E-NUM for Webmoney: what is it? Instructions for setting up. What is E-Num and how to practice with it Addendum e num to the computer

E-num client for computer - manual program for authorization. Tsya system to secure entry without passwords. Now you can apply for entry only for additional electronic mail. Tse duzhe zruchno, that qiu program choose more koristuvachiv from the earth.

Features of this program:

Enam is a miracle program, as we save all your passwords and allow you to enter only for help e-mail. The most common vicorist program for robotics WebMoney Transfer, and for the entrance itself, for confirming that you are translating the coins.

By installing this unique program on your computer, you will automatically remove the encrypted cipher pad, which is unique for the skin koristuvach. I will help you at the security.

After that, how do you enter the food-number E-num of the client, the program automatically displays the correct number, which is the only correct number.

After the procedure you are guilty, enter the number-type in the registration field and you are all set. You are successfully authorized.


This is a unique program, so it is easier and safer to make an entrance to different programs. Now you will have a program to save your keys. Everything you need to enter, you read above. Also, I hope you have success with a distant robot.

With the appearance of the ability to perform anonymous operations through a computer or a mobile device that can access the Internet, the penny orders, The most important food has become the safety of the safety of such meals. Crim of the standard procedure for confirming a call through a call or SMS, sent to the first phone number, it was split no-cost program E-num, the features of which will be considered in this article.

E-num - what is it?

E-num is a service, creations for the confirmation of songs and koristuvs by the Internet-merezhi. The mechanism of yoga work in the offensive: the service generates a couple of vipadkovy numbers, one of which is called "nutrition", and the other one is called "vіdpovid". You need to go to the mobile phone of the koristuvach - a mobile phone or a tablet, on which the program is installed.

E-num also allows you to scan a QR code - a graphic image, in which the password is encrypted, which gives access to required service or confirm the operation.

QR code allows you to win the E-num system navit for internet access on mobile extension.

Among the analogues of the service - the strength of the SMS-information to the client with the key-required, for the yak in such cases, an additional fee is charged. Therefore, E-num is more economically viable - the program itself is cost-free and available for download on a mobile device with any operating system. There are no analogues in the middle of the program service and cover all financial operations that are carried out in the measure.

How to win Enum from WebMoney

The scope of this authorization method is various online stores, portals and electronic banking systems. Often koristuvachі vpershe stikayutsya with him pіd hour registration electronic gamants WebMoney. In what direction mobile client to be needed at the entrance to the site or to the keeper, for access to some divisions, to check special information (for example, earlier scans of passports were taken), as well as to confirm the operation of transferring money between hamants or transferring that information to preparation.

Important! In order to “win” the electronic hack, the evildoer needs access to the mobile attachment of the yogi vlasnik, so it is practically impossible to rob evil.

On given moment The number of program advances from the Playmarket has exceeded 500 thousand, the average program rating is a stable four and more. Koristuvachіv reshti OS in the sum is also collected close to 300 thousand. Chi rich tse chi little? For the large number of clients of WebMoney Transfer systems among 10 million people, it became clear that the breadth of the E-us system is low, and that the popularity of the system is progressively increasing due to the increase in the number of people entrusted to electronic systems.

Let's see, who sings about modern technologies, you should read our article about the Internet of speeches.

How to install E-num (+ video instruction)

To start winning E-num on a mobile device running Android OS, you need to make a profit installation file with extensions * .apk from the official website or install the program from Play Market A. The program itself intuitively understood and її vykoristannya not vyklikaє difficulties.
Once the installation is completed, the system will prompt you to see it before your oblіkovogo record, and for the day of yoga - register yoga.

The program did not transfer the mode of a soft switch between oblique records. If it is necessary to confirm the operation with a different e-mail address, the authorization procedure will have to go through again.

Modern smartphones and tablets give short-sighted people the ability to install a graphical phone digital password to the program. For E-num, this function is built into the program itself, but it is recommended not to use additional security calls and install a blocking on the program itself. At the time of stealing a mobile phone, I’ll build it to make things easier for the evildoers.

Android operating system cream, E-num client, and extensions for new operating systems:

  • Apple iOS;
  • Windows phone;
  • BlackBerry.

On the official website of E-num, as well as on the side of Wiki.WebMoney assigned to this client, sent to the installation of the program.

Otherwise, it does not work on mobile and tablets with other OS in any way in Android devices. Single authority - you can register in the system only with Android programs or through the official website. Methods for confirming payment transactions are the same for clients of all transaction transactions.

Pokrokova instructions for installation on the phone

  1. On the official website of the program, or through the Play Market (Appstore and other programs, depending on the OS), an installation file is downloaded.
  2. After reaching the 100% file acquisition scale, it is necessary to click on the "Installed file" window, wait for the minds of the programs - in the middle of them is "Retrieving data via the Internet" and "Retrieving text notifications" or to check for automatic installation.
  3. The window "Open the program" will appear on the screen. On starting side you will be prompted to enter e-mail, to register your E-num public record or register a new one.
  4. After confirming the physical record via e-mail, you can send a robot to the program - scan QR codes, receive mobile numbers-widows, or generate power.

