It is necessary to defragment the hard drive. Speech, as it is not necessary to work with solid state storage (SSD)

Priestry solid-state SSD drives follow a different principle on the view of the magnetic hard drive HDD. An SSD drive does not have any mechanical parts on the front of the HDD, in which the mechanical parts are found and broken. The head, which reads data, collapses to the left and to the right on the surface to spin with a great swish of the magnetic disk. The SSD-storage does not break anything, and access to the storage room is still the same.

Stacked SSD drive with chips. Please note that defragmenting files on an SSD drive won’t win anything in the increase in speed of reading and writing data, but you can still get rid of nasty stuff.

One of the main problems of SSD storage is the small number of write-rewrite cycles. The total number of cycles in the average becomes 100,000 times for the skin center (1 bit), which changes the term of the service of the building. If you want to continue the life of your SSD drive, then you need to enable defragmentation.

To continue the life of an SSD-accumulator, the algorithms are written into the yogo controller for a larger-less equal distribution of the drive to flash memory. Varto shows that with skin rock, virobniks are perfecting technology SSD drives.

A defragmenter program that zastosovuetsya to HDD magnetic hard disks in its own order often small files in the end of the logical disk, so that, during fragmentation, fragments of the file appeared closer to one to one.

Do not format the SSD hard drive.

Rich koristuvachіv know what to total withdrawal data from the magnetic hard drive HDD, it is necessary to sort out additional data: formatting, installing special DBAN utilities or the Wiper tool, which enters the CCleaner warehouse, to format the files in a loop cycle. For example, Gutmann's method was based on 35 write-rewrite passes to erase data. It is necessary for the attackers to "radish" for additional utilities kshtalt Recuva or Hetman Partition Recovery was unable to recover your deleted data from the magnetic disk.

Everything is wrong with vipadku with SSD-accumulation. Behind the great rakhunok on the right, not in the storage itself, but in the operating system. If you have changed a larger or smaller current operating system (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.6.8 and higher; Linux from Linux kernel 2.6.28 and higher), then the rest of the data storage is taken on the system. The operation for the additional TRIM function is given in automatic mode.

Finally, I want to give a little more joy.

Do not add a large number of files to the SSD disk (up to the limit).

In Persian black, it is necessary for the SSD storage to function at the latest speed. The disc is responsible for the mother approximately 20% free space vіd zagalnogo yogo obyagu.

Ideally, there are two attachments on your computer to save data:

SSD storage is necessary system disk. An operating system, application programs and add-ons are installed on the new one;

The HDD disk is stopped for saving multimedia files and documents. The speed of the magnetic disk can be fully stitched for playing FullHD movies.

I am convinced that, based on these articles, you provide the necessary knowledge for you! Victory SSD for recognition and will live with you forever!

Shanovnі koristuvachі!
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In this article, we can look at the settings of the operating system for optimal SSD operation, especially the operation of Windows services, as well as the tricks for more stable work SSD drive and increased service life.

Introduction: SSD and HDD drives

Solid state storage device (SSD) significantly overturning the classic hard drive (HDD) In the speed of reading and writing files.

Tse reach zavdyaki absolutely new technologies collecting information and methods for reading and writing. In the case of solid-state accumulating materials, they may be cold, connected with the term of service, and also may have a number of features in the work, which will inject into productivity.

Why are classic hard disks (HDD) more common and what do they add to the speed of their work?

On a hard disk, data is stored on wrapping magnetic plates, and the speed of reading information on different plots of the plate is different. Krіm tsgogo, rіzne rastashuvannya filіv on plates vimagає constant relocation of the head, scho zchituє, through scho kopiyuvannya or record a large number (especially drіbnyh) files in the ide more povіlno.

Sometimes one file can appear in parts on different plates of the plate, which will also reduce the speed of reading such a file: the head, which is supposed to move to a new position and check the rotation of the magnetic plate, to start reading part of the file.

