All for 200 to connect. Intermittent calls and SMS

Beeline Usi tariff for 200

Report description

Beeline is trying to convey to its clients endless possibilities and is implementing new tariffs that reflect the needs of a busy and socially active person. Packages that include the configuration of calls, sms, mms and the Internet for optimal payment for a specific period are gaining great popularity. This article is clicked in detail. All for 200 Beeline description tariff - the most profitable at the moment, with the minimum subscription fee for 2002 rock.

Especially for those who need more than a single connection, the communications company has launched a range of “All for 200” tariff plans. It's so easy. It is possible that you need to call and sometimes go online to review by e-mail or else social measures. Then “Everything for 200” ideally meets your needs. You can use a minimal set of options. You can communicate at least with a zero tariff, purchase an inexpensive Internet package, and pay even more modestly for contacts to other operators. Remember, for only 200 rubles per month! Let's take a closer look All for 200 report descriptions. You can get to know and connect without any restrictions. How should servants show off?

  • Internet package;
  • Overpowered SMS notification;
  • Overpowering MMS notification;
  • Effective calls.

Beeline tariff All for 200 or more, which is based on the needs of the capital’s locals. Beeline All for 200 report Moscow find out, having respectfully read this article.

Let's look at the details of the tariff.

  • Dzvinki;

You can connect to Beeline for 200, becoming a lucky recipient of cat-free calls in your region. When calling for stationary apartments – 2 rubles. Similarly, calling a vicorist for other local operators will cost 1.6 rubles. If you search around Russia, you will have to pay 2.5 rubles per piece. For example, if you want to talk to people you know who are not at the same level, even if you don’t live in your home region, the cost becomes 9.9 rubles/hv.

  • SMS notification;

Written notifications to local clients of your measure are valued at 2 rubles. If you want to contact a partner of another territorial operator, then 2.95 rubles. The price of a message from Russia for one piece is insured at 3.95 rubles.

  • MMS notification;

Sending an MMS notification to all directions costs 7.95 rubles.

  • Internet traffic;

Each person is given 1 GB of Internet access in the Beeline. All for 200. However, what to do if you have exceeded the limit? Wait, the great one will inevitably lose himself without all the world's web, actively conducting jokes along the line, especially after having spent the entire reserve of megabytes. With such a tariff this will never happen! Even if the norm is completely overestimated, it is a way out. For every new 150 MB there is a meager additional payment of about 20 rubles. It’s really cool. І You will not be disappointed with the need to speed up mobile Internet after completing 1GB of traffic.

If the client wants to ensure that additional traffic is collected, he or she needs to make a single request by dialing *115*230#. I narahuvannya will be added.

There is also an additional Internet option up to the tariff - Highway Beeline 200 rubles. You will receive special traffic for an additional fee.

Or deselect the “ ” option. It makes it possible to remove the restriction of the swidcode stream after the interruption of 500 megabytes of Internet traffic.

How does this work? The data speed of 500 MB is rapidly moving, the data speed drops to 32 KB per second.

Important. If the subscriber turns on the “Sales Service” service, then he can continue to browse the world wide web using standard methods. Mittevo, if the traffic is wasted, the exchange speed again decreases to 32 Kbps. After this, re-enable the option.

In order to understand the transition, the price of traffic, as well as the number of additional megabytes, you can read and download on the official portal.

When describing subtleties on the Beeline All for 200 tariff, please note that the monthly fee becomes less than 200 rubles per month.

Of course, it’s great that the Beeline tariff is all for 200 rubles per month, as long as you can subscribe.

How to connect?

Well, in what way should I connect? tariff plan from Beeline? You need to call the number 067410260. Or you can connect to Beeline for 200 rubles by using a special account, which has an exit at your fingertips. The connection will take several lengths. Then, for the first 30 days, the subscription fee will be charged the same way, at 6.66 rubles. And then the payment is made on the 1st day of the month, a one-time payment of 200 rubles, as the saying goes.

Tsikavo. Any prepayer can change his tariff to the Beeline tariff for 200. Then the payment to the warehouse transfer is 150 rubles. Whose balance may be over 155 rubles. Subscription fee written off on the first day.

If you have more confidence in research with living people, then simply go to the nearest office, where our consultants will be happy to accept your application. If you stretch it out, you will look at it with satisfaction.

Respect! After completing the necessary papers, you will receive an SMS on your phone notifying you that you are connected. Since there is no information about switching to the Beeline tariff for 200 2016 for a long time, you can sign up for your own tariff plan using the additional command: *110*05#.