The nuances of installing E-num

  • The amount of memory that the program uses is about 30 MB, so with modern smartphones installed with a large amount of memory, there are no problems.
  • In case of customization, when installing the program, you can choose the method of protection: for the help of a numeric password, or graphic key, as well as old look vikna, activity Push notification.

Respect! Item set "Deactivation" drop your email and give you the opportunity to go to another public record.

Chi carelessly vikoristovuvati e-num?

The choice of the client is safer due to the high reliability of the system, which is secure both on the architectural and on the cryptographic level. Secret keys, which appear on the screen of a mobile phone at the time of financial transactions, allow you to not be tied to a specific computer and work with electronic gammons, transfer money and bills from any point on the planet. The ability to scan the QR code guarantees that the operation will be confirmed mobile internet- it is enough to point the camera of the mobile attachment to the computer screen and install an intervening red line near the required area.

How to confirm the operation with E-num

Let's look at how you can confirm operations can be victorious, like their peculiarities and what kind of varto will give priority.

Food service

When choosing given method when you enter the system, or for confirming the first operation, a combination of numbers (power) is displayed, at the same time, a number is displayed on the screen of the mobile extension through the program. Yogo needs to be entered at the window on the site. Even if entries are made without pardon, the operation is considered confirmed, otherwise a new feed is generated.

  • simplicity and speed of confirmation of the operation;
  • Suitable for owners of phones that cannot scan a QR code (old models, camera lens defects).


  • The number-type is shown on the screen of the smartphone for up to 10 seconds, so that you can enter any incompatibilities - enter it quickly.

Confirmation of operations through the numerical "nutrition-recovery" - the most simple and cost-effective way.

Confirmation by the bitcom

Confirmation of authorization for an additional vodbitka є a little expanded option, oskolki vmagaє pridbannya dodatkovogo obladnannya - scanner vіdbitkіv, for example, firms Eikon. These attachments may look like a flash drive, which is connected to the computer via the USB port.

For activation given method To confirm the operation, it is necessary to register your finger on the E-num website. Be aware that authorization for additional mobile devices is available in the future camp the rest of the generations, which already have the function of recognizing the fingerprints of the owner's fingers.

  • quick confirmation of that simplicity - it is enough to put a finger, and in a few seconds access is already granted;
  • the maximum rіven zahist vіd evil.


  • the need for an attachment to an additional building;
  • Minimal breadth, as a last resort - the robot of the E-num team does not work on this method at the moment.

SMS confirmation

The simplest way to authenticate is to mobile number The client needs to be reminded of the combination of numbers, which must be entered in the special field of the site.

  • practice on old models of mobile phones.


  • staleness due to the presence of a mobile measure;
  • in case of stealing a mobile phone at once from a SIM card, I will ask hackers to hack accounts.

More E-NUM

Krym nayvіdіdomіshoї systems of electronic gamants Webmoney by this client are actively cors trade maidanchiki such as Aliexpress, Ebay, other online stores and electronic gambling, combined with Webmoney systems for transferring electronic currency for goods and services. For bazhannyam, be it an Internet-maydanchik, you can connect this service as the main or additional method of confirming operations caused by penny orders or exchange of information.

Z development committee information technologies and the transition of a part of the market and the banking segment in the All-World's mainstream is the main source of security for operations that are being implemented. The main methods of confirmation are old and economically insignificant for a koristuvach (a supplementary commission is often charged for confirmation by SMS). When switching to the E-num program, you can become aware of yoga pride, as it is the main factor in yoga popularization.

E-num is an authorization system that gives access to WebMoney Transfer system services for help secret key, which is taken from the participant's mobile annex. The system allows you to save the keys of the WM Keeper program from your database, which allows you to safely use your electronic devices, as well as WebMoney services, practically on any computer. The E-num system is simple and handy. The participant does not need to remember folding passwords. Authorization is carried out either after the "Food-recovery" scheme, or after reading the fingerprint, or after entering the control number, as it is enforced in the SMS notification. The program can also be manually verified to confirm transactions with WebMoney Keeper Classic, Light, Mini and WebMoney Merchant!

1. Install the E-NUM program on the phone using a cipher pad, unique for the skin koristuvach.
2. In the authorization form (on the site, in the program) in the form for entering the registration e-mail, the number-power is displayed.
3. In the E-NUM client, enter the number-number (or scan the QR code on the site), take the only correct number-type.
4. Enter the number-validation in the form - YOU ARE AUTHORIZED!

Virtual spaces are actively developing and providing their customers with handy programs that allow them to use different functional warehouses without any problems. For example, now you can easily use your Internet gambler under the name of Web Money. Without a doubt, thinking about this system, it has expanded its scope already in the whole world and opened up great possibilities for its coristuvachiv.

