How to get a router to the wireless Internet. How to connect a WiFi router to a computer.


Behind my guards, few are quiet, who can manage on their own connect wifi router at home, they knew how to do it CORRECTLY - plug in a router, arrange for it to help a wireless Wi-Fi network and integrate it into it different outbuildings. In the wake of which one gets stuck with difficulties every year, it could be possible to overcome it at the stage of designing a local network.

How to connect a wifi router?

First, let’s proceed to the cover description, I want to emphasize your respect for what is necessary for the creation of a fully local dartless mesh You need to buy

such an attachment itself, like a ROUTER, otherwise they call it a ROUTER,

so much so similar in appearance and functionality to outbuildings of various recognition. For example, through ignorance, it is easy to confuse with a dart router without WiFi, which can also send an Internet signal through outbuildings, but for additional cables - as a rule, it has no antenna.

Second attachment, similar to old-fashionedhotspot, At which the trochs of vіdmіnі vіd of our bosses flared up. The characteristic appearance of the router as an access point is the presence of the first number of sockets for interconnected cables, then one should sound at the wine point.

The sense of connecting the router is that now, and not your PC, it will be connected to the Internet via a cable. For which all the necessary parameters are necessary for the connection with the provider desktop computer, now it will be written in the settings of the router. And all the other extensions will already recognize the Internet for wifi according to the rules, as it will be for the new task. For clarity, look at the diagram:

In order to connect wi-fi at home, I selected a dozen models from absolutely spring pickers, and I can say with confidence what is in the plan wifi router and connection to the provider of retail between them is more limited by the details of the graphical design of the admin panel. Therefore, once you have mastered the principle on one model, you can master it on others. Today, as an example, I illustrate with screenshots from two routers - TrendNet TEW-632BRP and ASUS WL-520GC.

How to connect the Internet via DHCP?

Perche nalashtuvannya, yak mi razberemo, tse configured DHCP server.
If earlier the computer was one and one, having taken the IP address of the provider, then we can send a lot of computers and gadgets to the router. And it means that the router itself will replace the computer itself with the provider’s possessions, and within our home network between the devices, it will assign the internal IP address to the skin of computers, laptops, telephones, TV and everything else.

Order dіy:

1. After connecting to electricity, we need to set up the router to communicate with the computer. To do this, insert the Internet cable into the WAN slot on the device. And the other cable, with two plugs, which is better for everything, having reached the annex, goes with one end to the computer's border card (there, earlier it was an Internet cable), and the other one, be it from the slots LAN1, LAN2 , LAN3 or LAN4 of the router.

I also want to respect that you connect the router to the border more quickly through the cord uninterrupted life, so I have an unacceptable message, if garniy pristry vіd Netgear flickered through the voltage strobok in the border and the wifi began to transmit not by 100, but by 2 meters. Understanding, I had a chance to buy a new one.

3. First of all, we need to upgrade the computer to work with a router. At the same time, we have a merezhev card that has been set up for direct access to the Internet through a provider, which means that it is possible that data is written in the control panel, as it is important for us to save and win the letter when working with a router. For whom we go into the configuration of the TCP / IP v.4 protocol as shown in the diagram:

For Windows XP:“Start > Keypad Panel > Go to Classic Look > Merezhevі podklyuchennya”.
For Windows 7:"Start > Keying Panel > Merge and Internet > Merge Control Center and double access> Manage connected connections > Change adapter settings.

(on the screenshot, I go to the installation of the "Rootless connection", but you still don't have anything, and the shards connected the computer with the router with a cable, then you need to select the item "Connection by local network"):

As you have appointed here, write down the data on paper. This is especially true for those who, having spent their contract on the provision of services, do not know the data for connection to the all-world serf. With the singing type of spoluk, it will be told about yaki below, if possible in good time. After that, right there, in the parameters for connecting to the router on the computer, you need to set the IP, gateway and DNS on automatic - and the parameters are already entered in the most wireless router.

