Issa atlant telecom special office. The entrance is at the Atlant Telecom executive office. Connection via ADSL

After connecting to the Atlant Telecom network, you can set up the connection yourself using additional instructions. For a regular fee, the company also provides servants to the mayor's office. The equipment required to connect to the network can be obtained from the provider at the same time, or additionally from third-party providers.

Advantages and shortcomings of Atlant Telecom

This company's main advantages can be secured stable work, a wide choice of tariff plans, the ability to access internal services and file storage. At cable connection Local sites will enjoy speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. Most popular services:

  1. Video - collection of 30 thousand films and videos;
  2. Audio - over 180 thousand recordings, including music and audiobooks;
  3. Radio – nearly 700 digital radio stations.

An unacceptable feature of the Internet as a service provider is that it reduces the speed of work from the displacement of the monthly traffic norm. After spending 400 GB per month, the bandwidth of the channel changes from the maximum possible 75 to 4 Mbit/s. This exchange does not extend to access to local resources, so in order to access large amounts of information, it is recommended to block them yourself.

Connection via ADSL

Connect a splitter that works with Annex A technology up to telephone cable, what kind of booths are laid near the apartment. This device must be included in a set of ADSL modems and routers with ADSL support. Using another cable, connect the input to the modem to the “Modem” connector on the splitter. What is the plan for a vikoristanya? landline phone, connect it to the output ADSL filter.

Connect the modem to the computer using an additional Ethernet cable. Whose name should I take away? hemstone device make sure the plug is installed in the socket. If other session parameters are assigned to the IP address on the Internet provider side, the “Internet” LED on the device body will light up. The meanings of other indicators can be found in the instructions. Atlant Telecom recommends the following ADSL modem models:

  • Zyxel 660RT3;
  • D-Link DSL-2540U;
  • TP-Link TD-8817.

Important! To connect a computer, you can use not only the recommendations, but also other modems that meet the characteristics. In this case, the provider does not guarantee correct work and assistance in setting up the support line within an hour.

The algorithm for further installation is based on the client ownership model. You can specify the parameters in the instructions for the device, and the data regional registration Nadayutsya postachalnik servants. An ADSL modem can be connected not only to a computer, but also to a router that supports Wi-Fi. This circuit allows you to connect up to home measures smartphones, tablets and other devices equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

Home video: Setting up the Internet Atlant Telecom

Connections via Ethernet

In addition to ADSL access, Atlant Telecom provides the ability to connect via an Ethernet cable. This technology is promising, since the flexibility of robotic measures is significant, but not telephone lines. The cable is routed to the subscriber's premises, after which the master or the operator himself connects and sets up the connection. Instructions for setting up routers can be found on the customer support portal.

To specify Wi-Fi parameters, open the address to the router’s web interface through any browser. The required IP for most routers is located on the bottom side of the router. Enter yo in the address bar and go to the specified address. The authorization window will open to complete text fields to enter a login and password. This data can also be found on the sticker under the router.

After authorization, open Start page panels for the router. Most often, it contains information about device connections and detailed monitoring statistics. From the main menu select “No-rotary mode”, “ Bezdrotov's measure» or “Wi-Fi” (names may vary on different routers). Enter a new network name (SSID), select the WPA/WPA2 security protocol and enter the correct access key. Restart your router and connect to Wi-Fi to change the settings.

Please! Yakshcho cable internet Only people on one computer or laptop will be victorious Merezheve obladnannya not necessary. All you need to do is connect the cable to the Ethernet socket on your PC.

Special office of Atlant Telecom- with the innovations in the evolution of the Internet, the world will no longer have to spend a lot of money to pay for services, spend time waiting for you to be accepted by the master in order to consult about your problems, and you will be stuck. Now you have the opportunity, without leaving home, to pay for all services, get a cost-free consultation and cut all problems at the root. Naturally, a small commission is awarded for certain services, but this is not the case.

