Universal lvds scaler with tv tuner. World of peripheral outbuildings PC. What is necessary for converting the monitor to a TV

Vipadkovo drank on Taobao on such a board vst29 v59 hd tv driver board 5 1 tv board. And here - after thinking, and do not fasten chi її to the monitor of the Republic of Kazakhstan. What did it come out of and on like underwater stones, having drunk, marvel at the cat. I'm ahead. Tsya article for people yakі vmіyut soldering and reading electronic circuits. Bagato photo.
First, buy this board after reading on Wikipedia about the LVDS bus, know and download the datasheet of the payment For the experiment, buying a used LCD monitor.
Zrobiv zamovlennya and writing to the seller, schob firmware bula for monica 19 ".
Here I made a pardon. And more came to mind. What standard TV will accept the tuner? I am writing to the sellers that I need PAL / SECAM.
Vіn vіdpovіv OK. As it turned out later, there was no OK.
Otrimav parcel in a simple plastic bag. Rozkriv, and there in a thin pupirka in ONE ball the whole set. I immediately revealed the vibrating capacitor, the remote control was twisted and the rose was bent.

I immediately wrote a prodovanu about qi shoals (from the corrected photo). Vіn vіdmazatisya, tse not me, having packed the virobnik. Ale poobіtsyav kompensuvati at offensive zamovlennі. Having replaced the conder, straightening the lower leg in 6 seconds.
Rozkriv monitor.

Oppa. And the plume is not coming up to pay. And then I guessed that my seller had a bachelor's train. I am writing, moving the work of a prayer.
You rob a little. Vin gives a discount of 2 dollars. I'm furious. Quietly, I robbed the replacement of the conder, equalizing the bottom, that and inexplicably works the fee.
In short, they moved for 5 dollars. (It would not have been good luck, that bad luck helped).
After checking for another month and taking off the loops (5 pcs).
For the cob vyrishiv pereviriti pratsezdatnіst pay. Therefore, zіbrav at the hanging position. For the cob, having completed with roses with laces, buttons and ІК priymach.

Vіdmovivsya vіd zovnіshny PSU, because the other PSU is 12V.
Know on the board PSU 12V and submit them to the board.

I removed the payment. Utvorilas vіlne otvіr by inserting a toggle switch from eating (220V). Yak appeared in the distance, the head of the bula is reasonable mislyachi.

Well, axis, everything is “glued together”.

Upravlіnnya yet buttons. I turn it on.

Oppa. And the firmware is for another monitor.
Axis here manifested my pardon when zamovlennі. The requirement was to show the screen (1440x900), and not just the size of the screen (19 "). I marveled further. The English menu. The entrance is overridden. Having turned on the antenna. Turned on the auto-scanning of the channels. Everything went fine.
I turn on the channel. One more badass. The image is black and white and there is no sound. All clear. TV standard NTSC. There is nothing to work. Pochav shukati drivers for tsієї pay. Shukav, shukav and know, on the bourgeois site, they collected a lot in one archive. There are 20 pieces, and for my I will allow tezh є. Thinking for a short time, throwing the binary into the root of the flash drive. After inserting the flash drive into the board, turning on the toggle switch and ... they blinked alternately with the light (the axis de needed the toggle switch for eating). Before that, I read the instructions for the firmware payment. In different dzherelakh it was said differently: trim the “menu” button before turning on the eating, trim the button. And here everything is simpler. Blink your light for 30 seconds, the board has been re-adjusted and voila - you’ve appeared top screen. Ale, joy was unhappy. I turn on the menu - everything is in Chinese. Using the tick method, I don’t know the menu of the twirl mov. Let's surf the internet again. Know on Іbei from one seller of screen shots. І in one of them is a screenshot of the menu. Shvidko sorrentirovalsya, vyyshov on the menu and URA, navit Russian language є.

On-line tuner and again URA, є PAL / SECAM. Having calmed down after the joy of success, having started shukati glitches in the firmware, but without them.
1. Weak sensitivity of the TV tuner. When connected in parallel with a TV set on one channel, the image is read on the TV set, and on the monitor there are color risks.
2. When pressed on the remote control. + / - thickness, it will grow / decrease itself.
Required to press the 2nd time, so that it zipped. І tsey glitch buvaє not skin once.
Well, what about multimedia? Looking at the table from the datasheet

And axis i 3rd glitch. Chi is not supported by the sound of the film in AC-3 format.
It's not bad with bitrate. Converted to the speed of 8 Mbit / sec. Video go without galm.
I am taking this short look at Universal Pay to help anyone else who is having problems with the LCD monitor. Before speech. This board is universal and yet it can be installed with screens of 10" to 42". And deyakі sellers obіtsya already up to 65 "

Plan to buy +127 Add in the frame vouchsafed a glance +89 +207

Have a nice day! Today I will tell you how, for help, one handful from China and mothlohu, which is lying around in your house robit TV, well, accept monitor. On the right, in what the bagats have, singly, ancient laptops are lying around, like zipped monitors, non-working tablets, and everything can be put into the air. Well, yes, it’s impossible to connect the matrix, but I’ll build it for help, and I’ll universal scaler, it is possible, it is possible plug in a matrix to HDMI,VGA or to wind up the TV.

And so, what can we do.

I asked myself to finish such a sticky scaler.

I got under the hand of the axis of such a tablet, even more alive, I want the already beaten sensor, the battery is not so good trimmed, all the shaking, but the matrix of the new one can be replaced.

We select a tablet to take access to the matrix.

Turn on all loops and turn off in the direction of everything, krim matrix.

Matrices can finish standard connection, they have LVDS interfaceі standardization a number of roses. What a rose in your matrix you can marvel at with a sultry look or by datasheet. On the skin type of the matrix there is an okremy loop. For example, I have є kіlka loops.

1 - the same old standard, there are more matrices with lamp lights.

2 - more new standard, there de LED-matrices go.

3 - tsі roses are sized in 7 inch tablets and other small ones.

From the other side of the roses, more or less standardized and fit into a practically universal scaler.

Such a scaler, I have never been richer in many more functions in pairs, which I victorious, navit remote control included.

First, connect the matrix is ​​necessary correctly configure the board(Scaler) so as not to zip the matrix. I generally recommend starting a datasheet to the matrix, so that you know which one allowed the matrix, like eating logic and switching.

First of all, why start, we will marvel at the right. There are a number of jumpers on the skeler, the top left configures logic voltage, You need to choose the ones that fit your matrix. As a rule, matrices of laptops can be fed 3.3 volts, in standard monitors 5 volts, but here there is also a jumper for 12 volts, honestly, I don’t know where the voltage is. I immediately change this jumper, so as not to burn our matrix, in my opinion the logic is 3.3 volts.

The next step is to dial the jumpers, the screen is set up. I want to respect that the Crimea will allow the screen to change bitness. On the back of the scaler there is a cheat sheet, in the yak_y it is written “dozvіl і bіtnost”. The bitness is 6-bit and 8-bit, visually the roses of 6 and 8 bits are distinguished by the number of contacts. Information about the bitness of your matrix is ​​new and readable in the datasheet.

First, go to the matrix, you need to check the datasheet, it is easy to know by the sticker, as you can find it behind the matrix. My mind is tse " LP101WX1". In the datasheet on the matrix, we tick 3 or 4 points, in the fall, in addition, the LED matrix or the matrix with a lamp with a cold cathode. The first for everything, it’s significant that the matrix has allowed it, it’s just that the datasheet is burnt out and the record is taken. Here in our table it is indicated pixel format(Pixel Fotmat) tobto 1280 × 800, depending on the jumpers on the Siler, it is necessary to vibrate. Interface Width depending on the number of tickets, in this case 6-bit or 262 144 colors. We need to complete these two parameters so that we can choose the correct mode of the robot matrix.

