The purpose of graphic editors is. Graphics editor. Purpose and main functions. The main functions of the graphics editor

To process images on a computer, special programs are used - graphic editors. A graphics editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphics. Graphic editors can be divided into two categories: raster and vector.

Raster graphic editors. Bitmap graphics editors are the best way to process photographs and drawings, since bitmaps provide high accuracy in reproducing color gradations and halftones. Among the raster graphics editors there are simple ones, such as the standard Paint application, and powerful professional graphics systems, such as Adobe Photoshop and CorelPhoto-Paint.

A bitmap is stored using differently colored dots (pixels) that form rows and columns. Any pixel has a fixed position and color. Storing each pixel requires a certain number of bits of information, which depends on the number of colors in the image.

The quality of a bitmap is determined by the size of the image (the number of pixels horizontally and vertically) and the number of colors the pixels can accept.

Bitmaps are very sensitive to scaling (enlargement or reduction). When the bitmap is zoomed out, several adjacent dots become one, so the legibility of small image details is lost. When the image is enlarged, the size of each point increases and a stepped effect appears, which is visible to the naked eye. Vector graphic editors. Vector graphics are ideal for storing high-fidelity graphic objects (drawings, diagrams, etc.) for which crisp, clear contours are important. You come across vector graphics when you work with computer-aided drawing systems and computer-aided design, with 3D graphics processing programs.

Vector graphics editors include a graphics editor built into the Word text editor. CorelDRAW and Adobe Illustrator are the most common professional vector graphics systems.

Vector images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, etc.), which are stored in the computer memory in the form of graphic primitives and mathematical formulas describing them.

For example, a graphic primitive point is set by its coordinates (X, Y), a line - by coordinates of the beginning (XI, Y1) and end (X2, Y2), a circle - by coordinates of the center (X, Y) and radius (R), a rectangle - by the size of the sides and coordinates of the upper left corner (XI, Y1) and the lower right corner (X2, Y2), etc. A color is also assigned to each primitive.

The primacy of vector graphics is that the files that store vector graphics are relatively small. It is also important that vector graphics can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality.

Toolbars of graphic editors. Graphic editors have a set of tools for creating or drawing the simplest graphic objects: straight line, curve, rectangle, ellipse, polygon, etc. After selecting an object on the toolbar, you can draw it anywhere in the editor window. Highlighting tools. In graphic editors, various operations are possible over image elements: copying, moving, deleting, rotating, resizing, etc. To perform any operation on an object, you must first select it.

To select objects in a raster graphics editor, there are usually two tools: selection of a rectangular area and selection of an arbitrary area. The selection procedure is similar to the drawing procedure.

The selection of objects in the vector editor is carried out using the object selection tool (shown by an arrow on the toolbar). To select an object, just select the selection tool and click on any object in the picture.

Drawing editing tools allow you to make changes to a drawing: erase parts of it, change colors, etc. To erase an image in bitmap graphics editors, use the Eraser tool, which removes image fragments (pixels), while the size of the Eraser can be changed.

In vector editors, image editing is possible only by deleting objects included in the image entirely. To do this, you must first select the object and then perform the Cut operation.

The color change operation can be performed using the Palette menu, which contains a set of colors used when creating or drawing objects.

Text tools let you add text to your drawing and format it.

In bitmap editors, the Text Box tool (letter A on the toolbar) creates text areas in pictures. By placing the cursor anywhere in the text area, you can enter text. Text formatting is performed using the Text Attributes panel. Vector editors can also create text areas for entering and formatting text. In addition, figure captions are introduced by means of so-called leaders of various shapes.

Scaling tools in raster graphics editors make it possible to increase or decrease the scale of an object on the screen without affecting its actual size. This instrument is usually called a Loupe.

In vector graphic editors, it is easy to change the real dimensions of an object using the mouse.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

GOU VPO "Magnitogorsk State University".

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design.

Abstract on the topic:

"Types of graphic editors".

