Detailed instructions for the correct setup of the ZTE router. Merezheve possession of ZTE: setting up routers for Rostelecom

Adjustment of the ZTE router є one of the head stages of connection to the fancy.

Moreover, right away because of the fact that it’s necessary to have a vikorist for access to a framing - an hour at a time will not be necessary.

Chi does not flow into the special settings and models of the routers - as a result of the general characteristics, it is only possible to have quick access to the methods of distributing computers and technology.

vibir router

The ZTE company is one of the most popular electronic devices, including routers.

І, I want the most popular є dumb routers You can access the Internet via 3G and 4G mobile channels, with one shorter options for purchase can be articles of universal models.

Tobto such attachments, as you can trim and transfer the data for an additional cable, and in other ways (mobile phone call,).

The ZTE brand will provide potential customers of its technology with a wide assortment of new models, which provide functionality, quick access to stock and transmission of data.

all happy annexes, Navigate from the lower price categories, prevent mouthless calls (), and easily navigate to connect to the bottom in the same way.

In such a rank, we can find reasonably cheap models for the majority of people.

If you want, as a rule, the price of a router is more powerful - it includes a wide range of signals and a clear signal.

One of the most important characteristics is the number of antennas - more, more power.

An even larger option is a router with the ability to connect additional inputs.

Same taku techniku ​​varto vibrate for a great apartment and, more, for a private booth, the territory of the rozvazhalny center, a cafe or an office.

ZTE E5501

A popular router, which was launched in 2014, is altogether popular and is sold in stock for a price of close to 1000 rubles, Є ZTE E5501.

An advanced model can be called an addictive design (not so important, but all the same when buying a characteristic), the adoption of the 802.11n mouthless technology and the appearance of two antennas, so that the signal is amplified by 10 dBi.

And a small shortfall is the unhappiness of connecting a 3G modem and making other ways of connecting to a mobile phone call.

Small. 1. Three of them are old, but all one is to complete the functional and stylish router ZTE E5501.


Big new model ZTE ZXHN H118N with a price close to 1000-1200 rubles. also for the modem, which allows you to connect to the net for help mobile technologies.

At the same hour here є і rose WAN for wired access.

And the data is transmitted to those who are roztashovanim in the radio of the router, annexes and by cable (4 LAN port), І via Wi-Fi.

Small. 2. ZTE ZXHN H118N - for mouthless and earless access to fencing.

ZTE 5502

Another model, in terms of functionality and price (close to 900 rubles), Nagadu router E5501, can be done stylishly.

However, the crossing in front of these annexes is practically dumb - access is only available, and the distribution of the net is only in one range (the speed is close to 300 Mb / s).

I would like the ZTE 5502 to complete the encrypted information (for WPA-PSK, WPA2, etc.).

Fig. 3. Yaskraviy and functional router ZTE 5502.


The MF283 model is non-removable (connected via a SIM card), and immediately with two wire connections.

In addition, you can connect a USB storage device to the router to transfer information from a net without a computer, and a telephone cable.

And, it means that such a router will be a vidminny option for a great house, and for an office.

Tim has more antennas attached to the sign, and can be replaced with more straining elements.

Small. 4. Model MF283 - a router with winter antennas and connections up to mobile framing.


The router is designed to work with both provincial connections (wide-dark and telephone), as well as a rootless local net.

Varto vidmititi scho bezrotove z'єdnannya Take care not for the help of 3G / 4G modems, as in most routers of this type, but for a new SIM card installed in a new SIM card.

And even before the outbuilding, it is possible to bring up to 2 antennas, the skin-tight signal is 3 dBi.

Small. 5. Router MF28D - for robots with 3G / 4G-Internet and let's see the connections.

Preparation before setting up

Before that, how to connect the router, whether it is a reverse type of connection with a combination of reconversion of its configuration. The kit before the router is guilty:

  • living block;
  • an Ethernet cable for connecting to a wire mesh (other options for connecting to the Internet only for additional mobile technologies);
  • Instructions, guarantees and a disk with software security.

