Update the file to the flash drive. Renewing deleted files from a flash drive or memory card. Reasons for spending money

Hello, friends! Nutrition about updating deleted files from flash drives, memory cards and other media, singly, will never cease to be relevant. Flash drives are much more reliable optical discs And more universal and easier to use. Alas, critical days are approaching for them. The reasons for this could be varied, starting with the fact that the flash drive was inserted incorrectly and ended up with viruses. updating deleted files from a flash drive completed successfully. If you don’t know the hour, you’ll be amazed at the video, like the statistics.

First of all, you need to check that the stench has been effectively removed. You may have a virus that has created your files on a flash drive and you just don’t download them. Do you know what it is? received files And among them there are no remote files on the flash drive, read point two immediately.

For those who do not know what the files are, let us know. Admissions are the primary files that carry the “Admissions” attribute.

How can I look at the received files?

You can look through your saved files and folders on a flash drive and use other programs like this Total Commander, Free Commander (a cost-free program similar to Total Commander. I use it myself and recommend it to you)

If some of the received files and folders do not contain your information, you will have to delete them all.

The following information will help you try to update your deleted files from flash drives.

Important. Do not write anything to the flash drive. It’s better to switch on and think over a plan of combat actions.

Why can’t you write anything down? Because when deleted, the information is not physically deleted. There are no more entries about her. However, information can be written to the deleted file. And if you want to write it to a flash drive after deletion, then with great certainty you would like some of the information to be written in place of the deleted file and in this case it is practically impossible to renew the information .

If the information is important to you, it is best to immediately seek help from specialized centers for updating. There are heavy programs for this + evidence = high chance of successful update of deleted files.

Updating deleted files using DMDE

Download the program to update our files from the official website

On Danish moment current version

The archive size is ~650 KB. Let's unpack it. For those who care about unpacking the archives, please read the article. The WinRar archiver opens files with the rar and zip extensions.

We insert the flash drive into the computer and run the DMDE.exe file from the unpacked folder. Finally, we will see where we need to select a physical disk - our flash drive. Select the disk and at the bottom you will see the identification of the flash drive. Pressing OK

One more time will appear at the end of the selected section, like a baby. One will be the most powerful. Press the “Open volume” button

At the next window, nothing changes, we just press “Open”

This is the end of the information about our section. On the left side, select “All Found” by double-clicking on the section

The program will ask you to save a few seconds to read the information.

Then you will download files to the flash drive at the upper right part of the window. Marked with a red cross – files have been deleted. You see the file that is being updated and click - update. The hint will be below the window. You can also click on the seen file right button and openly context menu menu select “Update...”

In the window that has opened, in the “Update in:” field, using the additional button (...), you can set the expansion of the updated file or files. Pressing OK

We check the updated file.

In this way, you can, without bothering with installing additional software, delete files from a flash drive or any other storage device, be it a camera memory card and so on.

The update was successful, as nothing was recorded in the remote file. Otherwise, only part of the file may appear or nothing will appear.

How to uninstall updated files on a flash drive

  • Vikorist safely forbidden Flash drives and memory cards from all devices. If you don’t want to go out and put it on your tablet without worrying. After whom to capture the hoarder.
  • How can you replace a flash drive with hellish monster tributes For example Dropbox, or

Receiving remote information stored on USB flash devices is often a problem, but updating them is even simpler, since there is an Internet connection and a small set of knowledge that can help solve such a problem. All people who are weak with computers fall into panic and destroy their nervous system, quickly attempting to download or update information manually, causing lost files. Today, there is a lack of software that has been developed specifically to deal with such a problem.

Action algorithm.

The Kozhen Koristuvach is responsible for remembering the following sequence of actions:

  1. Immediately after detecting the loss of data, it is necessary to cut off access to the flash drive, and re-place the file on it, re-recording the existing information and the necessary access to your view of the excess information that If you access the files, they will be spent irrevocably. Simply connecting a flash drive and carrying out various actions with it of an analytical or valuable nature is not prohibited and does not in any way affect the effectiveness of subsequent actions. This point is very important and it is important to note that further activities It is important for you to do this, then do your best to ensure the effectiveness of the repair with the help of a master.

In the event of correct execution of all actions and the effectiveness of our instructions about virus developments, the list of files may show that anything has been lost. All received files and folders are represented by visual icons. You can immediately transfer such a file to your computer so as not to waste it, and check the flash drive with any anti-virus software, for example, it’s good to deal with these tasks “Dr. Web Cureit”, which is freely available on the official website of the retailer.

  1. In case the files were not found using the method in step 2, you will need to go to the special software to update the deleted files. The essence of this work, without going into technical details, lies in the lifting of layers of information from clusters of disk space. The required information in such cases may be revealed in a regular manner, but often it is not known. Headache should not occur after detection and action in cold blood. Let's take a look at the most popular software called Recuva.

