I press the right mouse to send and the empty window opens. Fixed context menu not opening

In today's article, I will try to show how to change the right mouse button menu to the context menu. We quickly press on whatever file or program right button Misha – most of the context menu, and not everything that appears there – we need. And sometimes it doesn’t matter, wait a minute, if you often send documents to any folder, it will be more helpful to add “send ...” in the context menu, two clicks and the file there is required.

Let's look at three ways:

Danish method Only those who want to take this from context menu;

— you can not only remove the request, but also add the necessary action to the menu;

- You can only remove the application from the context menu.

First method:

To change the right mouse button menu, we need the ShellExView utility. Why not? Everything is very simple: this utility saves 80Kb, is simple to use, and allows you to easily manage the context menu.

You can customize ShellExView ( , ), so there you go English, you can Russify it, but we’ll try to convert it like this. Having selected the program, we launch it, first scan the system, then go to Options - Filter By Extension Type

Select the context menu and press “ok”


It seems that we are not supposed to, we see it, and we press the red mug, on the food “what you sing” (though it’s in English), you press it like that. After re-entering the menu of the right mouse button will be changed, if you want to go back - go back to this program, see the required function and press the green circle.

Another way to change the context menu:

Everything is simpler here and we can add the right mouse button to the menu if necessary. We are locking the utility (to lock it you need to press the word Download). We unpack the archives, which have two folders x86 and x64, go in and launch the program depending on your operating system (as I won’t tell you, run the program if you write a note, which means you need to launch it other folders).

We read the license if you understand English and click “I Agree”

at the window select settings, at the window select Russian language

Let’s re-enter the program, in case it turns out to be Russian mine

On the left side there is a list of functions that you can add, from right sides Where to add You can also select “Add your item” and select the activity, program you want to download by pressing the right mouse button on any file.

Third method:

You can get more help from CCleaner. So, we can’t add any item to the right button menu, but you can easily remove any item from this menu. I CCleaner program It is universal, in the first place, you can clean your computer from time-consuming files, waste, change auto-recording, correct the registry, delete programs, play various add-ons from auto-recovery. Read the report - . Here you can easily access from the context menu:

1. Pressing => searching at the top bookmarks Context not menu

2. Select from the list those you want to connect from the right mouse button menu => press Uenable(You can press the view, but in this slot it will be easy to turn, if you take away the deposit, but just pressed it in, then came in and turned it on).

How to download Ccleaner is simple and necessary, just two steps and you have changed context menu.

That's it, we looked at three ways to change the menu of the right mouse button. Good luck to you 🙂

The effectiveness of all devices. In case of malfunctions or breakdowns, it is immediately necessary to call the facists, paying their services at high rates every hour. It's a bit cheap, and you can fix it yourself. Such failures and repairs will occur if the right mouse button does not open the context menu. How do you fix such situations?

It’s easy to understand why there is a problem with the robot, which is not explained in context. Windows menu 10. There are many possible reasons:

  • registry contamination with outdated files;
  • The number of programs included in the context menu is unstable.

Let's look at what to do in situations, how to change the situation when the context menu is opened with the right mouse button.

Since the context menu does not appear as a right-click because the registry is cluttered with old files, it is recommended to clean it quickly with a utility, for example, Glary Utilities. Glary Utilities is a set of system tweakers, utilities that provide protection, fine tuned Improved PC productivity. With this set, you can delete unnecessary files, track the system, registry entries that are outdated, optimize RAM, auto-accessories, optimize memory and other functions for good functionality cleaning the computer. Glary Utilities can be downloaded free of charge.

After setting the settings, clean your device unnecessary files In addition to this utility, clean the registry, thereby increasing the computer's speed.

Correction of pardons hung

If you right-click on a file, the folder does not open the context menu on the desktop, the computer freezes, the key does not respond to commands, you can get stuck in two ways, resulting in an offence. Before you begin, you will need administrator rights. You will have to work with the registry, but be careful; if you do it incorrectly, the system can help you. Therefore, before starting the process of correcting faults, you must immediately create a system update point, first of all.

