How to update the program on Android

Third party programs- the destructive power is not only of Android, but of other operating systems. The skin is actively updated by retailers, which introduce various improvements, corrections, or adding new functions, as well as visual changes. In this situation, programs are updated most frequently, since Android 5.0 has been completely abandoned new interface and this brings new perspectives on the design of add-ons from third-party vendors.

Updating the design will cause less damage stable work, The number of updates is growing, the number of add-ons is decreasing, the result: the joy of partners and retailers, who received even more money for the new design, new functions and more consistently ї robots.

How will the whole system be updated? Most people don’t care about the version of their favorite programs, and, moreover, changes in the design of many can put them in a blind spot, because they were the same as the old one. So, first of all, you have to figure out: what upgrades do you need? We, as representatives of the fellowship of gadget-maniacs, are, of course, for renovation, in case of any incident, this may have been improved in the first place.

There are two types of update: automatic and manual.


If you want to avoid wasting valuable time and updating your programs, please select “ Automatic updates" For whom:

    • Open;
    • Open the adjustment;

  • Next, check the box for “Zavzhdi” or “Telephones via Wi-Fi”.

If you select “First”, programs will be updated both via Wi-Fi and via 3G/4G-interface, but the operator will incur an additional fee for the transfer of mobile data. For most homeowners, updating via Wi-Fi is optimal.

After the update in the center, the system will notify you about the Wicon operation, after which you can evaluate the new functions without additional effort. graphic changes program


Don't like innovation? Are the functions of the new version of the program not suitable? Do you want to keep everything under control? Then your choice - manual update. First things first, Google Play notify you about the availability of updates for programs through the Notification Center.

To get started you will need to enable automatic update:

    • Open Google Play;
    • Go to the menu by swiping to the right;
    • Open the adjustment;

  • Select “Auto-update program”;
  • Then check the “Nikoli” box.

To update the program, you need to:

    • Go to Google Play;
    • Open the menu with a right-hand swipe;
    • Select the item "My programs";

  • Click on “Update everything” or select a specific program.

That's it, now you are in complete control of the program update process. It's a good thing to give yourself a headache.

Everything you need to know before updating your software Volodymyr Ukhiv

How to enable automatic program updates on Android, since the constant installation of new data consumes a large amount of traffic RAM phone?

You can turn on the function for additional functions of the gadget.


How does the software update work?Android

I let you in security software, developers cannot make it perfectly adapted for all devices. In fact, the program itself can often work incorrectly. Noticing such inaccuracies, programs correct errors, test the product, and release new components. Having installed them, the user can download a complete version of their favorite game or other type of software.

The skin update has its own digital designation – version number. VIN is recorded in format 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 etc. If you install this on your gadget for the first time, you will uninstall the remaining version of the update. More detailed programs will be announced this year.

So that the buyer does not have to see and install a new one, the store has an update function - you simply press the corresponding key and select the new version in a few seconds. All data and client files will be saved. In the Google Store window you can see what's new and what features have been added to your favorite programs.

Often, in the Android store, the automatic update function installed on the phone is already activated. This feature allows you to keep up with the ongoing releases of components, even if the vendors create them in the best possible way. Since the background installation affects your work with the device or consumes a lot of the Internet, you need to turn the function off.

Vimknennya automatic updates for additional helpPlay Market

If you do not want to install additional utilities that are required for the work, use the standard ones. With this help you can also configure the robot updates. Follow the instructions to protect automatically attracted and installation of new components:

  • Open the software store;
  • Show up Home page to the store. Open the menu by flipping to the right or clicking the confirmation icon;

Rice. 3 – home screen Play Market

  • At the bottom of the menu list, select the “Options” item and go to the window for changing program configurations;

Fig. 4 – store menu smut

  • in category zagalnykh nalashtuvan click on the parameter "Auto-update program". The window for selecting the update method will appear. Select “No” and close the window.

Rice. 5 – enable update

Vimknenny update in phone settings

By installing any program or program, you accept the benefit of the user so that the software can access the new functions of the system. If you have enabled updates in the store, the installation of a new version can be carried out not by the Market, but by the add-on itself. This is indicated if the software update function is activated in the smartphone settings.

To enable the function, enter the following actions:

  • Go to the gadget settings;
  • Click on the “About Device” icon;
  • Select “Software updates”;

Fig.6 – “About devices” window in OS Android

  • For a new account, deactivate the checkbox next to the item "Auto-update".

Updating the software manually

Captivatingly the rest of the news And the versions of your favorite programs manually, you can change the amount of traffic and simply background processes There is nothing to be seen; the process of downloading data is carried out steadily. Manual operation with updated solutions is for those mobile users whose phones have a lot of programs installed, and the phone’s resources do not allow them to carry out a lot of background operations.

Also, the permanently switched on update will quickly change the battery charge and make the gadget work completely. After installing new trace data, periodically update it yourself. You can do this like this:

  • Login at ;
  • Click on the menu icon in the top left corner of the program;
  • Select an item from the list “My programs and games”;
  • Go to tab "Installed";

Fig. 8 – review and update installation of additional supplements by hand

  • In the software, for any available update, the “Update” button will appear. You can start the process of updating a new version of the utility both for one program and for all times. Just click “Update all” at the top right side of the open store tab.

