Signs that the block of life is in the world. Blog › repair of computer blocks of life.

- This is an important component of the system's system. To avoid breakdowns in the life block, read the article - how to vibrati.

Malfunctions of the block of life of the computer can be different, ranging from general operation to systematic or temporary malfunctions.

Perevirte, chi all z'ednannya rightly pratsyyut. The live cable is functioning, the mic is tezh garazd, and there were no short flickers.

Bazhano perekonaєtsya, scho system damage without becoming wrong Windows inserts, but it’s just that it didn’t take a lot of the processor abo operational memory, in such a mood you need to recognize a life block.

І, look on the Internet for a diagram of your own power supply model, so that it can make the repair process easier. It is also recommended to prepare an ampervoltmeter, a sphygmotonooscilloscope, a set of twists (more types of screw-driving special bolts of the torx type, without special tools, do not twist, or with rivets, if you need a welder, you need to drill it).

2 Block of life does not give a sign of life - repair of the computer's power supply

In case the power block does not show any signs of correctness (coolers are not correct, the motherboard does not show a sign of life), look at the computer, and all the experiments are done with a resistor connected to +5 volts.

Fallow in the productivity of the block of life of the yogo opir, it is pumped out of 2 to 5 ohms with a productivity of not less than 20 watts (without winding up the working block of life, which is better for everything, it will not turn on).

Tim is not less, part of the blocks of life are not turned on until these feasts, until they are completely captivated. The schematic image shown below shows how it works.

If you don’t notice the smell of the garou, and similar demonstrations of malfunctions are not suspected, the type of other conductors, like varto shukati for the help of a better warehouse, start repairs with the eye of a high-melting protector, the parity of which, as a rule, is good 4 A.

As soon as you win, don’t hurry to put a new one or (God forbid!) beat the bug. More precisely, you will receive a 220-volt lamp synchronously with a productivity of about 100 watts.

Yakshcho Bulo short chirp the lamp will shine brightly, which means that it is possible to break through the diode bridge or the electric heat exchangers, which is marked by it (on the induced schematic image, the stench is indicated as D1 - D4 and C1 - C6).

When the working heat exchanger is overturned, the indicator of the volt-ohmmeter on the cob quickly changes and reaches almost zero, and then turns on the amount of space. Be-yakі іnshі dії mean either a trial, or a development.

To look around the head transistors, it is necessary to solder them, otherwise you will not be able to distinguish between the correct probe and induce damage.

As an opir between a selection and a graduate is great or more expensive inconsistencies along both lines, such a transistor can be used as a practical one (before speech, the selection is denoted by the Latin letter "C", and the graduate - "E").

If you solder yoga on the table, add respect to the diode that you protect, which premises are between the recruit and the graduate (D5 / D6). Take a look at yoga for a trial (you can do it without soldering).

To control the channels +/-5 and +/-12 V, select їх opіr when the power supply is switched on (directly +5 V, sound the wire of the red color, and +12 - wire of the yellow color, masa - wire of the black color).

If it is less than 100 ohms, singly, one or two diodes are broken in the conversion bridge (the diodes are fixed on the heat exchanger and on the shown schematic representation of the D19 - D26).

If you want to take them out, to add respect to the insulating gaskets - it’s possible, the stench is not right. A short hum on the corps (breakdown of the rectifier diodes) should sound as a sign of a quiet dzizhchanny. In a similar rank, straight lines are reversed -5 B / -12 Art.

It is important to reconsider in the reliability of the pulse-width modulator (PWM - controller), such as the TL493, TL494, TL495 chips of the Texas Instruments brand label or their similarity (for example, MPC494 NEC brand label).

Repair the varto from the calculation of the tension of the life of the chip (vysnovok 12), the interval may be 7-40 V. This is the tension of the day, or do not work out the bells of the lances, or break through the chip itself.

Take a lower (more shortly a scalpel) and cut a path, as if leading to a visnovka 12. As a result, the tension will be the same, change the PWM controller, which is not practical, to another. To win respect is a sign of the life of a lancer and why wine does not take away the necessary food.

Then check the output of the reference voltage (visnovok 14), the value of which may be +5 V. If it is even lower, or it is not possible, calculate the friend's conductor and re-create the world.

If the voltage does not change, check the resistor dividers, connected to the first lance. Even when cutting through the road, the supporting tension is resurrected (otherwise, the tension of the life is stronger), the chip is not working.

On the visualization of 5 due to buty pilcopodibnі kolivanija oscillating s vіdhilennіm і vіvnymi і vіd 1 to 50 kHz, yakі clearly seen on the monitor of the sphygmotonooscillograph.

If the saw is skewed, the colivan cannot go beyond the permissible limits, check the heat exchanger, connect to output 5, and the resistor, connect to output 6. If you stink, the chip needs to be replaced.

Now you need to reconnect, which are the signals at the output of the PWM controller. Everything can be deposited as an element of launch, stink can either be on 8 or 11 windings (the same 9 and 10 windings are due to be attached to the knot cord), or on 9 and 10 windings (the same to the knot cord are attached 8 and 11).

There are splashes at the exits with obvious areas and breaths close to 2-3 V, the chip works. In another case, it is necessary to look through the external conductors and look once more at the monitor of the sphygmotonooscilloscope. A normal signal is to talk about a breakdown of transistors of a high-voltage switch (Q1 / Q2).

Resistors, attached to the bases of key transistors (R5 and R8), often give rise. As a great opir, or more expensive inconsistencies, the opening can be seen in the guise.

Until then, check and wind the rewinder. To know a short zamikannya, not looming a special tool, it’s easy, but you can know that you can expand it.

After yoke repair computer block living, vin, maybe, maybe propaciuvate not one and not two rocks (maybe more). Basically, it’s better to leave it as a part of the internal filling, put it in the new one. Vіdpovіdno — chim the shortest radio element, tim vіn dear for yoga varіst.

Until the speech, if autumn comes, some of the blocks of life do not want to get in and get in intermittently. The reason for the sound is in the “heat-loving” of the mounted PWM controller.

Try changing it to a chip similar to the new one TL494 with a coefficient "C", which works well at a temperature of 0 to +70 C or a chip with a coefficient "I" with a range of air from -25 to +35.

During the summer period, it will be necessary to think about good ventilation and do not forget to clean the cooler for an hour from the saw and other dirty things. If you take care of all the outside entries that are necessary to save the details, you will not soon need to repair the power supply of the computer. Good luck to you 🙂

Ignorant on mіts, personal computer- tenditna rіch. In order to get out of the way, I’ll finish the detail simply by sloppy reason behind it. For example, do not clean the system unit of this yoga component. As a result, a rich saw is established on the details, which negatively spills onto the robot and I will build it as a whole.

One of the most important components of a PC is the life block. The same vin rozpodіlyaє electrician on the system unit and control the voltage level. Therefore, the breakdown of any outbuilding can be attributed to one of the least accepted. Prote take up repairs and fix the problem with your own hands under the power of the skin.

