Wi-Fi repeater: pros and cons. Wi-Fi Repeater - a gadget for strengthening the signal

Wi-fi repeater - one of the most effective ways zbіshiti zone rozpovsyudzhennya signal. In the midst of a large number of propositions, one should win over the most expensive options from a specialty store, otherwise one does not want to pay a higher sum for those functions. Others need to learn more, how to fix a wi-fi repeater from China, which will be a pleasant connection to the Internet.

The installation of robots and repetition is done through a web browser. Carry out the procedure as soon as possible through the computer, having installed the front doors between the outbuildings.

How to connect repeater to PC:

  • disconnect the attachment by inserting it into the socket. At this moment, the robot indicator will light up. It is recommended to trim the repeater on the shortest version of the computer;
  • to get a light indicator, like a wireless repeater. In the other case, attach the tails for the auxiliary cable;
  • The repeater is responsible for being among the available dartless strings, in the name of the figure repeater. Click on the icon and select "connect";
  • if there is a notification about a new router, someone will be asked to automatically installed and nalashtuvannya, at the vіknі it is necessary to press hyperforce with the words “connect to the border”.

When the Internet is completed, the Internet will automatically turn off, and the pictogram of the connected extension will appear in the tray. Let's start with the installation of a Chinese wi-fi repeater in the interface.

Setting parameters

The installation is necessary for connecting to the required wi-fi system and the inclusion of the main function - expanding the coverage area.

How to set up a wi-fi repeater from China:

  1. IP-addresses of the repeater are entered in the address bar of the working browser, which may be indicated either on the new one itself, or in the instructions. To set up a wi-fi repeater from China, you can dial;
  2. for the offensive, enter the word admin and for the login field, and for the password field;
  3. in the menu, the connection mode is set in the "wireless repeater mode" field. Select "Repeater Mode" and "AP mode" for the dartless and dartless connection;
  4. in the future, you need to know your wi-fi measure from proponing, click on it and confirm the pressing of the “Apply” button. For visibility, enter a password;
  5. as there is no need for a line, it is necessary to change it, having pressed “refresh”.

On notification about the success of the completion, write: nalashtuvannya chinese wifi repeater completed. More interface is not needed, and the signal level can be at maximum.

There is no access to the interface

The previous instructions describe the sequence of actions for a merezha with short-term lashings. As if changes were made, then the imovirnist can not be put into the interface. In such a mood, you have to set up the computer in the front.

wi-fi repeater must be used before repeating the signal, and it is necessary to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwi-fi coverage. View correct alignment repeater to store the level of the output signal.

Setting up a PC for the daily access to setting up a repeater:

  1. The repeater socket is connected to the computer with a cable. You need to know and click on the "measurement control center" and select "Change adapter settings";
  2. far away the icon of the local border is pressed. By clicking on the rest right button, the row of "authority" is selected. The new window needs to select the upgrade of TCP / IPv4;
  3. A menu will appear, in which you click on “victory to step on the IP address”. After that, in the fields IP, mask, gateway, the following parameters are entered:,, is valid. On which nailing is completed, the “OK” is pressed.

Setting up a PC without access to the repeater panel

If all the savings are over, the entrance to the interpreter's interface is guilty of appearing in the distance. Changing the parameters of the PC is not recommended without the need, that is, without absolute responsibility, as there is only one snag in them.

For a recently purchased repeater, it is not important to carry out the entire description of the process more, as there were no changes in the settings of the computer earlier.

Too many people are facing some problems with the instructions of the goods of Chinese manufacturing, but the versatility of the installation of repetition eliminates this problem. If so, the result of the match will be remembered as a new indicator equal to the wi-fi signal.

Presentation wireless WiFi Merezhi at home and in the office for a long time no one has been visiting. However, often, when trying to organize it, a problem arises - the standard coverage radius of the access point is not enough.

The reason for this may be too large an area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication, unmanageable planning, or a sprig on top. To strengthen the signal, it is recommended to use a wireless repeater (repeater, repeater, repeater).
Wall Powered Wireless Signal Repeater is a special gadget that connects to a normal socket, “connects” to the router “by repeat” and strengthens the signal, thereby increasing the WiFi coverage area. You can buy yoga from China at any online store for a price of $8-10. But none of them hinder the “visitation” on other, more expensive imported models. You can get it from most digital technology stores. Behind the functionality, such a repeater looks a little like Chinese, and from the cost of wine it will be 1.5-2 times more expensive.

Zavdyaki repeater coverage area significantly increases. With this mesh, you will be deprived of wireless (wireless), and the speed of the Internet connection can be reduced. If you have already had a chance to use a wireless mesh, then you will know: what is the greater distance from the router (distributing WiFi) to the outbuildings that receive the signal (laptops, mobile devices), and the lower speed.

