Bridge, Lightroom or Aperture.

A lot of photographs are important for the best win for importing another way. The stench relies on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for any food, and this program simply simplifies the working process, so there are a lot of details, descriptions in this article, are found in the middle of one program.

For a skin photo session, I create an okrem folder, as I call it for this principle: “Rik, month, date, key word”. In the middle of the skin, they can be added: “Photos from JPEG”, “Photos from RAW”. At the butt on the sign, the more I gave it to me is called "2017 04 22 Photo editing".

2.4. Importing images to the processing program

Tsey stage to lay down in order, as we are transferring the pictures to the computer, so that the deyaki programs can complete this procedure in one click. For example, the programs Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Apple Aperture instantly copy the image to the computer and import it from the catalog, saving our time.

The advantage of this software security lies in the fact that you can customize the import process and add keywords, metadata, and install presets for the skin image every hour of import, which will save even more time during processing.

On the sign you can see that when importing photos from Lightroom, you can check the box for the required frames and import only them. Another step is to add to the editor all the current photos from this distribution, so that we can then sort them at the next stage of processing. Third - select the required frames in front, looking at them in a special program-viewer RAViv, which is called FastStone Image Viewer; defective and repeating vidality, depriving only of the best, with yakim and pratsyuvati nadal.

2.5. Systematization and sorting of images

As only images were left on our computer, we are guilty of transcribing, how to systematize and sort them, so that the stench is not scattered all over the hard drive. Program Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Aperture to show different ways keruvannya catalog of photographs.

We can work everything: adding key words to the ranking of favorite images with stars, marking images with color, creating upper groups of images and more. In Lightroom and Aperture, all information about the image is stored in the database, so we'll forgive the process of looking for an image. so garniy way shvidkogo look around photographs that filthy manifestations, rozmitih and znіmkіv out of focus. Now let's move on to the offensive crop - post-image corrections.

The Lightroom program has the ability to put scores with “stars” and ensigns, so that you can see different categories of signs: 1) photos, as if they were processed by us; 2) znіmki, yakі yet scho not chіpaєmo, ale y not visible from the computer; 3) inappropriate footage, as if it were seen.

To be honest, since I once saw defective frames with ensigns, and then at the same time I saw the originals of the first category from them, I don’t scorch with this tool. Most of the time, I’m backing pidkhіd No. 3, descriptions at the front split: looking at the RAW at the glance, seeing the hat at once (cutting the hands, flattening the eyes, blurry frames, repeating the pictures too thinly) personnel. The FastStone Image Viewer for me shows photos in NEF, lower Lightroom.

2.6. Posting photos

Now, since we have systematized the photos on the computer with the help of the chosen program, the hour has come to process them. What is the need for this crock, as if the image already looks good from the camera? I vvazhet, impeccably, needed, as if it were in RAW, and it’s better not to get it wrong, as we know it in JPEG, so for a larger image, you still need a good deal, so that you can make them better ().

Try to show how many examples of the sequence of processing RAW in the Lightroom program, so that it was clear, how hard the program is to add to the quality of the image.

The butt of the cut at Lightroom No. 1. Moscow landscape

Have you lost your respect that the term “internal camera JPEG” is constantly being used in the text? Win means that the photo was taken from the camera “without processing” for an hour of shooting in Jeep. I took the phrase “without cutting” at the paw, to that the middle of the novice thought about those that the picture is not processed by the camera, but with a deep oman - I’ll explain why to the offensive.

What does not suit me in this picture:

  • When changing the size for publishing in a blog (up to 1400px from the other side), the image sharpness decreased.
  • Obryy blockages - it is necessary to revise the photograph, so that the Brooklyn city does not stand nachileny.
  • Lack of contrast, opratsyuvannya gloom on the blue sky.

Let's do a post-doc. First of all, in one click you can view the photo with the “Line” tool and frame the photo the way we want. In the division of the "Geometric creation" we corrected the distortion, which vinikla through a zyomka on a wide kutі with a well-fed lens.