4. The next time we go to the address Call the configuration with the router itself here, as they did not have a chance to work at the installation stage software. Ale you look at the instructions to the annex, in some way to enter the router’s keypad panel, the shards are installed behind the IP lock on different models can get excited. Also one more popular place of accommodation short instructions- I'll add a sticker on the bottom - Look there. Well, there are no instructions in the instructions, or it’s been spent, then go to the Care Panel, as I have already described more, only after the onslaught right button by "Connection by local line" at the window, press the button "Vidomosti". At the vіdkritom vіknі shukaєmo IPv4 The main gateway - ce and є IP-addresses of the router.

Now, let's go for the address specified there through the browser (http://IP ADDRESSES OF YOUR ROUTER) and select the DHCP Server item in the menu (for Trendnet WAN connections from WAN) and set the range value for possible IP addresses connected to your locale outbuildings My VIN is as follows: Start IP -, End IP Well, obviously, on the contrary, the DHCP Server item can have the Enabled parameter. Domain Name or Host Name - the name of the future home wifi network. I’ll immediately discuss that I’ve put screenshots of the details of my outbuildings below, as they have already worked, or they’ve worked out a few years and their interface in English, so it’s difficult to figure out what a newcomer without help would be difficult for you to help yourself. Most current firmware and software will go already in a Russified look, it will be easier for you to get it.

The axis looked like this in the Trendnet (the chervonim was seen):

And the axis is like this in ASUS:

Connected to LAN

Now we can set the parameters for our wifi network at home - IP and router mask. For Trendnet, the same point (div. baby 1, seen in green), for Asus - the WAN & LAN section - at the very bottom of the side of the line. For the first vipad, I set the IP, for the other - These addresses are in the middle of the local area, for which we can go through the browser to the admin panel and through the computer they will be sent to the Internet. Mask - for locking,

Connecting a WiFi router to the Internet via the WAN port

Tse all were vouchers, now it’s more important - setting up an external connection of the router to the Internet.
Іsnuє kіlka type pіvіvіnіklyuchen zalezhno vіd provider's settings. Seen in the WAN menu.

If there are more options for connection, but I didn’t stink, I don’t talk about them.

How to encrypt a WiFi connection

They made everything right and saved all the adjustments, all the attachments that support wifi now new meshіz we'll give you іm'yam. However, on what food How to connect wifi booth not closed yet. Home merezha wifi veyshla vіdkrita, so that someone could speed up your access to the Internet for free. To make sure that the Wi-Fi network at home is accessible only for the Lord, you need to secure the connection to the router. In a few ways, I have chosen two WPE (or Shared Key) and WPA in my practice. The rest of the last, I will look at yoga. Let's go to the security department. Trendnet has the Security menu item, in ASUS - Wireless > Interface.

Select WPE or WPA Personal (PSK, TKIP) in the menu, set a password for connection - from 7 to 64 characters. I take it. I'll show you how it was in me:

Well, from infection, to go to the Internet through your router, you need to enter a password. Having left the last stroke - so that there were no problems connected to the router of all the extensions and robotic programs, I manually set the DNS server. The setting of this parameter is where you entered the parameters for connecting with the Internet. We activate the function of manually recognizing DNS servers and we will write down the IP like Google.

For many active coristuvants of the global network, the attachments have taken root in a booth, but in some cases it is necessary to set up the Internet on the computer via a LAN cable through a router. Tobto, if the cable of the Internet provider is without intermediary insertions at the computer's memory card. At the same time, as you are connected to the provider via a modem, you have a clear bridge mode (bridge), you will also receive instructions for direct connection of the computer keruvannyam Windows 10 to the Internet.

Computers that work on the basis of Windows OS (7 and 8) of the previous generations are upgraded to a similar rank. Smartly accessible to a global network by providers can be divided into dynamic and static connections. For the first option, "IP-addresses", "Password masks" and "Main Gateway" are set automatically, and in the other one, you need to specify the fields for specifying the access parameters assigned by your provider to the agreement laid down with it.

A lot of companies give dynamic and static access, however, there are great gravity (Rostelecom, TTK, MTS) PPPoE connection from the entered name of the password. To send a lot of providers to the Internet on the computer to the master's client, which will take care of all the necessary activities. However, not all providers promptly process applications, and not all majstry will hurry to weekly, and if you do not check for them for years, but sometimes for days, you can set up the Internet connection yourself.

