Instagram description of the measure. What is Instagram. Significantly friends in the photo

We have released a new book "Content marketing in social networks: How to get into the head of pre-payers and kill your brand."

Instagram: what is the point

Tse costless supplement for mobile attachments, as it allows you to tell about yourself and those that are familiar. Words podkriplyuyutsya with a ticking picture taken on a smartphone camera. When you use the photo editor program, you can easily edit photos. Often, koristuvs call Instagram a social photo shoot. Zvichayni social media are filled with posts and stories of various topics - information about cicavia and hoarding podії, news, posters, books, tests, sales and a lot of other things, which, to the specialty of the author himself, can be even more in the middle. Instagram has powerful content about itself, not about others.

About the program

Broken down by Instagram, Inc. by Kevin Sistrom and Mike Krieger. Service began pratsyuvati at the same time in 2010, the beginning of repayments on the outbuildings of the Apple brand. The version for Android OS was created in 2012 and in the first day it was installed over a million clients. The addendum was bought by the Facebook company from $1 billion in April 2012. It was a low innovation, not all of them were worthy of koristuvachs. So, the regulation about those that all photos, included in the service, can be featured by the company with an advertising method, called for the waste of nearly a quarter of all registered customers.

2013 has a version for Windows phone 8, the ability to show people in the photo of that month, record a short video. In 2015, roci services expanded opportunities for business - photo galleries of products appeared and redirected to the company's website. Business options are being developed in the future – є “Buy at once” buttons, showing commercials. The number of photos has grown, so you can take them for display, changing the interface, emojis and multimedia content have appeared. At the same time, you can create a shard of public records and be found in them in parallel.

Instagram - alone popular supplements in the world The number of koristuvachs will move 800 million and by the end of 2018, according to forecasts, a billion may be hit. Zdebіl tsе mіlenіali — juveniles vіkom vіd 18 to 30 years.

Why start Instagram

The first step is to upload the program to the mobile device from the App store or GooglePlay as a fallback in the installed operating system. Create a password. The program to request access to photos that are saved on smartphones - without which you can’t add them for review. You need information about email and phone number. Registration is over, you can hurry up.

The program is covered by the mobile app, if anyone wants to use it on the computer. Completely not implemented yet. As an option - you can install the Android emulator program - BlueStacks. The second option is to view the accounts of various participants from the site (

Cho work on Instagram

Look at the photos of your friends, add your own, write comments, put likes or make purchases - an option similar to that found for skin. Let's take a look at the report on what is posted on Instagram, what functions are needed and how to speed up the service.


Photographing to love richly someone, but with a year, tse nabridaє. The great archives of photographs do not feel sensational, as if they were not to be missed. The hour of handing photo albums is past. Natomist z'appeared social merezhі, ale schob otrimati garnet that I am posting a photo.

What does Instagram give to lovers of robiti photos? It is not necessary to stain the yearbook for the processing of znіmkіv or shukati third party programs, Just finish it with a photo editor. Vin is a set of effects and filters. Pratsyuvati with him zrozumilo she simply. The sign can be made light or dark, sharp or, navpaki, rozmitim, add the effect of old fashioned, recognize, turn and richly іnshoy. Before speech, as if the number of photo filters would be too great, for clarity, you can attach tools that do not beat.

Added ability to give markers and stickers that can be superimposed on the image. Yaskravy amusing light, an unusual hat, a frame, a heart of swarthy caramel sticks - give a Christmas mood. Tsya merezha significantly expanded the number of photographs, for help, be someone who can consider yourself a creator, stay there, de dream. Photos of friends, family, relatives - everything is here.

The photo is taken by the camera phone, processed in the editor and published. Under it (behind the bazhannyam) - a short text, hashtag, location, to whom the review is available. You can see it later, look at the comments. You can put signs on the photo - who is on them. Moreover, if someone does not like such a vision (for example, the photo is not far away), you can clean it up.


Like photographs, videos are posted for review by the short-haired men. The video can be taken on the phone or taken from the gallery. The trivality of a troch is more than 1 hvilin. It seems to the creators of the service that such an obmezhennya seems to be the same time, with the help of some kind of respect for the spectator. If it is still necessary to capture the record for three times, then the slide show option has been added. You can tweet up to 10 videos no longer than 20 seconds.