The repeater not only moves the coverage area of ​​the fence, but also sends a signal. Therefore, the loss of speed may be incomprehensible (especially if you win a high-quality connection), and the axis of the stability of the robot is markedly moving.

Pratyuє repeater is simple: know if available for connection hotspots(that the repeater is guilty of being in the coverage area), connects to the required, and then transmits a signal to the distance, beyond the coverage area.

Most repeaters have two modes of operation:

  • Repeater Mode - for a wireless connection (required router);

In this way, the repeater allows you to not only strengthen the WiFi signal, but also distribute yoga.

Starry look

In appearance, the repeater is small annex. on top panel ring out 3-4 indicator lights (to tell you about your readiness to work and the possibility of failure). On the side you can find the input for the LAN cable and a small button "reset" to reset to factory settings.

At the kit, sound the instructions for English, adapter for euro outlet and LAN cable.

Connecting to a computer

To set up the repeater correctly, it is not necessary for computer genius and mother to have special knowledge. The whole process of borrowing from you is no more than 10-15 minutes.

  • Insert the repeater at the socket with the computer (if it is not turned on before, then the red light is to blame - Power Indicator) and check the sprat of whilin;
  • If you have a victorious connection, then connect the repeater to the router behind an additional LAN cable;
  • after the next sleeping lamp (Wireless Indicator), which means that the repeater has connected to your network and started distributing WiFi;
  • now repeater can be found in the list of available dartless meshes (in the tray);
  • find new attachments in the list, click with the bear and press “connect” (the name may have the word repeater, so the repeater connects first and its name was not changed);
  • windows to see the system notifications about those that “the router has not been installed yet” and ask for it to be updated;

  • it is even more important at this stage to learn and to know in the following order “to connect to the fence without the front installation of that lashing”;
  • after pushing on a hyperpowered computer, it will automatically connect to the repeater, which means that you have lost the Internet.

Web interface

As soon as the computer connects to the repeater (to check the default icon in the tray), you need to go to the web interface and set up some parameters. For whom:

  • open any browser and register it in the address bar of the IP repeater. For locking and typing “enter” (information can be found in the instructions on the official website of the compiler). Qia addresses can be sent for a Chinese repeater;
  • As soon as the IP will be entered, it will appear in the window of authorization at the web interface. Here you need to enter your login and password. Standard data: admin/admin;

  • if you eat it before the menu, you can fix the repeater;
  • here it is necessary to enter the first upper block of the menu "wireless repeater mode";

  • It needs to be changed, it is necessary to select the mode of the repeater's work. How do you vicorist wireless connection, then choose "Repeater Mode", otherwise - "AP mode";
  • because we need to strengthen the wifi signal ourselves, thereby increasing the area covered by the fence, select “repeater mode”;

  • to show up later, de pristriy more shukati available for connection WiFi network;
  • select "apply" to confirm or "refresh" to update the list;

  • if there is a password on your account, you will need to enter it;
  • recoil automatically adjusted merezhі, after the completion of which, the Wireless Repeater Mode window will notify you about those that the operation was successful;
  • To close the notification, press "close".

Even before that, in the menu without a dart, the strength of the signal was weak (1-2 wives), then at the same time, having opened the warning, you can remember that the signal is working on the ground. After all the machinations, the repeater can be moved further along the premises, thereby increasing the coverage area of ​​the fence.

Usunennya malfunctions

After locking, the computer allows you to take a drink to the web interface of the repeater. However, if you happen to change the local borders, you can't see it.

If you do not want to log in to the web interface, if you want to make sure that the IP address entered is correct, you will have to reset the computer.

Robititse is necessary only in the extreme fall (as you can not go to the web interface in a row).

  1. connect the repeater to the power line, and then connect it to the computer for an additional LAN cable;
  2. open "Measurement Management Center and double access»(via control panel or tray);
  3. on the side, find "Change adapter parameters";
  4. the folder is displayed, it is necessary to click on the “local merge” icon, click on context menu, and then press "authority" - fixing TCP / IPv4 (you need to change version 4 of the protocol itself, not 6).

At the vіknі, write down the following data:

  • IP:;
  • Mask (per lock):;
  • Gateway:

Save the changes and try again to access the web interface of the repeater.


Like a bachite, the repeater will correct the true price and beat all the functions declared by the compiler, and will strengthen the signal itself.
So, in order to carry out tests for swedishness, you can remember that there is a small decrease (it is equal to the robot without intermediary). But the whole thing is explained by the passage of the signal through the walls or on top. In addition, it is possible to vicorate yoga to ensure the stability of wifi networks.

If you set up a repeater correctly, then you can use the Internet not only in the furthest rooms of your booth, but you will be hostile to pardons of the city. Yakі often blame through a weak signal.

