What \u200b\u200b RAM memory is installed. Increased obsyagu operational memory. What is RAM made up of

Working memory

RAM is one of the main components of the computer, without it the system cannot work. Obsyag and characteristics installed in the system of operational memory without intermediary inject into the speed of the robotic computer. Let's say it on a simple calm equal, like it's out there and now it's needed in a computer.

How already understood the names, operational memory computer or RAM (operational memory device) in computer jargon "RAM", and so it is just "memory" to serve for the operational (time-hour) collection of data necessary for work. However, such an explanation did not fully understand what to mean timchasovogo and navіscho їh zberіgati in the operation, if є hard drive. The simplest advice on nutrition, what does it mean for the time saving of data. The design of the operational memory is vikonan in such a way that the data in it are saved less than doti, the docks on it are energized, so there is an energy-storage memory on the vіdminu hard drive. Computer shutdown, reloading clears the operative memory and all the data that is in it at the moment is visible. Initiate a short interruption in the transmission of voltage to the building memory strips, reset them or recall the error of a small part of the information. In other words, the operational memory of the computer zberіgaє zavantazhenі in it given a maximum of one session of the robotic computer.

Otzhe, operational memory serve as a buffer between central processor and winchester. A hard disk is energy-independent and saves all the information in the computer, but you pay for it povіlna swidkіst roboti. Like a processor, taking bi data directly from a hard disk of a computer, vin pratsyuvav bi like a turtle. The solution to this problem is to serve as a buffer between them in front of the operational memory.

Memory is energy-saving and helps to provide constant living for your work, but it won't be much faster. If the processor needs some data, these data are read from the hard drive and are taken into RAM and all further operations with them are taken into it. Upon completion of work with them, in order to save the results, then the stench is sent back to a hard disk for recording on a new one, and from the operational memory the stench is seen, so as to save a place for other data. If you don't need to save the results, the computer's RAM is simply cleared.

So in a very simple way, they look at their mutual relations. The memory of the central processor information from the RAM may also need other components, for example, a video card. Naturally, at once in memory, anonymous data are saved, oscalls of all programs, like you launch or you find files are captured in it. Browser files, through which you can see an infectious site, and the Internet site itself is itself in the operational memory.

It means that the data from the hard drive itself is copied to the RAM, until the changes are saved with them back to the disk, they will be left there old version. For the same reasons, for example, a Word file and making changes in the editor in a new way, you need to save money in the end, when the file is taken back to the hard disk and overwritten there.

Different components of a computer interoperate with each other not directly, but through different interfaces, so for the exchange of information between the processor and RAM, the system bus is broken.

The productivity of the entire computer depends on the speed of the work of all warehouses, and the most important of them will be a hot pot for the robot of the entire system. The appearance of operational memory significantly increased the speed of the work, but did not solve all the problems. In the first place, the speed of robotic RAM is not ideal, but in another way, a successful interface can be exchanged according to the throughput capacity.

A further development of technology has led to the fact that in the annex, high-speed data processing began to be stored in the memory, it is used to transfer data back and forth, and in such situations, more data memory is stored in RAM. A video adapter can serve as an example, the cache of the central processor and so on. Navit rich Winchester at once with your internal high-capacity buffer, which allows you to speed up the read / write operation. Vidpovіd on nutrition, why tsya vysokoshvidkіsna memory does not vikoristovuєtsya contagiously in the capacity of the operational arc simple, deakі tehnіchnі foldedness, but smut її dorozhnecha.

on the narazі hour, there are two types of memory that can be stored in the capacity of operational memory in a computer. Resentment is a memory based on narrations with sufficient access. In other words, memory allows you to take access to any of your element (middle) at the її address.

SRAM (Static random access memory) - is prepared on the basis of conductor triggers and may even have a high operational speed. There are two main shortcomings: high varity and borrowing a lot of money. At the same time, it is mainly used for small-capacity caches in microprocessors or in specialized outbuildings, which are not critical. To that in the distant mi її we will not look.

DRAM (Dynamic random access memory) is the most widely used memory in computers. It was inspired on the basis of capacitors, which has a high recording capacity and a remarkably low varity. There are no volanses of the compliance with the specialty of the condenser, and SAME, groaning the condenser of Nexlessly, to call the Self-Defingency to the Shvidskaya self-discharge, the charge is per_iodically, Popovnyvati. This process is called memory regeneration, viniclo and dynamic memory. Regeneration of the litter galmuє swidkіst її robots, to that zastosovuyut different intellectual circuits to change the temporal blockages.