How to get to the Special Atlant Telecom office

To log in, you just need to go to the official website and press the button special office, after entering your login and password, you are already at your special work place.

To gain access to a special account, if you are not a subscriber of an Atlant Telecom subscriber, you can simply connect to our third-party service. It’s easy to earn money by submitting an application on the website, or by calling the hot line of the office at your location.

Payment for services

Now you can’t stand in cash to pay for Internet services; a special account has such a function. Now you can pay for all services in the following ways:

For help, use a bank card. Just enter your card details, confirm the operation with the code that you will receive as a notification on your phone, and you’re done.

System (IPIP). This additional payment can be made in one of the following ways: transfer from phone balance, pay through a terminal, pay through an ATM, electronic cards, etc.

I guess the good old way. You can also pay for services at a branch of Belposhta. Having delivered and paid in cash

Tariff change

This special account provides additional information about tariffs and allows you to change your tariff at any time to the one that suits you.

If you have to pay to switch to a lower cost tariff, switching to a higher expensive tariff is cost-free.

Let's look at the procedure for changing the tariff through a special account:

  1. We go to a special office.
  2. Go to the “List of Services” tab and select your exact tariff.
  3. Press the control button, then check the box next to “change” tariff plan».
  4. We select a new tariff.
  5. We confirm our actions.

This is also a function of the subscription to the tariff plan, the availability of such services is determined by the provider, with the first choice the service is cost-free, the subscription is available for lines up to 30 days.

Official website of Atlant Telecom:

Atlant Telecom entrance to the Special Office:

Electronic mail: [email protected]

Remnants of popularity digital tower continues to grow steadily, and the number of providers willing to offer highly diversified services and tariffs is likely to increase.

The number of subscribers in present moment to profit from the services of Atlant Telecom, which has already transferred 180 thousand. The services that are hoped for include IP telephony, design, maintenance, etc. local measures, connecting remote company offices into one network, access to Swedish Internet, iptv, gloomy video monitoring and much more.

Atlant Telecom takes an active part in the development of new generation technologies. Over the past 15 years, many projects have been launched and services put into operation. At the moment, we have taken a course on the proposition of interactive TV tower iptv. Just recently the number of subscriptions for this service was small, but now among Atlant Telecom clients there are already more than 60%.

The most popular among iptv viewers is a social package that consists of a large number of Belarusian channels, focusing on children's programs, films, sports programs, etc.

New iptv format - visually, manually and comfortably

The iptv offer from Atlant Telecom includes:

  1. There are 75 channels to enjoy.
  2. Pause and rewind functions.
  3. Virtual hub for recording programs.

Adjustment takes place either on TV or directly on a computer.

If everything is assembled correctly, but the list of channels is not shown, or other errors occur, you can check a number of options. Firewall settings (for some Windows variants It’s better to turn it on), or (which happens most often) antivirus program blocks viewing of channels. This is the power of all antivirus software. In this case, you need configuration that allows you to receive incoming and outgoing IGMP/RGMP packets.

Advantages of the new TV format

Those who have already realized that such a clear reception of a satellite digital signal will enjoy the rich selection of TV channels, are unlikely to turn to an analogue TV station. The interactive features and great capabilities of IP are rapidly evolving. And if you know that it doesn’t take too long to set up, the payment is quite pleasant - it’s not surprising that this service is becoming more and more popular.

Among other advantages

  1. A picture of a warm pit and a burning sound.
  2. Possibility of watching channels on a TV (with or without a set-top box), as well as on a computer.
  3. I'll look at the options - from standard to bitter high clarity that 3D.
  4. There is no need to install an antenna.
  5. Automatic software updates.

Authorization for the Atlant Telecom service is available to every subscriber. The special account of Atlant Telecom is a universal service that allows you to pay for services online. Without leaving home, you have the opportunity to check the status of your services, change the company’s proposals, correct data, add new services and turn off the service.

