Ifunbox yak copy contacts. Yak copy (transfer) contacts from iPhone to computer

pislya podbannya new iPhone far from all koristuvachi want to transfer all the information from the old annex. In case of buggy vipads, you only need to remove contacts, for which some owners of Apple smartphones have problems. We've got a few tips on how to transfer contacts from iPhone to iPhone in two simplest and most effective ways.

Yak transfer contacts from iPhone to iPhone via iCloud

The method of transferring contacts from iPhone to iPhone via iCloud is the easiest and fastest way. Everything that is needed from you is the mother of the accessibility to the Internet.

Croc 1. On the iPhone, if you want to transfer contacts, go to the menu " nalashtuvannya» → iCloudі overlap Contact us»Active.

Croc 2. Go to the menu " nalashtuvannya» → iCloud → « Backup copy»I press the button« Create a backup". Check out the end of the process.

It's joy! To revise the successful synchronization of contacts with your friends, visit the iCloud.com website. The number of entries in contact books (displayed at the bottom of the list) is the same.

Croc 3. On the iPhone, to which you want to transfer contacts, go to the menu " nalashtuvannya» → iCloudі log in with your by recording iCloud. As soon as the boules are authorized, the croc can be skipped.

Croc 4. The menu “ nalashtuvannya» → iCloud(On a new iPhone) activate the " Contact us».

Ready! Your contacts will be transferred to the new iPhone in a couple of hours (stay for an hour from the number of contacts). You can turn back when the postponed ends, you can marvel at the number of contacts at the very bottom of the contact book.

How to transfer contacts from iPhone to iPhone via iTunes

For some reason, you can use the method of transferring contacts from iPhone to iPhone using the help of iCloud and you can’t get through iTunes. Tsey sposib is not so foldable, protest, for yogo victoriannya you need to connect the attachments to the computer.

Croc 1. Connect your old iPhone to the computer and start iTunes.

It's joy! It is recommended to update iTunes until the last version. On a PC, you can reconfigure the explicitness of the update in the menu "Update" → "Update", and on a Mac, switch to the "Update" tab on the Mac App Store .

Croc 2. Vibrate iPhone in the iTunes menu and go to the “ vidomosty».

Croc 3. Activate the checkbox " Synchronize your contacts from"і natisnіt" zastosuwati". By all means, syncronization of contacts with iCloud is not enabled at all.

Krok 4. When synchronization ends, connect the old iPhone and connect to the new computer.

Croc 5. Vibrate iPhone in the iTunes menu, go to the tab “ vidomosty"І activate the item" Synchronize your contacts from».

Krok 6. Scroll down the line up to the line " supplements"І activate the item" Contact us". Important - iTunes replaces contacts appearing on the new iPhone.

Krok 7. Natisnit " zastosuwati».

Ready! With such a clumsy order, you can transfer contacts from iPhone to iPhone with the help of iTunes.

Also wonder:

Provide an estimate:


If there are contacts in the number of contacts, if there are a number of numbers with a mobile status, then when synchronizing on new phone rewrite only the first numbers, and all of them will be ruined. All phone numbers in one contact need to be assigned a status, for example - work, home, etc.

Block out the iTunes program. After installing on a computer, reconvert the presence of contacts in Microsoft Outlook. Schob perekonatisya in the whole, it is necessary to natisnut at the bottom of the program the command "Contacts".

Then you need to connect the iPhone to the computer itself and start iTunes. To send a selection in the dialog box of the "iPhone" row, you need to go to the "Information" tab. After selecting the checkbox "Synchronize contacts from", you need to vibrate the "Outlook" row and click "Freeze."

For koristuvachіv, who don’t entrust the kind to the programs, for they are great phone book, Є іnshy alternative way transferred numbers. It’s more simple, lower in front, and also the risk of losing all the existing contacts with a new road to zero.

Daniy sposib polyagaє in exported numbers, saved in vCard format. When transferring contacts to a computer in Outlook, it is necessary to save them in a special vCard format in any papacy, for example, c: \ temp.