Ale, in order for the matrix to live, we need more set the correct voltage, Pereggortaemo far away. І axis we have a table of electrical characteristics. Logic, to eat logic, power supply input voltage of 3.0 to 3.6 volts, typically 3.3 volts, as a rule, the jumper for eating the matrix can be set to 3.3 volts.

І about every kind of marveling, this point needs to be marveled only in that case, like a matrix with LED lighting. As it is written on the board, the board is powered by 12 volts, and our power supply works from 5 to 21 volts, 12 will be just right. I didn’t try other matrices with some voltages of 5 volts, but I’ll admit that it’s possible to use it, so you will vicorize the matrix from any small tablet. The axis of the parameter is obov'yazkovo to marvel at, otherwise you can simply zip the matrix. If you eat food at 12 volts, then it is not possible to switch on the roses without interruption, it will be necessary to ensure the necessary voltage of life.

And so, nalashtovuєmo the scaler is consistent with data from the datasheet. Reduce zdatnist 1280 × 800 and 6-bit, for which I put jumpers F and G

The jumpers are configured, now let's go through the elements on the board.

1 - the first two roses are eating

2 - last port

3 - DC-DC converter

4 - line stabilizer

5 - sockets (VGA, HDMI, RCA, sound and high-frequency antenna connection)

6 - management

7 - buttons and all controls

8 - LVDS socket, where the matrix is ​​connected

9 - memory

10 - processor

11 - pіdsiluvach of sweating

12 - TV tuner

More about roses

Roz'em management pіdsvіchuvannyam.

What do you have LED matrix, Tobto is light, then you don’t fool around, you’re right in the matrix installation controller And this rose will go straight into the loop. Tobto Just connect the matrix and there is no need to bother anymore.

Even though the matrix is ​​ancient, it can be used for additional wires to go out of the matrix.

The matrix can have such lamps installed and darts come out of it. For laptops, sound 1 wire, in the matrix of the monitor 2 or 4. In order to connect such a matrix, you can twist universal inverter for switching. Vіn buvaє on 1, 2 and 4 outputs, then the leather output is connected to one lamp. The inverter needs to be selected for the number of lamps in your matrix, so it is not possible to connect only 2 lamps to the inverter with 4 outputs, so as the inverter goes to the zahist, to that all the outputs are due but equally navantage. Therefore, as a matrix for 2 lamps, we can buy an inverter for 2 outputs, as well as for 1 lamp, we can buy for 1 output. Roz'єmi unіfіkovanі that fit 1 in 1, it's just that the axis is built in and that's it.

Let's get connected

For which we need a cable, it is easy to install, the jumpers on the board are already configured. LVDS, On the train, the markings looked like farby patches, and on the plate, the tricoutnik - the first line.

About every fluctuation, it is reverberated, chi should come to light. Chervoniy is a plus, black is a minus and the only wire is the inclusion of a switch. We turn the board over to the reverse side and replace the letters of the contacts with the wires, so that everything converges.

We still need something like no management. Before the speech about the control, the block, where I connected the IC-receiver to the control. Here go the buttons, stink all the signatures, the buttons can be added okremo or connect your own.

In principle, everything, everything needed to be connected.

We turn the matrix and connect the food. If you choose to connect to a computer, then you can take food from the computer's power supply. Turn on...

Now it is necessary to get acquainted with the remote control in order to know the menu and remember the language. I think this process can not be described as a warto, since your scaler can still be different. It's a pity, I know only English at home, but if not, I'll be courting him. And on my own depositor, I knew the menu and made it bigger, so that everything was more clearly visible.

Well, let's try connecting the camera via HDMI. Plugging in the camera, it turned out that the pіvtoni kvіtіv were displayed incorrectly.

I thought about it, having burned the buffer of the reference voltages in the matrix, but having connected the matrix to the tablet, I realized that everything is in order with the matrix, it didn’t burn out. Having rummaged through the vastness of the Internet, you know service menu. It appears necessary in the service menu to change the way the scaler works with the matrix. For this, we go to the menu and dial the code 8896, and we will see the service menu. Known on the menu system settings(System setting) -> Panel setting (Panel setting) -> and just change the color scheme (Color set). Going through all the options, we know the most optimal, for less 3. In other models, the scaler can have a different access code in the menu service and three more ways to adjust the color scheme.

It seems from the menu and Bachimo that all colors are displayed correctly.

In the same way, you can connect a matrix to either a tablet or a monitor.

Most of today's LCD monitors can do it just a little bit, like looking at it on equal chips, so in the monitors we can have two or three great microcircuits at once. The functional recognition of these microcircuits in the majority of cases is typical, regardless of those that emit stench different virobniks and may be marked differently. And since the microcircuits have the same functions, then their input / output signals will be practically identical, so the main feature of the microcircuits is in their characteristics and the pinout of the case. The very same to the largeness of today's LCD monitors, unimportant on their collection trademarks and anonymous different models, it is possible to fix the same approaches when diagnosing malfunctions and repairing. Since the functional scheme is identical, all LCD monitors may use the same layout scheme, so that practically all manufacturers came to the same layout electronic components monitor for various other boards.

Otzhe, how to marvel at modern LCD monitor, then in the middle we know, as a rule, the LCD panel itself and three other boards (Fig. 1):


- main control board and signal processing (Main PCB);

- board for the power supply unit and the inverter of the rear power supply (Power PCB);

- payment for the front control panel.

Interblock communication with such a layout of the monitor demonstrates babies 2.


Many modern monitors can be used as a USB hub, to which different USB devices can be connected. Therefore, in the warehouse of the monitor, one more additional board may appear, which is valid for the USB hub, but the presence of the payment, of course, is optional.

Monitor microprocessor and scaler are installed on the main control board. This board is responsible for processing the input signals of the monitor and converting them into control signals for the LCD panel. Imenny tsієyu board is rich in what is the quality of the image seen on the monitor screen. The main features of monitor models are one type of one type in the configuration of a different board, in the type installed on it microcircuits and in their "firmware".

The board of the front panel of the keruvannya is an extra-large board, on which only buttons and a light-emitting diode are installed.

The power supply board (in the documentation of LG її means LIPS), is a combination of the power supply, which consists of two impulse conversions: the main power supply unit and the rear power inverter. This board forms all the main voltages necessary for the operation of the main board, and LCD panels, as well as the high-voltage voltage for the rear lighting lamps. The handy board itself gives the largest number of problems and types of LCD monitors.

There is also another layout option, with some kind of LCD-matrix in the monitor and a different payment:

- main control board and signal processing (Main PCB);

- Board block eating (Power PCB);

- back light inverter board (Back Light Inverter PCB);

- board of the front control panel.

In this variant, the layout of the living unit and the inverter of the rear power supply are okrem_ drukovani board (Fig. 3).


Interblock communication, typical for such a layout of the monitor, is presented in Fig.4. As a butt, here you can show the LG FLATRON L1810B and L1811B monitors.


First, let's talk about the different options for the circuitry of LCD displays, ladies short characteristics the main components, from which stinks are formed.


Microprocessor, which in other cases can be called CPU, MCUі MICOM, zdіysnyuetsya global management monitor. The main yoga functions are:

- forming signals for switching on and off the rear switch;

- control of the illumination of the lamps of the rear lighting;

- setting the robotic scaler mode;

- shaping of signals by a scaler robot;

- processing and control of input clock signals HSYNC and VSYNC;

- vyznachennya to the mode of work of the monitor;

- depending on the type of input interface (D-SUB or DVI);

- processing of signals from the front control panel.