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Without a doubt, chi chuli about such an attachment, yak wifi repeater or pіdsilyuvach signal wifi router. What did it take? The very idea of ​​a Wi-Fi is based on the fact that the Internet is not guilty of separating one room, but spreading throughout the apartment or creating a garden space. Ale chim more vіdstan vіd dzherel bezdrotovoї distribution, tim gіrsha yogo shvidkіst. І one of the outbuildings that provide more safety stable job at long distances - WiFi repeater.

TP-Link router support

How to strengthen the WiFi signal from the router?

Also, a wifi repeater, which is also called a repeater, is used to repeat the essential signal that goes through the access point or the router, and by itself, strengthen the signal and increase the radius. dії wifi. We don’t carry any other functions of wine.

In a sane look, it looks like a similarity charger outbuilding that connects to an electrical outlet.

The photo shows the model pіdsilyuvacha TL-WA850RE(Wifi Range Extender - sent to a new one in an online store), which was kindly sent to us by the TP-LINK company. Vіn help us today to learn in the wisdom of improving the Wi-Fi signal - the repeater.

I will give you the main technical characteristics:

If you need to strengthen the WiFi signal at a distant room, then buy a similar thing and plug it into an electrical outlet.

  1. Through automatic connection to the WPS router.
  2. WiFi for the help of a smartphone, tablet or laptop
  3. Through connections to a new twisting computer.

Automatic connection of the WiFi repeater to the router using the WPS button

Like most of today's models of wireless devices, TL-WA850RE automatically tunes to the signal of the main access point in automatic mode. For which router is also responsible for such a function - the WPS (QSS) button on the TP-LINK devices is turned on.

We press on it and it is similar to the big button on the button, after which the wine is guilty of wifi and start giving it away.

Setting up a Wi-Fi router for a smartphone

I need more control over the whole process, so I don’t automatically squirm, but do everything manually. In order to set up a subscription to a phone or a tablet, it is also embossed on the central button to activate a Wi-Fi signal, turn on WiFi on a smartphone and it is known in the list of connections available for connection with a name TP-LINK_Extender_7320BA- tse SSID, which for promo can be flashed at the annex.

We connect to the new one.
As soon as the connection is made, we are redirected to the authorization side in the administration for primary lashing- Must be entered at the end to enter the login and password. For locking in this model admin / admin - yours may have other ones, you can look at either the instructions or the sticker on the bottom of the repeater - on it, you can enter all the data for access.

Setting up a repeating WiFi signal from a computer behind a cable

This configuration option is also possible to use two paths for help installation disk, which is included in the kit with a wifi repeater, or through a web interface. The other is closer to me, so I take yoga myself.

Also, if you don’t have a smartphone at your fingertips, then you’ll use a computer from a repeater without intermediary for an additional twisted bet - the “Ethernet” light bulb flashes on the extension.

Here we need to choose "Connection by local measure". Click on it with the right button and select "Power". Here we, as always, click on the item “Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) > Authority”.

If you have already set up a local network through the router, then write it down on paper and save it, but for now check all the checkboxes for “Automatic”:

Take care that we go to the browser for the address http://tplinkextender.net, We also recognized the charming sticker on the case. We already know the authorization side, we enter the login and password "admin".

Let's go to the admin. Everything is easy here - we follow the vetting guide, introducing the necessary data.
On the back, we choose the country, after which we begin to scan the available borders. If you know your wifi, choose yoga. In addition, in order to set up security on the router and attach the SSID, you can set the ensign to "Specify the SSID and MAC address manually." І press the "Dalі" button.

On the next step, you need to select the type of encryption of your main security (tasks in the router administration) and enter the password for your Wi-Fi.

Here you can also choose which repeater clone will name your company (SSID) or it will have its own name, so set it manually. In case of any local merezha, the same one will be lost, so that you can call the main merezha 1, and the other merezha 2, but in fact you will be the same, and before you connect the PC to them, you will be able to bachiti other extensions, connected to the router .

And now, on the rest of the krotsі bachim all our configuration, after which we stop, pressing the button "Complete". After restarting wifi, it will repeat more often the Internet from your router, increasing the range of receiving a wireless signal.

Also, after the firmware configuration becomes available left menu so you can customize the repeater in more detail - change the encryption key, connect to a new DCHP server, manually set the IP address, enable MAC filtering, update the firmware, view statistics, etc.

Axis and do everything. Now you can set up the wires in the computer, you can turn it on the outside and unplug the cable, like a fault connecting with the repeater. Before speech, as you remember, the PC can also become the Internet - by cable from the repeater, so that you can work the same way in the client mode, receiving the Internet via wifi and distributing the torsion pair on the computer. Now you will have a stable reception at the farthest corner!