The most critical situation is if the computer not responding to power button. Tse means that you missed important moments, as they could have caused damage to the shvidka. For example, an unnatural sound for an hour of work, a trip to the computer being turned on, an independent turning on, etc.

Crimium of the most critical moments, the main sign, yaki help identify problems at the robotic computer block life:

Similar signs indicate the need for a quick repair, which you can do with your own hands. Prote іsnuyut і serious problems, which clearly indicate a serious injustice. For example:

  • "Screen of Death" (blue screen for an hour of notice, or I'll build a robot).
  • Appearing dima.
  • No reaction included.

Most of the people who find similar problems go to the majstra for repairs. As a rule, a computer specialist will build a new life block, and then install it to replace the old one. For additional repairs, you can “reanimate” an unworkable attachment with your own hands.

Main causes of malfunctions

In order to solve the problem again, it is necessary to understand, through which she could blame. The most common computer life block get out of tune for three reasons:

  • Drop the voltage.
  • Low Yakіst virobu.
  • Inefficient operation of the ventilation system, leading to overheating.

In most cases, similar faults lead to the fact that the block of life does not get in, or it stops working after a non-trivial work. In addition, the problems described above may appear negatively on the motherboard. As it happened, then you can’t do it yourself with your own hands - it will be necessary to change the part for a new one.

More faults in the computer's power supply are blamed through:

  • Non-yak_sne PZ (bad OS optimization is badly indicated on the robots of all components).
  • Vidsutnіst chishchennya komponentіv ( great promise saw zmushuє cooler pratsyuvati shvidshe).
  • A lot of downloaded files and "smite" in the system itself.

As it was said more, the block of life is to finish the tenditna rіch. Tim is not less, it is more important for the computer as a whole, so it is not necessary to honor this component. Otherwise, repairs are inevitable.

Attachment of the computer block of life

Block of life in the computer electric struma. On the right, the skin element of the PC needs its own voltage level. On the other side, in the electric circuits, a strum of a changeable nature is stagnant, and the components of the computer work like a permanent one. That attachment to the block of life should be given specific and for repair with your own hands it is necessary to know.

In dermal BP є 9 important components:

  • The main board (that big flat component) - there are a lot of details attached here (by analogy with the motherboard).
  • The input filter (attachment, fastening on large wires) or power capacitors (cylindrical-shaped ones) are required for smoothing the voltage.
  • Voltage invector (coil with large honey dart, one of the walls is installed) or another place (plastic attachment, for the shape of the sim card, which can be 4 metal diodes) - vydpovidaє for the transformation of tightness.
  • Voltage control circuit ( system board, installed vertically with the help of the invector) - control of the stream.
  • Transformer (small plastic attachment with numbers and letters) - creates the necessary voltage in the block of life.
  • Impulse transformer (similar to the front component, but larger) high voltage to change yoga to low voltage.
  • Radiator (sound the gray color) - necessary for cooling.
  • The board with roses for wires (not available for all models of living units) is charged for connecting non-wired wires.
  • Power droser (call the middle coil with different colors of wires) - is engaged in group stabilization of the voltage.
  • Cooler wrap controller (small plastic attachment, if it is installed not so on the main board, but on the daughter board) - it controls the operation of the fan in the unit.

Not wanting to get an approximate notification about the power to the block of life, it is impossible to carry out independent repairs.

Come in later

Before that, how to solve problems in the computer with your own hands, it is necessary think about vlasnu safety. Repairing such an extension is not a safe job. Therefore, in the first line, it is necessary to practice thoughtfully and hastily.

For greater safety, follow the memory of the sprat of important rules:

Necessary tools

In order to repair the block of life, let's just, but be effective, the skin home master needs a singing tool for work. You can easily know all the different things at home, ask your friends/friends or come to the store. Fortunately, the stench is inexpensive.

Oh, for repair need these tools:

Oglyad that diagnostics

On the back is necessary pick up the living block. For whom you need less twisting and neatness. When turning the bolts, it is not necessary to shake the power supply unit, so that the problem can be more easily fixed. Inaccurate reasons for it can lead to the fact that do-it-yourself repairs will be simply indispensable.

For the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a primary diagnosis, as well as visual look outbuildings. Therefore, it is necessary for us to put respect on the fan of the living block. If the cooler can't spin freely and get stuck in the right place, then the problem is obviously in the right place.

Krіm ventilator virobu also look at the attachments in general. After trivial term service in the new one accumulates a rich saw, which may have a negative effect and complicate normal work BP. To that, clean the shoes with a vibrating saw.

So deyaki virobi go out of tune through voltage fluctuations. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a visual inspection of any burnt details. Qiu sign is easy to see the blowing of capacitors, the darkening of the textolite, the charring of the insulation or the brokenness of the wires.

Repair instructions

Now, let's move on to the most important moment - do-it-yourself PSU repair. For clarity, the entire process will be submitted to the list. Therefore, it is recommended not to shoot from one point to the next, but children in the appointed order:

Problems are not marked, but BP is not working

Trapplyaєєєє so, scho scho all garazd: components are not melted, there are no cracks and damage to contacts. What's the problem? Best once again respectfully look at all the details. It is quite possible that through disrespect, an injustice was missed. Even though no problems were revealed during the second examination, then 90% of the cases have an incompatibility at the black chowder or in the PIM controller, that vikoristovu wide modulation of the pulse.

In order to correct the problem from the earth's pressure, it is necessary to know the basics of the work of the life block. The whole PC component is practical. Navit if the computer itself is switched off (not switched on in the lane), the block works in the draft mode. This means that the PSU sends a 5 volt signal to the motherboard, so that when the PC is turned on, it could start the block itself and other components.

When starting the system, the motherboard changes the voltage of all elements. Like everything is garazd, it is being formed signal at the warning "Power good" that system starts up. If there is a shortage of excess voltage, then the system will fail to start.

This means that in the first week on the board it is necessary to convert the presence 5 on the contacts PS_ON and + 5VSB. When reversing, the sound will show the current voltage, or it will change to the nominal value. The problem seems to be in PS_ON, the reason is in the PWM controller. If there is a problem with the contact + 5VSB, then the problem is at the extension of the conversion of the electric jet.

So we won’t zayvim bude reverify ShIM himself. It's true, for which you need an oscilloscope. For reverification, it is necessary to solder WIM and, for the help of an oscilloscope, carry out a reverification of contacts by calling (OPP, VCC, V12, V5, V3.3). For a short call, you need to carry out a lot of land. If opir between the earth and be-like from contacts (about a few dozen Om), then WIM must be replaced.

І for completion

Independent repair of the living block - complete the folding process, for which you will need the necessary tools, more knowledge about the work of BP, as well as accuracy and respect for details. For a proper approach, a prote skin person can repair the block, regardless of the folding attachments. To that trace of memory, everything is in your hands.



