Download programs to run the program free of charge. A universal utility for opening files of any type. A program for launching Windows programs.

If there is a task in front of you - hurry up infatuated with Windows, I need to earn money without vykoristany third party programs, Then you really need to read this article. The fragments in this collection are simple, but the firebrand two ways accelerated use of the Windows 7 operating system, which you can do without a stopwatch.

Whenever a computer starts, it first launches the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), and as soon as Windows starts, it needs to start from scratch. In the BIOS we have two options: the priority level and the Fast boot function.
This will significantly speed up the system startup by searching and checking the BIOS of connected devices. However, this function has its own drawbacks - by turning it on, the device turns on a number of devices connected via non-standard connectors (USB, S-Video, hosts for mobile devices). It will start working after you start Windows again.

To quickly access additional BIOS settings, you need to:

Important! The little one shows “Cherga Zavantazhennya” for the Dell Inspiron laptop. On other devices there may be slight differences. As a rule, the functions are limited to a visual warehouse, while the names of tabs and commands are almost always identical (standardized) for all devices.

Also note that Fast boot works even better. As a result, computer users are physically unable to press the urgently needed button to re-enter the BIOS. This problem occurs when pressing the unlock button BIOS settings(A) before turning on the computer.

another croc

It is now time to quickly connect all processor cores (if there are more than one) to start the operating system. For whom:

Wikonian manipulations will begin to work after restarting the operating system.

Krok third

Coming soon we will be disconnected unnecessary programsі services that are involved in starting the system.

Services activation

Here you need to turn on unnecessary services, Remnants of the stench vantage the system, navіt yakscho not vikoristovuyutsya koristuvach. especially when starting Windows. You can read in detail about those that can be turned on, and what’s more, on the Internet, but you can guess about the operation of the service yourself. For example, you don’t need the “Drug Manager” because you don’t have a printer.

“Service” is vibrating with the way of pressure on it right button bears, where the point “Power” is pressed. After that, open at the end and select “Disabled” in the “Startup type” column.

Croc quarters

Next, you can configure which Windows programs are automatically launched when the system starts. There are already a lot of programs that like to be registered in autorun, in which case not only does it not vikorystovuyu them, but they probably don’t suspect that the stinks are working.

Setting up auto-enablement in Windows 7

Changes made will take effect when the operating system is started.

krok p'yatyi

The last step to speed up the system startup is to organize the space occupied by files on the hard drive, in other words - defragmentation hard drive. This procedure suggests the ordering of the placement of books in the library. What is needed for more manual, I'll search for you books (in our selection of files) and their wiki.

The disk defragmentation service in Windows 7 is launched by the following command - defrag.exe. This must be entered in search row the “Start” menu or the “Windows” window (Win + R).

After running this command, you will open the “Defragmentation” window, then select the disk on which the operating system is installed and run its defragmentation.

The defragmentation process can take up to an hour or even a year.

Also, it’s best to immediately enable the function of periodically starting defragmentation by clicking “Adjust layout”.

I select the parameters that are optimal for you and start. After this, you can start defragmenting your hard drive.

Porada. It is not advisable to lock up your computer during defragmentation, or rather remove it until the process is completed.

Winstep Xtreme- the purpose is to serve for change from the outside looking in worker Windows desktop, Start menu, panels in charge of your needs. The program will add various panels, docks and widgets to your desktop. After installation, you select a number of independent modules - NextSTART, WorkShelf, FontBrowser, Start Menu Organizer), which can be used side by side with other modules of this program, each module is assigned the same name in the shell design It has its own unique set of functions.

System benefits:
-500 MHz processor.
-256 MB of RAM.
-30 MB of free hard disk space.
-Screen resolution 800x600 or higher.

torrent Panel Swedish launch- Winstep Xtreme reports:
NextSTART module Completely replace the Start menu, Taskbar and system tray, which will not only replace it, but will allow you to use the customization options that are not available in the standard Windows Explorer. The WorkShelf module replaces the desktop, FontBrowser - manual font browsing, NeXuS - a rich panel of quick access to the most frequently used add-ons. NextSTART - manually replacing the start menu and the task panel, which supports changing skins.

WorkShelf- a powerful, high-quality desktop replacement, a utility for launching add-ons and a document organizer. WorkShelf can be viewed as an alternative to the standard OS desktop. There are different modules - the date, which can synchronize the hour via the Internet, weather forecast, mail rechecking, etc.

