How to recognize the terms of service of super mts. We include the “Super MTS” tariff, insurance tricks. How to detect excess flow and traffic

The Mobile TeleSystems company, through its rich history, remains in the sphere of tariff plans. Providers create new proposals based on the experience of residents. Becoming the newest option without a subscription fee rate Super MTS . This view The knitting is ideal for those who economically knit together in the middle of the edge home line. In fact, the subscriber has to pay extra for what he said. Let's take a look at the data, performance, features of the work and information about this tariff plan. Prices are inspected for the Moscow region.

The main advantage and specialness tariff plan There is no subscription fee and a small list of connection options.

Let's take a look at the report:

  1. Installed one-time value per megabyte.
  2. All input calls to the number are free of charge.
  3. Twenty khvilinas of the first rosemary in the merezh are not charged.
  4. You can reset the tariff anywhere in Russia.
  5. The subscriber can install another service or make a necessary prepayment.
  6. Low prices for purchases from all direct routes, as well as from subscribers of other line networks.

The main point of the customer service is to immediately turn off unnecessary services. They can quickly drain your phone balance without the subscriber's knowledge. For whom is it necessary to be victorious? Special office, mobile add-on " My MTS" or " Internet assistant».

Packages MMS, SMS, Internet

Text browsing has low ratings:

  1. Overpowering one sheet in the middle of the home region of Koshtu 1 ruble 50 copies to numbers of Russian operators
  2. Mutual leafing is fought for 1 ruble 95 copies
  3. The price for sending text notifications to other countries is inclusive 5 rubles 25 copies
  4. MMS is provided with one fixed price in all directions, and the same price 9 rubles 90 copies

Prices for Internet traffic are as follows:

  1. Internet at the tariff " Super MTS» is the standard rate for the size 9 rubles 90 copies per 1 megabyte.
  2. On the day of koristuvachevy it’s getting better 20 megabyte per 25 karbovantsіv for dobu.
  3. If there is no internet connection, you can enable the option “ Bit" or " Super Bit».
  4. If you look at national roaming, then the price of the first package at the penny equivalent becomes more 45 karbovantsiv.

Payment is deducted from the balance mobile extension after the first login to the Internet.

Variety of calls

Tariff plan " Super MTS» will be prominent, since there are a large number of known MTS connections. In this case, it is practical to have a cost-free telephone service. If it is necessary to remember that as soon as calls are made for the other Internet to other regions, then the risk of problems increases sharply.

  1. At the internal boundary of the MTS, calls operate without problems.
  2. If Rozmova continues to live longer 2 khvilin, then the collection is folding 1 ruble 50 copies
  3. During the hour of growth for subscribers connected to other operators, the balance is drawn 2 ruble 50 copies
  4. Moscow and the Moscow region are gaining 2 ruble 50 copies

Stars can see that 20 Please note that phone numbers in your home region and local numbers will not be combined. These are the best solution for budget-conscious people who rarely get into trouble with their phones. The connection for them may be without cats. At other times there are paid calls - you can’t forget about this.

Calls to other numbers in Russia are expensive at this rate. You need to pay for the shit 14 karbovantsiv. If you ring in the middle of the edge, then the bells stand 5 rubles per khvilina. International subscriptions are charged at high rates, which is expensive for the subscriber.

If you compare this tariff plan with the current propositions that loom in the minds of the subscription fee, it is clear that the variety of options in “ Super MTS» Visoka. If you need to save money, then this tariff is the best choice.

Additional options

When adding to the tariff plan " Super MTS", the package comes with a bonus of additional options that help with your phone number.

  1. Roaming to international calls.
  2. Alerts about missed calls.
  3. Plastic bag " SMS Smart" Let's reach out 15 Customers can send text messages absolutely freely.
  4. Additional Internet line Bit. Vikoristannaya traffic lasting a month to 3 megabytes option " Mini Bit no cost.
  5. Surfing beyond the borders of Russia.

For such a tariff plan, the operator has done a special job. Zero on MTS", yak conveys 100 free per day for transactions with other MTS clients. You can also activate a number of services that will reduce the alertness of calls and the pressure of notification. For example, service " Call freely on MTS Russia 100" Vaughn nada bezkoshtovno 100 khvilin na dobu. They can be redeemed for purchase by subscribers within the MTS network. In this case, it does not matter in which region of registration the number. It also includes calls to local phones in your home region.

