100 programs for Android. Programs for Android: basic programs for children

I love you, my dear readers! U Google Play Store there are so many additions and their number is growing at an unrealistic pace today, how do you navigate them and discover the best? I'll try to put together a list of the best ones Android add-ons. I will try to make everything as structured as possible and into categories for better navigation.

Regardless of what you're looking for, you'll definitely find plenty of it required program. Enjoy reading and let me know that in your opinion, the collection is not enough and the actions of the programs have not deservedly been relegated to this TOP.

Torik, you have already received a note about, the time has come to create a similar TOP and about add-ons (and if you want to run them on your computer, then you know what needs to be done). I won’t bother with emulators - everything is run on a smartphone and is testable, so don’t boast about the drive’s relevance... everything has been verified on a live device and I can guarantee the functionality of all programs on this list.

Customization of the Android interface

Customers should consider changing the Android interface if they have spent a lot of time fiddling with their smartphone and their soul demands a change if they want a new design of the system. The main point is nutrition, which is based on various programs for Android, which allows you to customize your new look.

I will repeat that I selected the list of programs based on my own taste and opinion, which is purely subjective... but I tried to listen to the thoughts of those I know and without reviewing completely unknown programs - all of them are even more popular on Google Play and are highly rated and koristuvachs

Pixel Icon Pack

It's no secret that the flagship of the good corporation Google Pixel Having opened the unique interface, the right time was to click on the icons and design of this device. Get started - Pixel Icon Pack. In my opinion, one of the most popular sets with icons (there are also a lot of different collections, and only Pixel-free ones)

The screenshots show below external look After activating the icons and the design - as it looks wonderful on me - the smartphone interface changes completely.

To install this icon pack, you need to install it in the program menu and click “Apply” from the “Pixel Icon Pack”, do not pay attention to the English interface, the menus themselves will all be Russified. However, one small thing, to install this set of graphics you need a third-party launcher... the list of encouragements is great, I used Apex Launcher for testing (just click on the name and press the Install button)

This set of resources is very satisfactory and I can recommend it to everyone who wants a boring and new look for the interface of their smartphone

Next Lock Screen

If I was Vlasnik Nokia Lumia 920 more than enough screen lock on Windows Phone (especially the Bing pictures that were changing today). Unfortunately, this device no longer met my needs and we had to separate, and I lost my nostalgia for Lock Screen Lumi. I was so relieved when I found out that Microsoft itself has released an add-on for the Green Robot, which allows you to display the entire screen on my Android device.

After launching, you need to set permissions for the program, everything is intuitively clear - a good alternative to the standard lock screen.

Of course, this is not an exact copy from Windows Phone, but the main features have been preserved. The start of a strange trend is that Microsoft has given up on its own devices, rather than releasing software for its competitors’ third-party platforms

SwiftKey Keyboard

It's important to re-evaluate the importance of the methods you use on your smartphone, even when typing texts we use today. I don't care about you standard keyboard Android, then select - SwiftKey Keyboard and you will never turn to the keyboard again.

What's the trick? — this interface and those that are configured. You can choose the layout of the buttons yourself, display the number pad on the screen at any time during operation, and choose from hundreds of different design themes to your liking. There’s no need to ignore the problems you’ve identified, and throw out some meaningful hints that will show you where to point your finger.

Perhaps I'm getting so old that I don't have any worries about using third-party keyboards, and I'm giving up the privilege of losing stock Android.


overflow best programs For Android, it will not be possible to look at the browsers that seem to be available. Today's smartphone is simply a mess without the Internet at this hour, and the browser itself shows us the whole world's web instead.

Getting ahead of myself, I would like to get ahead of the fact that it is simply impossible to describe absolutely all web browsers - either Dolphin Browser or Puffin, all of them are slowly losing their popularity and it is increasingly possible to view them on mobile devices.

Yandex.Browser - iz zakhistom

You can blame the Yandex company for a long time for its policy of expanding the Yandex Browser on a computer, but for Android, the browser add-ons are simply outstanding - I can recommend it to everyone and I myself am sorry for it. All the bosses are Swedish stable robot browser, and the page will help you find out some information if you want to see something, but you don’t know what it is.