In the bag there is a folder with no * .vcf files, de 1 such file is displayed 1 contact. Then it is necessary to combine them into one file. For the whole operation is carried out: Start - Run - cmd. For a row, you need to enter cd c: \ temp і copy / a * .vcf c: \ allcards.vcf.

The root of the C-disk is guilty of a file named allcards.vcf. Then the sheet with the data is attached to the new file, as it is sent to the iPhone screen.

Then, already on the phone itself, having opened the Danish vcf file through the copying of the sheet, it is necessary to write “Add all contacts” in order for the address book to be updated.

Beast to respect

when jumping program itunes translate її on the visibility of viruses.


  • Yak transfer contacts from iPhone to iPhone
  • Yak transfer contacts to iPhone
  • yak change contacts

Earlier, buying a new phone rang with a trivial transfer of skin mobile number Since the old phone book is new, the process can take less than an hour to catch up.


Find out the options for transferring contacts to your new Iphone. The first way to go to the one that can all phones from the old mobile phone write to the sim-card, which is very convenient for the sim-card, which is in the new smartphone. For the whole in the address on the phone, select the "menu" and "export contacts", then select the contacts, as the phone is transferred to the card. If the phone doesn’t have such a function, then it’s necessary to have a skin contact with the SIM card.

Remove the SIM card from the phone and insert it into the Iphone. Unlock your phone and check, if you don't want to. Go to the "settings" menu, in them you will find the item "Mail, addresses, calendars", in the contacts section there is a button like "Import SIM contacts". Check it out and check it out, leave the phone to copy the contacts from the SIM-picture. In the whole menu, you can vibrate, depending on the parameters of the contact, you are guilty of sorting, as the stench will show up. Now all your contacts are on the phone.

I don't want you to copy one number of a contact to the sim, but you don't want to copy the number of other options. For example, if your old phone is broken by the Nokia company, immediately through the cable connect the offense between the phone and the computer. On the Nokia website, download addon Nokia Ovi Suite and install it, then use the program to synchronize your phone with your computer by putting a tick in the "contacts" field. This field is located in the "synchronization parameters", "attachments synchronization". Then download and launch iTunes. Now open your preference, select the "Information" tab, and click the entry "Synchronize contacts from ..." and in the box to select Windows Contacts. For synchronization of contacts to appear in your Iphone.

About those who like to save contacts on the PC, then think about koristuvachev, how to get new updates, or the gadget of the virobnik. Happily, the "apple" smartphone will be full of functionalities, so that your volodar won't sit with the oligarch in his hands and rewrite the numbers in a notebook. There is no way to transfer contacts from an iPhone to a computer - you can use some additional software or just use a powerful device.

Backup copy Aityuns... Tsei option to lie "on the surface", protects from a new view for a number of reasons:

  • backupiTunes do not get lost... Go to backup all iPhone data To that, it will be a long time to come up and take in a lot of fun. blackmail only contacts through iTunes unhappy.
  • Vibirkove update may not be available... If you want to speed up the backup, it will be molded into iTunes, You will have a chance vrahuvati, from a copy will be renewed all information.

Create a backup copy of a part of the tribute, which is saved on the iPhone, it is recommended to use the iTools 3 utility(It is possible to secure additional donations). iTools 3є not only big nasty program, nіzh iTunes, Ale і digitally simple - ochіkuvati, as long as the synchronization is completed, it is not necessary here.

Koristuvachevі iPhone is required for days for such instructions:

Croc 1... go to iTools i open the tab “ Toolbox».

croc 2... At the blots Data Management"Click on the icon" Super backup».

croc 3... In the offensive wake up, you can turn on the tribute, which you can include in the backup. Check the boxes for each item in the picture Contacts».

Let's press the button " Next».

croc 4... Check it out if iTools view all contacts on iPhone and download « Start Backup».

Yaksho navpaki іkonki " Contacts»Appear 100%, form backup copy completed.

croc 5... emboss Backup complete»І virus in the folder where you got the data. For zamovchuvannyam tse folder D: // iToolsBackup.

If the copy was successful, then you will find a folder with a similar name behind the place of saving:

Nadal, you can update the numbers on your iPhone (or on the other) through the button " Super restore"In blots" Data Management».

