Basic operations for working with files. Basic operations with files and folders. Pictographs and labels

Stay busy

1. Organizational moment: greeting, checking attendance and readiness before employment

2. Awareness of the assessment criteria for the purpose of the activity

Updating knowledge (repetition of learned material)

At this time, all operating systems for personal computers ensure interaction between the client and an additional graphical interface.

This allows you to start working with your computer in the middle of the operating system (operate with files, run programs, etc.).

Explanation of new material

Graphical interfaceAllows you to interact between a person and a computer in the form of a dialogue with select windows, menus and elements of the system (dialog panels, buttons, etc.).

The Windows operating system can provide a simple graphical interface based on the following basic elements:

Work table

Task bar


4.Dialog components (menus, toolbars, buttons, ...)

Pictographs and labels

Working table (RS) - weekend camp dialog middle of MS Windows. The PC opens on the screen after starting MS Windows. On the “surface” of the PC, labels for the most frequently used supplements, documents, folders, and devices are displayed.

Files and file system

All programs and data are saved in the long-line (external) memory of the computer in the form of files.

File- the entire amount of information (program or data) that it contains is stored in long-line (external) memory.

Name of the file. The file name consists of two parts, separated by a dot: the file name and the extension that indicate its type (program, etc.). The owner of the file name is given by the user, and the file type is specified automatically by the program at the time of creation (Table 4.2).

Different operating systems have different file name formats. In the MS-DOS operating system, the file name can contain no more than 8 letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and some special characters, and the extension consists of three Latin letters, for example proba.txt

In the operating room Windows system The file name can be up to 255 characters long, and you can use the Russian alphabet, for example: Ones of private information.doc

File system. A large number of files can be stored on a storage device (small, hard or laser disk). The order in which files are saved on disk is determined by the file system.

The disk is divided into two areas: the file saving area and the directory. The directory places the name of the file and inserts it into the beginning of its location on the disk. To draw an analogy between a disk and a book, the file saving area represents its location, and the directory represents its location. Moreover, the book is composed of sides, and the disk is composed of sectors.

For disks with a small number of files (up to several dozen), you can use the peer file system If the directory (disk space) has a linear sequence of file names (Table 4.3). Such a catalog can be compared to the place of a children's book, so as not to include names and descriptions.

Since hundreds and thousands of files are saved on the disk, then for ease of reference, look for vikoryst rich hierarchical file system It has a tree-like structure. Such a hierarchical system can be balanced, for example, by replacing this guide, which is a hierarchical system of divisions, divisions, paragraphs and points.

The cob, root directory can place the entries in the 1st tier catalogs, with its own grain, and from the rest you can place the entries in the 2nd tier catalogs. Please note that files can be saved in directories on all levels.

For example, a root directory can have two directories of the 1st level (Directory_1, Directory_2) and one file (File_1). In its own way, in the catalog of the 1st level (Catalog_1) there are two directories from another level (Catalog_1.1 and Catalog_1.2) and one file (File_1.1) - fig. 4.21.

File system- This is a system for saving files and organizing directories.

Basic operations with files.

In computer processes, the following operations are most often performed on files:

  • copying (a copy of the file is placed in another directory);
  • relocation (the file itself is moved to another directory);
  • visible (the record about the file is deleted from the directory);
  • renaming (the file name is changed).

Graphic Windows interface Allows you to perform operations on files using the optional Drag&Drop method. There are also specialized programs for working with files, so called file managers : Norton Commander, Windows Commander, Explorer and Internet.

In some cases, there is a need to work with the interface command line. Windows has transferred the robot mode to the MS-DOS command line interface.

Purchasing activities

6. Reflection:

What did you forget while you were busy?

What did you deserve?

Why are wines having problems?

7. Home improvement: record

» » » Working with files and folders in Windows XP: operations with objects

Working with files and folders in Windows XP: operations with objects

Working with files and folders in Windows XP

One most important functions computer - saving information. A file is a place for saving and an object on which a number of operations can be performed. Files are stored in folders, also called directories. Stinks from objects.

Object context menu

In Windows XP, each object has a context menu that appears when you press the right button. Through the menu you can perform various operations

  1. Vidkriti
  2. Open for help – select programs, for example for audio or video
  3. Know
  4. Add - submenu with commands to move, create shortcut, archive
  5. Rename
  6. Copy
  7. Virizati
  8. Paste
  9. Authorities - click on the window where you can find out the address

There are also shortcuts to some service programs

The menu is based on the object type. Menu items may differ for files, folders or programs.

Types of folders

  • Korenevi – in Windows XP “My Computer” this folder system disk(call it C:).
  • System - remove content and creations during OS installation. Be in Windows folders. There's a fight there received files.
  • Koristuvalnytskyi is a place to save content created by koristuvalnytsky.
  • Keruvanya folders
  • Hemstitch folders
  • Kaushik
  • Folders are system folders that are not displayed in the explorer due to registration.

