The principle of robotic stitching. How do you use a mobile phone? How the Stilnikov Merger of Mobile Phones is Vashtov

We all use mobile phones, but rarely do we wonder how the stinks work? This article is intended to inform you about the fact that it is possible to communicate with your mobile operator.

When you call your partner and want to call you, your phone is connected via a radio channel to one of the satellite antennas. base station (BS, BS, Base Station).Skin base station Stilnikovy bond(for common people - buds of the stylium ligament) includes one to twelve primary-transmitting antenna, that direct communications from different parties are made in order to ensure a clear connection of subscribers within the radius of their activity. Specialists in their jargon call such antennas "sectors", which are a series of straight-cut designs that you can practically spend every day on beds or special goldfishes.

The signal from such an antenna passes through a cable directly into the core unit of the base station. The base station is a collection of sectors and a core block. Under what circumstances will a part of a populated area or territory be served by a kilka? base stations, connected to a special block - local zone controller(shortened LAC, Local Area Controller or simply “controller”). As a rule, one controller connects up to 15 base stations in a given area.

On their side, the controllers (they can also be splints) are connected to the head block - Mobile Services Switching Center (MSC), which is the simplest way to call it simply "switch". The switch, at its core, has input and output to any communication lines - both wire and wire.

If you imagine what is written in the diagram, you will see something like this:
Small-scale GSM boundaries (usually regional) can only require one switch. Great, just like our operators Great Three» MTS, Beeline or Megafon, which serve millions of subscribers simultaneously, vikorist through a number of interconnected MSC devices.

Let's find out why such a foldable system is still needed and why it is not possible to connect the antennas of the base stations to the switch directly? For which purpose is it necessary to learn about another term, called technical knowledge? handover. Vіn characterizes the transfer of services to mobile measures behind the relay principle. In other words, if you are moving along the street or in a vehicle and talking on the phone with someone, then so that your communication is not interrupted, immediately switch your device from one sector of the BS to another, from a zone within the same base dance or local zone controller in other things, etc. However, if the sectors of the base stations were connected directly to the switch, it would have to carry out this procedure of handover of all its subscribers, and so the switch is in trouble. Therefore, there is a change in the reliability of installation types, and with its changes, the scheme for inducing GSM wireframes is implemented according to a rich principle.

As a result, if you move with your phone from the service area of ​​one sector of the BS to the area of ​​another, then you move the active control unit of this base station, without sticking around with more “high” devices - LAC and MSC. If handover occurs between different BSs, then the LAC, etc., will take charge of that one.

The switch is nothing more than the main “brain” of the GSM network, which robot will be examined in more detail. The network switch carries approximately the same tasks as the PBX in the network of wireline operators. It is clear where you make the call if you want to call you, regulate the work of additional services and decide whether you can make your call at this time or not.

Now let's figure out what happens when you turn on your phone or smartphone?

Well, you pressed the “charm button” and your phone died. On your SIM card Stilnikov operator there is a special number called IMSI - International Subscriber Identification Number. This is a unique number for each SIM card not only with your operator MTS, Beeline, Megafon, etc., but a unique number for all mobile networks in the world! Most often, operators antagonize subscribers among themselves.

The moment you call your phone, your device will Danish code IMSI to the base station, which transmits it further to the LAC, and then forwards it to the switch. Thus, two additional devices come into our group, connected directly to the switch - HLR (Home Location Register)і VLR (Visitor Location Register). In the Russian translation, apparently, Home subscriber registerі Register of guest subscribers. HLR stores the IMSI of all subscribers in its network. The VLR contains information about those subscribers who are checking the schedule of a given operator at a given hour.

The IMSI number is transmitted to the HLR through an additional encryption system (during this process another device is identified AuC - Authentication Center). HLR then checks whether there is a subscriber with this number in its database, and if the fact of its presence is confirmed, the system is surprised that they may be using services at the same time, or, say, there may be a financial block . If everything is fine then Danish subscriber is sent to VLR and then the ability to make calls and use other services is disabled.

For precision, we illustrate this procedure using additional diagrams:

In this way we briefly described the principle of robotic GSM stitching. In fact, this description is overkill, because If you get lost in the technical details of a report, the material will be more voluminous and less understandable for most readers.