Important: When connected to the router, two headers from different providers are connected at once (for example, via WAN and mobile phone call) Bazhano set up a splitter for filtering the signal. And additional coverage is possible behind additional antennas.

Small. 6. Connecting the cable to the hedgehog picture of the laptop.

By attaching all cables, you can turn on the router using an additional button that has been removed from the back.

Step-by-step - conversion of data for additional indicators on the front panel of the ZTE router. Here you can hit the signals, show:

  • up to any rose of PC connections (laptop);
  • chi pratsyuє bezrotove z'єdnannya;
  • chi є plugged in to the hem.

You are connected to the Internet and a computer, and wireless connection so you can go ahead and configure your router.

For the whole web-interface, like a presence at anybody.

And even if you adjust the attachment, you can be victorious and without a computer - just turn it on for a day with an attachment, including tablets and smartphones.

Internet connection

Management of ZTE routers for wired ta mouthless connection carried out behind an additional special interface, connect to whatever is possible by entering the address in the browser (you can specify the value in the data sheet of the router).

As soon as there are notifications to the PC, if you enter these numbers on the screen, the settings appear, if necessary:

  1. Enter the login and password of the username. For the replacement of the skin, the word admin is introduced (with the help of them, it is possible to replace them);
  2. Having memorized the fields, click on Login;
  3. At vіknі, vibrate razdіl Network;
  4. Open the WLAN tab (one can vibrate immediately from the list, without going to the Network tab), and then Basic;
  5. Vibrate the WirelessRFMode column;
  6. Change the status from Disabled to Enabled;
  7. Press the Submit button, having secured the inclusion of mouthless distribution of tributes.

Important: Most often, when connected with a cable, the net will start automatically. As soon as I didn’t get it, I’ll be able to do it, or to install the driver hedgehog picture... And then set up a new connection.

Now, if there are inclusions, you can set up the connection itself.

In the WAN Connection menu, select PVC0 in the Connection Name row, and Route in the Type row.

If you want to, you need to vibrate and type in the default password (if the PPPoE type is connected), for the help of which you will be able to enter the hem.

ADSL-framing will adjust approximately the same way, if you want to go to go to the іnshu tab.

Small. 7. The process of connecting the router.

When connected for an additional 3G / 4G connection, the setting is carried out through the іnshu tab - 3G WAN Connection.

Here you can select only APN access points (you can check it on the provider's website or check it in the company's technical support).

Іnshі nalashtuvannya, as a rule, rises automatically.

Slide of nobility: In the fallowness of the router model, the names of the tabs can be seen. For example, іm'ya access points іnodі need to be entered on okremiy deposit APN Settings. At the same hour, all the events of the koristuvach will be approximately the same.

additional portions

In addition to adjusting the connection to the hedge, the ZTE router has the ability to change the parameters:

  • for example, in the Multi-SSID distribution, you can create a net and open it, and it can be closed;
  • The name of the connection is changed in the SSIDName column;
  • the maximum number of switches can be switched on one hour to the point of MaximumClients (the majority of models can be switched on up to 32 switches at one time);
  • in the EnableSSID item, you can enable or disable the option;
  • Distributing HideSSID allows you to prikhovuvati a non-mouthful net.

Small. 8. Nalashtuvannya to the router.

As long as in the menu Customize є Distribution Security, you can vibrate the WPAPassphrase encryption key from 8 to 32 characters.

And so is the type of encryption Authentication and a type of encryption algorithm for capturing information transfer WPAEncryptionAlgorithm.

Set the password, follow the rules.

In the first place, choose a combination, so that there are no less than 8 symbols, middle and small, and great letters, as well as numbers.

In addition, it is not necessary to vikoristovuvati like the passwords of the name and date of the people of the koristuvachiv.

