Wi-Fi Repeater is a gadget for strengthening the signal. Installed and configured repeater TP-LINK TL-WA850RE

Wi-Fi repeater (also called a repeater or a repeater) is a wireless attachment that can be used to expand coverage. With yoga help, you can connect to wireless internet in areas with a weak signal reception from the router. The repeater will once again receive the signal of the router, and relay it to the clients of the local network.

Choose a place to install a repeater

The maximum efficiency of repeating is achieved when a stable Wi-Fi receiver is installed between the router. When choosing a distribution, insure the planning of the reception, where the repeater will be won. Also, follow the respect for roztashuvannya dartless gadgets, for which there will be a connection to the Internet.

For an hour, I will look for the optimal place for installing a repeater, block the access security. For whom you can win online services, for example Speedtest. For the installation of repeaters, the same recommendations are relevant, as well as other handless attachments. Do not place the repeater near the great electrical appliances, as they can override robots. For the visibility of the antennas, direct them perpendicularly to the plane, in order to expand the radio wave.

Wi-Fi Repeater Notice

More repeaters can wake up the block of life, so turn on without interruption to the outlet. Such a design allows the installation of wires, shards of cable from the living block and the extension will not be needed. The negative side is the change in mobility. Installed repeater at a significant height can be less when vikoristanni podovzhuvach or transfer sockets.

To remove attachments, simply plug your yoga into a power outlet. A lot of repeater models are repaired to the robot immediately after the cob of life. Ale, yakshcho your attachment may okrem button emphasizing, pressing її. About the cob robots are signaled by light on the body. The values ​​of different modes of indication (uninterrupted light or merehtinnya) can be found in the instructions.

Get respect! Part of the repeaters is equipped with one or more sockets for connection mesh cable. For their help, you can connect the Internet on computers that do not have a Wi-Fi module.

Connection for help WPS

I will also add a WPS button on the case, press її to activate the Wi-Fi connection mode without choosing a password. Then press the same button on the router, not later in two days after Wi-Fi Protected setup. With a normal signal and presence of technical difficulties, the repeater will connect to dartless mesh and often її duplicate.

On some routers, there are no such buttons. To connect to them for the help of WPS, a web interface is configured to configure the router. You can open yoga in any browser by typing the IP address of the router in the address bar. As a rule, the wine is indicated on the okrem sticker, embossed on the bottom panel of the building. Which sticker contains login data: standard name oblіkovogo record that password.

Please! It is also possible to enter the PIN code of the repeater in the admin panel of the router. The code can be specified on the box or the okremіy insert.

Initial video: Shvidke connection of the repeater

Setting up a repeater via a web interface

Show Additional parameters otherwise, you can set up a time limit for a router without WPS in the repeater's administrative interface. As soon as you open it with the web interface of the router, you can enter it through the browser. Authorization data is also indicated on the stickers, inserts or in the instructions.

Important! Changing the IP address for setting up a repeater can also be changed universal addresses, Jobs with a picker. For example, TP-Link repeater addresses: tplinkrepeater.net.

Vykoristovuyuchi pokrokovy master, zadnayte zadnannya z without dart netting. For which you need to enter a password for Wi-Fi. Depending on the model and version of the firmware, the repair panel can be repaired and further adjusted. Don't forget to change default password admin-panel, which is such a possibility in the repeater setup, which wins.

07 Veresen, 2015


Modern people clearly show your reason without computers, tablets and other mobile gadgets. The stench, having taken over our life, has significantly expanded the inter-communal relations. Letting your smartphone under your hands, connecting to the Internet, you can talk with friends like relatives, like they linger in another country.

Ale in order to make a sound to all-worldly spiders the bula is available in a little bit of a booth or office work, you can install it in a new Wi-Fi repeater. What is the setting? What kind of good things are there? About it will be told later.

The idea of ​​Wi-Fi and the role of a repeater in it

Internet becoming necessary tools at the request of singing statements. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya for splkuvannya іz relatives. With yoga, it became possible for all those, about which earlier a person could not dream. But if all the members of the family could work in the office, it’s not guilty to be surrounded by one room. Help to spread the Internet all over the house and find the destinations of the new Wi-Fi calls. However, the dzherela of a droto-free distribution may have one stotny nedolіk. The stench is not safe stable job fences at long distances.