Magnitogorsk 2011

1. Introduction.

2. Types of graphic editors.

3. The main functions of the graphic editor.

4. Changing the size of the image using the graphics editor Paint.

5. Resize images using MSWord.

6. Changing the size of the image using the graphics editor AdobePhotoshop.

7. Resizing images using the graphics editor CorelDraw.

8. List of used literature.

1. Introduction.

This abstract provides general information about

computer graphics, theoretical and practice-oriented materials on

learning graphics computer programs such as Paint, MSWord, AdobePhotoshop and CorelDraw. The material contains text and graphic illustrations explaining the work on resizing graphic images.

Many people have recently been involved in computer graphics, due to

high rates of development of computer technology. More than 90% of information is healthy

a person receives through sight or associates with geometric spatial

representations. Computer graphics have tremendous potential to facilitate

the process of cognition and creativity, it allows students to develop spatial

imagination, practical understanding, artistic taste.

The main goals of this essay are acquaintance with the theoretical foundations of computer graphics and teaching the simplest techniques for correcting and optimizing graphic images for visual and didactic materials used in educational activities based on raster and vector graphics.

2. Types of graphic editors.

To process images on a computer, special programs are used - graphic editors. A graphics editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphics.

Let's consider some of the graphic editors:

1) Graphic editor Paint - a simple one-window graphic editor that allows you to create and edit fairly complex drawings. The Paint window has a standard look. (fig. 1)

2) Adobe's Photoshop multi-window graphic editor allows you to create and edit complex drawings, as well as process graphic images (photographs). Contains many filters for processing photos (changing brightness, contrast, etc.).

3) Microsoft Draw program - included with MS Office. This program is used to create various drawings, diagrams. Usually called from MS Word.

4) Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw - programs are used in publishing, allows you to create complex vector images.

Images in graphic editors are stored in different ways.

A bitmap is stored using differently colored dots (pixels) that form rows and columns. Any pixel has a fixed position and color. Storing each pixel requires a certain number of bits of information, which depends on the number of colors in the image.

Vector images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, etc.), which are stored in the computer memory in the form of graphic primitives and mathematical formulas describing them.
For example, a graphical primitive point is specified by its coordinates (X, Y), a line - by coordinates of the beginning (XI, Y1) and end (X2, Y2), a circle - by coordinates of the center (X, Y) and radius (R), a rectangle - by the size of the sides and coordinates of the upper left corner (XI, Y1) and the lower right corner (X2, Y2), etc. A color is also assigned to each primitive.
As a consequence, graphics editors fall into two categories: raster and vector. They differ in the way they present graphical information.

Vector graphic editors.

Vector graphics are ideal for storing high-precision graphic objects (drawings, diagrams, etc.) for which sharp and clear contours are important. You come across vector graphics when you work with computer-aided drawing and computer-aided design systems, with 3D graphics processing programs. All components of a vector image are described mathematically, which means they are absolutely accurate. Vector images are usually drawn manually, but in some cases they can also be obtained from raster images using tracing programs. Vector images cannot provide realism close to the original, but the advantage of vector graphics is that the files that store vector graphics are relatively small. It is also important that vector graphics can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality.

Raster graphic editors.

Bitmap graphics editors are the best way to process photographs and drawings, since bitmaps provide high accuracy in reproducing color gradations and halftones. The way raster images are presented is completely different from vector images. Bitmaps are made up of individual points called a raster. This representation of images does not exist only in digital form. Bitmap images provide maximum realism as every smallest fragment of the original is digitized. Such images are saved in files of much larger volume than vector ones, since they store information about each pixel in the image. Thus, the quality of raster images depends on their size (the number of pixels horizontally and vertically) and the number of colors that the pixels can accept. As a consequence of the fact that they are composed of pixels of a fixed size, free scaling without quality loss does not apply to them. This feature, as well as the very structure of raster images, makes them somewhat difficult to edit and process.

But in addition to creating images, graphic editors allow you to store the resulting images. For this, there are files that are different for vector and raster graphics editors.

3. The main functions of the graphic editor.

Working in a graphics editor refers to graphics processing technology. Some generalized graphics editor is characterized by the following functions:

1. Creating a drawing

a) In manual drawing mode;

b) Using the toolbar (stamps, primitives).