It really behooves me that the stitch line be at the bottom, just as easily as a 5.5-inch device... at the same time Google Chrome Because Firefox stinks and you have to take the phone with both hands or have a finger to reach this element.

Smooth Firefox browser

On my computer I'm scrounging Mozilla browser Firefox is the main one, and we want to add it to our TOP. If we're honest, I'm a little disappointed... I have a couple of 5-6 gigabyte tabs on my computer RAM I just don’t care, as it turned out, on Android the fox is also compatible with the same Yandex Browser. Otherwise, everything is fine, it is possible to correct the problem with productivity with updates.

Firefox is good at organizing work with tabs and manual adjustments start screen browser. However, if you have a productive smartphone, then Denmark browser Perhaps you'll get sick of it - I don't recommend it to those with ultra-budget budgets.

Just a good and useful web browser, take a look at the new one... who knows, maybe it will become the main one for you

Google Chrome: a fast browser

Dry note about best programs on Android and not knowing about Google Chrome would be simply evil. The most popular browser for Andriyk, but historically I have not worked out with it. I spent my whole life on Fox, and then opened Yandex.Browser for myself... I’ll leave a message about every issue, and with the high level of popularity of installations on your smartphone.

In general, nothing special, just a mobile version of one of the the fastest browsers for a personal computer running Chromium.

A standalone browser in the Android version, but there’s no trick in it... there’s nothing left to vikorize it

UC Browser - UC Browser

Singingly one of the most recent browsers, which is still relevant since the leadership of Nokia and Symbiam... oh, nostalgia. However, in vain the browser new platform It just feels wonderful and has a lot of functionality.

Reception Home page, tight ad blocker, smooth interface, night mode- It doesn’t have much to do with the wide capabilities of the web browser, I can definitely recommend it for installation on a smartphone.

UC Browser is not only a browser, but also a large number of services available from the program menu.

File managers

The great advantage of Google's operating system is that it's unlocked file system, there are a lot of file managers for Android in the store, and we will try to explain what they deserve for your consideration.

ES Explorer

I think someone will benefit from me a lot, if I say that ES Explorer is one of the best add-ons for Android. True, the functionality has long gone beyond the simple file manager- Since then, the wine has grown even more, the impact on productivity has not been significant... everything works as it always did and without any special problems.

What’s so great about this conductor? — First of all, the support of ZIP and RAR archives is important to me, since it’s practically expected that you won’t get anything from the stock ones. When you start the program, you learn that ES Explorer can search for all types of files on your device and work with it in real time - let's move on to the very end.

You can see in the little picture below that you can use both the new menu and the same standard structure of files and folders. The program now has a place analyzer, which shows what is great and interesting to have on your phone and plenty of storage space. Well done catless version Advertising is not intrusive, but in general you can reconcile yourself by looking at the available functionality.

I tried to analyze vilne misce on your phone and the result you can get lower, and in the pictured right-hander I was able to go into the bordered folder on home computer- at home via Wi-Fi you can watch movies along the edges and manually shoot.

MK Explorer

For some reason, you did not have the file manager page, and there is no need for other functionality other than browsing folders and copying/pasting - the best solution would be the MK Explorer program. The program is very simple and practically does not take up space in the device’s memory.

As in ES Explorer, you can browse both categories and a standard file manager with direct access to the file system.

If you don’t get much from a file manager, MK Explorer will be quite familiar to you.

Social networks and messengers

As much of the fate of the primeval importance of smartphones was ringing, then in 2017 everything changed dramatically. At this time, calls have moved to another level, and social networks and instant messengers have come to the forefront - well, you can’t buy more smartphones to make calls, especially VKontakte is stable and you can make calls or send messages using Whats App Homelessness


The crazy leader on the Russian market is crazy VKontakte, melodiously, a client of this data is installed on every smartphone social measures. It has great strength unofficial supplements Ale mi let's look at the most popular. So what does this guy have?

I think that I will benefit greatly from the fact that the utility of such clients is the functionality that can be implemented and can be repeated on the computer version. In general, as long as you don’t dig too deep, all the activities you can do can be done from your smartphone without having to worry about your computer.


Another useful program for your Android smartphone is the Viber messenger. I haven't been around the docks for a long time without getting my mom to go to push-button telephone on an Android device. It turned out that she had a lot of known people behind the border, and after Skyping on the computer, all of them might have migrated to Viber and were left satisfied.