NeXuS- a utility for quickly launching necessary programs, which allows you to organize the most frequently used programs and place them in special docks.

FontBrowser - fast browser with a simple interface for manual operation with fonts.
Winstep Xtreme contains new modules: unraveling the atomic anniversary, cat, audit program by e-mail, Weather monitor, CPU idling program, temperature and memory sensors and the Wanda Wanda program. New modules are added without delay.

program features
An absolute change in the external appearance for the additional design
Addition of new panels, widgets and gadgets to the desktop
Integrated utility for organizing and cleaning with “Start” rations
Support for Windows Vista and Windows 7
Unlimited elasticity and expanded desktop space
I’ll quickly unwind on my work table
Adding functions to the Taskbar in Windows 7 in Windows XP or Vista
Absolute support for multiple monitors
Allows you to drag icons of Explorer objects in the Winstep panel
Support of PNG, TIFF and ICO files for panel icons
Possibility of vikoristan of biased buttons
Rich interface with Russian language support

bathing procedure
- Install security software Winstep.
- Do not run it after installation is complete.
- Run Activation with administrator rights. Confirm replacement and continue.
- Open the Winstep program, search for the name and registration key in the “Setup / Registration” tab. Restart the program for the changes to take effect.

If you work on a computer and often launch the same programs, it would be a good idea to carefully adjust their smooth launch, so as not to waste a lot of time searching for them.

Therefore, in this statistic we consider available Possibility Windows(No installation additional programs) Allow us to set up the most optimal scheme for us to launch our favorite programs.

Zokrema mi let's talk about making adjustments autorun programs, launching programs for additional shortcuts to work table, Launch programs via Panel, Through the fixed area in start menu and for help hotkeys.

Let’s take a closer look at the Windows 7 operating system, and you can figure out how to specifically configure the launch of your favorite programs in your operating system.

Alright, let's start in order...

Quick launch of your favorite programs via autorun

Most programs can be configured in this way so that they start automatically when the operating system itself starts. As a rule, your loved ones and daily use programs such as postal program, Skype, electronic notebook, etc.

Enabling and disabling important programs at the time of starting the operating system can be done in the program settings. Let's take a look at this process in the examples of several programs, installations and wikis that we have already seen on our website.

Autostart for Skype

To configure autorun, firstly on the Task Panel, find the icon for this program, click on it with the right mouse button and in the drop-down menu go to fine-tuning:

Autostart for Evernote

For a more detailed method of setting up the speed of launching your favorite programs, take a look at the setting for automatic start notebook

Let's go to the menu service-> fine-tuning:

I have a deposit underground means Launch Evernote at system startup and embossed OK:

Having done it in such a manner, automatically attracted For your favorite and most frequently used programs, you can gain extra handiness with your favorite computer - the programs you need are already running!

Well, it’s important to say that you don’t need to add too many programs to Automatic, because the more programs there are in Automatic, the more the operating system starts at startup.

Quick launch of programs for additional shortcuts

This is the most commonly used method for launching programs among early adopters, since shortcuts to most programs, as a rule, are already added to the desktop after installation.

A shortcut is a small file that only launches the required program. Do not display the shortcut until you have deleted the program itself. The initial shortcut on the desktop is displayed with the icon of the program itself (so that you can clearly see what the program is) and is additionally indicated by an arrow, so that you can see what the shortcut is:

pluses vikoristanny of shortcuts on work table: It’s immediately obvious which program to select to launch.

not enough vikoristanny of shortcuts on work table: If it’s easy to add shortcuts all in a row, then there is a problem with the Work Desk and the very essence of why shortcuts are added (for a smooth launch) is wasted, since a large list becomes more difficult to quickly know required label to launch the program.

In addition, with a personal computer, we can periodically add files, for example, a music or video file, a document, to the desktop on a timely basis, so that we can then decide where to go.

And if there are a lot of labels, then Denmark file(Files) maybe in the middle of a great number of labels they will simply be lost. I like this great file For example, some kind of movie has a place in the computer’s RAM, which can affect the speed of the computer.

You can also access shortcuts on the desktop only when the windows are lit, and if you already have open any programs and (or) the Explorer window, then you need to click on the additional action in the lit window. Before speaking, about how to do this is described in the following article:.

Well, if there are a lot of shortcuts on the desktop, then this “covers” the desktop screensaver itself, which in itself, in my opinion, is not very beautiful.