As soon as you whisper a smart and super-smart smartphone, then you will surely have a lot of respect for the ZTE brand. At the tsієї fіrmi reach the wide lineup, І products їх are available practically to everyone. You can buy a ZTE phone for about 4000 rubles. Є models with higher prices, they have more tighter processor and інші parameters.

Why not be afraid of kupuvati telephones from Chinese virobniks

It is presented in the whole statty of the company є by the largest verobnik of the telecomunication possession. The ZTE phone, as a visitor, strongly resembles handicraft analogs of expensive smartphones. Bagatokh lyakє is a low price of all devices, but on the other hand, the price is not to be recognized. For the filling you can choose from budget models from provincial virobniks. However, if you do, you don’t need to overpay for the money. Completing parts for collection can also be purchased at Chinese companies, Ale vyrobnitstvo їkh factory, and how to finish up the head.

Budget smartphones from ZTE

You can know a lot about the sale new models from a virobnik, I especially respect the varto come:

  • V815W;
  • Liniytsi Grand.

The stink is better to characterize the products gaining popularity of the Chinese brand. A typical ZTE phone is a candy bar with a virtual keyboard. There are a lot of positive ideas about the brand in the pattern - both about more expensive gadgets and about those that are available. The stench to serve until the end, may be of good productivity and is equipped with pressurized cameras. At the same time, the model is carried to the budget category, and the line of Grand models to the premium class.


Kostuvati to discuss in detail the characteristics of the ZTE phone. If we talk about parameters, then we can look at them on the basis of one of the most popular and typical models. Mi for ZTE V815W. Win is a small wag, with a screen of 4 inches and a camera of 5 megapixels.

The smartphone comes with an original 1400 MAH battery. Її those who can take charge of the accumulators very quickly. Navigate those models, as they may not be a good person, trim them. For example, the (phone-smartphone) method will be able to store the charge for 36 years with an active victorian charge. With a wide range of views, you can vikoristovuvati the possibilities of the Internet and practice in supplements.

One more experience of gadgets from ZTE is a camera. Unimportant on modest declared characteristics, the signs are clear and clear. You can, the stench is not so good, like ruined on more expensive models, but for quick photos, Yakі poіm you can rozmіstiti in social fringes, Tsyogo whistle.

Mobile phone ZTE Grand

You can’t tell me if I’ll look around one by one. We are prompted to describe one typical representative of gadgets from ZTE, but now it is already a premium class. For the rest of us, we chose the Grand Era V985 model. Yogo parametri vische, nіzh at the already described V815W. For the variance of a budget twin, the scarlet є simple explanation - the new processor has a tough one, and it can also achieve high performance indicators. The managers of the whole wine can be victorious at the same time, as well as to finish shvidko mirkuvati.

ZTE V815W (smartphone-phone, instructions from storage to whatever you want to add, 512 MB in total) operational memory) Generally suitable for simple Igor, Light supplements and good results. If you want more, then you can marvel at the Grand family, so as in the whole plan your stench will be true. Era already has one gigabyte of memory, which allows you to run on them to finish vimoglivi іgri... The processor has 4 cores, there are two different models to view.

If you talk about the design of both pipes, then the virobnik will try. Offended telephones and good prophecies and laconic design. It is unimportant for those that one is introduced to budget models, and the other to the premium segment, the difference in the design is special. The stench viglyadayut insult stylish and elegant.

All models can be named dynamics, stink of straining and give even good sound... The quality does not lie in the price category of the annex. The axis of the headset, if you go in the kit, will not be too thin, the quality is low. A virobnik in a wide range of speedy vitrati on accessories for the corny of the gadgets themselves.

Incomplete budget models from the virobnik

There are some shortcomings in smartphones under the ZTE brand. Would you like to make up for the stench gummy price... Slabke mice attachments - display. The transfer to the color is overshadowed by a small one, so when you change the kut I will look around the windows on the screen to change in contrast. The budget V815W does not have a whistle IPS matrices... Multitouch insurance for dottik of all two fingers, but I want it to be more effective.