The development of technologies at a steady pace and a thorough memory is not a fault. The computer's operative memory, which zastosovetsya in this hour, takes its cob from the expansion of DDR SDRAM memory. It has doubled the speed of the work in parallel with the front rows for two operations in one clock cycle (on the front and on the signal gap), the sound and the name of DDR (Double Data Rate). Therefore, the effective frequency of data transmission is higher than the dual clock frequency. At the same time, you can practically use it only in the old state, then DDR2 SDRAM was created on this basis.

In DDR2 SDRAM, the frequency of the robot bus was doubled, but the stutters grew slightly. For the cost of the new case and 240 contacts per module, there is no way back for DDR SDRAM and the effective frequency is 400 to 1200 MHz.

At the same time, the most expanded memory is the third generation of DDR3 SDRAM. For the sake of technological solutions and a decrease in the voltage of life, it was possible to reduce the energy supply and raise the effective frequency, which was to become from 800 to 2400 MHz. Regardless of the same housing and 240 contacts, DDR2 and DDR3 memory modules are electrically inseparable between themselves. For protection from the vipadkovo installation, the key (the key in the payment) is located in another location.

DDR4 is a promising development, as soon as the next hour will come to replace DDR3 and, therefore, reduce power and increase high frequencies, up to 4266 MHz.

In order with the frequency of the robot, a great injection on the pіdbag's portability of the robot is to set the timings. Timings are called timings between the team and victories. The stench is necessary, so that the memory could be “prepared” until the її vikonannya, in another case, part of the data could be created. Obviously, the less timings (memory latency) the better and the more efficient memory processing with other equals. A lot of memory, as you can put into a computer to lie in the form of a mother's board. The memory is separated as physically by the number of slots for installation, so in the larger world, software is separated by a specific motherboard or installed operating system computer.

At the tanning vipadku for the survequence of the І robots in the official programs to reach 2 GB, Yikscho Virkєte in the shortly of the photo of the photographer, Vimogliyi vikrovyvati, Vimogliyi, then to touch Pam'yati by Program, then there is an inappropriate 4 GB.

Follow the mother at the evacuation, what is the operating time in Denmark Windows systems released in two versions: 32-bit (x32) and 64-bit (x64). Maximum number of available operating systems in 32-bit versions in fallback different combinations Approximately 2.8 to 3.2 GB of components, so if you install 4 GB in your computer, the system will be 3.2 GB maximum. The reason for this exchange appeared at the dawn of the appearance of operating systems, if there was nothing to remember about such obsyags in the rainbow dreams themselves without thinking. Іnuє ways to allow a 32-bit system to work with 4 GB of memory, but all the "militia" and not on any change work.

So Windows 7 Pochatkov Starter itself can only be a 32-bit version and is surrounded by a maximum RAM of 2 GB.

64-bit versions of the operating system do not experience such problems, for example, Windows 7 Home base supports up to 8 GB, and Home expands up to 16 GB. As it is not enough for you, we kindly ask you to speed up the versions of Professional, Corporate or Maximum, where you can install up to 192 GB of memory.

List of victories of Internet resources

computer RAM

1. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%EF%E5%F0%E0%F2%E8%E2%ED%E0%FF_%EF%E0%EC%FF%F2%FC

2. http://beginpc.ru/hardware/operativnaya-pamyat-kompyutera

3. http://smartronix.ru/chto-takoe-operativnaya-pamyat

If the computer fails, it may periodically hang and tumble. We often think that the problem is with the virus, in important games, or because Windows 7, 8, XP is not installed correctly. However, you haven’t played it for a long time, and there are no viruses on the computer, but there are problems with the proper work of the PC, it’s better for everything, your device simply doesn’t get operative memory. Sob to know for sure, it is necessary to marvel, as if її kіlkіst zadіyano. Possibly, it will be necessary to increase your debt.

The current PC is a foldable accessory that has taken everything from the best scientific and technical achievements. An important warehouse for a computer, a crim OS (windows 7, 8, XP) - RAM, RAM (RAM) or RAM.

