Yak go to the engineering menu on android. Engineering menu on the Android extension: description and adjustment

Little does I know about the introduction of the engineering menu, adjustment in the annexes based on the Android OS. They can significantly expand the functionality and change a lot of parameters, like the loudness of the sound, camera settings, etc. To go to the Android engineering menu, you need to enter a special combination of signs in a row for a set phone number... With a whole skin virobnik maє sviy service code, It should be stored in digits and symbols "*" and "#". The main food is displayed, tied to the engineering menu, set up the phone: how to get out, how to get out of control and functionality.

The retailers re-adjust and calibrate the skin of their preferences, so that in most cases it is not necessary to change the settings yourself. However, in some situations, there may be little correction of these parameters, for example, the sensitivity of the sounding microphone or the improvement of the polyphonic dynamics. Especially for such types of products and it is assigned to engineering Android menu, Access to which can be limited by depriving the singing combination of symbols. Obviously, changing parameters are recommended only in special cases, some of them may not be safe for your phone. This is included in the engineering menu on Android and it is recommended only to notify us.

How can I go to the menu?

A large number of vipads for entering the engineering menu have a special combination of numbers and symbols... Їх must be entered in the row for dialing a telephone number. If the processor of your phone is NOT MTK, then in the presence of the brand of the virobnik you can enter the code of the engineering menu in Android:

  • Samsung. There are two options for telephones of the central brand: * # * # 8255 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # *.
  • NTS. Regardless of the OS version and model, you can choose the following combinations: * # * # 3424 # * # *, * # * # 4636 # * # * * # * # 8255 # * # *.
  • Sony. Dial: * # * # 7378423 # * # *.
  • Huawei. Regularly from the model, the list of combinations is: * # * # 2846579 # * # * or * # * # 2846579159 # * # *.
  • Lg. If you have typed the combination of 2945 # * # on large smartphones of the brand, you can eat in the 1st Engineering menu and you can read the instructions of the Victory Day.

For big Chinese smartphones Such as Lenovo, Acer, Prestigio, etc. You can display the code * # * # 3646633 # * # *. Immediately after the introduction of the required combination in the row for the phone number, you do not know and the service mode is set up. If you don't see it, then you need to start it by pressing the wiklik button. It is recommended to memorize or write down the value of the input parameters, as it will be adjusted. Also in front of Tim Yak in the Engineering menu, you can see everything from the Task Manager running programs and active processes.

An alternative way to enter the engineering menu

For some telephones and tablets, a program has been transferred for the whole, which is required from the Google Playmarket store. Launching її, koristuvach will eat in the distribution of service, I will add my own attachment, as well as when typing the code. For example, you can download the launch of the mtk engineering menu, the Mobileuncle MTK Tools add-on, which is broken down specially for attachments with the latest processors. The only way to go to the roster menu for such smartphones is to enter the code * # * # 3646633 # * # *. It is highly recommended to wonder at the start of the video, in which the mode of service adjustments on the new brands is displayed. Android smartphones 5 i bottom.

Engineering menu options

Before koristuvach, having given access to the service adjustment mode in Android, there is a great opportunity for the expanded functionality of his annex. Through the engineering menu, the following are available:

  1. Viznachennya rіvnya shkіdlivogo vipromіnyuvannya.
  2. Testing of available types mouthless z'єdnannya Such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.
  3. Conversion of the signal to the gps signal on Android and the value of the exact mismatch of the roztashuvannya.
  4. Audio setting. Adjustment of input in speakers, headphones and microphones.
  5. Camera parameters.
  6. dough central processor, Video, flash and operative memory.
  7. Detailed description of the battery.
  8. Testing mirco SD kart.
  9. Reverse micro USB port.
  10. Temperature sensor. Shows the heats of the accumulator and the CPU.

Here is a list of options available at the entrance to the engineering menu. Apparently, there are more sensors and modules in the smartphone, the more important it is.

You can see how you can change the parameters of functionality on the butt of a smartphone with an MTK processor. Before the service is required to open it, it is necessary to enter a combination of symbols to enter the engineering mode. You can see a list of new ones, in the middle you need to know the item "Audio" and try to find a new one. When the menu appears with the decalcom modes: if nothing is connected to the phone, the headset is connected, guchnomovets is turned on, etc. For skin treatment, more than 5 points are available for regulation.

To change the parameters, it is necessary to erase the old value and write it down as needed, and then press the “set” button. It is not to blame for attracting the meaning to go beyond the range specified in the bows. Also, it is not recommended to vikoristovuvati the maximum available value, which will reflect the result before the sound is created.

