Smart alarm clock Smart Alarm Clock: Your "sleepy" reminder. Fitness bracelet with a smart alarm clock.

Tim, who loves to sleep in vranci and for whom the whole tragedy becomes a necessity to get up early, will be in good fortune, as it appeared on the market not so long ago. This is a smart alarm clock, to make it easy and comfortable to wake up early. The same about tsіkaviy vinakhіd lyudstva i pіd mova in statti.

If it's better to skip?

The hour of reprimand should not pass in one go. Increase the number of one phase change the length. The best option, in my opinion, is awakening during a light phase. How to wake up the alarm clock in that period, if the dream is deep, then you may be aware of the roaring and thinking, there was no nightly wake-up call.

Ale buvaє and such an option that, having slept well enough, a person is charged with a great amount of energy and spend all his coming day. Tse, as a rule, seems to be the very one who has thrown himself under the Swedish Good, like a person can do it himself. Well, if you don’t go out like that, then the helper of the current attachment will come to the rescue.

smart alarm clock for iphone

The alarm clock can be prepared, for example, at the sight of an attached outbuilding, obtained with an Android gadget or an Iphone. Ale so vin can buti and vbudovanim in mobile attachment or special so-called fitness bracelets.

If the language is about a smartphone, then it is absolutely necessary to download special programs for it, in order to activate a smart alarm clock. "Android", for example, may have a variant called Smart Alarm Clock.

Smarter Sleep Time

On the Iphone, you can install Sleep Time. The addendum functions as an advancing rank: start the alarm clock and put a handbag with a pillow. The screen is at fault for straightening down. The phone will read the mind of the people and in such a manner the phase of sleep has come. If the necessary hour for awakening is approaching, wine will be activated. In this rank, Vlasniki affirm, a smart alarm clock with phases of sleep guarantees the reception of early mornings, depending on the vigor of the spirit and spirit of the spirit.

Razumne zastosuvannya Pillow

Another powerful addendum is \u200b\u200bPillow. In the wake of sleep, you need help with special sensors: a microphone and an accelerometer. In such a rite, there is a rush for an hour of sleep and a breath. Іsnuet paid і no-cost version supplements. But the main function works in both of them. With the help of an alarm clock, the volume starts from zero and gradually reaches 70%. As soon as the screen is touched with a hand, then the density will decrease and after a few seconds the sound is gone. Ale, the mechanism will work again after ten minutes in the same mode.

Intelligent Smart Alarm Clock

For Android, as you might guess, you can download Smart Alarm Clock. The addendum works in approximately the same order as described above. For the new available next functions:

  • you can independently choose, in the very phase of sleep you want to throw yourself;
  • all sounds are recorded;
  • statistics are kept for i їх phases;
  • special music is promoted for hoarseness, as well as for awakening;
  • available weather forecast.

Reasonably zasosuvannya WakeUp OrDie! alarm clock

This program is also recognized for Android. Yogo is respected as one of the last ones. Sound a smart alarm clock with the phases of sleep, having tried to wake up your master, lock and give a little sleep, and then re-announce yourself. Alece doesn't exactly describe WakeUp OrDie! alarm clock. Priya will call until quiet feast, until some kind of green monster in the new one is not known. And for whom the smartphone needs to be shaken hard.

In fact, there’s no way to add money to this addendum, the vlasniks signify. Everything that can be done, set the necessary hour, turn on the vibrating function, and also play a gradually growing melody.

Rozumne zastosuvannya "Buddhist"

tse cicavi appendage. With this activation, an enemy is created, so the lie will wake up not an electronic attachment, but a real person, only unknown. In order to take away the unimaginable possibility, you will be registered in the beginning special service, After which you set the required hour. Now you can lie down and sleep.

If that very moment “iks” comes, the next registration of the coristuvach of this service will wake up the “sleepy”. Mayzhe at all types of links for one and the other side are without koshtovnymi. Vinyatki become less of a call for those who are roaming.

stationary alarm clocks

We will expand the most among similar types of alarm clocks from Axbo. The gadget is shaped like a box with a processor in the middle. A special wristband is attached to it, for which the frequency of the heartbeat is taken into account for an hour of sleep. In this way, a smart alarm clock is like a bi-watching phase of sleep. Pratsiu pristriy vіd mezhі, i zrazumіti yogo essence does not represent special \u200b\u200bfoldness.