In appearance, operational memory - tse vbudovaniya in motherboard module. Integration into the system is required for the help of a special slot. The module is composed of memory chips or strips. Technical indicators of RAM boards have a direct impact on the productivity of the entire system.

Vzagali, there are two types of memory in the computer: accumulative or permanent (hard disk, on which \u200b\u200bOS is installed) and operational.

The memory is accumulated because all information is stored on the railway. If you turn off the computer, then all data will be saved on the new one.

At the time of the operational memory, be it the information that was saved in it during the streaming session, it will be immediately deleted after the computer is turned off. RAM is energy-saving, so data is saved in it until the PC is turned on. Therefore, if you don’t want to, so that the data was spent, it is not recommended to leave the documents on the computer in front of the wiki.

Trochs about RAM

The Danish kind of memory is reminiscent of high swedishness. Hour її vіdguku when drinking coristuvach much less, lower yakbi you turned to cumulative memory. Obviously, as you often run a lot of add-ons on windows 7, windows 8, windows XP or other OS, then you need more RAM.

What is the need for operational memory? Golovne zavdannya operative memory - saving timchasovyh data, like vikoristovu central processor, for which it is necessary. So, in the RAM, data is stored about all the launches on the attached programs.

If you switch your PC to sleep mode, then the streaming session will be saved by itself in the RAM.

The RAM saves all the commands that require a central processor for robots with running add-ons.

The amount of RAM is smaller, the size of the hard drive is lower. The reason is that the RAM is not designated for storing important files. In fact, only sets of registers are saved in it, where the necessary commands and data are placed, which are sent to the central processor. The exchange of information is possible for registers of zero equal or cache, for which I need RAM resources. Now you are responsible for understanding why you need operational memory

Important indicators of RAM

Mayuchi is richer in high speed recording, reading and transmitting data, lower storage memory on the computer, RAM may have a lot of specific characteristics, thus adding to the speed. Ale main parameters of any RAM module, regardless of OS (7, 8, XP) - total and clock frequency. Under the general understanding of the amount of information, how can you save RAM. The greater the value, the more data can be saved at once in memory boards. Obviously, with the growth of the contract, the productivity of the system will also increase. Since the OZP module can have a small memory, then with great ambitions on a PC ( running programs, Play video files, play games, etc.) the system may be halted. RAM is simply not capable of processing such a number of one-hour running processes.

The clock frequency is a measure of the speed of exchange of information between the operational memory and the computer's processor. What else is needed? If the OZP module is to process the volume, but the clock frequency (so the speed of the exchange of information) is not high, then it can lead to a proper work of the system.

What kind of RAM is considered normal?

Here everything is stored not by the type of operating system on the computer (windows 7, windows 8, windows XP and others), but by the type of capacity (32-bit or 64-bit). So, for x32 bit systems, the maximum amount of memory is 3 GB, you simply can’t take more stench. Often, 4 GB RAM models are installed on x32 bit PCs (this one is especially critical for 32, and not for 64-bit systems). What does it mean? We can only use 3 GB as much as possible. As in the course of the work of the operational memory, it becomes more turbulent, then the x32 bit system simply does not allow it to grow. The PC is more likely to slow down, freeze, but add one gigabyte so it doesn’t speed up, even though it won’t. The problem is only solved by installing a 64-bit system.

In OS Windows 7 x32 bit (on Windows XP) the system requires all 4 GB of RAM. In the x64 bit version, it can be installed in the version of windows 7. So, if it's Home Basic or Home Premium, then the maximum RAM limit on the 64-bit version is 8 and 16 GB. Yakscho tse windows version Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate, it is theoretically possible to install up to 128 GB of RAM. Such modules are installed only on 64-bit systems and are recognized for servers. On a standard computer, up to 16 GB of RAM is installed as much as possible. If you want, you can install as a whole and more, smut, so that the motherboard vitrimal.

How to recognize the capacity of a computer

Dіznatisya, x32 bit or x64 bit you have windows system 7, 8 or XP is simple, for which you need to grind your feet:

  • Press the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the working table;
  • Go to "Computer";
  • There you can see the disks installed on the system. It is necessary to press the right mouse button on the head of them.

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno "Vlastivostі", where you can wonder what kind of capacity you have a system (32 or 64-bit.