That’s why, in my opinion, there should be only a few shortcuts on the work table, or if possible, they decided to turn it off.

And how to earn money for you, decide for yourself. It was too late to show you how to add labels to the work table yourself.

Let's take a look at the example of adding a shortcut to the work table to start the transfer.

You need to go to the menu right now Start— > all programs. There, add folder 3 to the list required program, Open it, find the file that launches the program. Then press the mouse with the right button and go to the window Submit— > Working table (create a shortcut):

A shortcut will appear on the work table:

Let me remind you that such shortcuts can be removed from the Work Desk, but the program itself will not be visible.

Note: Shortcuts can be created not only for launching programs, but also for any folder or file. For example, if we often go to the folder with music or movies, then you can create shortcuts to these folders in the same way and place them on the desktop.

Easy launch of programs via the Control Panel

You can get a quick launch for everyday programs by quickly taskbar, Rotated, as a rule, at the bottom of the screen (it can also be retouched on the side or side, in a place where it has been adjusted).

The main advantage is the placement of program shortcuts on the command panel, making them accessible in one click, since they are always visible.

Let's take a look at adding your favorite programs for speedy access to the Data Panel, in addition there are two programs: (one standard programs, What to log into the operating system) and browser.

Explorer on the command panel

Let's go to the menu Start-> all programs(1), go to the folder standard(2), known (3). Then we press the right mouse button and the window is embossed Pin a task to the panel(4). As a result, an icon (5) will appear on the task panel to launch Explorer:

Browser on the panel

Let's also go to the menu Start-> all programs(1), known browser(2). Then we press the right mouse button and the window is embossed Pin a task to the panel(3). As a result, the command will appear on the panel icon(4) to launch the browser:

Of course, there are a lot of programs that cannot be added to the Command Panel, so how else can they be added there? running programs. Ale, how often vikorist programs will be added to the speech.

Easily launch programs from the Start menu

Another one to finish manual way launch your favorite programs, use the Start menu. Only in the first mode, in which way programs can be launched not in one, but in two clicks.

I'll show you the Start menu on the cleaner's app.

Let's also go to the menu Start-> all programs, we know CCleaner. Then we press the right mouse button and the window is embossed Pin to Start menu:

І shortcut for launch CCleaner is added and pinned at the top (1) of the Start menu, as well as all other programs that we launch, after changing one below (2):

Quickly launch programs using hotkeys

Authorities of program shortcuts have the ability to manage their launch using hot keys. I learned about this method.

This course seems to have a fast launch of programs for encrypting data. I’ll show you in a simple way how to make this setting, and you can then adjust the program anyway.

We know in the Start menu we need a program that we want to set up for a smooth launch using hot keys, click on it with the right mouse button and select power:

In the Shortcut Properties you can specify a combination of keys for quickly launching programs, pressing zastosuvatiі OK:

That's it! Now we can launch I'll give you the program for help with hot keys. And if you need to change the shortcut to other keys, then just go here and change to a different combination.

Note: To set a key combination, you need to place the cursor in the Quick Click field and press the required keys on the keyboard at once. For the butt I entered the combination Ctrl + Alt + T(I used the letter T - call it a program. You can choose it manually and it will be remembered for you):

What exactly does Raju want:

  1. clean Work table, Having tidied up unnecessary labels.
  2. Add to startup a couple of your favorite programs that you need immediately after upgrading your operating system.
  3. Add 1-3 shortcuts per Panel on frequently vikorized programs.
  4. Attach 3-5 programs to start menu, Like the victorious threes before the front ones.

In this manner, go out quick access up to 7-10 main programs, which are what we use most often.

In this article, we looked at the ability of the operating system to launch programs quickly. Well, there are also programs that allow you to gain quick access to any programs, folders and files on your computer in 1-2 clicks. One of these programs will be discussed in one of the upcoming articles.

Of course, it’s already clear that add-ons of this type allow you to vikorize the launch of programs. The stench smells like lunch. Moreover, such programs are most necessary for mobile devices if the smartphone’s operating system itself is not capable of launching either program. Moreover, the launcher has multi-platform add-ons and can operate under the control of operating systems that are completely different from each other. Moreover, on the right, as we have already realized, we cannot limit ourselves desktop computers or smartphones. However, it’s good that such programs run on tablet PCs.