File types

File types or formats are displayed in the extended name after the name. This is the point i Latin letters, from two to four. The stinks indicate the type of code. For example, .jpg is not a big deal.

Okremium type - label. This is a request for a file where your address is saved. It is easy to recognize the fragments of representations that look like pictographs. When you hover over the mouse, the name and extension of the file appears.

Admitted files serve as content. For example, saved files are always present in folders with graphics or multimedia.

Archive is a file that saves stacked (packed) files that take up less disk space.

The registry contains added files where system parameters are recorded

You can set a password for each object.

This creation is subject to special rules:

  • Vikoristannya Latin alphabet and numbers
  • Number of clearings
  • Replacing the holes in the lower seats

Windows XP does not pass on the password for a specific object that contains third-party programs.

The folder system is organized like a tree.

Clicking right button“Start”, select “Explorer” and in the left panel open the folder tree in the list view.

  1. The tree is burned, the root disk directories are displayed,
  2. Clicking on the cross will open the folder folders on the disk
  3. The “My Documents” folder will light up in the same way.
  4. The catalog view reveals all the objects that are located in the right panel

Addressing system

To understand the variety of objects, each “saving unit” is assigned an address where it can be found. Addresses are recorded as they go to folders upper level through the interim to the point where the required file is located.

The first path starts from the root folder of the disk. This addressing method is blocked if your computer is new. logical drives. There is only one, most often the address is private.

The path back to the “My scanned images” folder looks something like this:

C:Documents and SettingsMy document My scanned image.

The root folder is secured in advance with a double binder. Between the dividers are the names of the directories, which should be opened one by one.

Working with folders in Explorer

  1. Service – opens the configured folder. Make sure you change the item Tools -> Folder Controls -> View -> View saved files and folders
  2. Search – changes the appearance of the window, opens the panel and searches for an open object.
  3. Synchronization – selected for sleep work in remote mode.
  4. Change view – a button that opens with a list of options
  5. Navigation beyond the rivers:
    1. Turn to the front
    2. Crossing to the level uphill
    3. Move to the visible object.

Working with the Cloud records folder

Start -> Control Panel -> Cloud Records

On the first page you can select a home account or select a changeable account record

To another:

  • Change your account's name
  • Change or delete password
  • Change image
  • Change cloud record type
  • Vikoristovvat passport

Robot with a cat

Here you can login in Windows XP with just two commands:

  1. Clean the cat
  2. Update (directory or file)

Basic operations with files and folders


To review the program and work with the document, you need to open the object. There are many ways you can earn money

  1. Double-click on the shortcut on the desktop
  2. Double-click in Explorer on the name of the folder or file
  3. Click on the shortcut in the panel Swedish launch
  4. Click on the name in the Main menu

The vikory team is used to create files that you have accessed from the Internet, flash drives or cameras. Pochatkove zberezhennya - “Save the yak.” You are reconnecting with the Guide. Don’t rush to press the “Save” button.

  1. Memorize the route to the savings folder.
  2. If necessary, open another, larger separate folder or create a new one.
  3. Enter the file name from the keyboard. The name may be unique within this folder. It is recommended to give meaning to names to encourage replacement.
  4. Click the “Save” button.

You can save files either in the personal folders (My Documents, Private Documents) or on your desktop. Do not vikorize the root or system folder to save it.

Create a folder

You can create your own directory in the explorer:

  1. Click on the icon -> write a name -> OK.
  2. Click the right button on an empty space in the explorer window
    -> create a folder -> enter names -> OK.

Another way is to create a folder on your desktop.

See objects

  1. One can be seen by clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or in the explorer
  2. Next step: click on the first one -> press the Shift key -> click on the remaining one
  3. Deshcho vibirkovo: click on the first one -> press the Ctrl key -> successively click on the others.


To move an object, two folders are required:

  1. Dzherelo
  2. Priymach

Option 1:

  1. U context menu object, which track to move, issue the “Virize” command (located to the clipboard)
  2. At the daddy's - menu options - "Insert"

Option 2:

Open the offending folders and drag an object from one to the other.


  1. Click menu -> rename -> enter new name -> OK
  2. At the conductor or on the desktop, make two clicks on the object with a short pause. The file name appears under the label. Delete it, do not hesitate to expand and introduce a new name.


  1. Click on the “-” icon in the upper right corner of the window
  2. All open objects are displayed in the task panel (below the desktop). Click on the name of the object to light it up.