In a different way, it’s necessary to improve the quality of the image in advance, as I read in the lesson from the lessons of the famous photographer Sergiy Doli:

  • Enhanced image clarity: Clarity +17;
  • We suggest the number of other row colors: Vibrance +25;
  • Set sharpness (Sharpening): Amount 40; Radius 0.8; Detail 50; Masking 0. It is really necessary to work with the parameter “Masking” (Masking), which allows you to get the undesirable increase in the clarity of “smooth” details, but in this case, I forget to work.
  • I set the noise reduction (Noise Reduction): Luminance 65.
  • In the Tone curve section, I set the Medium contrast. When I get too black shadows, I put Shadows +41.
  • The balance of white is Daylight.
  • I automatically correct chromatic aberration, lens distortion in the "Lens corrections" section. As you can see, the Lightroom editor recognized the Nikon 18-55 whale lens and fixed it.
  • At the “Camera Calibration” branch, I will install the color profile Camera standard.

I will stagnate in 99% of the falls. To speed up the processing of RAW in the Lightroom program, it is possible to record a custom processing algorithm for viewing a preset and doing it with one mouse click. I named the yogo "Import of photo".

I have two settings. Persha - at once see all the photographs in the folder and synchronize the adjustment (three clicks), passing them the same parameters of white balance, sharpness, clarity, lens correction thinly. Other - stop this preset at the stage of importing photos into Lightroom. Look at sign No. 8 - there, at the right side, there is a preset “Import of photo” with a red color.

On the screenshots, you can always analyze the histogram, as an indispensable tool for analyzing overexposures and underlightings on the image. At the left panel at the bottom is the history of the work, whether it be at some time you can turn to the cut, which we implemented earlier.

2.7. Export Image

As soon as we have finished processing the images, the next step will be to export the image for others or publications on the Internet. And here there are a lot of options. As we choose to make a friend of the image, it happens to be clear, like the format of the image is taken to the other. You can use files in TIFF format for color space Adobe RGB or JPEG for color space sRGB or CMYK. The other important factors are the size of the file and those, the photograph of which format we want to infringe.

If we export an image for the Internet, for example, we publish photographs in our blog, Yandex.Photos, Vkontakte, etc. It is possible, if we could see the EXIF ​​data in the image, as we would like to make it easier for you to understand.

When exporting, I chose the following settings: TIFF format, color profile sRGB, change to 3500px from the other side at a width of 120 dpi. Sharpness will be brought to Photoshop by turning this parameter off. By enabling the watermark preset "www.

In the first three years of blogging, the collection of photographs at this stage ended. The difference was less because in the distribution of the sharpness of "Sharpen" I set those parameters, which are already indicated in the press "Import of photo", and when exporting, I set "Sharpen for screen", "Amount standard". І exported image format is JPEG.

Approximately the same time, I installed a set of Google Nik Collection cost-free plug-ins in Photoshop, which periodically corrode, and to increase the sharpness, I began to victorize guesses earlier than C3C Image Size.

Photoshop stock #1. Basic stage

Also, we exported the file in TIFF format, because it can be just as fuzzy in post-processing, like RAW, in JPEG format. Show the photo at Photoshop software and the preset "Polarization filter" (Polarisation) for the "Color Efex Pro 4" filter in the "Google Nik Collection" set is also available.

As you can see, the Polarization filter of Color Efex Pro 4 imitates the function of the right polarizing filter: having made the blue color of the sky more intense, the gloom showed through more clearly. I don’t like that acidic color in this photograph, which has changed the transparency of the ball.

14.1. So that the sky does not look too acidic, Photoshop changed the transparency of the ball with the “Polarization” filter.

The next step is to change the size of the image for publication in the blog (1400px for horizontal or 1000px for vertical icons from the other side) with a one-hour increase in sharpness. I work with one click on the C3C Image Size plugin.

For horizontal frames, I set the "Sharpness" value to "2", for vertical frames, so that there is no oversharp, I set "1".

Mustache! The process of processing photos from RAW in Lightroom and preparing the JPEG format in Photoshop for this particular image is completed. I press "Save Yak" in Photoshop and save "8" in Jpeg with the quality "8" (that's 80% - a good picture, so it's important to sound no more than 250-600 Kb). Axis what result we have viyshov.

RAW butt from Lightroom and Photoshop No. 2. White balance

The photo is coming, because I incorrectly selected the white balance in the adjusted Nikon D5100, it turned out to be a non-garish blue color.

When changing to JPEG, there would be no problems with correcting the white balance. When photographing RAW to correct the pardon - one click on the White balance button in the Lightroom editor. A zastosovuyu such a processing algorithm, like a front sign, and a truncated axis like a zukerka.