Android Service Codes

engineering menu vidkrivaє access to manually adjusted"Zaliznoi" part of the smartphone. To enter, you need to enter special code For a dodatok stand up, ale іsnuє a number of specialties, on yak varto I will be honored with a saw. If you weren’t able to go to the engineering menu for the first time, then they didn’t take out the special features of the annex. Varto immediately clarify whether, if involved in the robot, the attachment can lead to a lack of guarantee.

The power of the system

On the remaining stages of setting up a smartphone, the dealers test the system for the appearance of pardons and reconfigure the robot with all sensors in the attachment. Specifically for all, a special program is embedded in Android - an engineering menu, which gives you access to customization of the Android OS and allows you to reconfigure it independently. Besides, the menu contains information about pristries. A new change in the possibilities of the menu is presented only to the platform vendors, so you can bring your own money to the security.

With the same stitches rozrobnik_v

To enter the engineering menu, dial the code * # * # 3646633 # * # *. On deyaky models, it is necessary to press the key to the wiklik. Varto vrahovuvati telephones specialties: for new brands development combinations digits. The Android version does not fit into the functionality of the engineering menu.

A special code is entered to enter the engineering menu

If there are no problems, then you can eat in the dodatkov menu for fine tuning smartphone.

Included in the pidrozdil menu

Regardless of the version of the system and the model of the processor, the engineering menu can be incomparable, but it can be seen. In the photo, there is a menu with elements for testing smartphone sensors, adjusting a USB connection, displaying tests for internal and external memory.

Yaksho the first time did not go

Do not go to the engineering menu on all outbuildings. A number of broader problems and paths and usunity are discernible.

Android is a foldable operating system based on Unix. As soon as possible, we don’t go out into the process, we didn’t vrahuvat all the nuances of the function of this program.

List of special codes

One of the broader reasons for blocking the entrance to the engineering menu is an incorrect special code. The combination of numbers is not only due to the model of the attachment, but to the type of processor. For example, a large part of the outbuildings on the basis of the MTK chip is provided with an engineering menu. As far as Qualcomm is concerned, it is far from all smartphones based on platforms that they have integrated engineering menus. The list of combinations is given in the tables. If you don’t need it, try to enter this combination.

Table: Code options for new Android models

Engineering menu with your own hands

Yakshcho zhoden special code does not come, it doesn’t get tired of it. We have a lot of supplements with the functional of the engineering menu. Varto respect that MTK's postscript in the names is red to talk about the complexity of only MediaTek processors.

The first option is Mobileuncle MTK Tools. The program has a set of additional functions required for a set: firmware update, recovery update, GPS-receiver update mode and a lot of additional functions.

Mobileuncle MTK Tools nadaє nabir nalashtuvan

Another program is MTK Engineering Mode. The program will increase the repetitive engineering menu.

MTK Engineering Mode repeating staffing engineering menu

For those quiet, who do not have annexes provided with an engineering menu, there is another option: installing third-party firmware. Zbіrkah third-party rozrobnikіv often have a wide range of customization "for yourself".

What to see

The first time you enter the menu, you can get lost in the missing parameters.

Nalashtuvannya engineering menu

Nalashtuvannya see the majesty for koristuvachіv.

It is always inaccessible or inaccessible by the hardware platforms.

You can customize the parameters at a number of distributions. mobile phone call.

  1. Auto Answer. Available on-off-switching of automatic connection to the input connection.
  2. Band Mode. permission in manual mode vibrate the frequency range for the robotic GSM-module. Change all the technologies and frequencies for them to adapt to your smartphone model. When you bazanny, you can check the boxes from the ranges, as your operator will not call you. Thoroughly spare the battery charge. To save the onslaught, just press the set button.
  3. CFU Setting (Call forwarding Settings). The option includes either an enable or disable call forwarding. Vona is guilty of the operator.
  4. AT Command Tool. Utilita for rozrobnikіv, scho pіdtrimє AT-command. The whole menu item will be a tsіkaviy for programs and development. For an additional menu, you can drink a drink without any visual overdrafts.
  5. Modem Test. Adjustment of the confusion of the point-of-access option different types attachments, scho connects.
  6. Network Selecting. Here you can vibrate the mobile phone standard (GSM, WCDMA, LTE). For additional energy saving, the key is non-vicious.
  7. NetworkInfo. Vibrate one or more options for displaying information about the standard parameters styling link... When choosing a choice, open the additional menu (three dots on the right in the upper cube) and read Check Information. The option is handy for converting the quality of the services of the stylist operator.
  8. GPRS. Enhanced connectivity to the mobile Internet, vibrate active SIM-cards (yakscho їkh decilka).
  9. HSPA Info. Information about the 3G border in the form of a response from your mobile operator.
  10. Mobile data service preferred. The Internet will be in priority over the voice traffic for the improvement of the broadcast transmission of tributes. Incoming calls may not work.
  11. Fast Dormancy. Allowing the energy saving of the battery in the third generation fences. The option is to blame for the operator's call.
  12. RAT Mode (Phone Info). Allows you to vibrate the preferred standard of sound. Slid change the parameter in a safe way, go to the setting block in the Network Selecting item.
  13. RF De-sense Test. You can vibrate the frequency range and a specific channel to adjust the brightness of the sound.
  14. SIM ME Lock. The system allows you to adjust the regional parameters of the GSM-module (MNC, NCC) in manual mode.