2. Figure manipulation

a) Selection of fragments of the picture;

b) Working out small details of the drawing (enlarging the fragments of the picture);

c) Copying a fragment of the picture to a new location on the screen (and

the ability to cut, glue, delete image fragments);

d) Painting individual parts of the drawing with an even layer or pattern, the ability to apply arbitrary "paints", "brushes" and "spraying" for drawing.

e) Image scaling;

f) Moving the image;

g) Image rotation;

3. Entering text into the image

a) Font selection;

b) Selection of characters (italics, underlining, shading);

4. Working with flowers

a) Creating your own color palette;

b) Creating your own pattern (stamp) for painting;

5. Working with external devices (disks, printer, scanner, etc.)

a) Writing a drawing to disk (floppy disk) as a standard file format (pcx, bmp, tif, gif, jpg, png, etc.);

b) Reading a file from a disk (floppy disk);

c) Printing a drawing;

d) Scanning the drawing.

The mouse is most often used as a "brush", less often the cursor is used when controlling the keyboard. The toolbar is used to draw straight and curved lines, circles (ovals, ellipses), rectangles (squares).

4. Changing the size of the image using the graphics editor Paint.

You can change the size or resolution of a digital image by changing the following characteristics:

  • The number of pixels. The resolution or sharpness of an image is determined by the number of pixels that make it up. Increasing the number of pixels improves the image resolution. This allows large-size images to be printed while maintaining quality. However, keep in mind that the more pixels an image contains, the more disk space it takes up.
  • File Size The amount of disk space that an image takes on a computer and how long it takes to send an image by e-mail is determined by the size of the image file. Although increasing the number of pixels often increases the file size, the file type of the image (such as JPEG or TIFF) has a larger impact on the file size. For example, an image saved in TIFF format will be significantly larger than the same image saved in JPEG format. This is because the JPEG image can be compressed. This reduces file size at the cost of slightly degrading image quality.

If the image file is not a JPEG file, it is usually possible to free up a significant amount of disk space by saving the JPEG file and then deleting the original TIFF image. For information on saving an image in a different file format using Paint, see the following. text.

Steps for resizing an image using Paint

  1. Open Paint. To do this, click the Start button, select the All Programs, Accessories and Paint components in sequence.
  2. Click the Paint button, click Open, select the image you want to resize, and then click Open.
  3. On the Home tab, in the Image group, click Resize.
  4. In the Resize and Skew dialog box, select the Constrain aspect ratio check box to maintain the aspect ratio of the image you want to resize.

Installing and uninstalling software

Software installation is the installation and registration of programs using special Windows tools. The standard installation (and removal) tool is to run the installer with the command Start / Settings / Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs... Installation starts with a click on the button Add / Removewhich launches the program Installation wizard... Use the Browse button to specify the location of the Setup.exe program, which should be included in the distribution kit of the application you are installing, and click Finish. Before installing an application, you must close other active applications.

Remove Windows applications... Removal is performed using the same dialog box. In the list of registered applications, select the object to be deleted and click on the button Add / Remove.

There are other methods for installing the software. However, these methods, as well as the standard installation of untested and unlicensed software, do not guarantee subsequent reliable operation and are considered potentially dangerous.

During installation, the program is registered in the Windows registry, which is a file with data about the programs installed on the computer.

Windows standard applications

Windows comes with a number of useful standard programs:

  • text editor Notepad;
  • graphic editor Paint;
  • text editor WordPad;
  • calculator, etc.

To run the standard applications in question, you must run the commands: Start / Programs / Accessories / ...

Notepad text editor

Notepad is a simple text editor that can be used as a tool for viewing and editing text files such as .txt and some others.

A text editor is a program designed to create, edit and view text documents.
The Notepad text editor takes up little RAM, and therefore it is convenient to use it for keeping short notes, annotations, for exchanging fragments of text between separate applications using the clipboard.
Notepad provides limited tools for document layout. For example, in this program you cannot use different fonts for individual parts of a text document, but you can change the font type, size and style as a whole throughout the document.
Notepad does not automatically wrap words at the end of a line. If a word does not fit in the rest of the line in the editor work area, it either wraps to the beginning of the next line, or continues the current line, shifting the text in the window to the left. Mode switching is performed via the menu Edit / Word Wrap.