Excellent program design, intuitive interface... animated stickers and other goodies to bribe rich investors and compete with competing solutions makes no sense... and from the main points (this includes calls and notifications via the Internet) The program can be used easily and without any problems.

Almost all messengers are similar to each other - my pleasure: check out the add-on that has more extensions for your number

Whats app

The first penetration of instant messengers on the Internet is primarily Whats App. As it has historically not worked out for me, it is possible that the majority of people I know sit on VK and need to install Whats App simply couldn’t ... but mindlessly realize that this addition is already coping well with their tasks.

Verdict? — The private Internet messenger doesn’t have any over-the-top functionality, nothing fancy... and what else do you need?


Heads of Roskomnaglyad, the Telegram messenger has become even more popular in Russia - the brainchild of Pavel Durov... information that no one can read current methods Encryption is done without any middleman on the device, and not on the software servers.

In other words, everything is like everyone else, there are different groups and channels, which are three times more functionally equal to analogues... last week the Russian language, but there’s a small problem - it’s not easy to get back.

On account of Viber and VKontakte in Telezia there is a large collection of free stickers - for the rich this can be a great advantage in choosing your main program

Maps and navigation

Just as only top-end devices have recently been equipped with GPS sensors for very little money, now satellite navigation is like a melody on a budget Android device... and there’s a lot for navigation tsikavih programs for OS Google.

Yandex.Maps - search place and navigator

As for me, the standard for the Russian Federation is the Yandex.Carti add-on. Why such a choice? - There is no place for me, besides, there are 2 GIS, and in Yandex it is always an organization, and the visibility of the people's map is simply obligatory until it is established.

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the Yandex products - there’s a lot of stuff there... for example, Yandex.Transport will show you bus routes, which will be very helpful for getting your bearings in an unknown place.

2GIS: Adviser and Navigator

If you choose a program for orientation in great places, then 2GIS is the best choice. You can now find your way around Samara, everything works smoothly and support for offline mode has been implemented. On the map you can see not only the streets and numbers of budynki, but also the opportunity to look into shopping centers and improve the placement of the pavilions in the middle.

The app works smoothly and has a great base of organization and manual navigation - all to the point and nothing fancy.

However, as I have already said, there are a lot of small places on the list and there is no real Buzuluk here - but you obviously can’t write down the plus add-ons for Android.

Multimedia programs

Today's smartphone without multimedia capabilities is practically obsolete. Often stock video players and galleries do not provide the required functionality, but we are happy to discover the development of third-party programs to provide a good alternative to standard add-ons.

What are we talking about music, in the age of the Swedish Internet and accessible distribution of audio albums you don’t have to download them to your phone - everything miraculously works online with human sorting, names and covers (I remember they used to fool around with tags, search for covers to albums - now everything is available online and does not take up space on the device at all)

Photos and videos

A standard video programmer is only good if there is nothing else... and the world of Android has even a lot of options alternative programs and if you want to talk about multimedia, then here we go turn off the light- Let’s try to get back to you as best we can.

VLC media player

Chantly rich knowledge of Danii progravach on to your personal computer I want to remind you that everything is fine with the Android version, no one needs to download this player and you can safely use it before installation.

If you often watch videos on your device, then VLC may be your go-to media player. Your arsenal includes a large number of file types and incredibly easy manual editing. touch screen, But they cannot boast of the richness of the great brother’s programs.

VLC is already dominant on personal computers, and this mobile app firmly positioned as the best player in the mobile phone sector

MX Player

Chantly, a couple of fates I would call yogo the best programmer video, and at this time, in line with competitors, it is too complicated to install and install codecs... it is assumed that there is still advertising in the free version. I understand that consumers want to eat, with or without available alternatives on the market.

In my experience with VLC, I was not particularly suited for keruvannya, but rather for an amateur. I don’t say that I’m a producer of filth, it’s incredibly hot, I convey my sympathy to competing software.

Return your attention to Software and Hardware decoders - play around with the adjustments, this way you can improve the smoothness of the operation and significantly protect the battery charge

Piktures – Photo Album Gallery

For whatever reason you shouldn't standard supplement"Gallery", then try the alternative in the Piktures feature (no, I didn’t write the word with mercy).