Why is the SSD disk faster in the kіlka razіv i vіd what to lay yakіst yogo roboti

For SSD drives, data is saved on flash memory crystals (sound of NAND memory). For access to the middle of the NAND controller, the task of which includes the operation of reading and writing of the middle, as well as rozpodіlyat vantazhennia.

The speed of access to the memory space of an SSD disk is significantly higher, lower HDD disk a. Krіm tsgogo, the controller of the SSD disk can zdіysnyuvat a large number of operations with the middle of the memory at once, why should it come out even stronger zbіshiti vіdriv in shvidkіsnyh pokazniki vіd klаsichnyh hard drives.

The downside of this technology is those that the middle of the memory can create a cycle of overwriting.
Guaranteeing a resource to become approximately from 300 thousand to 1 million times.

In such a rank, like aSSD the disk should be stored according to the type of flash memory, as well as the quality of the controller, which is responsible for balancing the effort in such a way that all the middle parts are overwritten equally, and also to implement other important moments of management SSD disk.

How settings and services of the operating system are added to the term life of an SSD drive.

Hanging, freezing (freeze) and blue screen of death (BSOD) after installing a new SSD drive.

How did you get stuck with friezes (second computer freezes) or partly blue screens of death after you started victorious new SSD disk, then, better for everything, you need:

  • paste all stop updating Windows operating system.
  • Update the SSD firmware.
  • Update the motherboard BIOS.
Tsey nabіr diy in general is the first, which is the best work after switching to an SSD drive before working on optimizing the operating system. The remaining two points are folding procedures for unprepared koristuvachiv, so for them it’s better to turn around for help before reaching koristuvachiv.

Why is it so important to leave unoccupied or NOT allocated from 10 to 30% of the month on the SSD drive.

Bazhano zavzhdy zavzhdy vіlnimi hocha b 20-30% of the month on the SSD drive.

It is necessary for the NAND controller, through which all the logic of the work from the flash memory of the disk, to be implemented, there was a large number of free blocks. The number of blocks can be actively changed in the process of folding the memory, removing the removal, and also to replace the blocks in flash memory, as if they were out of tune.
Real hard disks may have a special stock for such purposes.
Vin is called " reserve zone»SSD drive. This reserve zone is inaccessible to the operating system, only the controller can access it.
If a large part of the free space of the disk is over, the controller will have to carry out the operation of moving information in the time blocks of the reserve area.

You sing-songly mentioned that SSD disks can be used in a marvelous format: for example, 240GB deputy 256GB. And if you marvel at the available space, it will be even smaller, closer 222GB. Really better for all your disk volume 256GB, I close 8-13% the flash memory of the disk is overwritten under the "reserve zone".

The great charge of the reserve zone is necessary for the equal security of the work of the SSD disk (especially strongly manifested under the great ambitions), as well as the equal charge of the independent zone, considering how much space you have on a new loan - 25% or 95% .

Ale, all virobniks behave in a different way: deyaki expensive disks in the company Intel can mother to 30% reserve zone(Nad obsyag, accessible to the koristuvach), at that hour, like other virobniks, pragmatically robiti vartist SSD disk as cheap as possible, reduce the zone to 6-7% , Abo to launch the release of firmware, which allows the coristuvachas to independently change their size. For additional utilities for testing the productivity of an SSD drive, you can independently compare the data of one and the same drive with a large number of free space and a small amount, if the backup disk is on 95% .
Only in the case of yakіsnykh disks with a sufficient reserve zone, the stability in the speed of the robot is not guilty of a decrease.

How are Windows 7 services colored for SSDs, and how are they better turned on?

Defragmentation, time files, indexing - all this means a lot of retrieval to the disk, which is even more important for SSDs, influencing the presence of a reduced number of cycles of recording, which is definitely not in the HDD.

