Office Tab: what kind of program does it look like. Office Tab what kind of program, how to get it and see it

Everyone knows how it became possible to manually work in a single window of the browser with the appearance of tabs, as it is possible to switch between to the critical parties. The authors of the Office Tab utility inspired this idea for the programs Microsoft Office.
The cost-free version of the Office Tab utility allows three of the most popular Office programs (Word, Excel and/or PowerPoint) to open files in okremy tabs one vikna. When you freeze no-cost version Even bears.

Paid versions are available: Office Tab - $25, Office Tab Enterprise - $35 (
Support the work: Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010
Support Operating systems : Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8
Home page no-cost version:

Let's take a look at the main points that blame the hour of work on this program.

Installing Office Tab is not surprising. In master, krіm іnshhogo, koristuvachevі it is recommended to choose, with some MS Office programs pracyuvatime given program: Word, Excel or PowerPoint, or all at once (div. Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Installed Office Tab

After installation, selected Office programs will have an add-on panel, on which tabs for opening files will be available (div. small.2).

Office Tab is allowed to complete by selecting parameters for customization. Koristuvach can activate or fence such parameters (div. small.3):

- Close the tabs to the underside of the clicks of the left button of the mouse or the button;
– click on the toolbar to open a new document;
– replay when closing all tabs;
- Command of key combinations.

Fig.3. Office Tab Preferences

On the supplementary deposit (div. small) you can make a deposit:

- Choose the style of the tabs;
– specify їх parameters and layout;
- set the font parameters for displaying and name the file on the insert (div. fig. 4);
– adjust the color scheme for the tab bar, inactive tabs and active tabs okremo.

Fig.4. Additional parameters office tab

click right button Click on the tab to click on the context menu with a wide range of commands (Fig. 5).

From the new one, you can beat the following:

- Vіdkrittya that sberezhennya document;
- Rename open document. What, in my opinion, is already handy;
- Blocking tabs;
- Show the parameters of the tabs.

Fig.5. Office Tab context menu

Consider such a function of the Office Tab, as a database of selected documents by analogy with Internet browsers (Fig.). To add a document to Vibrane next to the next tab to open the context menu, in which to return to the item Favorites (Vibrane). Crimia of great importance for the completion of documents Vibrane that keruvannya by them, you can also do it backup copy and import vibrated.

Razpovidat about those, naskilki sruchny, and at the same time simple in mastering the embedded interface, it’s not varto, shards of coristuvachi and themselves can be converted into cioma, vicorist tabs in web browsers.

Correct, in current browsers tabi have already become a globally accepted standard, so without them navigation on global network and all the impersonal information that won't be avenged, would become commemoratively folded and unhandled.

In the meantime, the Microsoft company hasn't been paying much attention to such an idea for more than a decade. Zokrema, Internet Explorer albeit in 2006, we’ll stop from the rest of the main browsers, having removed the ability to highlight tabs, but basic capabilities among those, for example, wine tabs in the okremі vіkna, were added to the programs recently, with the release of the ninth version.

As for Windows and Office, there are no more tabs there, more for everything, no sooner. Therefore, we encourage you to marvel at a number of the most advanced utilities that implement the idea of ​​tabs in Microsoft programs.

The first of them is enough straining appendage QTTabBar , as a means of impersonal various modifications and navigating the selection of additive plug-ins. The program is compact in general terms: starting with the installer and ending the memory of what you are doing, it is absolutely cost-free. At the time of writing, the current version of the material was Beta

If the installed program was not activated by itself, then enable the tab bar (and also enable the add-on panel, as it matters to you) by pressing the Alt key on the keyboard and in the menu View -> Toolbars, check the boxes next to the appropriate positions .

Other options for QTTabBar can be done richly, which can create difficulties for the bark-ear, it is more movable for the program interface for locking - English. In order to repair, import the Russian current file and install it, specifying the extension of the archived file in the utility settings (General tab).

For the main tasks - the creation of tabs at the conductor Windows utility cope wonderfully. New tabs can be created in a number of ways: for example, just drag and drop the folder onto the panel or move the cursor and click on it.

And best of all, we were honored with the option that allows you to convert all the inputs to Narazi explorer window in a single window with tabs.