See operational memory

Use two types of RAM: DRAM and SRAM

  1. DRAM - dynamic random access memory. Її gіdnostі - economy and availability. Nedolik - visible povolnist (if you want to take care of your accumulating memory, then it’s just a stream). Warto on the big current outbuildings no matter what OS (windows 7, windows 8, windows XP and others). By the look of the standard RAM modules, they are inserted into the slots of the motherboard;
  2. SRAM - static random access memory. The module has a special configuration, which significantly increases the speed of the work, which allows you to launch a lot of volume add-ons at once. Necessary for the creation of superficial PCs. The system block has elements of RAM and CPU boards. There is only one such memory - the price of such modules is high. Before speech, the central processor can have a static memory.

How to marvel, how much RAM is blocked?

For which you need to open the task manager. The easiest way to do this is to press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. Tsey method of concurrency for any OS on Windows: 7, 8, XP. Open the DZ, go to the “Memory” tab, where you will specify the amount of memory that the system is currently playing. Programs and add-ons on a PC are constantly curving, turning, changing, so the data about the amount of installed RAM can change right before your eyes. Glancing, how the processes appear in the dispatcher on the day, the next time they change, like a computer is a folding machine, and like an important hour, 32 or 64 discharged you have to stand.

Also, the operational memory is divided into vidi fallow vіd i shvidkodії. Tse SIMM, DIMM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3. As simple as that, the skin of the offensive looked more swedish. Similar to PC operating systems, the new version is new: XP, 7, 8 - more productive, lower in front. Swiftness of robotic memory, as it was said more, to lie in the frequency. DDR can operate at 200 - 400 MHz, DDR2: 533 - 1200 MHz, DDR3: 800 - 2400 MHz. SIMM and DIMM are rare, only on old PCs, not on modern ones. DDR RAM other versions xp)

It is important that a different type of RAM may be installed on the computer. All lie in the mother's payment. If you see the RAM it fits, sound as indicated on the packaging.

By the way, Windows 7 usually uses twice as much RAM, lower Windows XP or windows 8. So, for the production of the same data in memory, it takes a lot more space.

Enlargement of the operational memory

If you want to increase the amount of RAM on Windows 7, 8 or XP, it’s necessary to look at the beginning, for the recognition of the victory over the whole task, for which you need to follow the steps:

  • It is necessary to clean the computer with a primer. For whom, please defragment the disk;
  • Go to auto-advance program. Maybe, the additions will automatically be vanquished, which you don’t earn. In auto-advantage, turn them on. If you have a 64-bit system, the productivity of any other 32-bit one, such add-ons can be rich .;
  • Vikonate the translation on the virus (possibly, obsyag zadiyanoї memory zbіlshivsya zієї reasons);
  • Also, the amount of working memory could be increased through the installation of an important program.

As a matter of fact, it was necessary to increase the speed of the operational memory, for which it is necessary to use the offensive memory:

  • Change the size (x32 bit or x64 bit system). It is better to know, to which values ​​you can increase the RAM (if you have a x32 bit system and a PC, if you have started to work properly, then you can only add the x64 bit version);
  • Turn off the PC, turn off the life;
  • Open the cover of the system unit;
  • Remove the OZP module. Zrobiti tse do not sound well, it is necessary to marvel less, like a wine to cling to the mother's pay. Mostly small buds;
  • Insert a new RAM module.

Sometimes clean up old modules on the computer not obov'azkovo. For example, if you have 2 GB of RAM (two boards of 1 GB each) and the motherboard has 4 slots, then you can add two similar modules to increase the memory up to 4 GB. When buying, it is important not to have mercy. You can just make one module and bring yoga to the store. It's easier. Tim is more likely to need to buy a lot of modules. Until then, the seller does not have any food: what kind of fee is required? You just say what is needed, but you won’t explain what?, now? and why? But remember that if the system is not 64-bit, all 4 GB will not be accepted by the computer.

Working memory important functions In order to ensure the safety of the computer, it is important that it is sufficient. If you have a 64-bit system - it's not a problem in principle. If it doesn’t matter, Windows 7, 8 or XP you have to stand. On which component, save not varto, it is better to buy RAM with a large volume. The goal is to increase the productivity of the system and to allow the computer to be fully exploited at maximum efficiency.

RAM is an essential component of any PC. And this year's marriage can easily be compensated by installing new RAM modules. If you have an x32 bit system, then you won't be able to install more than 4 GB. But it's not a problem. You can add OS with x64 bit system.