Photo gallery: mobile phone parameters

It is used in the main, in no way, on the basis of the modem "Modem" Vivodimo information from the GSM-module on mobile internet Vibrating priority for the type of connection Nalashtovu's robots in 3G mode Vibrating type of mobile connection Overriding the pressure of the hedge Nalashtov's way of regional parameters for the connection

mouthless interface

Increased values ​​for testing modules for childless transmission of data (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, FM).

  1. Bluetooth. A wide range of adjustments and tests for a single-change module, by means of converting the reception and transmission of data, launching the adjustment mode.
  2. CDS Information. Information about the parameters of mouthless interfaces.
  3. FM Receiver. I will rewrite the FM-module.
  4. Wi-Fi. Testing the module for transmitting and receiving information on the designated frequency channel.
  5. Wi-Fi CTIA. Record of logs of the tests carried out in the mouthless technology.

Photo gallery: tribute-free transfer

Vibrating changeover of mouthless modules in the attachment Changeover mode robots bluetooth We know about mouthless interfaces Nalashtovuєmo FM-module Conversion to the robot of the WiFi-module Record in the log-file data about the conversion of the WiFi module

  1. Audio - fine tuning the parameters of the sound output.
  2. Camera - a set of parameters for capturing photos and videos, which are not included in the "Camera" add-on.
  3. Driving Current Camera - indicates the driving force of the sensor in the camera diagram.
  4. CPU Stress Test - test of all central processor subsystems.
  5. Deep Idle Setting - enable hibernation mode in idle mode.
  6. Sleep Mode Setting - Sleep mode settings.
  7. ChargeBattery - a look at information about the battery.
  8. Sensor - sensor calibration.
  9. Multi-Touch is a reversal of the number of available points for a one-hour onslaught on the screen.
  10. Location Engineer Mode - reconversion of parameters of the GPS module.

Photo gallery: property testing

We go into the section of the rewrite electronic components Nalashtovu mobility of rosy dynamos Nalashtovu mobility of electric camera Nalashtovo mode of cleaning Nalashtovo frequency of the central processor Nalashtovo ditching mode Diversifying the view of a battery Nalashtovu mobility of a multi-sensor module

Adjustment of the dinamics' purity

At the children, it is possible to create a gallant rivn of gnariness, the soundness of the production of sounds and a loud sound.

Before changing the parameters of the purity, the slides are set with respect. All parameters are individual for specific models will attach. Incorrect configuration can lead to the loss of sensitivity indicators.

Є a number of foreign parameters:

  1. MaxVol is a zalny rivn of guchnost. The range of the value is 0 to 160. The greater the number, the more the more viscous.
  2. Sph - phoniness for phone calls.
  3. Mic - microphone sensitivity.
  4. Ring - the loudness of the dynamics at the incoming call.
  5. Media - the rivn of guchnosti for an hour looking at films, listening to music and in the games.

Even more often, they are not satisfied with the strength of the dynamism when growing. To improve the sensitivity, go to the Normal Mode menu and change the Sph parameter to 150. If the phone rings quietly when inbound dvinok, Then you need to change the value of the Ring parameter. It is good not to set the value to 200, it is possible to bring the dynamik to the exit. Schab you boo brightly sensitively, the parameter Mic is from 100 to 172. It is to increase the sensitiveness of the dynamics.

ROOT - a panacea for a smartphone

On smartphones without root rights functional possibilities of the engineering menu of the enclosure: the points are not displayed, the changes made are not taken. For being involved in a robot, a smartphone is required visual access into the system. Do not forget that you can get rid of root access and you can download it to your gadget, guarantee that you can get rid of it. It is highly recommended to zrobiti backup copy important information on the memory card and synchronize with your google-account and forcibly, so that you can not lose money. for rozblokuvannya accessibility the system can be accelerated using one of the available methods.