Dynamic and static Internet connection on a computer.

In order to establish direct access to the Internet on the computer, it is enough to insert it into the Ethernet port of the PC earlier. Then, right-click the mouse on the "Start" icon and select the item "Merezhezhі connection" in the context menu.

For a new open source, you need to select the "Ethernet" adapter (we connect via cable), click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Power" item in the menu.

Dynamic IP. I've already guessed that if your ISP allows dynamic access to the global network, you will automatically take all the necessary parameters for accessing the Internet. If the connection was made, it was necessary to set the IP address and the DNS server address in the mode - take it off automatically. For locking, the parameters are set like this and nothing needs to be changed here.

Static IP. Setting up this type of connection transfer manually setting the parameters assigned by the provider agreement. Tobto, you need to specify the "IP-address", "Pdmerezhі mask", "Main gateway" and "Love and alternative DNS-server" in the input field. For example, filling in fields can look like this:

  1. IP-addresses: indicated by a constant IP-address;
  2. Subdivision mask: assigned automatically (;
  3. Main Gateway: assigned by contract. When connected via a modem, you can write it to the IP address (call
  4. Tweak the current DNS server addresses: optionally recommended by the head of the service. If you don’t stink, you can beat the universal. For the butt in the skin row, the first indication is an alternative DNS server.

Google Public DNS: and;
Yandex DNS(Antivirus, Safe): and;
Yandex DNS (Without pornography, Family): and;

As you can see, the DNS servers themselves are affected by access to that other site. So, if necessary, for example, you can block access to sites for grown-ups by specifying the appropriate servers. After entering all the required parameters, press the "OK" button. Therefore, the "Internet Access" tray icon will be active, and you can access global measure.

Setting up Internet connection (PPPoE) on a computer with Windows 10.

If you insert the provider's LAN cable into the Ethernet port of the computer without intermediary, and to connect to the Internet, you need to enter your login and password, after creating a PPPoE connection. To set it up, you need to go to "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Merezha and Internet" -> "Ethernet" -> "Center for Wiring with Merezha and Global Access". Press "Creation and establishment of a new connection or a measure".

It is necessary to select the type of connection for the upcoming window. We set up the Internet on the computer without intermediary with an Internet provider (without the participation framing outbuildings), then we select "High-speed (with PPPoE)", and we have connected the Internet, for example, via a 3G / 4G modem, then we would need to select "Commutation".

In the rest of the week, enter the password for that login, give the worker a job, and give them the created connection. If you put an ensign in front of the item "Allow vicorists to connect to other coristuvachas", then you will allow access to the global network to other oblique records, so you stink, obviously.

Tobto, like on the computer, for example, for the skin member of the sim was created physical record, then you will allow them to either fence you off from the Internet through the connection you created.

After completing all the fields, press the "Connect" button.

If the connection with the Internet provider is set, and you have entered the correct login and password, then after a short re-verification of the data entered, the connection will be created.

To blame you for some problems, let's talk about it and check it out in the comments at once. Boo!

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter.

Through a router, but don’t know why? We will help you with tsiomu. Only a small part of all, who himself turned the key wifi router at home, robbing this installation without pardons - to carry out a patching, organize a cordless tether and unite at tsi truss different outbuildings. Lack of knowledge of the basics of planning local networks far away can lead to problems for the hour of your choice.

It is important to understand the nuances: to create a functional local measure You are to blame for the Wi-Fi router itself. Do not confuse with a dart router without Wi-Fi, a kind of vicorist dart for signal distribution - ring the vins of the antenna. Abo with a similar extension - an access point, as a vikonuє іnshі zavdannya.

To connect to the Internet through a router and organize home merezha Wi-Fi can be mixed with different routers, even the main ones in the installation and connection of Wi-Fi routers to the Internet are only added to the graphic design of the administrator's panel. In this way, you can understand the principle of connecting to the butt of one router, and you can easily connect it to make it better. For the latest example, ASUS WL-520GC, the whole process with screenshots.

