How to use screenshots on Android. Shvidko can easily take a screenshot on an Android device without any problems. Methods for taking screenshots

It's early in the morning for any Android device owner who needs to take a screenshot. As a PC user, you know that there is a special PrintScreen key on your computer. You open the virtual keyboard, and there’s nothing like that.

Just don't panic! Everything is much simpler than it would seem. There are no fewer ways to take a screenshot on Android than on a PC, they’re just not as obvious. It is advisable to find out more about them.

Universal method for all versions of Android, starting from 4.0

To display it instead of a smartphone or tablet, just like on a computer, press the song keys. Not on the virtual keyboard, but on the body of the gadget. Tse " Power" (power button) that " Volume Down(The lower half of the goidalka). Press the offending buttons simultaneously and rub them briefly in this position. After 1-2 seconds, you will hear the sound of the camera shutter - this means that the screenshot is ready. After this, the system automatically saves this information in /Pictures/Screenshots or /Pictures/ScreenCapture internal memory annex.

The method works on phones and tablets of all brands - Nexus, Fly, Motorola, Sony Xperia, ZTE, Huawei, etc. One mind - there is no need to install the boot on the device old version Android, it's not important.

Firm methods

Some mobile device manufacturers, trying to make life easier for their employees, are introducing additional features for taking screenshots. Let's take a look at a bunch of butts.


To take a screenshot on an old smartphone model of the same brand, such as Samsung Galaxy With version Android 2.3, just press and hold the “Back” and “Home” buttons for 1-2 seconds.

On models produced no more than 4 years ago, for example, Samsung phones Galaxy s2 ta on Galaxy tablets Tab 2, you will see a description of the universal method - simultaneously pressing the "Increase" and "Intensity" buttons.

On current devices, such as the Samsung Galaxy a3, Samsung Galaxy j3 and others that came out of the assembly line no earlier, at least, the third method is used. There is a constant pressure of the “Window” and “Dome” buttons.

Before speaking, on some devices there are two options - this one and the one in front. And on others - less than the rest.

For current Samsung gadgets, there is another way to take screenshots – gesture. To display a picture on the screen, all you have to do is move your right hand along the new cut valley, or just like that. The option is disabled for washing. To get started, open the Settings menu - section “Keruvannya” - “Keruvannya before” and select “Screen mark”.

The finished screenshots are saved in the Pictures/ScreenCapture folder.


HTC smartphones allow you to take pictures of the screen in two ways:

  • Universal - one-hour onslaughts of “Uvіmknennya” and “Guchnostі-“.
  • Pressing the “Wait” and “Home” buttons. This option is not supported by all devices. If it doesn’t work on your vin, vikorist first.


Xiaomi smartphones and tablets also support advanced methods for taking screenshots. At the same time, you can press “Gunness” and the keys will appear as three icons (menus), as well as the “Screenshot” icons, which are located behind the curtain of the notification panel.


The software shell of LG Android smartphones uses the company's Quick Memo (QMemo+) program, which does not only take pictures of the screen, but also allows them to be processed in a built-in editor. For example, trim around the edges and add writing.

To launch Quick Memo, lower the curtain on the notification panel and touch the icons shown in the small picture below.

In addition, the LG device works in a universal way.


Firm shell Lenovo VIBE The UI also includes a built-in screenshot-taking function. Vaughn calls out:

  • From the menu that pops up.
  • From the menu there are buttons for increasing and blocking the device.

Well, of course, on Lenovo smartphones and tablets they use the traditional method - pressing the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons.

Asus Zenfone

U Asus Zenfone Zenfone 2 also has its own proprietary chips, like the ZenUI shell.

To take screenshots with one click, make minor changes to Asus setup ZenUI:

  • Go to the gadget settings menu, open the “Individual Asus settings” section and select the “Remaining programs button”. Select the “Press and press to capture screen” button. After this (the button shown below) when pressed for a long time, the image will be “photographed” on the display.
  • For Zenfone 2: While on the home screen, open the menu shvidkikh nalashtuvan. Then go to the section " Additional adjustments» and select the “Screenshot” option. Confirm your savings. After this, the “Take Screen Capture” icon will appear in your settings.