Online broadcast

Tse new opportunity, which allows you to transmit video that will be recorded on the air without hiccups. For whom a special function has been split in the program. Take a look at the goods, deposits, interviews, public opinion, special blogs - these are all options for online broadcasting.


One more novelty from Instagram. Allows you to find out what the front-payers think from different meals, conduct discussions. A questionnaire is launched for the help of a one-button button. It is necessary to indicate food and options depending on the new one, so that the participants can choose. Preserve, publish and omit opinions - everything that is necessary to grow.



Іsnuє a lot of popular social measures. I most of the people are registered once with kilkoh. Sometimes it’s not handy - for those who want to post your own photos and posts in all services, you have to spend an hour. Instagram promote manual option solution - . You can put a sign next to your profile (shared Publications) so that all materials published here are automatically posted in other services. Any same - to be selected from the transfer of available merezh for splicing.


Vіdmіnno help to arrange the information and it's necessary to know. By entering a hashtag in a search, you can find out all the publications, like avenging yoga. For example, according to the #vintage early you take a photo of a sweatshirt, a rankovy dew, a cup of cavite and everything else that is associated with the ear of the day.

Їхні mozhlivostі, kіm dopomogi poshuku - sorting of information, thematic categories, organization of promotions and competitions, expansion of the database of payers. Such badges are actively selected by bloggers for structuring publications. By adding such a specific marker of the subject to a photo or a video clip, you can take a look at it not only in front of the payers, but also by third-party people, so that you know the publication behind the tag. And you may not be alone, but just a sprat. Todі і kіlkіst pereglyadіv zroste. Before the speech, in the measure, the hashtags are fenced, the stench is shown in the favor of the koristuvach.


The great potency of information can be ruined. Yakshcho є bajannya not to miss the publications and updates of any participants, varto set the option of informing. Shoyno "lover" was crying out new, come reconciliation.


Tim, who wants to share not just a photo, but a whole series of pictures, you will receive an addition to the soul that works through Instagram - Layout. Turns on when editing a photo and allows you to combine pictures in a collage. The results appear to be the most significant fallow in the presence of stagnant elements and parameters.

Collection of the best

Publications are often trapped, yakі were honored. I want to turn around before them, show them to someone. It’s handy to rob, to save yoga in your profile, bookmark it. Saving publications can be sorted by collections - albums for a quick review.


It is a good option, as it allows you to know the photo of one month in different coristuvachs. At per row The service needs to enter the name of the location and click on the Location section. The result of asking for a request will be on the screen.

Instagram for business

The service wins as if for special communication, but also for business. What is a good Instagram for business purposes and how to show off to them?

Koristuvachі tsgogo servіsu vіdіznyayutsya activity - the reaction to the beautiful and cіkavі znіmki do not get bored. The number of hits here is 58 times higher, lower for Facebook and 120 times higher, lower for Twitter (data from Forrester data). Tse means that the number of people is rich, and the participants are active. Razdribnі merezhi, scho trade in various goods, agencies neruhomostі and car showrooms, travel companies and salons of beauty go to the services of tsієї merezі.

Let's focus on the main methods, how to get started for promoting a business on Instagram.

Official advertising

Pratsiuє z 2015 rock. Runs through Facebook, to start a side with this social network obov'yazkovo. Photo chi series, video chi history - enough options. You can choose the type of payment: go for the payment or the total number of impressions.

One of the main advantages of placing ads on Instagram is purposefulness. Possibility of mood, which will show the audience a stunned impression of the improvement of the client's portrait. You can choose a country, become, age, interests and other parameters. It became real after the promotion of Facebook sales. However, є i osoblivіst - tim, who has no oblіkovogo record Facebook, advertising is not displayed - there is no possibility to stop the filter.

Varto also lie to those who can shut down comments to the point of deafness, as they cannot be seen.

Passing the profile

You can advertise goods and services in your profile. Especially the method of zastosovny to comrades, crushed with their own hands, or services. In the oblique record, you can place photos of experiments, the results of the work (for example, broken make-up or manicure). To receive information, use such tools as hashtags, mutual recommendations, likes and customer reviews.