  1. Click on the name in the task panel.

Shut up

  1. Use the window button
  2. From the name menu on the task panel


The search takes place at a special window. It can be opened in one of the following ways:

  1. Start -> Know
  2. Start (right button) -> Explorer -> Search
  3. Start (right button) -> Find

In Windows XP, the system has been updated to search for a file based on the following criteria:

  1. By name
  2. By extension
  3. Behind the word or phrase in the file
  4. Change the date
  5. Depending on the file size, approximate or accurate
  6. The search area is additionally indicated (select from the list under the button that opens)
  7. What types of folders do you have?

Of course, you would like to know one of these parameters.


  1. View in the box: see the object -> press Delete on the keyboard -> Yes. The object is located in the Cat folder and may be updated in the first place.
  2. 2. The view is irrevocable: see the object -> immediately press the Shift + Delete keys -> Yes. Be careful, objects removed from this method may not be renewed.

Create a shortcut

The first method: click on the file or folder menu -> Add to -> Worktable (create a shortcut).

Another way - as you know the route to the file (folder):

  1. Click on the menu on your desktop
  2. Look around
  3. Click the crosses and open the folders one by one
  4. See the file (folder) for which a shortcut is being created -> OK
  5. Dali
  6. Ready

Move the shortcut to the Quick Start panel - using the pressed left button, drag it to the left side of the Start panel (in the order next to the Start button)

Archive (pack)

  1. Menu -> Upload -> Compressed ZIP folder
  2. The label will appear in the archive.

Rozarkhivuvati (roszpack):

From the menu, select one of three options.

You can assign a password for the archive:

  1. Add (close the file selection window)
  2. Dodatkovo
  3. Click “Set password”
  4. Enter your password
  • Write the password first on a piece of paper, and then copy it into the input field so that there are no mistakes. Do not use the same password for different objects.
  • When working with a number of windows, do not close them, but turn them into the original panel.
  • Do not place any objects other than shortcuts on your desktop.
  • Don't see the visitors system files In addition to this, when the folder with graphics or multimedia files is visible.
  • Do not edit system files.

For a created object – folder, shortcut, text document- At the Explorer window or My computer it is necessary to abolish such actions:

· at the menu File enter the command Creativity and select the type of object (for example, Teka) (Fig. 4.23) or quickly use a single command in the context menu;

· an icon for a new object and a signature will appear in the window, creating a new object. Yak butt in Fig. Figure 4.24 shows the icon and signature displayed in the window after selecting a command Create, Folder;

· Enter the new object name and press the Enter key.

Rice. 4.23. Menu commands File, Create

Rice. 4.24. Icon of a new folder and signature, creations for promotional items

Files and folders, as well as other objects, can be copied, moved, deleted and renamed. In which section we will use the word object to designate files and folders.

To copy, move, delete or rename an object as soon as you need it see. To do this, click on the object with the mouse - this icon and caption and then change the color. You can know the vision by clicking on the mouse Have a good time on the screen.

To see a number of objects in a row, you need to press the Ctrl key in the process (Fig. 4.25). To see objects that have been moved together, press the Shift key and click on the first and remaining objects. To see all objects in the window, select the command See all at the menu Vipravlenya or press the keys Ctrl+A. To capture views from one or more objects, without interfering with the views of others, you need to press the Ctrl key and click the mouse on the object from which you capture the views.

Rice. 4.25. Visibility of many objects

Copy The object is in your duplicate and created in another folder, on another disk or computer. During the copying process, a progress indicator appears on the screen (Fig. 4.26), which indicates the copying process. The text above the indicator shows the name of the file, as well as which folders are copied to. During the process, the indicator below indicates how long it will take to copy.

Rice. 4.26. Progress indicator that shows the copying process

You can move or copy an object in a number of ways:

· For additional menu commands;

· For additional buttons on the toolbar that duplicate menu commands;

· by way of pulling over the misha.

You can copy or move an object from one disk to another, or from one folder to another. To move/copy an object from the Explorer window or My computer for more help with menu commands Vipravlenya you need to sign these actions (Fig. 4.27):

· See the object in the window;

· Vibrate in the menu Vipravlenya team Virizati To move the visible object, use the command Copy– to copy an object. These commands can be selected in the context menu, which appears on the screen after right-clicking the mouse on the object;

· See the folder where the object will be inserted, then select from the menu Vipravlenya team Paste.

The commands assigned to the remaining two items can be selected from the context menu.

Rice. 4.27. Copying an object using additional menu commands

The object can be moved or copied to another mouse using another dragging method. To copy/move an object using the mouse, use this method.

1. In the left panel of the Explorer window, click on the folder containing the object that will be moved to display it in the right area of ​​the window.

