How to fix pardons for Windows Update Center. How to fix pardons when installing Windows updates for the help of an updated component Fixing problems with windows 8.1 update center

Good afternoon, dear readers, for the last time we have been sorted by what rank you can, today blue services and focus on the cherishing pardons, but for yourself: pardon 8024a000 when updating Windows 8.1. Chi does not let you install fresh security patches, but in the last hour, they began to work, to inspire the people themselves, and all through the threat of viruses.

The main reasons for the pardon 8024a000

First of all, if you look at the symptoms, you need to understand their causes, I can see the following list:

  • Poshkodzhenna update in folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution unstable internet z'ednanny or even more common antivirus
  • Problem with service Windows update
  • Problem with Windows libraries
  • Up to you lize crooked update

Axis So Axis in Windows 8.1 looks like an upgrade problem with code 8024a000.

Pardon repair method 8024a000

  • First, why should I please you, run the diagnostic utility, you yourself can understand why the problem is and put it in, the button on it is right at the bottom, but if you don’t have any reason, you can know it in the control panel, in paragraph "Troubleshooting"

Know the item "System and security" and start troubleshooting for the help of the Windows Update service.

In 50 hundred cases of vipadkiv, it helps to solve the problem. If it didn’t help, then we move on to the offensive point.

  • Vydalennya instead of the folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution and C:\Windows\System32\Catroot2. For the first papacy, the interests of the update are saved, for the other one, the logs. There are situations when the download of the update was wrong and it got messed up, leaving a mistake in the SoftwareDistribution folder, so you need to see it.

You and I have already been doing the same thing in the comments about the unfinished search for updates. Vіdkrivaєmo command row in the name of the administrator, first you need to name three services

  1. net stop wuauserver
  2. net stop bits
  3. net stop cryptsvc

ren%systemroot%\System32\Catroot2 Catroot2.old
ren%systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

I'm trying to rename the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders in the same way, but with the added word .old, and the original and empty folders are created on them.

Then you need to run the cmd file in the name of the administrator, in the task of which, enter the registration of the required libraries

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\vbscript.dll/s
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\mshtml.dll/s
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\msjava.dll/s
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\jscript.dll/s
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\msxml.dll/s
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\actxprxy.dll/s
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll/s
regsvr32 wuapi.dll /s

regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll /s
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll /s
regsvr32 wucltui.dll /s
regsvr32 wups2.dll /s
regsvr32 wups.dll /s
regsvr32 wuweb.dll /s
regsvr32 Softpub.dll /s
regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s
regsvr32 Initpki.dll /s
regsvr32 softpub.dll /s
regsvr32 wintrust.dll /s
regsvr32 initpki.dll /s
regsvr32 dssenh.dll /s
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll /s
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll /s
regsvr32 sccbase.dll /s
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll /s
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll /s
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll /s
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll /s
regsvr32 Msjava.dll /s
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll /s
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll /s
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll /s
regsvr32 msxml.dll /s
regsvr32 msxml2.dll /s
regsvr32 msxml3.dll /s
regsvr32 Browseui.dll /s
regsvr32 shell32.dll /s
regsvr32 wuapi.dll /s
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll /s
regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll /s
regsvr32 wucltui.dll /s
regsvr32 wups.dll /s
regsvr32 wuweb.dll /s
regsvr32 jscript.dll /s
regsvr32 atl.dll /s
regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s

As a result of the launch, you will have to re-register everything, you can download cmd for permission.

After that, I restart the services and check the presence of a pardon with the code 8024a000.

net start wuauserver
net start bits
net start cryptsvc

  • If it didn’t help you and you still can’t get it, then I’ll tell you to install the rest of the month-long set of security system fixes for Windows 8.1 systems, this is such a great package in everything stop updating, Also called a Rollup package.

Since the release of the first update of windows 10, microsoft has already intensively started to improve the operating system. We are releasing two patches to update. One patch for security, the other for system maintenance (fixing bugs, lags, improving the interface, design, etc.). Prote, a rich coristuvach, had to fix a lot of problems when installing windows 10 updates. A few hours later, Microsoft released a tool that could help you get a lot of pardons when installing updates in Windows 10/8. Vipiwi Kody Vipviti Vipiwi Cody Pomoxes in the center of Windows: 0x80073712, 0x800705b4, 0x80004005, 0x8024402F, 0x80070002, 0x80070643, 0x80070003, 0x8024200b, 0x80070020. Let's take a look at more methods below with one tool from Microsoft and we'll see a lot of pardons when updating or installing Windows 10 updates.