Celebrity Posts

Pushing offline

On Instagram, you can and need to upload photos of your work and comrades. Don't ever go out on small paper materials for advertising - business cards, booklets. Ale, yakscho show them a physical record from the service, the client is known, to marvel more. Vіn zavzhdi you can improve your portfolio.

Catalog online

An electronic version of the catalog of goods promoted with a photo, a description and a request to go to the site, to buy - such an option deserves respect. Until new vdayutsya deakі kompanії, for example, IKEA. Back in 2014, the @IKEA_PS_2014 profile was created, and a collection of furniture was presented. Subjects are selected to groups, marveling at them simply by hand. This is another option for what Instagram business needs. You can show that you can sell here everything that is worth it: from confectionery masterpieces, jewelry embellishments to cars and unruliness.

Social photography Instagram does not stand on the spot - it grows dynamically, changes and improves. They have new and new possibilities, both for special zastosuvannya, and for business goals. Try it, read it, talk to it about your own - all the same, in front of її koristuvachs, the whole world without cordons.


On this day in the Internet-merezhі, there is a great number of social networks, as they serve to connect with friends, relatives and colleagues in the work of the zocrema. One of them can be called Instagram, the popularity of which in the rest of the world is only growing, as there are a lot of koristuvachs who are registered.

There are few koristuvachs on Instagram called yoga social photography. This purpose will clarify the concept of this service more clearly. Vlasnik tsієї programs є company Facebook.

Insanely, the similarity of the social dimension is to be compared with others, prote wines may act uniqueness and reinforce their originality. Here you can also share comments on the photo, likes, pre-payers, and maybe you will know your classmates and friends of the children.

What are the views on Instagram in the form of other social networks?

  • You blog. Why do you fall into the eyes and head and into language - these are micro-blogs and albums, their presence allows coristuvachas to share their mood, life, as well as photographs from vacations and trips
  • Filters on the photo. The presence of unique filters for the transformation of photographs, which allow retouching, framing and adding an effect to the photo
  • Visibility of privacy. It is no less important for Instagram to take into account the closed and inaccessible for simple short-lived pages, the shards in the rich social networks of the appearances of the recordings of the popular and popular short-lived closed before reading the information

What is the main function of iconizing instagram?

Samoi important function Instagram is the social interrelationship of people, the support of the Vlasnik, the shards of splintering are less likely to unite people, to bring them to their unity, evil, and also to bring mutual understanding between them.

What is Instagram?

First of all, you know friends, classmates and your relatives, as always, they will be with you for a call to exchange that exchange of moods. Photographs will miraculously help you convey the atmosphere of what is happening, and tell you about everything that happens in your life, and the visibility of the hashtag will help you sign photos, de buli and if.
Instagram is a unique service that allows you to chat with friends on a close level, admire your photos, share your own, and also look at other people and watch your eyes.

Need more Instagram?

Vіdpovіd on the chain of food at all rіzna. Even if everyone is known on instagram for their own purposes, that dream and goal are collapsing for the sake of gaining glory in the measure, for which they try to get the best payers, that they just mate with friends, and the deacies just support to communicate one to one through the presence of other contacts.

Creators express their creativity in the measure, for which they take away comments and further assessment of others. Most often Instagram wins, just to get in touch with your friends, find out about the news and admire the beauty of their world.

How to make yourself with the social network of Instagram?

Winning Instagram is as easy and simple as other social measures.

What is necessary for whom?

  1. The back of the head needs to be taken advantage of addendum Instagram to your mobile device. Tsey appendage available for koristuvachiv, like vikoristovuyut smartphones on the operating system: Android and iOS
  2. Install the program, it starts automatically, it takes about two minutes
  3. Register in the social network of Instagram, first open the program
  4. Log in to the program by entering your login password, as you entered the registration hour
  5. Ready! Now you in the new world can enjoy this service, and win all possibilities

Video: How to show off the social network of Instagram?


We wrote an article about those, how to learn how to become Instagrammere, so let's move, Instagram supplement for chatkivtsiv. Father, lads, that girl, sit and listen. We know about the main functions of the social media of Instagram, learn how to work photos, apply filters and features to the media.

For a start...

For the cob of troch, let’s talk about Instagram: what is it like that, how does it grow. Tsya program, like one hour є social measure. For help, you can work on photographs, refine them and publish them. Who cares about Instagram as all-worldly evil (as in other socialist communities), and who wants to dig a new gold vein. Even if you want to make your thoughts, you need to try your hand to vibrate your own.