All services require payment of a subscription fee. You need to know when the option is activated. If you don’t mind spending money on SMS notifications, then who are we for? cost-free ways What to look for in other reviews.

How to activate the Super MTS tariff

Switching to tariffs on your own does not present any particular difficulties. There are a number of ways to ensure a smooth connection.

After switching to new tariff Either way, you will receive an SMS notification about the successful transfer.

Yak viknuti tariff Super MTS

The subscription to the tariff is similar to the same plan of action as the subscription to the tariff. If you change the tariff for your phone number, you will receive a notification and your new tariff will be removed.

  1. Go to MTS website and select your preferred tariff. Find ways to connect short commands in your mind. Send the registered command from your phone.
  2. Install and take a look mobile app. Authorization may take place automatically. The phone number is assigned to the installed MTS SIM card. On the phone with the add-on " My MTS» open the section « Available tariffs» and change the tariff by entering the necessary time limits.
  3. Go to the MTS website. Register with To a special office. In the section " Tarifi and services» find out your tariff. Connect by completing all entries.
  4. Ring the bell freely operator number, Indicated above. Make sure to contact the operator and explain the nature of the transaction. You need to provide your passport details.
  5. Open your office or branch of MTS, and ask for help about changing your tariff plan to enable “Super MTS” tariff. Don't forget to take your passport and ask for your number to change your tariff.

Current tariff plans from MTS, as well as other providers, charge a monthly subscription fee. In this case, for a monthly fee, monthly fees will be collected from the monthly payment for packages with services, such as including the obligation of cat-free services to calls across Russia and in the middle of the border. no-cost SMS, as well as traffic for the Internet. Such tariffs are beneficial, but not for all clients. Real people don't need service packages. It is important for them to pay for the connection after the fact.

Tom mobile operator MTS has created a tariff plan for such subscribers called Super MTS. Subscribers can be victorious because they don’t dare pay every month for services that they don’t profit from. Payment check the fact of Wikoristannya. Also, who needs to deny access to the Internet. For this purpose, on this plan you can activate additional services that allow you to access the Internet cheaply. How to connect to the MTS “Super MTS” Internet, as well as what features of the tariff plan itself can be found in the material below.

“Super MTS” is a plan that will bring greater peace to clients, so it’s not enough to call and log in mobile services. In addition, the plan is ideal for low-income clients, and also for those in retirement age. It is necessary to clearly note that if you often travel to Russia and beyond the border, the tariff is not the lowest.

As long as you follow the plan, the connections don’t cost anything. However, if after a month of switching to any proposition and up to 30 days, the subscriber wants to connect to this plan, then an amount of 150 rubles will be charged for activation. If the company takes more than 100 rubles for the transition, the operator will turn the decision. Therefore, after activating the tariff, 50 rubles will be transferred to your mobile balance.

The number of calls on the tariff looks like this:

  1. All calls to MTS numbers in your region will cost 0 kopecks per call. Tsya umova works just 20 times a day. After 21 months, payment becomes 1.5 rubles per month.
  2. Calls that come after the numbers of other mobile operators Stilnikovy bond, In your region, it costs 5 rubles/hv. This option is the same for Russian phones.
  3. You can send text messages to your customers for 2 rubles/sms within your home region and for 3.8 rubles/sms outside your region.
  4. The quality of the multimedia notification remains unchanged for sending to any number and directly – 6.5 rubles.
  5. Since there is a shortage of exit clicks in Russia, then traders will need to pay 5 rubles per month. When calls go out to MTS numbers.
  6. If the call is made to a Russian number or the number of another Russian provider, then the payment becomes 14 rubles/x.
  7. Calls in other countries are similar, as are most tariff plans from MTS.

If the tariff has been completely blocked, it is recommended to connect to the new one through a special service combination: * 888 #. Connection is also possible using other methods. For example, you can create a personal account on the company’s website or the mobile app “My MTS”. Through this connection method, press the buttons in pairs. If you find it difficult to switch to a tariff, the MTS mobile phone service providers will help you. You can call the operator at phone number 0890 or go to any MTS call center. For whom does the mother need to have a passport?

Internet on tariff and activation

On this tariff plan, clients can use the Internet using standard methods. It’s true that the price is high and reaches 9.9 rubles/MB. To protect your costs, it is recommended to connect to additional services from an operator. This will allow you to cut out a lot of traffic and get a much cheaper way to access the Internet.