On the other hand, we have continued familiarity with the work of GSM monitoring and we will look at how the operator charges money for our relationship with you.

It’s hardly possible to know a person today without ever using a Stilnikov phone. Do you know how the skin works, how does the stilnikov ligament work? How is Vlashtovano working on what we all called for a long time ago? Why are signals transmitted from base stations about darts and everything is different? Is it possible that the entire stilnikov ligament functions only for the radiokhvil rakhunok? For this other nutrition, we will try to confirm the dates of our statistics, which have lost the description. GSM standard behind these boundaries.

At the moment when a person tries to call his mobile phone, or when he starts calling someone, the phone, via radio, connects to one of the base stations (the largest available), to one of ї antenna Base stations can be spotted here and there, looking at the buildings of our places, at the buildings and at the facades of industrial buildings, at the high-rise buildings, at the special buildings for stations sporting a red-and-white color (especially on highways).

These stations look like rectangular boxes in a gray color, with different antennas on different sides (up to 12 antennas). The antennas here work both for reception and transmission, and they are the responsibility of the telecommunications operator. The base station antennas are directed on all sides (sectors) to ensure “coverage of the network” for subscribers on all sides at a distance of up to 35 kilometers.

The antenna of one sector can serve up to 72 calls per hour, and if there are 12 antennas, then you will realize: 864 calls can be served by one large base station simultaneously! If you want to have 432 channels (72*6). The skin antenna is connected by a cable from the base station core unit. And then blocks of several base stations (each station serves its part of the territory) reach the controller. Up to 15 base stations are connected to one controller.

The base station, in principle, is designed to function on three bands: the 900 MHz signal penetrates more quickly throughout the entire population, widens further, and this range is often used in villages and fields; the signal at a frequency of 1800 MHz is spreading quite far, and more transmissions are installed in one sector, and such stations are installed more often in places; 2100 MHz is up – 3G standard.

Controllers, of course, in populated areas or areas may have some, so the controllers, in their own way, are connected with cables to the switch. Switchboard management - linking operators' networks mobile connection one by one and by two emergency lines telephone call, international connection and international connection. If the boundary is small, one switch is enough; if it is large, two or more switches are needed. The switches are connected to each other by wires.

In the process of moving a person who uses a mobile phone on the street, for example: when walking on the streets, in public transport, or in a private car, the phone is not responsible for wasting time, it is impossible to break the gap.

Continuity of communication is achieved through the ability of multiple base stations even when a subscriber quickly switches from one antenna to another in the process of moving from the zone of one antenna to the zone of another ї (from a stilnik to a hundred). The subscriber himself does not notice how he ceases connections with one base station, and from connections to another, how he switches from antenna to antenna, from station to station, from controller to controller...

In this case, the switch will ensure optimal distribution of control over the network circuit in order to reduce the risk of the control system going out of order. Bagatory's boundary will be like this: old phone- Base station - controller - switch.

Let's say we hear a call, and the signal has already reached the switch. The switch transmits our call to each subscriber of the destination - to the local limit, to the international limit, or to the other limit mobile operator. Everything is available even quickly from high-speed fiber optic cable channels.

Then our call goes to the switch, which is installed on the subscriber’s side, which receives the call (calls from us). The “primary” switch already has data about where the subscriber is located, in which zone of the network: which controller, which base station. On the first axis, the network begins to be acquired from the base station, the addressee is found, and a call is made on his phone.

The entire sequence of descriptions, from the moment of dialing the number to the moment of the ringing sound, which rings on the side, takes no more than 3 seconds. So today we can call to any point in the world.

Andriy Povny

I want to respect more of us landline phone Of course, the telephone in your booth is one of the most important devices ever created. If you want to talk to him, all you need to do is pick up the phone and dial a few numbers. You, be some kind of person, will turn towards this person and follow her.

The telephone network is expanding throughout the world, so that you can reach as many people as possible on the planet. To guess that there are only 100 risks to this and less, sending a letter to someone could take a lot of people.

It’s amazing, but the telephone is one of the simplest devices in your home. The principles of telephone communication have not changed in history. If you have an old telephone that has been preserved from the 1930s, you can plug it into a telephone socket and it will work fine!