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Operative memory, ukupі zі spominom accumulative (hard disk), є accumulative outbuildings, and necessary for the collection of data. Why is operational memory needed? Just as a hard disk is beaten for permanent file saving: music, films, images, then RAM is needed for time saving of data, as it is beaten when the computer is roboted by a processor. When the computer is turned off, the entire memory is visible. RAM - quickly memorizing attachment, so it means Danish view memory.

See operational memory

The main characteristics, which are responsible for the operational memory, are the security and security of access to a place in niy danimi. There are two types of memory: SRAM and DRAM.

DRAM is a dynamic type of operational memory. The main priority is accessibility and economy. Most importantly, \u200b\u200b is installed on most personal computers and laptops.

SRAM is a static type of operational memory. The leaders of the special implementation of the module, Volodya promoted swidkistyu in robots, allowing you to operate with a great obligation of tribute. Until nedolіkiv vіdnosit dorozhnechu vrobnitstva.

Job organization

What rank is organized by the robot, and why should operational memory serve? RAM is called a module, which is integrated into the motherboard, placed in a special slot. Volodya with a set of registers, in which data and commands are placed, addressing the central processor. Mutual exchange is entered through the register of zero equal or through the cache.

What to rob operational memory? In essence, you won't be able to take revenge on the data and commands that are processed at the current moment of the hour, and also save the change of the OS streaming session. An operational system of vicorist memory in your robot, which allows you to implement all your functionality. When the computer goes into sleep mode, save the streaming session.

RAM module size

Vіd vіd obyagu operative memory without intermediary to deposit the swidkіst of a robotic computer. The greater the capacity of the RAM module, the more programs function: the games do not play, the video is processed more quickly, the possibility of a greater number of programs at once becomes possible. Іsnuyuchi expansion of operative memory modules:

  • 128MB
  • 256MB
  • 512MB

At the moment, the development of computer technology and software The optimal size of the RAM will be 1 to 2 gigabytes of RAM.

Axis mi i razіbralis, navіscho need operative memory. It was not enough to give a list of the most popular designations in computer jargon, just to be in the know. Computer RAM is also often called such words as: RAM, memory, memory.

Irrespective of the development of technologies and their total popularization, it’s all right to put the question: “What is operational memory?” Chantly more than you chuli about those who are as good as they are and as fast as they are. Ale plainly explain what it is and what it needs, you can only be alone. Obviously, on the Internet there are anonymous articles from the first drive, but you don’t know any clear evidence.

Most often, we stick to the concept of "working memory" when choosing a computer. And the only thing that we see in our right, is the rule “the more, the better”. Really, it’s more correct than often. It is far from necessary to buy a computer with a great amount of memory. Ale about everything in order.


theoretical side

If you take all the appointments, if they are on the Internet, then you can bring them forward:

Operative memory is the same memory, in which timchas, intermediate data are saved.

Її also called RAM, (operational memory attachment) or RAM (Random Access Memory or memory with sufficient access), OP (abbreviation). We will vikoristovuvaty all cі understand. At first glance, the fortune-telling of the appointment is supposed to be foldable, but at once we can sort everything out.

As you can see, there are two types of memory in a computer - operational and permanent.

So the axis, the difference between them can be illustrated on one simple application. Tsey text was typed in the document. If you are friends, if you don’t have savings on your computer yet, then you won’t take a single byte of permanent memory (on a hard drive). And where did you change wine? Yakraz in the operating room.

If we have saved yogo on the computer, we have already begun to take up space in our permanent memory. Vaughn, before speech, is called ROM (Read Only Memory). Exactly the same way it works with robots, be it some other program. As long as you haven’t saved the data, the stench is responsible for saving it here, but you can’t take real space on the disk (even if you didn’t save it). So axis, zberіgayutsya stench itself in the OP.

Tobto the RAM is like a buffer, which saves data until now, until it is saved in permanent memory. If you take a more familiar life situation for us, then all the above described can be illustrated in a different way. Supposedly, you bought tomatoes, licorice peppers, parsley, chasnik and ogirki, to make a salad.

You put them on the board to cut them. At the moment, the stench is not in the salad yet, but even now it is not in the shops, the stench is on the doshtsi. For this butt, a dobna has been added and є RAM (operational). Here there is a small crop, and then the vegetables are placed in a vessel, as if representing a ROM (permanent memory).