Windows 7 cannot be sprouted fine lashing services and services vary to the specifics of the work of SSD disks. Alternatively, you can turn on the services on your own, which will definitely not help the robots of the SSD disk (and sometimes turn on the disks, like, for example, disk defragmentation).

Also, you can make decisions about the inclusion of other services that are not relevant to you. Further in the article you will find a description of such services in Windows 7 and the algorithm for enabling them.

Enable defragmentation of an SSD drive in Windows 7

Absolutely non-common (moreover, SSDs are worn) process, relevant only for simple zhorsky disk (HDD), portability fragments files, rozkidanih by hoarding in different cases, for faster reading from the disk.
Fragmentation - it is natural for a hard disk to split files into parts, as they are recorded in areas that are physically remote one and one on a magnetic storage of information.
The SSD drive independently distributes data by blocks for the help of the controller and does not require defragmentation.

Let's take a look at how to turn on the defragmentation service in Windows 7:

Krok 1.
Open menu " Start »→ we introduce a joke in a row: « defragmentation »→ select item« Hard disk defragmentation » .
Malyunok 1. Poshuk and launch of the program "Defragmentation of a Hard Disk".
Krok 2.
At the window click on the button " Nalashtuvati layout » → uncheck the box « Vikonuwati for the layout » « OK » → close the dialogue window.
Malyunok 2. Vіkno settings rozladu disk defragmentation.
Respect! It is given to enable defragmentation for all accumulative systems, incl. i HDD. If necessary, start the process manually.

Enable Prefetch Service in Windows 7.

Tsya service needs to get a good injection on work hard disk, zbіlshyuyuchi swidkіst zavantazhennya OS i recognized for koristuvach software.

The service accumulates data about those files and programs that open when the OS is captured and the first second it works to optimize the methods of downloading to such files. Ale SSD and so it works borderline fast and does not require similar optimization.

Tom " Prefetch »You can safely turn it on, having saved up a loan (don't go for a small) fee. For which wiki editor the registry editor (regedit):

  1. « Start »→ being introduced into the joke:« regedit » → onslaught right button mice(Dalі RMB) in a row with the program found → start in the name of the administrator. Dali shukayemo on ієrarchії (zlіva vіknі) offensive key: « HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters».
  2. Now in the right part of the window we know the point enable Prefetcher , embossed on new PCM → « Change ... ».
  3. Change the value 3 (or 1) to 0, save, close the registry editor, restart the PC.

Malyunok 3. Replacing the check key to enable the Prefetch service.
services Superfetchі Readyboot turn on neobov'yazkovo, so that the stench is practically not injected into the SSD, it's less likely to write log files with a total volume of 1 megabytes, which will help the system to work out and get three more money.
Now let's move on to the secondary functions, including which can slightly reduce the productivity of the PC, and thus continue the life of the solid-state storage device.

Windows 7 root services optimization

Transferring temporal files to HDD

Dosit spirne solution. Farther away allow you to transfer:
  • browser cache.
  • timchas files software.
  • install additional files.
It's not enough to change the speed of the robotic system, but to give you the opportunity to save the life of SSD.

Here you select exclusively V.

If you have decided to transfer the time file to the HDD, then below are the instructions for the windows 7 application:

Krok 1.
button " Start »→ search:« change media »→ chooseable« Replacing the changing cores of the in-line coristuvach » . Malyunok 4. Vіkno zmini zminnyh serdovishcha in windows 7.

Krok 2.
Now, according to the need to change the values ​​in the column of changes, by clicking on the button “ Change ... ". It is possible to find a new way to save files, beginning with the letters HDD (for example, “ D :\...\ Temp ”), Spochatku in times TEMP, And then similarly TMP.

We take the meaning, we close it against the onslaught " OK ».
It’s better to leave the time files in your places, even if the SSD is bought by itself to increase comfort during work, and not in order to constantly blow out the pills, protecting “like the crown of the eye”.
Obviously, the programs will open quickly, however, for example, the engagement of sides in the browser will take much more than an hour.