WiFi speed test via repeater

Oskіlki in lansy otrimannya іnternet vіd provider on the computer appeared a new lanka at the sight of repeating WiFi, our glance was inaccurate, yakbi mi did not disbelieve, chi not less often vin shvidkіst. In other words, the speed of transmission between computers connected via a Danish repeater depends on how fast it is, when connected directly to the router.

For the test, we ran three windows in the middle of a local network between a computer and a laptop using the AIDA32 Network Benchmark utility.

First test- this will be the right point in our experiment - such a “litmus paper”. We measure the speed of the middle of the local network without subscribing to a wireless signal - a computer for connecting to a router for betting, a laptop to a new one, but via WiFi. With this result, for the sake of clarity, the result was not transmitting any radioactivity, on the occasion of a mobile phone, TB or anything else, and the laptop was placed in an uninterrupted proximity to the router.

Axis sho zdobuli.

Nagoloshuєmo - є the amplitude of the fluctuation of the speed is small, in the middle it was on the level of 2200 KV / s (17 Mbit / s).

Another test- the computer is connected to the router with a cable, and the laptop is connected via WiFi to the repeater, to which we have broken our own SSID network, it is impossible to confuse it with a signal from the router. With whom I repeated and the laptop was in the same place, so I charged one with one.


The speed was insignificant - for the average one up to 1600 KV / s (12.5 Mb / s). Also, it is especially not considered and rozkid between the minimum and maximum values, which is even better.

Third test- the laptop was blocked from connecting WiFi to the router, and the PC - through the switch, and then connected with a patch cord. Tim ourselves, we can tell a friend the possibility of this model - to play the role of a WiFi adapter.

We take:

The ringing between the minimum and maximum values ​​is also significant, so that the call is stable, but the speed has become even lower, up to 1100 KV / s, or 8.5 Mbit / s.

I finally, fourth test- i PC, i laptop is connected to a repeater, and a stationary computer is connected with a cable, and a laptop is connected in a wireless way.

Unstable speed due to high volatility, middle high - less than 4800 KB/s = 37.5 Mbit/s.

P_dvedemo p_dbag. Like Bachimo, there is another lanka in the middle of the local border between two computers near the video wifi repeater all the same, the overall speed is lowered, which was a surprise to us, shards of the presence adjoining annex Whether it's a repeater, a powerline or some kind of adapter, you'll be able to get on it. Naytsіkavіshe boulo marveled, in the same mode, the costs will be the least.

As it turned out, the real average speed was for the scheme (No. 4), if the computers were connected to each other through a repeater, bypassing the router - 4800 Kb / s against 2200, giving WiFi without a repeater. The whole thing is logical, the shards between them didn’t have that zayvogo “knock” in the lancet, at the look of the router, the role of which in this way is the hero of today. If you want to move between the largest and smallest values, the troch is strained - the stability is not disturbed.

And the best test of all ASUS router RT-N10U - why do you see only 2 mb per second? To go out, that in my merezhі the same wine is the weakest lane - just think about it, so, like in a single transmission, say goodbye to you and take a look at another model.

In another place, scheme No. 2 was taken away for the security, with one of the computers connected to the router for an additional patch cord, and our repeater was distributing a signal to the laptop. If you want, I’ll tell you, then I’ll serve us badly with a router, but I don’t get into the big picture, so after that we tried to use TP-LINK as an adapter (No. 3), accepting jetless signal and rozsharovayuchi yogo on the PC - іz tsim vіn stubbed the most.


It’s worth it, for example, the repeater model expanded the signal from the main dzherel and strengthened WiFi. I plugged Yogo into the far access point of the room at the first “Brezhnev” triplet - it turned out that I went straight through 3 drywall walls at a distance of about 10 meters. At tsіy kіmnati іnternet not catching navіt iPad Air, there are no common claims to the droto-free module - you can’t get wifi there, there’s no way to do it on other smartphones. Vpіymav yoga and our Extender like TP-LINK (two antennas to let you know about yourself). І without any problems, having started yoga, proceed right to the exit cell. It’s good, on the back of the head, the dots are not far away, but for ours, we’ll get there before the speech.

In the numerical view, the mind appears in such a way. If there was no repeater, at the far corner of the apartment the internet access from the router was like this:

If we connected the pidsiluvach, we took away the axis of what:

Zrozumilo, tsі results є relevant only for my merezhі - they stuck і characteristics. lace pattern A PC, a wireless laptop module, a router, and a radio-magnetic environment in the room, as close as possible to a calm-everyday one. But if I imagine a crazy picture of the stink, then you can boldly flaunt these frills in your practice when designing your merezha.

Well, the TL-WA850RE ran into my head, and I can recommend it to my pre-payers like wild way Expand your WiFi reception area.