It’s obvious, we can’t get away, like Instagram, until we download and install yoga. About it is reportedly written in other articles on our site, here we are more than lightly touched by those.

Clever and sensible boys and girls don't take installation files Instagram for sure. Buvayut situations, if you have to work in such a way that you can start to fawn over him. If it's not your type, don't experiment. Zavzhdy better koristuvatisya program from the official store. I hurry to please: not long ago in Microsoft Store The version of Instagram for Windows Phone has appeared - Instagram Beta. Now you can grab Instagram from three stores - App Store, Play market and the Microsoft Store. About those how to post on Instagram on Windows Phone smartphones, we have the same article.

  • We know the addendum there that is pressing “Install”.

It will stand up, after what mi yogo vіdkrivаєmo that is spent on the registration side. You can register different ways: via phone number, email address or Facebook. The first two pass the introduction of their data.

How do you like it by putting a like (click on the heart under the photo). Shchob zalishit komentar, stick out hmarks. It's easy to use these functions.

And if you hit the arrows, you can upload photos or videos of others through Direct.

To create a photograph, press on small image cameras below. We’ll go back to the gallery (you can also take a picture), but if you want to take a picture right away, you need to click on the “Photo”, and then on the big group at the bottom.

Now let's move on to filters. To fawn over the filters, it is necessary to press on those chi else in the end under the photograph. The effect will be visible immediately:

It is necessary to change the brightness (the effect will be even lighter), press on the sun of the beast, and then adjust with your finger.

In the field, the right-handed person writes with a hashtag. If you are already coping with a similar function, then you know that words are written at the same time. Well, if you want to write okay, then becoming a hashtag in front of the skin word. Writing is not obov'yazkovo, but so your photograph can be known for these words, you can evaluate and those who are not signed on you. Instagram will show all publications, which were broken with the same similar tags.

To marvel, it is necessary to press on the new one. Like a sprig of koristuvachiv, on some kind of signing, write down histories, stink in a row. And if you start one of them and don't start up all the time, then the stench will automatically scroll one by one.

When I look at the different colors of the gurtok, it's gone.

How is history going on

Vgorі zlіva є such an axis icon. To write down history, it is necessary to press on the new one.

Vіdkrivaєtsya vidoshukach. You can take photos or videos. To take a picture, just stick a mug at the bottom. To record a video - zatyskaesh. One video can be no longer than 10 seconds. After 10 seconds the recording is cut off.

Otzhe, robimo photograph. Uphill are two icons. Having pressed the first one, you can make it possible to draw. Having pressed another - write.

The text can be changed and enlarged, rotated. All with fingers, there are no special buttons.

You can paint with three tools: a round marker, a flat one and the rest - especially the cicavia. Tse was smuga zі svіchennyam at the edges. Light of the color you choose.

Colors, of course, can be changed to other instruments. And don’t sneer, the Crimea is quiet of the rainbows, you’ll bang you once again, there are two more wives of vodtinkiv: from the transition from red to brown and from white to black. To sway them, it is necessary to swipe your finger on the panel to the left. Let's wait, it's not too easy, for someone else can't do it. It is especially not handy, as the instrument is already strengthened and the farba is selected. Then you can just place yourself in the same city, instead of changing to other colors.

Otzhe, you embellished the photograph, writing on it and saving the change. Now you can correct it by pressing the arrow at the bottom. Your story has appeared in the name of others.

The creation of history has one particularity. Won hang published less than 24 years, if any are seen. I stretch 24 years you can popovnyuvat tsyu іstorіyu. That's why you see a songful hour on it. Once you publish one picture. I won't be shown for a long time. Let's scribble one more photo, and then a video. Upcoming photos and videos are strung on top of one another.

You can look at your "Instagram" line just like on the phone. Also available are likes, comments and re-enforcement.

That one didn’t go anywhere with the full Direct.

As you could remember, we were not allowed to add a new photo and video to the line and story. Everything is correct, according to some idea of ​​the retailers, these functions are not available in the supplement for Windows 10.

