Execution of a pardon for d3dcompiler_43.dll. Methods of usunennya pardon. Viewing and updating the file

D3dx9 43.dll

Let's take a look at the reasons why the diva appeared on a personal computer, as well as basic ways the culprit of the problem.

Need more .dll files and how to run d3dx9 43.dll?

DLL - ce extensions dynamic file format for operating system Windows, also called libraries.

Head of such a library - allow me once a dekilkom install programs win similar sets of functions.

For example, when you start the song function of the editor (office documents, videos, photos), the system automatically picks up the list of necessary dynamic libraries, as if they give you a friend, save and otherwise.

Pardons are often blamed on koristuvachivs for library files.

Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through all the inconsistencies of the program and in the place of the dll file, even if two elements are vanquished and are installed only one in one.

At a glance, as if the library was not correct, the Windows system is telling you about it, zokrema, telling you about the pardon d3dx9 43.dll.

Cause a winknenny pardon in d3dx9 43.dll

Often short Windows d3dx9 43.dll libraries are stuck with pardon.

Computer stops running Wicked file And, obviously, you can’t be vikonatized.

Indicated for a little more system-wide, it can appear when you try to launch the program, at the first hour of the program's sing functions, or as soon as the PC is upgraded.

It is also important that the d3dx9 43.dll library can provoke a pardon.

It may have a required component or access rights. D3dx9 43.dll may require registration, reinstallation, change other library.

Regardless of the great diversity of pardons, the stench rages the same way. One of the described ways to fix the language will help you if there is a problem with the file.

Correction of registration of the library

As before, the file d3dx9 43.dll was not installed on your computer, and only after the capture of the original firmware appeared, most of the time help system to register the library.

There is only one way to do it - manually.

Automatic registration is established through the website of the Microsoft Corporation and the computer of the coristuvacha, for this purpose, it is necessary for the establishment of all activities on the Internet.

Follow the instructions:

  1. open the command line window on your PC in the name of the administrator (Fig. 2);
  2. enter the command regsvr32 /u d3dx9_43.dll in the row and press Enter (Fig. 3). Dana diya is necessary for skasuvannya earlier incorrectly ceremonial registration;
  3. Now enter the following command regsvr32 /i d3dx9_43.dll and press Enter (Fig. 4).

After the vikonnanny of the fortune-telling diy, the pardon may be usunen. To overthrow the robot of the library, restart the program, as if calling a pardon.

Viewing and updating the file

In some cases, for a complete fix of the problem, simply remove and reinstall the dynamic library.

Find library file d3dx9_43.dll through the Poshukov system "Providnika". See yoga.

Now open "Koshik" and manually move the dll from it to the System32 root directory on the C drive.

After all, restart the computer.

Important! As if pomilkovo you have deleted the library and it won’t show up in the cat any more, it will be speeded up by special utilities to restore the deleted files.

Rechecking the computer with anti-virus firmware

In some cases, the pardon of the library may be viklikana activity of sloppy software security, as if trying to wedged into the work of other programs.

To check the current version, it should be checked with an antivirus and carry out a thorough diagnostic of the computer for the presence of a bad firmware.

After the scan is completed, delete all known Trojans and viruses, and then restart the computer.

Troubleshooting the system registry

In some cases, the cause of the blame for pardoning d3dx9_43.dll may be incorrect robot operating system registry entries

Pardons can be blamed after the program was removed from the computer, as if d3dx9_43.dll was victorious.

Through non-required records, the system cannot know the correct path to the file - this is how the different pardons of the software are blamed. Also, shkidlivy programs can help the components of the registry.

Important: Editing the register is a task for stuck-out koristuvachivs. As before, you didn’t stick with the vicons tsієї dії, seek help from a specialist, adje wrong patching recordings can lead to impracticality of all OS.

The process of clearing non-essential and poor records can be automated. For whom you want to use the official Microsoft program - WinThruster.

Vaughn is recognized for the search for "empty" and incorrect entries in the registry of your PC.

The robot program does not mess up the OS, even before the skin stage of purification, the utility creates backup copies in front of the register, at the time of the crash, turn the front station of the records.

To start the robotic program, follow the instructions:

  • Left-handed on the main panel of the window, find the item Scan for errors and click on it;
  • accept koristuvalnitskaya favor;
  • check out the end of the scan. At the head office, all known pardons will be shown to the registry of that state. The stench will be automatically deleted by the program after the process is completed.

It's an hour to launch the program or Igor, for example, you can use DirectX components, you can use d3dx9_43 dll or d3dx10_43 dll. For more changes, to repair d3dx9_43 dll, you need to delete the load or the program and re-download yoga from installation disk, on which there are all DirectX components. Alas, is it robust that the program is secured from the sidelines and you don't have an installation disc?

Fixing pardons d3dx9 dll and d3dx10_43 dll

Pardon "Starting the program is not possible, because the computer is running d3dx9_43 dll (d3dx10_43 dll)" or "d3dx9_43 dll was not found" to tell about those that are running DirectX 9 and 10 components on the PC.

Basically, on Windows 7, 8 / 8.1 or 10, DirectX 11 or 12 is installed, but 9 and 10 versions continue to work.

To fix the pardon of d3dx9_43 dll when starting the gri, it is necessary either to install the components that are to be rejected, or to update the version of the program itself.

Update or reinstall DirectX, you can speed up the given poradї.

Well, before the advancement of the daily components, vikonuєmo takі diї.

Archives with daily libraries d3dx9_43 dll and d3dx10_43 dll are taken.

Zawantage d3dx9_43 for Windows (7/8/10) Version: 9.43. Zavantazhen: 39.

take advantage

Zawantage d3dx10_43 for Windows (7/8/10)

Version: 10.43. Zavantazhen: 6.

take advantage

Unpacking it and launching the exe.file.