The “dumb” hung call is called by an unstable program, a frozen program sent from the context menu, to tell you about an unknown resource.

First method

Type the following lines in sequence:

  1. Check the list to see if there are any programs you have already seen.
  2. If there is a program on the list that you have seen, remove it from the registry. Before deleting any section of the registry, we recommend that you create an archive copy of it to save it whenever you need to update it.

Another method

The algorithm has a different method, if you do not have the Windows 10 context menu open, we will come up with it.

  1. Open the registry editor as described in steps 1–2 of the previous method.
  2. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder,
  3. You'll find a bunch of files with names like "name_programm.exe", "name_programm.dll". Turn the skin over, pressing LMB, until the “command” section appears. All the birds are about to open up. If it does not open, you will see the NoOpenWith parameter on the right side of the window. There is no such parameter - create it. Please follow these steps:

  1. Once you know the “command” section, click LMB and change the presence of the right side of the parameter “(For cleaning)”. The parameter may have prescriptions for additions and additional resources that the computer has.
  • If the parameter applies to a specific resource, delete the entire section that begins with the name of the resource, programs. Don’t forget to create an archive copy before deleting it for further updates. You can see by clicking on the name of the RMB section, then clicking “Visibility” - “So”.

After using both methods, the context menu can be opened, and the PC will no longer freeze when right-clicking on a file.

Sometimes, after installing various numerical programs and further adjusting the system, you can see the current picture. When you press the right mouse button on any shortcut or any other directory or desktop, a notification appears about the destruction of explorer.exe and the folder simply closes, possibly, briefly removing all shortcuts from the desktop.

Why is it necessary and how can it be corrected?

Explorer.exe represents much of what you interact with on your operating system. It has a graphical interface for the user, displays active tasks, allows you to launch programs, and implements the Windows OS interface through the file sharing system. Windows will automatically try to restart this process if it gets stuck for some reason. Vinikla pardon is the result Correct the wrong ones systems of conflicts installing their programs with this process.

Now try to guess what changes were made to the computer before the glitch appeared: what was installed, what was updated, what was corrected. Try Vidality the rest of the changes or, if possible, roll up to an early point. Ale is the other way:

For the real problem we need a small program.

If this method did not help you in any way, do not fall into believing that there are other methods. Now we need the ShellExView utility, which can be downloaded free of charge from the official website. Launch the program and let's go:

1) Start sorting by column Type (click on the column name with your mouse). You can select the entries where Type = Context Menu, and in the File Extensions section there is a star
2) Include records via the following extensions, which are not required by Microsoft. The window is selected by clicking the right mouse button - Disable Selected Items or the F7 key.

You can print from these extensions, where there is more suspicion. Most often it is CmdLineExt.dll
3) Having turned on the recording, turn over the explorer robot

In my case, the problem was “expanding the shell, which will provide access to resources”

If the method turns out to be new, you can try the update utility.

V command line(Win + R - cmd - OK) enter sfc /scannow and press Enter.

I hope this is for your benefit. Write comments, share with friends and subscribe to new articles (subscription form is good)

To configure settings for this statistic, you must have local administrator rights on your computer.
Stattya zastosovna for Windows 2000/XP/Vista
When working with your computer's registry, be very careful that changes you make may result in your system being disabled.

When you press the right mouse button on a folder or file, the computer may freeze for up to an hour. Sometimes it will lead to complete freezing, so move “tightly”. This is necessary through the item or items of the context menu that are aimed at a non-functional program or a marginal resource, at a program that is not stable or a program that has frozen. There are two ways to resolve this problem, and we recommend eliminating the offense.

When the computer freezes, click the right mouse button on a folder or file.