We marvel at the video, why the need for this paraphernalia is:

In order to get a clear connection to all the premises of the object, you need to install a Wi-Fi repeater. Yogo friend's name is repeater. It more accurately characterizes the principle of robotic attachment, recognized for repeating the signal that goes to the access point. In this rank, this building accessory significantly increases the radius of the border. Thus, the main function of the Wi-Fi repeater is to expand the zone.

Technical characteristics

Attachment can achieve compact dimensions. Calls of the wines of someone similar to the sound charger attachment. The wireless repeater is equipped with two Wi-Fi antennas and one Ethernet port. The signal bandwidth reaches 300 Mbit/s at a frequency of 2.4 GHz.

Reaper or router

Building attachment in one of two possible modes:

  • repeat;
  • Client.

Dzherelom zhivlennya for a repeater ¾ merezha on 220 V. After connection to it, the attachment is connected through an automatic connection to the router or computer, as well as for the help of a tablet or a smartphone.

See that їх vіdminnі risi

The classification of subsidiaries is determined in the fallow in the form of their design features. Vykhodyachi z th aspect, the stench is divided into two groups:

  1. active;
  2. Passive.

Pershі - tse i є vlasne repeater. The stench may be known for tightness and dimensions, as well as for equal equipment and substandard standards. Depending on the seriousness of the decision of the repeater, it is subdivided into:

  • Home repeaters;
  • Appointed for great undertakings.

Among the most popular for private copying are models from the TP-Link collection. The TL-WA850RE Wi-Fi repeater router for buildings is designed to be installed only once and does not require special settings. In order to install such a device in your home, you need to press the power button on the repeater and activate the WPS function on the router. Reshta prilad razrobit itself by pulling the nearest 1-2 whilins.

Models are subdivided according to the intensity of the signal

Finish off familiar model home repeater and Wi-Fi repeater Asus. The EA-N66 model has the maximum allowable speed of such devices, which is 450 Mbit per second. The cost of this and similar repeaters starts at 40 and is interchanged with 120 dollars.

To ensure the sound of the connection of the great object, they create additional access points, which can be used in the repeating mode. Such an accessory should be presented in a trade measure widely, and your varity is not too high. Most popular repeater models WiFi TP Link. The stench is represented by a line of accessories with 1.2 and three antennas and building services with 150 and 300 Mbps.

Passive subsidiaries or WiFi antenna sound installed at the router. The stench is released with different characteristics and is tested for:

  • Strength coefficient;
  • frequency;
  • Straightness.

The versatility of such a possession does not exceed 10 dollars and to deposit it according to its characteristics.

On scho show respect when choosing

The great number of possessions on the market does not allow one to look at a fahivtsu, not seeming about a simple inhabitant. Ale yak todi buti? You can first learn the features of different models and, based on the recommendations of the managers of the trade measure, choose the most optimal for a particular type.

For example, for a typical Moscow apartment, it is enough simple wifi repeater. Vіn vstanovlyuєtsya at the mist, de naigіrshiy reception.

For a cottage or an office, you need a tighter fit. The best option for such objects is access points, which work like a tight Wi-Fi repeater. The stench is equipped with external antennas with a gain coefficient of 3 dBi. More often than not, the stench will be significant, in such a state it is possible to replace one of them more hard or direct.

Popular models of accessories

As already mentioned, one of the most demanded on the market is an accessory that is produced by TP-Link. Moreover, everything is thought out by the virobnik, right up to the stylish packaging. The middle of it is known as an attachment itself, so it is necessary for this connection:

  • Merezhevy patch cord;
  • Mini disk, on which one to save electronic version documentation;
  • Operating instructions.

I’ll build a house with rice and build a living block. From one side, this aspect can be seen to the point of being possessed, a handful of roses scurried on the rocks. Ale z іnshoy - the dimensions of the repeater seemed to be significant.