The installation of the component will start, after which it is necessary to restart the PC.

As if the pardon has been lost, we start the command line with the rights of the administrator. Click "Start", enter "cmd" and select the command you need.

If you have a Winickle Pardon d3dx9_43 dll, enter the command "regsvr32 d3dx9_43.dll". As a pardon for d3dx10_43 dll, varto prescribe "regsvr32 d3dx10_43.dll".

After a victorious command, we reload the PC.

The library d3dcompiler_43.dll is included before the warehouse of the installation package given a pardon. It most often appears when you launch games and programs that use 3D graphics. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those scho scho file is not in the system or vіn poshkodzhenii. Also, different versions of the DLL may not match. One variant is needed, and at the same time the installations are another. Such a trapleyaetsya rarely, but not turned off.

If you already have new DirectX 10-12 installations, you can not delete the pardon from d3dcompiler_43.dll, since newer versions of the program do not miss the files of the previous ones. Also, the file can be changed by a virus.

Pardon Methods

Possibility to speed up in a different way to fix problems with d3dcompiler_43.dll. You can grab a special web installer and let it grab all the files. There is also an option to download the program for installing libraries or install the daily component manually.

Method 1: DLL-Files.com

On the side of the entanglement, step forward:

This is a simple way, for whom we can forgive DLL file at the system manually. You just need to get d3dcompiler_43.dll from the right site and save for the address:


Ways to install libraries to fall into your operating system, for example, if so, then the ways will be different for 32-bit and 64-bit options. About those, how and where to install libraries, you can find out by learning from

Obviously, lovers computer games different generations, what is practiced by current operating Windows systems, singly, they stick with the appearance of a failure to launch the gri, if the system sees a notification about the presence of the d3dx9_43.dll component. What kind of pardon d3dx9_43.dll will be looked at at once. And don’t varto before panicking, the solution to the problem is even more simple to navit for an ordinary koristuvach.

Yaka pardon d3dx9_43.dll?

The library itself is a system component of the DirectX platform. Name the file, no matter what the name of the file is directly in DirectX 9.

Itself when її vіdsutnostі i z'yavlyaєєє pardon when you run d3dx9_43.dll, vіrnіshe when trying to capture the component operational memory. In the least, such a characteristic is typical for libraries with numbers 35, 41 and 42. For all these components, the method of solving the problem is the same.

Why cause a winknennya zboya?

First, proceed to z'yasuvannya, how to fix the pardon d3dx9_43.dll, next z'yasuvati, why won't you, vlasne, and blame. Chimalo koristuvachіv can be powered, saying, why do you think so, even if DirectX 11 or navit 12 is installed in the operating system?

All on the right in the games that are being installed, the ninth version of the platform itself was needed for correct robotics. And here the problem is two sides of the coin. On the other hand, during the installation of the system, the installed components of DirectX 9 are installed, as if they were changing other libraries, but not changing the platform key files. Axis i go out, what are the components of the last i early versions do not get stuck with each other. On the other hand, as it is necessary to install the ninth bridge modification, when you start the game, you simply do not know the required component. This problem is caused by different installations of DirectX new version from the old one. In this order, this situation has two simple solutions: either take over the libraries that are available, or upgrade the entire platform. Respect! Innovate, and not install, replace the old one with new ones.

How do you want to capture files from third-party resources?

What kind of pardon did d3dx9_43.dll have already figured out a little, but how can I fix it? In the simplest way, if you need files, you can also get them on the Internet. Ale! There are no good guarantees that if you are a good person to invest in one library, there will not be a similar attack for another.

Let's see how it works with captured files. Here it is necessary to protect the order of the system, in order to transfer them to integration. For different architectures, 32 bit libraries are placed in the System32 directory, and for 64-bit systems, another SysWOW64 directory is also added.
However, in order to believe that there are a lot of viruses on the Internet today, the replacement of the original library can easily remove the empty file with a small code. In addition, a simple copy of the files from the guessing catalogs is not enough. In order for the system to recognize these components, it will be necessary to register them using the command console with the regsvr32 commands.

Pardon d3dx9_43.dll: what about web installation?

In order not to engage in inappropriate speeches, or simply to secure your system, it is recommended to win a special Microsoft score as a web installer.

The installer (dxwebsetup.exe) needs to be downloaded from the Microsoft website to the computer, and then run with administrator rights. Next, wait for the minds of the victorious one (UVAGA!) software at the sight of the Bing panels a little more. During the installation process, the program scans all platform files and installs daily components.

Vtіm, іnоdі іnіdі dоpоmаgаyаyut uіtilіts na kshtalt Microsoft Fixit аbo DLL Suite, yakі tezh zdatnі vіdnovlyuvati librіbrіki, scho vіdsutnі, by way їх dozavantazhennya zіnterneta, wanting zdebіlshі і vіdnosjatsya іnstrumentіv, scho zastosovuyutsya dіlії іn ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї її їїї її їїї їїї їїї їїї їїї їїїї operating system.

New DirectX update

What a pardon d3dx9_43.dll got picked up. Now one moment, tying off the platform. In principle, today you can download the latest DirectX installer, and only the remaining version, after which you can run the file to be downloaded.

As practice shows, the installer itself scans the platform components on the computer and installs a new modification, and it does not need to be deleted old version, And it is switched off through the update.

Replace the bag

As far as proponing methods are concerned, it is possible to win and install four components and upgrade the platform. Here vibir koristuvach. But in more vipadkіv it's better to update DirectX anyway. rest version you need it for quiet changes, if the gamer installs and launches modern games, you can use the same modifications 11 or 12. Perche, koristuvach without knowing about command line with registration, you can not get it, but in a different way, it is not included, that in this way you can infect the virus and infect the whole system. So be drunk.