People who know each other in the hall, when the computer is folded in the first place, talk about the superiority of the system, buying it well, overdoing it, stench often forget not about the main element, which is not only the glitch-freeness of the machine, but the practicality of the machine - about the living block. The absolute majority of blocks of living that are sold on our market (the number of quiet ones that go together with the buildings), may clearly show the Chinese way, moreover, in the most important sense of the word. At the same time, in a fair way, the outbuildings are weakly expanded in our country, and they are not especially popular, the shards of their price are at least five times higher, lower for Chinese junk. Unseen on the right, a person cannot buy a case for 100 bucks, so you can buy the same one for 30 dollars. The result of such a choice is computers, which they won more and more information.

Why is there a difference between yakіsnym and cheap Chinese PSU.

Retailing between cheap and yak_snim life blocks is simply magnificent. The main features rely on non-standard radio elements, ill-conceived designs and wild economy of unfair virobniks on everything that is possible. The main reason for such BPs to go out of tune (together with the use of the computer's filling) is the lack of zahistu, or її lack of work, prote, more such blocks as a whole can be brought to a path. Like the butt of such junk, you can put blocks of JNC firms, like through constructive shortcomings, they burn after the production of robots. And the contacts of the ATX rosette remain for the sake of economy to be spun from the tins for cans (without rebilling) as a result of which, through a few days, the growth of the visnovkіv on the mother is carried out.


Please come in.

Repair of impulse PSUs is not a safe task, especially since the inaccuracy of the hot part of the PSU. That is why everything is thoughtfully and carefully, without haste, with the help of advanced safety technology.

Power capacitors can three times a charge, so it’s not varto to roll with your bare hands in the wake of the inclusion of life. At the same time, it’s not a varto to pay, but radiators are connected to a block of life.
In order to hide the fireworks and save the living elements, solder a 100-watt bulb to replace the protector. If the lamp lights up and goes out when the PSU is turned on, everything is fine, and if the lamp lights up and does not go out, then it flickers for a short time.
Pereviryat block zhivlennya after the last repair followed far from easy-to-find materials.

What tool do you need:

• Soldering iron, solder, flux. We recommend a soldering station with adjustable tension or a pair of soldering irons with different tension. A hard soldering iron is needed for soldering transistors and diode assemblies, which are found on radiators, as well as transformers and throttles. A soldering iron of less tension is used to solder the rubbish.
• Vidsmoktuvach for solder and (or) braiding. Serve as solder.
• Vikrutka.
• Bokorizi. Vykoristovuyutsya for the removal of plastic collars, with which the darts are tightened.
• Multimeter.
• Tweezers.
• Bulb 100W.
• Cleansing gasoline or alcohol. Vikoristovuєtsya for cleansing, pay for the following soldering.

Attachment BP.

Cho mi pobachima, having opened the block of life.

Pinning the rose 24 pin and changing the voltage.

We need to know the contacts on the ATX sockets for diagnosing the PSU. The first step is to proceed to the repair, next to check the voltage of the earthen life, on the little one the contact is indicated in blue color + 5V SB, sound the violet wire. If the drawing is in order, next check the presence of the POWER GOOD (+ 5V) signal, on the smallest contact of the values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the color, PW-OK. Power good z'yavlyayetsya seldom after the inclusion of the PSU. To launch the PSU, we turn off the greens and the black wire, like in the picture. If the PG is present, then, more than anything, the life block is already running and the next step is to change the voltage. Catch your respect, that the voltage will be cooled down in the future. So, just run 13 volts on the yellow dart, don’t varto turbulence, it’s completely imovirno, which, according to the pressures, the stench stabilizes to the standard 12 volts.
If you have a problem in the hot part and you need to control the voltage there, all the wiring needs to be carried out in the hot ground, minus the diode bridge or power capacitors.

Visual look.

The first thing you need to do is open up a block of life and build a visual look.
Yakshcho BP kurniy vychischismo yogo. It’s reverifiable, if the fan is spinning, if it’s worth it, then it’s better for everything, and it’s the reason for getting out of the fret of the power supply unit. At this time, there is a trace of marvel at one of the collections and DHS. The stench is the greatest strength until you get out of tune through overheating.
Far away, looking at the power supply unit, there were burnt elements, darkened temperature and textolite, swollen capacitors, charred DHS insulation, broken tracks and wires.

Primary diagnosis.

Before opening the block of life, you can try to increase the BP, so that you can accurately be diagnosed with a diagnosis. Making a correct diagnosis is half the battle.


• PSU does not start up, during the day the voltage of the worm's life;
• PSU does not start up, but there is no voltage. No PG signal;
• BP go to attack;
• BP pratsyuє, ale stink;
• The output voltage is overstated or underestimated.


As you have shown that a fusible zapobіzhnik burned out, do not hurry to change it and vmikati BP. In 90% of vipadkіv zabіzhnik, scho viletіv, not the cause of the inaccuracy, but її inherited. In such a time, in the first place, it is necessary to reverse the high-voltage part of the power supply unit, and the very same place, power transistors and their wiring.


Thermistor orders є lowering the rate of the strum for an hour of increase. When a high-voltage pulse is faulted, the thermistor's opir sharply changes to ohms and shunt voltage, protecting it and robbing the clayed energy from the looking heat. In case of overvoltage in the cell, the thermistor sharply changes its opir, and the fusible protector vibrates through the strum. The other elements of the block of life are overwhelmed with cilim.

The thermistor goes out of harmony through the tension bars, calling out like a thunderstorm. So the thermistory itself seems to be in harmony, as if for the sake of peace, you switched the power supply unit to the robotic mode of 110v. Thermistor, which is out of tune, does not sound well. Sound in black and roar, and on the other elements, they turn red. Together with the thermistor, sound the burner out. The replacement of the heater can be carried out only after the replacement of the thermistor and rechecking of the other elements of the primary lance.

Diode city.

One place for one folding or 4 diodes, to stand one by one. It is possible to re-verify the diode place without vipojuvanya, by ringing the skin diode at the direct and the return point. In a direct line, the fall of the struma can be close to 500mA, and in the case of a return line, it sounds like a burst.

Diode collections are made in this way. We put the minus probe of the multimeter on the bottom of the pickup with the “+” sign, and with the plus probe we call it directly to the little one.


Capacitors, which went well, are easily identified by swollen caps, or by electrolyte, which is good. Capacitors are replaced by similar ones. It is allowed to replace three more capacitors for the capacity and voltage. As if the capacitors were in the fret of the chergovy zhivlennya, then the zhivlennya unit is turned on for the n-th time, otherwise it must be switched on. The block of life with the capacitors of the external filter, which went out of tune, will mimic under the pressures, or so it will mimic itself, you will go to the defense.