For every twist: how to reset the password, how to forget the email

Nasamkinets video

This video is about those, how to show up on Instagram. Vono bude korisny tim, who lacks a verbal description. Here the report looks at the installation of the program, what is Instagram and how to learn how to use it.

What else do you know?

In order to be worthy of the social network, having done all the functions, it is necessary not only to publish a photo, but also to marvel. But you can still visit And we rozpovіdєmo in okremіy statti, as if you're corying with cim service.

Oh, don't forget to watch the video. At the new one, it’s like being greeted with Instagram on the phone. І look over other articles. They have a lot of good things about those, how to make a fuss with Instagram.

) is an absolutely cost-free add-on for transferring photographs and video recordings to social media. Created a program for phones and tablets. An addition to the great popularity of the nameless functions, one of them, for example, a camera was added as an addition. You can create impersonal photos, add different photo effects to them, and every single click. Instagram correspondents mainly take pictures of the moments of life, for example, the process of preparing and ending results.

Why has Instagram become so popular?

Accessibility is the simplicity of vikoristannya. It’s possible to win a video camera online for a remote control over Instagram, and everything is free of charge.

With the social fringe, the worldly stars of cinema are corroded; The peak of the popularity of the program of appointments in 2014, if a lot of people registered in it, given moment The sides that are most often looked at belong to Ksenia Sobchak, Ramzan Kadirov, Viri Brezhnev, Oleksiy Chadov and others. As soon as you want to squirm with her, koristuvschi get stuck with problems through ignorance, as if you were growing.

Installing Instagram

For those who have an iPhone, you need to know Instagram through the Apple Store. At the vіkni we choose the program.

For Android cores, everything is the same. Through " Google Play» The program is installed.

The process of establishing that registration itself is not long. Also, the addendum has a simple and sensible interface, which calls out the addendum's bazhanya more often to the Instagram.

Once installed, you need to register. There are three possible options here.

1. Registration in Instagram via phone

None of the data entered during registration can be verified, the information is confidential. Navit Postal screenshot no need to confirm.

When you enter the program, the menu immediately opens, de-selecting the function will come.

After completing some fields, it is no longer necessary to press the “Done” button and the appearance record will be created. On the mailing screen, shown at the time of registration, there is a sheet, but as it was already said, there will not be, no activation code, no matter what the message.

Completing the registration, it is possible to know new friends and to know your old acquaintances. Having subscribed to them, stink with great omnity I subscribe to you at the top. Always have a chance to see the oblique record and see the inappropriate friends with the payers.

By phone (tablet), you can register through a computer.

2. Registration in Instagram via computer

Officially recognized by Instagram mobile supplement To that it is necessary to spend a day and a half hour to register through a personal computer. An important factor is those that the computer is to blame for the hard work, which is why the android emulator is involved. Take advantage of BlueStacks, which will help you create a platform for the Android robot platform on a computer.

Potim need to zavantazhit APK Google file Play, you will need to install the program on the Android emulation program.

By installing this APK, BlueStacks will be able to figure out for itself what type of destination files for the new one. Now you need to know how to download the "Instagram" add-on to your computer. Here in the image it is shown how to rob using BlueStacks, but if you happen to get APK file yourself, after whom you see automatically installed programs instagram.apk.

After the installation is completed, it will be necessary to enter into a dialogue with the launch of other programs from the global software library.

At the moment, the registration on Instagram through the computer is practically completed, it is not necessary to register or register through the emulator.

As soon as the program is installed, the viscache axis is the same, it’s better to try updating the driver’s video card.

Here it is already possible to get to know the hacker, or to try to do it yourself, there are no special difficulties, it is natural to work with the computer system when you do it.

3. Registration with victories of social measures

You can register on Instagram through FaceBook. And more precisely, you won’t be able to register, even if you can get to Instagram, typing that password to your Facebook. After the first visit, the profiles of both social networks join together. my simple Danish way sound like this “Link Facebook login to Instagram”. When using this method, Instagram retailers were spiraling for one need, even if one-hour publication of photos on both social networks is necessary, it is not necessary to work two robots at the same time. For the first time, you need to go to your Instagram by going to your profile, then you need to click on the "Parameters" button, clicking on the gear image, the screenshot axis will become clearer.

In paragraphs, yakі є in the parameters, it says “Publication parameters and pressing її.