Enable indexing in windows 7

Indexing will speed up the search process required file on disk.

On the SSD, it is completely disabled, so you often joke around, driving it into the explorer. It will take a little more time to search for files, then no more log entries will be made to the disk, as they create additional recording operations when the system is idle on the desktop.

Indexing is included in " authority » Disk. Let's take a look at the report:

  1. vіdkrivаєmo " My computer" , we know our SSD (orienting, for example, for memory) → press the mouse button to the right → select the remaining item “ authority ».
Malyunok 5. Vіkno polozhennosti local disk.
  1. Check the box « Allow indexing multiple files on this disk for an additional file »
  2. Curved vikno to the onslaught " OK ».

And now we’ll bring an example of optimization methods, like they’re chattering in rich jerseys, I strongly don’t recommend listening to them for the benefit of saving system files valuable in times of infection with viruses or hardware failure.

It is blocked to turn on the download file again - transfer it to the HDD disk with a smaller volume.

It is strongly not recommended to include the whole file when the number is sufficient operational memory, Aje in the new mini-dumpy systemic pardons in times BSOD (blue screen of death) Those other problems are related to software security and hardware.

And without a download file, you can't know for sure exactly the essence of the viniclo problem, as the OS has no reason not to get involved.

So by itself, in the new one, these programs or services can be recorded, when installing windows update or when installing the software, it will be powered after the computer is rebooted.

However, leave є- leave a small swap on the HDD (for locking it is recorded on the SSD, like on any other system disk).

Pokrokova instructions on how to transfer the download file to another disk in windows 7.

  1. At the menu Start »onslaught right mouse button (PKM) According to the item “ computer » → dali " authority » .
  2. We know " Additional system parameters "(Ring out the evil in the middle) and choose the left click of the mouse.
  3. Under paragraph " swidcode »Click on the button« Parameters ... »
Malyunok 6. Tab "Dodatkovo" for changing the setting of virtual memory in windows 7.
  1. Dali at the window swidcode parameters »Choose a tab« dodatkovo "I press on" change »Under item« Virtual memory ”, Show to the download file.
Little 7
  1. Check the box « Automatically select the download file ».
  2. Now, tidy up the swap file from the SSD, then install the recommendations " for the choice of system » on the HDD. Choose to change, re-advance.
Now the dumps will be written without interruption, and the hard disk will be called from the original file.

What do you need to turn on the modes of deep sleep and sleep? Advantages and shortcomings.

The inclusion of deep sleep and sleep mode can be relevant in upcoming situations:

  • You don't squirm tsimi Windows functions 7, and start the victorious function " completed work».
  • When you change the SSD, you get stuck (computer or laptop cannot enter sleep mode or deep sleep), BSOD Tee ( blue screen death) under different regimes.
Torknemosya tsikh food trohi report.

Installing an SSD will speed up the launch and completion of the OS in a few times.
So, it’s important and corny for the “Hibernation” packages, it’s not becoming relevant, but rather on the right HDD. More than that, with incomplete completion Roboti Windows writes files from the time memory (RAM) to the system disk, and when enabled - browses back.

Also, in the skin alternative mode, the SSD will write a file on itself that can reach approximately 70% of the total RAM. І to save і without that obmezhenі recording cycles of a solid-state storage device, you can turn on hibernation (as well as “Sleep mode”) again, using the standard “Completed work”.

In this rank, we take away deeds of perevaga:

Nedolіki inclusion of deep sleep and sleep regimen.

short It is not a big waste of an hour when ochіkuvannі povnotsіnnogo zavantazhennia OS and programs, yakі can be needed right now, what's up, wait, dosit rarely.

Also, in most cases, “Completion of work” will be the most distant solution when the PC is turned off, and without “deep sleep” with a higher-speed SSD, you can do without it.