How to fix pardons for windows 10 update center

Rozberemo for the cob vbudovaniya variant for the correction of pardons when renewed. For whom do you say " parameters" > "Update and security" > "Usunennya malfunctions" > "Windows Update Service"i press" Run Troubleshooter".

Troubleshooting Windows 10 Update Center

Microsoft has released a tool for pardoning when upgrading Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7. I have selected all the popular ones in the system. Just go to the prompts and download or scroll down to the items below.

  • go to microsoft website and download the diagnostic program.
  • Select system version and download Troubleshooting in Windows Update Center.
  • For others Windows versions 8.1, Windows 7, check the items on the site, mark the items and then solve a lot of problems related to firmware updates.

Skip cache to update center in Windows 10

Sometimes, if the cache is updated in Windows 10, there may be some bugs, and if you click on a bunch of pardons, different codes. Especially this way helps, if.

  • Run the command line with the name of the administrator. (How to start marveling below).
  • Copy the commands below, paste all the commands into the "command row" and press Enter.

net stop wuauserver
net stop cryptSvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver
ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old
net start wuauserver
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
net start msiserver pause

How do you keep track of the process of convergence net start msiserver pause, press Enter. After a successful operation, close the command line, go to "Parameters" > "Update and Security" and press " Rechecking the visibility of the update".

Fix Windows 10 updates for help with DISM

We will correct for the additional command line and the DISM parameter. Open the command line in the name of the administrator.

In the row, enter or copy the following commands in order:

  1. DISM.exe /Online/Cleanup-image/Restorehealth
  2. DISM.exe /Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth/Source: C:\RepairSource\Windows/LimitAccess
  3. sfc /scannow

Dock after the skin command 100% of the result and do not use the Internet and computer in the media.

Zupinka and start services usune pardon windows 10 updates

For one of the most common reasons that Windows may not be able to update or install an update, services may be blocked by other software processes. You can try to reset the computer and change the process. If it didn’t help, then we’ll figure out how to help the team BITS, We need to restart the services associated with the windows update center. Vіdkryte command row in the name of the administrator and enter the following commands in order:

Zupinka services:

  • net stop bits
  • net stop wuauserver
  • net stop appidsvc
  • net stop cryptsvc

Starting services:

  • net start bits
  • net start wuauserver
  • net start appidsvc
  • net start cryptsvc

Clear the SoftwareDistribution folder in Windows 10

The problem of others is in papacy Software Distribution, The windows update files themselves are saved. If the system is being updated, then the stench is saved by itself in your papacy. After the installation of an update, WUAgent see the folders are all old in the same place, but other times the processes get mixed up and the folder is left behind different files. We will clean up the SoftwareDistribution folder manually so that there are no failures and pardons when installing windows updates. Open the command line in the name of the administrator and enter the following commands:

  • net stop wuauserver
  • net stop bits

Now let's go to the folder itself and see the whole place in it. Go to computer by way C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution and delete all files in my folder. For some reason the files cannot be seen, then try to restart the computer, or rather, repeat it again. Since the files were deleted, the problems were due, but as far as we remember, we have updated the two Update and WUAgent services now running back. Open CMD and enter next commands:

  • net start wuauserver
  • net start bits

Drop and restore the catroot2 folder

Catroot i catroot2є folders operating system Windows as necessary for the Windows update process. When starting a Windows service Windows folder catroot2 preserves the signature of the Windows update package and assists in the installation. Removing and updating the catroot2 folder fails a lot of pardons when updating or installing Windows 10 updates.

  1. net stop cryptsvc
  2. md%systemroot%\system32\catroot2.old
  3. xcopy %systemroot%\system32\catroot2%systemroot%\system32\catroot2.old/s

Now you can see the entire catroot2 folder along the way C:\Windows\System32\catroot2

After leaving, enter the command net start cryptsvc .

If I restart the Windows Update service, folder after directory will be dropped.

Do not change or rename the folder Catroot. The Catroot2 folder is automatically recognized by Windows, but the Catroot folder is NOT recognized, as it has been renamed. If you can see that the catroot or catroot2 folder is not visible, if you have seen it, you can create new folder With this name in the System32 folder, reboot the computer and then start the Windows Update service.

