What is atikmdag sys blue screen? How to fix SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION errors like "blue screen" (0x0000003B)

blue screen Death is an extremely unacceptable situation, which can happen to any user of a computer running Windows OS. This article itself will take a closer look at the situation if the text about the amend contains information about the photo atikmdag.sys.

Typically, a blue screen of death with the atikmdag.sys file indicates that there are a lot of problems associated with ATI video card drivers. Moreover, the actions described below will directly address the most common problems with the operation of drivers.

What should I do if I get a blue screen with information about the photo atikmdag.sys?

Option 1. Enable Windows to run smoothly

Since the Blue Screen of Death does not appear all the time, but only after the computer has been resumed from sleep mode, you will need to disable the Swede function. starting Windows. For whom, open the menu "Control panel" , Select the mode for displaying menu items in the upper right area of ​​the window « friend icons» , And then go to the section "Electrolife" .

On the left panel, go to the section "Diy buttons food" .

At the top area of ​​the window, click on the button “Changing parameters that are not currently available” . Please note that in order to access this item, your oblikovy record The mother is responsible for maintaining administrator rights.

After pressing this button, the items in the lower area of ​​the window will be available for change. You also need to uncheck the box "Take it away fast launch(Recommended) » , And then click on the button "Save your life" .

Option 2. Clean driver installation

The blue screen with the atikmdag.sys file is displayed regardless of the type of computer startup, after you try a clean installation of the driver.

To begin with, you will need to install a utility on any other computer Display Driver Uninstaller. Next, you need to go to the official website of your video card manufacturer and download the remaining available version of drivers for your video card model and the correct version operating system. Please download the file and copy it to a flash drive.

Now start the computer and at the very beginning of the startup, start with the slider and press the key very hard F8, Then the window for selecting the type of startup of the operating system appears on the screen. We are called “Safe Mode”, which is where you need to go.

Once in safe mode, transfer the utility from the flash drive to your computer, and then exit it (the utility does not require installation). A window will appear on the screen in which you will need to select the driver for your video card driver (ATI), and then click on the button “Delete and re-enable (strongly recommended)” . The process that ends with the program will begin, as a result of which all drivers associated with your video card will be deleted.

If the computer enters the recovery stage, we will need to enter Safe Mode again (in the same way, at the early recovery stage, you need to press the F8 key), so that this time you can install the latest drivers.

All you have to do is run the driver distribution kit and install them on your computer. As a rule, after fixing these problems with the installation, it is not necessary to crash.

After the installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer, this time starting Windows in default mode. As a rule, after downloading the data, the blue screen problem persists.

If the blue screen problem has not been resolved, you can suspect a much more serious problem and get rid of your video card. more detailed information You may be informed about this food after diagnostics are carried out at the service center.

Often, many computers in everyday life are faced with such a phenomenon as BSOD, called the blue screen of death. The reasons for this may appear in abundance. Ale immediately fails at times, as long as it is related to the configuration of the Atikmdag.sys file (the blue screen directly signals this). Let's see what types of failures there are, what stinks are associated with and how they are caused.

Troubleshooting the assignments to the Atikmdag.sys file: nature and reasons for appearing

As is customary, the blue screen, in which there is an order to save the file to our file, appears for a reason. Even the file itself is a system component, which itself serves to ensure the efficiency of the operating system in terms of initialization of video cards Radeon family with further driver installation.

Another type of file, Atikmdag.sys, in Windows Vista (there are two of them) serves to securely send documents to others, but again does not create conflicts on its own.

What is the problem with the blue screen itself, in most cases it is associated with a “failure” of the Radeon video accelerator driver, a breakdown of the video card itself, problems with motherboard(Or rather, with the supply of life to the components installed on it) etc. Let's take a look at the main actions associated with the Atikmdag.sys file. A blue screen is far from critical. So it is possible and necessary to combat this phenomenon. If the problem has appeared recently, you can now try simply refreshing the system from the control point that transmits its appearance. But the problem may not only be critical.

Atikmdag.sys: blue screen (0x00000116)

Such a compromise can manifest itself mainly through problems with the graphics-intensive Radeon itself. To get started, try completely uninstalling all device drivers and then installing them again. Moreover, it is important to install it yourself latest versions drivers, for example, with the help of the Driver Booster utility, which, when downloaded, is directly sent to the official Internet resource of the manufacturer of this device.