Watching the video about the TP-Link model:

Appliance building pratsyuvati with standards 802-11b / g / n on security, which reaches 300 Mbit / s and is rightfully respected best repeater WiFi. For connection of additional clients - drotovy port.

The Vonets Mini 300 brand repeater and the Vonets Mini 300 repeater are not accepted. LAN port. Appliance building pratsyuvati in one of the three modes:

  1. repeater;
  2. Mista;
  3. Automatically.

With this, the speed of transmission reaches 300 Mbit, and the range, as a rule, is up to 100 meters. Attachment of equipment with a fully straightened antenna, may have compact dimensions. Yoga package included USB cable that helper for exploitation. The cost of such a repeater is close to 1000 rubles.

Riper brand Wireless

If you want to call cheap models, you can buy the products of a Chinese virobnik. Yogo Wireless model is sold for 555 rubles. It is equipped with a LAN-cable and instructions for installation.

The attachment is folded out of the body with grooves for the fork, so that it can be connected to the lifeline. Repeater robot wifi signal you can check for chotirma with indicators. At the worker, the stench will burn green. The resetting can be done with the Reset button, which is ruffled on the outer surface of the case.

In addition, de and yak will raztashovaniya prilad, lay yakіst rozpodіlu Іnternet in the premises. It is best to entrust such work to professionals. The stench may be able to designate a specific service area.

We watch the video, correct stitching Parameters of reaper, router:

Ale, you can vikonati montage that independently. For whom it is necessary to take care of it, it was possible to install it, appointed by the virobnik. Even if the efficiency of the robotic repeater is to lie down in the distance, choose the location of the distribution of yoga and antennas. Oskіlki cover zone lie down in line with the signal in the area of ​​​​the antenna, it is necessary to change in front of the fact that the fault is indispensable for a stable connection.

It is important to look after and stand between the internal and zvnіshny antenna. Vono can be no less than 5 m, so that you can avoid the crosscode. At the same time, the interior can be on the level of 2 and more meters above the ground.

After installing the antennas, proceed to the installation of the repeater. The ideal place for distribution is the center of acceptance. Tse allow the signal to equally spread across the object. It is not recommended to extend the extension cable to the repeater. You can reduce the signal strength to a lower level. Next memory, what the best call will be for the minimum length of the cable.

About non-standard use of electric booths: for the help of a TP-Link Powerline adapter, we passed Wi-Fi through an outlet.

They asked me in the comments, why for such an elementary diї I didn’t speed up the splendid WiFi repeater. Well, today we’ll figure out how to practice such a thing, why are pluses and minuses.


As I already said in the last article, the PLC jamming was caused by the most polluted Wi-Fi-ether and the “mother” point was transferred to the 5GHz band, in which the wall penetration was greatly reduced.

Scenario wokoristanna Extender'іv deshcho vіdіznyaєtsya. Instead, to win the “non-blocking” channel “in the middle of the socket” for passing the wires there, where it’s impossible to use the wall and the cable laying, we beat the banal space of the apartment / booth / office: take a point, de accept Wi-Fi so so, point , where is the router, and approximately in the middle, you can Extender or Repeater or call it forever. If you take Wi-Fi there, you can still get a strong one and repeat the signal there, de "Ridne" you don't get it anymore.

If so, repeat the practice in the same channel, which is dzherelo, and, as a result, it will reduce the total speed for both the mother's access point and for oneself. The ideal would be "direct radio visibility" between the point of receiving signal and repeater, repeater and router.


Like a butt, you can take a Wi-Fi repeater Upvel UA-322NR. At Yulmart, the most popular brewer has no choice today, but there are no other options, if there is any relish and rosemary gamantsya. I don’t think that TP-Link or ASUS is strongly concerned about the characteristics or capabilities. Hot principle The work is approximately the same, so the very same as a set of delivery.

The box is neat, everything is localized in Russian and well, with the installation it’s possible to get a child. Useredinі - the device itself, a small ehternet cable, yaskrava that understood instructions according to the cob lacing and miniCD with additional information and software.

The gadget itself, in fact, consists of an Ehternet port, a WPS button, a small “hairpin” Reset button, an indicator of the level of acceptance of that socket.