The context menu of the tabs of that panel in QTTabBar may be more options, lower in any modern web browser. Tabi can be fixed, grouped, cloned, ordered and instructed at times, so you hastened to close them.

Nowadays, the use of a web browser without tabs is unacceptable. Days to review sites okremikh viknakh a long time ago, wanting one of the first-needed tools on the skin computer still saves data for the skin session of its own.

It is obvious to go about Word, the most popular in the world text processor, which is the key part of Microsoft Office. Vіn until this day I do not support the work with tabs, but, if you want to use more of the other products of the software giant, you can expand your ability to use additional third-party tools; you can add tabs, for example, for the help of Office Tab and in this short article, we will tell you how to do it.

Rozrobnik kazhe, sho yogo software security Totally for Microsoft Office 2010, 2007 and 2003, there were no issues reported during the same period when using Office Tab in connection with Office 2016 Public Preview.


Download the program from the official site. The installation file is about 14.4 MB, which is not to blame for taking a lot of time.

Install Office Tabs. Under the hour of installation, select Office programs, to which you need to add tabs. Word is the obvious choice, but Office Tabs allows you to work with Excel and PowerPoint tabs.

On whom everything. Now open Word or your program, until you want to add tabs; vzdovzh top panelіnstrumentіv you podachite result of the installation.


As for example, the procedure for installing Office Tabs did not take the “Change the settings” ensign, so you can still do it, as you allow you to set the style and behavior of the tabs.

Even though it didn’t work out, yoga can be launched manually, vicoristo the shortcut on the work table.

Zvіdsi can be changed old look tabs, and okremo for Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

Office Tabs offers a lot of personalization possibilities: you can customize the style of the tabs, size, font, color and style.

To shut down the update, the program will automatically close and re-open all active Office windows. Tim is no less, Office Tabs are available and in the middle of themselves office supplements right-click on the mouse on the tabs, de stink of chivalry without restarting Word, Excel or PowerPoint.

Office Tabs is expanding like a smartly cost-free program. The trial full-functional period is 30 days, after which you need to pay 29 dollars to win the program.

Have a wonderful day!

Office Tab - what kind of program is it and how does it work - often asks for MS Windows messages from push-based systems.

The Office Tab platform gives you the ability to work with multiple documents that appear as tabs.

Tse allow me not to whisper the name on the panel, or at the list, which helps to save a little bit of the last seconds.

There is not enough time to adjust the display of documents in the tabs.

It is not necessary to know one of the remaining versions of the platform, choosing the most recent (paid or cost-free) option and using Office Tab.

Versions and installation features of Office Tab

The idea of ​​​​creating a utility for fermentation Microsoft Documents Office in tabbed vinyl in 2008 is distributed by the Chinese company Extend Office.

Zavdyaks to the retailers of the platform all popular programs, which comes up to the standard office suite (from Word to Visio), can open files in four tabs, or in one window.

You can find the homepage of the free version of the software at the address:

Porada: it is best to get the official addendum from the resource of the retailer, lower the need to install the evil version, which, if possible, can clear the bad code and pose a threat to your computer.

There are three versions of Office Tab:

  1. bezshtovna, free edition that does not help purchases and does not intersect the possibility of a koristuvach;
  2. paid, Office Tab $25;
  3. refurbished, Office Tab Enterprise Edition $35.

Swap free version:

  • the impossibility of a one-hour notice, saving and closing all documents, swedish renaming files without using the “Save Yak” command and blocking them;
  • included in the list of Tab Center programs is only three main programs - Word, Excel and PowerPoint;
  • possible problems PowerPoint for 64-bit Windows.

Activation is required only for the paid version of Office Tab, as it will allow the functionality of the platform to improve.

Enterprise Edition is supported by an expanded number of styles (11 in the remaining versions) and a mix of Office versions, similar to MS Office 2016, which is not yet available.

Part of the cost is important that in the installation of paid versions of Office Tab there is no particular need, but most people work with Word and Excel themselves, practically without blocking such programs, like MS Vision.

It appears on the screen that you can enter the activation key (basically after the end of the 30-day trial version), just sing it out and just ignore it.

Conclusion: Office Tab Center is the main center of the platform, which allows you to customize the style and color of tabs, enable hot keys and change the colorization of the panel for the skin program from the MS Office package.

Features of Office Tab

The program may be impersonal, zavdyaki yakim and koristuetsya popular among koristuvachiv.