Method No. 1.
regedit then click the “OK” button;
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ *\shellex\ ContextMenuHandlers

4. Rouse the fire " ContextMenuHandlers", clicking on the "+" sign;
5. It’s important to note that there are no programs in the list that you have already seen a long time ago, make sure that all the programs are working stably and have not frozen;

6. If you find such a program, then right-click on the child with its name and select the menu item " vidality";
7. To confirm the selection, press the “So” button;

Method No. 2. 1. From the "Start" menu, select " Viconati";
2. In the “Unlock” field, type the command regedit then click the “OK” button;
3. In the "Registry Editor" window, on the left side, successively open the assigned sections of the registry to the section " Applications";

4. Rouse the fire " Applications", clicking on the "+" sign;
5. There will be a lot of modules with names like “name_programm.dll” and “name_programm.exe”;
6. Click with the left mouse button on the pods:
- If the section does not open (there is no “+” sign or arrows), then on the right side of the window there is a parameter “ NoOpenWith If you don’t, then create something else. For which you need to cancel the following actions:
6.1. Right-click on the device with the name of the program;
6.2. Select menu item " Creativity"And select an item from the list" Row parameter";
6.3. Name new parameter NoOpenWith;
6.4. Leave the parameter values ​​blank;

If the section can be opened, it can be lit up until it is " command";

7. Click the left button of the mouse on the pet " command"And on the right side of the window you will find the parameter" (For the rest)";
8. Marvel at its significance, there may be prescriptions for the main program and marginal resource;
9. If you know a record that is sent to another program or marginal resource, delete the entire section that begins with the name of the program.
For example. name_programm.exe\shell\open\command or else name_programm.exe\shell\read\command

10. To delete, right-click on the child with the program name and select the menu item " vidality";
11. To confirm the selection, press the “So” button;

Rich befits an operation Windows system, and many of us are virus on it. All those who have unstable PCs – or those who have just recently switched to Windows – often find themselves searching for information about the activities that go along with the Microsoft operating system. One of these elements graphic element It is called "Windows context menu" or "right mouse button menu".

Today we know not only about this invisible element of interaction with Windows, but also about third party supplement, which allows you to add koristuvach elements in the context menu.

So, what is the Windows context menu?

In simple terms, this is a drop-down menu that appears when you press the right mouse button on any navigation area of ​​the screen (see also the name “right mouse button menu”). The context menu can be accessed in folders, the taskbar, web browsers, and other areas of the graphical interface. The context menu is not exclusive Windows specificity So you could download it on other operating systems, including Mac OS X or Linux.

Talking about external view The Windows context menu, though it looks practically the same - there are no elements in the middle. For example, the screenshot below shows the context menu that opens when you press the right mouse button on the desktop, say, for setting up background image work desk at the “Personalization” window.

Set the context menu to include such items as “View”, “Sorting”, “Copy”, “Paste”, “Rename”, “Power” etc. All menu items are based on context. In other words, in one of the areas operating system The context menu can contain one item, and another – another. For example, the menu that merges when you press the right mouse button on the task panel contains all other items in the same order as the menu you see in the screenshot below.

This is another simple example of the context menu that appears when you right-click on your dad:

Now that you know what the context menu is in Windows and how it works, let's take a closer look no-cost supplement, so you can easily customize the menu.

A portable add-on that allows you to add tool elements to the “right mouse button menu” in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, developed by Sergei Tkachenko (WinAero) – a popular tool that is the author of all the tools, including . The program is very manual in the sense that the entire process of adding items to the context menu takes a lot of effort.

To print, launch the program. The Context Menu Tuner interface consists of two separate panels - the left contains a list of commands that are supported, and the right consists of areas Windows Explorer. To add a command, you need to select one of them in the left panel, and then, after selecting the required element in the right panel, you must press the “Add” button. For the types of commands you can easily guess, you can see the “Select” button.

Additional functions of the program allow you to add dividers before and after previous menu items. In addition, there are a number of additional options.

Another important feature of the program lies in its ability to issue commands to the user for certain types of files. Once you open the “Select file type” window, you can click on the “Add -> Add to the specified file type” button in the main window of the program, and you will see the wide range of supported file extensions. The list is very long, so if you want to know the specific file type, search for the row.

The screenshot below shows my context menu, as I changed the Context Menu Tuner:

That's all. Now you know what the Windows context menu is, and you know a simple solution for editing it.

Have a wonderful day!