For koristuvachiv, who "rezhidzhayut" on the first iPhone, the program iTools without price, but the axis is tim, if you want to look at the database on a computer, but the utility is not a reference - show files iTools-backup via desktop Outlookі Excel do not see.

Synchronize contacts with iCloud

zavdyaki iCloud you can export your contacts to a file vCard, Yaky see by piece customers(For example, Outlook). To transfer the phone book to a PC via "Khmara" it is necessary as follows:

Croc 1... At the menu " nalashtuvannya"IPhone you know" iCloud»І go to the new one.

croc 2... You can shake the tribute, as it synchronizes with the dark skewer.

Translate toggle switch " Contact us»In the active position and check for an hour, when you set it up, send the phone book to iCloud.

Copy contacts to PC via iTunes

vikoristovuvati iTunes for copying the numbers, it is prescheduled, as long as one of the next programs is installed on the PC: Microsoft Outlook abo Windows Contacts. « Contact us"Included to the warehouse Windows 7 and 8 versions, so there are problems with the transfer of the presenter through Aityuns it’s not guilty for a large number of koristuvachіv.

Obtain numbers from iPhone via Aityuns So:

Croc 1... Connect the gadget to the PC with a USB cable, start Aityuns and go to the add-on control menu by pressing the button from the images on the phone.

croc 2... At the blots nalashtuvannya"Click on the item" vidomosty».

croc 3... Check the box next to " Synchronize contacts from: " and in the available menu, select the available option: Outlook abo Contacts.

iTunes also gives you the freedom to vibrate if you want to copy all contacts, scho to be found on iPhones, or just like a group.

croc 4 . Scroll down to the block " supplements»І cross, there are no ticks in the new one. Koristuvach, nekhtuє with such a reversal, risikuє to spend his telephone assistant.

croc 5... draw " zastosuwati»Daughter, if the synchronization is completed.

Yaksho we synchronized contacts with Windows Contacts, Then you know your records, having followed the road З: // Koristuvachi / (im'ya koristuvachi) / Contacts.

Copying contacts through special programs

The easiest and easiest way to copy telephone assistant to the computer proponu addatok iBackupBot... Zavantazhiti qiu korisnu utilitu is possible.

If you want to add a link and start the program, go like this:

Croc 1... At the blots User Information"Click on Possibility" Contacts».

You will see a list of contacts saved on iPhone.

croc 2... Through the tab " Export»Viber, in whatever format you want to edit your telephone assistant. Options to complete the bagato - numbers can be "vive", for example, at the view of the document vCard(Yakiy, yak mi pam'yataєmo, see in Outlook), And also in the document view Excel... On the last option, please click on the button " Export as Excel file».

croc 3... Appear vіkno, yake poperezhaє trial version supplements iBackupBot... Boldly emboss " Cancel».

croc 4... across " guide»Viber, where do you want to save the document Excel with numbers, і natisnіt " take care". You can start the copying procedure, about the success of the completion of which you will be helped by the following:

croc 5... Know Excel-file on the computer disk and open it. The Dovidnik is guilty of the viglyadat with approximately the following rank:

To transfer contacts from the iPhone, you can choose not only iBackupBot, And th іnshі third party supplements. Douche by hand є utilit iMazing, Prote in cat-free version You will be allowed to copy all 10 phonebook entries.

How to copy numbers from iPhone with jailbreak?

If your iPhone is angry, then to save numbers on a PC, it is recommended to store the program by name iFunBox- you can download її absolutely without koshtovaya.

You can go to the full method of copying the bulo, but on the PC it is obligatory to blame the presence iTunes- Inakshe pristіy simply does not become a system.

Transferring contacts through iFunBox go viral in this way:

Croc 1... Launch the program, connect the iPhone to the PC with a cable, and do it if you use it to install it.

croc 2... At vіknі " Browse folders"View the folder" Raw File System» (« unbroken file system ») І view її.

croc 3... Follow the road " var» — « mobile» – « Library» – « Address Book».

croc 4... Copy the folder " Address Book»On a PC - a number of telephone numbers, which are stored in the memory of the gadget.

importantly copy contacts, and do not transfer їх! Once the phone book has been transferred, it will appear empty on the very attachment.