Chinese gadgets Meizu in the same model allow you to remove the screen at home in different ways:

  • The first one is universal.
  • The other is a path of one-hour pressing of the “Uvіmknennya” and “Dodoma” buttons.

On Android 3.2 and older

To take pictures on the Android 3.2 display, press and hold the “Remain programs” button (like on the Asus Zenfone). There is no need to work hard for those in the forefront here.

Older versions of Android - 1 and 2, unfortunately, these functions are not available in the future. To fill up the shortfall, you will need to install a third-party supplement.

On devices with custom firmware

Custom firmware adds a lot of Android devices brown additions, and one of them is manually taking screenshots. The "Take a screenshot" option is located directly in the window button menu.

On Android 6 and 7 versions

Image, take away for help " Google Now on Tap” are divided into sections in a standard (universal) way in that they have different notification and navigation panels. This is straightforward: if you take a screenshot, for example, for publication in a blog, you will not have to crop it.

Via computer

Programs, for additional help, yakih koristuvach can keruvati by phone from the computer, it is written chimalo. Most of them are created by device manufacturers, or only for devices of their own brand. The products are universal. One the greatest additions This class, in our opinion, is not costless MyPhoneExplorer. Cream remote care content on a smartphone or tablet of any model, it allows you to take screenshots and save them on your PC.

The program consists of two modules: a server module, which is installed on a Windows-based computer, and a client module, designed for installation on an Android gadget. The interaction of the modules will ensure a pair between the phone and the PC in three ways: via a USB cable (don’t forget to turn it on on the phone USB setup), Wi-Fi (as if the devices are in one place) and Bluetooth.

MyPhoneExplorer allows you to use your mobile device so that you can hold it in your hands. Ale now we can’t resist our feasibility. Our task is to contact us to take a screenshot:

  • From now on we will install the connection. The best method is indicated in the settings of the programs on the PC.
  • After allowing your mobile device to register in MyPhoneExplorer, go to the “Research” menu and select “Phone Keyboard”.

  • When the remaining image appears in the window on your PC, press the save button.

For additional help Google Play programs

Screen jam

The “Screen Buried” program takes pictures using the additional buttons - software and hardware, or by using the device’s method of stripping. Like the previous program, it includes I'm sorry, please editing the finished picture. Does not affect ulcers root rights But because of the stench, it takes a little more effort.

The functionality of the programs practically does not differ from the first two: there is still the same soft button and the activation of a mini-editor with the function of cropping a frame and painting. Requires a native root.

Android 4.0 and higher

Owners of gadgets with the fourth or latest versions of Android can take a screenshot of the instantaneous pressing of the activation and reduction buttons. This combination is observed for a fraction of a second, after which a characteristic picture appears on the screen.

You can find a detailed screenshot at system supplement, which determines the functions of the photo gallery on your device. For example, on Nexus, Pixel devices, Google Play Edition and other series on board, screenshots are displayed in the Screenshots folder in Google Photos.

Older versions of Android

It's a pity Android system Before version 4.0 there was a lot of standard screen capture functionality. The problem was caused by smartphone manufacturers. For example, people have old devices Samsung screenshots You can be timid with the one-hour pressure of the buttons of the “Dodoma” life.

If this combination doesn’t work for your device, then go to Google: it’s possible that your device can still work with screenshots out of the box, or its own tricky combination.

If you search without yielding results, try third party programs to Screenshot (for Android 2.3 and later) or No Root Screenshot It (for Android 1.5 and later) latest versions OS).

In addition, you can install any modified Android firmware (for example, LineageOS) with an implemented function for taking screenshots.


To take a screenshot on any iPhone or iPad, press the Live key for a second and then press “Dodoma” next to it. Creations made in this manner can be found in the screenshot standard supplement"Photo".

How to take a screenshot on your computer

Windows and Linux

E. One of the simplest is to press the PrtSc key, then open the Paint program and press the combination Ctrl + V. The screenshot will appear in the editor window. You can save images on your hard drive using the “File” menu.