You can enable cross-posting for various social networks in the selected distribution. In order to promote yoga for Facebook, we press a row with the required logo.

After instagram asked the information to the profile of the koristuvach and allowed for publication on the wall of the koristuvach. At this vipadka, "OK" is embossed.

That's it, the generation of the public post on Instagram has been completed, but it won't always end with success, for example, you can run into some problems. It is seen when cross-posting for Facebook and Instagram public posts.

It's easy to solve the problem, it's not necessary to log out of Facebook on your mobile device and see it all over again. At any other time, it is not possible to set up cross-posting in a particular Instagram and Facebook profile, you need to cross-post one by one. Another fact, with the appearance of such a vision

We choose none. Now we have likes, discussions are coming from social measures. Also, specially created functions for regulating cross-posting, you can also win publications on the side, discussion. Having pressed on the fan-side of the mittevo, the windows are opened in order for Instagram to instantly request it.

Earnings on Instagram

Instagram allows you to earn advertising placement (for example, through FORUMOK). Bagato bloggers vicorist given method for income. For example, like a koristuvach has a lot of pre-payers, you can place advertising posts for pennies (divine earnings from social networks). Whom has a lot of pluses for all sides, but the greatest for the master of public records, even if you have to pay for advertising goods, in some cases you can see the signs from the installation of links from the great networks of various goods, but stinks are good dream.

It is also possible to earn money by creating the appearance of records for other coristuvachas, who either have no ability to register it, or have no time for the price.

Є th service, yakі can pay for a single number of pre-payers, for example, for 2000 signatures of "live" people can pay close to 400 rubles.

Update: at the end of 2015, the social network VKontakte released another analogue of Instagram, which is called Snapster (Snapster).

Dzhe tsіkava thing, the raja once get to know her. There are still few people there, which means that you can get up and running quickly =)

First, put your question, be kind, respectfully read the article and comments below, de Wee you will know the tips for more questions.

Speaking of which, if you like Instagram, I recommend you to read and super fashionable service called SnapChat! I do recommend!

So let's do it!

I'm 35 and I'm sorry that I was born so long ago. Why am I wrong? I miraculously remember Radyansk's fates, if there were chergi at the bookstore and library, and the essays and coursework students wrote SPECIALLY! :-)

Well, seriously, the only source of information was books and periodicals. Well, maybe radio and TV (2 TV channels!).

Will your children go to the library? Do you go yourself? And the middle is quiet, hto virіs in 80 and 90 more people, as if they were recorded to a few libraries of their place. And in the skin stood at the heart of reading a rare book. Tse buv right informational hunger, like a mustache jumped in gamuvati. Nini is so important to reveal. No wonder it seems that all the filthy things get bogged down.

And the axis t, who is the youngest for 20-25 years, grows at the right informational paradise for his age. Information literally in a couple of clicks poke system. At the same time, the epoch is right, if it be a novelty, a book, an article, you can see not evil ones from the sofa. That about what to say, like a great smartphone for 4-10 yew. rub. at kіlka timesіv hard at the computer lines Pentium 1 or Pentium 2?

I will leave aside the nutrition, the young people need as little information as possible. I’ll only say that I myself just bathe in my abundance of books, that knowledge is new. Sometimes I will ask myself: “What would I read today?” Adzhe mayzhe everything that you want has already been read. For a long time now, there have been recommendations services, where people actively share their thoughts about new books. Axis to what did they go :-) We are tormented already dumb de butit, but what can you get yourself.

New services are being announced today. Twitter (are you already gaining 1000 prepayers like me in?), Facebook impersonal social measures for any type of life. What else can you see?

It was not a big emotional preparation before the announcement about a new service called (Instagram) I really want to, so you understand, you’ve gone far enough for the rest of 10 years. That's why it's such an abstract cob.

What is instagram?

The essence of yoga is brilliantly simple:

1. Install a special program for IPhone (I can’t stand apple) or Android (I have 3 phones in my arsenal)

2. Go through the simplest registration by entering your e-mail and password, and that's it. You spent until a new world of life, about which one you did not suspect before.

3. Now you can work photos from your smartphone, stop the side filters, and shoot from the middle photo even a decent card, but it’s not so shameful to show it to the world. Moreover, show at the link before your oblіkovogo record. Even if it’s a significant social network, but in a way, they combine my universal photography. You can collect thousands of forward payers. Robiti photonotes, put "likes" and so on. That effect for the processing of photographs there is more than enough.