I don’t need to know how to install Sim-cards in inexpensive models. back kryshka... From the side, it is possible to carry it to the crossroads, so when the battery went out of the way, it can be easily replaced independently. However, remember, well, in order to know the battery, you will know to know the phone on normal robot... It’s easy to fix it, as long as you’re going to hand over the instructions from the phone ZTE V815W.

Instructions for ZTE telephones

A guarantee coupon and a certificate for additional help to koristuvach will be provided to the skin attachment. We have re-insured all the main characteristics and suggestions for koristuvachiv: how to work in this situation. Often it is possible to create scars, but the instructions are not correct, and only basic characteristics are recovered there. Tse lie in a complete set. Deyak models are supplied specially for companies that sell (for example, for MTS). There, you can know only a short insert, and not a more critical one. You can also know the diagrams in which it is meant, de and how the buttons are removed on the annex. You can see the robots with a touch screen and basic add-ons for writing text messages and communication.

How to correct the instructions to ZTE smartphone models

Yaksho vi was not included in the kit lecturer Then you can link it from the official site or file sharing. It is enough to introduce the name of your model and the phrase "enrich your account". Select these sites, do not ask you to enter a fee or a phone number. As soon as you got the phone out of the box, look at the package respectfully. When converting to the store, the certificate could be changed in such a way that it does not immediately fit in the kit. For the release of ordinary people, you can choose the information below and not go into additional instructions.


Slid the nobility, yak fix the ZTE phone. It's not important to display parameters on any model from a virobnik, since the stench does not appear from the standard Android functions. When you first turn it on, you will need to enter the exact hour, date and set the move. To update the necessary settings, you can use the menu to show up immediately after being turned on. Pick up the scrolling icons and enter the data.

To do this, speed up with obvious possibilities Play Market Google and install the necessary updates, you will need to adjust mobile internet for Wi-Fi. For the first option, you will need a picture that will be available for connection to access (it is best to buy a card with a special tariff). Another option is simple, if you need it, if you have a router at home, it will distribute traffic. It is also possible to switch on Wi-Fi in the places of the huge koristuvannya, there, it is de allowed, without koshtovne yogo vikorystannya.

Go to nalashtuvannya, to the "Transfer of tribute" section. There, you will need to check the box about connecting by mobile netting. For what it will be enough for you to activate your connection with the Internet. Once you get up, you can read the restoration in the store.

For z'єdnannya z Wi-Fi telephones ZTE settings may be standard. Just send a message and vibrate according to the need for a net, enter a password for an additional virtual keyboard and some victories. If the fence is not available, because the screen says "connected", and the Internet side is not displayed, change the settings of the router.

About those yak rozblokuvati ZTE phone

The phone number of a virobnik can be blocked on the SIM card license of one operator (especially when you bought a call from a mobile company in the salon). With such vipadkas you can take two paths:

  • trim special code(You can know Yogo on the Internet or you can get it with a purchase);
  • Change the firmware.

Bring the change of software security to the best professionals. If you make a mistake, then maybe you can see it, or maybe I’ll add a little bit more.

The phone may also be inaccessible, if the vi was thrown graph key or PIN-code. In tsyom vipadku more beautiful than all the zrobiti zhorstku rewrite the phone. For ts'go zatisnit clavіshu zhivlennya and pіvyshennya guchnostі. When you appear on the screen, the system menu needs to vibrate the Wipe Reset item.

If you are not self-sufficient, or if you are turbulent, if you cannot correct them correctly, then you will be able to turn to factions in service center... The process of unlocking does not take an hour, but it’s possible to complete it in your presence. Talk about the release and the terms, get to know in the main, where you see it and how it turns out.

A router is a simple possession, allowing you to instantly access the Internet (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.) without any power. The current assortment of routers allows you to vibrate the very ones that go to a particular type of the most.

look around routers

There are few models of models that are optimal for a victorious home:

  • Zte E5501;
  • Zte H118N;
  • Zte E5502;
  • Zte ZXA10 f660.