"Sleep Mode" rank do not write files to RAM, And I’m less likely to reduce the cost of the PC for the change in the meal of the bagatioh yoga of the hardware parts (all the data that were in the memory of the timchasovyat are stored there).

So, you need to turn it off less in times of BSOD and other system pardons.

Fence on the inclusion of discs in the plan of electric power.

Hanging in sleep mode.

Other, depending on the settings of the power supply, computer or laptop included hard disks, To save resources. It may also be possible to turn on the sleep mode at once, but after that, the mode has already been set.

The computer screen goes out, and then, once or twice, windows turn on hard disks. Older drivers or firmware for SSD disks can behave incorrectly in such a situation, and the computer freezes, because the hard disk does not initialize after the power is turned on.

This problem can be easily mistaken for the freezing of a computer with an SSD drive in sleep mode.

To solve this problem, try to block the inclusion of disks in the electricity plan.

For whom it is necessary to go to the menu " Start »→ enter a joke in a row:« electroanimation

Malyunok 8. Transition to the installation of electricity.

Next click " »→ go to item« Change advanced life settings "(Malyunok 9).

Inclusion of the sleep mode and / or deep sleep.

4.5.1 Let's go to sleep mode.

As we told you, for which you need to go to the menu " Start »→ enter a joke in a row:« electroanimation »→ choose the next item (Figure 8).

Next click " Nalashtuvannya transition to sleep mode "(To be approximately evil in the middle of the window, which appeared), and then choose the meaning" never »In parameter« The computer will enter the mode ”(Figure 11).

Baby 11. Turning the computer into sleep mode.

Ready! Sleeping mode of inclusions.

4.5.2 Let's move on to turning on deep sleep.

Hibernation - the mode of completion of work, when all processes are in RAM are copied on theSSD, Upvoting File hiberfil.sys, a kind of vitrachaє resource (overwrite cycles, in the same way) of a solid-state accumulator. inclusion of deep sleep be carried out after the additional input of the singing command in the command line console ( cmd.exe). For the cob it is necessary to call command row, Entering in poshukovy row menu " Start »Request:« cmd »І run її in the name of the administrator(To the onslaught of RMB and choice " Run as administrator »)

Now copy (or enter manually) in a row step:

powercfg.exe -h off

today Ctrl+V don't work in cmd.exe. For help, you can insert commands ( RMB → Paste). You can go something like this (Figure 12):

Baby 12. Introduction of data to the command row for the inclusion of deep sleep.
Press Enter, check for a couple of seconds, close the command row.
Once the PC is reloaded, the deep sleep file will be erased from our SSD, and re-writing to the disk will not happen again until you turn the function back on (in this command, change “off” to “on”). Viconano. Hibernation will no longer bother your SSD.

Why you can't enable the Windows Restore Checkpoint

tse crush impossible the easiest way is to repair system files in case of incorrect installation or to remove software security, drivers, etc. The control point sometimes helps a lot, so that it turns on undercoolly and winds up badly.

Automatic configuration of the SSD disk with the help of the cost-free SSD Mini Tweaker program

A program to help you automatically automate actions from guidance here - SSD Mini Tweaker. This software is portable, so it does not take care of the settings, but without cost.

In the window of the program-optimizer (V 2.7) with the recommended (universal) settings, it will look like the next step: Malyunok 13. Vіkno program SSD Mini Tweaker to optimize the SSD drive.


Now, having learned 3 ways to optimize windows 7 for a swedish and long-term work of an SSD drive, you can choose in the direction of productivity and the term of the SSD service, or put together the most correct, in your opinion, balance.

Might be the biggest shortfall of its terms of service.

In essence, SSD-accumulation is an impersonal medium in flash memory and skin is such an average resource. Today, accumulators have appeared with a resource of 100,000 rewriting cycles and technology does not stand on the spot, but still the resource of SSD-accumulations is kept.