Threat to computer security when working with the Internet, incorrect robot, driver failure and software- only deeds possible problems when prompted for system updates of Windows. Vtіm, tі hto osvіdomleno go to such a crochet, like turning on the Windows update, melodiously know what and why the stench is roaring. In case of failures, if system updates are not restored due to unforeseen and uncontrollable root causes, it is insane, necessary to find ways to fix problems. Below we look at the same for the operating system Windows 8.1.

Search for reasons and ways to solve them in case of a malfunction in the operating system - in any case, risk. And, of course, upgrades are required if updates are not installed on Windows 8.1. Navіt vіdshukavshi vіrne solution, on the way to a successful result we can vipadkovo make nebazhanі zmeni in system settings. Therefore, we won’t call the first operation to fix problems with updates to worry about the possibility of getting out Change Windows. For these purposes, you can create:

If it’s more than possible to recover the system, otherwise you’ll create a backup not for the help of AOMEI Backupper Standard, but for the help of some other third-party software backups for Windows - more and more prevention of problems with system updates in the future. So, vtim, like in the wild instability Roboti Windows, May be the last of the operating hours of the shkidlivy PZ. Viruses, worms and other malware can damage the integrity of system files. The antivirus can not start up with updates to infected files, which is the reason for problems with updating Windows 8.1 є operation of the operating system, in the simplest way, the operating system must be turned back - until the point of recovery or else backup copy. Ideally, before preventing problems with Windows 8.1 updates, it is possible to add visibility to the system good antivirus with regularly updated databases.

Well, now let's get down to the cause of the problems with Windows 8.1 updates and ways to get it installed.

1. Enable update service

The risk of dealing with problems with system updates is especially high at 8.1. It is not uncommon to put it in front of the shortest gap just with the inclusion of the Update Center, in the higher one - with the system service Center. In such cases, apparently, the Update Center must be enabled, and the system service must be started.

Verify that the Windows Update service is turned on. typing keys Windows + X And in the menu that appeared in the lower left corner of the screen, select "Control Panel".

In the search box in the upper right corner of the window of the control panel, it is written key request“Update Center” and start yoga.

The update center is responsible for inclusions - tobto, to automatically download and install, only download or just want to check for updates. Although there are only a few problems, the parameter “Do not override the presence of updates” is set in the system, there is nothing simple, lower change. Tisnemo "Nalashtuvannya parametrіv".

І install a viable option.

As well as the Startup Renewal Center, if you ask for an update, it cannot be done through the enabled service, obviously, it is necessary to stop running. Press the Win + R keys to start the Vikonati service and in the end enter:


Tisnemo "OK" or Enter.

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno distributed system services. At the very bottom of the list, we know a service called "Windows Update Center". Under the influence of a click, in the end of її dominions.

The “Start” button, apparently, starts the service.

2. Search for troubleshooting for the help of a regular update of the Windows service

Inclusion of the service to the Update Center, in the order of the least potential problems with updates, can be assigned as part of the work of the regular update of the Windows Update 8.1 service. This tool diagnoses the system and automatically fixes problems. For yoga start, I’ll break it again in the control panel (keys Windows + X and select the menu item “Control Panel”) and in the field, ask for the keyword “Troubleshooting”. At the results of the search, the search was on the press of “Usunennya malfunctions”.

At the end, in the "System and Security" section, there is a embossed option-enabled "Search for troubleshooting for the additional Windows Update service."

At the vital end, the master of troubleshooting tysnemo "Dali" will start.

Runs as an administrator.

The next thing to wake up automatic process Identification of problems in the Windows service robot.

Upon completion of the robot, the troubleshooting master will show the call about the vikonan robot. Any problems, as small as they are, will be corrected automatically. Some of the problems with the Windows service, perhaps, were respected by the full-fledged work, more often in the column "Problems Identified".

Now it's just a matter of manually running the search and installing the update again. Perhaps, it will be necessary to restart the computer.

3. Troubleshooting Windows Update on the Microsoft website

Although the regular maintenance of the Windows service did not solve the problem with Windows updates, it is necessary to go to another troubleshooting tool - an additional utility downloaded from the Microsoft website. The software giant for Windows 8.1 has expanded into a universal solution to problems with system updates, zocrema, so when trying to install it, pardons 0x80240016 and 0x80240016 are indicated. When the utility is launched, it checks all possible causes and automatically fixes problems.

Let's start yoga.

Checking the completion of the process of identifying problems.

As in the case of regular robots, problems are fixed, after the process of identifying problems is completed, it will be concluded that problems will be shown and a note about them being automatically corrected.

That's it - now I'll manually start the search and install the update. In order to troubleshoot the problem again, try again to check and install the update after restarting the computer.