After cob lashing the gadget was transferred to the room, it’s necessary to “suspend”, but there the signal signal (i, vidpovidno, roboticity) was at the minimum available values, and the effect of continuing such a weak measure would not be any.

That is why the experimental path at the sumitzhnіy kіmnatі with a normal level of reception was found such a position, in a similar level to the signal for the repeater, it was at a sufficient level, and to the point, where the Internet was needed, everything was wound up on normal clothes.

From that hour, the device worked without interruption, and after another hour before the new one, the dart receiver of digital TV was delivered: fortunately, the Ethernet port can be switched not only for patching, but also for distributing Wi-Fi to these devices, as they cannot a channel without a dart, but a better Lan-port.

Vymiryuemo swidkіst

Sob don’t be unfounded, I’ll draw graphics. Axis so pratsyuvav Wi-Fi until the installation of a repeater at distant rooms:

Like a bachite, the Internet is ice-ice of the soul in the heat, but it doesn’t smell like shvidkistyu. With the installation of a repeater in the room, sho shukaetsya, the ribs I receive are strongly affected, and the axis of speed - for reasonable reasons - no, so repeating the repeater is repeating and without that, not a very dry signal. And the axis after the permutation of the repeater in the “correct” place, empirically chosen, as the signal grew, the speed can be called pleasant.

It is not necessary to comment on the result. If you order from the router itself, you can not accumulate much more, and spend the speed when the repeater is turned on to the measure, they add up to about 10-15%.

If there is an Upvel'іvskogo repeater, then here I have one great plus. Perhaps, wines in the middle and "Chinese", but on the basis of the robots, there was no sign, and the localization of that design of the instructions could allow the expansion of the borders to reach the distant ones of high technologies.

And so - pratsyuє, pratsyuє vzhe dosit for a long time and without problems, what else do you need? :)

Zagalni pіdbags

wifi repeater- not a panacea, and it is impossible to reach the “original” one, which is entirely logically based on the methods of yoga work. And if you need to throw a Wi-Fi troch away, or get hooked up for Wi-Fi with a daily dart device, you can lie.

Among the models, yaki

Access points have two modes Robotic WiFi. Most in WiFi routers The cream version of the robot is like an access point, the option of a robotic repeater is also laid down. Repeater ("repeater") - to increase the WiFi coverage area of ​​the main access point. We can look at such a vipadok, a router with the Internet is installed at the booth, but in the extreme rooms the WiFi signal is weak or it’s hot during the day.

Lay a LAN cable (also called " twisted couple”) and set one WiFi zone? There is no need for such work, just install another attachment in the repeater mode and there will be one WiFi zone with the Internet in the apartment. Two access points will be connected via WiFi, which means the WiFi signal will be stable and normal throughout the apartment. Also, you will not happen, moving from room to room, moving between different WiFi zones.

Before buying an additional access point, be sure that it supports the “repeater” robot mode.

I want the most virobniki fencing and add the functionality of your add-ons to new firmware versions, or you can install original firmware. But all the same, you don’t need to rely on it, but you should immediately bathe the attachments with the necessary abilities. For example, maybe all TP-Link models can be configured to retransmit the signal first. Let's take a look at the example of organizing the connection of the extension, and we will set the repeater mode on the router's butt.

When combined, the number of points WiFi access in one measure, you can blame the conflict over IP addresses, through which it is necessary to change the IP address, I will add WiFi, which is like a “repeater” for the future functionality.

For tsgogo pіdklyuchаєmo via "twisted pair" access point to the computer or laptop. Hotch you can through WiFi connection change the settings of the router, or maybe just because your device does not support this capability. Another nuance, for older models of routers, you can also use those that the LAN cable can be connected to port number 1 on the router, so that you can do it.

Before the speech of life, it is connected to the router without interruption by the life block or to the POE injector. All lie in the form of a singing model.

Setting up the meshes on the computer

Click "Start", we know "Control Panel", after which "Center for Control of Merezhniy and Global Access".

With the right button of the bear, press the active adapter and press on the “Power”.