MTS, like many other mobile operators, has a number of additional options in its arsenal. Thus, on this plan, customers can activate the “BIT Smart” or “SuperBIT Smart” service. Now let’s take a closer look at these options, options and connection methods:

  1. If the client wants to stream 75 MB of traffic today, such as Wistachatima for vikoristannaya mail, social. While you are looking at what's new on the Internet, you need to activate the BIT Smart service. In this case, after activation, you do not need to pay 9.9 rubles for the Internet. / MB. There will be no traffic that is expected, and after exhaustion, access will be reduced to a minimum. The price for such a service is not high and is 200 rubles. Payment will be available as soon as possible. To enable the option on the tariff, you need to use a special account or mobile add-on. Since it is not possible to use this type of activation, it is recommended to dial *252# on the device. This command forces the operator to activate the service. After dialing it on the phone, the operator notifies the client about the successful operation by sending an SMS notification.
  2. If 75 MB traffic is not enough, you can connect another service called “SuperBIT Smart”. By connecting to such a service, the subscriber receives 3 GB of traffic per month. In this case, you can spend it all at once, step by step. Everything should be stored as needed. The price of this connection will be a little more and in stock 350 rubles. Payment is also due as soon as possible. To activate, it is recommended to use the combination *628# and then click.

Since both options require a lot of traffic, the client may need some extra. To check, you just need to send *217#. After receiving a message on your phone, you will be notified of excess traffic.

The Mobile Telesystems company, also known as MTS, promotes to its subscribers the variety of tariff plans, both with a monthly subscription fee and a set of privileged options, and with payment after the fact of payment services and mobile connection operator. Super MTS is one of the most requested and popular tariffs in the territory Russian Federation, which has become such a bonanza for the budget with money on the balance sheet. You can make calls, write notifications and search for information on the Internet via at a great price at whatever hour.

This tariff is best option for students and citizens of the middle century, who are not vikoryists mobile phone in active mode

Warto note that for trips outside the border and calls between places in roaming, the Super MTS tariff will be expensive and unvisible, and for these purposes there are other MTS tariff plans or additional services that can be connected for additional special USSD commands or independently in addition to MTS . Special office.

For more active subscribers, you can subscribe to the bik tariff plan MTS Smart Otherwise, the rest demonstrates the great number of daily services that do not expand traffic (social media, games, music) - but there is complete unlimited access at an added price.

Super MTS tariff for 2019: detailed description

For statements from the operator of subscription fees for the “Super MTS” tariff 2019 daily, if you have carefully read your mind or follow your mobile payments. The “My MTS” add-on will tell you that when you subscribe to a tariff, you will be charged 9 ₽ per day for the “Everything Super” option, which is far from immediately available for the rich. Be respectful and read the tariff carefully.

This tariff will still be relevant for those who use a couple of calls per day and do not use the mobile Internet on their phone.

Dzvinki at “Super MTS” 2019

  • All input calls are free of charge and not subject to tariffs;
  • 5 rubles per khvilina, which is included in roaming in Russia.
  • Cost-free calls to mobile and local numbers of MTS in Moscow and M.O. With the “Everything Super” option enabled;
  • 1.50 rubles per message to MTS mobile numbers in Moscow and M.O. without the “All Super” option
  • 2.50 rubles per khvilina on mobile numbersі landlines other operators in Moscow and M.O.
  • 5 rubles per call for calls to other regions of MTS Russia.
  • 14 rubles per call to all other numbers in Russia.

Respect! If you are not in contact for more than 90 days, then starting from 91 days, MTS will deduct 3 ₽ per income from your account until the balance does not run out of cash.

Vartist SMS

  • SMS within Moscow and region – 2.00 ₽/message;
  • SMS within Russia – 3.80 ₽/sms;
  • SMS all over the world – 8.00 RUR/SMS.

Internet at Super MTS 2019

As on the “Super MTS” tariff as of 2017. You will have access to a cost-free 100 MB package. This package comes with the “Everything Super” option, which is automatically turned on when you subscribe to this tariff. After spending 100MB. The tariff includes a standard tariff for 25 krb. per person 20 megabytes. traffic

Unless absolutely necessary, we recommend using the standard tariff because... It would be more convenient to connect additional options to your tariff: Bit, Internet or Turbo Button, which can be easily obtained from mobile app"My MTS".

Super MTS described the 2017 tariff. (does not connect)

This version of the tariff was closed for subscription on 05/03/2018 and was renamed to the “Super MTS 122014” tariff; you will find information about this tariff below.

