Unable to save printer settings 0x000006d9. Pardons "didn't get far to save the printer parameters" and їх solution. Ways to solve the problem

I live! As in the previous topics of this year, I’ll arrange for others today, as in the process of building work, we see different pardons, the adoption of which will allow you to achieve a good result.

In today's article, we will look at one of such pardons, but about everything in order. Oh, let's go...

Pardon 0x000006d9 when installing a printer

Let's take a look at this situation, if you are trying to connect to a printer, which is connected to another computer. Basically, such a method of connection, for example, in offices, in enterprises, in installations, decoupled locally, the system is calculated.

And first of all, connect to the printer and I am guilty of “sharing”, in other words, give global access. Yakraz at this stage and blame pardon 0x000006d9.

A pardon of this kind is caused by the fact that the Windows Firewall (Firewall) service is enabled on your computer. Basically, such a pardon is blamed on local networks, where computers are connected to Active Directory and, as a rule, Firewall is simply broken there. With you, we will turn it on for the hour of installing the printer, and then turn it on again.

Press "Start" and in a row type a search => "Services".

Now next double click on the service "Windows Firewall" and install - Startup type - automatically.

At the end, press "Stop" and "Start".

After that, I will next go back to the printer's authority and check the box "Super access to this printer" and save set value. As a rule, the next pardon is 0x000006d9 not guilty anymore z'yavlyatisya. We will help you to turn on the Windows firewall by selecting "Startup type" => "Automatic" in the parameter.

However, if the pardon continues to appear, then it will be more advanced.

At the center for managing fencing and overhead access, the following steps should be taken to turn on the fencing parameters.

and activate the next parameters, as shown in the small box below.

Later, on this year's article, I will complete, I agree, the information was for you effectively brown and crinkly. Be sure.

included access it is necessary for the printer if it will be copied through a copy of the cloud records of the computer. The majority of the cases were given the procedure to pass successfully, the proteo іnоdі аlєyає pardon under the number 0x000006D9. She will tell about those who cannot complete the operation. We have given two methods for solving the vinyl problem.

When saving the parameters of the possession of the service through the other hand, it turns up to zahisnik Windows. Even if the faults are turned on, or for some reason, without correct explanation, then the problem is considered. You can fix it with one in an efficient way, The other one, which we can describe, is only possible in this situation, if the first one did not bring any result.

Method 1: Turn off Windows Firewall

Even if the Windows firewall does not automatically work, it is an endpoint matcher, which confirms the completion of the process of granting global access, simply do not know the available points and see a pardon. Therefore, the correct decision would be to launch a succubus for an hour of the procedure. You will find the burnt instructions on these topics in our other articles below.

Sometimes, after activation, it will shut down again, or after another hour it turns on, so the access is still not open. Then next turn on antivirus program, Yaka and interrupts the firewall robot. Read about those who want to know in the upcoming material.

Method 2: Cleaning and updating the registry

In case of granting a secure access to the current or I will add for the first time in the registry, the same rules are saved. Rarely, through a large number of time files, or failures, it is not necessary to go to the printer. Since the first method did not bring any results, it is worth cleaning the registry.

After purification by one available methods next change the pardon, and then restore the components. You will find out the fireworks on this topic in our other articles.

when organizing tether access to computers i additional outbuildings often blame problems. This is due to the unprofessionalism of the taxpayer or the failure of the parameters when using the PC decals. Today we’ll talk about those that are blamed for the pardon “I didn’t get far to save the printer parameters” with the code 0x000006d9.

For more information on the subject of obov'yazkovo, please familiarize yourself with the presented video.

For the cob, we briefly see the main reasons, through which we can blame the breakdown:

  • The first step is to turn on the firewall of the operating room Windows systems. As if on an annex, from which a line is organized, a service is given, then problems and pardons are blamed when connected.
  • wrong patching local lines. A similar pardon can be blamed for this failure, as on the PC it turns on full access to files and attachments.
  • Poshkodzhennya merezhі that obladnannya. In this way, program methods cannot be done. If the language goes about organizing local measures at the enterprises or in the office, then the next step is to turn around for help to the masters.

Otzhe, pochnemo z usunennya first cause. Starting the Windows Firewall is possible through the Control Panel or System Settings. For whom, take a look at the presented curry:

  1. Right-click on the Start icon, to select the “Parameters” item in the menu.
  2. Now open the distribution of Merezha and the Internet.
  3. On the Ethernet tab, go to the "Windows Firewall" window.
  4. Now the required distribution of the control panel is being shown. For help from the side menu, go to the functionality of enabling and enabling this service.
  5. You need to switch the parameters for private and suspended tiers in the upper position, in order to save the change with the OK button.

For some types, it is necessary to launch the service through a special Windows utility. For її vikoristannya zrobіt step:

  1. Find the appendix of the "Service" and open yoga.
  2. In the list of services, you will find the position with the name required programs and double click the bear.
  3. On the screen will appear a window of authority. For the “Zahalni” deposit, it is necessary to change the launch type: set the “Automatic” option. Then I manually start the firewall and save the changes.
  4. Now it is necessary to restart the computer and rewire the connection to the printer.