Ale tim, who still hesitates about the need for this anniversary, varto for the cob to try zavantazhity without cost or pay supplement to a smartphone. Then you can add up an exact idea about the new one. Koristuvachs think about good things, grow independently in the new easily.

Well, what if you put together a reasonable alarm clock, prepare +/- twelve thousand rubles. I'll build the purchase myself in such a sum.

Fitness bracelet with a smart alarm clock or an anniversary?

Not so long ago, small and handy gadgets became a part of our lives. However, until now, there are no unambiguous thoughts about the reason why the stench is necessary. The pristry actually helps to keep your physical health under control. You need to spend a little more time during the day, spend more time for meals and spend an hour of training calories when doing sports.

Having put on such a bracelet on your hand and going to the gym, you can not worry about those that you will miss such an important call, about which you know too early, otherwise you will come unmarked SMS notification. The gadget can be impersonal in the presence of sensors that allow you to use the most advanced functions.

So, under control, now there will be a heartbeat, which you can beat, if the training is strong, and if it’s better to swell and complete її. Ale smut, what to call us, a reasonable alarm clock. The bracelet helps you sleep in the same way as in other gadgets. Yogo roztashovuyut on the hands and lie down to sleep. Ergonomic design to rob attachment may be incomprehensible, which is even more important for an hour of sleep. You will not be on the hands of the wines. Ale for especially spontaneous natures and you can get around the need. You can attach a pill with a gadget without a tool to your night pajamas. I will continue so easily to read the necessary information to wake up your master in the distance for this hour.

The range of prices on the outbuildings will vary in terms of staleness depending on the functionality that is introduced into them. However, at the moment it is practical to use the simplest add-on with a sensor of a smart alarm clock. Outbuildings can be supplied in a different price range, the variance is priced at a thousand rubles and up to sixteen thousand and more.

The only advantage is the waterproofness of the bracelet, so we can work with it at the pool, or when you take a shower.

Larger serious outbuilding of a similar type smart alarm clock. The stench is filled with significant functionality and effective beautiful design. However, at the same time, the anniversary is more cumbersome. Therefore, sleeping with them for some people can be problematic and unhandled. That vartist tsikh outbuildings is richer than bracelets. So, the range of prices fluctuates between two and a half thousand to sixty-five thousand rubles and more.


It only takes a while to add that you can normalize your sleep. Obviously, you can reach someone and not victoriously call the best smart alarm clock, but on your own. Ale pristriy can help in the harvesting technique. And if you lie down to sleep at once, then you can guarantee your own healthy sleep, so you can wake up. If so, you will be self-conscious all day long, and you will be able to earn more.

Fitness bracelet is important and necessary for rich riches. More and more people are becoming aware of the need for smart fitness bracelets in everyday life.

The main dissatisfaction of the spozhivachіv viklikano tim, scho in persecution for new technologies and zbіlshennya funktії smart - bracelets іnоdі not look stylish and fashionable.

Until that time autonomous robots the bagatiohs call out narration. All the same, there is no relation to fitness bracelets, which are recognized as being in the right direction. Sports bracelet with a smart alarm clock - handy rich.

Fitness - bracelets are designed to monitor the appearance of the activity of your hairdresser, freeze all life important indications of the body, and when you wake up, a smart building alarm clock wakes up and informs the hairdresser in times of consumption.

Fitness - bracelets with the function of a smart alarm clock, if you want to transmit information to other attachments, if not equipped with smartphone functions, and do not stay outside.

The presence of a touch screen or the presence of a small economical display will increase the practicality of the extension.

Yaki є models of fitness - bracelets with the function of an alarm clock

With a skin day \u200b\u200bcompany makers improve the models of fitness trackers, they are more practical, handy and accommodating.

The first in fashion is the fitness bracelet from the company Jawbone, from which the popularization of these intelligent devices began. This was a wonderful and rich novelty. The bracelet is not a clear-cut humovy belt, which, not being afraid of water, and believed it at a low level of charge, which was already a great victory. Vіn vimіryuvav kroki, vіdstan, counting vitrachenі calories, but not vimiryuvav pulse.