An intuitive and clever addition for Android that makes organizing your gallery easier and viewing photos easier.

For many, the function of sorting by calendar or inserting a PIN code at the entrance to the gallery will be useful, which is more functional for this program


For those who can’t imagine themselves without music, I hope to show you a couple sikavyh addenda on Android to enhance your collection and bring you closer to music.

Yandex.Radio - online music

As previously there was an online radio, but it was not understood and there is a need for it urgently... then Yandex.Radio is one of the greatest music add-ons on Android. We choose the genre and mood and then select the music selected for us - songs can be skipped, which gives us an advantage over other radio stations... we have a choice - to listen to this composition no matter what

It’s also Yandex.Music, but I don’t include it in the top through those that are paid... but one of the add-ons for which I bought a subscription, from now on there is no sense of searching songs on the Internet at all - everything is available online and in y yakosti.

You can access Yandex.Radio on your computer without any problems - all standard Yandex services and everything is available directly from the browser on their website

Google Play Music

If Google gives out 3 months of free wikis Google service Play Music, then I brought out my inner Jew and added a subscription. Nonheas, I was a shock -ninno Menyshonel, Ale Pisly Vikoristannya Yandex.muzik, I’m not the snake to go to Googlesky Service ... The prose is not just like that, you didn’t vicoristo vicorist, you can more likely be more likely to stimulate the google muzika.

The ability to rewind tracks in the add-on was wildly unsuitable, although such ability is present in the browser version... the interface is not particularly intuitive, but rather the buttons on the right...

As I learned from Google, having launched this service for Russia not so long ago, it is expected that a new collection of tracks will be expanded (I am confident that the new situation will become better).

Tips and information before you think about it

Friends, I had a hard time writing a note about the best programs on Android - I installed everything on my phone, tested it, took screenshots and tried to find out the pros and cons of each program. I understand that you can also add weather programs, shopping in online stores and many other wonderful programs here.

I’m afraid that it’s simply unrealistic to describe everything you want, but I tried to present you with information as clearly and structuredly as possible... because I missed it effectively vartiy dodatok- write in the comments, we will easily add them to our people's top useful programs for Android. All the best!

My favorite Android programs and programs
Axis programs, as I vikorist most often and more often for others. Most of them are saved on my home screens or in the program tray, folders, etc. For example, a folder with programs for, . I will start this list with the main programs, dividing them into several categories below.

The best programs for motivation
Everything changes when we talk about those who vikorize for fun, or who just watch YouTube. However, the axis is deprived of the greatest additions that will excite you.

The best shopping programs
Nowadays, the Internet opens up the whole world for shopping and you, of course, want to take action with the following additions to make your life easier.

Grub_HubNecessary tool to arrange delivery from restaurants without ringing the phone. Available in 800 locations, additionally includes 30,000 restaurants.

Hotel Tonight– Do you know the number of the Great Hotel in Ostannyu Khvylina? It's possible. You can book a room on a last-minute basis for just a pittance, and also save your pennies to enjoy your stay.

TripAdvisor– Search, ratings, reviews and much more for everything a train might need. I'm a TripAdvisor vikor, no matter what the situation, if you need to move out of your place, you can always undo the current one. useful information From programs

Waze- At that hour, when I begin to rely on Google Maps, Waze is helping to reduce traffic on the roads Google recently acquired the company, but I will continue to use it hour after hour. Or Google Now. The Waze and Speed ​​Trap programs will also show you where the police are standing.

Glympse– This is a tool that will show people if you have found the right place. Just share Glympse with your relatives and loved ones, so that the stench can smell your exact detoxification and the hour of degeneration that arrives.

Today Weather– Lots of people swear by weather programs, but if you are looking for a program with an elegant design and many advanced functions, try Today Weather. This is minimalist and pushing supplement wait a minute.

Best for Android

For doctors whose day-to-day business is carried out by our Android smartphones, it becomes easier to deal with, no matter what. The current range of add-ons includes everything that makes it easier to start working. Turn these around.

UPS– This program allows you to check when new delivery packages arrive, and you can also change the delivery parameters if necessary.

Fedex– With this program and registration with FedEx, you can track your company's shipments with one program. Well, if you don’t install the tensioners.