2. Using additional scrolling, expand the folder tree so that the folder in which the object is copied/moved is visible.

3. Place the mouse pointer on the icon of the object that is moving, press the left button and, without releasing the buttons, drag its icon from the right area of ​​the Explorer window to the icon of the required folder, located in the left area and window.

As you drag the drawer, the mice move on the screen along with the object icon. Dragging an object into a folder located on the same disk must be done before moving it, and to another disk before copying. To copy an object to another folder on the same disk, press the Ctrl key while dragging the icon.

When you copy an object to another mouse, a square will appear next to the arrow, with a “+” icon visible in the middle of it.

When the mouse with the object icon approaches the folder, it remains visible in color (Fig. 4.28).

Rice. 4.28. The folder is visible by color when the mouse with the object icon approaches it

If you move an object by pressing the right mouse button, a context menu will appear from which you can select a command Copy,Move, Create shortcuts or else Skasuwati(Fig. 4.29).


Rice. 4.29. The menu that appears after moving an object with the mouse while pressing the right button

To copy a file/folder to a floppy disk, select the following:

· Insert the floppy disk into the drive;

· View the required file or folder in the window;

· at the menu File pick up the team and im'ya CD, for example, make a copy Send,Disc 3.5 (A) .

Most computers install CD-R and CD-RW drives. It is easier to save information on written (CD-R) and rewritable (CD-RW) compact discs than on floppy disks, and there are many resources available to use them to save software security, photographs, required files that folder. You can burn an audio CD for help Programmer Windows. We guess that a standard CD is 650 MB, a high-density CD is 700 MB or more. To burn a CD, you do not need any additional software.

To copy files and folders to a CD, you need to download the following:

· Insert a blank CD into the drive;

· press the button Start, right-click on the menu item My computer and select the command in the context menu Explorer;

· Select files and folders that need to be recorded: click on them with the right mouse button and press the Ctrl key;

· Vibrate in the command context menu Send, CD- RWdrive;

· at the store conductor at the menu File vibrate the command Burn the files to a CD.

The burning process is made easier by the CD Burning Wizard, which creates a folder that contains the same files as the files that are being burned.

The CD burning software that comes with Windows XP is a lighter version of Roxio's Easy CD Creator. As a full-featured program for working with disks, you can use Nero Ahead Software ( or Roxio Easy CD Creator ( If you choose a program that is not included in the operating system installation kit, you must enable the built-in features Windows recording to eliminate conflicts between these products.

Do you save or copy the file to a CD? operating system It first creates time files, which creates a final image of the CD on the computer's hard drive, and then transfers the data to the CD burning device for residual recording. When burning a CD, it is recommended that you have at least 1 GB of free space on your hard drive for time-consuming files.

When working with a file or folder, the need arises change your name.

To change the folder/file name, see the required icon in the Explorer window or My computer, rob the team Rename from the menu File and introduce new names. This command is located in the context menu, which appears after clicking on the object with the right mouse button.

viluchiti a file, folder or shortcut after seeing icons of an object can be done in this way.

1. Vibrate the command viluchiti menu File.

2. Press the button viluchiti on the toolbar.

3. Click Delete.

4. Drag the pictogram of the object that is visible into the box (the section below is the “Catch” section). At what point is the object that is drawn together, at what point.

5. Drag the object icon into the box by pressing the mouse button to the right. Once the button is released, a context menu will appear with a variety of commands: Move and Scroll.

In Windows, the object that is deleted is not deleted, but is moved to the box to save time. If you need to immediately delete an object without placing it in the box, press the Shift and Delete keys simultaneously.

When you try to delete a folder/file, a window appears with a prompt to confirm the deleted object (Fig. 4.30). The request allows you to uniquely view the selected object. In addition to setting the appropriate proportions in the cat's power window on the Global tab, you can delete an object without placing it in the cat and without removing the entry with the proposition to confirm the deletion.

Once deleted, groups of files are saved after being seen.

For skasuvannya at the window My computer Or in the explorer for the remaining operations of moving, copying or renaming an object, select the command Skasuwati... at the menu Vipravlenya or press the button Skasuwati on the toolbar Primary buttons. The command can be accessed using the additional key Ctrl+z.

Stisnennya Files and folders are organized in a more compact location on the nose, speeding up the time of their transfer to the network. Style files And the folders are located in the archive. Apparently, programs that package and unpack files are called archivers.

Archiving files and folders located on a hard drive, on a device with a magnetic stripe (streamer) connected to a computer, on a floppy disk or hard drive(including on the edge drive) is necessary for the protection of data from expenses that arise as a result of power outages, due to the property, incorrect work security program, amends for koristuvachiv. If the output files are corrupted, they can be restored by going to the archive.