A cursor is a vertical bar on the screen that shows the insertion point of the next character. The cursor should not be confused with the mouse pointer. However, the mouse can be controlled by the cursor: clicking with the mouse sets the cursor to a new position.

Switch font performed by SHIFT or CapsLock keys. To enter uppercase (uppercase) letters, use the SHIFT key. If you need to enter a long sequence of uppercase letters, then use the CapsLock key, which works inversely. If the CapsLock mode is on (see the indicator on the keyboard), then the SHIFT key changes its action: when it is held down, lowercase (small) letters are entered. Switching Rus / Lat is performed by the Alt + Shift (Ctrl + Shift) combination or by clicking on the language icon on the display panel (to the right of the taskbar).

Font options are set by the Format / Font command. In the "Select Font" window, you can set the font type, style and size. Most popular font types are Times New Roman, Arial, Courier. Style: Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic. The size is specified in points (typographic unit equal to 1/72 inch or 0.353 mm). Sizes 12 or 14 are more commonly used.

You can open a Notepad document either by double-clicking on the document icon or shortcut, or by using the command File / Open ...

Saving document executed by the command File / Save or File / Save As ...... The last command is used to save the newly created document with its name and folder where it should be located. Command File / Save As ... can also be used to save a previously created document with a new name.

Document editing:
  • moving the cursor to the screen page - Page Up or Page Down;
  • moving the cursor to the beginning or end of the line - Home or End;
  • moving the cursor to the beginning or end of the document - Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End;
  • deleting a character to the left (right) of the cursor - BackSpace (Delete);
  • switching the mode of Insert / Replace - Ins;
  • selection of a word - double click of the mouse (Shift + cursor keys);
  • selection of a line - clicking with the mouse to the left of the line (in the selection area);
  • selection of a fragment of text - drag the mouse to the left of the fragment in the selection area or Shift + cursor keys or Ctrl + PgDn.

Comment . It is better to use the keyboard for precise selection of text. Very often, mouse and keyboard operations are combined in one selection.

Selected text fragments can be copied or moved. Copying and moving takes place via the Windows clipboard. Clipboard - an area of \u200b\u200bmemory in which the cut or copied fragment of the document is temporarily placed. This is done by the command Edit / Cut (or Copy , or Paste ). The same operations are performed by key combinations: CTRL + C - copy to clipboard; CTRL + X - cut to clipboard; CTRL + V Paste from clipboard.
Notepad allows you to automatically specify the dates of creation of documents. To do this, at the beginning of the document (in the first position of the first line), enter the LOG command from the keyboard. After saving this document, at each subsequent opening at the end of the file, the current date will always be automatically added.
The current date and time of creation of the record can also be set using the menu command of the Notepad window Edit / Date and Time ... You can also use the F5 key to automatically insert the current date and time.
Printing a document created in Notepad is carried out using the command File / Print .
Window menu command Search / Find allows you to search for the desired records. To do this, enter a word or a sequence of characters to search in the Search dialog box.

Graphic editor Paint

Graphic editors are called editors for creating and editing images. Paint - the simplest editor bitmap graphics... In raster graphics, an image is built from points (pixels). Another type of graphics is Vector graphics, where images are described by mathematical formulas. The methods for working with these types of graphics are fundamentally different.

Paint program allows you to create and edit arbitrary drawings, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, labels, insert and edit ready-made objects created in other applications. Objects created in Paint can be saved as desktop wallpaper.
The drawing process in the Paint program is carried out using a special Tool kit and color palette... When creating a drawing in the Paint program, the mouse pointer changes its shape depending on the selected tool and the nature of the operation being performed, using the appearance of a pencil, eyedropper, magnifying glass, spray, square, cross, double arrow, etc.

The toolbar contains the following drawing tools:

  • Line - for drawing straight lines;
  • Pencil - for drawing arbitrary lines;
  • Curve - for drawing smooth curved lines;
  • Brush and Spray - for freehand drawing and printing;
  • Rectangle, Rounded rectangle, Ellipse - drawing the corresponding shapes using the broaching method;
  • Polygon - to draw arbitrary polygons with a series of arbitrary clicks. If the last point coincides with the starting point, then the polygon is considered closed and can be filled automatically.
  • Fill - serves to fill closed contours with the main (left mouse button) or background color (right mouse button).
  • Label - for entering text labels.