ParcelTrack– If you receive a lot of shipments or packages with documents, and also deal with shipping companies, you will love ParcelTrack. The addendum will tell you where your goods are located, and tell you about the problems and reasons.

– Use this program to quickly scan a document without a scanner. The results are undeniably good, often you cannot match the power of a full-fledged scanner in the office.

Hangouts Meet– The popular messenger from Google has cut off the additional platform. The program was rebuilt from scratch for business. New additions include Hangouts Meet. That's what GoToMeeting is, but it's also cost-free from Google.

Speedtest– I’m sorry, if you need to check the Wi-Fi in the office or the 4G LTE signal, or just reconnect, what do you have? good internet, first download the file, speed up this program. It checks the speed and productivity of the Internet network as you follow it.

Facebook Pages– I am a vikorist program for keruvannya with several pages on Facebook. There is simply no real alternative to it, and this program is one of those that may be on your list.

WordPress– If you are using WordPress, this program can be used as a mobile version. For a number of reasons, it may not work and you can quickly discharge the battery, but even worse, if you need to.

Expensify– Vikoristan has a simple program that generates receipts and also helps you process cash transactions. You don't need to select a currency, the program scans the receipts for you. Then it reports the expenses to your boss or sends the results to any email address.

Quickbooks– If you need to look or know important information about books, this program that controls it becomes a useful tool.

Parkmobile- everyday changes, everyday problems. Visit ParkMobile to find out how to pay for parking in some of the most popular areas of the country.

- Work on the go, operate tables or navigate from the right important information? Sheets Best choice middle web programs for business.

– So just like Sheets, the addition works with documents and is loved by cashiers, who are absolutely necessary office programs on the run. I have to work with it several times a month, and you will definitely fall in love with Google Docs.

– This is not the least, the most accessible and simplest client on the Internet, which you can only use to save data. This is an easy way to save files and secure files for access from anywhere in the world.

Vipadkov or unique programs for Android

Finally, we would like to see a number of Vypadkovykhs unique additives We could recommend it. There are programs that a lot of people don’t know about, and programs that you simply won’t find a place in other top ratings.

snapdragon .app" target="_blank">Snapdragon Battery Guru– This is a cost-free program that analyzes your smartphone to protect final hour autonomous robot. The add-on only works on smartphones Qualcomm processors Snapdragon, which is typical for most high-end smartphones.

IMDb– movie trailers, news, information and much more. I love this program because I am a movie fan.

Android Wear– for those who are vikors reasonable hours on Android based Wear.

– HD Widgets gives you the latest version of the app, as well as additional toggle switches for Bluetooth and other automatic access functions.

Zedge– Zedge has the largest collection of wallpapers, backgrounds, ringtones, text messages and much more. For example, I used the sound of coins from Mario to sound SMS.

RunPee– If you’re in a movie and don’t want to miss an important scene or something, use RunPee to know when to show up safely at the movie so you can take a short break. Please.

Push Bullet– Have you ever wanted to force and remove text messages from your computer or laptop? Push Bullet offers a lot of other things. Transfer files, monitor images or get notifications on your phone or PC.

– When did you need a ruler, a compass, a flyer, or how to make a bubble rhubarb? If so, then Smart Tools is for you. I vikoristuyu yogo, if you need to hang a photograph on the wall, die out speeches and a lot of other things.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but we also looked at some of the best add-ons for Android. As more and more new programs come out every day, they allow your smartphones to operate online speech, the list will be updated.

Google Play offers over 2 million programs, most of which copy the same functionality or simply turn into slag. Selecting software that will become your assistant and nomad from a smartphone to a smartphone is easy, the same task for all businessmen. Let us remember that our rating includes the most beautiful programs for Android, add a couple of names to the list of your favorite programs.

Another Call Recorder

ACR is one of the simplest, most intuitive programs for recording calls. The add-on offers a great range of settings: more than 8 audio formats, automatic recording manual mode, extraction of files from hmaru, protection of records with a password, their deletion through tasks hour and much more.

The program is smartly cost-free, the Pro version without advertising costs a little more than a dollar, and it adds the ability to automate registration for multiple contacts. When working in background mode ACR practically does not support the battery. Judging by the calls, 95% of users have no problems with running ACR, so for stability it is the shortest program for recording calls on Android.


