Change of login, password and personal data in classmates. How to remove password and login in classmates? How to remove an old log and password in Yandex? In classmates not saved password and login

When visiting various resources and registration on their users, you have to invent logins and passwords consummily and memorize them.

Naturally, to keep such a number of data in the head is simply unrealistic, because from time to time, even from the website, classmates can be formed with access and later to remember it and painfully. In order not to happen, it is recommended to save a password in classmates and on other resources that you often visit.

In general, the deflot is most modern browsers Offer to save the password with a machine gun, but from time to time this function is turned off or when reinstalling operating system Or for any need. Therefore, in order to save access to classmates, you simply need to have a preservation feature.

Let's start with the popular browser Internet Explorer. . In order to save a password in classmates in a web ecplezer, you need to select the "Service" menu tab, then go to PT "Observer Properties", where to choose the "Content" tab - "Autocomplete", here will need to press the "Parameters" button And already in the window that seemed to put all the necessary checkboxes. After that, you need to return to the website again, enter the appropriate data that the browser and will suggest.

In order to save access from classmates in MozillaYou need to find the "Tools" menu and press the "Settings" submenu. In the window that seems to select the "Protection" tab. Here you will see a few characteristics, next to which you can put ticks, here, by the way, in the future you can view all your saved passwords. In the middle of them, namely, will "memorize passwords for sites." Everything, now all the data will be saved, and everything you need to do is go to the website and enter them, and when you ask the browser to confirm the preservation.

In this case, if you often use Opera.You can use a special password manager, which is implemented in this browser. In order to enable it, you need to select the "Settings" menu and further choose " General settings" At the top of the window that seems to select the "Form" tab by clicking on the Passwords button, you can see all saved access from websites that visited or edit them.

Also here you can fill in a special form that will allow you to fill in the fields when registering almost two clicks. For the same to save the password on classmates in the Opera, you should press the browser to press "yes" when entering the website in response to the browser offer.

In browser Google Chrome. There are no particular differences in saving passwords from websites. In order to do this, you should open the "Settings" menu, after that - "Show saved passwords". In the window that seems the window, you can also edit passwords from different websites, add new or delete them.

Well, in order to save a password when you first enter, it is quite easy to answer "yes" to the browser question about the need to save the password.

It should be noted that, despite the great convenience of this function, in some cases it is not recommended to save your passwords in automatic mode. In particular, this is burning in cases where you are not working for your personal computer, to which other people also have access. Since if you just managed to save and look at all passwords, then other users will be able to do this if you have the necessary knowledge.

Creator: Katerina Sergeenko

The ability to save the password in classmates allows you to quickly enter your account, without spending time on entering secret data. It is quite simple to facilitate my life, you just need to deal with the configuration of the browser who prefers to use the user.

However, before you give detailed instructions for preserving in OK, let's say about the risks that take this step. First of all, we are talking about hacking or hijacking a personal page that is particularly likely if:

If you objectively weighed everything "for" and "against" and decided to still save the password in classmates, use the following instructions.

At the first entrance to the social network through the Opera browser, the user is proposed to save and password. Here it is enough to click on the "Save" button so that the computer remembers the data and in the future the login is automatically implemented. If the user for the first time refused such an opportunity, and then changed his mind, it is necessary to do this as follows:

  • Exit the menu and open new tabwhere to write domain The system will again prompt save the input data. It remains only to approve this offer.

As you can see, in the configuration of the Opera browser there is nothing complicated, so everyone can save the password here.

Save password in Yandex browser

Now consider the procedure for saving the password in Yandex browser:

  • Enter the section with system settings browser.
  • Scroll down the page and uncover an option with additional settings.
  • Log in to the "Passwords and Forms" section.
  • Find Lines "Enable Auto Forms One Click" and "Offer Save Passwords for Sites". Put the appropriate settings there.

  • Get out of your account OK and try to enter again. Approve the proposal of the system for saving the login and password.

This instruction is similar to those described above and is available even to novice users.

Save password in Firefox

A few years ago, Firefox has enjoyed great popular among users worldwide. However, due to various reasons today, it is not used so actively. Nevertheless, we will tell about how to keep the password from classmates and in this browser.

  1. Open Firefox and log in to the "Tools" section, which is in the upper right corner.
  2. Remove the "Settings" item.
  3. Click the "Protection" tab, where to find the item "Measure passwords from sites." Put in it mark.

  1. In the new browser tab, get out of social network And re-enter login and password.
  2. Put a tick in the "Remember me" item.

All steps in this instruction are quite logical, which makes it easy to navigate and flexibly control access to your page.