For those who need to know how to connect other services, there is a description on the Beeline official website with various explanations and details.

Tariff deactivation

If you want to take advantage of the “All for 200” tariff, you can switch to a different tariff without any difficulties. Information booklets that are distributed throughout Moscow and the region describe in detail the operator’s obvious positions.

Additional services

When connected they are activated cost-free services"", "". They can be deactivated due to unnecessary use. Let's sort it out in order, why bother with the stench?

  1. If your device is hidden, or if you are, for example, near the metro. And during this period, if you want to talk to you, you will forget the entrance numbers. And when you open the connection again, you will receive notifications about those who are in the middle;
  2. "Stay in the know +" is aimed directly at your information. Any second now you will be given an audition voice notifications, suspended for an hour of inactivity on the phone.

Dodatkovo varto respect that the Beeline tariff for 200 has become the most popular among our prepayers. And Moscow itself became the vikorist’s own package.

Carefully. Currently, subscribers in the capital and region cannot activate the tariff. It is archived and not active for connection. He will continue to work for those who take advantage of him.

What attracts the Koristuvachs?

Especially with the fees, the main advantage of the “All for 200” tariff plan is no-cost calls In the middle of the network there is adequate connectivity to the Internet. These are the same things that your skin needs most every day.

Beeline All tariff for 200 and others from this line recommend that residents specifically select the services they need. If you are aware of a new special tariff, then the descriptions will be suitable for you. Let's guess again. Beeline 200 rubles subscription fee. The most handy minds.

Most tariff plans offered by operators charge a subscription fee and include a wide range of all services. What should you do if you don’t need additional options, don’t make calls regularly, and don’t use the mobile Internet often?

Especially for you, the telecommunications services company Beeline has updated its line of “ALL” tariff plans. The basic budget tariff plan “All for 200” is an ideal solution for those clients whose needs for local Internet Stilnikovy bond dosit modestly. This tariff package contains a minimal set of necessary services: internal calls at least with a zero tariff, an inexpensive traffic package and economical connections from accounts of other mobile operators.

Description of the tariff

When connected to the “All for 200” tariff plan, the subscriber has the ability to make calls to other clients of the company in his region and use 1 GB of traffic for a month without costs. Please note that mobile Internet without additional payment is only available in the Central, Pivnichno-Zakhodny and Moscow regions. The subscription fee for the package is 200 rubles.

Variety of calls:

  • in the middle of the Beeline network in your region – 0 rub.
  • on landlines- 2 rub.
  • for buyers of operators in their region – 1.6 rubles/hv.
  • in Russia - 0 rub (from 1.09.2015 - 2.5 rub)
  • for correspondents of other operators in Russia – 9.9 rubles/min.

SMS availability:

  • Roster for Beeline subscribers in your region – 2 rubles.
  • Distribution to customers of other operators in the region -2.95 rubles.
  • Rossilka in Russia - 3.95 rubles.

The MMS-report price is RUB 7.95.

Payment for Internet traffic:

Access to the Internet for subscribers who have purchased a 1GB package will cost 20 rubles per additional 150 MB of transferred and downloaded information.

For a more convenient Internet connection, you can connect additional services, such as “Product Service” and “Highway,” which can be found on the official Beeline website.

How to activate the "All for 200" tariff?

Get a SIM card with a basic tariff from your nearest affiliated operator or buy it via the Internet. When purchasing in an online store, an amount similar to the price of the TP is added to the balance of the client’s phone. For subscribers who are active, you can switch to the Danish tariff package through Special office or else mobile app. You can also dial 0674 10260.

"Beeline" added about the trustworthiness of its clients and also stated korisny services alerts “” and “Stay informed +”. They hope to be free of charge and connect to the tariff package for payment.

Beeline tariff “All for 200” is an inexpensive option with excellent features. For a small sum, the operator provides basic packages of services that clients need. Let's take a look at this proposition at once, considering the reporting methods and methods of connection.

Beeline is one of the leading wireline operators on the Russian market. This organization has low-cost advantages:

  1. Great quantity base stations for the safety of those who receive the signal.
  2. Excellent brightness mobile connection.
  3. There are many programs available for connection.
  4. The company intends to regularly update tariffs and adapt them to different groups of subscribers.
  5. There are no additional services required for connection.
  6. Prices have increased.
  7. There are a large number of customer service salons.
  8. You can easily connect to Beeline in the official office or through company partners.
  9. The organization conducts various promotions and gives bonuses to clients.