Mindly is a wonderful, cost-free add-on for creating memory maps, and if you don’t know what it is, you should use it. Memory cards can be carefully planned, created notes and abstracts, prepared before the presentation and business presentation - with any thoughts and ideas, visually designed, orientated in a much simpler way than most records

Unlike other similar programs, Midnly does not only have a number of elements in the middle of the map, but also advertising, and before any icon you can attach images and extensions of notes. This is definitely one of the best cost-free add-ons from the Play Market!

Bliskavka QR scanner

Many people still don’t understand that a QR scanner is needed in a smartphone and for which you may need to decrypt a QR code. Ale varto keep your finger on the pulse of technology: put on similar icons quick access For more detailed information about goods, addresses, receipts, memos, you can go to encrypted messages on the Internet, remove a discount on goods or pay utility bills.

The best program for reading QR codes for Android is the Bliskavka QR scanner, which works quickly and flawlessly, removing the most annoying advertising in the free version among all analogues and, however, effectively working with the most important strokes -codes. Simple, quick and costless - what else is needed?


An indispensable assistant for any kind of water, MapcamDroid, has a unique anti-radar function and warns about the proximity of traffic police posts, speed cameras and the area from an imminent accident. The work does not require the Internet; all you need to do is download the database for your region when installing the program. The program is available in approximately 250 countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The program runs in the background without any problems and synchronizes with any navigators or video recorders. MapcamDroid is by far the most powerful radar detection program for Android, supported by tens of thousands of users who are constantly updating databases and checking the correctness of available information.

Stepper from Leap Fitness Group

The Market has a lot of copies of similar ones, one on one, and they all suffer from the same illness - inaccuracy of peddling. The Leap Fitness Group supplement appears to have a minimal amount of supplementation, depending on the readings of the accelerometer sensor (the sensitivity of which can be adjusted for yourself), and this means the absence of over-world I charge the battery through a continuously active GPS.

The pedometer has an attractive minimalist design, is completely cost-free, and supports extensive statistics of physical activity and a variety of other useful features. Please note, if you need the Crocomir program for Android, this is the optimal choice.

Nova Launcher

From all Nova launchers, it works smoothly and is beautiful. If you are tired of the stock interface of your smartphone, this program will help you change it out of the blue. Nova brings not only visual changes, but also functionality - expanded support for gestures, a cure for unread add-ons on desktop shortcuts, the ability to customize the add-ons menu, context not menu on icons.

The launcher is entirely Russian, it does not have the resources and works correctly on older smartphones (requires Android 4.1+), another significant plus is the careful support from the side of the developers, so that any bugs can be quickly corrected and regularly and release renovations. Nova Launcher is guilty of booty inclusions in any top programs for Android.

Google Photos

About Google Photo, melodiously, know everything koristuvachi Android, but who doesn’t make use of this miraculous addition to the advantage of the original gallery. Of course, for a better look, you can use the QuickPick icon, but there is no good in being a product of a corporation - Google Photo automatically upvotes photos in the dark. Realize: you have arrived home from vacation, and the pictures are already clicking on your computer until you look at them.

Add here the required tools for processing, automatic closing collages, animation and mini-films, grouping photographs by place, objects and persons, guessing about photos from past days and taking one of the brown additives for smartphones, in principle.


Snapseed is not a top-end tool for working with color correction, but it has the primary functionality of working with RGB curves and lightness balance, retouching, noise reduction, increased sharpness, etc. There are no presets or effects, including secondary exposure.

This editor is ideal for an amateur photographer, but it’s not a program that’s cool to work on after pressing one button. Snapsid allows you to achieve stunning results with cameras. budget smartphones However, I would like to learn how to practice as little as possible. If you want to download the best programs on Android for photo editing and automate the entire process, download Photo Lab and enjoy a variety of brilliant photo effects and filters.


The most advanced and cost-free client for watching IP TV, which also supports videos from VK, YouTube and listening to Internet radio. After accessing the addition of playlists (search on w3bsit3-dns.com), you will have access to hundreds of national and international channels with an integrated program program, and you can also watch torrent-tv, which often broadcasts great sports events ї (on the computer for which AceStream is used).