NEF stock from Lightroom and Photoshop #3. Radial filter

The coming sign was taken from the famous bik in the order of the New York Stock Exchange. Through those that we knew against the bright light, the portrait of the Viyshs is dark, and behind it - may be beaten, tobto. it’s more white, but it’s not black. Also, other tourists drank at the frame, like a sign.

Let's go around the standard processing with the "Import photo" preset, I had a chance to play with the "Tinі" (Shadows) and "Darkness" (Blacks) buzzers. The picture began to look better.

In addition, I saw tourists around the edges, which I respect, having speeded up with the tool “Radial Gradient Filter” (Radial filter). To help with this, I lowered the sharpness at the edges of the portrait view (Exposure -0.56), and also changed the sharpness (Sharpness -71). All this made it possible to look at the main object at the frame (tobto on me), the path of the one that is sharp and sharp, the lower background - the titka, which looks like a look, has become dark and less accurate.

Well, how does one look at the final RAW portrait of a mandriving man.

RAV buttstock in Lightroom and Photoshop No. 4. Tonuvanya near the lights

The next frame is an eagle on the aphids of the Statue of Liberty at Battery Park near New York. Here is the very problem of shading the foreground through those in the back - bright sky.

The dressing is just like that in front of the front. I don't like the color of the sky - wine and truth are so inconspicuous. I want more juice sunset sun. Not richly "pomalyuemo": zastosuemo tinting with orange color of bright image plots.

The effect is enhanced after exporting to TIFF for processing in Photoshop: for the additional filter "Contrast color range" (adjustment of the range of colors separately) in the "Google Nik Collection" set (plugin Color Efex Pro 4), the contrast of blackite (Blue) is stronger.

The final result, after processing in Lightroom and Photoshop, looks like the coming rank.

RAV buttstock in Lightroom and Photoshop No. 5. Photofield

It is not necessary to think that when you are in the Jpeg, the signs of the higher, lower in the RAV will always appear. Sometimes you can "guess" and take a photo in the camera.

RAV buttstock in Lightroom and Photoshop No. 6. gradient filter

If we photograph the scenes, then at once the sky is dark and the earth is dark, it would be good to put a gradient filter on the lens, which allows you to correctly expose both light and darkness. I’ll add a lot of things, in part, in addition to the “Graduated filter” tool in the Lightroom editor. Zvichayno, go about the zomka in the NEF.

It doesn’t suit me, that the upper Libyan kut of viyshov may be illuminated (bright sky), and also those that a seagull in the mountains may stand at the edge of the picture. Another minus is the cover of the hatch, which reveals the look of a peephole.

For the help of the "Spot removal" tool, we move the seagull lower at the edge of the photo, behind the hatch in the foreground. Honestly, it seems that this stage is more suitable for me to use Photoshop - there the tool is called "Clone stamp", and at the same time I demonstrated that the photographer, in principle, can manage with Lightroom alone.

And so it looks like a sign, like it’s taken from the RAV format and converted from the Lightroom and Photoshop programs.

Have you regained your respect that at the last stage of Photoshop for the help of the "Clone stamp" I had "farmed" with flakes on the concrete parapet in front, I saw the right-hander at the bottom of the gathering, the hatch that autumn leaves on the sidewalk? Here it is, it was possible to pass in Lightroom with a penny-like face and reduce clarity, so that the skin looked smooth. At the same time, it was possible to grow the troch with bright and clear eyes.

NEF buttstock from Lightroom and Photoshop No. 7. Struggling with the noise

Why does the cropped camera look like full-frame? The head rank, tim, is that she has a better ISO at 2.5-3.0 times lower, lower at full frame. For the amateur camera Nikon D5100 light sensitivity 4000 is another important point: there are digital noises that make up the image.

Bachimo, it is necessary to correct the balance of the white and try to suppress digital noise by adjusting the parameters of the Noise reduction section (reduction of digital noise). In addition, cadruvatimemo, we pass the mask over the windows and lamps, in order to change their brightness, brighten the eyes and work of them sharp.

I'll do some noise reduction in Photoshop using the additional Dfine 2 plug-in from the Google Nik Collection.