Mal. 2. Two kinds of computer memory on the butt of salad

Vlasne, in tsomu i polagaє vіdminnіst. If you change your computer or turn it off, and if you don’t save data, the stench will be gone. If you save them (for example, for which you need to press the "File" button, then "Save"), the stench will be permanently placed.

All clear?

If not, write about it in the comments.

I realized that the more RAM, the better, even if you can simultaneously process more information. If you take a cherries butt with vegetables and salad, then you figured out that the more you will make a plate, the more the number of tomatoes, the ogirks and other products will be placed on it.

If you have one ALE - if your bowl for salad is too small and you live alone, then there is no sense to bathe even a large doshka. You simply won’t cook salad sheets, and if you do, the stench will stand in the refrigerator and disappear.

In the same rank, there is absolutely no sense to choose a computer with a large amount of RAM, so you don’t plan to work on a new warehouse and your memory is not great. Axis mi і pіdіyshli up to the choice of OP.

For the sake of it, about what we talked about in our distribution, it was possible to make such visnovkas:

  1. Operative memory or RAM, RAM, OP - tse yakiys intermediary stage between permanent memory and koristuvach.
  2. Operativka to avenge in your data until the feast, until the stench is placed in a constant.
  3. If you need to enter some data, the stench is saved by itself in RAM, and then saving is already placed in ROM.
  4. If you do not save the information, as it is currently being processed by the RAM, there it is.

How to choose the operational memory

In order to select the choice of the RAM, it is necessary to be vigilant with one more criteria, and, by the way, you will be victorious on the computer. Tse looking at the coming rank:

  • How much do you need to practice? text documents, Pіdіyde 1 GB OP normal work Word and all office suites);
  • and if you need to complete the graphics or increase it, you need to buy the maximum amount of RAM - at the moment it can be 16 GB or more;
  • If you need an average, then for today 8 GB is the optimal indicator (which one to download for normal work, high not to the maximum speed, and to finish all other tasks).

Porada: Choose programs that you plan to win on the computer and marvel systemic help up to them. There, singsongly, the necessary obsyag operational memory will be indicated. Spirites on tsey display when choosing.

Mal. 3. Computers in the store

It's worth changing, if you choose a whole computer, and not RAM memory. We will talk about another situation for a little while. And before that, let's take a look at the information about those, how to find out, how many times the OP is on your computer.

How to recognize the actual RAM

First, give ways to allow the viscounty to set a task, it is necessary to clarify a few moments.

For some reason, the operational memory (physically) is a small straight-cut fee, as it is inserted at the different roses of the mother's board.

Mal. 4. OP module and motherboard socket for new

So axis, myself best way, How to find out about RAM, just to be sure, just to look at the module itself and know there the number of the order with the word “GB”, that is Gіgabyte. You can see the axis as well.

Mal. 5. Obsyag operative memory, indications on modules

Krim tsgogo, dіznatisya, skilki OP is really installed in the computer, you can get help special programs i, and itself:

1. Through the power of the system. For whom it is necessary to go to "Computer", click on the "Power of the system" and wonder, how many GB it was ordered to write "Installed \u200b\u200bmemory ...".

Mal. 6. Revisiting RAM through system power

2. Through the task manager. You can start yoga in two ways: for the additional introduction of the Start menu in a row for a second request and for the additional one-hour pressing of the “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Delete” buttons. The zanedbanom dispatcher will need to go to the tab "Shvidkodiya" and return respect to the division "Physical memory". This way is a good one, so you can marvel at those, the links of GB (or MB) are victorious at the moment (the same division and distribution of "Memory").

Mal. 7. Revision of RAM through the task manager

3. Through the program. You need to say it right away (the axis is sent to the page of interest from the official site), then run it, go to the "Memory" tab and pay respect to those who are assigned the order with the inscription "Size". Tse i є real obsyag RAM.

Mal. 8. Revision of RAM through the CPU-Z program

Vzagali, programs, similar to CPU-Z, are really majestic impersonal. Even better practice, for example, AIDA64. Choose the one that suits you best.

In another way, the crime of obsyagu in RAM is impersonal other characteristics, such as frequency, type and more. If you choose the OP not at once with the computer, but rather, it is necessary to pay respect to them.