Sometimes, withered, capacitors, which have degraded, go out of tune, without any visible shortcomings. In such a way, the capacitors should be soldered forward, and the capacitors will be re-wired between their capacitance and internal opir. As if to misinterpret nothing, I change all the capacitors to obviously robots.


The nominal value of the resistor depends on the color marking. Resistors should be replaced only with analogous ones, because low ratings, the support can be brought before the resistor overheats. And if there is a pull-up resistor, then the voltage in the lance can go beyond the logical input, and PWM does not generate a Power Good signal. If the resistor is burnt at the vugill, and you don’t have another such PSU, to marvel at its nominal value, then take it in, you didn’t have mercy. Cheap PSUs are especially valuable, as it is practically impossible to get them important schemes. Below is a table of color marking resistors:

Transistors and diode assemblies, as installed on the radiator, are best soldered together with the radiator. The "primary" has power transistors, one of them is used for the draft voltage, the other ones form the working voltage of 12V and 3.3V. The secondary radiator has direct voltage diodes (Schottky diodes).

Re-verification of transistors polagaє at the “backbone” r-p-transitions, as well as re-verification of the opir between the case and the radiator. The transistors are not responsible for switching on the radiator. Rewiring the diode bridge: As if the vines were beating at the sight of the okremnoy fold, it is necessary to simply gently solder and protest against the divisions of the lances on the other board. With that vipadku, like a vipryamlyach of chiming with okremih diodes, you can twist yoga, not paying them all. It is enough to call the skins of them on a short chime in both directions, and it is less likely to be suspected of a malfunction. The right diode is to blame for the mother of the opir for the direct straight line is close to 600 Ohm, and for the reverse one - about 1.3 MΩ.

If all transistors and diode assemblies turned out to be correct, then do not hurry to solder the radiators back, because. they make it easier to access other elements.


Even though ShІM is not visually disturbing and does not heat up, without an oscilloscope it’s hard to sort it out.
A simple way to re-verify PWM is to re-verify control contacts and live contacts for probes.
For which we need a multimeter and data to be sewn on the PWM microcircuit. Diagnosis of SHIM should be carried out, in front of soldering її. The reverification is carried out by calling the upcoming contacts on the ground (GND): V3.3, V5, V12, VCC, OPP. If between one of these contacts that land, the operation is very small, up to tens of ohms, then PWM will be replaced.

The method of re-verification of the internal stabilizer: The essence of the method is based on the re-verification of the internal stabilizer of the microcircuit. This method is suitable for the tl494 model and її latest analogs. When the block is turned on, it is necessary to file a fee for 12 microcircuits constant voltage from +9 to +12 volts, with which the "minus" is lowered to 7th lower, after which it is necessary to measure the voltage on the 14th lower - it can be added to 5 volts. If the voltage is too high (±0.5), it is indicative of the inadequacy of the internal stabilizer of the microcircuit. Tsey element is better to buy a new one.

When it comes to repairing a hard-boiled meal, it’s more specific to make it important - you can burn everything that’s worth it, but you can still compensate for it let's forgive tsієї parts. It will be enough to climb the forums on these topics in order to find out the cause of the malfunction and the method of adoption.

Chergovo eating and POWER GOOD.

Now let's take a look at the other situation: the guardian does not burn, all the elements, guesswork, help, but the attachments do not start.

Trochs can be seen from those that are guessed, as the living block is based on the ATX standard. In the mode of ochіkuvannya (itself in the new one there is a “wiring” computer) the power supply unit is all the same. Vіn take care of the food for the mother's payment, so that you can immediately turn it off or turn off the computer with a button, on a timer, or I'll add it for help. "Duty room" є 5 volts, which is constantly (until the computer is switched on in the electrical circuit) is fed to the motherboard. When the computer is on, the motherboard generates a PS_ON signal and starts the life block. During the process of starting the system, all the voltages of life are checked and a POWER GOOD signal is formed. For some reason, the voltage is either too high or too low, so the signal is not formed, and the system does not start. Vtіm, as it was already guessing more, in the rich NONAME blocks of life there is a daily get-clean, which is badly indicated on the whole computer.

Again, it is necessary to check the presence of 5 volts on the contacts + 5VSB and PS_ON. Even though there is no voltage from these contacts, or it is strongly affected by the nominal value, it indicates a malfunction, or in the lances of an additional switch (it’s not +5 vsb), or if the PWM controller is not working properly, or if PSON is not working.

Throttle group stabilization (DGS).

Get out of tune through overheating (with fan teeth) or through holes in the design of the PSU itself (Microlab 420W butt). DGS, which is burnt, is easily identified by a darkened, peeling insulating varnish, which is ready to be peeled off. DGS, which is burning, can be replaced by a similar one or a new one. Yakshcho vyrishite zmotati new DGS, next vikoristovuvat new ferite ring, tk. through overheating, the old kіltse could drink beyond the parameters.


To re-test the transformers, they should be soldered forward. They are re-verified for short-circuited turns, shaving the windings, and changing the magnetic powers of the core.

In order to overturn the transformer while shaving the windings with a simple multimeter, it will not be possible to identify other transformer failures. Sometimes a broken transformer can be identified visually.

Dosvid show that the transformers rarely go out of tune, so it is necessary to turn them over to the rest of the black.

Ventilator Prevention.

After a successful repair, the next step is to carry out preventive maintenance of the fan. For this fan, you need to take it out, sort it out, clean it and grease it.

Remontirovaniya block zhivlennya next trivaly hour reverify pіd vantagennyam.
After reading this article, you will independently be able to make an easy repair of the living quarters, saving yourself a couple of coins and spare yourself a trip to the service or store.


Repair of a computer block cannot be called a simple right, in 70% of cases it can be done in home minds without special equipment. At this right, the information helps, which is in the great cities on the Internet. And remember, smut - don’t grow louder (read “don’t do it”), you need to work all the manipulations with the bloc, ahead of you kindly obmirkuvavshi your actions, not hurrying and carefully.

A set of schemes will help you.

First, proceed to repair the computer's life block, it is necessary to reconsider, which is the fault of the computer's incompatibility. The inability to start the computer may be due to other reasons.

Svitlyna sane looking classic ATX living block of a stationary computer

How to reverse the practice of the ATX computer life block

The practicality of the block of life can be altered without the use of accessories, it can be built without system unit. Sufficiently in the form of a mother board and other outbuildings of roses, which go out of the side of the living room, having plugged in only one of the four contact roses for the supply of the living block.

In the block of life on the motherboard, the voltages of life are supplied for help 20 or 24 pin socket and 4 or 6 pin. To make roses more beautiful, we make blots. In order to break the difference between the mother's pay, it is necessary to press the blotches on the mountain at once with your finger, reporting to the great zusilla, stealing from the side to the hip, pulling a part of the wind.

