Program for the removal of standard add-ons. Safe removal of Android system add-ons

Builders of smartphones based on the operating room Android systems it’s not uncommon to sin when you put into the firmware without personal attachments. A great part of such additives are absolutely for the koristuvach, but it’s impossible to see them, shards of stink are considered systemic.

Having stumbled upon a similar situation, coristuvachi ask themselves a whole set of natural diets. And itself, how to remove system programs on Android. If you are like this to cackle food, then we will tell you two decisions.

Ale, back to back, a couple of respectful respects. First, in order to see the system programs, you are guilty. without ROOT right see nothing. And in another way, distant system additions can lead to the vindication of various pardons and unstable work I'll add Android. In order to minimize the risk of vindication of such problems, by all means do not remove the additions from the Android operating system icon or the Play Market store.

If you have ROOT rights, and you don’t know how to uninstall system programs, then the easiest way for you is Root Uninstaller. Tsey appendage you can take advantage of Google Play and with yoga, you can see if you don’t need programs. Cream of a simple removal of attachments for the help of Root Uninstaller, you can also freeze attachments, attach attachments, and also create backup copies and s їх additional support in the distant programs.

Manual removal of system add-ons on Android.

If, for some reason, you don't want to win the Root Uninstaller add-on, you can manually uninstall the system programs on your Android smartphone. For which you need a file manager, which is able to work with ROOT rights, as well as a day of free time.

In this article, we will demonstrate how to work on the butt of a file manager. In order for this file manager to work properly with ROOT rights, it is necessary to fix a few things. Launch ES Explorer and swipe from the left edge of the screen to open the menu. We need to enable the “ROOT explorer” function in the beach menu.

When this function is enabled on the screen, you will be asked to add ROOT rights to it. Press "Ok" to confirm. Then you need to click on the “ROOT explorer” again in the beach menu and hold your finger until the feast until the window appears advanced settings. Here it is necessary to select "Connect as R / W".

After that, choose the “RW” option for all folders and close the window by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Now the ES file manager is a file explorer, and we can proceed directly to the removal of system add-ons. For which one open the / system / app folder internal memory Android add-on. Your father needs to know APK files systemic additions, if we want to see them. We see these APK files and click on the "View" button. Also fixing and with ODEX files you can see addenda.

If you have Android 5.0, then in the folder / system / app, the skin add-on will be changed from the old okremіy dad. At this point, we simply see folders with non-essential system add-ons and click on the "View" button.

If you delete APK and ODEX files in folder / system / app, you need to delete the update. For this, we go to the / data / app folder, we again know the APK files of the system add-ons that you do not need and can see them.

Like in the front view, if you have Android 5.0, then folders / system / app will contain not just APK files, but folders. We see the add-on folders and click on the "Vidality" button.

Remaining crochet in the data bases and cache files. For this, go to the / data / data folder and see the folders of add-ons there, so that they can be seen by the system add-ons.

For what process manual removal System add-ons for Android have been completed. Wait for the renewal of the annex, so that the changes will take effect.

Android, as well as Windows may have system programs and standard programs.

Deyakі of them, so called relatives can be seen, only the standard installer is not visible.

You will definitely need to get root rights and get a program to remove system add-ons.

Just don't overdo it, but even better, just pick up a backup at a time, and even better, native firmware.

How can you see the standard programs? You need to get out quietly, yak vantage the system and put the battery in.

Today, there are dozens of non-essential system files on Android, which most of them are not worthy of, so, for optimizing the system, it would be bad to see them

Better add-on for remote programs in smartphones or tablets android

For me better addition for removing programs from android attachments - Root App remover. You can take advantage of it right on this side.

There's something else, it allows you to cheat with files, which cannot be deleted in a great way.

One of the most advantageous possibilities is the non-negotiable utilization of the “smite” installed by the virobniks on their Android devices.

Tsei "smittya" works in background mode and take up the memory of a smartphone or a tablet, and, in your own hands, rob the memory of the influx on the speed of the robot.

The very basis of these programs is not filthy rich. Acts from them can be corny.

Naigirshe, one fact: these programs cannot be booted out of the system without administrator rights.

Removal of the rights of the administrator, connected with the risk of system maintenance. It’s better than anything to just see the supplements, so as not to bring you any harm.

The ideal tool for this is to download the Root App remover program here. New version May 8 functions.

Possibilities of the Root App remover program, removing add-ons on android devices

  • System - here, on the right, with the greatest priority, Root App Delete.