How can I transfer contacts from iPhone to a computer via mail?

It is not handy to skip the phone book entries via mail; Win can be crimson to people, because I don’t want to ask my mother, please, do it with the additional software and the smartest tools.

How can I transfer contacts by e-mail?

Croc 1... Please see the add-ons “ Contact us»On iPhone.

croc 2... Know the record you want to save on your PC, and press on it.

croc 3... lower phone number you hit the button " Contact us"- that's what you need and need.

croc 4... In the menu, wrap the option « Mail"- iPhone will take you to e-mail.

It is important: the electronic mail is guilty but is set up on the gadget before the cob of the copying procedure.

croc 5... Save addresses on the sheet form postal screen obsessive - you can be a box, which you can convert from a computer.

Let's get on with it " Vidraviti».

croc 6... Then go to the mail from the PC and revise the list of incoming lists. The topic of the sheet you need to appear is the name of the contact (in our application - "Refueling of cartridges"). The attachment will be attached - a document with extensions will be attached until it is sent. vcf, Which can be viewed in Outlook.

Through the e-mail you can transfer only one contact at a time- the axis of what is the best way to get involved in the best practices for re-insurance.


As soon as you are standing in front of you, copy the phone book entries to your computer, third-party programs- for example, iBackupBot... It is not necessary to be afraid of additional software: it’s even easier to learn, borrowing a minimum amount of money on a disk, and before that, I’ll ask for the procedure of copying contacts, it’s quite possible. iBackupBot, Zokrem, allowing you to print the book of numbers in the format Excel, Which will help to relieve the iPhone, because of the need to sort out the cost Outlook.

Transferring contacts through iCloud can get involved in a manual way Tom, as the owner of the gadget, does not get a USB cable. However, export from "Khmari" is carried out only in a file format. vcf(for Outlook) - інshh options nemaє, і tse minus.

You have chosen to use your phone, or you just want to save your own, it has already become an expensive contact book in a safe place, nobility is needed because it is correct. There are a number of ways to copy contacts from iPhone and in the statistics in detail it is easy to understand.

You can think about exporting contacts in the most recent situations: phone sales, buying news iPhone models, You can use a contact sheet by hand on your computer. I can think about losing my phone, in case all your contacts disappear at once with it. For a bi reason, you were not keruvali, there is only one meta - copy all the numbers from your iPhone to your computer. Let’s be surprised at the price of the game.

Yak copy numbers from iPhone with iTunes help

Krok 1. Write iTunes... If you don’t have an appointment, then you can add it I'll leave the version from the official site.

Croc 2. Connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable.

Croc 3. Viber pritiy in iTunes and go to the tab " vidomosty».

Croc 4. Check the box and write “ Synchronize your contacts from»І vibrate bazaniy services. Zvertaєmo respect, which is available for exporting contacts in Windows Contacts, saving all the entries in your contact book in the folder C: \ Users \ [Username] \ Contacts.

Croc 5. At the lower right codec of iTunes, press the button " Ready»First and foremost, the end of synchronization - your contacts will be returned to the selected service.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the service of contacts that is handy for you, whether it be Windows Contacts, Outlook Contacts, or, singingly, the very person who is being insured - Google Contacts... You will have access to the list of contacts from any computer, so you can globally.

Yak copy numbers from iPhone via iCloud

Croc 1. Change to the one where your contacts are synchronized with iCloud. For the iPhone, go to the menu “ nalashtuvannya» → iCloud and reverse the active switch " Contact us».

Croc 2. From the computer, go to the iCloud.com website and log in with the details of your cloud record.

Krok 3. Select item " Contact us».

Krok 4. Push on the cogwheel in the lower left codend and in the menu, vibrate " vCard export". Obviously, in some browsers, for neat reasons, export is not for the first time. Nayimovirnishe, to reject your contact book on the button, you will be able to see the number of times.