The functionality of LAZY IPTV is in top order, covering everything that the client may need for a long time. Please take a look at the add-on and you won’t need other beautiful programs to watch TV on Android.

Where are my children?

The spygun program for Android is intended for use for good purposes. For further help what's the addendum You can see in real time on the map the status of family members who have similar software installed on their phones.
For greater security, notifications are sent when a child leaves the set zone, and there is a call-in function that allows you to listen in on your child, as well as a chat for instant exchange of information. . The add-on supports synchronization not only with smartphones, but also with your child’s smart phone. “De moi deti” is definitely a must-have for big dads.

We all looked at the TOP 10 best programs for Android. We hope that this rating has given you the opportunity to choose a couple of brown sidekicks for yourself.

Add-ons, creations for gadgets that can be used for operating system Android is incredibly richly designed.

All of them, for clarity, can be divided into one category. At whose glance we can see the best of them.

Please be assured that all aspects of the program are completely cost-free, and the activities are completely cost-free (with the possibility of making purchases or adding a paid version with expanded capabilities).

Some add-ons are paid.

Program for Android: work with files

Synchronization program installation of additional supplements between various devices that work on.

It’s important that those who, for example, set up on their phones, and other settings for games, will also have the same settings (or save money) on the tablet and on your other devices.

For additional programs, you can connect your Android device to your laptop.

Once you have earned it, you take it away behind-the-scenes access to files, and you can also delete or modify, as well as delete or install programs.

This program is considered to be one of the most useful for cleaning gadgets like a real “smudge”.

It is a problem in these situations when the device has little space in the system and is unable to install another program.

Program for Android: system programs

This program was created in order to create backup copies add-ons, data and setup on your gadget.

There is additional functionality: you can transfer all programs to a memory card.

You can also delete system programs that are not deleted in a standard way.

An add-on that allows you to preserve the battery charge of your gadget.

Warning: The indication of the predicted operating hour for the device to charge the battery also shows the approximate hour it will take to charge the device.

The paid version allows you to keep track and view the charging statistics of the device.

This richly functional program allows you to check your gadget for viruses, showing how much memory it takes up.

You can also turn on energy saving modes, speed up installation on the device, or speed up other processes.

Corrisna information:

Programs for Android: video, audio, multimedia

Zruchna program for mittevoya automatic transmission That's the video you're watching now.

After registering on the site for programs, videos, you are advised to go to your side of the site (of course, when connected to the device).

It’s good that video files are saved on the site and you don’t have to worry about wasting data on the device - a copy is always at hand.

A program for listening to over 50 thousand radio stations around the world. It is possible to add a powerful stream (by entering the URL).

You can also save your favorite songs and stations in the same way, save your creation chronicles, rewind songs back or forward.

Master of telecontrol

Master of telecontrol

This is universal Infrared remote control come to various outbuildings: air conditioner, music center etc.

For robots, the ability to choose the type of device and the brand of the generator has been transferred.

Programs for Android: everyday life

With the help of a planner, you can write down your plans and ideas, set fortune telling at the right time, create voice notes that the program can be converted into text.

A program that collects discounts from all coupon sites.

It’s a good idea to save your time: having purchased a product or service in “real life” that you’re looking for, you check in the program to see what’s on it, and immediately buy it online.

This program is a “stuck” voice recorder.

If you need to record terms, don’t look for the voice recorder button on your device; this program, in the background, records all the sounds that resonate with you.

All you have to do is watch the recording for the required period of time and save the required fragment.

Programs for Android: finance

For the additional cost of a small program, it is possible to determine the Bitcoin exchange rate.

It has a low resource consumption, but it is also informative: the program has several graphics for the course: the rest of the week, month, week and 24 years.

This program will benefit those who need to stay up to date with stock market indices, currency exchange rates, etc.

Important information: the possibility of adding indices of other companies or exchanges, as well as prices for expensive metals and energy resources.

Programs for Android: maps and navigation

This Android add-on will not show you how to get from point A to point B by public transport.

Maps of routes to most great places in Ukraine. Corysna's specialness– informs about the availability and time of travel on various routes, the number of transfers, etc.

The main advantage of this program is the ability to work without connecting to Merezha.

Detailed information about the organization, equipped with a navigator and map, showing its address, working hours, contacts and directions to correspondents.