The program of the microprocessor, as a rule, is stored in its internal ROM, so that the program is "flashed" into the processor. However, part of the code, and especially different data and changes, are stored in external independent memory, as it is an electrically reprogrammable ROM - EEPROM. The microprocessor can directly access the EEPROM chips.

The microprocessor, as a rule, is 8-bit and operates at clock frequencies of the order of 12 - 24 MHz. The microprocessor, in fact, is a single-chip micro controller, in the warehouse of such a, cream CPU is also:

- rich digital port and input/output with programming functions;

- analog input ports and digital-analog converter;

- clock generator;

- ROM;

- RAM and other elements.


From independent memory, in the first place, data about the settings of the monitor and the tasks of the correct settings are taken. Data is taken from the EEPROM at the moment the monitor is turned on and the microprocessor is initialized. When the monitor is adjusted on the skin, the new value of the image parameter is installed, the new values ​​are rewritten in the EEPROM, which allows them to be saved. In modern monitors like EEPROM, basically, microcircuits are blocked last access by tire I2C(signal SDAі SCL). Chip Type 24C02, 24C04, 24C08 and etc.


All current monitors support Plug & Play technology, as they transfer the transfer from the monitor to the PC side of the passport and configuration information about the monitor. To transfer these data, the last DDC interface is used, which I receive signals on the interface DDC-DATA (DDC-SDA)і DDC-CLK (DDC-SCL). Passport information itself is stored in yet another EEPROM, which is, practically, without interfacing with an interface rose. Like EEPROM, these microcircuits are vicorated 24C02, 24C04, 24C08, And also you can win and more specialize - 24C21.

Molding tool RESET

The circuit for forming the RESET signal ensures the control of the voltage of the microprocessor's life. If the voltage drops below the allowable value, the microprocessor robot is blocked by setting the REST signal to low rіven. As a signal maker, the stabilizer Low Drop microcircuit, type KIA7042 or KIA7045, is most often used.


The microcircuit of the scaler controls the processing of signals that come from the PC. The scaler in most cases is a richly functional microcircuit, to enter the warehouse:

- microprocessor;

- receiver (receiver) TMDS, which ensures the reception and transformation into a parallel type of data that are transmitted via the DVI interface;

- analog-to-digital conversion - ADC (ADC), which changes input analog signals R / G / B;

- PLL block, which is necessary for correct analog-to-digital conversion and synchronous signal formation at the ADC output;

- scaling scheme (Scaler) to ensure the transformation of the image with the input permission (for example, 1024x768) into the image with the permission of the LCD panel (for example, 1280x1024);

- OSD molding machine;

- Transmitter (LVDS), which converts parallel color data into a sequential code, which is transmitted to the LCD panel via the LVDS bus.

In the warehouse of the main elements, in the warehouse of the scaler, you can see the scheme of gamma correction, the interface for robots with dynamic memory, the scheme of the frame grabber, the scheme of converting formats (for example, YUV to RGB) and so on.

In fact, the scaler is a microprocessor, which optimizes the visualization of a whole set of songs - processing the image. The scaler adapts to the format of input signals, omitting the input commands central processor monitor.

What is in the warehouse of the monitor is a frame buffer ( operational memory), then the robot with it is the function of the scaler itself. For many different scalers are equipped with an interface for robots with dynamic memory.

An example of a functional diagram of the GM5020 scaler, vicorated in the LG FLATRON L1811B monitor, shown in Fig.5. The features of this scaler are those that do not retaliate with the internal LVDS transmitter, and form a color signal in a seemingly parallel 48-bit digital data stream. When using a different scaler GM5020, you will need an older LVDS transmitter, which is a specialized microcircuit.



Frame buffer - ce operational memory great capacity, Yaka vikoristovuetsya to save the image of the image that is displayed on the screen. This memory is necessary when re-scaling (scaling) the image, so if the input allowed it, it does not work with the permission of the LCD-panel. Like a frame buffer, dynamic type memory is used, mostly SDRAM. The capacity of the memory is determined by the retailer, depending on the format of the LCD-panel and її color characteristics.

DC-DC Converter

This module ensures the formation of all constant voltages required for the robotic monitor. Voltages є: + 5V, + 3.3V, + 2.5V or + 1.8V. I am either linear, or impulsive, transforming the constant voltage.

clock buffer

The buffer of clock signals is a subsilver, viconan either on transistors, or on microcircuits of dribnoy logic. Buffer provides amplification and buffering of input signals in HSYNC and VSYNC synchronization. Often the buffers are controlled by a microprocessor, which allows you to choose the source of the signal, as well as choose the type of synchronization (split, composite or SOG).


The inverter forms a high-voltage and high-frequency voltage for back lighting lamps. It is a pulsed high-frequency switcher, which creates a pulsed voltage with an amplitude of about 800V with a voltage of + 12V.

Living block

Living block variable voltage meshes are being formed constant voltage+12 V and +5 V, vicory for eating all monitor cascades. The block of life is impulsive and can be like a sound lace adapter, So, the internal module of the monitor, although in monitors, representations in look at this, The living block is internal.

More important than the majority of LCD monitors, you can see up to one of three basic circuitry options, which can be characterized.

1) First option characterized by the presence of two main microcircuits on the MAIN BOARD: microprocessor microcircuits and scaler microcircuits. The microprocessor controls the sharpness of the monitor components, and the scaler creates the transformation of color signals, so that the image is built up and allowed the LCD-panel. With this, the scaler converts the data "on the fly", so without prior preservation of the image image in the future memory. That's why the memory chips in such a variant of the circuitry do not fail. A block diagram of such an LCD monitor is shown in Figure 6.


2) Another option (Fig. 7) is regarded as the first appearance in the monitor of memory chips, which is often called the frame buffer (Frame Buffer). The presence of memory chips is typical for monitors of the highest class, as a building practice with images of various input formats, including television ones. 18-inch monitors, for example FLATRON L1811B, are up to this class of monitors in the larger world.


3) Third option characterized by the presence on the main board MAIN BOARD of only one "active" microcircuit. Under the term "active microcircuit", we can use the microcircuit, that I can control the command system, program for the implementation of various functions and design the signal processing. In some monitors (for example, in FLATRON L1730B and L1710S), we only have one such microcircuit, so that both the functions of the microprocessor and the functions of the scaler are combined. Since similar microcircuits can be played in different models of monitors, and just as in the warehouse of microcircuits there is a microprocessor, for which the presence of coding codes is needed, then on the MAIN BOARD board we also know a microcircuit of permanent memory - ROM (ROM). This microcircuit, as in most cases, an 8-bit ROM with parallel access, avenges a specific program for the robotic scaler-microprocessor combo microcircuit. Often a ROM chip is electrically reprogrammable, and is often referred to as FLASH. Practically all LG monitors in ROM contain a microcircuit of the AT49HF family. A block diagram of monitors with such circuitry is shown in Fig. 8.


There are three options to wake up the monitor, you can enter one more option. We are concerned that there is such a scaler in the monitor, which cannot be used with an LVDS-transmitter. In this way, the transmitter needs a microchip, as it is installed on the main board between the scaler and the LCD panel. The LVDS transmitter converts the parallel (24 or 48 bit) digital data stream, formed by the scaler, into the LVDS bus after data. LVDS-transmitter is a microchip of a zagalny zastosuvannya, as it can be played in any kind of monitors. Such circuitry, called LVDS-transmitter, is also typical, in the larger world, for monitors of the highest class, because they contain special scalers with a smaller number of additional functions. An example of a block diagram of a monitor with similar circuitry representations in Fig.9. As an example of a monitor with such a feeling, you can name the model LG FLATRON L1811B.