The tariff plan uses the advance payment method, so that you can always use the options and services of the package without having a positive balance. Please select your connection region to receive free calls on MTS home measures and small numbers from 1 hvilini without recruiting minds and additional payments (details below).

Variety of services:

There is no monthly subscription fee. You pay for your tariff plan for a positive balance on your phone number.

Dzvinki. The tariff applies to 100 cat-free calls to mobile and local numbers in your home region when the option “Call cost-free to MTS Russia 100” is activated. Without activation, the price of the service will generally charge 20 calls per call to mobile and telephone numbers in the region of connection.

Calls for the Super MTS tariff with this option:

  • All outgoing calls are free of charge and not subject to tariffs.
  • 100 cat-free chats on mobile and local numbers
  • 1.5 rubles to mobile numbers after transferring 100 catless coins
  • 2.5 rubles for landline phones after transferring 100 cashless coins
  • 5 rubles per drink for everything MTS mobile phones Russia after 101 Khvilina (on dobu)

What do you expect with the basic tariff plan:

  • 20 units of links in the middle of the border (home region)
  • 1.50 rubles per khvilina dzvinka after 21 khvilini (per dobu)
  • 2.50 rubles per khvilina on landline phones, in the home region starting from 21 khvilina (for additional)
  • 5 rubles per payment in other regions of MTS Russia.

The roaming tariff cannot boast of any benefits for the subscriber. For one call to the SND countries you will have to pay 35 rubles, to Europe 49 rubles and to other countries 70 rubles. For calls to other countries, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the MTS Zabugorishche tariff plan.

Mobile Internet. Without connecting the additional option “Superbit Smart” the cost of 1 megabyte of traffic in the warehouse is 9.90 rubles, and with connections within the Superbit option - 0.00 rubles.

Congratulations. In the middle of the MTS network, the SMS and MMS notification level will remain at the same level as 0. When the “SMS Smart Package” option is activated, notifications to numbers in your home region will also be unpaid, without activating the service option The cost of the output SMS notification becomes 2 rubles. MMS will cost 9.90 rubles, sending SMS to numbers in other regions will cost 3.80 rubles, and for sending SMS beyond the border the tariff will be 5.25 UAH.

Tariff plan options

Each subscriber who switches to SuperMTS will have access to the following options and options.

It is important to check before the transfer is presented and turn on unnecessary services, both paid and free options.

Option: You received a call – you will see an SMS notification about a missed call when your phone is connected.

When switching to a tariff plan, the following services will be included:

  • It is possible to find out about the current balance display for direct payment, including the USSD command.
  • Information about activation or activation of the service via SMS
  • Video call
  • Cost-free calls to MTS within the tariff plan
  • Electronic, mobile and Internet assistant
  • MiniBit is a minimal package for mobile Internet traffic. You can also choose Superbit Smart with a large number of prepaid gigabytes. This option gives 3 gigabytes of Internet access per month and the first 15 gigabytes are free of charge. Then you will have to pay at a rate of 12 rubles for each additional 500 megabytes.
  • Renewal, maturity and redirection to the blog
  • Number number
  • SMS Smart package. The first 15 days are free of charge. You can enable this option by specially entering your number: *111*9009# + call key - you will be informed about successful registration. You can also click on additional SMS and send notifications with text 9009 to number 111.

How to activate the Super MTS tariff

Analysts and other experts have developed this package for those who simply need constant communication without being tied to the high traffic and media services. This is a rational decision for both the level and the included options.

You can switch to the Super MTS tariff using one of the following options:

  • The easiest way is to dial the combination on your phone. Activate the tariff plan with this command *111*8888#. In about an hour you will receive an SMS notification about the successful completion of the operation.
  • The special MTS account will help you change your tariff plan using an additional computer.
  • The My MTS add-on needs to be acquired first. Discovers all the possibilities of calling the number on your phone on the iOS, Android and Windows platforms.
  • The support service of a mobile operator, available in the regular mode under the short number 0890, will help you transfer your current tariff plan to Super MTS.
  • At your nearest representative of the MTS company, service providers can help you update your tariff plan or get a new starter package.

Important information: eIf you have installed an option to a tariff of 90 rubles, the fee becomes 0.0 rubles, for which the official is charged 3.0 rubles.

In addition to these services, you can connect the Child Package and not worry about your child, and you can also automatically replenish your balance using the additional “Autopayment” option.