Set up the program without the front on the attachment (KingRoot)

The access of the supercorouster can be viewed from the smartphone, special programs... The sequence of operations on the butt of the KingRoot programs is easy to see:

You can easily change the parameters in the engineering menu, so you can take care of all the changes. In case of a negative result, it is passed to the offensive method.

Otrimannya rights superkoristuvacha via PC (Kingo Root)

The whole method is based on three more preparatory calls:

The engineering menu is selected for configuring an annex and testing robots of the "golden filling". The price of the system software is sewn, which is an indispensable option for older children, as well as for newcomers in the world mobile annexes... However, the process of manipulation from the engineering menu can lead the gadget to an unworkable position.

Corystones of mobile devices are not so easy to stray from the Android engineering menu from the menu of stores, if there is a large number of corystuvachi who do not know anything, and do not wonder about their knowledge.

Ale well, hto do not marry for new products and do not buy when skin appears new version Android, also about expanding the capabilities of your device.

If you want to see the problem, you can take the decilcom with the help:


yak to go

We will expand the option of a wiclick on an Android device є the introduction of a combination "* # * # 3646633 # * # *".

Uwaga! Here є a couple of nuances:

  • in a nutshell, when the combination is introduced, the button to reload the wicker is not necessary, after a couple of seconds after the input of the last symbol of the star, the necessary interface appears on the screen of the smartphone;
  • Stored in a way to a large extent, but not all devices and firmware versions, especially to Chinese extensions;
  • zovnishniy viglyadі there is a function on small devices can be seen (number of categories, names, indications in versions, etc.).

On the other models, you should try to enter *#*#4636#*#* what about *#15963#* ... Combinations for mobile annexes of the most popular virobniks are shown in the tables below.

Tab. 1 - Cody for Engineer Mode wiklik on the outbuildings of the Riznykh rozrobniki
Samsung [*#*#4636#*#*] [*#*#8255#*#*]
Lg [*#546368#*818#]
Sony [*#*#7378423#*#*]
Huawei [*#*#2846579#*#*] [*#*#2846579159#*#*]
Acer [*#*#2237332846633#*#*]
Htc [*#*#3424#*#*] [*#*#4636#*#*] [*#*#8255#*#*]
Fly philips alcatel [*#*#3646633#*#*]

I don’t go wiklicati

It’s even more rare, but maybe it’s that the necessary combination didn’t lead to the necessary wikklik. In such a way, I will add Mobileuncle MTK Tools (seen from).

This work is similar to the description of the methods of using this visualization, but the commands for entering the codes will force the mobile operating system automatically, having given the version and model of the gadget sent to the command “Engineer Mode” wiklik.

Before the victorious programs, it is insistently recommended that it’s not a gift from the store of supplements won’t be seen - a lot of dozens of corystuvachivs “hammered in” the firmware of their attachments through the unimportant and unbalanced software. Krim to wiklik the optional program is allowed:

Warehouse for extended interface

Engineer Mode for koristuvach is presented in the multi-tabbed window, de on the skin from the tabs selected for the singing kind of function.


On the first deposit, there are different functions for displaying the initial settings of the phone: testing the hedge and discarding the information about the Victorian low-tech technologies, changing the GPRS parameters, configuring the camera and setting up the screen for the newcomer.


Considering the change in the parameters and display of information about ports for the commune:

For the skin module, you can ask for more information, protest against the robot, change the configuration and overturn the logs.

Hardware Testing

The name of the distribution will be ordered on those tools for robots with a ball: carrying out the test, learning whether information about the installation, changing the modes of its functions.

On Android, there are more than a dozen modes for producing audio for young minds (, dzinok,).

Cameras, there is a great range of parameters available, where there is a change of video previews and often frames of video for suggestions and free items.

To reverse the stability and through a new one, you can run a stress test of the processor.

I change the voltage and work frequency with the help of the acceleration of the battery economy, so that the area is safe and easy to use.

For the processor, an option is available to put it into sleep mode when it is singing, like displaying the display.

Also, in Engineer Mode, we have selected free items for the development of the views and the improvement of the robot processor, touch screen, and sensors.

Intrinsic functions of the zupinki and changes to the robot mode.


For those who like to use the power of GPS, at least for an hour they haven’t been able to install it, there are a lot of points in this contribution.

Log & Debugging

List of files with information about modes for batteries, memory and a great number of settings for the inclusion of unnecessary information from the logs, changing the catalog of the backup.


Stop tab I took in everything that I didn’t know in the past. Price (size change, size) and functions inaccessible without root privileges.