  • First of all, the smut of them is the simplicity of vikoristannya. Behind the help of the platform, with one click of the mouse, in addition, in the same time, the necessary number of documents is revealed;

  • High functionality of the context menu, reach as far as possible by pressing the right mouse button on the tabbed tab or tab bar. In addition, the menu duplicates some of the commands of the great Office, allowing you to access other commands;
  • Possibility to save files with one push. If you open a small document at once and make changes to them, you can not spend an hour on skin protection. Enough to squeeze in context menu Office Tab "Save All" button and all data will be saved. This is how you can close a group of files (command "Close all"). Functions are available for the non-cash version;
  • Efficiency of managing a group of documents, including adding new files to it and adding them to the entire list of documents Office programs;

  • Possibility to use on the panel of tabs I will name the file again, and not the part, which can help with the work with the dekilcom documents, which are filled with more than the remaining characters in the name (for example, works1.doc, work2.doc and work3.doc);
  • Easier document renaming (less paid versions). If you select the "Save as" option, you can simply go to the context menu and select a new file name. The document is saved over alternative option. And if you need to create only a copy, leaving the original untouched, you still have to hurry up with the command “Save the yak”.

Among other achievements, you can note the low resource resource of the program, not so remember for Vlasniks hard computers, but it is important for koristuvachs not to have a productive technique.

You can reach the root of the Office Tab of the same software package that is Office, and the platform is no more than PC memory, lower than the standard set of Microsoft tools.

It is important to move the tabs, with the bare function of dragging and moving between them (wicory mouse or combination of keys Alt + tab number).

You can speed up Office Tab and personalize the tabs by customizing their colors, or choose one of the styles of the program collection.

And one more plus of the platform is the support of a large number of people, including Russian.

One of the few shortcomings of Office Tab can be called a change in the visible space on the screen for the tab row (for locking, the panel takes 40 pixels in height, although you can change the value).

This feature can be important for the owners of small monitors or laptops.

However, for a great modern PC, this minus is not such a sufficiency, like an increase in the quality of paperwork.

Tabs in Windows and Office

Installing Microsoft Office tabs for help Office Tab is equally clumsy. For that koristuvachev, no more than a few quills are needed.

The sequence of actions for the elimination of the possibility of being squashed by the platform is as follows:

  • Get Office Tab from the official site. Medium rose installation file do not transfer 15-20 MB (Enterprise Edition is larger for size);
  • Install the program, selecting the program in the process, where you will be given the opportunity to open a sprinkling of tabs one hour. Most koristuvachiv choose Word and Excel, more like PowerPoint. To complete the entire package, select all programs (only for paid versions);
  • Vіdkriti vіdpovіdny addendum that reconnaissance as a result of the installation of the platform;
  • Adjust colors, width and other parameters of the panel of tabs.

You can adjust the characteristics of displaying the elements of the Office Tab either through the control center (addition, which you can find in the Start menu or on the desktop), and also in the skin open program MS office.

The platform allows coristuvachevi:

  • change the color of the panel, change the color and size;
  • improve the ability to close the tabs under the scroll wheel clicks or the left button of the mouse;
  • set keyboard shortcuts for swedish access to platform functions;
  • make sure that a new document is opened for additional underwire clicking (plus on the right side of the list of tabs, like in rich browsers, the addendum is not transferred).

On the special deposit "Style and color" you can adjust these parameters.

The style can be selected from the standard set or set the value of the color of fonts, panels, active and inactive tabs.

From the context menu, you can choose the following, like:

  • vodkrittya that saving the document;
  • renaming the document (Crimea free version);
  • blocking of open tabs;
  • wickklick menu nalashtuvan.

The settings will be saved after you close all active MS Office programs. When you see them again, you can change them - a different color, width or position.

Add tabs not only to MS Office, but to Windows Explorer for help tsієї w platform is impossible.

To implement such a possibility, it is possible to get another utility - QTTabBar, after which the robot at the explorer begins to guess the behavior of browsers.

What is Office Tab - and how to use it - nutritional support for Microsoft Windows, which is often installed.
Office Tab (office tab)- the whole program, as I create the possibility of working with other documents, working with tabs from them.