There you can choose the mode of managing add-ons: pro or novice. Beginner mode is good for beginners.

Here we can turn on the system programs, and if we need it, turn it on again.

On the other side, the other mode is Pro, which allows you to quickly see whether there is an addendum, but without the possibility of renewal.

In both modes you can find the list of system files, with the same color - the color can be turned on or off without risk.

For example, marked with a red color, may be important for the system and it is guaranteed to solve problems.

Next, mark one word: part of the file in a white color, which means that there are no joys of the day. In this way, it’s better than anything to find information on the Internet.

  • Designated for koristuvach - a list of programs installed by you and the ability to view all of them.
  • Dispatcher given moment active and conserve battery life. Like the processes will be zupinenі, and the battery charge will stop draining.
  • Program Manager - provides the function of expanding file names for Android add-ons.
  • Freezing attachments - a list about the in-line mill of the system.
  • Scanning the cache - after scanning the memory I will add it, you can see the cache in one go.

In general, Root App Delete is quite easy to use, but you should be smart. It helps with facilitating system files and allows them to be removed.

Note: Incorrect programming can lead to a system crash.

Obmezhennya: to see the deeds or to take them away completely functional access to the root of the system is required. Success. Please download below.

Android 1.6 and higher



Freeware (free of charge)

Buying a new addition to Android, we plan to install it in a new frequently used program - for whichever Playmarket is handy. Opening the box, inserting a SIM card and making the necessary adjustments, we will eat in the main menu and have a “virtual” surprise - a bunch of installed system programs. How to delete system programs on Android and change memory to install your favorite software?

Builders of smartphones and tablet PCs to make life easier for koristuvachivs and give them a handful of system programs. What is there just not here:

  • Online magazines;
  • Office programs;
  • antiviruses;
  • Banking supplements;
  • Clients of online stores and much more.

The presence of the current programs is completely true. Ale deyakі їх do not need zovsіm - to plant stench with their own indispensable presence battery, To bring to the window of operational and permanent memory. As practice shows, approximately 7 out of 10 people would like to get lost non-essential add-ons(The list of these people includes and pochinayuchi coristuvachi, yakі already do not like third-party software).

New needs of the programs? Deyakі z them lie down to the virobniks themselves. For example, Samsung and LG install on their smartphones and tablets a lot of personal software for robots with notes, personal stores or in bulk. Also, for the distributors, please s third-party software distributors, as they put their appendices in the mask. On the right, most of the coristuvachiv are in no way corrupted by these appendages. To that we will try to ask.

How to remove the system programs on Android and try to see the memory of the smite? For whom it is necessary to take root-rights (the rights of a super-correct). There is no universal procedure here, so you can find individual instructions on specialized resources, for example, on The procedure requires the installation of special software, after which the smartphone will be ready before the removal of obscene software.

Before that, proceed to take away the rights of a super-corrosive person, make sure that you have captured all the necessary software. It is also recommended to re-read the instructions once again to remove root-rights.

What else is needed to ensure that the factory add-ons for Android are not visible? We need a different file manager that can work with root rights. For whom it is necessary to see the Playmarket add-on store, tap on per rowі enter the phrase "file manager root" there. In the results of the searches, there are two leading utilities - ES Explorer and Knowledge Bagatome Total Commander(An analogue of the same manager for the Windows operating system).

As soon as you revoke root-rights for your add-on, launch the file manager and select the super-correct mode. Dali Tapa on the item “Connect to R / W”, go to the / system / app folder and see unneeded add-ons (files with extensions * .apk and * odex). After that, we delete it in the folder / data / data and see the sound of the folder - here we save updates, redundant other programs. On tsomu all - vіdpravlyaєmo prіy on perezavtazhennya i otrimuєmo clean system.

Respect that inaccurate handling of the file system with the rights of a super-correct can lead to a shoddy operating system, right up to the impossibility of renewal! All operations you vikonuete on your fear and risk. It is also necessary to remember that the rights of a supercorristuvach are taken away before the warranty is spent.

Letting go of the need to file system? You are absolutely right - here you can easily “crack firewood” and see it more importantly. If you are afraid of destroying the success of your building, hurry up with the Root Uninstaller program. Vaughn is good because it allows you to see add-ons on Android in the primary mode - this mode is similar to the most powerful software options through the standard "Program Manager". Install the program, choose an undesirable add-on and remove it in the usual way - everything else Root Uninstaller should be done by itself.