Program launchers allow, at a minimum, to optimize the launch of the most frequently used add-ons and files. First of all, it is not possible to set the parameters of the system itself. On the right, the launch of skin programs or services can be controlled by a number of criteria. For example, this can include startup configuration, priority, initial startup parameters, and much more. standard features Operating systems such as Windows do not allow such fine tuning. In fact, programs for launching programs have become required.

On the other hand, add-ons created for work on smartphones provide unprecedented productivity. This is connected with this, so that the stink of vikory is less system resources and do not take up space on the phone’s flash memory. Indeed, they allow you to vibrate the launch of completely different programs with the support of the Java platform or specialized ones software add-ons. The versions of mobile launchers themselves, in most cases, fall into this category, which is usually called “freeware programs”. In order to get cost-free programs for launching programs, you can quickly visit our website. Absolutely everything software products There is no difference between the rules and terms of action without any catastrophe. It is possible that some commercial products may offer even greater functionality. However, judging by the cost-free programs, this is not entirely true. Cost-free programs, most often, demonstrate capabilities that may not be transferred in paid commercial products. It is especially important to save files and configure them. The commercial file with the “important” settings is rich. file cost-free programs It takes up minimal space and is mostly text, so the .TXT extension is used.

Finally, I would like to say that such additional additions are needed. Especially for mobile devices. Well, why should you vikorist yourself, virishuvat yourself? As you understand, the advantage lies in the fact that the creator will launch the program because the system does not accept it.

Hello everyone! This article will look at the most necessary programs for running games, and the components and add-ons themselves, without updating them, you may not be able to start the game. We know that this problem has already plagued the skin and on our website we have already seen all sorts of difficulties and their solutions more than once. The set of programs does not guarantee the launch of games because your computer does not support it system vimogam(If you pour triple cologne into your car, you won’t go - right?). We are overwhelmed by programs for igors, we need to pay attention to their attraction. All programs are costless and you can enchant them, and everyone is responsible for wanting to play on their PC without dancing with a tambourine. So, on your computer, all drivers for devices (chipset, video card, sound card etc.).
Otje Windows robot is based on various components, add-ons, libraries and instructions that are necessary to run games and other programs.

Programs required to run igor

1. DirectX (Direct X)- this is a set of instructions, parts for managing multimedia, video, audio, graphics functions on computers with operating system Windows most often stagnates in games. Now in your own words: directx is a kind of “director for the ensemble”, in which people share your computer components (video card, sound card, processor, RAM and others). This directive tells these components to output audio and video in some other way.

2. Microsoft Visual C++ Package It is a necessary component of the Windows operating system, which is due to the fact that it is necessary to install the skin in order to avoid heavy irritations when starting programs, especially games. The package is absolutely free of charge and is downloaded free of charge.

3. Microsoft Net Framework (no framework)- a set of components and libraries of the Windows system, necessary for the operation of most programs. In other words, this is a platform on which all Windows programs are developed - updating is necessary for every user of Windows operating systems.

4. Nvidia PhysX- this is a technology (driver) that provides realistic physics in new games for computers based on Windows operating systems and others. Physx analyzes how objects collapse and interact in the game. Without Physx, precision in current games would be inanimate, the grass would not crumble, the walls would not crumble, the walls would not break, etc.

5.Games for Windows Live - a game service from Microsoft for Windows, although even buggy, for the borderline game. In addition, if Games for Windows Live is available, the game’s activities will not be saved as soon as they start. the greatest popular games s GFWL: Batman: Arkham Asylum Batman: Arkham City, Battlestations: Pacific, Bioshock 2, Colin McRae: Dirt 2, Fable, Fallout 3, Fuel, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V, Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Resident Evil 5, Section 8, Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes

Xna Microsoft - what is it? Microsoft xna framework is a package of tools created by Microsoft to facilitate development and management computer games. Sense XNA will have to repeat the rows of code for writing games. This additional tool for microsoft net framework, as previously written works for this purpose windows add-ons were multi-platform and ran on all versions of Vikon.

These are the most necessary programs to run igor. It is recommended to download and install them on new, recently purchased laptops and computers, as well as on computers with only an installed operation Windows system. Just setting and forgetting them is not enough! It is necessary to periodically check the current versions of these components and update them promptly. If these programs are installed on your computer, in 99% of cases you will run some kind of game, I repeat once again, in my opinion, your PC has minimal system capabilities and all the latest components are installed in system unit. Hail mercy!!!