However, this option does not help, and the blue screen of death (the Atikmdag.sys file appears in the crash box) appears again, even if the computer is replaced with a graphical shortcut. ALE! You will need to install a different video card into the system, not an ATI Radeon product, but one from the whole family. Take any graphics adapter from NVIDIA, install it on motherboard, Install the drivers, and then be careful how the system behaves. Everything is fine, the problem is in the video system itself. If the BSOD appears again, it means the problem is in the motherboard.

This is where the situation most often comes into play, if the main reason for the appearance of the failure lies in the fact that, as usual, the video card is supplied with an unstable voltage, so to speak, in spiky-like coils. As a result, the life block overheats, which causes the screen to appear.

An equally broad phenomenon can be called the initial discharge of the battery, which is located on the “motherboard”, which indicates the control of the system date and hour on desktop computer. What's worse is that the battery itself can contain some type of caustic toxic substances that negatively affect the motherboard as a whole. But in the first place, the thermal paste suffers, which is used to cool processors and video cards. As you may have already realized, the order for repair appears again, associated with the Atikmdag.sys file, a blue screen, and then there is a fleeting reboot.

If the problem is not in anyone, it will happen that the approach will stagnate. Initially pre-installed and installed I'll keep the version drivers, in the Drivers directory we rename the output file to Atikmdag.sys.old, then we find the Atikmdag.sy_ file in the ATI catalog and place it on the desktop.

After whom we call command row and go to the desktop (chdir Desktop). Next we create the command EXPAND.EXE atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys. Now you can't copy new file from the desktop to the Drivers folder and reboot the system. The rest of the team replaces the old file with the new Atikmdag.sys. The blue screen is no longer to blame. That's not all.

Atikmdag.sys: blue screen (0x0000003b)

Another type of failure, also related to the searched file, can appear mainly in the “sim”, and even with a large number of local users on one computer terminal.

To avoid going into the dark to correct the situation programmatically manually, many fakers recommend simply downloading from the Internet a ready-made patch called stop 0x0000003B Win32k.sys, which is specially designed for this type of failure. One mind - include update (updating the system). After this war, the problem is bound to arise.

Other types of pardons

Another type of exception is system_service_exception (atikmdag.sys). This is the first time such a bug has appeared in Windows 8.1. Vіnh knitting with Radeon cards,Also, in most cases it appears when watching the video, for example, in social measures or on popular video hosting sites. The system, with its enviable commitment, requires restarting the computer due to any unforeseen problems.

What is there to be shy about? I'll try again to install the remaining versions of the graphics adapter driver. In addition to “removing”, which is a rather complex method described above, either a basic driver update or uninstalling and re-installing the latest version will help.

replace the pouch

In general and in general, here we look at the most common problems and methods for solving them, and even the cause of the failure could be a system update, or trying to overclock video cards, or damage to the integrity of system files, and There's a lot more of everything. If your software is linked to the system libraries, you can quickly use the utilities to get started DLL Suite for ix automatic update. Once the physical components of the computer have been repaired, it will be necessary to understand the cause of the failure.

Solutions for ATI display driver powered by atikmdag.sys file
GPU: ATI graphics cards
OS:Windows 7
symptoms: Blue screen or error Stop 0x0000001E, caused by the file atikmdag.sys or if you often receive notifications: " Display driver atikmdag.sys stops responding and updates successfully“.
Decision: Replace the atikmdag.sys file with the new version.

It is also good to know that this problem has been solved if you have an ATI video card. When most graphics drivers are installed in Windows 7, the old version of the atikmdag.sys file is copied to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and not in the actual installation. As a result, new drivers and Trying to access the file from 2012 rocks instead of 2013 rocks. Shchob tse vipraviti -

stopped reporting atikmdag - Lesson 1: Please install the latest version of the ati graphics driver.

stopped reporting atikmdag - Croc 2: Then go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and rename atikmdag.sys V atikmdag.sys.old.

stopped reporting atikmdag - Lesson 3: Go to the ATI directory (name in C:\ATI) and find the file atikmdag.sy_.

stopped reporting atikmdag - Croc 4: place this file in your directory on your desktop.

stopped reporting atikmdag - Croc 5: Open cmd.exe - Start -> Viconati enter type cmd Search in the field and press enter.

stopped reporting atikmdag - Krok 6: Go to the Desktop directory, enter chdir Desktop.

stopped reporting atikmdag - Croc 7: Then enter EXPAND.EXE atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys.

or else
expand-r atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys

stopped reporting atikmdag - Croc 8: After completing the extension, copy the new atikmdag.sys file from your desktop to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers

stopped reporting atikmdag - Croc 9: Restart your computer and the problem will be resolved.

