How to set up a printer connection. One printer for all computers

Establish two main ways to grow computer accessible printer home measure :

  • connect it directly to one computer and give access to the new access to other computers in the merezhі;
  • connect the printer as a stand-alone wire attachment.

Do you have different descriptions for both types of Windows. However, be sure to take a quick look at the supporting documentation of the model in order to take into account the details about the specifics of the installation and the adjustment.

Configuring access to a sleeping printer

Traditionally, the widest way to access the printer in the home is to connect to one of the computers and Windows for double access. Tse is called a hot printer.

The advantage of a double-sided printer is that it is an attachment for a USB printer. Yaki wadi? The head computer is always at fault, but other computers in the same area cannot access the bed printer.

At the front Windows versions Establishing access to a sleeping printer can be easily folded. And the function of the new Windows 7 home partition, the so-called home group, makes the process much easier.

If the merging is set up as a homegroup, then the printers will automatically be given access to those files.

If the home group is already set up, and if the mother needs a sleeping printer from the other computer in the home group, hover below.

Connecting to the homegroup printer manually

  1. On the computer to which the printer is connected, press the Start button, select the item Control panel, enter home group ask the floor and choose home group.
  2. Perevirte, ensign Printeri installed. (Even so, install yoga and press the button save the change)
  3. Go to the computer, which is necessary for the vikonati druk.
  4. Open the Homegroup folder.
  5. Press button Install Printer.
  6. If the printer driver is not installed yet, select Install driver.

Note: Once the printer is installed, access to the new printer is enabled through the dialog box. signet be it a program, like a printer, without intermediary connections to a computer. To select a printer, it is necessary to turn on a computer, up to a certain number of connections.

Setting up a merging printer

Merezhevy printers - extensions, which are connected without interruption to the merezhі as autonomous annexes. Zdebіlshoy stench vikoristovuvalis in great organizations. Now it's not like that.

Printer brewers are widely promoted for inexpensive inkjet printers laser printers, serve as home merging printers. Merezhevy printer has one great advantage over hot printers: stinks are always available.

Use two main types lace printers: conductedі bezdrota.

  • The wireless printers have an Ethernet port that connects to a router or hub via an Ethernet cable.
  • Dartless printers call to connect to the home line for help Wi-Fi technologies or Bluetooth.

On some printers offensive functions are introduced. In the instructions, which are included with the model kit, it is indicated how installed.

Built-in printer, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth printer

  1. Open the window "Add printers".
  2. Press button Printer installation.
  3. At the master installed printers select Add a wired, drotoless or Bluetooth printer.
  4. Select the required printer from the list of available printers and press the Next button.

    As necessary, install the printer driver on your computer by pressing the button Install driver. On the request, enter the password of the administrator or confirm it.

  5. Vikonaite additional instructions Maystra and press the Done button.


  • First, connect them to the computer, switch over, what you can do to your printers.
  • To check that the printer is working correctly, charge the side of the test.

At the age of digital technologies, a skin apartment has a computer or a laptop and more than one. It's an hour to come, if the koristuvach is working on the printer's supplies. Even more expensive, just for an hour and a penny, having bought a larger printer, there is no need to go to the post office or ask friends to send documents or photographs.

Mayuchi two outbuildings lost the connection of the printer through the mesh, which gives the possibility to other outbuildings independently. Have tsіy statti mi rozpovimo how to give access to the printer by local measure. In order to connect the printer to a certain location, it is necessary to set up an attachment, to which the printer is connected.

Computer setup, to which printer is connected

The printer kit has a hard disk software security just kazhuchi drivers. Having installed the printer at a handy place, one wire is connected to the electrical outlet, and the other one is connected to the computer (at the left USB port). When the connection of the printer to the computer is turned on, the device will be initialized, after which it is necessary to install the driver from the disk.

Varto to restore respect for the installed operating system and its capacity. Not all drivers that go with the printer can go to your windows. The kit with the current printer driver is suitable for Operating systems windows 7, 8, 10 and axis for more old version Windows is not like XP. Come change windows or search for drivers on the Internet.

Allows access to the printer in the local area

Also, the printer is connected to the computer and installed, the other one is connected to the standard scheme. In order for the printer to be accessible through the mesh, it is necessary to step on it.

Go to Start \\ Control Panel \\ Merezha and Internet \\ Center for Management of Merezha and Internet Access \\ Additional parameters access

Here everything is just like in the pictures below.

After that, as all the parameters are set with the pictures, we move to the next section. Start \\ Control Panel \\ Sound Control \\ Printer Add-ons

You can see your printer, select “ Printer power»

In the bookmark " Access put a tick next to the row Hot access to which printer»

Obov'yazkovo go to the "Safety" tab, select the group "All" and allow others.

Usі, on the computer before any connection, the printer has been configured. It is recommended to restart the computer.

Nalashtovuєmo computer, for some other friend.

The computer, prior to any connection, the printer is connected and set up, allowed access through the network to the printer. Now we've got another computer, which is known to be different.

Go to Start \\ Control Panel \\ Sound Control \\ Attach printers.

Embossed behind the "Install Printer" button.

After clicking on the "Install Printer" button, it will appear at the end, in which you can select "Add a smaller, drotoless or Bluetooth printer".

After windows system automatically searches for available printers from the local printer. How the system knows the number of attachments (printers) is selected by the one to which it is necessary to connect. If the computer does not boot up the printer, reset the local measures and reconfigure the computer until the printer is connected.

Under the hour of the connection, the system will be powered up once about the permission to install it, and it will be necessary to install it for the new driver. Let's try to proponate the weather and emboss "Dali".

After whom the list of donations appears remote printer From whom you can drukuvat without problems.

At this article, they painted it in detail in detail how to connect the printer as needed.

Updated - 2017-02-16

How do I set up double access to the printer? Until you know what local merezha, then nachebto and not even consider the ineptitude of work without it. But if you already know її advances, then you want to beat them for new program. I'm right!

It is unreasonable to rush from a flash drive from a computer to a computer, as if there is one type of one in a pair of meters. And in order to get on the Internet check your cherga, while other households get rich there. Try it, reach out to them for an hour.

So hiss, what you forget, now you need the Internet. Here you don’t waste a few hundreds of rubles anymore, abi mothers of their specialty wandered into the expanses of the All-World’s Web, and take care of their rights, without bothering anyone.

We already fixed it, created a bedroom for all the computers in the area, now the time has come to fix the printer from the open access.

How to set up sleep access to the printer

On the computer, to which the printer is connected, open the window Printers and faxes (Start - Setup - Printers and faxes) . Vіdkryєtsya vіkno Printers and faxes . click right button click on the connected printer icon. From the menu that you see, choose Hot access.

At the vіknі, scho vіdkrylos again, on deposit Access set jumper to text Full access to your printer . Don't chip anything else. Click on the button Zastosuvatiі OK .

Now your printer icon should look like this. On niy z'appear a small picture of the infamous access.

  • Let's move on to another computer, until you need to connect a printer.
  • Open folder merezhe otochennya (or behind the icon merezhe otochennya on the working table, or through Start - Installation - Panel keruvannya - Merezhevі connection - Merezhev otochennya - Display the computer of the working group.

  • At the next vіknі you choose the icon of the computer, on which the printer is installed and vibrate її її podvіynym clats.
  • In the new window, click again on the printer icon.

There will be such a record, in which you will be asked to install the necessary drivers. Feel free to press the button So .

Zreshtoy z'appear axis tse vikno.