Oskіlki frame all the same zips through high ISO, let's practice on a new image translation style "old plіvka". Work for the additional filter "Analog Efex Pro 2" from the Google Nik Collection.

The final picture that went through the post-processing in Lightroom and Photoshop looks like this.

NEF buttstock from Lightroom and Photoshop No. 8. Zastosuvannya masks

If we happen to know in the mountain gorges and the Russian jungle, the most important thing for the matrix of a digital camera is a wide dynamic range of scenes: if the frame is at once, even brighter and darker objects. In such a situation, it is necessary to use the HDR technique (acquisition of a large number of shots with a different exposure for the upcoming links up to one). But for shooting roaring objects, it’s not suitable - you can disable "Active D-lighting", if you photograph in JPEG.

The sign will be processed according to the following algorithm: in Lightroom, lighten up the dark spaces (Exposure +), and then take a brush and light up the sky, darken it (Exposure -). Sweating a slightly blue sky, we have added, vicarious, the "Polarisation" filter in the "Color Efex Pro 4" filter in the "Google Nik Collection" set, as we have made the photo #14.

I’m sure that the “Masks” tools (Adjustment brush) allow not only changing the exposure in the vision area, but also the balance of white, clarity, richness, clarity of light and darkness, and richness of something else. This function will stop, if it is necessary to lighten the eyes and vibility of the teeth in the portrait, to make the hair model clearer and to attach the unevenness of the skin. The stagnation area is huge.

One more thing to note: in Lightroom, seeing the area is very important. Show me that I needed to darken the sky not on aphids, but on aphids of a pine tree with a thousand heads! It is impossible to complete the procedure carefully. And the axis in Photoshop you create a ball, then remove the mask, as if repeating the contours of the object. You can edit the borders of the image with high accuracy.

NEF buttstock from Lightroom and Photoshop No. 9. Night photo

Well, let's marvel at the remaining vipadok: zjomka at night. The problem lies in the fact that we have a lot of lighting - a lot of dark and bright zones, which complicate the correct exposure of the frame.

When processing RAW, we will cut the faces of people near the frame, with the help of “Tinі” and “Light” we will remove the brightness.

But I don’t seem to like the red color of disguise. It is possible in Lightroom to spontaneously spit out a red bell, changing the size and brightness. Ale, I want to install the Cross Processing filter in the Color Efex Pro 4 plugin from the “Google Nik Collection” set.

As a result, a more soft, calm sign is taken, which does not frighten the eye of a beholder.

It is necessary to understand what you have put in this article, but the images of photos in Lightroom are not lessons. Therefore, I did not bring data about the work with the signs of Pokrokovo. In order to learn how to take the best result, you need to get it from two days to a few months on a systematic program.

You can do self-study, watching photo tutorials on Youtube or specialized sites. The shortcoming of this method is its non-systematic nature, in stribatimete from one division to another. You can sign up for a photo-shock course - in my opinion, pennies in the wind, because there you won’t be shown anything that you can learn by doing it yourself.

The third option for the Lightroom editor is to buy a paper handbook or a video course, which will provide great insights into theoretical information and practical applications. The leather genre of photography has its own peculiarities of processing: with a woman’s portrait one works according to the same rules, with a man - after others, with a landscape - after the third, with a still life - after the fourth, skinny.

The great success of video courses before self-direction on Youtube — the information is systematized, presented from simple to folding; in front of a photography school - you can work at the pace that suits you yourself, you won’t get a chance to learn what to do.

Tim, who knows about Lightroom and wants to be able to use Photoshop, I can make a Photoshop video course for a photographer.

You worked on the butt of the picture No. 35, which in the place you took the photo of the best, lower on the street. Especially, if you use a camera with a cropped matrix, you can see a lot of digital noise. The problem is lack of lighting. First of all, you can, first, by purchasing a light-powered lens. In a different way, adding a warm sleep.

It is not easy to take professional portrait photographs in the application of vicarious spalahs, but the photographer is guilty of rich nuances. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the famous video course “The Secret of the Photo Spall”. For some reason, you can recognize how to choose a home photo studio, which requires the TTL function ( automatic keruvannya tighter sleeping), like a radio synchronizer, like a light, how many old gerels are needed for the cob, that rich other brown information.

I can not be called a processing professional, you know what I gave more glaring glance opportunities graphic editors. To marvel even more at the lesson of the learned colleague.