Zte E5501

Tsey pristіy pіdtrimu without lіch interfaces:

  • 4 port pid connector RJ-45 (which allows data to be processed through a fenestration interface, the type of cable is automatically started);
  • practice for the standard 802.11n (2.4 GHz frequency);
  • the presence of two unknown antennas stable robot Wi-Fi.

Created interfaces Daniy pristіy we have no luck in their options, such as to cheat their victors to finish them with a hand, and we will forgive.

Zte H118N

A router of the same type in its design can:

  • USBv.2 in a set of 1 piece for connecting a 3G modem (optional);
  • 4 ports for connecting a cable, crimped with an RJ-45 connector;
  • Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11n).

The maximum transmission speed of these attachments is 300 Mb / s. There are also several encryption technologies - WEP, WPA, WPA2.

Zte 5502

A router from such a famous company does not compromise on its classmates:

  • 4 ports for connecting the cable through the RG-45 connector;
  • Available: IEEE 802.11n ( maximum speed transmission - 300 Mb / s);
  • presence of two antennas for robots in the 2.4 GHz band;

Possibilities ciphering at the most popular annex:

  • WEP with 64/128 bit encryption technology;
  • WPA-PSK;
  • WPA2-Interprise and a lot of them.

ZteZXA 10 F660

The router of the ZTE company doesn’t only have good operating characteristics, but also has a relatively low price.

It is simple to adjust, as well as to adapt all the necessary technologies:

  • є 4 roses' mi for RG-45;
  • 2 roses for robots with POTS interface (RG-11);
  • successful work with Wi-Fi technology;
  • є Rose for connecting USB attachments.

vibraєmo pristіy

When choosing a router for a booth, it is necessary to take important steps:

  • simplicity of setting - if there are any problems, you can easily get it down, not wick it up;
  • price - the price of food is especially relevant for quiet families, in some rich children;
  • hope;
  • features of the Wi-Fi module.

It's easier to construct an annex, it's easier to fix it. It’s the very same thing to show your router’s speed, as you don’t want to dance with tambourines for an hour when you connect to a robot. Tse allow sparing for a great many hours.

Video: How to open a port on a ZTE ZXA10 F660 router

The price range is even more important... On this day, there are no expensive additions to the senses. So how to find young people in the linen model can on board everything that is necessary for a comfortable robot with a Wi-Fi network in the home mind. Do not overpay for the brand of the model - ask for such vitrati as a rule, not primed.

Vibrating optimal for the price option, not going to be expensive models. So, as often, for the low price of the warto, I do not find the quality of the preparation, as I can not cause a breakdown behind me.

The Wi-Fi module is guilty of the binding of the antenna, the roztasovanu zvni hull. So yak antenna of this type may cover a large area. It is even more important, as the apartment or the booths have a great footage. Likewise, the antenna is guilty when it is necessary to know and to change - so how can the expansion of the coverage area be known.

The optimal vibration for all types is the ZTE ZXA10 F660 router. Win a bezlich pass, and also to finish with a low price (from a glance at the end of the non-degradation parameters).

Connect to PC

Nayprostisha part of setting up a ZTE router - connecting it to a PC. The operation is carried out in an offensive order:

settings management

Yak nalashtuvati ZTE Wi-Fi router? Managing the settings is available for the additional WEB-interface, which can be consumed through any installation on a PC browser. For example, internet explore. At the row of addresses, enter the next combination of numbers and symbols - As soon as the router for connecting to the computer is shown before the instructions, it will appear promptly, in which you can enter the login and password.

For substitutions with a password and a login є, the word admin (only Latin letters). If the fields are stored, then click the "Login" button. Dalі appear vіkno, viskonane in green and white colores.

The upper part has such tabs:

  • status;
  • network;
  • security;
  • application;
  • administration.

The skin tab gives you the ability to manipulate any part.

for Wi-Fi settings slіd viconati navnі dії:

Wi-Fi enabled.