4. Solving problems with updates when a computer is infected with viruses

Problems with system updates can be caused by the penetration of viruses, wireworms and other malware programs. Zocrema, such pardons of the Windows Update service, like 0x80240016, WindowsUpdate_8024401C, 0x8024401C, 0x80070490, mostly blamed on themselves through the integrity of system files, calling out malware. What was shown on the computer shkidlivі programs And the next time updates are not installed on Windows 8.1, it is necessary, naturally, to neutralize existing problems. Possibly, the software entered the system through the termination of the antivirus license term. In such a situation, it is necessary to continue the license and run a global computer scan. Let's reconsider and supervise the removal of viruses without any damage. You can win in parallel with the work of the anti-virus installed in the system.

After the neutralization of the critical software, the next step is to re-vandage the computer and reveal, that it is not damaged (but not the least important) important system files. For diagnostics and updating of system files, it is launched in the command line regular Windows utilities sfc.exe. Detailed process її robot descriptions in the article. The process of restoring the integrity of system files is possible even in different times, as Windows 8.1 does not take a hit after virus updates. Help me in such a situation.

If you do not encounter problems with Windows 8.1 updates, you can try to run the troubleshooting service for Windows Update service, taken from the Microsoft website, as indicated in paragraph 3 of the article.

5. Restarting the update service and remote distribution update

As it is possible to correct the situation by restarting the update service and removing the update distribution. Files with pardons are not overwritten when they are re-uploaded, and in order for the files to be upgraded again, it is necessary to clear their save folder. Ale Persh zupinimo service novlennya.

typing keys Win+Rі in the field of the service "Vikonati" enter:


Tisnemo "OK" or Enter. In the section of system services, as in the first paragraph of the article, we know the service "Windows Update Center" and by clicking on it in the end of the power. And yet, in the first paragraph of the article, the service was launched, now it is necessary, navpaki, zupiniti.

Without curving at the end of the authorities of the service, let's proceed to clear the folder of savings installation files update. Tse folder, stashed along the wayC:Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download. The easiest way to get to it is to press the Win + R keys and in the field of the Vikonati command, write the path of the folder.

We can see the folders.

That's all - we can reboot and try to run a search and install an update.

6. Free space available on the system drive

An infrequent cause of problems with updates to Windows 8.1, prote, and there may be more space for the C drive. To sing along, include the cause from among the possible ones, it is necessary that at least 5 GB was left on the C drive free space.

7. Blocking access to Microsoft web resources by antivirus or firewall

Another one possible reason, Why do not install updates on Windows 8.1, a zokrema, a long and unsuccessful process of asking for an update - an antivirus robot or a firewall (firewall). Such cases can block access to Microsoft web resources in case of the first hacks. The easiest way to get ahead of this moment is to turn on the search for an hour to download an update to the antivirus or firewall.

8. Troubleshooting Updates in Windows Clean Upgrade Mode

In order to reconsider all the other ways to fix the causes of problems with updates to Windows 8.1, in which case the solution did not bring positive results, you can change the type of fallback to what looks like a Windows 8.1 clean-up mode. It is necessary to clean up the operating system, as stated in the article.

Already in the mode of pure interest, it is necessary to launch the inquiry from the Microsoft website in order to troubleshoot problems with the Windows Update service and see the details that were discussed in paragraph 3 of the article.

9. Also, be aware that often the cause of incorrect work in the Windows 8.1 Update Center is the failure of the collection of system components

You can also restore the local component collection simply by using the help of the command Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / RestoreHealth,.

In this article, a few ways have been looked at, for the help of which you can fix the pardons of the Windows Update Center

Sometimes when installing Windows updates, you can fix various problems and pardons. The most wide-ranging pardons with which the coristuvach stikkaetsya, it’s too early for a long time, or the interest of the update, as well as the pardon of the cost, or the installation of the update.


How to fix pardons for Windows Update

If you are having trouble installing an update, then hurry up to get into the operating system and troubleshoot the Windows Update Center.

Run a list of troubleshooting, for which you should sequentially open:

Windows Settings ➯ Security Update ➯ Troubleshooting

At the right side of the window, in the division Run and fix the problem wrap Windows Update Service and press the button Run Troubleshooter

After that, start up for troubleshooting and troubleshooting.

Upon completion of the scan, any malfunctions can be corrected automatically. For other problems, you can choose zasosuvati correcting or Skip the troubleshooting for other issues or complete the maister's work.