If the wrong action is performed while drawing, you must select the command Edit / Undo or Ctrl + z.

The choice of background color is carried out by right-clicking on a color on the color palette.

Drawing the correct shapes is carried out while holding down the Shift key.
When you select some tools, additional Use Cases panels (a display with alternatives) appear at the bottom of the toolbar.
The Tool Preferences Palette looks different for each tool and allows you to set:

  • line width;
  • eraser size. To select a simple eraser, press the left mouse button, and the colored eraser - the right button;
  • brush shape;
  • spray size;
  • the type of filling the shape with color (a hollow shape with an outline; a shape filled with a color with and without an outline);
  • background type (transparent or opaque);
  • scale - normal, with an increase of 2, 6 and 8 times for a detailed study of the drawing (by points).

For detailed elaboration of the picture by points (pixels), you can also use the menu commands View / Scale / Large, Select, Show grid.
When starting to create a document in the graphics editor Paint, you need to set the required size of the drawing field at the very beginning of work (using the menu command Drawing / Attributes). This is due to the fact that when the field size is reduced, the picture can be cut off and the lost part cannot be restored even with a subsequent increase in the field size.
Line thickness is specified in the settings palette.
To select individual parts of a drawing for copying, use the Select and Selecting an arbitrary area.

The transformation of the picture is performed through the Picture menu and assumes:

  • rotation of the picture by an angle multiple of 90;
  • stretching and tilting the pattern;
  • replace the color image with black and white, change the color to the opposite.

The status bar displays a hint about the purpose of the selected tool, displays the coordinates of the graphic cursor in pixels and the size of the text field or selection (in pixels).

To enter text into a drawing, use the tool Inscription... After selecting this tool, click on the desired location in the drawing, stretch the text frame to the desired size and enter text using the keyboard. The type, size and style of the font can be changed using Text attribute panelswhich is displayed by setting the corresponding menu switch View.

A graphic object is inserted into the Paint document in the upper left corner of the working area, and a text fragment created in a text editor is inserted at the location of the cursor inside the text frame.

Paint provides the ability to replace any color of the standard palette with one of the 48 colors of the base palette, create your own colors and save the created palettes. To do this, use the corresponding commands on the Options menu.

The main format for saving drawings created in Paint is the (.bmp) format, which has the following varieties:

  • black and white image;
  • 16-color drawing. This format has an extremely limited color gamut, but the file takes up little disk space;
  • 256-color drawing. The file takes up twice as much disk space as when it is saved in a 16-color format;
  • 24-bit drawing. This format provides the highest color quality, but files take up a lot of disk space.

Other formats for saving pictures are also acceptable, among which the most used are (.jpg) and (.gif) - compressed formats, but with a partial loss of image quality.

WordPad word processor

WordPad is a relatively simple word processor.

Unlike word processors, word processors perform the function formatting documents, i.e. the use of various fonts, various alignment methods, embedding figures, tables in the text, control over the flow of graphics with text, automation of routine complex operations with text, etc.

WordPad is a simplified version of the more powerful Word program.

Basic formatting features:

  • configuring Printed Page Options (File / Page Layout);
  • setting paragraph parameters (Format / Paragraph);
  • creation of bulleted lists (Format / Marker);
  • tab control (Format / Tab);

WordPad allows you to create large documents (unlike Notepad) and save them in various formats, such as Word 6.0, RTF or as MS DOS text.

The WordPad word processor is one-window application, i.e. it can only open one document window at a time.
The WordPad program supports the technology of inserting and embedding objects, and when exchanging data between applications, WordPad can be both a server (source) and a client (receiver).
WordPad allows you to design presentations with multimedia elements, including slide shows and short videos, audio connections.


The calculator is a handy tool for performing relatively small calculations. There are two versions of the calculator in Windows: regular and engineering. The figure shows an engineering calculator. Switching to another type of calculator is performed through the View menu in the Calculator program window.