Beeline tariff “All for 200” rubles per month is one of the package plans. Similar propositions have become even more popular due to the widespread use of smartphones. Now it’s easier for subscribers to immediately sign up for a package of services for a month in order to cancel additional operator fees.

It is important to know what this tariff is renewed by the company. Therefore, in our statistics, we see the remaining option for the capital region. The fixed fee for the “All for 200 2016” program is 233.89 rubles per month (not 200, as you might think from the name). For this amount the client takes:

  • unlimited calls in the middle of the border;
  • traffic – 2 GB for 2G/3G, unlimited for 4G;
  • Calls to other numbers and text notifications are charged separately.


The package is expected to include 2 GB of internet for 2G/3G connections. 4G clients have unlimited access. When the traffic is exhausted, the fluidity is reduced to a minimum.


  • calls to Beeline – no limits;
  • clicks from other operators – 2.14 crb.


Weekend announcement:

  • SMS - 2.14 rub;
  • MMS - 8.51 rub.

Variety of services per tariff

Depending on the packages that are available, the subscriber can activate automatic renewal of Internet speed when the traffic is exhausted. Think like this:

  • additional traffic – 70 MB;
  • Variety of package - 20 rub.

Pros and cons

Let's look at the program's advantages for now:

  1. Optimal service packages.
  2. There is a small subscription fee.
  3. The unlimited splicing in the middle of the Beeline network is demonstrated.
  4. There are no masses of additional minds.

This proposition is suitable for people who experience more changes in the middle of the border. It is hoped that the traffic will be increased for the purpose of sourcing the main online resources. If you often listen to streaming music or watch videos from video hosting sites, then it is better to choose another option.

Let's take a look at the shortcomings:

  1. Not such a big impact on traffic.
  2. There are no extended options for calling numbers of other companies.
  3. This plan has been developed and represents the exact minds of the market.

How to activate the "All for 200" Beeline tariff?

How can I switch to the Beeline Usi tariff for 200? In fact, this plan is archived on the official website. The operator has forced to connect subscribers to a new one, and the program is not available for transfer.

As an inexpensive alternative, you can look at Vseshechka. Behind this tariff there are the following thoughts:

  • Variety of service - 9 rubles/product;
  • Internet – 5 GB;
  • calls – 200 minutes;
  • SMS - 2 rubles.

On the official website of the operator, there are no other programs for connection. You can get acquainted with all the different solutions and choose the ideal option for yourself.

Available methods for joining the plan, click here:

  1. Call us before contact center operator.
  2. In a special account on the site.
  3. Get help from your smartphone.

Additionally, you can add a SIM card with a standard starter plan, if you are not already a Beeline client. The company's website provides a map of the nearest service offices.

additional information

At the moment of writing off the cost for the payment of the tariff, the sum is rounded up to two numbers after the coma sign. Payments are processed monthly. When switching to a new tariff proposition, the money will be written off immediately. To check how many packages were lost, transferred by the plan, dial *102#.

Remnants of the plan are archived and cannot be accessed. Subscribers who were able to connect before the official closure can only subscribe to the tariff. Alternatively, the operator can automatically transfer clients to another plan after in-line support has been applied.

On the Internet you can find offers for the sale of SIM cards with archived tariff programs. If you don’t avoid dealing with dubious sellers, you may end up with serious problems in the future and end up wasted on the shahrais. Buy SIM cards directly from the operator or from official partners.

The Beeline company regularly reviews its tariffs in order to update them or introduce new ones to meet the current needs of subscribers. So, starting in 2014, Beeline became available to subscribers new tariff This plan is called “All for 200”, which takes away any positive influences from the communists.

With only a small subscription fee, Beeline customers can cheaply purchase a minimally necessary package of services. Everyone can try the tariff - both new Beeline subscribers and regular ones. If you are actively profiting from the services of Beeline, you will be amazed at your minds.

Detailed description of the Beeline tariff plan “All for 200”

Also, what services and what kind of service the subscriber takes away after subscribing to the “All for 200” tariff:

More detailed information about tariffs can be found in your special account or on the website of the Beeline operator.

Internet at a tariff

Based on the tariff plan, 500 MB are allocated per month mobile internet. If you need more megabytes, you can enable the “Highway” option by selecting the required amount of traffic. The connection level and availability of Internet traffic, as well as other information about the service, can be found in the corresponding section of the site.