After clicking on the “Update all” button, the process of downloading and installing the remaining program data from the server to the store will begin. This can take a very long time, depending on the number of programs on your gadget.

For the skin program, the process of installing new components will be started through:

Fig.9 - installation of new components

The advantage of this method of working with programs is that you choose the time to install the components and they won’t start downloading at an unusual hour if there is little traffic on your phone or low fluidity connection with the border.

Another method for updating is to send system notifications to your account. running programs. If the retailer releases important security or functional updates, but the user ignores them, immediately after starting the software, a message will appear informing you that you need to install new version Games/utilities. In this case, just wait a while with the installation and download the package data from the manufacturer so that the program runs stably.

If you have turned on automatic updates, Play Market will periodically notify you about the availability of new versions of games and utilities. The center will provide one or more information about the new capabilities of programs and installation keys.

Fig. 10 – information center in Android

Please note that the Google Play window has a daily button to update specific programs and all installations, then install new components for the store itself:

  • Go to device settings;
  • Open the window "Programs" - "All" - "Play Store";
  • Start the update process and also clear the cache to avoid errors from appearing.

Fig. 11 - Play Market update

First method. Software updates at the time of its launch

1. If World of Tanks Blitz has been updated, then when you launch the game you will be notified that the current version of the game client needs to be updated. Why press the button? Onovity.

2. Having wasted Play Store, onoviti gr.

Wait for the installation to be completed - and go!

The method is different. Update via Play Store

1. Go to Play Market.

2. For the additional menu in the upper left part of the screen, go to Play profile Market.

3. Open “My programs”.

4. Find World of Tanks Blitz in the list of programs and press the button Onovity.

5. Having spent on head side, dedicated to World of Tanks Blitz from the Play Market, click the Update button again.

That's it! If you fail to check that the installation is complete, you may crash!


If you do not read the current updates, but there are new updates, restart your device and change the availability of updates.
When you log into the game, if it has not been updated, you may be prompted to update it. Over time, at your side, updates will occur automatically.
If you have installed auto-updating programs in Google Play, then immediately after the update is released, the application will be installed automatically. Automatic updates can be set up in Google Play behind the scenes: “First” - programs will be updated upon access to any network connection, including via the mobile Internet; "Only via Wi-Fi" - programs will start updating when connected to Wi-Fi.

We continue to rely on nutrition related to operating system Android. Today we learn about how to update programs and games. We will immediately remind you about those who have seen the update for this fault. So, first update the program, read the guide, maybe an update is not far away.

Let's see. Connect to the Internet and go to Google Play.

You can find out the program you want to update by searching in Google Play or by searching in the “My Programs” section. Let's look at another method.

Simply swipe left-handed from the left frame, and a menu will appear. Select the item “My programs and games”.

You will see two tabs: “Installed” and “All”. The first tab displays the programs installed on the device you hold in your hands. In the “Everything” tab you will get access to all programs installed on all devices without any problems, and will be deactivated Denmark account. Go to the "Installed" tab.

It is possible that you need to update the Yandex.Browser browser. Click on the program and go to the browser side. Then press the “Update” button.

For consumption, give permission additionally:

Installation and updates are performed automatically.

As soon as the program is updated, the “End” button will appear. This means that you are vikorist old version program

Remember that you can update all programs at once. To do this, turn to the “Installed” tab and click “Update everything”. In this case, all programs will be updated, for which there will be updates. Remember, this takes an hour, before that a lot of traffic may be wasted, so we recommend that you use the program via unlimited internet, for example, at home.

If you want the programs to update automatically, go to the menu and select the “Options” item.

Click “Auto-update programs” and select “Start”.

Now programs will be automatically updated when connected to the Internet.

How to update the program on Android via a computer (without Play Market)?

The simplest option is to engage the program with remaining updates If you see an apk file, download it from the device and install any file manager for help.

One of the advantages of a vicious store Google add-ons Play - regularly updates the program. Such updates are practically carried out immediately after the manufacturer releases a new version. When the user does not require additional actions, everything is done automatically.

In most cases, this approach is much easier. Otherwise, there is a need to enable program updates on Android. For example, in order to save traffic. IN this material We will tell you how to install updated programs on Android.

The first thing you need to do is open the Play Market program on your Android devices. At the top right corner there is a program menu, open it.

From the menu that appears, select “Customization”.

In a configured window, you will need to open "Automatic program updates".

From this menu you can select the updated program for your Android device.

In addition, if your device is a smartphone or a tablet with support mobile internet, then in the “Automatic software update” window you can turn on the “Wi-Fi only” mode. In which case, updated programs will be available in less time dartless measure Wi-Fi. This is to allow the elimination of non-binding expenses for mobile communications.

Once you have enabled software updates on your Android device, updates will only be installed in manual mode. To do this, you need to open the left side menu and select the “My programs” item.

In the "My Programs" window, you can update your programs manually by clicking the "Update" or "Update All" button.

When you click the “Update All” button, all programs installed on your Android device will be updated.

Please note that programs installed manually (not via Google Play) cannot be updated automatically. In order to update such a program, it must be removed manually from the device, and then installed again.

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