Dozens of archiving programs are currently being used: ARJ, AIN, ACE, IMP, LHA, PETITE, Zip, Rar. Windows XP now supports archives in ZIP format. The user can easily create archives, view them instead, and drag files and folders from them. Detailed information About the tight object (name, type, size, size before and after compression, etc.) can be selected by clicking on it with the right mouse button and selecting the command Powerful.

When you move a file out of the original folder, the folder becomes compressed. The work with the compressed folder ends the same way as with the original folder. Double-clicking on an object located in the folder will launch the program in the creation window and open the file or folder. To drag one file/folder from the archive, drag it to another folder. To view all objects, see the squeezed folder in the window, select File that team Vityagti everything– the Master program will start to retrieve files and folders from the archive.

If the task is active on your computer, you will have to complete the actions related to the maintenance of folders and files: Creating folders and files, copying them, moving them, deleting them. For maintenance of folders and files, you can get help from Explorer or s vikoristannyam Vikon folders.

Folder creation: To create a folder that is nested in another folder, you need to open the folder that creates the vikoryst Explorer or else Folder window. You can further select either menu item ( File), or the context menu, then select the command Create→Folder→Enter folder name press the key Enter.

Copying/moving folders and files: Files and folders can be copied/moved from disk or from folder to folder. When moved, the folder/file is “removed” from the previous place, when copied, a copy is created, and then lost in the first place.
Methods for performing these operations:
-A two-step process using the clipboard, dragging the mouse button. When you move a folder/file, you can use vikory Explorer or else Folder window.

Renaming a folder/file: To rename an object, you need to see and issue the command Rename from the menu File or context menu. After that, send a new one or correct the problem.

Type of folders/files: Kaushik- this is special system folder, where the remote folders and files are located. The cat's folders and files are saved until they are deleted. Koshyki or else Kaushik will not be completely cleaned. To delete a folder/file, you need to see them, and then use the command viluchiti from the menu File either the context menu or pressing a key Delete. The system will request confirmation of the viewing of objects. Visible files can also be updated, vikorista cat, a long time ago deleted files can be obtained from Koshyk automatically, depending on the size of the restrictions.

Yarlik- this is a file to place the indicator (sent) on the next object in the resource tree: another file, folder or printer. The shortcut will provide immediate access to the object, for example, from the desktop.

Clipboard- this is a special area RAM, maintained by the system, is used to transfer data between add-ons (text fragments, graphics, etc.). The clipboard is designed to ensure the consistency of formats accepted when transferring a fragment of a document between concurrent applications. To transfer data via the clipboard, you need to copy the video fragment of the document to the buffer, then go to another addendum, place the cursor in the insertion area and paste the fragment from the buffer.

18) Maintenance external devices remember in your own way service programs OS.

19) Basic elements of the interface koristuvacha Windows. Object-oriented approach to organizing the interface.

Interface element- Adopting the graphical interface of the client, which has a standard new look and changes to standard actions.

Typical interface elements :


Radio button

Praporets/peremikach (check box)

Icon (icon, icon)

List box

Tree – hierarchical list (tree view)

List of things to open (combo box, drop-down list)

Edit field (textbox, edit field)

Element for displaying tabular data (grid view)


Main menu

Popup menu

pull down menu

Vіkno (window)

Panel (panel)

Dialog box

Modal window(modal window)



Smuga scrollbar


I'll stand in a row (status bar)

Tooltip, hint

They become sharp and Other elements of ceramics , which may not be included in the following sets:

Radial menu – a ring menu next to the cursor. Selecting a menu item is done by moving the cursor directly to the menu item.

Sequential selection button - an element whose value is selected according to the last click on the mouse. When changing the list that opens, this button does not allow you to change values ​​other than the selected one.

Lichilnik - bi-directional option for numerical values. Pressing the button allows you to change the parameter value by one on the larger or smaller side.

Heads-up display - displays on top of all elements the values ​​of some parameters, or important information.

Mihura is a clue to the filacter crystal in the comics, which indicates the element-jerelo of recognition.

The valcoder is a control element that turns on the control knob in many radio receivers. It may be the same and highly negotiable.

A widget that you want is an element that allows you to grab some control elements if they are not used.

Object-oriented or object-oriented programming(Nadal OOP) is a programming paradigm in which the main concepts are the concepts of objects and classes. In the case of prototypes, instead of classes, prototype objects are used.

Basic concepts:

- Abstraction- This is a method of seeing a set of significant indicators of an object, including the seemingly insignificant. Apparently, abstraction is a set of such characteristics.

- Encapsulation- the power of the system, which allows you to combine data and methods that work with them, from the class to capture the implementation details from the correspondent.

- calming down- the power of the system, which allows you to describe a new class on the basis of what is already clear, often or on the basis of functionality that is established.