At the right place to play sports, these fitness bracelets will help you:

The appearance of trackers in the Apple branded stores of the wet collection prompted other manufacturers of electronics to think about the development of similar devices. So, the first bracelets with pulses and a smart alarm clock appeared. The retailers corrected the shortfalls of the front and made more comfortable and finished functional sports bracelets.

fitness review Xiaomi bracelet mi band smart (video):

For the rest of the year, the leather virobnik presented his purpose to the public, and the quicker saw the three most popular and daily respects of fitness trackers with the function of a smart alarm clock.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our other articles:

The smallest bracelet for active people. Remind the damage from insufficient material, but the company hopes to replace the choice of any color more conveniently for those who care for better sight. Behind the functionality of vin maj masu brown supplements and possibilities. At the new one's crocodile, win the distance and increase the calories, analyze, collect information every hour of sleep.

Switch to sleep mode automatically. And, obviously, the main thing among gadgets is in the case of portable electronics, here a smart alarm clock comes into play. It’s not only acceptable to wander around with him, but it’s very good for health. It’s better to roll more quickly through the light vibrations, even if the body is defiantly receptive, lower the voluptuous alarm clock at the appointed hour.

Look at the number of fitness bracelets:

The giant of the world of technology and electronics did not leave the sidelines and also presented his copy of a fitness bracelet with an alarm clock.

Virobnik is more scrupulously pіdіyshov to the creation of his miracle. Bracelet wiyshov dosit mіtsnim and viyshov to the light market in different colors.

Simple and eye-catching in design, you can use the control button on it, light and standard USB socket.

Vіn, yak and all the followers, and brothers, having taken away the defense of vіd vologii and the saw. What is the cost of functions here everything is standard, there are all sports capabilities, as well as the possibility of synchronization with a tablet and a smartphone. Navit in Russia and active in sports, you can get lost for a call.

The function of a smart alarm clock cannot be awakened in a deep phase of sleep, and sleep will be healthy and healthy. And the reception of the vibration will please, quiet, who is tired of the annoying sounds.

One of the most popular and affordable bracelets in this segment.

Watch the video look at this wonderful fitness bracelet:

The fact that it’s not just a bracelet, but a fitness bracelet is a reasonable alarm clock and a screen, on which the birthday is supposed to be and all the information about the active activities of the koristuvach, has become a thing of the past.

Look at this bracelet:

For the beginning of a robotic gadget, it is necessary to synchronize again with the device. Install on smartphones special program, For help, you can choose those basic functions, as needed.

Vin, as well as other models can have all the sports functions of fitness bracelets. Also, the zavdyaks of synchronization from the PC are talking about alerts and notifications, missed calls.

A short look at fitness bracelets with a reasonable alarm clock once again confirmed that choosing gadgets of such a level is necessary and respectful, without wondering at the practical functionality of the same, all models may have shortcomings and advantages. What is the cost of a designer's solution, tse, vzagali, an individual choice of skin.

Newly needed smart alarm clock for fitness bracelet

Crimea, announcements and such necessary functions, like a crocomir, a heart rate monitor and additions to alerts, a smart alarm clock - this is an addition and the building of fitness bracelets is important for your health.

A bracelet with a smart alarm clock helps the body to see sleep, fixes all changes, and also becomes dynamic in a calm period. The main function of the smart alarm clock has become the creation of a painless and receiving awakening after sleep.

Properly programmed years monitor all stages of sleep, and the gadget wakes up the sleepman only in the light phase, so that he wakes up less painfully, to the sound of the alarm clock set for the song hour.

We urge you not to mean that it is necessary to get up about the sixth wound, to wake up about the nine, that it is so much better. A smart alarm clock vibere I listen to whilin in tasks at an hour interval, so that the work is not important for the work of an important zustrіch yogo vlasnik.

How to tease you a smart fitness bracelet with a smart watch and an alarm clock, to show respect on the Popular SmartBand Intelligent.

Vіdmіnny variant of the economy-bracelet, get yoga on the website of Aliexpress.

"Fitness - year"! Be happy, athletic and active! Write, what do you think about which drive, what kind of gadgets do you use and why?

We write retailers Viaden Mobile.

Far from skin can boast in my mind for the first sound of the alarm clock, get a little more strength and energy and badioro to work on the robot, or start a post-rank soul and light sleep. І sonyachniy summer wound, and vzimku mi vdtyagayemo moment vlazit іz quiet, warm bed until the rest.