Save password in Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer browser is one of the first specialized applications that have been available for another couple of decades ago. Since then, the browser has undergone a lot of changes. Including the option to save passwords from sites has been added. In particular, the password from classmates can be maintained as follows:

  1. Enter the Internet Explorer browser menu.

  1. Open the item "Content".
  2. Log in to the "Autocoping" tab.
  3. Click the "Parameters" item, then set the mark in each desired line.
  4. Close the menu, create a new tab, in which you try to re-enter the social network. Approve the system offer.

Thus, even the Internet Explorer browser offers an option for quick and easy access to social networks. This puts it in one row with the latest programs that came to the market quite recently.

So, the password save option for ok is all popular browsers. Although their connection algorithms are somewhat different, in their essence they are similar to each other.

How to save a password in "Odnoklassniki" so as not to dial it again and again when entering your page? In fact, it is not at all difficult, you just need to dig a little in the settings of your browser. And if you are with your computer "on you" and are not sure that you can understand this matter yourself, our article will come to the rescue.

By the way, before putting on the memorization of the password for "classmates" at the entrance, it is worth keeping in mind that it is not so safe as you think. If you

  • Come on the social network, from your workplace;
  • Use the same computer with your family members or guests;
  • Drive the social network to the correspondence, which can be incorrectly interpreted and put you in an inconvenient position;
  • Tied to their account bank card And they would not like her data to fall into the hands of outsiders;
  • Keep photos on your page that can be addressed against you or your loved ones;

that, making access to the open page, you can get into serious trouble. If all of the above is not about you - then boldly use our instructions below!

Do not know how you can? Then the next our article is written specifically for you!

How to remember the password in Odnoklassniki, without dialing it every time?

Why is the password in Odnoklassniki not saved? Most often it happens if the corresponding marks are not exhibited in your browser settings. Surely you know that in different browsers Access to settings and change them occurs slightly differently. We have led detailed instructions for the most common browsers, after completing which you can no longer worry about how to save the password in Odnoklassniki.

Save in Opere

If you first go to "classmates" through Opera, then when filling out the input form you will definitely be asked to remember the entered data. If you refused to do this for the first time, and then changed my mind, you can fix it as follows.

    • Enter the browser menu.
    • Open the "Settings" section.
    • Find "Security" and click on it with the mouse.

    • Now you have to find and open "passwords."
    • Find among the sites "OK.RU" among those listed here and delete it from this list.

  • Now open the input form, its aggregate, and give your consent to the system offer, pressing the appropriate button.

Save in Yandex

    • Enter the "Settings" of your browser.

Save in Firefox

    • Open your browser and log in to "Tools".

    • Now find the "Settings" and open it.
    • In the "Protection" section, which you should open, find the item "Measure passwords for sites" and put the mark opposite it.

  • Exit the settings and open the login page for Odnoklassniki.
  • Now you need to fill the input form, and then put a tick after the inscription "Remember me."

Save in Internet Explorer

Decided, but do not know how to do it? Then be sure to read another article, located also on this site.

How to remove a password with "classmates" at the entrance?

For example, you give your computer to someone at the time and do not want this person to go to your page on your behalf. So how to remove the saved password in "OK", if necessary? You can do it like this:

  • Open your browser.
  • Using the keypad, type the following command - Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
  • You will see the Cookie File Cleanup form on the screen. About put marks in front of the "passwords", as well as opposite the "cookie files, as well as other sites and plugins".
  • Click on the "Clean Story" button at the bottom.

  • Ready! No one else can enter the site on your behalf.

We hope that you could help you understand this issue yourself. In the event of any questions on this topic, you can leave them at the bottom of the page by filling out the applied comment form.

Human memory is far from perfection and therefore a situation is quite possible when the user has forgotten password access to his account in the social network classmates. What can be taken with such an annoying misunderstanding? The main thing to maintain calm and do not panic.

If you at least once retained the password when entering your account in classmates, you can try to find and see the code word in the browser you use. Make it is easy and even a novice user will cope with it.

Method 1: Saved passwords in the browser

By default, any browser for the convenience of the user saves all the passwords you enjoyed on various sites. And if you have not made changes to the settings of the Internet browser, then the forgotten code word can be viewed on the pair of saved passwords in the browser. Consider how to do this on the example. Google Chrome..

See also: How to view saved passwords in Mozilla Firefox. , Yandex.Browser , Opera.

Method 2: Element Study

There is another method. If on start page Odnoklassniki in the password field displays mysterious points, then you can with the browser console, find out which letters and numbers behind them are hidden.

We together reviewed two legal methods to find out our password in classmates. Beware of using dubious utilities distributed on the Internet. With them you can lose account and infect the computer with malicious code. In extreme cases, forgot password You can always restore through a special tool on the resource of classmates. Detailed instructions About how it can be done, read in another article on our website.