For each act of service, a fee will be charged based on the maximum allowance rate. A new shell can be created in a number of ways, and the money can be spent on a shell of 20 units. All options are described below, and you can quickly access them at any time, in addition to these options.

Authorization on the Atlant Telecom service and login to a special account

At Atlant Telecom, access can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Submit an online application on the official website of Atlant Telecom.
  • Call the office of the city where you live. Next, we will provide you with a list of phone numbers, and you will find a suitable one for yourself.

Payment methods for Atlant Telecom services

The Atlant Telecom portal allows you to pay for the Internet in the following ways:

  • Through a system called “Rozrahunok” (IPIP). In this case, the client independently selects payment options: either an ATM, Internet banking, or an infokiosk. You can quickly use mobile banking, either way.
  • Having a short time bank card Visa and Mastercard. The won may be imitated by the financial establishment of Belarus.
  • The branch of RUE "Bilposhta". Once the cost of shells is secured, a length of 20 quilins is required.

If you are first paying for services, you should know that the emergence of new special units is announced as follows: ERIP - today, and the axis of RUP Belposhti - shponedelka.

How to change the tariff at the Atlant Telecom account

To switch to a lower tariff plan, you will need to pay about 20 thousand rubles. If the client wants to switch to a tariff plan with more fees, then this procedure is carried out without costs.

You can switch to a different Atlant Telecom tariff plan in a special account. For this purpose, follow the instructions below:

  • Log in to the service.
  • Find the menu item under the name “List of services”. Select the tariff you are paying for Narazi o'clock.
  • Press the “Keruvannya” button. The right hand is corrected under the item “List of services”.
  • Check the "Change tariff plan" checkbox.
  • Follow the path “After the vikoristan of the package.”
  • Confirm your actions.

You can change your tariff plan in another way. For which you need to contact the Provider's office. You need to bring your passport with you.

Clients also have the right to downgrade their tariff plan. There are two types of operations: paid and free.

  • At the first stage (for a fee), the client pays about 600 rubles according to the established maximum permissible limit for the product.
  • In another case (no cost), the client does not pay anything, since he is determined to profit from his service. The term is added up to 30 dB.

The client has the right to cancel his service in a special account and in the Provider’s office.

Did you get the site? Tell your friends:

If you plan to connect to the services of Atlant Telecom, you can be ready before the greatest joy service You will have access to a special Atlant Telecom account, which has a universal service with remote work with a facial frame.

With this help, you can complete various transactions, remove important information and make payments without leaving home. Moreover, most of the functions are absolutely cost-free. All this strongly bribes subscribers and promotes postiyne vikoristannya service.

How to register a special account at Atlant Telecom

We have a special registration for the Atlant Telecom account, including full connections to the company's services. You won’t have the opportunity to go through these procedures on your own. This reduces the risk of getting stuck with complicated tasks and makes it easier to gain access to the service.

The application can be submitted online. You can also immediately arrange an agreement with the nearest company office. The whole process doesn't take as long as you can imagine.

Entrance to a special Atlant Telecom office

Having signed the agreement and deleted your login and password, you can start working in a special account. Vikorist the specified address and go to the authorization page. On it, indicate the ID you have seen and click on the “Log Out” button. Other activities are not required on the provider’s official website.

Entrance to a special Atlant Telecom office-

Possibilities of the special office of Atlant Telecom

If we talk about advantages, then the functionality of the special office of Atlant Telecom is one of the most important among all of them. This itself provides the greatest comfort for operators who go to the service. No one knows exactly what might be in daily system remote customer service.

Popular functions of the Alliance Telecom special account:
- a change in the tariff plan and a temporary transition to a new service;
- Connecting new options and services, connecting those that are no longer needed;
- unprepared payment for company services has been removed;
- re-verification of the special racket;
- Review of all personal information.

Official website of Atlant Telecom-

Telephone hot line Atlant Telecom – 375 17 239 00 00.