Inside the phone

The simplest telephone consists of three parts:

1. Peremikach, the phone that connects and disconnects in between. Tsei peremikach zazvichiy call important peremikach. It connects the phone until you lift up the earpiece.

2. Dinamik. This is a primary speaker with the size of a 50 kopeck coin and an 8 ohm support.

3. Microphone. In the past, telephone microphones were extremely simple and consisted of granules of activated vugille, pressed between two thin metal plates. The sound of your voice squeezed and squeezed the granules, changing their supports and adjusting the flow through the microphone.

I’m in the right place! You can dial the number on your phone by quickly pressing the key on the switch - all telephone switches, as before, recognize “ Pulse dialing" When you pick up the handset and tap the switch quickly, the telephone company's switchboard will recognize that you have dialed "4".

The only problem with a phone like this is that when you talk, you can hear your voice through the speaker.

Wiring and cables

The telephone line begins at your booth. P ara of copper wires run from your phone to a thick cable in order to take revenge on the indifference of such copper couples. Regardless of where you are, this cable goes directly into the telephone exchange switch in your area, or there will be connections to a box the size of a refrigerator, which comes into the box digital hub.

Digitization and delivery to voice

The hub digitizes your voice at 8,000 samples per second and 8-bit sampling. It then collects your voice and dozens of others, and sends them along a single wire (called coaxial cable or fiber optic cable) that leads to the telephone exchange. So, otherwise your line connects to the line connector, and you can hear a long dial tone when you pick up the handset.

When you call someone connected to the same station, the switch simply creates a closed loop between your phone and the phone of the person you dialed. Yakshcho tse intimate jingle Your voice will be digitized and combined with millions of other voices. Your voice travels along the fiber-optic line to the receiving party's telephone exchange, or it can also be transmitted by a satellite or by other communications.

Creation of a damp telephone line

The telephone is not just a simple device. Communication between you and the telephone exchange is even simpler. In fact, you can easily create your own wireless telephone network using two telephones, a 9-volt battery and a 300 ohm resistor, which you can buy at the radio market. You can get it all in the following order: one wire connects the telephone directly in the middle, and a life-switch and resistor are connected in series to the other wire that connects the telephones. If offended people immediately pick up telephone handsets, they can normally communicate one by one over a distance of many kilometers.

The only thing that your little intercom cannot be built is to call another phone and ask the person at the other end to take a listening ear. For the ringing signal, 90 volts of alternating current with a frequency of 20 hertz is supplied.

The connection to the telephone exchange consists of two copper darts. One of them transmits 6 to 12 volts of DC current, approximately 30 mA. The microphone modulates the sound, and the speaker at the other end modulates the signal. That's all.

Once you turn to the clock of a manual switch, you can easily understand how it worked when it was great telephone on the edge. That day there were no pairs of copper darts that went from each booth to the telephone exchange at the center of the place. The switchboard operator sits in front of the great shield with one socket for the skin subscriber. There was a small light bulb above the skin rose. The large battery was connected through a resistor for the skin's dart pair. If you pick up the handset on your phone, it is important to close the switch and send a current through the wires between the booth and the telephone exchange. This lit up the light bulb above this rosette on the switchboard. The operator connected his headset to the socket and power supply that the person wanted to talk to. Then the operator sends a ringing signal to the party being picked up and checks to see whoever picks up the phone. As soon as the handset went up, the operator connected two people at once, just like a simple intercom connection. It's so simple!

Tone dialing

On the phones daily system, the operators were replaced by electronic remixer. When you pick up the handset, the speaker detects the dial tone and plays a long dial tone. In this way, you know that your phone is working. The sound of a long beep is a 350 Hertz tone and a 440 Hertz tone. Dial digits are accompanied by sounds of different tones. As soon as the number is busy, you hear an intermittent “busy” signal, which consists of 480 hertz and 620 hertz tone.

Width of smudge throughput

By protecting more distant calls, the frequencies that are transmitted are interchanged dark-colored passage close to 3000 hertz. All frequencies of your voice below 400 Hertz and above 3400 Hertz are turned off. Whose voice on the phone has a more characteristic sound.