All of us know a lot of customization of Android add-ons - a leather smartphone or a tablet can be customized for yourself, by activating or by including those other functions, adjusting those parameters. I don't think a lot about the introduction of such things, like the engineering menu of Android. Vono is haunted from the eyes, so as a simple koristuvachev, there is especially nothing here. Ale yaksho vi є we will let you know if you want to correct the ad in the fine setting of the annex i operating system This is the menu you will be familiar with.

Let's take a look at why is it necessary to have an engineering menu in a smartphone? The appearance is simple - for even fine tuning I will attach it. by the way, Improvement of food on Android can only be done through the engineering menu... Here it is necessary to enter the item for setting the audio and to use the presentation parameters. Here, I will be able to manually adjust the loudness of the sound in different modes and at different gradations of soundness. The butt is visible:

  • You will see that the wheezing will be fixed on the maximum dynamism of the dynamism of your smartphone;
  • We go into the engineering menu for additional help from the team;
  • It is passable in the adjustment of the audio and minimal soundness in the given mode and in the given gradation;
  • This is due to the engineering menu and the results are changed - the guiltiness is to be changed.

Is it possible to adjust the setting more thinly through the standard setup menu? Naturally, there is no such thing as anything in mind.

You can immediately adjust the sound in the headphones, adjust the sensitivity of the microphone, and adjust the sound. Before Tim yak climb into the nalashtuvannya, you need to know reports and instructions, You can help the visonati regulation as correct as possible, without the risk of sending the dynamics from the microphone, or else letting the smartphone / tablet sound.

What functions are there in the engineering menu? Reconstruction of mesh modules, adjusting the range of reception, setting up auto-forwarding, testing the modem, setting up the connection with other attachments, setting up the receiver, testing the camera, sensor, screen, batteries and other modules. In the vicinity there is a menu of wine geolocation settings- here you can change the status of the GPS chip, turn on / off the A-GPS, change the settings. Also є the ability to edit fonts, try to USB settingsі viconati іnshi dії.

Beastly respect, that the service menu on Android is intended for professionals who see them at their own age. As soon as you are just here, try not to misunderstand your parameters and do not rearrange the settings with the settings.

Enter the engineering menu on Android most often to get help special teams Similar to the special USSD commands. The reason is that it is not necessary to press the wiklik button in the end - when the command is set, it will automatically be thrown over to the menu tasks. The universal code of the engineering menu on Android - tse code * # * # 3646633 # * # *. Win pratsyu on buggy phones and allow mittєvo included in the service settings.

Deyaki smartphones and tablets do not respond to the command described above. You can also try the following options:

  • * # * # 4636#* # *;
  • * # 15963#*;
  • * # 8255#*;
  • * # * # 7378423 # * # * (for Sony smartphones);
  • * # * # 3424 # * # * (code for HTC smartphones);
  • * # * # 2846579 # * # * (code for Huawei smartphones).

Enter in the engineering menu on Android. Regularly from the version of the operating system of German - codes for Android 2.2, Android 4.4 and others Android version OS. As soon as the code does not come, it is followed by a message from the combination.

Deyaki commands to produce before drinking is not in the service menu, but in the test menu - it is very possible to change the screen, sound, dumb modules, microphone and a lot of it. The menu for the test can be English or Russian.

Deyaki virobniki allow smartphones and tablets to be accessed in the engineering menu, substituting numerical commands for testing modules or setting quiet parameters. For example, this is how the Samsung company should come - a lot of new models have been added to one service menu... Information about the available service commands can be found on special resources and on the sites of service centers.

For access to the engineering menu, you can choose special supplements... Typical stock є addon Mobileuncle MTK Tools. Vono allow you to trim the separate access to the installation of the annex and to the adjustment of the operating system. Dodatok is effective, but not very short - it’s just right on the annexes with MTK processors.

As long as your smartphone / tablet is running on the іnshіy platformі, you can try some alternative supplements to access the engineering menu on Android.

Nalashtuvannya Androïda through the engineering menu is tied with singers. For example, newcomers have the ability to connect to the same functionality. In order to sort out the signs of quiet points, you need to know about the following instructions. In the first place, there is a lot of personal ownership. I’m afraid you’re afraid to call the monitor to the end, to grow again backup copy I will add my own - in case of fatal mercy you can see Hard reset and update your smartphone or tablet.

Do not enter any commands, as you do not know... Everything is on the right in the fact that they are openings for the operational change of critical parameters of the systems, or for the visibility of the over-the-counter skidding. Moreover, the deyakі command to vikonuyut out-of-the-box skid without pidtverdzhen, mittєvo erasing everything together.