In the window, you can look differently, to change your mind, click on the list of the category “Review”, which is viewed, and select “Dirty icons”.

At dropdown Windows 10 or 8, 8.1 can be done in a different way, just press right button bears on "Start" abo windows icon what to know in її mistsі.

From the menu, select "Control Panel". Farther away Let's describe similarly.

Also, you need to click on "Change adapter parameters".

We can see the protocol being released version 4 (TCP/IPv4) for the Internet, it's pressing "Vlastivosti".

We set the ip-address in automatic mode, similarly, we repeat the setting, as well as other connections, both locally and without dart lines.

Setting up a mesh on a router

Now we will be designing that router, which will be used as a support for our main network. After connecting yoga to a PC, we go to yoga. Launch any browser, in a row, enter the site, type in the IP address of the router, which is labeled on the sticker to the router. For example,

Respect, as it is rooted by the satellite Internet, turn off the proxy server. You may have a proxy server for three other reasons, but in Narazi yogo must be turned up!

Now you need to type in your password. Enter admin in both fields, given password so it’s just on the etiquette or the box of the router’s name and the IP address you can check!

Setting the router to repeater mode

Now we enter the Wireless menu. Let's go to Wireless Settings and then in Operation Mode: select Universal Repeater (or Range Extender).

If the router has an active WDS mode, it is necessary to select the option of the Repeater robot.

To save the parameters, press Save, and then click here, so that the router is reconfigured, what to configure.

If the IP addresses of both routers are the same, then change the possible repeating WiFi signal to a different IP address. For whom it is sufficient, simply change the remaining number in the address.
At the new window, press the Reboot button and check for the router to reboot.

When completed, go to the Wireless menu and the Wireless Security section.

It is possible for this router to have a password for the type of coding that is chosen on the main router. In a different way, it seems that you have set up security on the repeater, which is registered in the main access point, which expands the coverage area.

Let's hope that all the settings of the base router and the repeater are one-to-one.

It is necessary to switch over that the repeater is calling the access point. For whom, go to the Status menu. Dynamic change of channel numbers on the Channel side, for Wireless, means that the repeater has problems connecting to the main WiFi router. You can only use them through those that have incorrectly entered security settings in the repeater.

Now we take care of the fix. For which you need to click on the Save button.

Let's change the router.

Reconsider that another router can connect to the main one. For which one enters the Status menu and checks the setting parameters. If the parameters are correct, the Name (SSID): field of the repeater duplicates the data of the base router. The repeater will have the same duplicates of the main router in the Channel, MAC Address parameters. The Traffic Statistics field displays data exchange between routers. In this way, you can create a coverage area with three and more access points.

Connect to WiFi

There are no such arrangements for daily storage. It's tritely simple. For example, on laptops, in the system tray, on the birthday, click on the WiFi control icon and connect to our device, for which we click on the “Connect” button. Enter the security key for the router.

Checking the connection to the WiFi repeater

It is necessary to change the connection between the repeater and the attachment. For verification, enter the Wireless category Wireless Statistics. Bachimo had a lot of possession, z'ednago z rapider.

Here the MAC-addresses of which possession are registered.

Even the necessary outbuilding is not visible, and the Internet appeared, then it caused a problem with the main router. It's possible that it's simple software security routers indicated that the signal from which place in the base router is strongest. Move the main router with the access point, give it away and try connecting again. If you try to connect to the repeater, it means that the coding type is not entered correctly, or the password in the repeater security parameters.

Checking the repeater parameters

Yakscho could not go to the menu of the router, which was planned to be robbed like a repeater. Otherwise, you need to drop your parameters, and the password and login will be changed. In such a way, it is also possible to press the Reset button on the back side of the tassels.

Press the Reset button and rub for up to 10 seconds. Nalashtuvannya will be thrown off to the factory.

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Often we stick with the problem, if the radius of coverage of the point WiFi access not enough. In such a way, we can beat the Wi-Fi repeater. Ce attachment, which is connected to the access point “repeat” or to the cable and distributes the wire, which increases the coverage area by itself. Otzhe, how to set up a repeater?