Dali need to short-circuit between yourself, with a darting dart, you can use a metal clerical violin, two leads in roses, taken from the mother's pay. Carrying out stitching from the side of the buckle. In the photographs, the place where the jumper was installed is marked with a yellow color.

Yakshcho roses may 20 contacts 14 (providing a green color, in some blocks of life you can have buti, POWER ON) and visnovok 15 (Providing a black color, GND).

Yakshcho roses may 24 contacts, then shorten between yourself the need for visnovok 16 (green color, some blocks of life can be provided with a gray color, POWER ON) and visnovok 17 (black wire GND).

If the impeller in the cooler of the block of life is turned, then the block of life of the ATX can be made practical, and also, the reason for the non-practical computer is found in other blocks. But such a re-verification is not guaranteed stable job the computer's fire, the vibrations of the external voltages may be greater than the allowable ones.

In order to improve the accuracy of the computer's life block, it is necessary to connect it to the voltage block and adjust the output voltage and ripple range. It is not guilty to change the value of the voltage at the output of the block of life by changing the value indicated by the table.

Table of output voltages and ripple range of BP ATX
external voltage, +3,3 +5,0 +12,0 -12,0 +5.0SB +5.0PG GND
Colir drotu orange red Zhovty blakitny blue Syria black
Permissible intake, % ±5 ±5 ±5 ±10 ±5 0
Permissible minimum voltage +3,14 +4,75 +11,40 -10,80 +4,75 +3,00 0
Permissible maximum voltage +3,46 +5,25 +12,60 -13,20 +5,25 +6,00 0
Pulsation range not more, mV 50 50 120 120 120 120

Voltage +5 V SB (Stand-by) - vibrating in the power supply unit independently, low-voltage power supply to the vikonan on one field-effect transistor and transformer. This voltage ensures the operation of the computer in the draft mode and serves only to start the PSU. If the computer is working, then the presence or the current voltage +5 SB does not play a role. Zavdyaki +5 V SB computer can be started by pushing the "Start" button on the system block or remotely, for example, from the Block uninterrupted life at times of three times the voltage of life is 220 V.

Voltage +5 V PG (Power Good) - appears on the gray cell of the power supply unit in 0.1-0.5 seconds after self-testing and serves as a signal for the robotic mother board.

When the voltage is reduced, the “minus” probe goes up to the black dart (scorched), and the “plus” one - to the contacts at the roses. It is possible to carry out the simulation of external voltages without intermediary in a working computer.

Structural diagram of the living block of the ATX computer

The computer's life block can be completed with a foldable electronic attachment and for this repair you need a deep knowledge of radio engineering and the presence of expensive accessories, you can use 80% of the wires independently, using the skills of soldering, working with a twist and knowing the block diagram of the life jacket.

Almost all blocks of computer life are prepared for the hover below block diagram. Electronic components on the diagram I have found only those, which are most often in harmony, and are accessible to independent replacement non-professionals. When repairing the ATX live block, it is necessary to need the color marking wires that come out of the new one.

The voltage of life with a cord is fed through the socket to the board of the life block. The first element of the defense is zapobіzhnik Pr1, it should cost 5 A. Ale, in the case of tightness, the dzherel can be of a different denomination. Capacitors C1-C4 and inductor L1 make up a filter, which serves to strangle in-phase and differential shifts, as a result of the operation of the live block itself, it can come from a gap. Merezhevy filters, selected for such a scheme, are installed in a binding order in all virobs, in any block of life without power transformer, TVs, VCRs, printers, scanners and others. The maximum efficiency of the robotic filter can only be achieved when connected to the edge with a ground wire. It's a pity that cheap Chinese dzherelakh livelihood computers filter elements are most often found daily.

The axis of this is an example, the capacitors are not installed, and the replacement of the throttle is soldered jumpers. If you repair the block of life and show the presence of the filter elements, then install them. The axis of the photo of another block of computer life, on which filter is present.

Varistors (Z1-Z3) are installed in expensive living blocks to protect against overvoltage, in the photo right side blue color. The principle of robotics is simple. At normal voltage in the varistor circuit, it is too big and does not affect the operation of the circuit. At times, the voltage increase in the measure is higher than the allowable rіven, the varistor opir changes sharply, which leads to the burnout of the protector, and not to the exit from the fret of expensive electronics. In order to repair the block, which, having driven it through an overvoltage, it will be sufficient to simply replace the guard.

In some models of blocks of life, the possibility of switching for operation is transferred at a voltage of 115 V, in which case the contacts of the switch SW1 must be closed.

For a smooth charge of electrical capacitors C5-C6, which are connected immediately after the rectifying bridge VD1-VD4, an RT thermistor with a negative TCS is also installed. At the cold station, the thermistor opir becomes one ohm, when passing through a new struma, the thermistor is heated and the opir yogo changes 20-50 times.

For the possibility of raising the computer remotely, the power supply is self-sustaining, the additional low-power power is on, as it is turned on, to turn on the computer is turned off, but the electric plug is not plugged out of the socket. Vіn forms a voltage +5 B_SB and prompts for the circuit of a transformer autocooling blocking generator on one transistor, powered by a voltage rectified by diodes VD1-VD4. Tse one of the most important universities in the block of life and repair is easy.

Necessary for the work of the mother board and other extensions of the system unit, the voltages at the exit from the unit of the vibration of the voltage are filtered through the overshoot by inductors and electrolytic capacitors, and then for additional wires with roses they are fed to the power supply. The cooler, which cools the block itself, is powered, as a rule, by a voltage of -12 St.

How to get to pay the block of life

In order to remove the block from the system block, it is necessary to twist the chotiri gvinti, marked on the photo. To carry out a look around, all the darts can not be pulled out, but only those, which are strongly stretched.

Roztashuvavshi block life on the rose system unit, it is necessary to twist chotiri gvinti, which the beast knows, in the photo erysipelas color. Often one or two screws are hidden under a sticker, and in order to know the screw, it is necessary to glue it or pierce it. From the sides, there are also stickers that you need to take the cover off, it’s necessary to cut through them, so that you don’t respect them.

Pіslya moreover, like a krishka znyat obov'yazkovo vydyaєєєєєєєєєє pylososom all drank. Vaughn is one of the main reasons for the use of radio components, shards, shaking them with a thick ball, reducing the heat output of the parts, the stench overheats and goes out of tune.