Ale still needs to work with a mobile phone, literally on the go. Good, modern cameras allow you to take a whole decent photo. And the filters of the programs themselves allow you to transform them into small masterpieces for an amateur. For 99% of the quality, more and less will be enough.

I, most of all, the language of images and photographs was understood in Africa, and in Yakutsk!

Axis, like a butt, like photo notes come out after minimal processing. Looking at the mobile phone is just wonderful, but on the computer you can already see the wadi mobile camera, well.

This is also a message for naturalists and other hipsters: –) to remember the magic of Polaroid cards.

Bіlya "Tiffanі" - the most pompous cafe in Nizhny Novgorod.

It was impossible to pass such a cyclist

The effect of "old times"

4. Biggest bonus: by publishing photos in your program, you can automatically crosspost with:

- Tumblr (already a popular service in the world, but it didn’t take root in Russia at all)

The axis is really cool. Literally 2 clicks that photo appears in some popular social networks.

If you look at my face post on Twitter, you can look at the pictures, which you can automatically post there.

Yak Vinik (Instagram)? What did they get?

History begins in 2010 in San Francisco. Kevin Sistrom and Mike Krieger release the first version of the software for IPhone on June 6, 2010. And in the chest її zavantage already 1000000 (one million!) Coristuvachiv. The business idea turned out to be fantastically demanded by people. Who doesn't love robitty photography?

— U sichni 2011. Added hashtags # have been added to the appendices so that it would be easier to know the photos of those photos. If you chimed in on Twitter, then you already understand, as far as possible (I conjure you - subscribe to my Twitter ! :)

— At the spring of 2011. version 2.0 was released, in which impersonal new functions appeared (live filters, mitteva change for the worse, new filters, photos of high-rise buildings ...)

— April 2012 A version of the program for smartphones based on Android OS has been released. A million (1,000,000) times were vanquished for doba!

- 9 April 2012 FaceBook bought Instagram for 1,000,000,000 (one billion) dollars. Chi nasty viyshlo for 1.5 rocks?

- On birch, 30 million coristuvachs were assigned and over 200 million photos were taken.

De zavanazhiti? How to install?

- If you get an iPhone, iPad, iPod, then naturally through the AppStore only from the official site of the call! Instagram - Burbn, Inc.

- Well, what do you think of the Googlephone (smartphone on operating system Android), then, obviously, jokes on GooglePlay. It used to be called AndroidMarket, but in April 2012 it was renamed.

At the same time, don’t download Instagram from other channels, more important ones. Otherwise, get infected by the phone.

The installation is pretty simple. As you know, just press the "Install" button.

How to show up on Instagram.Am?

Friends, like them to show off, it’s not necessary for us to explain. Nastіlki everything is simple, scho navit marvel. There you can describe, well, nothing. To be asked - put it in the comments.

If you figured out how to take a photo from a mobile phone, then you will definitely figure it out. That genius of this service is simplicity and accessibility for understanding.

I'm there as a koristuvach @ideafox- I ask a friend. Tsіkavo, you can only become a friend over the phone. From the version of the site for the computer, you can change the password or e-mail. Install that I ask before me! I will mutually include it in friends and look at the photo of Nizhny Novgorod and not only: –) And I will look at your photos.

About every change in the beginning of the video from the vikoristannya tsієї programs.

I small video about those how to use the service on a computer:

Recently the program updated the view and I updated the video

What kind of zisk can you take? See me on Instagram?

Well, the cream of aesthetic satisfaction from looking at trillions of photographs: -) You take:

1. Be the first to master qiu social measure. It's already a big deal. At Nizhny Novgorod I got two hundred coristuvachs. I tse mid Mayzhe 1.5 million bags. Tse majestic perevaga - be one of the first. Rockiv for two there will be more and more important to unroll your oblіkovy record. Hurry up.

Why am I talking so loudly? On the right, the main way of obtaining information for young people will be visual. Why do young people actively chime in on Twitter? Їм 140 symbols ABOVE rich. And nezabarom and pictures will be enough. We kotimosya at the world of comics, friends :-)