A common calculator performs simple arithmetic operations, calculates percentages, and extracts square roots.
An engineering calculator, in addition, allows you to calculate typical mathematical functions and perform quite complex, for example, statistical calculations.
The calculator has a memory for placing intermediate calculation results. You can copy the calculation results of the calculator to the clipboard. In addition, numerical data from the clipboard can be inserted into the display line (scoreboard) of the calculator for use in subsequent calculations using the calculator.
Calculations can be performed using the mouse, by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the calculator panel, or using the keyboard, by pressing the keys that match the calculator buttons on the screen.

Object Linking and Embedding Technology
(OLE technology)

The connection and implementation of objects created in various applications is carried out in Windows using a special technology called OLE (Object Linking and Embedding - connection and embedding of objects).
OLE technology is a universal mechanism for creating and processing compound documents containing simultaneously objects of different origins, of different nature, for example, text, tables, photographs, sound, etc.
OLE technology uses the following terms and definitions:

    OLE Object (OLE - object) - an arbitrary element created by means of any Windows application that can be placed (embedded and / or linked) into a document of another Windows application. An object can be a whole file or just a fragment of a file.

    OLE Server (OLE - server, source application, source application) - an application that creates an OLE object, i.e. a program that serves another application.

    OLE client (OLE Client, Receiver Application, or Container Application) - An application that accepts an OLE object, i.e. a program that uses the services of an OLE server.

Under introducing Objects means the creation of a complex document containing two or more autonomous objects. The usual means of embedding objects in a document is to import them from a ready-made file in which the object is stored. To do this, use the command Insert / Object ... ... In the opened dialog box Inserting an object to import the inserted object, select the radio button Create a from a file, and the choice on disk is provided by the Browse ... button. You can embed graphic objects, texts, fragments of sound and video recordings into a text document.
When a complex document is saved, both the text and all objects embedded in it are saved. The size of the original text document is increased by the size of the embedded objects.
Another way to place a picture in a word document is binding... In the same dialog Inserting an object there is a checkbox called Communication... If you check this box before inserting, then the linking occurs, i.e. another type of insert. In this case, the object itself is not inserted into the document; instead, only a pointer to the object's location is inserted. When viewing a document, when the user reaches the index, the word processor will go to the address in the index and display the picture in the text of the document. In the case of linking objects, the size of the resulting file will hardly increase, since the pointer takes up very little space. However, when using the method of linking objects, it is necessary to control the integrity of links between objects, which can be violated when moving objects.
Different Windows applications support OLE to varying degrees. Some programs, such as Notepad, do not support it at all. A number of programs - WordArt, Microsoft Equation, etc. can only play the role of an OLE server. Information systems, on the contrary, most often perform only the role of a receiver, i.e. OLE client.
The most powerful Windows applications such as Word, Excel, and others can run as both an OLE server and an OLE client.
OLE technology allows:

    embed objects or fragments of documents created in other applications into the document, as well as edit these objects by means of the application that created them;

    link an object to a document in another application. When a connection is established, this object continues to "live" its own life and serve other documents.


Utilities are designed to maintain the computer and the operating system. They allow you to find and fix file system defects, check both hard and floppy disks for physical defects and correct logical structure, optimize hardware and software settings, etc.

Utilities are accessed through the command Start / Programs / Accessories / System Tools.

The most used program is Scandisk, a disk checker program. It removes logical errors in the file structure (standard check) and physical errors associated with disk surface defects (full check) on hard and floppy disks. A standard check is performed after each abnormal shutdown of the computer. A full check of the hard drive is carried out twice a year or in case of doubt about the reliability of the operation. For a floppy disk, a full check is recommended for file read or write failures.

Disk Defragmenter is a program designed to improve disk performance by eliminating the fragmentation of the file structure. When editing files for a long time or when the disk is full, the system begins to fill not all clusters in a row ( cluster Is the smallest unit of data storage on disk), but only free clusters. Therefore, the file is "spread" across the disk and the access time to it increases. During defragmentation, files are overwritten so that each of them is contained in a group of contiguous clusters.