Also shown are the routes of the city's transport, the plans of the great trading deposits, which side is the entrance to the future.

Programs for Android: social media, sharing


Moreover, for whom it is not necessary to create an official regional record.

The selection of publics in the program is sorted on different topics. By selecting the required publics, you can create a great reading list.

Programs for Android: basic programs for children

This is the game your child develops and acquires various treasures from the cat.

It will be useful for young children: for example, children will need to catch a fish of one color or another and plant it in a round or square aquarium.

The main function is to keep statistics: fathers can find out how the little ones play, what are the correct and incorrect responses to the task.

In this game form, your little one will learn basic arithmetic.

Having pressed on the number, the child senses a copper rumor about it.

Having “made friends” with the hedgehog, take it to the galyavin, and as it grows, you will be given the right amount of mushrooms.

Programs for Android: Foreign movies

Cost-free supplement adoption of foreign languages.

There is a lack of personality in similar to game forms of learning and competently similar lessons on various topics.

This program for learning foreign languages ​​will help those who “cram” new words.

It is necessary to repeat the words through the songs, in this way the smell will be better remembered.

Programs for Android: for all situations of life

The program is specially designed for those who want to lose weight, but cannot manage to drink malt.

Transfers the “taste” to a number of cracks, which need to be salted to neutralize the malt.

When you wake up, the crocomir allows you to set a goal - to pass on the day of the first few lessons.

With this additional program, you can form brown cookies, saving on the waste.

Cream of infusion (for example, spend more than an hour in the open air), and the ability to add your own (for example, learn to knit).

This program will replace you with a visit to a nutritionist.

With this help, you can create a menu for the day, week or month (depending on how many calories you want to allow and special needs (growth, moisture).

In addition, the program shows recipes for vegetables and maximum serving sizes.

This program was initiated by Bill Gates himself.

With your help, you can listen to one of three thousand lectures on various topics - from tax legislation to human anatomy.

For an additional price, you can use the program to recognize the same melody that you sensed, but don’t know.

To do this, you need to bring the device to the sound horn and press one button. Moreover, it is not necessary that if the song is written by the author himself, you can sing the tune on your own.

Since you are all ears, the program will suggest the author of the song and show the text.

Program for pranksters of treasures.

Of course, there is no need to change the professional equipment for searching for metals that are found in the earth, so the researchers will harden what is needed to find in the earth's materials, steel and metal (metals that are magnetized).

The supplement will be great for those who want to thoroughly develop their photography skills.

Access to functions that help with lighting and focusing.

The ability to make adjustments in real mode, the proximity of objects to be photographed, and photo editing.

Chantly, befitting of fathers who encourage the “smartphone addiction” of their children.

Allows for singing hour(for example, doing homework or walking outside) lock your selected programs for an hour.

These “reader” prices highlight the intellectual peculiarity of the processing of selected books: in a special window, the authors of the programs have entered data on the author, title, and date of delivery of the book to your special library.

It is possible to change the color of the font and background that is most comfortable for the eyes.

An addition of special creations for those who are disgusted by disrespect.

You put it somewhere and you can’t find it? Now there is no need to coat the entire apartment in searches - to finish singing loudly in the valley.

The program detector is automatically activated and your gadget tells you where the signal is located nearby.

There are a lot of people around the world who share free Wi-Fi hotspots without hesitation or hesitation.

The ability to connect to any number of points for additional setup of the smartphone.

For this, it’s enough to reveal the password to the program, copy it, go to settings, paste it there and use the border.


A final benefit is the ability to create “deep” photographs, which may have the effect of so-called parallax.

The attached camera can capture images from several points, which is why a proper 3D photo is created.

This program is an intellectual game that allows you to stimulate motivation in self-development. Moreover, the character that needs to be developed is you yourself.

Eyepieces in the game are installed in connection with highly demanding tasks: from the point of purchasing clothes to active sports.

The program will be great for those who love nostalgia.

Timehop ​​is dedicated to combining photos of past events, SMS notifications and posts from several social networks.

After this, you can marvel at what happened at this date throughout the past fates.


As you say, it’s true brown programs for Android it’s even richer. Golovne - appear from directly.

And if you don’t respect our list, write in the comments what kind of addition you would like to add.