You will probably realize that if you do so, reinstalling the ati drivers will NOT delete the old atikmdag.sys files or overwrite them with the latest version. You will have to do this manually. Nobody knows why, but whom they praise, as it is not recorded.

If you have a problem with the blue screen and nvlddmkm.sys error, please send us your information in the comments section. Also, kindly share your evidence regarding this problem, including possible solutions. The new results may help others, and we may also be able to help you if you tell us your problems.

Regardless of the fact that Windows 10 is constantly updated, BSOD or blue screen of death continues to occur for a variety of reasons. Often, according to netio.sys, a blue screen in Windows 10 occurs on PCs with outdated components and no official drivers. However, errors ending in .sys may also result from failures in the PC hardware. To resolve the problem, first determine the cause of the problem and select the correct method for correcting the problem.

Reasons for the blue screen of death to appear on Windows 10 with code .sys

The .sys file is a driver file or system file, Which testifies to the efficiency of this device on Windows 10. If the user “caught” the blue screen of death with the code igdkmd64 or other designations, it means that the device is not working properly.

To simplify the search for the causes of BSOD, we have presented them in the table parts of the meal with .sys files.

Pomilka Cause
netio.sys The computer freezes on its own and the screen goes blank. Video driver problem. Adguard blocking.
etd.sys System_thread_exception_not_handled. Alarms when the PC is turned off during the update hour. Crazy video card driver.
igdkmd64.sys Problem with the installed graphics card Intel Graphics. Video driver is corrupted
fltmgr.sys Windows file File System Filter Manager, which is installed simultaneously with the extensions.
dxgmms1.sys The driver stops responding and updates. Problem with Nvidia video card driver
atikmdag.sys ATI Radeon video card driver corruption. Insanity with Windows 10.
igdpmd64.sys Failure VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE igdkmd64.sys. Inconsistency, corruption or insanity of the Intel HD Graphics driver.
wdf01000.sys Fix driver_irql_not_less_or_equal wdf01000.sys. WDF Dynamic file is transferred to the OS Microsoft Windows. It belongs to Microsoft Corporation. Indicates the launch of the Control Panel and other system components.

As you know, .sys files are driver components. Therefore, in order to resolve problems, it is advisable to combine action steps into a separate group and look at ways to correct problems.

Solving the problem

When the blue screen of death appears, files such as etd.sys, igdkmd64.sys, dxgmms1.sys, dxgmms2.sys, atikmdag.sys and igdpmd64.sys will be removed from updating the video card drivers. For whom we are proposing the upcoming actions:

  • embossed right button Click on the “Start” icon and select “Device Manager”.
  • It’s time to show up again. We open the “Video adapters” tab and right-click on the video card and select “Update driver”.
  • Next, if you have official drivers for your video card, select “Find search on your computer.” Every day, every day, we press “Automatic search...”.

However, if you have two video cards: graphic and integrated, you will be able to see the next steps:

  • Turn on the PC. We open the cover of the system unit and remove the additional video card. There is no need to close the system unit.

  • Turn on the PC. Let's go to "Device Manager". We know the integrated video card. Click on it with the right mouse button and select “Enable”.

  • Now we re-insert the video card into the PCI slot and turn on the PC. If necessary, update the driver. Everything will work out and there will be no mercy.

There are a number of nuances to overcome a number of problems.

Corrected by netio and igdkmd64 sys

Failure of igdkmd64 and netio indicates not only video driver problems, but also occurs when overclocking the video card. If you were trying to unplug the video adapter, turn it to setting up the BIOS and set the standard values ​​to boost. Often the blue screen of death occurs for this reason.

In a number of cases, it was noticed that the Adguard ad blocker triggered a blue screen of death assigned to the files igdkmd64 and netio sys. We recommend that you enable this add-on or completely delete it from your PC.