It’s better not to control musical performances with your phone, so as not to become the hero of a joke:

Petko and Vasil Ivanovich are getting involved. Vasil Ivanovich said: “What do only people know from these Beatles?!” The stinks sing monotonously! Petko asks: “To Vasily Ivanovich, why have you heard of Beatlov?!” Vasil Ivanovich: How is it? Yesterday Furmanov fell asleep on his phone for a couple of speeches...”

It’s a little bit that it’s important for most people to ask: “How do you work with a ligament?”

Continuing with this topic, I had a discussion with a friend on the topic of mobile communication. It happened just a couple of days before everything was announced by the contacts and telecoms holy "Radio Day". It has already happened that due to its busyness living position, my friend, I appreciate that Mobile communication works without darts via satellite. Including for rahunok radiokhvil. I couldn’t get over it right away. But after a troublesome conversation, everything fell into place.

After this friendly “lecture”, the idea arose to write in simple words about those how to work the ligament bond. Everything is like that.

When you dial a number and start calling, well, if you want to call, then your mobile phone communicates via radio channel one with the antenna of the nearest base station. Where are the base stations, will you power them?

Return respect to industrial buildings, small skyscrapers and special towers. On them there are large gray rectangular blocks with antennas of different shapes that can be washed. But these antennas are not TV or satellite, but primally-transmitting operators of the steel connection. They are directed on different sides to ensure that subscribers are connected on both sides. Even though we don’t know, the signals are getting a signal and where are we going to take the unfortunate subscriber with the handset? In professional jargon, antennas are also called sectors. As a rule, the stinks are set from one to twelve.

Through the antenna, the signal to the cable is transmitted directly to the core block of the station. At once they stink and destroy the base station [antennas and power supply]. A dozen base stations whose antennas serve a local area, for example, a locality or a small population center, are assigned to a special block - controller. Up to 15 base stations can be connected to one controller.

It has its own controllers, which may also be connected by cables to the “brain center”. switch. The switch will ensure the output and input of signals to the mice telephone lines, on other domestic and international telecommunications operators.

Small networks have only one switch, while larger ones, which serve more than a million subscribers, may have two, three or more switches connected to each other by wires.

Why is there such complexity? Ask the readers. I wish I could you can simply connect the antennas to the switch and everything will work. And here are the base stations, switches, bundles of cables... But it’s not so simple.

When a person wanders around the street, walking by car, by train, etc. And whenever you use your phone, it is important to ensure uninterrupted bond. The communication process of handover of service in mobile systems is called the term "handover". It is necessary to immediately switch the subscriber's phone from one base station to another, from one controller to another.

If the base stations were directly connected to the switch, then everything muttering would have happened to the switchboard. And for the “poor” one, there’s nothing else to do. Bagatory's network scheme makes it possible to evenly distribute the importance of technical aspects. This reduces the confidence of your possession, as a result of wasting the connection. Aje everything stuck I have an uninterrupted connection, isn't it?

Then, having reached the switchboard, our call is transferred to next - to another mobile operator, local or international communications. Of course, high-speed cable channels need to be connected. The call goes to the switchboard another operator. In this case, you still know in which territory [in the area of ​​activity, which controller] the required subscriber is located. The switch transmits the telephone call to a specific controller, which holds the information, and in the zone within which base station there is a recipient of the call. The controller sends a signal to one single base station, and it “powers” ​​it, so that the mobile phone calls. A tube starts chimerically ringing.

This whole long and complex process really takes 2-3 seconds!

This is how telephone calls are generated in different places in Russia, Europe and the world. For a call Switchboards of various operators are connected via high-speed fiber optic channels.. Over hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the telephone signal reaches within seconds.

Thank you to the great Oleksandr Popov for those who gave light to radio! It’s possible that we would immediately be spared many of the benefits of civilization.

One day, a friend who works as an engineer for a steel operator, asked to take a tour of the high-rise buildings of Bilgorod and tell us about those who work in the steel industry. I, it is clear, could not imagine such a thing, and this look became the most important thing that I had to spend the rest of the time, not to mention those that are incredibly obvious from these days beautiful landscapes local place. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Kirilov for organizing this excursion, and for technical advice during the writing process of this article.