Naturally, our entire company, from retailers to designers, is well aware of the situation, if without a break you rearrange the alarm clock "well, for 5 minutes" and you come to work without a mood and with a five-year delay. From such a dosvіdu i was born conceived smart alarm clock.

Obviously, the idea of ​​​​an alarm clock, which registers the phase of sleep and wakes up the koristuvach at the most appropriate moment, is not new in the open App Store. Therefore, we tried to include in our addendum to the maximum the original and original functions (such, for example, like recording the sound at night - listen to everyone, about what the stench is based on your dreams!). And smut, we were virishily working in a right way to work the alarm clock, and not just an addendum, which is small, but absolutely enough schedules for sleep.

Smart Alarm Clock is especially popular in the USA, Germany, Italy and Russia. Vdyachni vodguki koristuvachіv please and sigh for further improvement of the product.

Also, hello Smart Alarm Clock!

To briefly explain the principle of the work of the Smart Alarm Clock, then the supplement for the help of a built-in accelerometer analyzes the flow of sleep and, on its basis, determines the current phase of sleep. It seems that the shallow phases of sleep - the phase of light sleep and the phase of light sleep - are optimal for waking up, at that hour, having slipped into the phase of regular sleep, the person becomes aware of a lack of strength and scorching "looseness". That's why the alarm clock wakes you up in one of the shallow phases at the intervals of the hour.

Before that, the main feature of our alarm clock is to record the noise at the hour of your sleep. This original function is to allow you not only to laugh at your clumsy mimicry, but to analyze what, if you want to sleep, and how to fight against it.

Ale about everything in order.

The first task for us was the creation of such an alarm clock, a kind of pіdіyshov to the owls, and larks - to people with different sounds, relishes and the order of the day. Therefore, in the Smart Alarm Clock, there are 4 modes of operation with a different set of functions.

Selecting the Optimum wake-up mode, you set the hour until which you would like to wake up. Smart Alarm clock to run through the sleep phase and wake you up in one of the optimal phases closest to the specified hour.

The sleep quality monitoring mode is one of the many reasons why we are proud of the Smart Alarm Clock. This mode has a unique sound recording function among the alarm clocks in the App Store. Leather sound teaser, whether it be your muttering or dream, or the cries of a noisy company on the street, there will be recordings and hits on the graphics. Moreover, all the sounds are recorded so you can listen to the lies! This mode is the most victorious at the weekend: it does not transmit a wake-up signal.

In mode Exact hour waking up Smart Alarm Clock to wake up your sleep phase and record sounds, and wake you up exactly at the time you set.

I for example, new mode: Waking up in the body and monitoring the phases of sleep, recording sounds, and waking up at the optimal hour for the body. It can be said that it is the most popular medium-sized regime!

And now let's take a look at the alarm clock scheme in order.

For the cob, go through the calibration stage. It is also important to set the level of sensitivity of the accelerometer in the fall of your mattress, and other factors. right work alarm clock and correct identification of the phases of sleep is rich in why to lay down the same type of calibration and sensitivity settings.

It is even easier to go through the calibration - it is only necessary to put the device on a soft surface and twist the arm around it. If the skin is running as a signal, then the alarm clock is correctly calibrated. Well, if the alarm clock misses the rush, or it reacts to the smallest shurkhit, it means that it is necessary to adjust sensitivity in the distribution of Nalashtuvannya.

Now comes the most important part of the program - a selection of melodies for sleep and awakening. Chi will vy prokidatisya pіd spіv ptahіv or the sounds of the metropolis and zasinati pіd noise of the wood or crackling the fire in the fireplace - vibіr will follow you. The increased density and trivality of the tracks allow you to secure the most comfortable sleep and soft awakening. You can choose your favorite song from the iPod library!

Otzhe, all the preparations are completed, the mode of appeals, the apparatus lies on the bed, the melody is played in love ... Goodbye, licorice dreams! We can relax and fall asleep, at that hour, like an alarm clock, only its own respectful to the robot. The night of the night you will watch our tossing and turning in bed, write down our inconsistency mumbling, draw a sleep schedule and analyze yoga, wake us up in the best hour for the body.