Formatting a floppy disk is done by right-clicking on the disk icon and choosing Format ... Although floppies are sold already formatted, reformatting removes the layout flaws that Scandisk cannot fix. However, the recorded data is lost. Formatting can be fast or complete. In the first case, only existing files are deleted, in the second case, the disk surface is still checked and defects are eliminated.

Control questions

  1. What are the standard programs included with Windows?
  2. How do I run standard Windows applications?
  3. What is the purpose of the Notepad program?
  4. What types of text files can Notepad edit?
  5. What is a cursor?
  6. How is font switching performed in Notepad?
  7. How are font parameters set?
  8. What are the main types of fonts and their characteristics?
  9. How do I open a document in Notepad?
  10. How can you save a document to disk?
  11. What are the main features of document editing in Notepad?
  12. What is a clipboard?
  13. How can you put an object on the clipboard?
  14. How to insert an object on the clipboard into a document?
  15. List the main elements of the Notepad window and indicate their functionality.
  16. What editors are called graphics? What is their purpose?
  17. How is an image built in raster graphics? in vector?
  18. What type of editors - raster or vector graphics is the Paint graphic editor?
  19. What drawing tools are available on the Paint graphic editor toolbar? What is their purpose?
  20. What is the purpose of the Color Picker and the Paint Editor Tool Customization Palette?
  21. Where are the coordinates of the graphics cursor displayed?
  22. What is the difference between a text editor and a word processor?
  23. What does the document formatting feature include?
  24. What are the basic formatting capabilities included with the Word Pad? How are they implemented?
  25. What formats does WordPad save in?
  26. What is the Calculator for?
  27. What types of calculators are included in Windows? How do you switch from one type of calculator to another?
  28. What are the main features of Simple and Engineering Calculators?
  29. What is OLE technology?
  30. What is OLE Object, OLE Server, OLE Client?
  31. In what ways can you embed and link external objects to the destination document?
  32. List and describe the ways in which an OLE server object is associated with a destination document.
  33. Compare how to embed and link objects.
  34. To what extent do different Windows applications support OLE? Give examples.
  35. What are the capabilities of OLE technology?
  36. What is the purpose of the Windows utilities?
  37. How do you access Windows utilities?
  38. What is ScanDisk used for?
  39. What are the capabilities of ScanDisk's standard and full scan modes?
  40. How often should a standard and complete hard drive scan be performed?
  41. What is the purpose of the Disk Defragmenter?
  42. What is Disk Defragmenter?
  43. What is disk formatting? When do you use formatting?
  44. How can you format a disk?
  45. What are the features of fast and complete disk formatting?

A graphics editor is a special program designed for viewing on a computer. In addition, such software allows you to make drawings yourself. For the first time, the presentation of data in graphical form on a computer was realized in the 50s of the last century. It was at that time that graphic computer programs were developed, which were used in the military and scientific spheres. At the moment, there are three main types of graphic editors - raster, vector and hybrid.

Main functions of graphic editors

The main functions of graphic editors include:

  • in the editor can be created both manually and using special tools (stamps, curves, etc.).
  • Converting an already finished image. Photos and pictures can be moved, rotated and scaled. Also, such programs provide the ability to work with individual parts of the image. For example, a function such as deleting a fragment of an image is usually available. Pictures can also be copied in full or in parts, as well as glued and painted.
  • Entering text into a picture. You can usually use a wide variety of fonts - both modern and stylized "antique".
  • Working with external devices. The drawn or edited image, if desired, can be printed on a printer without leaving the program. Of course, the file can be saved to any folder on your hard or external drive.

Bitmap editors

A raster graphic editor is a tool designed primarily for processing ready-made images. This software guarantees the most accurate reproduction of tones and halftones. Consists of many points called pixels. Bitmap pictures are extremely realistic. The quality is determined by the number of pixels, as well as their ability to transmit color. The more dots of different shades the image contains, the sharper it is. Bitmap graphics editors have one small drawback. Free scaling of images using them without loss of quality is impossible. The fact is that each picture contains a strictly fixed number of points. Therefore, let's say that when the image is enlarged, the points will simply become larger. That is, the picture will lose clarity.

Most often, the bitmap is saved in However, most editors also support such common formats as bmp, gif, tif, etc.