Also note that igdkmd64 and netio sys appear when the computer is turned on during the system update. To correct the problem of the war against the upcoming events:

  • Typical “Start”, “Control Panel”, “Center” Windows update».

  • Kilkoma "Poshuk update". We are planning to update the system externally.
  • After updating, go to the address “C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download” and select the remaining folder instead.

  • Now we launch the command line with administrator rights and enter “wuauclt.exe / updatenow”.

  • After restarting the PC. The problem will be resolved.

Resolving problems with fltmgr.sys

The fltmgr.sys file, or better known as the Windows File System Filter Manager, is the most common target of virus attacks. If you have received this peace of mind, please run a system scan for the virus first thing in the future. You will need to update the fltmgr.sys file. This can be done in two ways:

  • Upload the file to the site (except from verified sites);
  • Check back for additional utilities DLL Suite.

Blue screens of death (or BSoDs) are a common problem for all PC users, and now we will look at one of these BSoDs - SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION. Denmark's critical death can come as a guest until the koristuvach finish raptovo, whether it's under the hour gry in yakus computer gro or it's about time simple wikiristan operating system.

Most often, the reason for the critical SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION error is the device drivers, which for some reason began to function incorrectly, which led to the already obvious result. However, sometimes, BSoD SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION may be triggered for other reasons:

  • faults in the operational memory;
  • incorrect BIOS settings;
  • hard disk problems;
  • overheating of computer equipment;
  • a single failure in the operating system;
  • but otherwise.

On the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION you can access the following information:

Your PC has a problem and needs to be reset. We just need to select some information about the settlement, and then you can end up re-engaging.
If necessary, you can find on the Internet the information behind this payment code: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION

This BSoD may affect certain versions of Windows operating systems, but we will concentrate on the most pressing problems for Windows 10 users, since they are most relevant at this time. However, you can use the below methods for other versions of Windows OS.

The SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION clause is critical: the vicious methods

If your computer has a BSoD with the code SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, you immediately rushed to the rescue effective methods If this is the case, then we recommend that you do not panic and stick to the most basic, even banal method - restarting your computer.

So, just restart your computer and see if SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION fails again. You see, the operating system is far from a simple thing, and every now and then there are occasional failures, glitches, errors, bugs and other inconveniences that often delight in the simplest re-engineering.

Method No. 2 Skidannya tweak the BIOS

BIOS is just one more there could be a reason The culprit of the critical SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION on Windows 10. Perhaps you have recently delved into the BIOS settings, experimented with them, to create the best evidence for yourself. In addition, it is also corrected in such a way that BIOS settings can change on their own as a result of anything else. You need to go to the BIOS and set the new standard parameters.

On different motherboards, access to the BIOS can be denied in different ways. For example, in some cases, you can go ahead and press the DEL button when you start the PC. Other keys are also sharpened, for example, F10, F2, different combinations keys, etc. In fact, before you log in, a prompt will appear on the screen to let you know what the keys do. You can also find information on your motherboard card on the Internet, which will indicate how to enter the BIOS.

Once you have entered the BIOS, you will need to know the section that is responsible for updating the settings. Unfortunately, as soon as you enter, you have to find out this section on your own, since the BIOS has its own interface. Specify that this section will be under the names “Reset BIOS settings”, “Restore configuration” or something similar. Discard settings, and then try to log into the operating system. On the right, it was due to incorrect BIOS settings - BSoD SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION is to blame for the error. However, since the fault still manifests itself, then let’s crumble away.

Method No. 3 Reinstalling RAM

The topic of this method may sound extremely wonderful, but that’s the same thing we’ll tackle with you right away. SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION may result from faults in the RAM strips. Sometimes, to restore the correct operation of the RAM, it is necessary to simply rearrange it into the motherboard. So, I'm going to turn my computer off again, and then open it. system unit.

Remove the RAM sticks from the slots. Blow out the RAM slots on the motherboard, wipe the RAM contacts with an ear stick lightly soaked in alcohol (you can also wipe them with a grater), and then insert them back into the slots. Try to start your computer again and enter the Windows 10 operating system. This is good news for some users, but if you haven’t done it yet, let’s move on to another method.