Okremu respect, it is necessary to come to a distribution under the name "Multi-SSID".

For bazhannyam, I have given permission to create a custom, as well as closed for a growing family of attachments:

  • SSIDName-danny item allow you to name be-yakim'yam to tune in to the hem;
  • MaximumClients - the maximum number of annexes connected at once (given a model of 32 pcs.);
  • EnableSSID - enable, or enable a changeable framing;
  • HideSSID - prikhovannya childless hedgehog;
  • ChooseSSID - Wi-Fi Wi-Fi vibe.

There is also a Security section, in which you can fix the following points:

When you select a password, you will be able to see the next recommendations:

  • the presence of malikh i uppercase letters(In the same order);
  • if the password has been generated, it must be stored at least 10 characters;
  • The presence of numbers is also well known.

Setting up a ZTE router for providers

The ZTE ZXA10 F660 router will be set up in a different way, in the absence of that, which provider is the main provider of services to the Internet (MGTS, Rostelecom, Ukrtelecom).


The adjustment of robots with the data given by the operator is especially respectful, so that is how all the nuances follow:

At the "Multi-SSIDSettings" and "Security" divisions, all adjustments will be made up to and including the attachment.

I would especially like to go to the AccessControlList distribution. At the "Mode" item, switch to "Block". "MACAddress" is 00: 13: e0: 81: 97: ee.


Setting up a router for robots by the Rostelecom provider is not a folding one.

It is necessary to visit the following events:

If pererakhovanі vische diї vikonanі, then nalashtuvati distributed "Multi-SSIDSettings":

  • in the "ChooseSSID" item, set the SSID value;
  • put a tick against "EnableSSID";
  • "SSIDName" allows you to vibrate the hem.

After finishing all the adjustments, you need to click the "Submit" button.


For the correct setting of this router model with the MGTS right-hand side, it is necessary to check in strict order:

Tse enable Wi-Fi activation. Інші adjustments are displayed according to the parameters, so that they reach the router.

It is also necessary to set up the distribution under the name Multi-SSID in the general order. Daniy gave permission to set up a special identifier for the hem, as well as for the prikhovati. All infusions are made individually, lie down in the form of special perevag koristuvach.

Created under the name "Securiry" allows you to set the encryption parameters and the password for connecting to the net.

The ZTEZxa10 F660 router is an optimal device in terms of cost efficiency. Vidminny vibir for home and office. Dana's possession is easy to adjust, compact, reliable.

ZTE ZXHN H108N is a modem that has expanded widely among the great operators of the region, such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia. Yogo recommend, see for rent. ZTE ZXHN H108N modem adapts technology ADSL connection, Yes, there is the possibility of a mouthless and a mouthless access to the Internet. For the same principle, the ZTE ZXV10 H108L modem will be installed. Nalashtuvannya modem ZTE ZXHN H108N is not foldable, given the force of any kind of koristuvachev, respectfully vivviv instructions, pointed below.

Adjustment for robots

The ZTE ZXHN H108N has a modem installed through the browser. Entering the interface can be set up through any browser, enter in the address row, press Enter.

  • At the authorization window, type in the rows User name, Password the same word - admin. Pressing OK is shown in the settings window.

Even earlier, your router was already victorious, clear its settings, throwing it off to the factory settings. Tse vikonutsya to the onslaught of the Reset button, which is located on the back panel. Emboss on it for 10 seconds, check the rewrite to the modem. When the system prompts you to change the password, enter the number of the keystrokes, the new password.

  • Please enter the DSL connection type if you want to.

The upcoming dates are set for the weather with the provider, you can call them in the agreement or specify by phone.

  • The type of setting is often set to PPPoE, if the provider, having assigned a dynamic IP, is set to DHCP.
  • Enter VPI / VCI once again, having signed the agreement. At the bottom, swing the "Zvyazok z LAN ports", Check the boxes on the roses, de plan to distribute to the Internet, the left port will be overridden. Also check the SSID1 checkbox to enable Wi-Fi.