In translation from English, Repeater means repeater. Tobto, as it was said more, ce attached, some kind of building repeating the signal of the access point, increasing the coverage radius at that. Another name for a repeater is a repeater. Power is often trapped, like a Wi-Fi repeater. There is nothing complicated here.

The repeater will know if it is available to connect to the network and will send you the choice.

After connecting to the access point, the repeater transmits a signal beyond the coverage of the access point. Seemingly simpler, the attachment connects to the router and distributes the same mesh in the coverage area.

Zvichayno, in order for the possession to work, it is necessary to inculcate yoga. There is also no underwater stone and some secrets. What's more, the repeater is smarter than a router. Zim vporaєtsya navit newcomer. Let's figure out how to set up a Wi-Fi repeater.

Setting up a dartless repeater

Turn off the attachment at the outlet. Daughter, if you want to get involved. For whom you may need close whilini. Now you need to go to the repeater parameters menu. For whom, connect to the new via Wi-Fi or via cable.

Then open your favorite browser and write the IP address of the repeater in the address bar. You can find out the address on the repeater itself (there is a factory sticker on the new one, I will add the IP address to the one, as well as the login and password to enter the menu).

Otzhe, entered the IP address and pressed "Enter". Now the system is asking you to enter your login and password. If you didn’t change them, then, as a rule, the login and password are promoted - admin, admin is optional.

Now we have spent in the menu parameters repeating. Everything is simpler. On the first side of the mountain, click on the "Repeater" button. Your attachment will know all available for connection of the measure.

You will need to simply select your router from the list. We install a marker in the required row. Below you can write the name of the repeater (you can delete it without changing it). Even lower it is necessary to write a password to the router, I can measure it as much as possible. Dali on the press "Zastosuvati" (Apply). Everything, connected to the access point, distributes it to merezh.

Now you know how to connect a Wi-Fi repeater and connect it. Ale scho robiti, as if under the hand there are no such outbuildings, ale є one more router? At this time, we can install another router and twist it like a repeater. Tse robiti trohi folded, but all the same it is possible.

Let's take a look at how to rob a repeater from another router, butt D-Link Dir-300.

Router Wicory Station yak repeater

Otzhe, connect to another router. Launch your favorite browser and enter the IP of the router in the address bar. The IP-address is indicated on the factory sticker, as it is pasted on the extension itself. There you will also find information about the login and the password to enter the parameters menu.

After entering the IP address in the browser, you will spend on start page, for which it is necessary to enter the login and password. The following values ​​are set for promotions: login - admin, password - admin.

Axis mi th trapiled to the menu nalashtuvan. Here it is necessary to go to the "Wi-Fi" branch. For this reason, the rubric "Client" is highlighted.

To activate this function, simply place a marker next to the "Turn off" row. The system searches for available funds and prompts you for a list. Select your first router from this list (expand the radius of coverage as needed).

Articles on the topic

Below, a sprat of additional rows will appear. Mustaches will already be filled. You don't need to enter the cipher to connect to the first router (the key to the barrier). Click on the "Shut down" button.

Please be aware of the advances that the current parameters will be changed. Let's wait and press "So".

Now it is necessary to fix the WAN connection. It is necessary for you to be able to access the Internet. Let's go to the section "Merezh". We select the item "WAN".

Then press the "Add" button. Parameters to be entered global connectivity. In the "Type of connection" row, select "Dinamic IP" (Dynamic). In another row "Interface" set the value "Wi-Fi Client". puncti, Scho Lost, not chіpaєmo. Press "Zastosuvati".

That's it, now your other router is violating the functionality of the repeater. Like bachite, it's easy to set up Wi-Fi repeater. With this, you can win both as a repeater without a middle, and as another router (as well as є). Golovne - do not hurry and work with utmost respect.

Obviously, a repeater is cheaper than a router, so it's easier to buy one. Ale, sometimes koristuvachs make an old access point, as if lying around doing nothing. At such a time, nothing will happen to bathing.

In addition, a lot of people are cooped up with the Internet together with the sucides. In this case, one of the routers can be used as a repeater, and the other as the main access point from connecting to the Internet.

What is a Wi-Fi repeater: Video