- Polymorphism- the power of the system to create objects with the same interface without information about the type internal structures object

- Prototype- this is an object-symbol, behind the image and likeness of which other objects are created.

At the center of the ORP there is an understanding of the object. An object is an essence with which one can strengthen one’s awareness and how one can react with it, vikorist’s own data. The object data is received from the decision program. Capturing this data is called encapsulation.

The manifestation of encapsulation contributes to the objectivity of our programming, and also means its object orientation - which requires the manifestation of decay.

In order to reveal the evidence of encapsulation and decay, do not interfere with the language programming in a completely objective way from the perspective of the ORP. The main advantages of OOP appear due to the fact that modern programming implementations have polymorphism; Thus, the possibility of objects with different specifications and different implementations.

Language Self, reaching out to the rich output of object-oriented programming, in an alternative concept to classes to the prototype, giving birth to prototype programming, which is considered under the guise of object-oriented.

20) Adjusting the interface of the correspondent. Adjusting the main menu and the work table.

Adjusting the interface of the client: Windows supports three types of client interface: Web-like, classicі mixing. The interface is configured as follows: Start→Settings→Folder Power→Tab Zagalni→Select type. Yakscho vibrano type Mixed, then you need to press the button Nalashtuvatiі set the configuration parameters. The following describes the robotic techniques adopted in the classic interface.

Setting up the Main Menu: Windows allows you to add new items to the Main Menu, only at the top of the main menu or submenu Program. Method for adding an item: see the file and drag it onto the button with the right mouse button Start. The system will automatically create a new label that will be displayed at the top Golovne menu. Any item can be moved, deleted or renamed. Golovne menu This is a folder where you can use Windows Explorer just like a normal folder.

Setting up the work table: Windows allows you to change your username background baby and background viewer Work table, the screensaver, as it turns out, when they don’t open the computer for an hour, and the distress of this period, as well as the design of other elements, such as the window: color, font, etc. The procedure for victorious attacks of this kind is: Start → Settings → Control panel → Screen. In the dialog box, opening various tabs, set the desired values ​​of the control elements.

21. Text editors for the preparation of legal documents: basics additional possibilities and functions (MS Word).

Various text editors, such as MSWord, are used for preparing, creating, editing, reviewing and displaying various documents, including legal documents.

Possibility of MS Word:

Create documents that look professional and include such important elements as graphs and diagrams;

Give your documents a nice, modern look by using different styles and styles that blend into the font, size, color, text effects, and page backgrounds;

Save and re-create such ready-made instead of formatted elements as title page that vrezannya;

Create personalized messages by e-mail that leaves up to many people who do not type the same text many times;

Retrieve comprehensive information from existing documents through the addition of indexes, indexes and bibliographies;

Seize documents, have control over who and what changes can be made on documents, etc. personal information ta zastosovuyuchi digital signature

22. Structure of a text document, main elements, meanings. The concept of the paragraph, the rules of formatting.

1. The main structural elements of a document are a symbol, a word, a paragraph, a side, a section.

Symbol is indicated primarily by the type of font, size and image. MS Word may have 256 different characters.

Word– this means typing characters between two spaces.

Storinka characterized by the size of the paper sheet and the parameters of placement of the text: fields, header and footer entries, methods of vertical alignment, text orientation. Typing text in Word operates in the automated page layout mode. The row size depends on the parameters of the paragraph and character format.

Rozdil- this area of ​​the document, which is characterized by a single side-by-side format; view and change of headers and footers; way of numbering pages; wine-like appearance in the text. bud. The number of sections in the document is not demarcated.

2. Paragraph- this field of the document, typing is carried out without pressing the Enter key. U text processor Word text- this is the sequence of paragraphs that are divided special character“end of paragraph”, which is entered when pressing the Enter key. The paragraph is the main structural element of the text, because I haven’t finished my thought.

Formatting a paragraph: a paragraph contains the following parameters that are already set when creating a new document; they can be changed as necessary. You can change parameters either for one paragraph or at a time for many (their tracks can be seen with the cursor).

Parameters: interrow interval, side-by-side alignment, spacing before and after paragraphs, first row entry, left-handed and right-handed entry, tabulation, etc.

Before paragraphs, add a paragraph to the main text, headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.

23. Basic stages of preparing a text document.

The main stages of document preparation are: text entry, editorial processing and formatting.

1. Entering the text You can use additional typing from the keyboard and insert various text fragments from other documents into the document.

2. After entering the text, the entry changes. Editing a Word document is done using menu commands or pressing keys on the PC keyboard.

Editing operations (deleting, inserting, moving) work on:

· Symbols

· In rows

· Fragments

Entering characters is done from the keyboard (in insertion or replacement mode), and to delete characters, use the Backspace or Delete keys.