All night the alarm clock registers your fluctuations, from the sleep phases. It seems that the optimal awakening occurs in one of the phases of non-deep sleep. That signal will sound in the phase of REM (sweet eye movement) or light sleep, I’ll get closer to the awakening hour you set.

Why, throwing yourself and stretching licorice, show that your body is already a match of strength and energy for a new day, and not faint-heartedly whisper to you, "Well, let's lie down more crumbs!"

Now it's time to review the sleep schedule. Vcheni z'yasuvali, that our sleep is cyclical, and skin phases for nothing are repeated a few times. Obviously, in the skin of the phases, we collapse differently, the most active, if we are closer than anything to awakening. This explains the anger and fall of the schedule, as well as the building of the alarm clock for the help of an accelerometer to recognize the phase of sleep.

Behind this graph, it can be seen that during the night the sleeper went through the phase of REM sleep 6 times, 10 times the phase of light sleep and 5 times - deep sleep. You can remember that the phases try to sleep for an hour. So, for example, the phase of deep sleep becomes significantly shorter in the vicinity of the wound.

We guarantee that our Smart Alarm Clock will fit the same schedule for your sleep, and not just the curve. It was protested by the koristuvachs themselves: how to cheat and put attachments on nothing, not on a light, but, let’s say, on a late night, a lie, you see an alarm about those who didn’t register any good for nothing!

I, nareshti, the most intriguing and loved by our koristuvachami function - sound recording in the afternoon. Now, even if you see a dream, you tell the verses, or you see secret appearances and passwords, you can still listen for the help of the Smart Alarm Clock. And even more seriously, this unique feature among the most popular alarm clocks in the App Store can help you make your nightly alarms more comfortable and effective. Having listened to the noises of the night, you can talk about what made you sleepy, and how you can solve this problem.

The skin of awakenings inadvertently people will tell you that the most important thing is to sleep a little more. Otzhe, now you have the opportunity not only to sleep, but also to hang around and restore the reserve of life forces for the help of the Intelligent Alarm Clock!

Golovnya zavdannya roznachny alarm clock to bring people to sleep as comfortable as possible. Many scientific studies have brought that the body of a person, sharply torn from sleep, is subject to serious stress. Start the delicate and reception awakening procedure - smart alarm clocks themselves are involved, you can buy such a gadget on the website of our store.

Smart alarm clocks can sound different technical characteristics, Intelligent alarm clocks are practically used by all types of devices according to the principle of registration of microdestructive devices for the help of sensitive sensors. The actigrapher is widely used in professional polysomnography for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep problems. The method of foundations on the basis of accelerometer, which fixes people's movements.

The main advantage of a smart alarm clock is that the building's attachment designates the most optimal sleep phase for awakening. Thousands of people know about the ranking stress in a miniature gadget. More serious is the problem of sleeplessness, demonstrate the results of sales. Smart alarm clocks work according to a simple algorithm. In nalashtuvannyah koristuvach set the hour of pidyoma. Thirty minutes before the recognized term, a reasonable alarm clock starts monitoring of physiological activity. As soon as the program is attached, it will show that the hairdresser will wake up in the early phase of sleep, the “quiet” ring will be activated.

The uninitiated koristuvachev can think of bluesing about those who happen to be thrown in the first year earlier, lower it is necessary. However, in practice, it is delicate vibration in a physiologically distant moment to lead to natural awakening. People are easily thrown, we are good and in a good mood. For especially “important” vibrations, the function of setting the frequency of the vibrating call has been transferred. Koristuvach can vibrati chi will vibrate the alarm clock once in the maximum distance of an hour, or you will repeat the ring of the skin sprat of whilin.

Programming characteristics of intelligent alarm clocks are based on folding, richly component algorithms, so they don't care about their own heads. If you don’t show a sign of early sleep in the assignment, the alarm clock will be sent at the exact hour of the assignment.

Recommended by companies-makers of smart alarm clocks, the price always includes company programs with the possibility of regular firmware updates. Smart alarm clocks combined with accessories on iOS and Android platforms.

Richly smart alarm clocks can be used as standalone attachments, and more often in connection with a mobile gadget. Setting the alarm clock can be asked directly in the annex or as an addendum. At the ceramics of the koristuvach, you can find a description of the nailing and їх detailed look. A smart alarm clock to wake up the spymaster when the phone is connected to a smart phone. At the link with a fenced-in memory, in the annexes with the option of autonomy, a coristuvach can set the value of one, maximum two or three alarm clocks.