The first was the high-rise building on Kostyukova Street, next to the Volodymyrsky residential complex. This 18-surface booth stands on the hill, so it is one of the most important points of the place.

In any place, high-rise buildings will always be favored by operators of a steel connection - a non-linear antenna is installed here.

These antennas come in two types. The panels are straight-cut, similar in shape to a marshmallow - the antenna of a steel bond, or “sector”. Through them, your mobile phone or modem communicates with the core unit - the base station. Consider the number of connections to one base station with sector antennas installed under different layers to ensure communication between subscribers on all sides. For optimal coverage (both technically and economically), the base stations should be arranged in such a manner that the pattern of their placement is consistent with the use of the term “steel joint.” In fact, it is rare to find ideal subscribers, because their development is influenced by other factors, such as terrain, the possibility of installing a BS and the number of subscribers. Sector antennas are also installed directly in the alarms to ensure the signal in the middle of them. Zokrema, indoor sectors are installed in the middle of various Belgorod shopping centers (City-Mall, Mega-Grinne, Rio etc.), otherwise your mobile phones would not pick up traffic there.

Round antenna - radio relay (RRL). In addition to such antennas, there are connections between base stations, as there is no other connection between them. This kind of transmission is called radio relay transmission. When installing 2 antennas, it is important that the signals are clearly aligned one to one (this process is called adjustment), because with less intensity the signal becomes weaker, changing the bandwidth. Antennas can be of different diameters (from 30 cm to two and a half meters) and operate in different frequency ranges (depending on the type of spillage, the type of locality and the operator’s convenience).

The base station is the location in which the equipment is located. This could be a container, a fence in a building, or a thermo-shade. The container is supplied with an external 3-phase power supply of 380 volts. Electricity flows to the entrance panel, from which the supply voltage is supplied (air conditioners and fire alarm systems). Type of input power supply panel DBZh (dzherelo uninterrupted life), which I’m re-inventing zminny strum at constant 48 volts, which gives more power to the base station. In the photo - the equipment and DBZh racks of the GSM base station.

GSM base station stand in the middle.

Dzherelo uninterrupted life. At the base station and the existing transport network (internal blocks of RRL antennas, multiplexers, etc.) there are different lifespans, and when the life of the transport network is turned on, the fragments may “wipe out longer.”

The base station is the lowest level of the edge hierarchy. Dozens of geographically connected stations are connected via cable to the BSC (Base Station Controller, base station controller), which provides control over their performance and a variety of processes, such as handover (subscriber switching from one єї stations to another without interruption of connection), updated installation and signaling, and update the robot parameters. Shafa controller.

Installation of the controller.

Optical trunk multiplexer (a device that combines a number of different data streams for transmission over one link).

BSC is a serious transport school with a lot of radio relay, optical equipment, critical to the power supply, so in the event of a power outage it is equipped with large batteries (pictured) or a diesel generator set (diesel generator).

The core of the network in the local area or region with which the base station controllers are connected is the MSC (Mobile Switching Center) - an automatic telephone exchange or switch. The MSC itself determines where to send calls, and also processes calls from external networks (Minsk, other operators) and provides information about the complexity of the issues and service to the billing center. The network structure of the network is necessary for smooth deployment - even if MSC, for example, is required to implement the handover function and other functions of the base station controller, the demand has increased again. For laying support lines between regions, fiber optic cables are used, which allows for the immediate transfer of large data flows.

The more common word “Simka” is similar to the English shorthand SIM (Subscriber Identity Module, prepaid card identification module). The skin card contains IMSI (International Subscriber Identification Number, international subscriber identification number, the same number that is written on it in fractional digits). When you pick up the phone, it transmits the number to the BS, the alerts then go to the BSC and then to the MSC. MSC queries the operator's database (HLR) about the presence of such a subscriber, and about those who can provide services to him (either by paying a fee or being connected), and then registers him in the VLR - the time-hour database of subscribers who are in zone of activity of this MSC subscriber (this includes both subscribers of this network and roamers - subscribers of other networks, Narazi connections before it).