Editing operations for rows include: splitting a row, dividing one row into two, splitting two rows into one, inserting an empty row.

Editing operations (copying, moving and deleting) for fragments. A fragment is an uninterrupted part of a text. To delete, copy, or move a fragment, you must see it.

3. Formatting a document means changing its appearance. WORD provides document formatting on five different levels:

· on a par with symbols (change of typeface, image, font size and color, word spacing, animation, etc.)

· on the same paragraphs (aligned on the left edge, along the right edge, in the center and across the width; right-handed and left-handed entry; first row entry; entry before and after the paragraph; inter-row spacing, managing splitting into sides o)

· on the same pages (page parameters, page orientation, frame, headers and footers of the first page, paired and unpaired pages, etc.)

· On the level of sections (forming sections from the front side or on the downstream side, dividing the text into columns, etc.)

· On the level of the document (side numbers, places, etc.).

24. Rules for entering text. Features of text automation (MS Word).

Typing text involves pressing the keys on the PC keyboard, in which the current character is displayed on the screen at the position of the cursor, and the cursor moves one position to the right. Clearings like text editor automatically inserts rows for alignment, which are called “soft”.

"Hard" spaces are entered into the text by pressing the Spacebar key on the PC keyboard. To indicate that a word has been strengthened, there is a “Hard” space between words, so between the words it is necessary to insert one “Hard” space. The division sign does not need to be reinforced with a space before the first word, and after the division sign it is necessary to introduce a space. The “harsh” end-of-row mark is created by pressing the Enter key to indicate the end of the paragraph.

Before starting work on your PC, you should create a folder structure to save files.

The folder will be created in the folder window where it will be located. To create a folder, select these items.

  1. Open the folder window and a new folder will be created.
  2. When the window is empty, click the right mouse button and select the Create – Folder command.
  3. Using the keyboard, enter the name of the created folder.

Creating files

The files can be created using additional application programs (MS Word, MS Excel and others). However, all types of files can be created without launching the program.

The file is created in the folder window where it will be located. To create a file, follow these steps.

  1. Open the folder window where the file will be created.
  2. From the empty window, right-click the mouse and select the Create command and select the desired file type in the ordered menu.
  3. Using the keyboard, enter the name of the file that is being created.
  4. Double-click the left mouse button on the empty window.

Renaming folders and files

To rename a folder or file, select the following.

  1. Right-click on the object icon and select the Rename command.
  2. Double-click the left mouse button on the empty window.
  1. Open the window of the folder in which the renamed object is located.
  2. Click two or three single clicks with the left mouse button on the name of the object so that the cursor begins to hover in the name field.
  3. Use the keyboard to enter a new object name.
  4. Double-click the left mouse button on the empty window.

Moving and copying folders and files

Moving and copying folders and files can be done using two fundamentally different methods: dragging and clipboard transfers.

When moving or copying objects towed, the following actions will be disabled.

  1. If necessary, place the window on the screen so that the offense is visible at once.
  2. When moving, drag (drag) the object icon from the window of one folder to the window of another folder.
  3. When copying, drag (drag) the object icon from one folder window to another folder window while pressing the key.

Moving and copying folders and files can also be done by dragging objects with the right mouse button. For this option, after completing towing, select the required command in the context menu: Move or Copy.

When you move or copy objects using the clipboard, you can delete such actions.

  1. Open the window of the folder where you want to move or copy the object.
  2. When moving, see the object that is moving and move it to the clipboard in one of the following ways:
  • When copying, see the object that is being copied and copy it to the clipboard in one of the following ways:
  • Open the window of the folder in which you want to move or copy the object.
  • Paste an object from the clipboard using one of the following methods:
  • Copying folders and files to a floppy disk can be done in another way. To do this, right-click on the object icon and select the Send command - Disk 3.5 (A:).

    View of folders and files

    The folders and files can be accessed in a number of ways.

    With the first method, you can cancel such actions.

    1. See the icon of the object and press a key on the keyboard.

    With another method, you can cancel such actions.

    1. Right-click on the object icon and select the Vidality command.
    2. In the window, press the Yes button.

    In the third method, drag the icon of the object that is visible onto the desktop onto the Cat icon.

    Update deleted folders and files. Kaushik's customization

    The deleted folders and files are not listed, but are placed in a special folder “Cat”.

    To update the deleted folders and files, click on these steps.

    1. Right-click on the icon of the object that is being updated and select the Renew command.

    In this case, the folder or file will be updated in the same folder from which it was deleted.

    To update a deleted object in your favorite folder, move it to the desired folder using one of the methods described above.

    It is necessary to note that folders and files deleted from the floppy disk are not placed in a special “Cat” folder and, therefore, do not support updating.