Detection of a malfunction in the ATX computer's life block

On the back, carefully look at all the details, paying special attention to the integrity of the geometry of electrolytic capacitors. As a rule, through the important temperature regime of electrical capacitors, they go out of tune most of the time. Close to 50% of life block failures are due to capacitor failure. The most common condenser blower is the last rotten robots cooler. The cooler bearing oil vibrates and wraps around. The efficiency of the cooling of the parts of the living unit is reduced, and the stench is overheated. Therefore, at the first signs of a malfunction of the cooler, the life block starts to sound additional acoustic noise, it is necessary to clean the saw and clean the cooler. If the case of the capacitor is blown up, or you can see if the electric is blowing, then the condenser's coil is obvious and should be replaced with a correct one. The capacitor blows up at the time of breakdown of the insulation. Ale buvay, zovnіshnіh sign vіdmovi mіnі, and rіvіn pulsatsiіy vyhіdnoї napruzha is greater. In such cases, the capacitor is not correct due to the presence of a contact between the middle and the lining in the middle, as it seems, the capacitor is in the shaving. You can change the capacitor on the urvische for the help of any tester in the support mode. The technology of recalibration of capacitors is presented in the article to the website "Vimir Oporu".

Farther look around other elements, guards, resistors and heaters. At the zapobіzhnik in the middle of the air, the center is guilty of passing a gleaming thin whole taganina, sometimes with sweats in the middle. If the call is not visible, then, better for everything, it burned out. For an accurate re-verification of the guard, it is necessary to ring it with an ohmmeter. As a helper of burnouts, it is necessary to replace it with new ones and repair it. The first step is to change the replacement, for re-checking the block of life, you can burn out the burner not to pay, but solder to the yogo visnovk_v vein of the middling dart with a diameter of 0.18 mm. Even if the block of life is turned on in the wires, it does not burn out, even though it is sensible to replace the correct one.

How to replace the guard at the block of life of the ATX computer

Ring at computer blocks zhivlennya vstanovlyuetsya tubular zabіzhnik, razrahovaniya strum zakhistu 6.3 A. For reliability and compactness, the zabіzhnik is soldered without intermediary into the other board. For whom special zapobіzhniki are needed to make visnovki for soldering. Zapobіzhnik zazvіvlyuyut vstanovlyuyut at the horizontal position of the handrail from the mesh filter and it is easy to see at a glance.

Alone, sometimes there are blocks of life, in some way the installations are in a vertical position and a tube is attached to the new one, which is heat-shrinkable, as in the photograph above. As a result, yoga is important. In addition, it helps to write, drawing on other boards instructed by a foreigner: F1 - this is how the foreigner of electrical circuits is designated. The order of the zapobіzhnik can also be charged by the strum, for which vin of repayment, on the payment of the strum of 6.3 A.

Under the hour of the repair of the block of life and the re-verification of the vertically installed zapobіzhnik for the help of a multimeter, it was revealed that it had been cut. After soldering the pipe and removing the tube, which is being heat-shrinkable, it became obvious that I had burnt out. The glassy pipe in the middle was all covered with a black coating in the form of a dart, which was burnt out.

Zapobіzhniki with drotyanimy vysnovki zastrechaetsya seldom, but you can successfully replace them with 6.3 ampere ones, soldering to the cups from the ends of the single-core strands of the middling drotu with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 mm.

To be left only to solder preparations for the protection of the other payment to the block of life and to turn it into practice.

If, when the block of life is turned on, the guard fires again, it means that there may be more radio elements, sound the breakdown of the transitions at the key transistors. Repairing a living block with such an incompatibility will require high qualifications and economically not dosilny. The replacement of the zapobіzhnik, who was charged for a larger strum defense, lower than 6.3 A, did not lead to a positive result. Zapobіzhnik burn out all the same.

Poshuk at the block of life of faulty electrical capacitors

Even more often than not, the block is alive, and as a result unstable job The computer as a whole is driven through the expansion of the housings of the electrical capacitors. To protect the vibe from the end of the electrolytic capacitors, there are notches. When the grip grows in the middle of the capacitor, it blows up, or, having opened the case in the area of ​​the notches, it is easy to know the capacitor that you have moved. The main reason for the failure of the capacitors is their overheating due to the cooler's failure or the overvoltage of the allowable voltage.

The photo shows that the capacitor, which is located on the left side, has a flat butt end, and the right side has swelling, with traces of electricity, and that is a pipe. Such a capacitor is viishov z fret and pіdlyagaє zamіnі. At the block of life, the sound of electric capacitors on the bus bar is +5 V, so they are installed with a small margin of voltage, a total of 6.3 V.

When replacing capacitors on a lifeline of 5 V, I will install capacitors, if they are not less than, lower by 10 V. The greater the voltage of the capacitor, it is more beautiful, smut, so that it fits in the size of the installation. In case, as a capacitor with a larger voltage does not fit in with the dimensions, I will install a capacitor with a smaller capacity, but if it is increased for a larger voltage. All the same, the nominal value of the capacitors installed at the factory may be a larger margin and such a change will not damage the robot's life block and the computer's fire.

What is the capacity of the capacitor, which is installed more, it is shorter. So, when replacing, it is better to choose a capacitor, increase the voltage and capacity, lower the one that is in harmony. Replace the capacitor, which is fine, life is not easy in the block, for obviousness, it’s a beginner’s work with a soldering iron. The soldering technique is dedicated to the article “How to solder with a soldering iron”. Don't forget the smut, that from the side of the negative appearance of the condenser, it is marked with a wide, light vertical smog and a new condenser needs to be installed, so that the smuga was in the same direction.

Rechecking other elements in the ATX computer life block

Resistors and simple capacitors are not responsible for darkening and sooting. Corpusi conduit fittings guilty buti qilimi, without chips and cracks. In case of self-repair, I will replace only the elements that appear on the structural diagram. If the farba darkened on the resistors, or if the transistor fell apart, then change them blindly, shards, better for everything, at the cost of leaving the fret of the other elements, like without accessories, do not show. The darkened case of the resistor does not have to be aware of this incompatibility. As a whole, it could have just darkened less than the farb, but the resistor opir is normal.

There is no way to replace the electrolytic capacitors in the living quarters, because the stench is all swollen. Tse means that the voltage stabilization circuit was in tune, and the voltage was applied to the capacitors, which exceeded the allowable one. Such a block of living can be repaired only with professional lighting and vimiruvalni fittings, but such a repair is not economical.

Problems with the block of life can easily be blamed on the very fact that the wine is such an adjunct, like other components. With its constructive and complete with a great set of components in the middle. The block of life can also go out of tune and give trouble to the robot. For the new one, it’s already known to us (behind the previous articles). The stench itself can "bloat", "skip" and in some other way make life easier for us.

Axis, before speech, photo of the life capacitor, which is the cause of the problem with the life block.

Bachite on new qiu "іrzhu" (oxide)? Tse - vitik electrolyte. In such a time, non-adaptive capacitors are replaced (re-soldered to robots, with sufficient capacitance, finishing when it is correct.

Let's take a look at you possible options In addition, why can our block of life be in harmony and how can there be clues for deciding the "stuffing" of the system unit? Problems with the block of life are often associated with the fact that the veins will usually go out of tune with the haircuts in the electric lines abo - high-frequency shift of life. In such a time, "on sight", the entrances of the lances to the annex (inverter or filter) are most often seen.