After the completion of the work of the utility, information will appear about the identified and corrected problems, as well as malfunctions that did not work in the automatic mode. Press the Close button and restart the computer. After restarting, try installing the update again in the Windows Update Center.

If for the help of the troubleshooting tool you didn’t manage to fix the pardons of the Windows Update Center, then hurry up in the next way.

How to fix pardons to Windows Update for help restarting services

If the update takes a long time to complete (freezes), then try the update and start (restart) the service connected to the Windows Update Center.

Zupinka services:

Starting services:

How to fix pardons to Windows Update for help clearing the cache update

The operating system saves the update files to the "SoftwareDistribution" folder in the Windows system directory

To clear the update cache, enter the administrator's name and sequentially enter the following commands:

attrib -r -s -h /s/d "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution"
del "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution" /q/s

How to fix pardons in Windows Update Center " Reset Windows update agent »

"Reset Windows Update Agent" is a tool to help fix breaks and problems when updating Windows. This script will be korisny, if the system updates do not show up, they will not be vanquished, or they will not be restored.

"Reset Windows Update Agent" allows you to correct the pardons in the connected components, replace more cardinal entries, as for example, to more early

Run the script in the name of the administrator, after which the tool will launch the next options for fixing problems and pardoning the operational update Windows systems:
1. Enter parameters "System protection".
2. Drop the components of the Windows Update service.
3. View time files in Windows.
4. Enter the parameters of the Internet Explorer web browser.
5. Run a checklist of disks.
6. Run a checklist for checking system files.
7. Reshape the image in the jokes of the day.
8. Revisit the revealed flaws.
9. Vikonati operation of automatic renewal.
10. Clean old components.
11. View incorrect registry keys.
12. Update / Reset Winsock settings.
13. Check the visibility of the update.
14. Review of other local solutions.
15. Revisiting other online solutions.
16. Get diagnostic tools.
17. Computer reset.

"Reset Windows Update Agent" can be especially corny in case of unexpected data, for example, in case of a crash hard drive or change services and registry keys for small software security. Danish script summіsny z usіma supported by Microsoft server and client operating systems Windows

Presented are more ways to help you fix the pardons of installing updates in the Windows Update Center.

The threat of computer security when working with the Internet, incorrect robot, driver failure and software security - the whole thing is more likely to have problems with Windows system updates. Vtіm, tі hto osvіdomleno go to such a crochet, like turning on the Windows update, melodiously know what and why the stench is roaring. In case of failures, if system updates are not restored due to unforeseen and uncontrollable root causes, it is insane, necessary to find ways to fix problems. Below we look at the same for the operating system Windows 8.1.

Updates are not installed on Windows 8.1: possible causes and ways to fix them

Search for reasons and ways to solve them in case of a malfunction in the operating system - in any case, risk. And, of course, upgrades are required if updates are not installed on Windows 8.1. Finding the correct solution, on the way to a successful result, we can make minor changes to the system settings. Therefore, we will not hesitate to carry out the first operation to fix problems with updates, to be concerned about the possibility of changing Windows. For these purposes, you can create:

If it’s more than possible to recover the system, otherwise you’ll create a backup not for the help of AOMEI Backupper Standard, but for the help of some other third-party software backups for Windows - more and more prevention of problems with system updates in the future. So, vtim, like in the wild instability of Windows robots, can be similar to the activity of a shkidly PZ. Viruses, worms and other malware can damage the integrity of system files. Antivirus can not start to update infected files, which, as the cause of problems with updating Windows 8.1, is the operation of bad software, in other words, the operating system can be turned back - to the point of renewal, or a backup copy. Ideally, before preventing problems with updates to Windows 8.1, it is possible to add a good anti-virus to the system with regularly updated databases.

Well, now let's get down to the cause of the problems with Windows 8.1 updates and ways to get it installed.

1. Enable update service

The risk of dealing with problems with system updates is especially high in case of different pirated selections of Windows 8.1. It is not uncommon to put it in front of the shortest gap just with the inclusion of the Update Center, in the higher one - with the system service Center. In such cases, apparently, the Update Center must be enabled, and the system service must be started.

Verify that the Windows Update service is turned on. typing keys Windows + X And in the menu that appeared in the lower left corner of the screen, select "Control Panel".

In the search field in the upper right corner of the control panel, enter the key entry "Update Center" and start yoga.

The update center is responsible for inclusions - tobto, to automatically download and install, only download or just want to check for updates. Although there are only a few problems, the parameter “Do not override the presence of updates” is set in the system, there is nothing simple, lower change. Tisnemo "Nalashtuvannya parametrіv".