Vector graphic editors

A vector graphics editor is a program designed to create high-precision images. These can be, for example, drawings or diagrams. Such pictures are much clearer than raster ones. All elements are described mathematically. Therefore, the magnification of such a picture can be performed absolutely without loss of clarity. However, a vector cannot provide such a realistic image as a raster editor.

Graphic editors of vector graphics allow not only to make drawings manually, but also to convert raster images into schemes. For this, the so-called tracing method is used. Thus, for example, an ordinary photo can be converted into a stylish poster. The files into which vector images are saved are small compared to raster files.

Hybrid graphics editors

In the hybrid graphics editor, you can use both raster and vector tools to create an image. The main disadvantage of such programs is the complexity of use. Therefore, they have not yet become particularly widespread.

Bitmap editor Paint

So, a graphic editor - what is it? This is a very convenient software, an indispensable tool in the work of artists, photojournalists, engineers, architects, etc. Today, there are editors, both very complex, designed for professionals, and simpler ones, used by ordinary people. The latter include Paint, a one-window bitmap editor available on almost every home computer. Most of the window of this program is occupied by the drawing area. in Paint is located on the left. The program allows you to freely draw, scale pictures, change their color, erase unnecessary details, as well as cancel all these actions in almost one click.

Raster editor Adobe Photoshop

Like all bitmap graphics editors, Adobe Photoshop is designed to work primarily with digital photographs. This program was developed as a tool for professionals, but very quickly gained popularity among amateurs. Its main distinguishing feature is a truly unlimited list of toolkit possibilities. With this program it is easy to cut out separate parts of images, create masks, change the proportions of pictures and their individual parts. If desired, you can apply a variety of effects to a photo or picture, change their color, brightness, saturation, contrast, etc.

Corel Draw vector editor

The working tools of the graphics editor Corel Draw are, first of all, geometric shapes that can be converted into any other images, as well as curves. Using the latter, it's easy to perfect a hand-drawn picture. You can paint over the resulting images using a variety of methods. If desired, it is allowed to use both simple colors and various kinds of patterns and textures.

Drawings in Corel Draw are created on a worksheet in the center of the window. The toolbar is located on the left side.

A graphics editor is a thing that can be useful in a variety of situations. It is certainly worth learning to use even the simplest one. Using this software, you can turn any nondescript photo into a real work of art, make a caricature or draw an interesting picture and send it to your friends.

Lesson topic:Graphic editors and their purpose. Basic graphics editor tools .

Lesson type: combined

Lesson objectives:


To acquaint students with the environment of the graphic editor, to teach how to use the basic tools of the graphic editor: “Pencil”, “Brush”, “Line”, “Curve”, “Rectangle”, “Circle”, “Eraser”, “Fill”.


- development of the ability to self-study;

- development of attention,

- visual memory,

- logical thinking;


responsible attitude to information and work with it;

training in mutual control skills;

development of students' creative activity.

Lesson plan

1. Org. moment

2. Updating

    Physical education

6. Securing the material.

During the classes

1. Org. moment

Hello guys. Check if everyone is prepared for the lesson.

2. Updating

In the previous lessons, when we worked with the MO Word program, we learned how to draw pictures using autoshapes, but creating a complex image from the bottom is quite difficult. The graphic editor Paint can give us much more possibilities for drawing.

3. Explanation of the new material

Today we will learn what a graphic editor is and consider its capabilities, and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

A graphics editor is a program for creating and modifying images.

There are many different graphics editors. They are classified according to the type of graphics. Main types: raster and vector.

A bitmap is composed of pixels.

The vector image consists of geometric primitives.

We will work with you in the raster graphic editor Paint.

Let's consider the interface of the paint editor.

If any panel is missing, go to the View menu and click on the disabled panel.

Consider the Paint tools:

To work in Paint, you must use the following drawing algorithm:

    Physical education

    Practical work on the computer

Draw a butterfly

6. Securing the material.

What is a graphics editor?

What Paint Tools Do You Know?

Drawing algorithm

How do I draw a curve?

7. D. z. To consolidate practical skills, draw a fig. "Butterflies" and send it to the school mail.