Programs for updating files (Recuva)

You can download and install the program from the official website, which is located in private access. The installation process is very simple, and there is no need to worry about it. For those who like to be wise, it’s important to be careful - you can’t download and install a program on a flash drive with lost files, since this will not improve the efficiency of recognition, but will allow you to overwrite it them. The further algorithm is even simpler:

  1. Launch the program and press “Day”.
  2. From the list, select the desired file type to search for, or check the “More” option to search for all previously deleted files. Press "Dali".
  3. The next point is to tell you how Recuva can help with updated data spending on any computer, and not just on big nose. In order to identify the location of the search, you need to press “Look…” and select the required drive/folder (in our case, a flash drive). Press "Dali".
  4. In the next menu, it is necessary for the user to confirm the beginning of the process, as well as when the icon is installed on the “Enable loss analysis” row. This option increases the efficiency of the process, which may result in problems with overwriting files. The axis is deprived of the fruitfulness of the rest under the great nutrition.
  5. You can search for further process value hour, which is absolutely deposited after the option of a lost search has been selected and what size can be followed by carrying information.
  6. After the search is completed, a list of files found in the search process will appear in front of the user. It’s very easy to access this list; as soon as the files are updated, the indicator will appear as a green circle along with their name.

If this indicator displays a yellow color, the file is updated too frequently and may not function. This is a series of special software, which gives the buyer a chance to renew the work force. A report about such software can be read on the Internet and other considerations will be given to it.

There is a red indicator to confirm that the file has been charged again, and in other words, there is nothing more to be done, or it will be a complete gibberish of symbols that are in no way related to the information that is It is also submitted in the document.

The essence of this list is for the user to select the requirements for a new file and click “Update”. When pressed, you will be prompted to select the place where the data will be saved. Be very respectful, please Dana monster It was always installed on a computer or laptop, but never on a flash drive.

This article describes instructions for actions that must be taken when dealing with the loss of information on a computer or directly on a computer. The cream described by the Recuva program is very similar to the software. Most types differ in the methods of searching for information, so it is important not to miss the search after a recent trial with the same programs. Read the report about other programs for updating and further data on the Internet.

Flash drives are an indispensable device for saving and transferring information. If you use this technique, you will know how to delete files from a flash drive, which will cause skin problems.

Important: If you accidentally leaked important information, do not write anything to the flash drive. You also cannot create new folders on it, otherwise you will not be able to update the data!

When a record from the file table is deleted, the data itself does not disappear permanently - it can be updated if it is suddenly corrupted. If you will be manipulating the file system in any way, it is very likely that if you partition a flash drive, you will record any changes or errors in the file, and other information will be recorded. In this case, updating the required data will be even more problematic. This very situation develops after formatting.

No access

Corrupted data can be updated without using additional software. If the files have not been deleted or you cannot access them, try restarting your computer. It is possible that the flash drive was simply not displayed correctly.

If the problem is not due to re-engagement, turn your attention to the presence of forgiveness.

  1. Open the “Power” flash drive by right-clicking on its icon.
  2. Go to the Service tab.
  3. Click on the “Confirm reversal” button.
  4. Select the items “Adjust actions” and “Remove bad sectors”.
  5. Start verification.

After the operation, try again to restrict access to the required information.

Plunge to the virus

Perhaps the files from the flash drive have not disappeared anywhere. The stench simply became invisible after the virus had spread to them.

It is necessary to check what files are on the main page.

If file icons appear on the flash drive, copy them to a safe place and transfer them to someone else antivirus utilities, Having seen from this infected data.

Programs for updating

To recover data, you can use a number of special utilities, among which you can see Recuva and DiscDigger. All such programs operate on the same principle and are undermined by their analysis capabilities. If you use two or three similar programs through each other, then the chances of updating files after formatting will increase significantly.


After launch, you will be prompted to select the data that needs to be analyzed. There are two scanning modes – primary and secondary, which can help after formatting. The vibe is better than the other one.

Start scanning and wait for the call to appear. All data will be divided into components: documents, images, music. You can check them using the additional review function. If the file has been updated correctly, you should click “Save”.

Important: do not save the updated data to the flash drive from which it was deleted!

This utility allows you to update information lost after deleting or formatting storage media. It stands out for its simplicity and functionality, which allows for in-depth analysis of the disk.

After scanning, you will receive a sound in which all files will be marked with three colors:

  • Green – the file can be updated.
  • Zhovty – the file is corrupted, often updated.
  • Chervoniy - the renewal is impossible. It’s a pity that after formatting the red color may have been lost.

You will only be unable to select required information, click “Renew”, and then enter the saving folder on your computer.