The PrtSc key is used in Linux. Immediately after clicking, a dialog box will appear asking you to save the screenshot.

Reinvented ways to approach desktop computers, the same for laptops.


To take a screenshot on any Apple computer, use the key combination Cmd+Shift+3. The completed screenshot will be saved on your desktop.

Everything is popular available methods Taking a screenshot on Android.

The rapid development of the Internet is opening up new challenges for doing business, searching for work, developing and merging. One of the popular directions is the creation of blogs, websites, and online stores. There are many professional teachers who can recognize the ability to realize their potential through creative video instructions and Pokrokovi kerivnitstva. For whom you need to save a saved video or screenshot. Carry out this procedure for desktop computer It’s simple, but how do you take a screenshot on a smartphone or tablet?

There are many options for completing such a task, each with its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at all the ways of the world.

Standard features

Developers of Android gadgets have conveyed the need to take screenshots for additional functional buttons:

  • For most variations, it is enough to press and hold the “Change Thickness” and “Life” buttons for a few seconds.
  • IN Sony smartphones Xperia needs to change the "Gunness Change + Thickness" option. However, the function is not available for all devices, but for selected models.
  • Samsung Galaxy S gadgets require the immediate pressing of “Dodom + Blocking”. For getting dressed, in Samsung smartphones Screenshots are saved in the ScreenCapture folder. After pressing a combination, a menu with action options appears.
  • Many models of the HTC brand also include a screenshot-taking function. This ability is realized by the key combination “Power on + Home”.
  • Starting with Android 3.2, the screenshot can be found behind the “Recent Programs” button. You just need to wait a few seconds. In such cases there is a possible option one-hour wikiristan"Change in thickness + Decrease."

The result of the experiment can be seen behind the characteristic sound notifications or on the smartphone screen.

On the other hand, these methods allow you to easily take a snapshot of any screen. Otherwise, the developer has no control over the characteristics of the screenshot. If, for example, it is necessary to display only a small part of the screen, standard methods will not work.

Programs for creating screenshots

How the gadget works Android remaining versions (4.0 and higher), then the greatest in a practical way take a screenshot will be a wiki additional programs. Here you need to know the basic rules - to install such programs, they are necessary. Simply put, the owner is guilty of the mother’s rights as an administrator, in order to revoke additional possibilities wikiristannya operating system.

Once everything has been configured, you can proceed until the required software is installed. The vibe is already great, a lot of developers have worked on creating effective programs for capturing screenshots. The clearest developments: Screenshot UX, Screenshot ER PRO and MyPhoneExplorer.

There are a lot of programs, you can find them on Google Play.

Let's take a closer look at how to take a screenshot on Android using Screenshot UX. After installing and launching the program, a special service icon appears on the screen, making it easier to set up and capture screenshots. The program has several additional capabilities and functions:

  • Set the return timer before you take a screenshot.
  • Vikonanny screenshot after the gadget was shaken.
  • Select the image format in which the photo will be saved.
  • Adjust the size of the service icons on the screen.

It should be noted that Screenshot UX allows you to edit the screenshot: you can add text comments, edit the required fragment, edit with a pencil with adjusted visibility and select a color. The program prompts you to select further options proceed with the prepared screenshot.

Screenshot from an additional computer

It is important to call this method optimal, but certainly not effective. Standard features Can be purchased from many models of Chinese gadgets. If the smartphone runs on older versions of Android, the screenshot function will also be unavailable, as it is simply not transferred there. The axis is here and come to help home computer, which allows you to take a picture of the screen special program SDK. The method is universal and works on all versions of Android. It is necessary to follow this procedure:

  • Connect the device to your computer. You can earn the best price through a standard USB cable, which is included in the package.
  • Now you need to install security software and drivers for the gadget. If this procedure has been completed before, you can skip this step.
  • We download the SDK, unpack the archives. Create a folder at the root folder of the disk (for example, D or C) (or choose a short name, for example, SCR) and copy it from the unpacked archive. It is important to ensure ease of use when entering commands. As a result, the SCR folder must contain the following elements: eclipse, sdk and SDK Manager folders.
  • Next, the sdk folder knows the platform-tools directory. Now we copy from it the files adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, as well as fastboot.exe, system folder System32, as it appears in the Windows catalog.
  • Next you need to launch the command console. You can get help from the Start menu. The command console is located in the Standard section. More Swedish way It is located next to the pressed key combination Win+R. In the window that appeared, enter cmd command then press Enter. Please open the black window with a blinking cursor to enter commands.
  • The next step is moving from I need a folder. For which dos commands are used: cd D:\ (go to the root folder), cd SCR (go to the SCR folder), cd sdk (go to the subdirectory), cd platform-tools. Each command may end with pressing the Enter key.
  • The remaining entry on the screen will be row D: SCR sdk platform-tools and a blinking cursor at the end. Now you need to run vikonuvany file. For whom we enter adb command shell, press Enter. Once the command has been successfully completed, a notification will appear on the screen [email protected]:/$. The work in the console is completed, but you can’t close it yet, it’s just burning out.
  • Through Explorer, go to the folder D: SCR sdk tools. There is a ddms.bat file here that you need to run. Enchant your shell with Davlik Debug Monitor.

A screenshot is just a snapshot of everything that is on the phone screen, that is, the image of the screen itself, and not the physical objects that are on the phone, as some of you might think. Roughly speaking, this “photograph” of the screen is fragmented by the phone itself. This article will provide all the necessary information, after reading, which reader will understand how to take a screenshot on Android.

Why the hell are they vikoryists? Let's say you need to save something on a web page in order to show some information to someone or save yourself from the riddle. The same image can be proof of what is happening. Following a series of screenshots, you can show the algorithm for performing any operation on a mobile phone. And you can make a lot of arguments to prove the need for this function, but we all know that sometimes it is easier not to describe it in words, but simply to show the situation in detail.

Instructions for taking screenshots

Please note that the methods for completing this operation are different versions Android operating systems vary.

Zagalni methods

Find out the main ways to take a screenshot on Android, which works on almost all devices.


In the main screen of the Android device, you can remove it with the help of one-hour pressing, which takes a few seconds, the key "Kharchuvannya"і "Change in weight", after which you give the animal a singing icon and hear the sound of the camera shutter, which indicates that everything was successful and the icon is saved on the phone.

This is the way to get rid of everyone Android phones be it any vendors - ZTE, Huawei, Sony Xperia, Fly, Nexus, Motorola, Samsung, Xiaomi and so on, but only because the device has an Android operating system that is not new, at least 4.0. Often, the buttons on a mobile phone stop functioning normally after a certain period of time, so you can’t take a “photo” using the standard method indicated above. It’s not easy to get embarrassed, but others simple ways, which allows the same result to be achieved.

Please take a screenshot or the screenshot is due to your skin. It's not difficult. On Apple products, it is enough to press two buttons at once, and in Windows, click on the key with the inscription Print Screen. What about the owners of devices on Android? How difficult is it to take a screenshot, since the operating system (OS) is a “green robot”? This article will show you how to take a screenshot on Android.

Already on versions 4 and 5 of Android there is an accessible method that allows you to quickly take a photo or screenshot the screen. To do this, you need to press two keys at the same time. Not only on the virtual keyboard, but on the body of the smartphone or tablet itself. For whom:

  1. The device gets wet.
  2. Select the image or screenshot of which we need to take.
  3. We press 2 buttons at the same time - Power (on/whim/sleep mode) and “Volume Down” (lower part of the volume control). It takes 1-2 seconds.
  4. It is noticeable when the display blinks and a specific sound appears from the camera shutter. All screenshots are ready!

Before the speech, Danish method Works on smartphones and tablets from almost all manufacturers - Samsung, Lenovo, Irbis, Micromax, HighScreen, Philips, Sony, Huawei and others. One mind - tse Android version 4.0 is better.

Ale yak buti, yakshcho you have to finish old smartphone? Even on such a device, the operating system can be a third Android. The function of creating screenshots is also transferred here. It is necessary to leave the “Recent programs” item for a long time. And the axis on the “old” Android 1 or 2 versions of the screen can only be worked through the corresponding program. There is no such function behind the OS.