Here we looked at more than the basic options for modern circuitry, although you can see for yourself with all the different models and brands of LCD monitors different combinations flowchart representations. IN linked tables 1 selection of types of fixed microcircuits and features of circuitry of the largest mass models of LG monitors.

Table 1. LG TFT monitor circuitry features

monitor model

layout option

circuit design option

Types of main microcircuits

Type of vicory






div. fig.1

see fig.6





div. fig.1

see fig.6





div. fig.1

see fig.9




1) LM150X06-A3M1

2) LM150X07-B4


div. fig.1

see fig.6





div. fig.1

see fig.8


1) HT17E12-100

2) M170EN05


div. fig.1

see fig.6



1) LM170E01-A4

2) HT17E12-100

3) M170EN05V1

L1715 /16 S

div. fig.1

see fig.6





div. fig.1

see fig.6



1) LM170E01-A4

2) LM170E01-A5K6

3) LM170E01-A4K4

4) LM170E01-A5


div. fig.1

see fig.8


1) LM170E01-A5K6

2) LM170E01-A5N5

3) LM170E01-A5KM


see fig.3

see fig.6



1) LM181E06-A4M1

2) LM181E06-A4C3


see fig.3

see fig.9




1) LM181E05-C4M1

2) LM181E05-C3M1


div. fig.1

see fig.6





div. fig.1

see fig.6




Analytical review of the data, presented in Table 1, allows the growth of a sprat of tsikavykh vysnovkіv.

Perche, Practically all, presented in tables 1 of the monitor, may have the same layout scheme, like, before speech, it is practically typical for all current monitors, independently from the company-maker.

In a different way, LG in its monitors in the capacity of a powerful processor victorious, more importantly, a microcontroller MTV312 , Broken down by the firm MYSON TECHNOLOGY. This microcontroller is basically the most common microprocessor 8051. In addition, the microcontroller storage includes RAM, Flash-ROM, ADC, synchronization processor, digital ports and a number of other elements.

Thirdly, it is necessary to indicate that in some models of monitors they can be victorious different types LCD panels. So, for example, under the cover of monitors that are sold under the trademark FLATRON 1710B, You can use three LCD panels different types: LM170E01-A4, HT17E12-100, M170EN05V1, І tse є to achieve an expanded practice of practically all types of monitors. Ale cіkavim є the fact that some firms LG in their monitors vicorist panels of other vibrators, being at the same time the largest vibrator of them. The reliability of the LCD-panel can be determined by the type of marking, the first letters of which indicate the type:

LM- vibration panels LG-PHILIPS

HT- vibration panels HITACHI

M- vibration panels AUO

FLC- vibration panels FUJITSU

Hello everyone. In the rest of the hour, you can often watch articles and video clips about old matrices on laptops, dead monitors on regular TVs. About such a chalepa and pide mova in this article, but before that, a troch of history.

For some reason, they brought me a monitor for repairs, in which they ignited the live lighting. The matrix itself did not suffer, but a part of the organic structure, as if to serve as a rosy lens, to burn. Just like that, 2 lamps burst and the inverter itself failed. Having voiced the Lord's price for repairs, do not repair that one. After a deaky hour, I bought this monitor for spare parts.

After a few months, I tried to try to renovate a Danish monitor, winning with a minimal budget. So, as a beautiful picture, it was not possible to appreciate, deputy CCFL I installed the lamps light one line on 12 volt, In front of you, having sent a nayyaskravisha to the radio market. To implement the switching on of the switch, by vikoristovuvav polovy transistor, which served food on the light diode, otrimavshi switch on signal from the main payment. How it is realized, I will describe below. Having earned the monitor, and at the same time, the quality of the picture made me even more pleased. As if surprised, the beast could see little commandments, but the stench did not respect me.

So the monitor worked for a few months, exactly until the moment when I needed one more TV, not a great diagonal. For the implementation of this task, I have hacked the universal scaler (monitor controller).

What is necessary for converting a monitor to a TV set?

For processing we need:

selectable scaler

Really, the scaler is a majestic impersonal, but I’ll look at it less, as it’s suitable for converting the monitor into a TV set. It’s not for nothing that they call universal payment cards, as the stench can support all models of matrices, as they are known. Having become aware of the different articles about these boards, I explained that 3 universal scalers are most suitable for the implementation of my task.

monitoring monitor

Monitor lighting can be vikonan with 2 options: vicorist lamp or Led svіtlodio. To select the type of switching, it is necessary to select a monitor and get to the matrix.

After arranging, we give respect to those, like darts, coming out of the side of the matrix. If the roses will be of this type, as in the picture below, then you have to stand for lighting on the lamps, this is the name of lighting.


In such a situation, it is necessary to install an inverter for CCFL lamps.

In the number of roses for the lamps, lay those, for the number of channels, an inverter is needed. Sound, in the monitors there are inverters for 4 lamps. If you want to reshape the matrix from the laptop, then only one lamp is used, and the inverter is needed.

Since there are no such wires, and at the bottom of the monitor there are roses for 6 pins, then you win Led pіdsvіchuvannya. What you need is a Led inverter.

Led inverter

If there are no wires coming out of the matrix, and there is only one cable connected, then you do not need an inverter, it is already on the matrix board itself.

Cable selection from the scaler to the monitor

Prior to the choice of the loop, it is necessary to put it even more seriously, so as to lay the foundation for the entire system. I didn’t buy the train, but after rebuilding the old one according to the datasheet, you can buy it already ready. What to choose, write it yourself, I'll describe that and the other way.

To select the type of loop, go to the site http://www.panelook.com, and enter the name of our matrix in a row. Look at the name itself, you can on the sticker, as you know from the stylish side of the matrix.

matrix sticker. Model CLAA170EA 07Q

If so, we will take all the necessary information, as we have to do so for the choice of firmware.

Information about the matrix.

Let's take a closer look.
Diagonal Size: Expanding our matrix. Our drop is 17 inches.
Pixel Format: Screen expansion. Key information for selecting scaler firmware. My viewport is 1280 (RGB) × 1024
interface type: Tse i є our roz'єm pіd train. For my matrix, a 30-pin loop is required, the LVDS bus is due to the mother 2 channels per 8-bit. Sending on the popular cable to the clad in the kіntsi stattі. I will remake this train from the old one, I will describe the process later.
Power Supply: The voltage of the food matrix. In my fluctuation is 5 volts.
Light Source: Here is all the information about the transition. CCFL means that it is powered by 4 lamps, so an inverter is needed as well. More, I have described how to choose a viable inverter, not a vicarious site.

Living block

The block of living is required 12 volts. The pressure to lie in the diagonal of the monitor is to blame for becoming no less than 4 amperes. Since there is not enough space in the monitor case, it’s better to buy a wine life block, I’ll beat the tablet-type life block, which I will install in the monitor case.

The process of converting a monitor to a TV

So, as a monitor, I don’t have the first freshness, I selected a scaler without accommodating all the bells and whistles, so LA.MV29.P. If you choose any other scaler, their connections are identical, you will just change the firmware.

Delivery took only 15 days. The kit includes the board itself, a remote control and an IK receiver. The remote control, however, is not available with Chinese inscriptions, but in the messages all the scalers will be with an English keyboard.

I will remake the monitor LG Latron 17 inches

Nasampered rozіbrav monitor, і vityagnuv all insides.