    To avoid problems when updating folders and files, please check and, if necessary, change the settings special folders"Koshik." To do this, you need to click on the special folder icon “Cat” with the right mouse button and select the Power command.

    Rice. 8. Dialog box of Power: Cat

    In the dialogue window of Power: Cat (Fig. 8), you can see the presence of the icon against the command Find files immediately after deleting, without placing them in cats. Once such an icon is installed, it will be impossible to renew deleted files. In this dialogue window you can adjust the maximum cat behavior. Recommendations obsyag - 10... 15% the size of a zhorstkogo disk.

    1. Open the special folder “Cat”.
    2. Right-click on the icon of the object that is visible and select the Visibility command.
    3. In the window, press the Yes button.

    In another case, a trace of viconati such actions.

    1. Click on the “Cat” icon of the object with the right mouse button and select the Clean the casser command.
    2. In the window, press the Yes button.

    For certain files and folders, you can delete them without placing them in the folder. For this purpose, you can quickly find out any way, but you must exit them by pressing the key.

    Activities with groups of folders and files

    You can move, copy and delete only within a folder and files, or within a group of folders and files. You can only group files and folders located in one window. To group files and folders into a group, you need to see them.

    To see all folders and files in the window, the easiest way is to select the command Edit - See all.

    To see the folders and files that have been moved from the window one by one, first see the first object in the group, and then see the remaining object while pressing the keyboard key.

    If you see a sufficient group of folders and files, you can see them by pressing the keyboard key.

    When you see all the folders and files in the window, except for the current ones, first see the objects that do not belong to the view, and then select the command Edit - Collapse View.

    The visible group of files can be moved, copied, deleted in any of the described ways.

    Search for folders and files

    To search for a folder or file on your PC, open Header Windows menu ta vikonati team Poshuk - Folders and files.

    The search appears in the Find: All files window (Fig. 9). Searching for folders and files can be followed by the following signs:

    You can play jokes on any one sign or on all signs at the same time. The result of the search may be a few objects.

    From the search window, files can be moved, copied, deleted in any of the ways described above

    Creation and vikoristannya of labels

    A shortcut is a special file used for quick opening of other files, folders and launching programs. Place the shortcuts on your desktop.

    To create a label, follow these steps.

    1. Open the window of the folder in which the object for which the shortcut is being created is located.
    2. Tow the object onto the work table by pressing the right mouse button.
    3. After towing, select the Create shortcut(s) command in the context menu.

    The shortcut can be renamed like the original file.

    Behind the label you can change the icon of the label. For whom should you sign such actions?

    1. Right-click on the shortcut icon and select the Power command.
    2. In the dialogue window of Power:... go to the Shortcut tab.
    3. Click the Change icon button on the tab.
    4. In the dialog box Change icon, select the required icon.
    5. In the dialog box Change icon, click OK.
    6. In the Power dialog box: click OK.

    Double-clicking with the left mouse button on the shortcut icon opens the window of the object for which the shortcut is created.

    Renaming, changing the shortcut icon, copying, moving, and moving to another location does not appear on the object for any type of creation. However, renaming or moving an object can result in the shortcut not working properly. The view of the distant object on which the shortcut was created leads to the repeated unavailability of the shortcut.

    Archiving files

    Archiving is the process of changing the size of files to make them easier to save and move. Archiving is performed with the help of special archiving programs. Among the most popular archiving programs, the WinZip program remains the most popular. This program is not included in the standard warehouse Windows program It may be pre-installed on the computer.

    When archiving files, they are created new file, Which is called archival. The archive file must contain one or a number of files at a glance.

    For the door archive file trace vikonati such actions.

    1. See files that support archiving.
    2. Click on the icons you see with the right mouse button and select the Add to Zip command.
    3. In the Add window, in the Add to Archive field, enter the name of the created archive file.
    4. In the Action list you can select the method of placing files in the archive: Add (add, copy) or Move (move).
    5. In the Compression list you can select the level of file compression.
    6. In the Add window, click the Add or Move button, depending on the selected method of placing files in the archive.
    7. Close the WinZip window.

    To add files to the current archive, drag and drop the icon onto the archive file icon.

    To extract files from an archive, the easiest way is to open the archive file and drag the file from the archive window to the desired folder.

    2 In Windows 95/98, almost all actions can be configured in different ways. Whose initial assistant will have the most extensive knowledge? Manual options Do this in the special folder “My Computer”.

    4 When copying objects to a folder on another logical drive, you do not need to press the (Ctrl) key.

    5 To search for a file with the name Sheet at ZAT Zorya.doc, you only need to indicate the name of the sheet.

    6 The search can be carried out for a given period (a number of days or months) or for a specific specific period (from one date to another date).

    7 The following terms are also used: “squeeze”, “packaging”.