How to connect the Internet on a computer through a router

Before buying a Wi-Fi router, your PC itself recognized the IP address as an Internet provider, and now, with your new addition, you can add other computers and add-ons. Now the router itself will “talk” with the provider and your local network of wines will automatically assign the internal IP address to any of the gadgets that are connected.

So let's go.

  • We connect a router to an electrical connection and connect it to connect with a PC. To reach it, we insert the wire to the Internet in the WAN socket on the router, and the other wire, which can have two plugs (RJ45), is connected to the PC tether card (where the Internet cable was connected earlier) and to the other wire of the router LAN1-LAN4.
  • It is recommended that you start victoriously zherelo uninterrupted life for the protection of your system in the event of possible stress reduction and problems with the possessions that are blamed for the future.
  • Let's get down to setting up your PC for robots. Keep in mind that not all things will work out the same way. Decoy needs static IP, others need dynamic IP. Third, PPPoE connection (for example, entering a login and password). Quarterly, don’t forget the daily updates: just connect the router to the provider’s cable, open any website and you will see a menu from the entered login and password.

Bagatioh, to the point, squeal, how to connect the Internet to xp through a router. Nothing collapsible - we work so little by little for the scheme.

For Windows 7, the path looks like this: “Start > Control panel > Network and Internet > Security Center with Internet access > Change adapter parameters. Next to the list of essential connections, find out and double-click the label “Connection through a local network”, select “Power”, see the item “Internet protocol version TCP / IP v4” and emboss the button “Power” (on the diagram in the without a dart, but if you still can’t do it, but connected the PC and the router behind an additional Internet cable, then you select the menu item “Connection by local network”).

For the obviousness of any data, here it is obov'yazkovo to rewrite their own. It is important for those coristuvachas, who cannot know the agreement with the Internet provider on the services and, apparently, do not remember the important data from the agreement on the establishment of the merezhі. These data can become useful, if you go to the task, how to fix the Internet through a Wi-Fi router (WAN), which will be looked at further.

Let's go to the next time we go to the "Parameters for connecting to the device on the PC", we set the IP value, the gateway and DNS as automatic - we will enter them into our router ourselves.

Driven into the browser's point-of-click system at or (which is why the first one didn't work), here the majority of the options have to be fixed in a practical way, like a router. For example, I didn’t specify the address, looking in the manual to the router, for which address we can go to the menu to fix our add-on. You can also flip your router. The sticker on the lower part of the page contains the information you need.

Navigate if you don’t know which way in the most important ways - go to the “Control Panel”, right-click on “Connection by local network”, in the new window, click on “Daniel”, give IPv4 The main gateway - enter the IP address our router.

  • At the menu to configure our router, we are responsible to know the DHCP Server (sound at the LAN submenu or "Local network"), we set a number of values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the IP address of various gadgets, as they will be connected to our home network.

I have chosen the current value of Start IP - and End IP, you can vary in the fallage depending on the number of outbuildings that are connected.

Enable DHCP Server and check “Enabled”. "Domain Name" (possibly "Host Name") - the name of the created local dimension.

Let me know that I made screenshots from my routers, that I can understand the English interface and newcomers understand, that it’s not possible to get screenshots, it’s problematic - that screens can help. And looking at those that may be all new routers go with Russian software, it will be easier for you. For I will build it, I will look at the coming rank.

Protecting our mesh

Despite the fact that we did everything correctly and saved all the settings, the Internet through a Wi-Fi connection router and all our gadgets with Wi-Fi support the local network we created. Ale, with this measure of vodkrit, and all the judges can connect to it, without feeding permission. To save this, you need a defender for your measure.

For this, go to the security menu: Wireless, then Interface. Here you can win either WPE or WPA, guess the password for accessing your account - at least 7 characters (naturally, it’s like numbers, so big capital letters) and write down what you remember yoga yourself. I got it like this:

Now to connect to Wi-Fi systems you need a password for access, which you have come up with.

I’m all right with you and, wait a minute, it’s not so easy to connect a computer to the Internet via a Wi-Fi router and arrange a new mesh at home.