At this comment, I would like to dim on the topic of solid-state storage devices, since this process can move parts of information from one drive to another, and therefore it is logical to admit that defragmentation of thermal SSD storage services is short.

So what is the need for defragmenting SSD drives? Let's unravel.

Also, modern operating systems and programs are not ready to work with SSD storage devices. If we analyze the work of Windows, then we know that the operating system creates hundreds and thousands of time files in every hour of its work. For example, calls to the air are not enough operational memory to gradually increase or change, and when you exit the operating system, it is cleared. Browsers (programs for reviewing Internet pages) directly from the Internet, which allows you to take swedish access to regularly look at the Internet resources, but I’m still trying to get SSD-accumulators. There are no such examples. Navit all vіdomiy Word when folded text document Viroblya autosave, which already means an additional cycle of overwriting on accumulative information.

All qi nachebto one-time activities wriggle in tens of thousands of cycles overwriting shorichno, which, as you know, is designated as a direct rank on the resource of the SSD-accumulator.

In order to remove the middle of the SSD-attachment, it is equal, the builders of the attachments are sewn into the new special program, Yaka for the song algorithm, splitting the middle for recording or rewriting information. The task of the program is to increase the average amount of wear and tear, so that in the skin average the number of overwriting cycles can be approximately the same. The idea is bad, but it doesn't work 100%. If we look at the operating system or program files, if we installed them on a solid-state storage device, then apparently tens of gigabytes of files are not subject to overwriting. Even the main files of the operating system or programs are not changed from time to time, but their values ​​are constant. The same can be said about your special information. Having thrown photoarchives once, falling in love with films or music, you are unlikely to be with these files as if to practice and stench will be rebuvat in the same and quiet middles of the SSD-accumulator to finish a trivaly hour.

At the pouch to go out, that on the accumulative є deaky expanse of the middle, yakı constantly overwrite, and є stіynі seredki, yak nіyak not work. It sounds like a logical visnovok, that the program, sewn into the SSD-storage and recognized for the improvement of the term of the yogo service, is ineffective.

Now about the essence, about what is stated in the heading of the topic note.

On the other hand, defragmentation on SSD-storage drives is superfluous, since solid-state storage devices may sound like a different principle of work, lower hard disks and fragmentation of files on SSD-storage drives do not add to the speed of yoga robots.

At zvyazku z cym in operating room Windows systems 7 defragmentation after the layout is specially turned on, so as not to add additional SSD attachments, but why is it defragmentation? But is she still necessary?

It is possible that, in that case, defragmentation is strong and does not help to increase the resource of the SSD-accumulator, since during defragmentation, fragments are shuffled into files, as if they were recorded on a fragmented disk. But all the same, a one-time defragmentation allows you to frequently move fragments of files and change the middle, in which fragments are saved three times a day. Nadal defragmentation will be done only for the storage of the SSD-accumulator, in which it will be necessary to overwrite the middle ones, so that those areas, in which the time files are saved, which will lead to a larger amount of the middle ones.

Upevneniy, scho nezabara z'yavlyatsya programs-defragmenters (otherwise come up with a different name), yakі will move files to SSD-storage for equal removal of all yoga seredkіv. For the time being, the owners of laptops with SSD-accumulators will have to come to terms with this fact, that part of it is in the middle of the way, it’s richer, the resource of others is used up.

Many koristuvachivs have shown such special features in the robots of their operating systems. Іsnuє navit kіlka great discussions, in different forums on the Internet.

With a detailed analysis of all the information, the bula was revealed, in which it was explained that for the SSD, this process is started in order to unify the correct creation of the control points of recognition. The whole mechanism is peacefully okremo, in other articles, but at the same time without a word about defragmentation.

How to optimize SSD drives in Windows 8 / Windows 10

I want to respect that you can read in the next article.

To launch disk optimization windows, enter the command on the pop-up screen dfrgui. In general, everything is already similar to those, as it looked in the more early operating systems. Here everything can be installed by itself defragmentation after the layout. But all the same, there were some innovations.