But for the obviousness of a cheap life block (broken in honest Chinese words), there are situations when the input voltage strip passes through the filter and instantly appears at the exit of the life block, that stabilizer changes at the entrance of the life of the mother board itself. Here, as you understand, on the right, with a simple replacement of the knot of life, you can no longer become obese. In such a situation, as a rule, power impulses pass through all nodes of the mother's board, some of which can go out of tune.

Cheap blocks often do not take away from their design the necessary number of electric filters. The filters are replaced by jumpers, which make the cost of the end-of-line viroba cheaper, and prevent additional problems from the block of life. Axis, for example, marvel at such a sight:

What are we doing here? Below (circled with a chervonim) two jumpers are soldered for the replacement of filtering throttles (otherwise - zapobіzhnikіv), and above them - the landing area, which is empty, under the capacitors and the filter circuits. The virobnik has protected the wind on such a copy, but an important element, like an insulating plastic gasket that protects the high-voltage part of the electrical circuit from the contact with the case casing.

Note: You can bachiti near the upper part of the photo, ceferite rings with coils of copper dart wound around them. Throttle can be a high support for a change strum and a small one - for a steady one and serve itself for filtering (strangling) a change storage strum of an electric lansyug.

In the photo below, respect for the darkness in the middle of the living block, marked with chervonim. At the upper part of the image, there is a resistor and a support, which they vigor, as they serve to vibrate (reduce) the voltage in the middle of the PSU. Through their "breakdown" and, as a result, the increased power of the stream of attachments, having been put into the overwhelming mode, which, at its core, caused the area under the capacitors (lower region) to go up in flames.

When operating in the override mode, the life block can see a high-frequency "whistling", which can serve as a signal of operational actions from our side. If everything is done on self-fuel, then we can easily run with the computer turned on and nothing more.

Different voltage cuts can lead to the exit of such elements in the block of life, like diode assembly (diode place), which viconizes the function of the voltage rectifier. Sound tse chotiri diodi (folding), roztashovanі in one building and services for straightening (transformation) into a pulsating bed.

Problems with the block of life can also begin through those that the BP does not achieve stabilization electrical voltage in the middle of the system unit. At yakіsny virobu blocks of electronic stabilization should be done quickly, but for cheap ones, they are inaccurate, as you know, everything is good.

In the photo, there is a "breakthrough" PWM controller ( PWM- pulse-width modulation or English: pulse-width modulation - PWM), which vikonuє in block life of the function of the regulator and the voltage stabilizer. A similar controller is also required by the computer's motherboard. ShІM ensures the protection of positive and negative output voltages of the power supply unit and forms a signal "".

Show respect in the photo below:

Bachite, how did the capacitor sound "dah"? :) Whenever a rare electric, which reminds me of yogo, sprayed all over the living block, while I took the computer for repair, the electric caught stinking all the things :)

A similar problem with the life block occurred due to a strong voltage drop in the electrical circuit, after which it was in the fret, in the air, the life block itself, the active transformer acoustic system, that is the motherboard of the printer connected to this computer. Moreover, the varistor on the 600 ! Volt.

There is another such problem: the life block itself is connected after the connection to the life cable. All the fans in the system unit spin when they do, but the computer does not turn on. The cause of such a breakdown, in the majority of cases, is the inadequacy of the stabilizer of the power supply to the block of life, which forms a "charge" (charge voltage + 5V). Without taking it off at startup, the system simply cannot correctly pass the first stage of self-testing, through which - the main voltage is not supplied to the component computer and the wine does not start.

On the scoreboard of my tester, I look like this:

Why does the tester look beep forward, and the value of the indicator VSB (bar voltage) dynamically changes from 3.9 to 4.8V.

How to independently rewrite the block of life, we looked at our site.

Let's go! The problems of stabilization of the voltage are especially commemorative of the situation, if the tension is relieved by this other component of the computer (often the processor), it can change like a hairline (with a frequency of up to megahertz). If the block of life does not catch up with a sharp drop in voltage, then you are guilty of an overshoot, as you can create data that is being transmitted at the same time in the middle of the computer. Naturally, that the computer starts to "fail" in its own way, various unacceptable speeches appear, blue screens» (BSOD), hard disk vinification (bed blocks), etc.

And tse is the turning point of that, if the living block is trying to be completed to the maximum:

Through such a large number of components in the open space, we are confronted with another problem for the block of life - overheating. Overheating at the same node of the computer is unsafe, for example, and .

In the photo, we can see that through marriage, the filtering winding was screwed up (in the photo - right-handed) and creased from the inside to the cover of the power supply unit. Also, there was no place for the control of the fan wrapper, as it was screwed right up to one of the radiators. As a result, the whole structure is terribly warm and unlikely to serve for a long time in such exploitative minds.

Problems with the block of life can be blamed and as a result of this natural “old age”, which is even more intensive for the repair of computer components. Through the rіk exploitation, a lot of BP is used in the form of 10-20% of cob pressure. In times of work in boundary conditions (trival overheating, maximum drive), this indicator can reach 50%.

Particularly in the form of an unstable, low voltage, they suffer. To unscrew the spindle and trim the wrap, the controller is responsible for applying a constant pressure to the motor. If the voltage has fallen or if it matters, then it becomes problematic to solve the problem, and there are additional problems.

In my practice, when the computer’s vitality button is turned on, I feel a thumping bavovna and the smell of burning (in my head it went: “it’s crazy about the vitality block, you need to remember it”), but after that, replace it correctly, the computer won’t turn on . As a result of a vague test, it turned out that the scheme did not work for the PSU and in the middle it turned out practically everything (it turned out that the keyboard was connected to the PC at that time!). The "living" lost only zovnishnya and misha, I just had a chance to make the "stuffing"!

As in the electric line, becoming a sharp hairline of the voltage, you can get out of tune with the helper, which is located in the middle of the block of life. Moreover, the block itself can be more workable and the problem is itself in favor, which is good for you, which is the purpose in order to protect yourself from expensive elements, roztashovani behind him. Always keep this moment at your head!

In order to change it, just switch the dialing mode and stick with the probes of the foreigner from two sides (the change of the probes does not mean anything). The tester is guilty of seeing an audible signal, as there is no signal, - carefully look at the element visually (better for everything, see if it goes through the middle of the breaks).

Sound at the blocks of life, fuses are installed with a rating of up to five amperes (5A). Marking can be marveled at the very body of the element. Also, it is often written on the other board of the block of life, where the place of installation of the guardian is, or on the back side. So the repair of the living block, in case of the first spring, can be carried out to a banal replacement of a small detail!