How to build a network through a router: Video

A lot of people are respected for better today and installed without drotove Wi-Fi connection at home, so that you can access the Internet from other outbuildings without darts at any point in the apartment. For this purpose, buy a router, which distributes it to a bezdrotov net.

Ale often blames the problem of connecting to the router for the help of one or more computers. Also, the link of the dartless mesh is not installed on laptops. How to connect a router through a computer and a laptop, it will be looked at below.

How to connect a router to a computer for help

Today's routers follow the same standard. Tse means that sound behind a simple router model has 4 roses for connecting attachments. Sound stinks are seen with a yellow color, but if not, then it is not easy to name the number of roses behind the inscription "LAN".

To connect the computer to the router, you need to take a wire cable, insert it into the roses on the router, and the other end - at the same rose behind the computer block. Do not get confused, because the computer often has one such rose.

If only the correct drivers are installed on your computer, you will automatically accept the Internet. But there are problems.

What is robiti, how can the computer not bug the router

Even though on the panel the connection to the merezha was crossed with a red cross, the problem with the connections was blamed.

Remember the cable in front of the wart and re-verify it, on the right in the lace cable chi n. If it didn’t help, then, better for everything, the problem is mesh payment on the computer. Vaughn can be vimknen. For її notification, you need to go to the keruvannya\Merezha and Internet\Merezha connection panel. There you can find “Local Merge” and select it from the context menu.

If there is no such thing as such, then on the right in the drivers. Requires just zavantazhit required drivers and install it.

Cho robiti, yakscho write "Merezha is fenced"

At the panel, remind the same way to look at hail sign at the yellow knitter.

There are two options for solving the problem: with the adjustment of the router and with the adjustment of the wires in the computer.

And in another window, go to the keruvannya\Merezha and Internet\Merezhevі connection panel. Viklikati context menu icons " Local connection” and choose “Power”.

Then go to "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and press the Power button again.

Set "remove IP and DNS automatically".

How to connect another computer to the router

As it was already said above, the router may 4 enter for connection of extensions. Another computer is connected for an additional dart just like the first one.

How to connect a laptop via Wi-Fi

As soon as you installed a router and patched yoga, you can change the connection of a laptop to a wireless mesh.

After the installation of the router of the merezha, it should be done as you called it. On the panel, there will be an icon for connecting to the border. We press on it and see it all the time possible options merezh.

With this list, after updating, you can know the measure under them, as you have given. Clicking on the name, the context menu will open, and then say "Connect for locking or automatically." Also, type in the correct password, whichever you have set, or skip this item, because you do not have a password.

The connection will be automatically connected, and once the laptop is connected to your network, it will automatically connect when necessary.

you need

  • Sprat of computers
  • 1 free lace card in the skin computer
  • WiFi adapters
  • Merezhev cables
  • router


Connected via Wi-Fi. This method is good for that, because you don’t know the darts in the middle of the apartment, otherwise you need to connect more computers, less number of free LAN slots router e. For whom to buy a quantity Wi-Fi adapters. We are happy to tweak USB adapters, the shards of their connection and installation take less than an hour. Insert the adapter into the USB port, install the drivers and software that comes with the kit. After whom connect to the border, which is distributed to your router ohm.

Connected via LAN ports. For security maximum speed exchange of information between computers and access to the Internet, it is recommended to win cable not connected computers up to router y. For which you need a free wire card in your computer and a cable wire in a standard format. Connect the cable with one end to the cell, and with the other end to the free LAN port in router e. Check the current hour, bye router designate a new attachment.

For lashing right work hedges and the Internet, point at the bottom of the page. Go to the authority of this mesh connection and then update the Internet Protocol version TCP/IPv4. Select "Automatically change IP address" and "Automatically change DNS server address". After vikonanny vyshchezdanikh krokiv, router You can choose IP and DNS addresses for your computers yourself.

Wi-Fi merezhі and іnshі without drotovi methods of transferring data step by step to make it like us wired internet. It's not surprising, even laptops are becoming more and more popular, and also, it's necessary to pull the cable through the whole apartment just like falling. Unfortunately, it’s far from skinny that you yourself can build a bezdrotov’s net at home, but more, you’re more important, it’s necessary for these purposes to possess. The most important element in this system is itself router. Without a small price, but in the edge of the necessary rubbish, it will be even more important to create a fine line without a dart.