Most users are stuck with the idea of ​​retrieving deleted files from a flash drive only after occasionally deleting videos or other necessary information from it. At the same time, professional services from obtaining erased records from any wear, for example Kingston datatraveler ( We will vikorystuvat as a result of this article) Costs are expensive, so it’s better to check the power supply and install on your computer the cost-free programs necessary for updating files.

The most popular program for updating remote data

Among the non-commercial programs, the most popular one can be called the Recuva program. You can use it not only with a datatraveler flash drive, but also with other devices such as cameras and MP3 players.

Features of Recuva programs:

  1. Work with files NTFS systems, FAT ta ;
  2. Expands without limiting, sums with all the daily Windows versions, starting with "Simka".

Among the shortcomings, you can notice the foldability, and at other times the impossibility of rotating the video and other data that have become unavailable for a long time since nothing else was recorded on the flash drive.

The procedure for retrieving erased information from a flash drive using Recuva

To fully understand how to retrieve data from a flash drive using Recuva, you can note that The program does not recognize all the files, as if they were lost. Due to the high frequency of reliability, it will not be possible to update the data from the formatted text of the same file system accumulated And it’s important to remember the dirty rules when working with this type of utility - you need to update your data on the wrong Kingston datatraveler with which you are working. Otherwise, you may end up having to completely erase important data from your flash drive.

The most effective program for robots with flash drives

The program described earlier is very simple in Vikoristan, but you will probably be able to use it with files and videos that have recently appeared. Recuva often appears as if the flash drive was formatted. In folding cases, if the files have been erased for a long time and have been overwritten more than once, one of the greatest effective solutions To update, use the File Scavenger program.

It’s important to note that the program is not Freeware, and even without a paid license, you can also use it to recover some of the data you spent from the flash drive, or look at your photos.

File Scavenger does not have a Russian interface, everything is supported starting with the XP version of Windows.

Work order with File Scavenger

The main window of the program has two tabs - Step1 and Step2. Let's start with the first crocus:

After searching for videos and other lost data, a list of all the information found is displayed, which you can look through, as in the primary explorer, displaying the directory structure. To access this menu, just press the “Tree View” button.

Result of File Scavenger update

To renew deleted files from the datatraveler flash drive, next to the selected folder or group of directories, you need to go to another Save tab. In the Save to program field, the saving location is indicated. Please remember to write the found files and video traces to your hard drive or other storage device, or not to the same flash drive.

When choosing a file to update, pay attention to its status, which is indicated in the Status column. You can either be Good or Poor. However, there is no guarantee that after completing the procedure you can recover any defective file or video.

Since File Scavenger works in Demo mode, the boundaries are not applied to the number and size of files. Save the first 64 Kb of skin from them. Photos and images will probably be recorded in the specified folder very often, then for a large number of text documents This size may be completely sufficient.

One of the best programs that can easily be used everywhere.

Disk Drill is absolutely new and is still absolutely cost-free for Windows utility, for additional help, you can watch videos and other data from various sources, including Kingston datatraveler. In about an hour, it will definitely become a paid version, since the program has been around for Mac OS X for a long time, but in a paid version it comes with an expensive license.

After launching Disk Drill, a header window will open with a list of all storage devices, including flash drives. Opposite them there is a Recover button with a list:

  1. Run all recovery methods is followed by a quick press of the Recover button, it starts everything available methods update.
  2. Quick scan - ask the user to scan the selected storage device to detect files that have been recently accessed.
  3. Deep Scan – deep analysis.

Another one is available for working with a flash drive in Disk Drill - creating an image of the saver for further work with him, so that the data is not lost. Zazvichay cost-free programs Don't bother with such functionality. This action becomes available after pressing the Extras button.

Flash drives and memory cards have become part of our daily lives. Most people use them for work purposes, such as school or university. Thus, saving information is an indispensable aid for any purposes and goals that require recording, saving and transmitting information in any form (including photographs, Ideas, music, documents or security software). However, like any technical device, flash drives and memory cards are often subject to threats, as a result of which the information itself can be lost. So how can you protect yourself from this?

Many koristuvachs immediately say goodbye to their wasted data

Most often, data loss occurs through a virus attack. That's how much they burned technical problems can be written off with them. Therefore, it is imperative to steal your own, vikoryst and special anti-virus security program. It’s best to install a licensed antivirus, which won’t cost you a fortune (after all, in Russia, merchants have begun to indulge in any kind of tricks, lusting after “pirated” versions). However, you won’t be able to get away with antiviruses, since you’ll be careful to keep an eye on it. Then with these programs you can ensure the protection of your data and information that is saved on external devices and computer.

Why did the files disappear?

What should you do if you couldn’t get ahead of the problem, and the problem has already arrived on your flash drive or memory card? It’s important to say that there is no need to control panic (it’s too early. Perhaps, you’ll have time later). In the light of modern technology, everything is possible practically, so there is little chance of increasing your data, which has been erased for any reason, yet. Ale for starters, looking forward to the problems that brought you here.