2.8. Backup

While the computer is exporting photos from the processing program, it will take care of the backup. If a backup copy has not yet been made, then it is necessary to make a backup. How can you evaluate the work, how can you hard drive, shall we use our pictures?

Earlier, I made a backup copy on one old disk once a day, but after that, use even more important photos, if I hard drive having flown in the middle of the day, now I will make a backup copy for two more disks and other cumulative storage after a skin infection.

Okrim tsgogo, once a month I take the old hoard and duplicate yogo instead on another disk. If we can, we’ll take it, but I’m sorry that my photographs are safe, and I won’t waste them. So don't forget to create backup copy Lightroom catalog. It is not enough to copy only the photo or the catalog - it is necessary to make a backup copy of both.

Even though we have a lot of photographs and a need for a solution for a backup collection, for this day there are impersonal miracle products created especially for photographers and video operators.

2.9. Another photo publication on the Internet

The last step is to share photos or publish them on the Internet. For others, it is necessary to export the image to the site of the photo laboratory (as it is possible) or copy the files to a flash drive. For the ease of use of the printer, Lightroom and Aperture export, or any other software package, you may not need any other software package;

As for posting in Merezh, Lightroom and Aperture already enable posting directly on Flickr or Facebook. To publish a photo on a special website or in a blog, in Odnoklassniki, it is necessary to export the image on a short 2.6 image.

3.0. How to choose a program for processing: Photoshop chi Lightroom

From readers to the blog periodically come the very same food - a lot of newbies do not understand the differences between Lightroom and Photoshop. We have divided the main differences between the two software packages like Adobe, for which the stench is victorious, and what we can do with Photoshop, which we cannot do with Lightroom.

3.1. What is Photoshop?

Photoshop was originally created as a tool for simple image editing, but since 1990 it has turned into a grandiose complex of programs with a wealth of functions and capabilities for graphic designers, architects, animators, videographers, photographers and 3D graphics. Tse - singly, "Mercedes-Benz" in the field of image editing, with an unimaginable potential, which can be improved not only with software updates, but also with special plug-ins, or "filters" in Adobe and third-party retailers.

Would you like a bunch of photos in one panorama? How about taking a photo with high dynamic range (HDR)? How will you get rid of defects in the pins on the znіmka? Chi, maybe, rob a man with a body, a short one, a thin one with a torso? So, Photoshop can do everything; and richly richly different. It would be foolish to think about overwriting what Photoshop can do, so that this change will be inexhaustible. The term “photoshopping” is now part of the schoden jargon, so that we can constantly edit images, as if they look realistic - who has the power of Photoshop.

3.2. What can be Lightroom?

The name of the Lightroom editor is again "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom", which can get lost, shards in the new one - the word "Photoshop". Can you explain to us that Lightroom is a part of Photoshop with specific functionality, which Photoshop does not have, maybe not.

Lightroom of creations for cherubing a great number of images and their convenient placement in one space. Photoshop is just a modern tool for editing images, but when editing hundreds of images, their systematization becomes a problem every year.

A lot of photographs, first of all Lightroom hacking, working only in Adobe Camera RAW (which allows you to convert, convert and convert RAW files) and Photoshop (which hacks for image processing). This is a foldable, cumbersome and inefficient process, after that, as you write, you automate yoga for additional batch processing in Photoshop.

The greatest folding is in the systematization of editing images on a hard disk, their sorting and cataloging. Let's not talk about looking for images, for that it's not necessary to look at thousands of miniatures and metadata of images, so that you know what you're looking for. In the world of a larger file directory, you know you need to know the best way to organize your photos. You might as well take a look at Lightroom.

Lightroom is based on the database of software for the protection of images, as it automatically reads metadata from photographs (such as the brand of the camera and model, date and time of recording, aperture, vitrimka, ISO, white balance and in.), which are called EXIF, and record information about skin photography in new base data, which is called a directory.

When importing an image, Lightroom can add additional information to the skin mark, allowing you to mark the image with songs. keywords, praportsi and rating of the star. It allows you to easily sort hundreds of images and choose the best ones, edit them in batches or in batches, and then export the best photos directly to websites like Flickr and Facebook. This type of marking and indexing is not available in Photoshop, but no editor can base data on cataloging images.