Having cleaned everything, pay, at once with a metal casing

After the analysis, having chosen the most convenient place for installing the scaler. So like I have an old monitor, and in a new rich free space, then the board is placed there at the same time as the living block. Installing the board in the upper part of the monitor, and using a soldering iron, open the scaler exit.

Scaller installation site

Seemed like that.

Don't forget it by setting the jumper of the matrix food to the 5 volt position. Well, choose the position, looking from the datasheet on your matrix, or check the panelook.com site, looking at the value in the Power Supply field.

Jumper, as a sign of the life voltage of the matrix

Dali, occupied with connecting buttons. The buttons are easy to connect. On the old panel of the keyboard, I soldered all the resistors, jumpers, and left out the buttons. Dali, having soldered one end of all buttons with a conductor between themselves, and connected to the GND whiskers (to the ground "-"), and on the other, you have to pay the darts. Like a button for what you will recognize on the old board, you yourself. I have only 5 buttons on my panel, so I sacrificed the OK button.

connection sign

deciphering the meaning

K0- Upvote button
K1- Thickness +
K2- Guchnist -
K3- Select button (OK)
K4- Menu button
K5- Channel +
K6- Channel -

connecting buttons on the diagram

Pins GRN and RED mean the camp of light. Zrobleno tse for two color lighters for 3 legs. One leg is connected to the ground "-", the other and the third to the legs are connected to GRN and RED. I didn’t have such a light, so I turned on only a red light, which burns for an hour when the TV is turned on in the black mode, and turns off when the TV turns on.

For ik priymach, problems are not to blame, everything is described in the image.

I don’t know rose, just soldering the darts to the pins.

Having put the darts in such a rank

As I said earlier, I won the plume. The wine is inserted into the rose of the scaler normally, but you can also use other thermostats. Sob not to stray, I vyyyav all the darts of roses, pushing against the escaping ledge on the contact.

The process of verification of wires

scaler thermostats

I took the pinout of the matrix from the datasheet. The axle looks like that.

Matrix thermostats CLAA170EA07Q

Connected to exit nibi inversely, from one side of the matrix Vcc ce contacts 28,29,30, from the side of the matrix ce 1,2,3.
To show respect, that on the signals come out of the scaler, in front there is the letter “ T' (transfer), And on the matrix R (received).

For example, the signal from the scaler TXO1- is connected to the pin of the matrix RXO1-, which is simpler, just do not marvel at the first letter.

Dial connector.

If s tsim finished, proceeding to the connection of the connection. So, since my switching is not standard, but already reshaped, I had a chance to win as a key, which would turn on the switching when a signal was given from the scaler. Who cares how I connected the transistor, the diagram is below.

NPN connection

In your case, you will only need to connect the inverter to the socket, and everything will work.

Pin assignment for screen lighting

Traces of the front breakage of the monitor, trace the burnt dross on

Having bought everything before buying, it was enough to flash the scaler.

scaler firmware

Before choosing the firmware, it is necessary to install it seriously, so if you do not choose the firmware correctly, then you can only re-flash the scaler through the programmer.

Let's take a look at the selection of firmware for the matrix CLAA170EA 07Q.

Information about the matrix.

We take the following information: 2 channels, 8 bits, extension 1280 x 1024, eating 5 volts. After downloading the firmware, I'll go to the middle of the files.

Select firmware.

For the file, select the need for expansion, bit and voltage of the matrix. We go into this folder, and the file, which needs to be unpacked, and put it in the root of the flash drive.

We connect a flash drive to the scallru and serve food for the board. The light on the panel is to blame for blinking. Check until the light stops blinking, after which the TV can be turned on from the remote control or buttons.

Firmware can be found here:

  1. For a tuner with T2, the seller will update the firmware after the purchase. Meni hung like this: Z.VST.3463.A

After the firmware, I’ll zaishov in the nalashtuvannya mov, and posting the Russian mov. Dali by running auto search.

Auto search for channels.

Channels scaler accepts directly. Having closed the speakers later, so that it was timely glued to the thermo glue, which was under the arm.

I wanted to somehow add a TV to the bedroom. Zvichayna people in such a situation go to the store and buy new TV. Ale, it’s not enough for me, and it’s too simple, so I’ve done it myself, well, maybe it’s better :)
Whoever you want to come in, I’m sure that I won’t disappoint.

So it happened that the old Samsung monitor was known to the booth. And so, as the monitors sound the TV channels themselves, they cannot show it on their own, then it was done to get up to a small fee, so as to turn yoga into a TV set.
The crime of that decision was also called out, that the monitor had a small "sickness", vertical smugs, as if they appeared in some places, but in others they did not. I'm sorry for the VGA-LVDS board, and that's why I replaced it, but I wanted to take it bigger, lower just the VGA input.

Zagal fee zamovlen, otrimana, mail envelope unpacking. In the middle, in an antistatic bag, lay the heroine of this look.

The board was prepared in full neatly, I didn’t reveal any faults, one capacitor was three times raised above the board (I didn’t close the solderings up to the board), but there were some prichipki.
Є kіlka empty mіsts pіd komponenti, аlе on pratsezdatnostі pristroyu price nіyak did not appear.

The board is two-ball, installation is one-sided, on the back side the components are daily, may be all roses painted, but I will write about them later.
Flux zmito, everything is neat.

So, in the kit, they gave a remote control, nothing unusual, the remote control was like a remote control, neat, light.
You can write in Chinese, but in reality it doesn’t work, more buttons are intuitively understood, otherwise I don’t need them in my life.
Remote packaging in a prozory package.

The package with a remote control has a photo receiver. On the right, if you buy a keyboard board and a photodetector board to this set, then there will be no soldering, it will be transferred, that the photodetector can be stuck without paying, and if you buy an additional board, then the photodetector is already є.

The remote control is used as a standard, with two AAA batteries (both one and one AA).
Batteries are not included in the kit, having bought more expensive ones.

More detailed description of the payment

As the “heart” of this payment is the TSUMV29LU microprocessor, the okremium datasheet did not fall on me.
This microprocessor is not capable of playing video from a flash drive, but only a TV was required.
At home there is a small TV set, which is the same, for the rest of the 7 years I needed the function only once.

Flash memory chip with a capacity of 8 MB or 1 MB.
Trochs are right and lower there is a transistor, which is the one that feeds on the matrix.

In the capacity of the audio channel sub-station, there is an unknown less microcircuit CS37AD2ABQ, I suspect that the analogue is larger than the other microcircuit, but it is unknown to itself.
In the description of the board, the maximum power is stated at 2.3 watts per channel. Fully believe.
I am getting sick with 5 volts, judging by the sweating - D class.

Roses of life 5.5 / 2.1, commissioning of roses for connection to the main payment for eating and monitor inverter. So it’s just that there’s a turn-over of a 12--5 Volt meal, you can see a PWM controller and a power throttle.

On the circuit board there is an additional voltage stabilizer, which forms 3.3 Volt, selectable. LowDrop 5A.
Instruct him to switch the jumper, which switches the matrix to 5 Volts or 3.3 (two options, 5 V more extensions), the order of insertions to 5 Volts, be careful!
So you can already see one more SHIM stabilizer, the recognition is unreasonable, imaginatively - eating the digital part of the microprocessor.

One more linear stabilizer, I suspect that the analog part of the processor should be alive.

RF module pay. As far as I know, it is available in two variants, hull and unframed.
judging by the information from the internet, cased may be marked HERE29, unframed - HERE R84029
For tuners and firmwares, the matrices are allowed for different firmware, but for the firmware, when using it, you need to use two options for the RF module, in the end, I will give you permission for those that I support this module.
On the HF module there is a sticker of the MaiTech picker.