  • As you might have guessed, a virus attack is the biggest problem. Therefore, you need to scan the flash drive or memory card right away to check Discount programs Then delete them, and then proceed to update the information.

  • Please, if the computer allows you to format a flash drive. Once you have inserted the stored information into the external connector (USB or Micro SD) and went to the flash drive explorer, a message appears about the need to format it before using the storage device. Of course, you will still have to format it, but those who have photos from any kind of repair on their flash drive don’t even want to do it. You can check it for the presence of compromises using various utilities, otherwise it does not give any results. Therefore, after checking, format the section, and then proceed to update.

  • Often people themselves suddenly see the tributes, and then grab by the hair or denounce themselves with thoughts: No! What do I get?" Download updated data from the flash drive.
  • It’s like you gave a flash drive to a friend, and then downloaded your music. For example, because it took up a lot of memory, so you couldn’t write your files to it. He just didn’t sleep you and killed his brotherhood on the right. If you don't know about it anymore, you can still try to earn money with the deleted files.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons for this, we decided to paint the most popular among the most prominent pros. Such problems are most often associated with significant human factors, virus attacks or misuse of information. So let's move on to how you can update deleted files (photos, videos, music, documents, etc.) and information.

Updating data from a flash drive

For example, you can use a third-party security program to turn your photos back to life, which is designed for such situations. Like other programs, they may be free or paid. Most often you can share the first ones. However, sometimes you may need to use the new versions. For example, utilities are interconnected with updated information. It is also important to identify the presence of outbursts, if another program simply did not help, then you should contact another one for help. Please, try to update the data with all the presented supplements through. Because it is unknown where you will go.


Perhaps Recuva is the most popular assistant in this difficult situation. It helps to update files (like deleted photos from a butt from formatting a flash drive) in the simplest situations, when other utilities fail. What’s best about this add-on: you can rotate documents not only from flash drives or memory cards, but also from external HDD storage (external hard drive). Let’s quickly begin the process of “resurrection” of your dear tributes:

  1. Please install Recuva (send directly to the file).
  2. After launching the program, you will be asked to specify what type of files you want to update. If there is nothing on the flash drive besides music, then you will have to select “Music”. Well, obviously with the same photographs. Ale, there was a lot written on the memory card various files(and documents, and music, and videos), select “All files”.

  1. Then select the location where your information was saved and press “distant”.
  2. In the next window, when you know that Recuva is ready to begin its work, check the box next to “Enable loss analysis.” You can increase the turning time, which will also increase the acidity.
  3. After searching for deleted files, you will not be able to select the files and folders you want to update. To do this, you just need to check the boxes next to the skin sections.
  4. That is the remaining stage. Press the “Renew” button, then select the location where your files will be saved, and click OK. Ready!

Recovery Software

Another one behind the list, but not for popularity and functionality, is the family of programs for updating data, Recovery Software. Its arsenal contains the latest in software security:

  1. R.S. Partition Recovery. I will help you in this situation when you need to update data from a disk, flash drive or memory card.

  1. RS NTFS Recovery. Serve as a miracle aid in order to reverse the waste of data sections from the NFTS file structure.

  1. RS FAT Recovery Similar to the previous one, with additional help from sections file structure FAT.

  1. RS Office Recovery As you might guess from the name, this program will help you with updated office documents of any kind of information. Also known as Word and Excel Recovery. Please note that the utility works not only with Microsoft files, but also with OpenOffice documents.

  1. RS File Repair will help you after a technical failure of a flash drive or memory card, as well as a virus attack.

  1. RS Data Recovery (subdivided into File and Photo Recovery). As you can guess from the name, you can see any files from your device or just photographs and images.

It may be a little bit unclear why so many different programs have been destroyed, since you can quickly fix it, for example, without Partition Recovery. It is also important to understand that in many situations, only one program can help if the other one fails. Also, try the skin. Plus, before everything else, prices for the skin program vary. Are you likely to overpay for the same program when you need more updated photos?

The principle of operation of these utilities does not differ at all from Recuva, as it was considered earlier. However, there is a demo mode here: the program finds remote files that you can view. However, their renewal requires registration with an activation fee.


As you know, the renewal program will begin. You can try them all, since there are sometimes trial or demo versions of the utilities to see what they can do to find deleted files. Therefore, at all times, do not buy an additional allowance until you run out of options. First of all: be careful about your files in the future. Make copies for especially important documents on multiple pages, so you can avoid problems before they arise. І don’t forget about vikoristanny antivirus programs. Also, don’t forget to share in the comments your evidence of fighting the situation that is being discussed. Perhaps you know the utility, which would have gone in better. Happy writing, dear readers!