How to remove standard programs on Android, without removing root-rights? Unfortunately, it's impossible to kill. If you don't want to use the warranty, then you can just turn on the non-essential software. Vіn bude take a little memory, but do not spend the charge of the battery and stay in the operating room. In order to enable standard programs on Android, click on the following steps:

  • Go to the "Program Manager";
  • Choose an uncommon supplement and tap on it;
  • At the menu, select the items “Zupinity” and “Turn on” in sequence;
  • Confirm last update and check completed operation.

Now, if you go to the smut menu, then you won’t be in charge and there won’t be any drastic additions. And all without taking away root-rights, which will lead to farewell with a guarantee.

Smartphones based on Android lead to a large number of non-essential installed add-ons and programs, so rich people have food, like removing system programs on Android.

Standard software packages are most often unimportant and stupid for a great smart phone. The stench is less likely to take up space in the memory of the telephone, as it is possible to win for the essential supplements.

In addition, non-essential system programs operate in the background mode, which will lead to a quick increase in battery charge. Aje shob dane software security pratsyuvalo normal, zadіyuєtsya operative memory'yat.

Through tse Android begin to reduce the speed of the execution of the given commands, which will lead to the freezing of the brown programs. Therefore, a skin person can quickly and easily see inappropriate programs.

Programs for removing standard add-ons

It’s impossible to see add-ons on the Android platform, if I add an operating system “clean”, it’s like it’s protected from any kind of vtruchannya. Zvichayny Koristuvachevi access to all system files fences.

To see the attachments, you need to take Root access to the add-on, as well as a file manager. Allowed for additional files may be given only for additional special rights. If the stench is chastkovi, then the bajans do not come out.

The stench in obov'yazkovuyu order owe buti povni. Leather jacket can find instructions for installing and using Root-access directly to your phone, and also use universal versions of programs, including Kingo Root, ES Explorer, Framaroot.

Almost all versions Program Root You can zavantazhiti from the Internet absolutely free of charge. At Google Play, it is necessary to get a program for Android, you can see any inappropriate programs.

Installing Root Explorer on Android

In order to install non-essential add-ons on Android devices, in the first place, you need to select a program, for which you can add a given task for help.

After that, as soon as the access was denied and the explorer was installed, the next step was to give it Root access. To create a given procedure, you need to run the program and enter " Swedish access". Then you need to go to the folder "Protect" and click on the "On" button in the explorer.

For example, ES Explorer. After installing the program, it is necessary to enable the item Root-Explorer. If necessary:

  • confirm dії;
  • go to nalashtuvannya;
  • in the APPs item in the ROOT-rights column, select the items “Data backup”, “Automatically install”.

Having installed the program, it is necessary to go to the root folder of the phone, after that in the folder - system / app and select the program, which is necessary to see.

View of standard add-ons

Visibility on Android can be such system applications.apk, like:

  • standard alarm clock, calendar;
  • calculator;
  • mail client;
  • Widget player and year;
  • data transfer interface;
  • voice search i dial;
  • proof;
  • player and a lot more.

In this view, you can see the addition of PlusOne.apk - Google+. Here it is necessary to know yoga and press the "Vidality" key on the splicing key. It's hard to get through remote programs, but sometimes it's just impossible.

In some cases, seemingly insignificant additions are given for the functioning of important and necessary services on the outbuilding.

Porada: The first time you see the system programs, the next change is that you don’t need the stench anymore. In addition, it is not possible to see programs that can lead to improper functioning of the building.

It is also necessary to delete the file with the same names in the .odex format, as such. IN android add-ons 5.0 and more all standard programs are stored in the same folders, so you just need to see and see them.

Keep in mind that if add-ons are found on Android, then ES Explorer will automatically clean up folders, files, etc.

If it is necessary to clear the space in the internal memory of the smartphone, then it is necessary to clear the data and cache through the installation of the program and only then see the most uncommon program security.

Our Android Market is your right choice!

android- the whole mobile platform, on which a lot is based mobile phones our hour. Such an operational system allows the development of Java add-ons. Android OS was recently broken up by 30 companies in partnership with Google Corporation. Robot z operating system Android is more handy, more flexible and more efficient.

Today, for the mobile platform, anonymous programs, games, add-ons are being created. Hundreds of thousands of such supplements have already been created, as if they were translated into the main conductors of the world. On the Internet, there is a large number of sites, location, as well as cost-free, and paid programs and add-ons that suit the skin touch phone, And also excellent phones with the Android system. All the same, you can see our site for yourself, the shards of the wines are strong, the simplest among the victorious, and the smut is revenge for the newest and fresh additions.

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