Depending on the choice, intelligent alarm clocks can be applied to various power elements. The battery, which is recharged or not recharged, the batteries are safe from a decade to a decade of work and reasonable alarm clocks. Buy spare batteries chargers, mesh adapters that other possession is possible in the distribution of the sum of accessories.

The price of smart alarm clocks depends on a variety of factors - form factor, brand popularity, hardware and software. Smartphone functions, intelligent alarm clocks can transmit and analyze information. Koristuvach can help the monitoring of looking at clear diagrams and smart graphs as an addition, like smart alarm clocks. The sales of the gadget in the form of any manufacturer is supported by guarantee and technical support.

Tandem with a smartphone to create smarter and more functional smart alarm clocks. Advice from real correspondents will help you choose and buy a smart alarm clock, pick up software settings. Virobniks of such models demonstrate the functionality of an intelligent alarm clock, collections of melodies for calls, music and specially selected noises, for wake-up call before going to bed.

The list of our articles is devoted to the problems of work with Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and other types of fitness bracelets, which work with Android and iOS. In the same article, I’m talking about how a smart alarm clock works on the Mi Band, as the advantages of this function and the most important one - how to activate it.

Remain the most important, shards, for some reason the cause of the call is not becoming an active Smart Alarm function. On Xiaomi Mi Band 1s Pulse, an alarm clock, which focuses on the phase of the sleep of the bracelet owner, turns on the firmware level, but in Mi Band 2 they didn’t think to wake it up. It’s even more wonderful, even though the bracelet has already taken this function for itself, but after collecting information, nothing can be done from it, it’s like analyzing it for a wild development. Let's look further, how to turn on a smart alarm clock on Mi Band 2 and then work with it.

Robotic principle

Later, as it has already been said, the sleep of the tracker's sack is seen as focusing on changing the pulse, but if you don't wake up the sack, and that yogo happens to be terrified. Help us with a program called Smart Alarm, so that you can get started without Play market or the App Store (for iPhone).

The principle of robotic milking is simple:

  • A standard alarm clock is set for the singing hour;
  • 30 hvilin before the set hour, the program was downloaded to synchronize with Mi Band 1s Pulse / 2 and on the basis of rechecking the streaming sleep mode, it is possible to wake up the spy earlier;
  • If the flow mill has become optimal for the output of the new one, then a signal is given.

Pokrokov's instruction

Speed ​​up on Xiaomi Mi Band reasonable alarm clock

  1. First of all, you should activate all current alarms: system alarms, in Mi Band 2 Func Button (a program for setting up ringing alarms for the functional button of the bracelet), in Mi Fit, etc.
  2. Let's go to the Play Market or the App Store, you need to get the addition of the Mi Band Smart Alarm.
  1. run given an addendum Set the language to turn on Bluetooth.
  2. Please enter the add-on and go to Mi Fit, where you need to go along the path: Profile - Attachment - Mi Band and copy the Mac address of our bracelet.

  1. Then turn to XSmart Alarm and enter the copied value in the address field (in the field).

  1. Pressing "Reverse". If the synchronization is successful, you will be informed about those that the fitness bracelet is aware of, as well as the charge of the third battery will be indicated.
  2. Below the designated row, there will be blocks of three alarm clocks, which can be set for the required hour. When choosing a type, it is necessary to know what kind of smart type is called - XSmart.
  3. You can go to sleep.

Trochs about the phases of sleep

First, start a smart alarm clock, it is necessary to wake up the phase of sleep, as it is indicated by the Mi Fit addendum. This knowledge is necessary to understand, if the bracelet itself can vibrate at once with the ringing of an alarm clock. In fact, the phases seem to look like diagrams, and a deep, deep sleep and sleeplessness are debilitated.

Naturally, the most important statistics are those that overcome a deep sleep, or become a greater part. Ale mova go about the alarm clock, which, ring, optimally respects the stage of light sleep and gives a signal.


From the mustache of the above, you can add two visnovkas. Firstly, the robot of a smart alarm clock will have to be implemented through an addendum software security. In a different way, as the master of the Vikorist's fitness bracelet, as a unique controller of his health, it is obligatory to follow the statistics of the phases of sleep that are collected at night.