How to turn on the dartless mesh. How to connect to the wireless Internet? Connection to WI-FI

Today, you can absolutely use the wireless Internet other outbuildings. It can be not only a laptop and a computer, but also a phone, a tablet and a TV. Ale cі pristroї povinni support WI-FI technology . Practically on all modern laptops, Wi-Fi is just the same. Smartphones and tablets are worth it. And on computers without a dart, you can create a connection by purchasing a special adapter.

I will tell you about a lot of other things right now.

Also, after we turned on WI-FI, you can still try to connect again. Let's start from the laptop.

1. Connecting to WI-FI on a laptop

In be-yakoma daily laptopє WI-FI. Turn it on to do it, then let's know our bezdrotovu merezh and connect to it. Let's take cym.


Start - Control Panel - Merezha and Internet - Merezha Control Center access- Change adapter parameters.

tut bachimo icon Bezdrotov z'ednannya with a fence. Pushing on new right button select item note.

At the bottom of the screen (there, de yearman) will appear in the window with the knowledge of the dead-headed treadmills. We know our WI-FI and connect to the new one.

Confirm by entering the password.

Now we can open any other browser and try to take over the site.

2. Connecting to WI-FI on a computer

Three stationary computers are foldable. They mostly use daily technology dartless sting. But this problem is easily overcome by buying a special board, or a small adapter.

I have the following axis on my old computer:

By inserting yoga into the standard USB port WI-FI is on the computer.

On my new PC Merezhevy adapter at sight pay:

For the price, it may be the same ($10), but the signal of the new one is better, which is positively indicated on the speed of the Internet.

After installing any of these adapters and installing for a new driver (the disk is included in the kit) on the computer, it will appear exactly the same connection to WI-FI, Yak and in butt with a laptop. Diemo for analogy with a laptop.

3. Connection to Wi-Fi on phones and tablets

On the phone, reach out to the office, turn on WI-FI and know your measure. Axis stock for iPhone:

On other phones, everything is similar, including on Android smartphones. On tablets it's like this :)))

4. Connecting to other outbuildings

On other outbuildings, for example, televisions that support WI-FI or turn on printers, everything works the same way: it turns on, there is a network and there is a connection.

I encourage you to get connected to WI-FI.

What is the work, what is the daily mesh driver

Later, for a while, they installed Windows 7. To the right, behind the malim, it lost its drivers, fixed the working middle and ... But as for evil, there is no disk with drivers under the hand. Where to take them? Tilks on the Internet. However, there is a problem on the Internet, even if access is not achieved. Tse your vpadok? So, it’s time to do yoga nalashtuvannyam.

Just so, that the operating system “blew” the merging adapter without a driver, it didn’t work. However, there is no driver - it does not mean that there is no way out: one-time access to the Internet can be taken off by using a portable USB-interface adapter (if you need a wired without dart models). This device is being repaired on Windows 7 immediately after arrival.

These add-ons can be built inexpensively and are sold practically in any computer store. Three additional help you can connect the provider's cable to the computer or connect to Wi-Fi Merezhi and go to the Internet.

We check the readiness of the lace adapter to work

If you don't remember which driver was installed on the shared adapter, take a look in the Attachment Manager.

Expand the list "Merezhevі adapters". As if the wine is not empty and not filled with "unnecessary outbuildings", it means that you will need a driver on the job. You can go to nalashtuvan.

Important moment. On the big laptops wifi adapter it is activated and it is activated by pressing the given keys (for example, Fn + F12) or the buttons on the case. How do you choose to make a fool-free day, to be sure that there are no faults.

Connecting to a dartless tether

In order to connect to Wi-Fi (drone-free) meshes, in the area of ​​​​your deployment, the hotspots are public (for example, in a cafe) or private (your router). For their review, click on the icon of the measure - "monitor" in the area of ​​the review of the task panel.

Available sizes will be displayed in the list dartless z'ednan. Behind the skin of them is the "Connection" button.

When you hover the cursor over the area of ​​the image, the values ​​of authority are displayed:

  • equal to the signal (for a stable connection, a good one or a good one is needed);
  • security type;
  • radio type;
  • і SSID (my name).

The type of security and im'ya merezhі are assigned when folding.

To create a connection, you need to click on the name of the selected link and enter the password. Setting up the connection (IP, DNS, etc.) your merging adapter is removed automatically. To look at them, open the clicks with the right button of the bear context menu connection and select the item "Stan".

At the onset of the future, press "Vidomosti".

Here you can see the parameters, like the DHCP server of the internal network, recognizing your PC. The access point acts as a DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Server).