Axis mi and pіdіyshli to the power of zbіlshennya operative memory.

Vtіm, as you have decided not to buy a ready-made computer as a whole, but to select it from a few details, then aiming at a distance, these criteria will also be relevant for you.

Good day to all, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today, I want to tell you in detail about what is the operational memory of the computer and why it is needed. I’m obviously aware that I’ve known the recognition of the RAM for a long time, but I would still like to dig deeper. Father, let's go!

Operational memory in a personal computer (PC) is used for time saving of data, which are processed by the processor. Short term її naming RAM (operational memory device). IN English the abbreviation RAM (random access memory - memory with sufficient access) is chosen.

What is RAM made up of?

For physical parameters, RAM is a small fee, with placement on it:

  • chips;
  • module components (capacitors, resistors);
  • keys 'for installation;
  • cooling systems (they are equipped with modern expensive RAM options).

"Keys" - open small strips on the ends, as a way to change the wrong RAM into the slot on the motherboard.

Why is operative memory needed in a computer?

The RAM is vicorated in the quality of the time buffer and poured into it. Let's take a closer look at the robot "operativkb" more report. The information is taken from the hard drive to the RAM, and then processed by the central processor. So it seems to be constant. The process of exchanging data can be carried out without interruption, but more often it is the fate of the new cache memory.

Kesh is a small lot in a special way for your memory, in which information is often collected. It’s even more convenient, because when you ask for information, it’s more likely to be processed by the processor, which will significantly speed up the PC robot.

Modern processors and equipped with cache. The cache of the rest is included in the process when there are some volumes of data ("important" programs, archives, sound and video files). It is important to remember that the data, as they are saved in RAM for an hour of work with a computer, are seen the next day after the shutdown.

Swap file

RAM is composed of so-called middle. It’s like that, so that the middle ones don’t stop (data are not placed in the “RAM”), in this case, the download file comes to the rescue. Danny, if you don’t fit into the middle of the RAM, go into the download file, memory for someone, it looks like a hard disk. At the link, the speed of the rest is lower than the speed of the RAM, the replacement of the download file improves the PC robot.

Koristuvach can adjust the swap himself, but without knowing the principle of the robotic element, it is not recommended to change it.

Before the speech, you can always, soblnite її vіd indecent moth. I wrote about it in an okremіy statti.

Types of memory modules

Sob not to get into the net and reportly describe the skin type of "RAM" and recognition, apparently only the main ones.

There are two main types of RAM sticks: for a desktop computer and for a laptop. The stench is rozraznyayutsya rozmirami (bar for a laptop 2 times smaller). current modules RAM denoted by the English abbreviation DDR (double data rate). The DDR standard appeared on the cob of zero and mіtsno fixing positions.

The first generation of DDR allowed to transfer more data, lower DIMM. With the advent of DDR 2, the number of data transferred has become even larger. At the same time, DDR 2 is not victorious, you can know what's in decimal-old computers. Now the DDR 3 format is already obsolete, but it continues to win, as it seems to me that this type has been found.

himself current option- Tse DDR 4, which is installed in new computers. Vіdrіznyayutsya vsі 4 standard shvidkіstyu work і frequency. With the frequency of memory, like and z її obsyagom, the more - the better.

So, don't think you can plug one type of memory into a slot for another type, for example DDR3 into a slot for DDR2. As you can bachiti, these types of keys are in different places, the stench simply cannot get into the motherboard.

RAM covers

How much operational memory is needed for a modern koristuvach? All fall in vіd tsіley i zavdan. For example, for a great work on a PC, which includes downloading light software and web surfing, downloading 2 GB, and for lovers of barbies computer games and designers, like victorists graphic editors, Tsgogo will oblige a little. The current “games” are borrowed from the timchasovy shovishchi in 3 GB and more. Since there is not enough memory on board, the system will seriously upgrade its work.

When choosing an obligatory memory, it is necessary to focus on the range of tasks for which a personal computer will be used. For example, on a desktop computer, I have 8 GB of RAM and less than that. But the laptop has only 4 GB, and I also run some programs at once, for example, Photoshop and Camtasia Studio, and a browser with 10 tabs, but it’s hardly indicated on the robot’s speed. Sometimes you see a sign with a bad inscription, that I have taken the memory tightly).

With respect, Dmitro Kostin.