It's no secret that on smartphones there is a special add-on called E-NUM, which gives you the ability to get through the authorization of the system as quickly as possible and become your own hamant. Even if the standard procedure is to save money and take a lot of time, docks and you deny access to your hamant. And E-NUM significantly facilitates this procedure, which is given by the add-on varto obov'yazkovo, and if you want to take such an opportunity for the computer, just do it with our recommendations and you have everything. Let's talk about the program itself.

Authenticator in a couple of clicks

E-NUM is a client for a computer that has a lot of possibilities for removing the necessary functions. It is necessary to work with this program, it is necessary that the program works on your computer, and you will ignore the next steps:

  • vysokorіvnevy zahist against the evil of your gamantsya;
  • kіlka rіvnіv zakhistu, yakі you can go through the exclusive use of an additional digital identifier, send that introduction of a unique set of symbols;
  • zruchnіst otrimannya access to gamants;
  • I hope the safety of your data.

Now the attacker is not able to take access to your gambler, shards of wine will be the maximum theft. You only have to run it on a computer, and you take everything you need.


As soon as you need to independently download a special "apk" file of the E-NUM authenticator program, you won't be able to install the program without it.

After what next, get a special emulator mobile supplements by the way, Yakiy is called "BlueStacks". As soon as everything will be broken, the emulator will no longer be installed and then we will add the apk file to the new entrants.

It is not so easy to install the program, it is enough to run the installation file and check the bill. If so, you need to create an oblique record with Google, and only then you can freely use all the functions of the program.

And to install the program, you need to open the apk file through the program. For whom, go to the left panel and find out the special column “apk”. After hitting you, please indicate the path to the file and run the installer. The program will be installed through a sprat of fluff, and you can use these functions. True, after launching, you will immediately have to enter the data of your Internet gambler. But it’s already the functions of the program itself, it doesn’t matter to you to sort it out.

E-num- the last key to yours payment system webmoney.

E-num is an authorization system that gives access to the services of the WebMoney Transfer system for an additional secret key (a unique cipher pad) that is collected from the mobile device (phone, smartphone, tablet, fingerprint reader) of the participant. The system allows you to save the keys of the WM Keeper program from your database (E-num Storage), which allows you to safely use your electronic devices, as well as WebMoney services, practically on any computer.

The E-num system is simple and handy. The participant does not need to remember folding passwords. Authorization is carried out either after the "Food-recovery" scheme, or after reading the fingerprint, or after entering the control number, as it is enforced in the SMS notification.

1. On the side of the site (otherwise with the program), in order to transfer access to theft, the participant enters his email, after which the number-power is displayed to him;

2. The participant launches the E-num mobile client on his/her phone and enters the food number. After the entry, the telephone display shows the code number. Also, the number of messages can be taken automatically from the SMS notification without using the mobile client;

The E-num service gives its participants this opportunity.

Register in the system, set up, restore access;

win additional secure way to log in to WM Keeper;

Confirmation of transfer of fees, payment for services and other transactions with WM Keeper.

Identification of fingertips from PCs and laptops.

1. On the computer, install the program E-NUM client for fingerprints

2. On the E-NUM website special office Register your finger(s)

Pіdtrymka zchituvachіv like zvnіshnіh, i vbudovanih in laptops, keyboards, mice.

Registration in E-NUM

As it turned out, the robot with E-num had a lot of food. Not everyone can grow up on their own. For cats zvorotny zv'azku, I started to come feed, how to register in E-num, download the program and so on. I understand that this article is not on all matters. To that very thing, I have checked before it, to make corrections, to add information. They gave everything cover ...

1. For registration, you need to go to the website e-num.ru or enum.ru

2. In the specified field, enter your email addresses

3. At the next stage, you need to enter your mobile phone number, check the box "I'm not a robot" and press the CONTINUE button.

4. At the indicated at the front stage, the e-mail address will arrive with a confirmation message, press on it. After that, the system will ask you to confirm the mobile phone number, so the instructions are at the next stage. At the bottom field, enter a one-time confirmation code, which is given to you by SMS and press the OK button.

5. Everything is more complicated already. Registration completed. One more SMS notification with the activation code of the E-NUM client should be sent to your number. At the rest of the stage, you will be asked to choose the operating system of your smartphone and install the program. When you first start the program, you will need to enter the entire client activation code.

Trochs below I pointed out to those that the E-num client can be installed on any phone that supports JAVA. There is no such possibility. With an addendum, you can only work in operating systems ios, android, Windows phone that Blackberry.

Payment for assistance E-NUM

With the security method, all webmoney operations are confirmed by me Help E-NUM. It's a tricky thing. The vicorist E-NUM has already been over five rokiv, once without blowing it. The client works on all mobile phones. Golovne schob phone pіdtrimuvav JAVA, it's easier with smartphones. The connection to the Internet is not binding. The principle of the client's work is to enter the number, as it appears when paying in the NUMBER-FOOD field, the salesman, the exact amount and press the button REMOVE THE NUMBER-VIEW. The number that will appear must be entered on the payment side.