Axis, which means the main of these parameters:

  • Description - model twill adapter your PC.
  • Physical address - mac-address of the merging adapter.
  • IPv4 Addresses - addresses of your PC in local dimensions.
  • Gateway for locking - addresses of the access point in local lines.
  • DHCP i DNS servers- also the local address of the access point, the oscils of the functions of these nodes take over (the DNS server is responsible for setting domain names and IP addresses - for example, for the resource, the address is

The skin setting of this group is set optimally, and it is not possible to change anything here without destroying the order.

Setting up a virtual access point

Through a computer with Windows 7, connections to the Internet, you can open access to global measure and other extensions - for which you need to create a new virtual access point. Access point functions will include a wireless (Wi-Fi) mesh adapter - on Windows systems 7 and 8 wines can be used as a router. AT laptops Wi-Fi the adapter will ring right, and you will have to connect it to a stationary PC.

Setting up an access point is easy. Additional software is not required for this creation - there are many possibilities provided by the Netshell console utility (netsh.exe) in Windows 7.

  • Start notepad or change yoga program.
  • Enter next rows into the document: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=" Network_name »key=" your password »KeyUsage=persistent
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork

At the first row, you need to change, so that you can indicate your own lines (SSID) - a word, for which your rootless line will be oriented, and the password for access to it. It is allowed to have a long password in the type of security measure. Rootless barriers on Windows 7 are created behind the WPA 2-Personal standard, the password limit for each is up to 8 characters.

Another row secures start virtual points access.

  • Save the creations file on the desktop. Give it a new name (or you can change it to something else) and extension.bat (command file). By running this file in the name of the administrator, you will create an access point, so you can get into the list of wireless connections.

On which setting mayzhe completed. The connection to the Internet has been lost. For whom:

  • by clicking on the link icon in the tray, open the list of available connections;
  • to know among them the connection to the Internet and to open the door to power;
  • open the “Access” tab, select from the list of measures that you would like to allow access to the Internet, and put a sign “Allow other shortlisted members of the network to enter this connection ...”

Setting up a virtual access point with an exit to the global network has been created.

Setting up a wired connection

Installed on Windows 7, the dart is not richly folded, lower than those that we have already sorted out. For the first time, it is necessary to install a physical connection between computers one by one, a router, a switch or other nodes in the network behind an auxiliary cable (twisted bet).

Yakshcho everything is crushed virno, in the papacy " Merezhevy connection»The element «Connection by local measure» appears. To go to this folder in Windows 7, go to "Mergers and Global Access Control Center" -> "Change adapter settings".

On the tab "Merezha" click on the item "Protocol to the Internet version 4" and the button "Power".

At the next end, the head tiered parameters of the PC are configured: recognition of the IP address, the main gateway (router) and the DNS server.

  • As an IP, enter one address in the local range ( -, -, - - head, so that the wines do not repeat on your іnshіhі outbuildings. If it is repeated - it is necessary to change it.
  • The main gateway (attachment, through a PC to access the Internet) register the IP of the router.
  • Removing DNS addresses can be done automatically. If you want to change it, enter the address of the main gateway as a priority DNS, and nothing else as an alternative one, or your provider's DNS will be shown to you.

After pressing the OK button in each window, the connection setup is completed.

In this article, we can look at the algorithm, which allows you to eliminate inaccuracies, which can be blamed after installing the OS.

What is a driver? This program, for the help of which operating system of the computer is interfacing with the hardware security of the annex ( motherboard, Vіdkritiy, mesh card, printer, scanner, MFP, Etc.).

Drivers are distributed by companies that produce computer components and peripherals that are compatible with PCs (for example, office equipment).

Most of the current operating systems (including i) already have the same set of drivers, which allow you to work with the main components of the computer, it’s easy to see if the programs are daily.

The peculiarity of the situation, if fencing driver not installed, if it is possible to use the software for automatic installation of drivers, the shards of all the stinks for your work will be installed on the Internet, and the shards of the network driver are not installed, then access to the Internet is daily.

With the installation of the drivers of the twill adapter, the coristuvach, as a rule, sticks in the coming ups and downs:

1. After buying a new computer and running a new installed OS.

3. After a failure of the merging adapter driver.

In order to solve problems, which are blamed for the first time, it is necessary to look for disks, which are included in the kit with a computer. On the driver disk maternity pay and know those that we need.

In the rest of the years, a trend has clearly formed, which transfers to the victorious drives of optical discs, not only among the media laptops, Ale and desktop PC.

Koristuvachі, yakі independently plunder components, z yakіh іbnіnі їх їх computer, ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа"

Please! It is recommended to put all necessary drivers (and not just the ones) into an okremium directory on a hard drive and/or a flash drive. Tse to allow the situation to disappear, if after installation operating system you will need to drive either a PC (tablet, phone), to get the driver from the disk or the Internet.