This way allows you to quickly orient yourself on the panel near the list, while saving a few precious seconds. Nalashtuvannya such tabs v_dbuvaetsya dosit shvidko.
Koristuvach is guilty to know the rest version platforms and choose required option Office Tab, wine-free and paid.

1. Features of this version of Office Tab

Such a utility was first introduced in 2008 by China's largest company, Extend Office. Because of this platform, packages of office programs from Word to VISIO can now be displayed in one window, switching between tabs.

Porada: the best way to do your job is to manage the official addendum of your own interests on the retail site. Pirate versions Office Tab can protect against viruses and more.

office tab new track versions:
1. Bezkoshtovna, so Free Edition, this version does not need to be purchased, moreover, it does not interchange the functionality;
2. Paid version of office tab costs $25;
3. Improved paid version of office tab cost $35;

Bezkoshtovna Office version Tab is surrounded by the possibility:
- one-hour savings, closing and closing documents, change file names or otherwise;
- less access to Excel, Word, Power Point;
- Some problems with Power Point x64 version.

Activation requires a paid version of Office Tab to expand its functionality.
Enterprise Edition - allow you to choose styles widely, as well as the sum of the Office MS Office 2016.

2. Features of Office Tab

Soft maє masu won, for what won and fell in love with the coristuvachi.
- Simplicity is the first, and the main feature. For the help of simple work with the platform, you can open the necessary document with just one click.

- Context menu - even more functional. You can go to the new one for the help of RMB on open a tab, or the tab bar. Of course, you can duplicate a small part of the commands in Office, while simplifying access to these commands;
- Save files with one click. You don't need to save an hour to save a skin-enhanced file, even if you can now access all files with one click, you will need to press "Save everything". Also, to close all files, you can click the "Close All" button. These functions are available in the original (no-cost) version.
- Simplicity and clarity of copying a whole group of documents.

- On the panel of tabs, the name is displayed again opened file, and chi is not yoga part.
- Documents can be easily renamed, or even less in the paid version of the program. Instead of the item "Save Yak", you can go to the special menu and select your document and name it. The document will be saved on top of the existing one. In order to get rid of the original, it is short-lived, to speed up by the standard method of saving through the button "save like ...".
Even if other advantages are sunk, it is undoubtedly small amount of resources to use programs.
You can tweak Office itself, or you can use Office Tab, with which you can change the memory consumption of your PC and other resources of your programs.
Another feature is the ability to move tabs for the help of a simple drag and drop, as well as simple navigation between them. Alt key at the same time with the number of the tab. Vikoristov's platform is more than rich, which makes me happy.

The middle of the short Office Tab is a change in the visible space for working with documents for a row of tabs. Ale tse can be vydkorigovano for the bajannyam of the koristuvach.

3. Windows and Office tabs

Installing tabs for additional office tabs is not such a laborious process. Koristuvachevi need a few seconds to complete.
1. Download Office tab. Keep VIN up to 20 megabytes.
2. Install yoga and select the program, as it will be necessary to open the tabs at the back of the window;
3. Vidkriti need a program and marvel at the working platform;
4. Adjust all the parameters: width, color and other.

The platform gives the following possibilities:
- change the position, expansion and color of panels;
- nalashtovuvati close the tabs;
- Set special combinations for quick access to one of the platform functions.

The “Style and Colour” tab will have numeric parameters adjusted. The style can be selected from the standard set of styles, or add panels, active tabs, fonts and more.
The special context menu can have the following options:
- Saving the work with the document;
- Change the name of the document;
- blocking one of the tabs;
- Menu.
Nashtuvannya will be saved after closing all active programs MC Office. Vіdkrivshi їх on new, again you can change the color, size, position and other.

You can add other tabs that are not MS Office, but not on any platform. For whom to happen to turn to another utility - QTTabBar.

4. The complexity of the programs

Office Tab can be used with the usual Microsoft office suites.
In case of skin problems, there is support for Russian language, as well as for the choice of the version of the program for a fee or free of charge.
Work with other office packages LibreOffice, OpenOffice do not podtrimuyutsya.

5. Office Tab Visibility

It so happened that the office tab is not needed and it is necessary to see it, it is enough to use low standard ones:
- go to "PU", give "Program View", or "Programs and Components";
- have anyone know the Office tab and see the distance.
Office tab delete tabs with addenda at once.