The attacking crock є allowed for access to the printer. Don’t rob anyone, on mesh computers There is a pardon with the code 0x000006d9. Who needs:

  1. I am reopening the window “Parameters”, as described in the front engraving.
  2. Go to the "Pristroy" branch.
  3. In the first tab "Printers and Scanners" enter the name of your printer and click on it.
  4. At the same time supplementary list select the item "Management".
  5. Now move on to the powers of the printer.
  6. For other contributors, allow full access to Tsey Priya and save change.

І the rest way, I will be in favor of you, even if the previous methods did not lead to a positive result. You need to activate the visibility bar and enable global access to printers and files in this way:

  1. Vіdkryte system supplement"Parameters".
  2. Now go to the "Merezha and Internet" section.
  3. At the "Stan" tab, go to the parameters of the main access.
  4. Here it is necessary to enable the settings as shown on your screen and the screenshots below.
  5. Save change. After that, restart the computer and change the ability to connect to the printer.


Otzhe, we have looked at all diї, yakі may be vikonat cross-border koristuvach for the correction of the pardon with the code 0x000006d9. If there are no additional options available, it may be necessary to re-configure the local network. Describe your situation in the comments, and we will help you to understand it and I will listen to you gladly!

If you are reading this article, then, with great ease, your work is of an office type. And all to the fact that the bosses forfeit the money and vvazhaє underestimated purchase of an okremium printer for a leather robotic machine. System administrators otherwise, you know, with the honorable title of “tyzhprogrammist”, to build a local network, for the help of which, you can get access to one MFP. And once on the monitor, a message may appear with the text: “I didn’t get far to save the printer parameters pardon 0x000006d9”, as a side effect of the overworld economy. Let's take a look, as if we were going to get drunk.

When will you win a pardon?

As a rule, given a pardon blame after changing the software or hardware configuration. It's tied up with the Windows firewall on the computer.

Іsnuyet and other reasons. The essence of their field is in wrong patching local barriers or physical faults in the possession of a fence or computer possession.

fixing problems

For the correct operation of the printer (because of the presence of problems with the network and possessions), you need to install the MFP with the firewall turned on. If necessary, after the completion of the necessary diy yoga, you can turn it on.

Let's look at all the details of the report:

  1. Press "Start" - "Parameters" - "Merezha and Internet".
  2. At the "Ethernet" tab, click "Windows Firewall".
  3. At the window, click on "Enabled and enabled Windows firewall».
  4. Select "Enable", as shown in the screenshot and press "OK".
  5. Next, you need to turn on access to the printer. For whom, go to "Parameters" - "Attachments" - "Printers and Scanners".
  6. Select your attachments and go to the "Management".
  7. At the vіknі press "Change the power".
  8. In the “Access” tab, check the box next to “Great access to this printer” (in my add-on, this option is daily).
  9. Ready!

Nothing helped

If the problem persists, then try to turn on the detection line and enable global access to files and printers.

For whom:

In today's statistics, we will see the pardon 0x000006d9, which can be shown as soon as you try to see clear access to the printer you need. The new text of the pardon looks like an upcoming rank:

Ring out, you see a couple of reasons, vidpovidalnyh for the appearance of pardon. First, given problem may show up through deactivated in the Windows firewall system. In another way, pardon 0x000006d9 could be caused by incorrectly setting up local lines for the printer, for example, such lines are often created in office environments, where a whole bunch of workers is brought to one printer. However, pardon 0x000006d9 can also appear through hardware failures of the printer itself or fencing computer.

How to fix the pardon 0x000006d9 pid hour of setting up the printer

The pardon 0x000006d9 pіd hour of setting up the printer is often blamed through a deactivated Windows firewall. Let's see how easy it is to work with your printer - step forward:

  • open "Parameters" of your computer;
  • go to the "Ethernet" tab and click on the "Windows Firewall" button;
  • click on the link "Enable and enable Windows Firewall" in the classic window;
  • put a tick next to the items about the inclusion of a firewall for private and public domains;
  • reopen the “Parameters” of the PC;
  • go to the "Pristroy" section;
  • go to the "Printers and Scanners" tab;
  • click on the printer connections to the system and click on the “Management” button;
  • click on the link "Printer power";
  • go to the "Access" tab in a new window;
  • check the box next to the option “Global access to this printer”;
  • close all windows.

Try to give the printer full access again - pardon 0x000006d9, better for everything, bula was usunen. Prote yakscho won't still blame you - try to give full access to files and printers, and activate the display line. Shchab tse tse, you need vikonati stepping on:

  • re-open the “Parameters” of your PC;
  • go to the "Merezha and Internet" section;
  • go to the "Stand" tab;
  • click on the item "Parameters of global access";
  • check the boxes next to the options “Enable tethering” and “Enable global access to files and folders”;
  • save changes in parameters and close all windows.

As soon as you finish digging into the parameters of the hard access, try to "expand" the printer - pardon 0x000006d9 will be sing-songly used. We spodіvaєmosya, what Danish material helped you to fix the swindle for your possessions.