Let's get down to the description of the payment.
For the cob, scho won vmіє.
Frequency range - 48.25MHz -863.25MHz
Color system - PAL / SECAM / NTSC
Sound system - B / G, D / K, l, M / N, NICAM / A2, BTSC
Number of channels - 200
Teletext - 10 sides (chip 39 - 10 sides, chip 59 - 1000 sides), although it is unlikely that someone will need it at any time.
Video signal input format (VGA, HDMI) - up to 1920 × [Email protected]
Video support - 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
Vihіdna tuzhnistі podsiluvаchі sound - 2x2.3 W (40) 1HD + N<10%@1KHz
Eating voltage - 12V
Matrix life voltage - 3.3V, 5V, 12V

Appointment of roses in the photo.
Rose entry:
Eating 12 Volt
Vhіd VGA
HDMI input
Composite video and stereo input.
Sound input when using TV as a computer monitor
Exit to headphones
USB input. (In this tuner, there are only ones for updating the firmware).
Input for connection of antenna or cable.

So the roses are installed on the board itself:
6 contacts - inverter power supply, power supply control, power supply control.
14 contacts - connection of ІК receiver, light indication of the mode of operation and keyboard.
30 contacts - LVDS signal output and matrix eating.
4 contact - output for connection of speakers.

There are two more jumpers on the board.
2nd contact - switching the food to 5 volts, when the jumper is installed, 12 volts in and 5 volts out. Navіscho, rozpovіm in zastosuvanni.
3 contact - switching the voltage of the food matrix 5 or 3.3 Volts.
Additional - The jumper is placed alone, it's just that in my variant, the matrix was fed into 5 Volts and I applied 5 Volts to the board.

Rosemary pay.

List of supported matrices, firmwares for applications (accepted applications). In the main standard permission, ale є і takі, yakі I'm running ahead.
In addition, there are firmware for the keyboard 5 and 7 buttons and for different models of matrices and working voltages (if I understand, the voltage is selected by a jumper).

allowed matrix


Well, how to understand everything, it’s important to change the payment on your own, but in domestic minds it’s impossible.
Let’s move on to that, now and then where I needed everything.

monitor overhaul

I will rework one of the wider Samsung monitors

Monitor model 920NW. The discharge was already long ago, maybe 7 years ago, having survived the replacement of the capacitors, the other replacement did not help you.

For the help of a specially trained scalpel (an excellent scalpel, ale blunt), we take the back cover, it will cling to the help of the zasovok. Buy combined options of gvinti + zasuvki. varto indicates that Samsung monitors are much better, lower for example LG.
In addition, in LG I often fastened the electronics block on adhesive tape, zhah.

The VGA-LVDS board is connected, including the keyboard plug and connection with the board to the power unit and the inverter.
The part with the inverter board is put aside.

In this model of the monitor, the board is connected to the matrix behind the help of a flat cable, which is too short.

I was so embarrassed about the connection, I sorted out this monitor for a long time and already rozrakhovuvav that the connection will be wires and a handy rose. For example, like in tsoma, not long ago, the monitor was sorted out.

The train is a flat and flexible construction, soldering up to the new one is not handy.

And the axis is an old fee, selected for processors of the same firms, which the fee is looking at.
I already wrote that there is a defect in it. It would be easier to replace the fee for the same, but it won’t cost a penny, but the functionality is not better. Tobto the cost of the cost is expensive, but the inexpensive analogue (such as hustki) requires all the same to reshape the train to the matrix, so you need to encircle yourself.
At first glance, it looks worse, it’s amazing, Samsung is a decent company.

For further work, I’ll try to search for the datasheet on the matrix, in the new one, indicate the voltage of life and the number of lines of the LVDS and the interface of the vicor matrix, and you can also change the contacts in roses. And you can do it in the selection of firmware.
I have an M90A1-L02-X matrix.

Here is a little bit of information about LVDS interfaces.
Inventions of wines have been invented for a long time, and maybe not only in monitors. Simply in the monitors of the wines, having taken a large width for connecting the matrix with the signal processing processor. But the second interface is TMDS, but it doesn't get stuck so often (they seem to be less).
If anyone needs to read the report information about the interface, then send a couple of messages -,.
I'll try to explain in a simpler way.
The interface is 10 lines of differential data transmission channels.
It seems simpler 10 pairs of wires. It is better to have a bet between yourself.
Do not use matrices for all 10 lines, other matrices with more low resolutions or less lines.
For example, matrices with a separate building 1024x768 can be connected for all choirma with pairs of wires (ODD0, ODD1, ODD2, ODD Clock), 1280x800 five (ODD 0, ODD1, ODD2, ODD Clock, ODD3), matrices with a separate building 2280x01 chirp all 10 lines more (ODD1, ODD1, ODD2, ODD Clock, ODD3, EVEN0, EVEN1, EVEN2, EVEN Clock, EVEN3).
I wake up again.

In the process of reworking, I put my own managers as much as possible to beat those that can be done by hand, wanting to think about taking the necessary cables from a comrade, who is engaged in repairing monitors. In such a rank of rozpovisti, as it is possible to protect as much as possible during rework.
I soldered right before paying the matrix, the photo shows the signed contacts.

For the day, I called the necessary number of pairs for the MGTF drota, 10 signal pairs and two pairs for eating the matrix. So along the way, I added cables for connecting buttons, a photo receiver and connecting with an inverter board.
Dovzhina I have robbed 20cm, better work more, for example 26cm, how to sell sets of ready-made cables.

Having soldered the bet, looking completely neat :)
If I didn’t care about plastic, I’d see it and fix it with insulating stitches, tape is better not to wick, so you can lose the trace on the frame of the monitor.

You need to solder carefully, the Maidans are rather small, but there is nothing impossible for a person with hands, especially since there is a soldering iron in them :))))

Now solder the opposite side, so it will rise, as the matrix will be connected to the tuner board.
There are no thermostatic contacts on the board, but I know the option, deva, the contacts are soldered manually, in pairs, moreover, all signal + from one side, and minus from the other.
You can ring the darts before soldering and mark them with a marker, you will be better soldering.

It is even simpler, that is a plate, the first contact of the rose of meanings with a square patch.

1 LCD-VDD Power for Panel
2 LCD-VDD Power for Panel
5 GND Ground
6 GND Ground
7 RXO0- LVDS ODD 0 - Signal
8 RXO0 + LVDS ODD 0 + Signal
9 RXO1- LVDS ODD 1 - Signal
10 RXO1 + LVDS ODD 1 + Signal
11 RXO2- LVDS ODD 2 - Signal
12 RXO2 + LVDS ODD 2 + Signal
13 GND Ground
14 GND Ground
15 RXOC- LVDS ODD Clock - Signal
16 RXOC + LVDS ODD Clock + Signal
17 RXO3- LVDS ODD 3 - Signal
18 RXO3 + LVDS ODD 3 + Signal
19 RXE0- LVDS EVEN 0 - Signal
20 RXE0 + LVDS EVEN 0 + Signal
21 RXE1- LVDS EVEN 1 - Signal
22 RXE1 + LVDS EVEN 1 + Signal
23 RXE2- LVDS EVEN 2 - Signal
24 RXE2 + LVDS EVEN 2 + Signal
25 GND Ground
26 GND Ground
27 RXEC- LVDS EVEN Clock - Signal
28 RXEC + LVDS EVEN Clock + Signal
29 RXE3- LVDS EVEN 3 - Signal
30 RXE3 + LVDS EVEN 3 + Signal

For connection, I bought a couple of roses, 2x15 for connection to the matrix and 1x40 for all other connections. Croc contacts 2mm.