І install a viable option.

As well as the Startup Renewal Center, if you ask for an update, it cannot be done through the enabled service, obviously, it is necessary to stop running. Press the Win + R keys to start the Vikonati service and in the end enter:


Tisnemo "OK" or Enter.

Vіdkriєtsya vіkno rasdіlu system services. At the very bottom of the list, we know a service called "Windows Update Center". Under the influence of a click, in the end of її dominions.

The “Start” button, apparently, starts the service.

2. Search for troubleshooting for the help of a regular update of the Windows service

Inclusion of the service to the Update Center, in the order of the least potential problems with updates, can be assigned as part of the work of the regular update of the Windows Update 8.1 service. This tool diagnoses the system and automatically fixes problems. For yoga start, I’ll break it again in the control panel (keys Windows + X and select the menu item “Control Panel”) and in the field, ask for the keyword “Troubleshooting”. At the results of the search, the search was on the press of “Usunennya malfunctions”.

At the end, in the "System and Security" section, there is a embossed option-enabled "Search for troubleshooting for the additional Windows Update service."

At the vital end, the master of troubleshooting tysnemo "Dali" will start.

Runs as an administrator.

After that, the automatic process of detecting problems in the robotic Windows service will appear.

Upon completion of the robot, the troubleshooting master will show the call about the vikonan robot. Any problems, as small as they are, will be corrected automatically. Some of the problems with the Windows service, perhaps, were respected by the full-fledged work, more often in the column "Problems Identified".

3. Troubleshooting Windows Update on the Microsoft website

Although the regular maintenance of the Windows service did not solve the problem with Windows updates, it is necessary to go to another troubleshooting tool - an additional utility downloaded from the Microsoft website. The software giant for Windows 8.1 has expanded into a universal solution to problems with system updates, zocrema, so when trying to install it, pardons 0x80240016 and 0x80240016 are indicated. When the utility is launched, it checks all possible causes and automatically fixes problems.

If you do not encounter problems with Windows 8.1 updates, you can try to run the troubleshooting service for Windows Update service, taken from the Microsoft website, as indicated in paragraph 3 of the article.

5. Restarting the update service and remote distribution update

As it is possible to correct the situation by restarting the update service and removing the update distribution. Files with pardons are not overwritten when they are re-uploaded, and in order for the files to be upgraded again, it is necessary to clear their save folder. Ale Persh zupinimo service novlennya.

typing keys Win+Rі in the field of the service "Vikonati" enter:


Tisnemo "OK" or Enter. In the section of system services, as in the first paragraph of the article, we know the service "Windows Update Center" and by clicking on it in the end of the power. And yet, in the first paragraph of the article, the service was launched, now it is necessary, navpaki, zupiniti.

Without curving at the end of the authorities of the service, let's proceed to clearing the folder for saving the installation files for updates. Tse folder, stashed along the wayC:Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download. The easiest way to get to it is to press the Win + R keys and in the field of the Vikonati command, write the path of the folder.

We can see the folders.

That's all - we can reboot and try to run a search and install an update.

6. Free space available on the system drive

An infrequent cause of problems with updates to Windows 8.1, prote, and there may be a problem is the damage of the C drive. You can singly turn off the cause from the number of possible ones, it is necessary that at least 5 GB of free space was left on the C drive.

7. Blocking access to Microsoft web resources by antivirus or firewall

Another possible reason why updates are not being installed on Windows 8.1 is the cream, an indefinitely long and unsuccessful process of asking for an update - an antivirus robot or a firewall (firewall). Such cases can block access to Microsoft web resources in case of the first hacks. The easiest way to get ahead of this moment is to turn on the search for an hour to download an update to the antivirus or firewall.

8. Troubleshooting Updates in Windows Clean Upgrade Mode

In order to reconsider all the other ways to fix the causes of problems with updates to Windows 8.1, in which case the solution did not bring positive results, you can change the type of fallback to what looks like a Windows 8.1 clean-up mode. It is necessary to clean up the operating system, as stated in the article "Clean Windows 7, 8.1 and 10".

Already in the mode of pure interest, it is necessary to launch the inquiry from the Microsoft website in order to troubleshoot problems with the Windows Update service and see the details that were discussed in paragraph 3 of the article.

9. Also, be aware that often the cause of incorrect work in the Windows 8.1 Update Center is the failure of the collection of system components

You can also retrieve the local component collection simply by using the additional command DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / RestoreHealth,.