Yak viknuti tariff Super MTS

MTS gives the opportunity to change the tariff plan, otherwise it is impossible to cancel it. Once upon a time paid services connection lasting 150 days and for a positive balance of a special account, the subscriber’s number will be automatically transferred to the base tariff plan “Basic 092013”.

What do you need to earn to get Super MTS? – Switch to a new tariff plan. All reports are described on the dedicated page. It is recommended that you carefully select and activate a tariff plan that meets your needs.

Correct change of tariff plan can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Each tariff contains a USSD code, which will be activated after you have entered it.
  • . Full control over the number.
  • Add-on "My MTS". All services and capabilities special office Go to the official website without any need.
  • Special attendance at the nearest branch of the Mobile Telesystems company. You must have your internal passport, which was used for registration of the number.

The Mobile TeleSystems company offers a wide selection of tariff plans. Among the most important indicators is the Super MTS tariff, which is based on traffic limits and the availability of cost-free package offers. This option is indispensable for subscribers who value better experience on the Internet Stilnikov hemlines, denying access to the Internet. There is no longer a need to overpay for services, for which there is no particular need.

The mobile operator's offer is notable because you can use it without a subscription fee. Before you connect, remember to use your mind. This approach eliminates the possibility of blaming non-transferable situations.

Super MTS tariff description:

To activate additional packages on text notifications (50-300 SMS), enter the USSD query *111*444*X#. Replacement X requires entering the SMS quantity. For consumption, you can activate additional traffic within the framework of “Super BIT” or “Internet Mini/Maxi”

Who should you go to?

The Super MTS tariff plan is indispensable for these koristuvachs, who are respected for better protection at the Stilnikovsky level, vikoristuchi services “on a regular basis”. The benefit is guaranteed for those who are willing to talk on the phone for a long time and are unable to contact you in the future. social measures and messengers.

For a fixed payment, you can enable additional options that minimize costs:

  • Calls are convenient - you can get weekend calls to your home region for 0.75 rubles/hv. in the midst of virtuous minds.
  • SMS Smart - for an additional fee, you can connect 10 notifications, which on average will turn out to be much more profitable, below the normal tariff.
  • MTS Russia 1 (no cost calls) – for additional payment, 100 x per person is given to each person. for the operation of calls within the connection zone, both to mobile phones and to home numbers.

Before activating additional options, please familiarize yourself with the minds of Vikoristan and Vartistu. This turns off the possibility of creating non-transferable vitrates to a special balance.

This option is not suitable for roaming. It is due to the high level of service. For merchants who often travel beyond the border, look for the most profitable option.

Who has access?

Among the features of the tariff plan, you can see the automatic charging of subscription fees. This is especially true if the subscriber has not used a SIM card for 3 months. The size of the purchased toilets is set to 3 rubles. If the active card is doti, the balance will not run out of money. This is where the tariff plan comes into play, which, as a rule, is not immediately announced, but becomes known only after the balance changes.

Option everything is Super

Activation of the service takes place in automatic mode. Variety adds up to 9 rubles per day. Please evaluate the need for this option before you can create a connection.

Super MTS tariff with the all Super option includes:

  1. Cost-free calls to mobile and home phones in the connection region.
  2. Mobile Internet – 100 MB per day (updated at 00:00).

The service fee adds up to 9 rubles for extra income. After exhausting your limits, you can cancel additional traffic by activating the “Turbo button”. Vikory service is not possible on the territory of Sevastopol and Crimea.

How to activate the Super MTS tariff

Before you switch to the Super MTS tariff, you need to read the following. This means that as long as the tariff changes, the buyer automatically conforms to the rules established by the contract.

In order to go to vikoryst, use the best method possible:

  • Special account, registration on the official website of the company.
  • Service center to a competent specialist (you will need your passport with you).
  • USSD command *111*249# and additional hints of the pop-up menu.

The transition to the tariff is free of charge. You will need to pay a small amount (from 50 to 90 rubles) in the event that within the remaining 30 days the tariff plan has been changed.

For new subscribers, the only option to eliminate the possibility of vicarious TP is to purchase a new SIM card. For this, you can submit an application via the Internet and arrange delivery or specifically show up at the pick-up point.