Ask a lot, where are screenshots saved on Android? There are so many options. Most often at the “Photo (pictures) of the camera” or I will close the “Screenshots” folder in the Gallery. Here you can find detailed screenshots, look at old photos and delete those that are no longer needed. Some screenshots are saved in Pictures/Screenshots on the device's memory card.

What is the easiest way to take a screenshot on Android 6 and 7?

Progress does not stand still. Therefore, in 2015, several retailers released an update for Android 6, which allows you to take screenshots with one dot. Directly on tablets mobile phones Due to the large diagonal of the screen, it is difficult to press two buttons at the same time.

So if you have a device with Android OS 6 or 7, then you can work with the screen like this:

Wait a minute, it's simple. However, activists criticize this method of creating screenshots. The main reason is that it takes a lot of hours for the entire procedure. Approximately 7-8 seconds. Therefore, by clicking on Power and Volume Down, you can screen images almost instantly. You won’t be able to keep up with this. Don’t ever have to press two buttons by hand at the same time. Therefore, it is easier to use the screen via Now on Tap.

Company and special methods for taking screenshots

There are many developers who are trying to expand the functionality of their products and make them more useful for the user, introducing additional tools that allow them to take screenshots. Let's take a look at the number of options available on Samsung devices:

  • You can take a screenshot on an old Samsung Galaxy S phone with Android 2.3 by pressing and pressing the “Home” and “Back” keys.
  • On gadgets such as the Samsung Galaxy a3, j3 and in, the screen is created by simultaneously pressing the “Power” and “Home” buttons.
  • How to work with Android OS? Most models support this option: press and hold the live button until a menu appears, in which you select the “Screenshot” item.
  • Flagship buildings Samsung Support the "Screen capture to the bottom" function. With this help, you can take a screenshot of the screen without pressing buttons. To do this, simply swipe the edge of your shoulder across the display (so easy!). Moreover, it is possible either left-handed or at random. This option is activated in “Settings”, in the “Additional functions” section.

In contrast to other manufacturers of smartphones and tablets, they are constantly introducing new ways to take screenshots.

  • On many HTC and Meizu devices, you can “screen” the images on the display by pressing the “Power” and “Home” buttons at the same time.
  • For Xiaomi products, you can press a knife icon in the window menu with the word “screenshot” written on it. After this, the screenshot will be saved in the device’s memory. In addition, on some Xiaomi gadgets the ability to open the screen using the three-fingers-down gesture has been implemented.
  • LG smartphones come with the company's Quick Memo app. It also allows you to quickly take screenshots. Launch Quick Memo through the top “curtain” of the panel.
  • On mobile devices The Sony screenshot (Xperia series) can be viewed through a special window, which is displayed by pressing the live button.

How can I take a screenshot on Android using an additional program?

Of course, you can take screenshots using additional software. Є a number of add-ons (available from Play Market or Google Play), functional capabilities which screenshots are included. What's a plus? There is no need to bother and figure out which buttons to use to take a screenshot. All you have to do is go to the program, select the appropriate option and take a screenshot. In addition, there are plenty of similar programs and manual tools for editing screenshots.

If you don’t know what software to choose, then pay attention to the following programs:

  • Screenshot Ultimate;
  • Screenshot Pro;
  • No Root Screenshot it.

These programs allow you to work on the screen in a completely different way - by using the smartphone, touching the widget on the desktop, using a shortcut or adjusting the timer, keeping the key pressed for a long time, etc. » images (JPEG, PNG, etc.) and quickly send them through a special service.

Any programs that take screenshots, extract Root, that’s the name of the rights of a super-corist!

For finishing! If the screenshot is not saved, then first turn it over vilne misce on the nose, where you might like to see the sign. If the disk is really full to capacity, then to clear the memory, use CCleaner or delete the cache.

At the end

Let's put a pouch on everything that is said. You can see that you can take a screenshot of the screen on Android in different ways. In our opinion, it is easiest to use the standard options, where you only need to press one or two buttons. If you want, you can select special programs to create screenshots. Vibir is yours! It is no easier for anyone to work on screenshots on Android than on iOS and Windows.