Yak copy numbers from iPhone via iFunBox (jailbreak)

gravely: Daniy sposib Transferring jailbreak to your device.

Croc 1. Zavantazhte file manager iFunBox (they wrote a report about them in the statti).

Croc 2. Connect to the computer and start using the iFunBox and start it. Uvaga: for that, the program was able to restore access to your phone on a computer, it is guilty of the iTunes installation.

Croc 3. At the folder, go to " The file system is not broken» ( Raw File System v English version programs) → varmobileLibraryAdressBook.

Krok 4. Transfer the files to be found in the papacy to your computer - tse and є all your contacts

Be respectful, contacts must be copied, not transferred, and you must use the empty contact book on your phone. If it’s like this, then you can update contacts by dropping only those files back into the folder var / mobile / Library / AdressBook.

If you need to copy the contacts to your iPhone, read the article. And if you need to transfer contacts from one iPhone to the other, speed up.

Transferring contacts from iPhone to iPhone ric velmi is relevant.

On a skin day, there are new gadgets, which are an important part of everyday life and early on, you know to transfer your contacts to this device.

Also, through the post-optimization of annexes, it became necessary and thoroughly software security, Shcho provokuvalo a number of additions, shcho to the robot of gadgets.

It is easy to understand the current statistics, how to transfer the records from the old iPhone to the new one.

Transferring contacts from iPhone via iCloud

Otzhe, you now happy Volodar of the new iPhone, then you will melodiously have a chance to transfer contacts. The price can be created for the help of the iCloud account.

To carry out the transfer from the iphone to the iphone with the help of icloud, you need to go to the add-ons tab, then activate the toggle switch, retract the “Contacts” row.

Activation of this mode means that the keystroke allows you to synchronize contacts, as it will be locked into icloud.

Brutal respect! Required access to Wi-Fi for mobile operator... It will take an hour to secure it, depending on the number of information. After completing the process, see the number on the service.

Koristuvach can also check the operation of the office at the office.

For the whole, you just need to register in the program and enter your password, which guarantees the confidentiality and security of your donations.

In order to have a number of numbers on the gadget and in the service of the spy, it is necessary to activate icloud on the new iPhone and go to the settings.

Having vibrated the row of contacts, the toggle switch is turned on in the same way and the check is completed, the number transferred from the iphone to the iphone 5 is completed .

After a couple of chilin on the display, you see re-list Imports from the contact service, so that you can start a new gadget before the end of the week.

Transferring contacts from iPhone to iTunes

For the ear, you need to activate itunes, so that you can import numbers from one annex to the one.

Activate the activation in the section of the menu, adjust the "Attachments", send an attack on the tab "Information".

If you want to check the box next to the "Synchronization of contacts from:" row, vibrate the new gadget on the list.

For the additional support of the given service, you can not only transfer the numbers, but the whole group in the first view, which is even handy in every great number of numbers.

After completing the procedure for synchronizing visits for additional victorian programs, you can check the correctness of the viconano operation in your itunes account, having registered on the service in advance.

To complete the operation, mother is required mouthless access in the Internet, tobto vilny Wi-Fi.

Transferring contacts for additional Mover programs

In addition to the important services, the skinny ones who have their passages, so and the shortcomings, the people of the koristuvach still care about making the transfer of records for help third party supplements.

For example, mover.

The main reason for the change of the given service of the field is that for koristuvachіv globally weed wines є bezoshtovny.

Mover views kosteless program in the App Store, you can download the functionality you need from one gadget to one gadget.

For the ear, you need to add dane dodatok on your iPhone, then switch the offense of the gadget to one hedge.

On the display of the first two, the service interface appears on the display, in the lower cube you need to click on the plus sign and vibrate the numbers from the address book.

Then the coristuvach is guilty of activating the program for a new gadget, when the arrow appears on the display of the last iPhone, as it turns on the new gadget.

Pushing onto the icons of the profile numbers, you will transfer the records to the new setting manually, controlling the entire process of the operation.

With such a rank, mi bachimo, we will forgive the most forgiving service. The most zavdyakov, a number of corystyvachіv grow up permanently.