GSM (similar to Groupe Special Mobile) - a mobile telephony standard that has been developed in Europe, which has actually become standard (they want to develop other standards, for example, CDMA, which is popular in America). This standard is oriented towards voice data transmission. Third-generation networks (UMTS), which are used to display bandwidth, are called 3GSM and which use the HSDPA protocol, which significantly increases transmission speed, even more tailored to the data, although However, GSM measurements via 3G can still make a call. While LTE is in the 4th generation, it is completely optimized for high-speed data transmission (though in Russian realities there is a lot of development in the operators of the so-called “transport network” - the totality of resources and capabilities How to transfer great obligations of information and other branches of these obligations behind base stations).

The photo below shows the LTE base station. If the electrics are broken, the batteries should be worn for another 5 years.

A great move for the development of Swiss mobile internet Russia has a shortage of radio frequencies. You can’t just install the device and start servicing, you need to immediately remove the permission to the vicinity of the frequency. However, the frequencies necessary for the development of such boundaries are often reserved by the Ministry of Defense to the standards of the 60-70s of the last century, if the needs were wide ranges. The production (“conversion”) of such frequencies for civil communications is an expensive and complicated procedure, both technically and bureaucratically. In addition, even before the beginning of 2013 in Russia, according to the law, frequencies were seen only under specific technologies, and the company selected the frequency at which it was allowed to provide GSM-call services, there are no small rights in Ikoristovati qiu frequency for LTE. Because, for example, Tele2 did not take away its current frequencies for 3G and 4G, long time ago I couldn’t print the service of the Swiss mobile Internet.

Let's turn a little from the technical side and look at all the sides. From this little house you can see the place as if it were on the valley. Let's look at the center. In the middle is the Moscow administration. The Transfiguration Cathedral looks across from him. You can see the diorama “Vognyana Arc” and the art museum, Lenin Park.

The monument to Prince Volodymyr looks even more terrible from now on.

BelDU building.

Train station and Misky beach.

"Technolog", in the distance you can see the districts of Stare Misto and Mel.

Internal subsurface of the residential complex "Volodimirsky".

Need to figure out the cibul

And of course, panoramas. Bilgorod, what a beauty!

With great neighbors (unfortunately, the weather was not ideal, although the sun was shining, the wind was thick with serpank, regardless of the delayed contrast, it was not looking very good.

How can one marvel at this on the other side? The lower half of the place is called “Kharkiv Mountain” by the people.

The next object we saw was the 70-meter Stilnikov's vezha not far from BDTU.

Antennas are installed on the walls, and base stations are installed in metal booths. The vezha itself is sharpened with parkan and thorny dart, so that no one climbs there.

To climb the climb, you need to be in good physical shape. I want to go to the gym for the whole hour, finally starting to get tired. And Kirilo, such a hefty jock himself, showed how to climb on her, still pulling on the importance of possession.

But the process of climbing itself was not without success. That's great. There is no life insurance - try as little as possible.

The Radian radio relay antenna, which is not being tested, was installed in the 1970s, since it is too difficult to dismantle through its opening and dimensions, so it will continue to hang here. This particular cherry is old and was created even in those hours, because most of the cherry trees that we are familiar with appeared at the time of the rapid development in Russia of the rosemary plant.

The installation of such towers requires the assistance of a helicopter. The assembled parts of the structure with a load of 2-3 tons of leather are transported to the site on long-term tractors, after which the machine lifts them, and the installers fasten them. Red-white barley, which increases the visibility of the design for lethal vehicles, which is apparently prescribed in the Handbook for the operation of civil airfields of the Russian Federation. This coating can be applied to all high-rise structures, including factory pipes.

On high towers, like in high-rise buildings, installed red fires of light fencing, necessary for the same purposes, like painting, but in the dark hour to achieve.

As a rule, one property is owned by several companies. The property itself, in this case, may lie with only one operator (and the others will pay the rent), either together or with any other organization that does not engage in contracting services, but rather creates the object for rent. Recently, more and more base stations have begun to appear in Russia.

A small tree blows in the wind - that’s how it goes.

I want to become a baser more and more.

Microdistrict Novy-2, what will happen, and garages, so that the beast will be reminded of three some kind of Latin American places. The surrounding garage cooperative is entrusted with a living massif - this is such a day-to-day radyanskiy wine that at the end it exclaims wonder.