Starting from Windows 8, the utility can not only revitalize the SSD, but also fix it TRIM commands are clear before the layout (it will take only a couple of seconds). This function can be done at the time of file removal. Z automatic optimization all noses are tied up ScheduledDefrag. Nomu has none dodatkovyh nalashtuvan, available koristuvachevі. Everything is supposed to be up to automatic maintenance, as it starts when the computer is idle.

Defragmentation starts itself at the time of its maintenance, and it is directly connected to the ScheduledDefrag tasks. The inclusion of such a function can be checked and contagiously recognized as if it were.

Verify that it was too late to defragment your SSD drive

The CheckBootSpeed ​​utility is designed to calculate similar subdivisions and record them up to the sound. But you can do it manually. Open PowerShell and through the log you will find pod 258 defrag. The axis looks like this command:

Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "microsoft-windows-defrag" | sorttimegenerated -desc | fl time-generated, message

A call will appear, in which the letters of the disks will be identified and operations will be performed with them. Їx in total three:

  • analysis;
  • secondary optimization (Re-trim);
  • defragmentation.

For example, take a look at the whole little thing in the sky. Crime optimization, with the SSD was proroblen and defragmentation.

TimeGenerated: 03/14/2013 3:32:24 AM Message: Disk optimization module successfully completed re-optimization on System (C :)

TimeGenerated: 03/14/2013 3:32:24 AM Message: Disk optimization module successfully completed disk defragmentation on System (C :)

Vykoristovuyuchi utility CheckBotSpeed, in akіy pawned podіy, pov'yazanih s defragmentation, bv manifestations of the fact of defragmentation of SSD. Having checked similar reverification on anonymous computers, the version of the prevalence of this problem on Windows 8 has been confirmed.

And there, de no defragmentation, the system was installed recently. As much as possible, to what extent it has not yet come to pass.

The automatic defragmentation feature is activated as soon as the system is installed. Ale for її work, the service of the scheduler and task manager is to blame for the TaskScheduler and Defrag folders. Another umovoy, є the presence of disk fragmentation (per OS thought) is more lower by 10%.

Fragmentation of the disk is checked for the help of this command:

defrag /aC:

for file system, Fragmentation of whatever information is found everywhere, on SSD storage devices.

And at the same time, the controller of the solid-state wear is engaged in solving the information on the middle of the memory. Tim himself pereskojayuchi fragmentation.

Seek defragmentation for help utilitiesdefrag. exe

In order to check the correct functioning of the defrag utility, it is necessary to pass recently documented parameters. Run the optimization, open the terminal and enter the following command:

defrag /o/u/vC:

de: /o- choose the choice of optimization for a particular type of accumulator. For hard disks, defragmentation is required, and the axis for solid-state ones, correction is required TRIM commands. Krim tsgogo, for this function, to edit TRIM commands, there is one more parameter - /l, We are moving faster.

For the results of the re-verification, solid-state wear is not viable, but as a result, there was a recommendation to work.

The cultivation of which food revealed one particularity. The ScheduledDefrag task for defrag.exe has an independent $ parameter. As it turned out, it was due to the launch of defragmentation, with the presence of more than 10% of disk fragmentation.

The problem can be closed, when starting the defragmentation task in the automatic maintenance mode, it was launched either automatically, or by the core itself through the support center.

In this case, your SSD drive will be transferred to a manual, large-scale defragmentation, as it is recognized for hard disks.

This call is documented in a proces- sively in a journal, so that we could have changed our minds earlier. After all, there will be a note about zero fragmentation

The axis will look like this for the analysis of disk fragmentation:

C:\Windows\system32>defrag /a c:d:Disk Optimization (Microsoft) (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2012.