Method No. 4 Checking the availability of updates for Windows 10

Some Internet users confirm that they were able to get help from the SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION failure to install an update for their operation. Windows systems 10. If you can bypass the blue screen of death and log into the system, then it will be easier for you to escape from these tasks.

Now, press the left mouse button on Start and select “Settings”. Once you've finished scrolling through the options, open the section called “Updates and Security.” Then go to the “Windows Update Center” tab. If you decide, click on the “Check the availability of updates” button.

Wait until the system checks for available updates, downloads and installs them. After installing the update, restart the computer and check the presence of the BSoD. If the new updates did not help with the current SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, then go to the next method.

If you cannot deny access to your system, you can try updating Windows 10 through Safe Mode with third-party drivers. Now, restart your computer, and then press the F8 + SHIFT keys on your keyboard to go to the Vanilla Options menu.

You will see a list of various options. You need an option called “Turn on safe mode for privacy reasons.” edge drivers" After selecting this option, you will leave your system in safe mode with Internet access. Now go to Settings → Updates and Security → Windows Security Center → Check for updates.

Method No. 5 Finding the problematic driver

As we already said at the very beginning of the article, incorrect driver operation is the main reason for the appearance of the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION. Since the root of the problem is the driver, then the logical thing to do is remove it from the system to restore its stability, right?

So, everything is so, but another power supply is immediately to blame: how do you mean which driver is causing the problem? Confirmation - BlueScreenView. A program called BlueScreenView can view system memory dumps that were created after a critical failure occurred in it. In the crash dump itself, we will need information about the at-fault driver.

You can download BlueScreenView with complete peace of mind from the official website of the retailer. The program is extremely small and does not require any installation into the system; launched the final file and created the information you need on the right. Hey, get him into the system.

note: If you can’t log into Windows normally, then go to Safe Mode with security mode. It is probable that the program may run in this mode, otherwise you will still have to try it.

Please note that in the operating system, the settings for automatic creation of a memory dump are set. In these dumps, a new memory leak occurs at the time of a critical failure, but, as a rule, it is necessary to install a driver.

Launch the BlueScreenView utility. This will immediately scan your Windows to see if there are any minidumps available in it behind the standard installation location (%systemroot%\minidump) on the system. If the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION is your first critical failure, then you will get one memory dump and you will not have to select. If you are not the first, find the required dump and click on the new one.

First, you should show your respect to the column at the top of the program window under the title “Caused By Driver,” which translates to “Caused By Driver.” It is in this column that you will select the drivers that will appear when the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION appears. Write him down somewhere so that you can find out more information about him in the future.

Do not close the BlueScreenView utility window yet. Return your respect now to the bottom part of the program window. You will see a list of files that are also relevant until the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION appears. We recommend that you write down files somewhere in the list, marked with a red color, and also the .sys extension.

How will you choose required information, Google the name of the driver listed in the “Caused By Driver” column. For example, if you have discovered that this file is a driver from Nvidia, then the solution is simple - reinstalling the drivers for the video card. The same approach applies to all other drivers. You can update the driver with additional installers from the retailer or with additional help. automatic installation for help from the Device Manager.

Method No. 6 Checking the temperature of computer components

My guess is that the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION may be triggered by significant overheating of your computer’s hardware. Be aware that severe overheating of equipment can lead the entire system to extreme instability.

At its simplest, you can check the temperature of your computer using additional specialized programs from third-party vendors. For example, you can use utilities such as AIDA 64, SpeedFan, HWMonitor, Core Temp, Speccy, GPU-Z, Real Temp and many others.

As you know, you have at your disposal a magnificent arsenal of everything software security Please feel free to adjust the temperature of your home. Once you realize that your system is actively experiencing overheating, then, for all that, it will trigger the critical alarm SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION. Remove the overheating and the problem will go away on its own.

There are a large number of ways to reduce the temperature of warehouse PCs: increasing the passage of air flow in the system case or laptop case, cleaning the system unit, replacing thermal paste with central processor and graphics processor chips, installation on a video card and a larger processor tightening systems cooling, installation of lower colors in the system unit and reduction of operating frequencies of certain equipment.