Unsolder the signal darts, raju as at least one row of insulation with heat shrink, touch the contacts on the roses softly and even pull the cable, then you can close.
Burn shvidshe for everything, don’t burn anything, but deliver problems.

I went on to the installation of electronics in the case.
On the back of the head, I’m squeamish about my desk, earlier, I tried the VGA-LVDS board.

After the next transfer, before rebuilding, pay the power supply unit and the inverter. Before the speech, the board came across more and more often for the installation of a power switch, not knowing what these monitors were with the speakers.
Vipayav inlet choke, diode mist and capacitor.

After that, having taken the great brutal knives and torn off the clothes, pay. Naturally marveling in front, so as not to cut anything zayvogo.
From the torn shmatka virizav khustsі, de earlier stood Vipayav components, soldered back.

After that, I will drill open the rear (lower) wall to install a new board. Part of it was drilled with a conical drill bit, part of it was made with a sharp drill, then it was supplemented with a needle file.
Might be the most important and boring stage of processing.

To install the board, I bought on the market mounting brackets with a length of 20mm with M3 cuts.
So I just bought a pair of speakers 1 W 8 Ohm and vimikach food.
I didn’t need the vimikach of life in my bag, so I didn’t have to put it where, take it so that it would be safe, as a result, I’ve lost my mind.

First reconciliation, now I have understood, now I have torn my clothes to pay :)
I would like to explain at a glance, but then we will understand, which is easier to show.

And the axis from the rear panel was a problem. Already if you can open everything, then understand that after installing the payment, the plastic part of the body blocks access to roses.
I had a chance to open everything (well, or lower the board, as if to marvel) by 7 mm, then the space was already nowhere to be found, the RF module rested against the case. If you want to replace a three-fold fee and win more than 2-3 mm, you can put a three-fold fee under the cheek, so that it would be more convenient to connect roses.
Whether it’s better for a guy, what a bigger (when photographed) cost a fee, it’s better.
Open the mounting brackets to be countersinked, and wink the gvinti with a countersunk head.

And the axis here is a small explanation about eating food.
The fee is backed up for those who will be eating in the rose of life 5.5 / 2.1, and then eating will go to the inverter fee.
In my version, the board was eaten as a monitor inverter board.
Ale, sound the block of life like two voltages, 5 and 12 (13 -15) Volts, and the board is charged at 5 Volts.
The fee can be revived at 12, but with any possible "peroxide" block of life, it is not necessary. In addition, 5 were shown on native roses, which means you need to work a jumper, cut paths, etc.
There is a jumper on the TV tuner board (which is not described in the manual), when it is set to 12 Volts, the inputs are switched to 5 Volts.
So the board becomes more like a five-volt one.
I’ve changed this option again, for the sake of the fact that there will be a presence of 5 Volts on the native rose, so as not to burn the living block (well, the fee when applying 12 Volts on the native rose) I on the central contact of the roses I put on a piece of heat-shrink, so that I don’t plan to sprout with pink roses anymore.

Addition / correction - The jumper is placed alone, it's just that in my variant it spived that the matrix is ​​consuming 5 Volts and I applied 5 Volts to the board.
If 12 volts per matrix is ​​required, then the jumper is switched to a two-contact part.
but such matrices are rarely trapped.
If it is planned to apply 5 volts to the food itself, then it is easier to apply for a power choke visnovok, which is closer to the kuta pay.

After that I made a rose 1x40 by arranging small roses on the necessary number of contacts. It is possible to buy roses at once with the required number of contacts, a little more expensive, but do not start in the presence of the same roses.

Before you pay, a set is sold, which consists of a photo camera and a keyboard.
But in order to preserve the design of the monitor, I overcame the old keyboard, and the photodetector board did not fit me. But if you don’t want to solder, then you can buy such a kit.

The other instructions have a diagram for connecting seven buttons (depending on the firmware for 7 buttons). with this, the skin button is connected with a wire.

I didn’t have such a connection option, but I didn’t get it, so I need to buy wires and adapt a reasonable payment.
Also, the TV tuner board can be controlled and one by one, by changing the support in the button hole, in this way, everything is controlled through contact K0.
k0 0 on/off
k1 680V+
k2 1.5k V-
k3 2.7k source
k4 4.7k menu
k5 8.2k ch+
k6 15k ch-
k7 38k reserved

The other board of the monitor was divided approximately according to the same principle, but the buttons were divided into three groups.
There is a right scheme, at the bottom there is an additional option, where you do not need to build any roads.
It's a pity that I didn't manage to save the right repositioning of the buttons, since the monitor's Menu button was re-stamped first and without a deep overhaul, it was not possible to transfer it there.
As a result, I got it - channel minus, channel plus, menu, quality minus, quality plus, eating.
Until the payment of the keyboard, there are only three darts, glowing, buttons, light.

And the axis looks like everything on the monitor's old board.
Three resistors are added, 680 Ohm, 8.2k and 1.5k. I have been given more, so I put in a soldering resistor of 3.3k. Two resistors are soldered, and if you put them in series, then 6.6k is taken, which is close to the required 6.8k. And since I put in one resistor, then I had a chance to go to the other ones.
I vikoristovuvav svіtlodiod nіvny, pіdpіv so that in the cherg mode it shіlіn, and in the worker's buv vmkneniya, porahuvav, that it would be so handy. Now it shines when the screen is turned on and so it is clear that the TV is working.

I turned on the photo receiver without any fees, so I did all the work in such a way that I would buy at least speeches. To connect the photodetector, a pair of ceramic capacitors 2.2-10 μF and a diode are required. Start putting a resistor, but then I’m wondering if the virobnik is for the sake of putting a diode, well, for the sake of it and for the sake of it, having put the diode, it’s right.
Before speech, the photodetector is powered by a contact of 5 Volt, the socket for connecting the keyboard, etc. ... I do not recommend calling anything more to live, because the visnovok wants and the meanings are like 5 Volt, on the very right of connecting through a streaming resistor.
You can see more resistor expansion, as if you had a chance to change keyboards, size is close to 1x2mm. So before soldering, drink is not raju :)))

Well, the axis of the monitor is starting to swell and outline it.
If you will install mounting brackets, then between the bracket and the frame of the monitor, you need to put washers with a thickness close to 1-1.5mm and an opening diameter of 4-4.5mm.
On the right, in the fact that the screw is with a countersunk head, and the metal is too thin, and if you don’t put the puck, then you can pull at least until the screw is swallowed, but there won’t be a win, so you can’t hit the stick earlier, you won’t attract it.
The fee for the food filter, added by a bridge and a condenser, I put it on the racks myself.
Roz'em for connecting the speakers, I trohi soldered and put 90 degrees below the cut to pay, otherwise I did not fit the roses into the speakers.

Then I tried to start the monitor, but then I checked a great bummer. The inverter does not want to start. I would have sinned on yoga injustice, but before reworking, I have reverified yoga and I’m sure it’s correct. When the screen is turned on, once the clip is on, and the image is far away, you can only see the lighter.
At the subbag, after buying experiments, I connected the old board, everything works.
By jumping the control contact on the new board, work.
Z'yasuvav, that there is no voltage on the contacts of the control, although it should be in the range of 0-3.3 Volts.
Having put a pull-up on that output, pay up to 3.3 Volts (the stench is on the TV tuner board), everything was ordered automatically. I suspect. that the retailers of the payment were insured, that the lift will be on the monitor's board.