Weekly analysis on Win8-SSD (C:) ... Operation completed successfully. Post Defragmentation Report: Volume Info: Volume Volume = 111.44 GB Free Space = 42.28 GB Fragmented Space Total Coverage = 11% Maximum Free Space Space = 23.55 GB

Note. Fragmentation statistics do not include fragments of files, the size of which moves 64 MB. It is recommended to defragment this volume.

And the axle looked like this after the service:

P.S. C:\Windows\system32>defrag /a c:

Disk Optimization (Microsoft)

(C) Microsoft Corporation, 2012.

Weekly analysis on Win8-SSD (C:) ... Operation completed successfully. Post Defragmentation Report: Volume information: Volume volume = 111.44 GB Free space = 40.53 GB Fragmented space total space = 0% Maximum free space size = 33.16 GB Note. Fragmentation statistics do not include fragments of files, the size of which moves 64 MB. Defragmentation of which is not necessary.

Varto specify that for this log the function of logging all tasks of the planner is activated. It was designed for interfacing between the automatic maintenance function and permanent defragmentation of the hard drive.

Let's immediately try to figure out how fragmentation of an SSD is supposed to be and for how little stink it will not require such an operation like defragmentation. Ale, jumping ahead, varto designate that, be it uncommon operations, related to recording, they will always be negatively marked on similar noses and reduce the number of possible cycles of rewriting for the purpose of memory.

Wanting to do more importantly more accurately, the procedure is very similar to the term of wear service. It is rich in why everything should be stored in the resource of a specific flash memory and in the form of algorithms, like a victorious wear controller. Navit zavdannya, yakі vykonuyutsya on the computer itself can be very costly.

So very, so zavdannya will play a great role in how fast the fragmentation of the disk is. Looking back at the fact that the process starts only after reaching 10%, in the case of an SSD on rich home computers, it may take a long time to get drunk.

For the interest of the bula, an assessment of the frequency of defragmentation was carried out on 14 last PCs. Apparently, for the skin computer, defragmentation was carried out at different frequencies.

Slightly, one or two defragmentations per month can cause some sort of a disaster for an SSD. Ale with tsoma, this procedure is absolutely uncommon.

How to enable automatic defragmentation for hard drives?

Looking back at the fact that this function was created for a reason, before turning it on, check for sure that you don’t need it.

Here you can disable the ScheduledDefrag task or deactivate automatic maintenance. Ale yak appeared, such a pidhіd did not bring a lot of brown. The first option is simply to override the ability to edit TRIM commands and defragment large disks, and the other to fix all other maintenance tasks.

If you try to change the ScheduledDefrag task yourself, then you can get into trouble by yourself. When the optimizer starts, the scheduled task will be rechecked:

If you choose to save the default parameters, then the utility simply will not start. And if you choose another option, then everything will turn back to the standard settings.

As it turned out, the decision was made to shukati in a different direction. Sob rozіbratisya s our zavdannya, dosit vikonati two simple kroki.

Croc first - enable automatic maintenance for SSD

We will need to run the disk optimizer, for which we need to enter dfrgui on the bud screen.

1) Make a click on the button "Change parameters";

2) Now you need to check the list of disks, know the SSD and recognize their proportions.

Croc is different - we are creating a new task

This little one looks at the troch invisibly, but the troch below you understand what’s up.

  1. Start right-clicking on the ScheduledDefrag task and click on the export with new TRIM-SSD names;
  2. Now open this file with notepad and type in the correction of the description and replace the other commands. For example, you can do it like this:
    Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation The task is to optimize the SSD. D: AI (A ;; FA ;;; BA) (A ;; FA ;;; SY) (A ;; FRFX ;;; LS) (A ;; FR ;;; AU) S-1-5-18 HighestAvailable IgnoreNew true true true true false true false true true false false false true P7D P1M false false PT72H 7 %windir%\system32\defrag.exe C: D: -l -h
  3. Save this file and import it back into the planner.

Now the task will work as an automatic service, including the TRIM commands.