It is important to determine the main criterion select Wi-Fi a. Keep everything in mind that you will connect only laptops, or your plans will also include connecting computers. Vykhodyachi s chogo, choose router with the required number of LAN ports. This is important, because in times of insufficient number of ports you happen to have a bathing switch.

If you have chosen a number of LAN ports, it is time to look at the Wi-Fi channel. Through those that are actively developing dosing systems, there are some wired types of encryption and data transmission via Wi-Fi. Can be used for all 802.11 channels with extensions "n" or "g". Throw that "g" is the bigger old channel, lower is "n". Tobto. As long as your laptop supports only the 802.11g channel, do not switch routerіz channel type 802.11n, because can blame the problems of summality. Among the encryption options, WPA2-PSK is the leader, but you can safely take router, which support less than WPA. Do not add options that work exclusively with WEP encryption.


  • how to choose a router for home

Porada 3: How to connect two computers to the Internet through a router

Sob the mother of the opportunity to go to the Internet from whatever computer at home, it is necessary to create a local network. І most optimal variant of the year – the best vikoristannya router(Router). Sob don’t pull the darts around the apartment, arranging the building of the fence, do not hesitate to mother the router without a dart Wi-Fi interface. This is true and in that case, as your computer cannot WiFi module. It is possible to add additionally to look at a PCI card or a USB module. For computers up to the Internet hack like this:

you need

  • - PC;
  • - router


Connect to WAN port router your provider's cable.

Connect the computer to the router with a cable, plugging in a wire card with the router's Lan socket.

Connect router and computer to electric lines and take them out.

Set up a router for Internet access. For which browser enter the address router, for example, and log in by entering your login and password. Addresses router, login and password can be different depending on the picker I will add, and they can be recognized from the documentation of the router. Follow up on the recommendation of your ISP and selector router. After resetting, restart the router. Change your connections to a new computer by removing access to the Internet by going to the same site.

Set up a wireless connection on the router according to the instructions of the dialer.

Connect another computer to Merezhi Wi-Fi pereperdno perekonavshis, yogo Wi-Fi-module is active. To do this, right-click the mouse on the icon of the wireless connection in the task panel and select the “Connect” command. Check out that the Internet is available now computer.

Korisna porada

vicorist Wi-Fi connection, you can take access to the Internet and for your other devices that can Wi-Fi-interface: smartphones, intestinal personal computers, game consoles.


  • The site of the D-Link company - a retailer and distributor of a network and telecommunications equipment.
  • Internet connection through a router

you need

  • - mesh cable.


If you already have a DSL modem installed, through which computer you will be able to access the Internet, plug in a tethered cable from your computer. Connect yoga to the WAN port of the attached Wi-Fi router. For the help of another mesh cable join stationary computer with whatever LAN socket your router has.

Launch the Internet browser and open the web interface to set up the Wi-Fi router. Enter your login and password, which are necessary for the withdrawal of access to the login. Open the WAN menu. Select the DynamicIP option. Find the MAC address field and enter a new physical address fencing cards of that computer, from which you can configure the router. Press the CloneMACAddress button. Check that the DNS address fields are filled with

Press the Apply button to save the entered settings. Now go to the Wireless menu. Activate the wireless hotspot. Choose the type of security that suits you. Enter a password to connect to a wireless network. Disable the Firewall function by setting the Disable parameter against it. When working with a measure of "Akado" won't be more important.

Now save the router setup and restart yoga. I'll see you again to the web-interface fencing. Open the Status menu. Check that the value of the "MAS-address" field is taken from the previously set values physical address tie card of your PC. Change the IP address field. What is yoga meaning in Narazi, then press the DHCP Release and DHCP Renew buttons sequentially. Russian firmware versions may be called "Update DHCP".

Now connect the laptop to the created wireless access point. Vіdkryte nalashtuvannya drotovoy twill adapter. Select Internet Protocol TCP/IP. Set the paraportions for the paragraphs “Automatically change IP address” and “Automatically change DNS server address”. Save installations.