First far included. If I checked the payment procedure and the correct connection to the LVDS interface, the next time it was turned on without a connection.
It can be seen that the expansion of the image does not match the matrix, since flashing is possible without disassembling the monitor, then I decided to take up these experiments after the residual folding.
Do not marvel at the brightness of the image, replace the antenna of the darts.

I can say that the internal work may be finished, I won’t say that it turned out beautifully, I could build it better, but I ruled it like that.
The photodetector is not fixed (in the center of the plastic frame you can see the opening), so it is well pressed by the matrix to the plastic frame.
Trimaєtsya already mіtsno.

After that, I opened the matrix with electronics and took up the back cover.
I bought speakers with a diameter of 50mm and a thickness of about 7 mm (I'm not fooling myself).
What would I need to open carefully, having developed templates for drilling, did it help.
The back is drilled with a drill bit of 1.5 mm, then it is reamed to a diameter of 4.5 mm.

Speakers glued with hot glue.
The intensity of the speakers is 1 watt, the opir is 8 ohms, if you buy it, then boasting that there will be a quiet sound, so like eating a pіdsilyuvacha of a total of 5 volts, I have mercy, the sound is full.

Dodatkovі vitrati for processing.
Speakers 2pcs - 1.1
Stіyki = gvinti 6pcs - 0.37
Roses 2pcs - 0.3
Details (4 resistors, 2 capacitors і diode) - 0.15
Provid MGTF 7m - I don’t know the price, let it be close 0.5

Together - 2.42 dollars.

First included after folding and flashing.
For flashing, it is recommended to disable the Menu button when it is turned on, in fact, you can disable the button, turn it off, do not disable anything, but simply insert the USB flash drive with the firmware and turn on the food. Flashing takes about 30 seconds.
After the firmware of the monitor menu will be in Chinese, but there will be no problems in Russian.
Press the Menu, then right twice (menu with a gear), then down (the first row is visible), move the button to the left or to the right, select the language.
Russification dosit umovna, part Russian, part English, even better, lower in Chinese.
I won't chirp on the menu items, the stench is similar on all inexpensive TVs and don't call out the power.

And the axis on the engineering menu, I'm trembling.
From the very cob I was told two speeches. Auto-advance of the TV after live feed and early change of volume during regulation.
On the Internet, I know the information on how to go to the engineering menu.
In the operating mode, press the Menu, then dial the code 1147.
Spend it here -

There is much more "savory" lower in the main menu.
I know the auto-on point. I have figured out that yoga is to blame for booty and shukav in the main menu, but the programs blamed yoga in engineering.
There are three options - inclusions, the rest of the camp, the inclusions.
I selected the mode - the rest of the camp.

So you know the menu yourself, how you can adjust the steepness of the regulation of the density.
True, I haven’t experimented yet, but I don’t think there is a big problem in the warehouse.
The density level is adjusted at different regulation positions 0-10-20% and so on.

Axis with reworking and that's it. There is not much to show from the front, to the fact that nothing seemed to change there, all the changes were seen in the back :)

Rose panel closer. It’s obvious that if you opened it, you could have done it better, that false panel wouldn’t bother you, but I’d bet on the way that I looked at the same time.
On the light front frame, in the center, you can see the opening for the photodetector. The price of a single change of the front panel. Let them not bang you, those who do not marvel at the front, but down, everything is clear.

Well, it’s good that the last one went into the pouch

For the terms of reference, install a TV set in the bedroom.
For this, in the planned area, for another hour of repair, two sockets were laid, and an electric antenna.
Axis of stink and they checked their hour.

To install the TV set bv purchases bracket. buying in a local online store, the price is about 11 dollars.

To fix the TV to the bracket, I won the gvinti, which is included in the kit.
I attached it in order to reconcile, de better roztashovuvat the bracket on the wall.

After that, I reconciled the bracket without a TV set.

Open two with a marker. Robiti is still awkward, all robots, right up to the parallel photographic process, you can vikonat alone.

As for attaching the TV to the bracket, I screwed in the right screws, then screws and plugs, which are included in the kit, rather than screwed. Marveling at the spіvvіdnoshnennia of screws and plugs, they gave them in kits, menі zavzhdi tsіkavo, that they smoked those who completed them.
Burn what I won. If you choose plugs and screws (anchors), then choose the length of the screw so that the screw is three times longer than the plug. along the way, I took a couple of washers.

I gave the komori a gentleman's recruitment of an installer, and I will call it “young buddіvelnik”, well, “a friend of the judges”, who should be like that.

What would be less smіtiti, I would like a simpler and cheaper solution, a package and painter's tape. Like yogo zastosuvat, kindly understood from the photo. I will say only that for the skin, open the package is guilty of buti vіdrazu under the planned opening. Tobto drilled open, transported the package to the offensive.

Corks can be cut 10x60, I obviously took a 10mm drill and made a badge with electrical tape along the bottom of the screw + a small margin.

Open the drilled holes, the plugs are clogged, at my glance, it’s neat.

Despite the fact that open to dosit glibokі, smіtya attacked zovsі not richly, yogo can be easily tidied up with a hairy ganchirka.
Tse to the point that a robot with a puncher does not mean that it will be a lot of rubbish.

All smіttya stuck in the package. And if you need it without fanaticism, if you open it well, then you need to change the packages, because sometimes the adhesive tape is weak and the package is important, you can take the return result.

Bracket for fastenings, for the sake of interest, trying to hang on a new one, I didn’t mention the wine, I want about 90 kg :)

Dali I passed to the connection.
For whom I took a couple of antenna roses and wraps to them.
The windings are based on different cable diameters, I don’t have a cable, so I took the middle one. If you take some small ones, then the winding up was shorter, the braids lived, if you take a larger one, then you will be bovtatisya.

And the axis is fine and the set, which I vikoristovuvav.
Having taken the cable, I took it softer, so I didn’t want to bend it behind the TV set.

Znaishov in stocks of infidelity is a cable of life, viyshov is such a kit.
Skoda, there is no short tethered cable. When installing television sets, there is an eternal problem, where to put the cable.

As I wrote, I laid down all the necessary cables for the repair.
At the apartment there is a place where all the smells converge at once, there are cables and cables to all 5 points for televisions and a cable to the Maidanchik for cable and for the ethereal antenna and in the planned place for installing a satellite antenna.
To give a better signal, the sounder is like the one in the photo, only more new and rich in water.

After the preparatory work, the TV is brought to the installed bracket.
For whom it is handy to spin a short twist, I trim it especially for such twists.

Having hung up the TV set, plugged in all the cables and may have carefully placed them behind the TV set.

Everything, the work can be completed. The druzhina was left rather satisfied with the clarity of the image and the clarity of the victoriousness and the neat, insolent, outgoing look.
You can't help but rejoice :)

The payment came in a normal state, without damage and defects.
I will try again.
Without problems, change the matrices with a lower permission.
The fee is effectively universal.

I didn't reveal.

My thought. Completely attached fee for the modernization of the old LCD monitor. This model does not have the ability to play video files, but it is not needed. The axis of what I wanted would be, so it would be possible to accept digital TV, but I haven’t come across such an option yet.
Thoughtfulness and simplicity of design were worthy, nothing fancy, but at the same time everything was for a remarkably simple conversion of the monitor into a TV set.
The main thing would be the matrix and the body, the block of life can be zasosuvat whether it be 12 Volts, the inverter is sold okremo, you can wind the lamps to replace the light.

TV tuner for testing and looking around at the tmart store.

I’m sure that my glance will be crooked, I tried to pick up all the information at once and show that it’s easy to turn the monitor into a TV set. And for the improvement of the current situation, it is more economical.