Just let's go to the nearest specialized store (or to the radio channel) and buy the required denomination. For the help of the soldering iron, the wrong element (I will pull the power supply board in front, twisting the chotiri screw) and install it on the same place. If nothing else burned out, then the entire repair can be completed for that. Wait a minute, varto spend a little more than an hour, pay less for the master (more higher - wikidate) I’ll rework the computer’s working head :)

What can you do to get rid of problems from the block of computer life? As a matter of fact, there is only one recommendation, what to stand, here it will be - vicorist only the same blocks of life, in the form of virobniks, which they have recommended to themselves. Obviously, such a block is more expensive, but it costs more than your fee for the security and reliability of the system. Don't hate zim!

Until quiet, who deserves credit. brand name for the builders of computer blocks of life be seen: Delta, FSP, Hiper, 3R, Topower, Chieftec, HEC, Thermaltake, ASUS, PowerMan Pro, AcBel, ZIPPY (Emacs), Enermax, Zalman, Enlight, Epsilon. It’s even better to take a block of life if you want to use 20-30% of the excess stock for tightness. Are you not planning to operate yoga under the maximum potential?

A solemn recommendation From the prevention of the block of life, it may be necessary not to trim the system block in the fall. Practice shows: the lower the number of cuts, the more the saw in the new one is consumed, and the stream-conducting saw that accumulates on electrical contacts is the enemy of electronics.

Also, it is also necessary to use a vikoristovuvati (UPS) or I would like to use a lacquered mesh filter. For example, the “Most Tandem THV” mesh filter:

Similar filters may be used to protect circuits from high-frequency overshoots, as well as overvoltage in electric circuits. For example, if you need a 220 V supply, our utilities will supply a 260 or more socket. The Danish filter after reaching the threshold of 252 V is simply turned on, ryatuyuchi road obladnannya, roztashovane behind him.

Otzhe, kakі signs, scho shosuyuyutsya problems bloc zhivlennya can be seen? pershy And the main one, which makes us think about eating itself - the computer simply does not fit in. After pressing the start button, literally nothing happens (the fans do not turn around, the bulbs do not light up). Insha sign- it is not so obvious to say about those that the problem itself is in the block of life: the system mimics re-advancing, otherwise it freezes.

How can we reconsider, what are our problems with the life block itself? I'll replace it with yoga for a witness worker. If the computer works stably, then the problem is localized correctly :)

There is one small trick that will help you run the life block without connecting to the motherboard. Literally for yoga launch, you need only the block itself, a 220-volt cable and a violin.

Let's get started. Viymaєmo yogo from the body, put on the steel and with a bent violin, lock the 14th and 16th contacts on the yogo rose. The yak is shown in the photo below.

Zamikati requires greens and black droti. But don’t boast, just close the wrong contacts, - nothing terrible will happen (the block of life will not burn out, just won’t start). Since we fixed the violin in this position, we connect the power cable to the power supply and plug it into the socket. If everything is broken up correctly - the fan on the block is more likely to wrap around.

It was clear that in this way it is only possible to successfully protest the block of life on the subject of "practice" - "not practise", as well as the problems of solving, for example, capacitors that are puffed up, in the middle, then such a test will not show us how stable the functioning of attachments is and here without an oscilloscope (for the manifestation of "pulsation" of the voltage) the block is no longer able to live.

Problems with the life block can manifest themselves in different ways. For example: they bought us for a company good computer(yakіsnі komplektuyuchі, zhivlennya unit for 400 W from the company "Chieftec"). Literally for a month, the wines were taken to us for repairs. Diagnosis - does not turn on.

We took apart the block of life and bachimo, that one of the power elements was slightly crushed and stuck on the inner side of the casing. The result is a short zamikannya on the hull and out of the whole annex.

One more example from practice. Although I want to be blameless and not cause problems with the life block, let me show you one more aspect of computer diagnostics.

One more thing for our IT guy: they brought us a computer that didn't start up. Standard scheme - change the living block. No changes. Substitute other (behind the line of workers) components, - that is the situation itself. Skidaemo bios and problyaemo deyakі speech, described by us in the front article. To no avail!

We start thinking about a non-working motherboard. І here htos podє іdeyu perevіriti chi all garazd іz the button to turn on the computer itself? We know the front panel of the computer case and bachimo, that one of the two contact wires, which leads to the rose on the motherboard, breaking the base of the button itself.

Naturally, we were soldered on a plate, ale in a colder way: You will know well that the cause of the problem with the block of life can be yourself in tsoma. And in a different way: there is another way to start the motherboard without using the start button on the front panel.

For which we need to know two pins on the motherboard, which are used to start the computer (the stinks are marked as PWR, POWER, POWER ON or POWER SW) and short them without a middle for an additional screw with a flat tip.

Take a spin of a sprat of seconds. The computer is to blame to start up (like a worker). Do not be afraid, because you will short-circuit not those pins. You can (because of the sensible branding) try them all out. Motherboard do not burn and nothing terrible will happen. I just want you to know about such a possibility and zastosovuyu tsі knowledge at the right moment and the right situation.

Summarizing all that has been said above: problems with the living block are viruciated in two ways:

  • 1 - by replacing the components with the new one
  • 2 - buying a new one

Axis, to the point, like in case of problems with the block of living, people come out of the camps at the same building of the “desktop” type (high horizontal).

Yak bachite is an ordinary block of life, and the standard ATX just didn’t fit for expansion, but our words, janska kmіtlivіst, and wide scotch tape came to the rescue! :)

To that - be always respectful when testing, do not shy away from hasty whiskers. Remember that saying from this drive one character: "Shvidko only cats are born!". Well, nasamkinets: do not forget that problems with the block of life can start in the absence of regular cleaning (and of the whole system in the middle) in the saw. I drank, having accumulated on the fan of the living block, in an hour you can bring it to the yogo jamming and new teeth, and this is a direct road to overheating the annex, "with a mustache."

Let's expand our article a little more for the pictures, kindly given to one of our site's contributors. Okreme youmu for tse thank you! :) In the photo below, you will see the last stage of what can (God forbid) be with your computer, so that you do not periodically work on prevention and do not see if you have accumulated in the new.

Otzhe - a parade of our znіmkіv! Photo first: Living block from the tiled side.

The same block of life, and yet - at the selected station:

"Giganochka with an exit!" Cooling system central processor:

Go drumming! - a video card and a useful space:

"Control" photo:) - rear layout of the system unit:

How do you understand - the problems with the living block with such a setting to technology - safety! Please ask the author of the photographs, de Vikoristovuvsya Danish computer and how long did you spend without cleaning? Have some kind of vipadku, the axis of our colleague is viishov at the finale:

Cleansing can be carried out for the help of the old pilosos of the Radyansky zrazka, transferred to the mode in plain sight or else - for the help of a can of zі squeezed povіtryam. Obviously, in such "clinical" situations, it will be necessary to go as far as other, non-standard diseases. After rubbing alcohol on the skin, let the computer dry well. Good luck to you! :)

About those, like in case of problems with the block of life, independently repair the computer's high-rise, marvel below. On-site indications of the entire process: from the diagnosis of a breakdown - to the replacement of faulty PSU components.