Method No. 7 Programmatic verification of RAM

Do you remember how many times ago we picked up and inserted RAM sticks into the motherboard? This is one of the methods of checking RAM, which can help you fix minor problems in your robot. Ale scho is yours RAM Do you sense much more serious problems? How does it deal with failures and call the SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION alarm?

We recommend that you check your RAM using the specialized Memtest86+ utility. Given utility automatically check your operational system for errors and malfunctions during operation. himself shortest method launch Memtest86 + - this is the solution fancy flash drive with this program. It’s very simple to do, and we’ll figure out what kind of nutrition you need.

To get started, you will need to install the automatic program installer for the USB device. Having acquired the archives with the program, find the flash drive for your computer. Take the file “Memtest86 + USB Installer.exe” and the archive and place it somewhere convenient for you, for example, on your desktop.

Run the file Memtest86 + USB Installer.exe. At the installer window, you need to enter the path into the connected flash drive, and then press a couple of buttons to start the installation process of the utility. Having completed the preparation of the flash drive, let's now run the Memtest86 + utility itself into the robot.

With the flash drive still connected, reboot your computer and go into settings in your BIOS (we already discussed how to get into them in the previous paragraph). You need to install the flash drive first as a priority. Find the “BOOT” section in your BIOS or something similar, prioritize flash drives, and then your disk and save changes.

Restart your computer, then what will happen? automatically attracted Memtest86 program + flash drive. The process of checking the RAM will be completely automatic, so you won’t have to do anything at all. Checking your RAM can take quite a while, so be patient and wait for it to finish.

As soon as Memtest86 + completes your work, you will be given a call. Understand that it’s easy to do something wrong with your operational memory. If you have a bunch of rows marked with a red color, then your RAM will variably deal with problems and errors.

It’s a pity that since everyone can cope with memory, not even a rainbow of shades has come up, then, in most cases, the RAM bar will be removed from the system. Just like you are dying, pardon is critical SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION will be at fault.

Method No. 8 Rechecking the hard drive

Think about it, haven’t you recently turned off the electrical power while you’ve been finishing up all your hard drive work, for example, recording or moving files? Raptovo connection to life under the hour robotic zhorstkogo On the disk, you can call up the appearance of so-called bad sectors, which makes it difficult to read the data stored in them. In addition, bad blocks could fail due to physical damage to the disk.

renew file system disk, you can use a utility such as Victoria HDD. Vaughn will scan your hard drive detect the presence of bad sectors, after which you can try to correct them. However, everything will remain in your camp hard disk. It will be extremely difficult for unprepared developers to install a Victoria HDD, as the process is complex and complicated. To describe how to use Victoria HDD, one more article is needed, or more precisely, it is necessary.

We strongly recommend that you engage in the search for a reliable reliable service from a victorious price in truth Live programs, So how can we help you correct your hard drive if something is wrong with it. Renew disk and BSoD SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION will be corrected.

Method No. 9 Upgrading the system at an additional upgrade point

Perhaps, SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION appears through any changes in the system settings or installed software. You need to try to rotate your Windows 10 to a state where it is stable. This can be done through an initial system update using an additional update point.

There is nothing simpler than updating your system using this method. Login to the operating system (also works with oven-free mode). Press the Windows key combination + S on your keyboard to click search row. Enter “Control Panel” into it and select the result.

Go to the large icons display mode and select the “Update” section. Next, click on the item “Run system update” and click on the “Next” button at the end. Select the point you need to update the system and click “Next”. Once done, click on the “Done” button and wait until the system update process is complete. Check if the BSoD SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION appears.

Method No. 10 Reinstalling the operating system

None of the above helped you get out of the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION (plus, RAM and hard drive were not the causes of the problem). We are unable to tell you only one method that can effectively fix BSoD - reinstalling the Windows 10 operating system. So, unfortunately, this is your only option for Danish moment. Installing a clean OS with 99% reliability will save you from SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, and then you can continue to use Windows 10 normally.

OS installation is easy and automatic. You need to create everything for yourself Installation disk from Windows 10, and then log in through the new one, after which just touch the icons on the screen. Many new owners are afraid to reinstall Windows themselves, but there is nothing to be afraid of, since everything necessary will be shown on the screen. “Creating an installation tool for Windows” is a special article from Microsoft that will help you with Windows installation 10.

We believe that this article helped you get to the blue screen of death SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION.

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