It is important to note that after the exhaustion of the given Internet traffic, the tariff automatically extends the speed. If you auto-download, you will be given 200 MB (price – 20 rubles). In connection with this, it would be entirely possible to control the consumption of traffic or turn it off. If you have subscribed to the Beeline tariff “All for 200” and you want to find out about the excess traffic on your number, you must call the number 06745.

Understand the ways to subscribe to the tariff

If you are already using the services of the Beeline mobile operator and want to switch to this tariff, you need to dial the number 067410260 on your phone. The cost of switching from the regular tariff is no less than 150 rubles, the cost for the successful connection of the service to the market, at the time of the transition you need at least 155 rubles. The subscription fee for using services is debited from the first day of connection.

Also, if you have free access to the Internet, you can go to the Special Account and activate this tariff. There you can turn on the service if it is no longer relevant.

After switching to your number, you will receive an SMS notification from the Beeline operator about the successful transition to the new tariff. If you do not receive information for a long time, you can do it yourself; you can check the name of the streaming tariff plan using the additional command *110*05# click.

Every subscriber wants to protect his mobile communications anyway. Ale at once z tsim be-yak koristuvach bazhaje otrimati maximum power Stilnikov's services. Is it possible to get the job done quickly with all the services of a steel bond without overpaying? The Beeline company knows about the needs of its clients and encourages them to subscribe to the Beeline “All for 200” tariff.

Description of the tariff

The Beeline tariff “Everything for 200 rubles” is one of the propositions of the “Vsishechka” line. The tariff plan includes all functions and Stilnikov's services, necessary for the cross-country kistuvachev. In order to understand what the most important TP is, we encourage you to get to know it report description and prices.

We will now add TP to a wider range of koristuvachs. After connecting, the subscriber will be able to enjoy unlimited calls in the middle home measures and 1 GB of Swedish traffic.

The tariff plan also provides automatic activation of such additional features as Forwarding, Stay informed and Contact.

There are the following rates for TP:

  • subscription fee - 200 rubles per month;
  • Input and output calls to the home region – 0 rubles;
  • Talk to other subscribers Stilnikov operators at the local border – 2 rubles/hv.;
  • Internal roaming within the Russian Federation - 9.90 rubles/hv.;
  • Razmiv from neighboring countries (SND) -12 rubles/hv.;
  • calls to the ends of Europe – 35 rubles/hv.;
  • SMS within Russia to all directions - 2 rubles. / Od.;
  • SMS from foreign countries of the Russian Federation – 4 rubles/day;
  • MMS within the Russian Federation for all directions - 8 rubles. / Od.

For rich subscribers, Beeline Internet is a necessary option for mobile phone. The "All for 200" tariff plan offers 1 GB of high-speed traffic per month. If you need this service, you can easily connect to the “Highway” add-on package. As part of the package, you can choose from 1 to 20 GB of traffic!

It is important to remember that you can only spend your internet quota within your region. If you are outside this range, the tariff option is the same as roaming rates.

Important! In addition to the entire “Vsishechki” line, the mobile customer has enabled an option such as “Avtorozhennya swidkosti”. After clearing traffic automatically, the option includes an additional 150 MB package. The cost of one package is 150 UAH. If you do not require this service, it is better to turn it off immediately. You can request additional USSD assistance *115*230#.

There are many ways in which you can activate the “All for 200” tariff:

  • Call the technical support number 067410260 and inform us about your need to switch to a tariff plan;
  • If you are an authorized accountant, you can freely enable TP in your Special Account. To do this, go to the “Tariffs” section, select the required package from the list presented and press the “Decrease” button;
  • You can also connect to the TP through the My Beeline service;
  • You can activate the tariff directly at the nearest office mobile operator. If you do not know the address of the Beeline office closest to you, all the necessary information about the rollout can be found on the official website of the postal manager.

How to switch to TP?

There are no special minds for switching to the “All for 200” Beeline tariff. One mind, the cost of appearing on the subscriber’s balance is 200 UAH. to pay the monthly subscription fee.

The package is deactivated automatically when you connect a new TP. In addition, you can turn on the tariff plan through the Special Account or the My Beeline service. You can also activate the “All for 200” tariff plan directly at the mobile operator’s office.

To find out what TP is on your mobile device, send the USSD request *110*45# and press the click button.

I would like to say that it is not worth rushing to deactivate the package. Perhaps, in order to develop connections for yourself, you will need to add a number of additional functions that are in the Beeline arsenal.