In addition to being able to manage media, Lightroom has a set of tools that allow you to work with images. In a word, Photoshop is all about image editing, and Lightroom is a tool for editing images with great editing capabilities.

3.3. Photo editing in Lightroom

Lightroom is a songful set of tools to help you edit and edit with photos. Axis, for example, the list of tools available from the “Develop Module” tab:

  1. Added "Histogram": histogram, framing and sharpening, distant dot, black eyes effect, gradient filter, brush, what is corrected.
  2. "Basic" panel: white balance, color temperature and color; exposition, inspiration, what to remember light, black tones, clearness, contrast, clarity, juiciness, richness.
  3. Tone Curve panel: glare, light, dark, shadow, tone curve view.
  4. Panel "HSL/Color/B&W": color tone, richness, lightness.
  5. “Split Toning” panel: color tone and intensity of lights, balance, color tone and intensity of shadows.
  6. Panel "Detail": value, radius, details, masking for sharpness; brightness, details, contrast, color, details to suppress noise.
  7. "Lens Corrections": lens profile, distortion, chromatic aberration, vignette.
  8. "Effects": style, value, midpoint, roundness, shading, lights for vignette; as well as the meaning, the expansion and roughness is a point for giving an image of graininess.
  9. “Camera Calibration”: process version, profile, colors for shadows, color tone and intensity for red, green and blue.

As you can, the list of tools is long: framing and changing the basic exposure to power, connected with the lens. Below are screenshots of the Histogram and Basic panel:

Specific changes can be saved as a preset (setting the processing algorithm) and can be loaded to a whole group of images. For example, you are busy with the subject imagery (one and the same ones are adjusted, but the lighting parameters are too thin): they took one picture, saw all the shots and synchronized the parameters. That's it, a thousand znіmkіv have been processed.

In addition, as Adobe releases new versions of Lightroom, new updates and other special features become available.

In addition to describing more processing possibilities, Lightroom has modules for creating slide shows, other photos, exporting image galleries to the Internet.

3.4. Photo editing in Photoshop

Any suggestions that you can edit your Lightroom image automatically Adobe program Camera RAW, which is launched when a RAW file is loaded by the Photoshop editor. If the program works a little like Lightroom, the skin function is duplicated by Camera RAW. Adobe is releasing updates for Lightroom and Camera RAW overnight, so there are some small changes, such as lens profiles, that appear in both programs overnight. Axis Camera RAW panel screenshot:

Here the panels for adjusting the exposition are arranged:

As you can remember, the stench can be the same functionality.

Summing up, we can say that in Photoshop we can do all the same things that are in Lightroom, and more. Some photographers use Adobe Bridge and Photoshop and don't use Lightroom. If you want Adobe Bridge to support some of Lightroom's features, it's not in the catalog database. Tse, shvidshe, browser or file manager. An image search will look through all the files and it may take a lot of time, just like a similar search in Lightroom, it may take a few seconds to search - again, because Lightroom's data base is optimized for searching. If you like Adobe Bridge, try Lightroom and you will never go back to Adobe Bridge.

4.0. The main alternatives for Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is not the only RAW converter available: there are many alternatives. Corystuvachi Apple Mac OS can speed up Aperture, which is really similar to Lightroom, but less clever with the same operating system.

Yakscho wi CoryStuvac Windows You can tag the Capture One editor as Phase One. I feel that yoga is being praised by studio photographers. Also DxO Optics Pro software. DxO is a technological retailer. Also, the current software security can be even more accurate and efficient, if there is, for example, about lens correction.

Nareshti, є "Silkypix". The Silkypix based RAF converter is supplied with cameras based on the Fujifilm X-Trans matrix, such as the Fujifilm X-T2. It's reasonable to note that Silkypix is ​​able to propagate even better RAF files into the X-Trans matrix (or RAW files are pulled from RAW from other cameras through a different matrix structure and decoding algorithms).

Programs for Adobe Lightroom and the most popular RAW converters. The skin program has its strengths and weaknesses. The first time I tried Lightroom, I got stuck on my choice. Now the selection of this program will take up most of my work. This doesn't mean that this editor is better than his competitors, it's just that my familiarity with professional photography has started anew, and I'm up to a new sound.

A video has been added to the commentary before the article, with an editor's eye for automatic - to wonder if you can control the robot of piece intelligence. Editing is available in one click.