Yak viknuti tariff Super MTS

To deactivate the tariff plan, there is no other option, such as blocking the SIM card or switching to another offer from the mobile operator. Please note that it is impossible to enable a package proposition without connecting anything else.

additional information

To the subscribers' best guess mobile network, the "Super MTS" tariff plan is cost-free. With the help of medical services, you can go to a safe place by using the SIM card to brilliant minds, You want to spend your balance regularly.

The tariff is as competitive as possible, because there is no high monthly fee and you can subscribe for up to 3 years. catless roses in a day. For a minimal fee, you can activate additional packages of services, which allows you to use the mobile network services on as many minds as possible.

A detailed description of the TP is on the official website of the company, where you can submit a request for reconnection or delivery of a SIM card. This proposition to finish the meal has become popular, which is why it conveys the most loyal minds to the vikoristan. Most of the professional service providers speak positively about him, seeing the prevalence of thousands of goiters and the visibility of a sufficient number of catless diseases.

Before connecting to the tariff, it is necessary to take into account the considerations that are needed for the procedure, so that the process does not interfere with non-transferable conditions. If necessary, contact our emergency service providers at 0890 or make a special visit to the company office. Skin patients will be given cost-free consultation with information and technical advice.

Respect! On March 3, 2018, the mobile operator MTS updated the “Super MTS” tariff plan. Zyogo report description You can find out.

"Super MTS"- A unique tariff plan from the MTS operator without a subscription fee, but with a package of benefits. The package, however, is modest - only 20 rubles for local numbers and MTS numbers in the home region, and the subscription fee adds up to 0 rubles per month.

The tariff plan is not very simple in terms of parameters, so please check before connecting. Let's take a look at the tariff parameters in Moscow and the region.

Khvilin package. For additional use of the “Super MTS” tariff, you will need 20 cash-free payments for local numbers and MTS numbers in your home region. It’s completely decent - about 600 hvilins per month. If you spend your daily limit, you will have to pay 1.5 rubles per phone when calling to MTS numbers in your home region, and 2.5 rubles per phone to local numbers.

“Call freely on MTS Russia 100”. This is the name of the paid option, which can significantly expand the package of benefits on the Super MTS tariff plan. By connecting, you will receive up to 20 calls to local numbers and up to 100 MTS numbers in your home region! And as a bonus you will receive 100 free calls to MTS numbers in other regions. Subscription fee For every additional service, it costs 3.5 rubles per additional salary (about 100 rubles per month). You can read more about the Vi option.

Rashta… The “Super MTS” tariff is mainly used for calls in the middle of the MTS network, since there are no Internet packages and SMS. Weekend SMS – 2 rubles to numbers in your home region and 3.8 rubles to numbers in other regions. One megabyte mobile traffic will cost 9.9 rubles. You can, obviously, activate additional options, for example, “Package 100 SMS” for 120 rubles per month and “BIT” - 75 MB per download for 200 rubles per month. After all, with all the charm of “cost-free spending”, it’s better to connect a tariff plan with subscription fee for example, .

Parameters of the “Super MTS” tariff plan

Let's take a look at the parameters of the tariff:

  • Subscription fee - 0 rubles.
  • Khvilin package – 20 per order for Moscow numbers and MTS numbers in your home region. You can expand the scope of the paid option “Call freely on MTS Russia 100”.
  • The rate of outgoing calls to MTS numbers in your home region after the end of the package is 1.5 rubles per phone.
  • The number of outgoing calls will be sent to local numbers in your home region after the end of the package of services.
  • The rate of outgoing calls to MTS numbers in other regions is 5 rubles per call.
  • The cost of outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in your home region is 2.5 rubles per phone.
  • Availability of outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in other regions – 14 rubles per call.
  • 1 MB Internet traffic - 9.9 rubles.
  • Weekend SMS to numbers in your home region – 2 rubles.
  • Outgoing SMS to numbers in other regions – 3.8 rubles.

Who is eligible for this tariff? People who often call Russian numbers or MTS numbers in their home region. Also for those who call MTS numbers in other regions, also with the option “Call freely on MTS Russia 100”. In this case, sending SMS is a rare drug, and mobile internet and not at all necessary.

It is also necessary to know that it is periodically necessary to spend money, the scraps behind the agreement will be canceled after 183 years after the remaining money was spent on services. Therefore, once every 3-4 months you need to send one SMS.

Description of the tariff on the official website of MTS: .

How to switch to the "Super MTS" tariff?

If you have become familiar with the “Super MTS” tariff and believe that it is suitable for you, you can switch to a new special account or command *111*8888*1#📞