Gubkina street, Khargora.

The BDTU building can be seen a little far away in the middle. Right-handed in the distance is the Misky beach. In the hills of evil there is a high-rise where we lived peacefully.

A beautiful view from the dahu. At the very left part there is the beginning of the Bolkhovets district and the entrance industrial zone (the yellow flame on the horizon is the quarry of a cement plant). Livoberezhya district, center of Khorkinoya (blue budivlya), BelDU, Peremoga park, forgotten cottages, Suprunivka district, Zaliznytsia, Salyut district, two small TV stations, Shchorsa street (it would be more correct to call it avenue), Sfera shopping center, Ky district.

Peremogi Park Central part place, Suprunivka.

Vulitsa Shchorsa.

Two Russian televisions - the old one (left-handed) and the new one. At night the stench is intense. It’s even harder and harder to spend on them (unlike Vadim Makhorov).

Plekhanov and Gorivtsia streets.

Zakhidna industrial zone (cement plant, Energomash, Belatsi).

One of the shortcomings of Bilgorod lies in the fact that there are practically all kinds of historical monuments here, which makes it of little use for tourists. The pre-revolutionary ones are pinpointed at the center, but they swell from the sides. There are no old streets here, like those in the Tuli, Yaroslavl and Volodymyr districts, or even a couple of streets with Stalinist architecture. Soon the entire center will be forgotten by concrete high-rises, and other areas will be replaced by such rich surfaces. The panel booths in the foreground are characteristic of the 80s, which further represent the typical everyday architecture of Belgorod residential areas.

Washing of ceramic lining budivel. The cream of new buildings, which are often used for restoration from the era of Khrushchev and Brezhnev - square buildings, which even after two years of whitening begin to look shabby, being veneered, look like It’s natural and aesthetically pleasing.


We finally got up to the big plant “Electrocontact”. At the Radian clock, the plant was damaged due to electrical problems, but in the 1990s it closed due to unprofitability. At the same time, offices and shops and workshops are being refurbished as warehouses or empty.

At the end of the day, one of them was diagnosed with radiothyroidism.

Such a quiet duh.

I entrusted the location of one of the city's monuments, the wooden church of the holy martyrs Vera, Nadiya, Lyubov and Mother Sophia. 2009 has an epic reaction zgorіv, lest they start again.

Dakhi workshops will tell you the streets of an abandoned village. Tsikavo, how can you spend it there?

Gorky Street and the Shchorsa-Korolov-Gorky Circle.

I’m not afraid to say that the educational plan had the most important excursion from the exits of the Exclusion Zone 6 years ago. What I love most in the world is industrial insider excursions, if you can admire those that are around us, closely connected with our lives, and the little-known and hidden people on the street.

Having visited Dubovoy (on the outskirts of Bilgorod on Sundays near Khargori). Hello Nastya :-)

Such a quiet and welcoming residential area. Most of it is occupied by cottages.

Whose fate will be found here by asking for the city complex, which has been around for a long time (though, judging from the vodguks, it was asked more intellectually).

If you come to the pedestrian area in the evening above the private sector, which separates the ground and rainwater parts of the place, you can meet Volodarka Kiz. How many can be added to the list of God's darlings?

Progulyankovy chavny on Veselka.

Why are today's graduates so big? I weighed 55 kilograms at the age of 17, and now I’m amazed - they’re just like men and women. Chantly, the wines of the hungry nineties, with whom we grew up :-)

Consider the view of the sun that goes beyond the Belgorod University, associated with J: Morsov’s song “Pavitra”, but at this moment it was wonderful to realize that summer has not yet begun, although “Spring” is so welcome I said until last week, “ Voplіv Vidoplyasova” somehow didn’t fit here... It would be useful to understand that the stars in me are so necessary to link soundtracks to everything.

With you I fly there, for summer, there, for summer,
There, my soul, flows over the edge.
With you I fly there, for summer, there, for summer,
There, my soul bears me for the evil.

Summer grew and laughed with us,
Summer shared its warmth with us,
And in the evening it screamed so unbearably
Blue sky with gold and wine ©