5.0. Adjustment of the camera for an hour of shooting at the internal camera JPEG

Well, we’ve been helped, as a great opportunity for a photographer, editing pictures in RAW format with the help of third-party graphic editors. And how can we repair these photoamateurs, who do not have an hour or a day to grow up on all these programs? I respect that they can respectfully read the instructions to the camera and actively shoot thin stitching for in-camera JPEG.

Like a bachimo, an inner-chamber jeep can also be finished with a bug. In this case, you can even match the menu items in the camera in the Lightroom, Photoshop programs. Ale є th singularity.

  1. Zhodin is more or less a prosperous photographer, because he doesn’t take pictures of 2000 stars a day, or he’s not a psychic, you can’t take a perfect photo, using the JPEG format. Why? To that you are guilty, before you press the shutter button, transfer, you need to hang the shade strongly, some kind of balance of white work is thin.
  2. Get a professional who takes 2000 shots a day, 9 times out of 10 you can't take a perfect photo in JPEG. The reason is that there are no local processing tools in the camera settings, which are the same in Lightroom: a penzel, a gradient and a radial filter, a patch for a remote beacon. In the glances of the Fujifilm X mirrorless cameras, there is a firmness that the inner-camera Jpeg of the flooring is good, that no editing is needed in the editor. Nіsenіtnitsa! When editing a woman’s portrait, I’ll cut the whites of my eyes and teeth with pencils, I’ll sharpen the thick rainbow shell of my eyes and my lips, I’ll increase the clarity on the hair and lower it on the hairline, so that no defects were visible, I’ll take away the eyelashes and zmorshki. When I worked on the landscape, I increased the intensity of the blue color in the sky, clarity, so that the gloom could be seen more clearly, and the shade of the tree under the yalinka rose like a mask. In addition, for example, with noise reduction in the chamber, there are only “settlements”, “normal”, “dead” and “mute”, and when editing in Lightroom, we have 6 bells, which allow you to adjust the adjustment with a crop of 1% (div. photo No. 33 above). Those same worth more post-production options in Lightroom.
  3. Photographs are often trapped on the forums, posting photos with shove lips, reinforcing their high significance and superiority over those who edit the pictures, declaring: “From the internal camera JPEG. There were no cuts! Such amateur photographers are either incompetent or nonsense. Absolutely all digital cameras (cameras, video cameras, smartphones and telephones) use the RAW format, after which, after a given algorithm (similar to the one we used to edit photo No. 10), they convert the images to Jpeg. The inner-camera unprocessed JPEG without processing looks like this: dark, neutral colors, zero sharpness and clarity of the image, no contrast and no color correction, strong digital noise, shadows fall into blackness and the white balance is unreasonable. Such a photo does not impress anyone and the only thing for which it is necessary is for a further processing in Photoshop. And those for Photoshop are more suitable for the TIFF format, which makes it easier to edit through a larger amount of saved information.

6.0. RAW processing at the camera editor

For photographers who use Nikon DSLRs, there is one more image editing option available: NEF processing with a new RAW editor.

Why is such an option better for an inner-chamber Jeep? Tim, after hitting you can press as many keys as possible to remove the lower image, which is generated with automatic JPEG (for example, you can change the sharpness at wide margins). The finished result can be sent by mail, as a photo is needed even in terms.

In practice, I don't bother with the option of editing NEF with a budding editor. First, the functionality is all the same, lower in Lightroom. In another way, the monitor of the camera is not ideal and incorrectly displays brightness, contrast and other parameters - the image will look different on the computer.

7.0. Wisnovki before the lesson from photo editing in Lightroom and in Photoshop

As a photographer, who does not create beautiful photographs, then the food is not in the fact that you refine your pictures and ranks (because you are already engaged in this), but in the skills of good and consequential work. If I started to take up photography, my workflow was defiantly greedy (), and I suffered from a lot of problems: because of the inadequacy of knowing the pictures on the hard drive of the computer to the efficient processing of hundreds of images from the camera.

Основам редагування знімків у Лайтрумі я навчився за кілька тижнів, але мені знадобилося кілька років, щоб виробити більш-менш виразний підхід до постобробки, який допомагає мені ефективно редагувати знімки, і навіть спростити її завдяки новим інструментам, які з'являються у нових версіях Lightroom that Photoshop. Undoubtedly, my style of processing signs will change, and in the world of that, as new technologies, so gloomy skhovische, become more accessible, I will definitely add and see some steps in my working process. I nonchalantly recommend that you analyze your editing process and wonder what you can optimize and improve - improvements, what are the ways to grow it even more, let's forgive it, make it more efficient and more effective. In the article, there are no more stages of post-processing in a blur, there is a photo lesson with Lightroom and Photoshop. In fact, the processing is more detailed, with specific details of the skin stage.

If you have not signed on to update the blog, please contact the Raja through the form below. I blame the good stats for the protracted days and months. This is the next photo lesson of dedications to how to properly photograph with a wide-angle lens. Subscription will help you not to miss the look. See you, colleagues and friends, on the side of the site.

I know a lot of early photographs, like taking pictures with RAW, but I don’t know how to stink. To the question: "Why?" - Otrimuesh vydpovid: “Ti scho, tse OK cool! Mustache great photographers of our time take pictures with RAW!”. Okay, if you think so, then this article is for you.

From the same time, it’s possible that they bought a camera, they knew how to remember the format and immediately got into Google, otherwise they went to friends, knowing in which format it’s better to take pictures.

If you don't know what format to take pictures in, definitely take pictures in JPEG.

Why? - Understand the hour of the article.

JPEG(otherwise JPG) the most popular format for reviewing images today. Vin is read by everyone, right up to yours mobile phone. Whether a digital camera takes pictures in the JPEG format, the reason is banal: JPG gives high quality at minimum vitra to an hour for one processing.

RAW(Vid English. raw- syria) is a file to remove uncollected data directly from the matrix. Appropriate for further processing and trimming.

The axis is how everything looks:

RAW is a paradise for designers, a format for further processing and editing. With him you can practice long and tediously, (in songful boundaries), change, brighten, contrast, and more importantly - all changes, as if you are growing, will not be added to the loss of the quality of the sign. In fact, you can change all the values, as you put on digital camera before zyomka.

The main shortcomings of RAW:

1) if the format “Syria” is important, the wines are much larger for JPEG, you can’t save a lot of money for this saving.

2) it's all your fault to convert RAW to JPEG, so that you can help it or show it to your friends.

3) an hour = pennies for a photographer, but for RAW work, you have a lot of time, both for processing and for converting.

4) different pickers digital photographic equipment may be subject to standardization for RAW files (it can be seen from the permissions of RAW files, for example: for Nikon.NEF, for Kenon.CRW, for Sony.ARW), naturally, through the lack of software for editing RAW files. The main problem is in the fact that in different editors the same RAW will look different.

All cohanies and readings everywhere. All JPEGs are created from the same RAW file, with which all your adjustments on the camera are made, so that the colors are adjusted, so you can’t change the situation when processing.

JPEG different compression levels. You can dance on camera JPEG Basic, jpeg normalі jpeg fine. The better the JPEG quality, the more important the file. Which one to choose? This is your decision, what is more dear to you, or the place on the map of memory. I especially shoot JPEG Normal, because. the difference in quality between Fine and Normal may not be noticeable, but the difference in quality between Fine and Normal is greater. Raja you experiment, first choose.

5) The speed of RAW is significantly lower due to the processing of files of a larger size, as a result - a waste of time, it is unforgivable for a reporter!


Surely, as you dug into the format parameters of the camera, the RAW+JPEG option was zoomed in. For some reason, the camera creates two files: RAW and JPEG.

A plus for the one who, as a result, you will take both those and the other, a minus for the one that needs even more months and hours. And an hour is pennies. Until then, if you don’t clean your disk space, you will accumulate a lot of inappropriate duplicates, if you see Skoda ... This situation reminds me like an old grandmother to save all the newspapers for the rest of the 10 years, hopefully you want to see them.


If you don’t know what to photograph in, definitely photograph in JPEG.

You are designing - shoot in RAW.

You can take dozens of the same pictures of the same object, and then choose one, take pictures in JPEG. At the same hour, if you take one picture, take dozens of photographs in RAW.

Assess what you like and what you are choosing to earn money for, as if you are choosing to become a photojournalist - call all the robiti quickly and promptly, learn to set the camera correctly. If you want to spend more than an hour at the monitor, less at the camera - take pictures in RAW and even Photoshop.