Wise Game Booster - system optimization for increasing productivity in games. Fps adjustment in games.

FPS - the number of frames per second. The indicator, as a rule, shows a reference to the productivity of your video card and computer. If the wine is low and I don’t change the marks of 30 frames, it’s about the comfort of the load and not the loss. With a large FPS, the following areas are even more important for fachivts: graphic design, 3D modeling and multiplayer. With freezes and lags for an hour, the robotic program results in far from ideal. Yak zbіlshiti FPS in games?


Nasamper, on the scho it is necessary to be respected - the entangling of the central processor. It sounds like a great number of visible browser tabs and programs that are just gnawing at the speed of a robot system. Walk around with the computer carefully and respectfully: quickly turn on unused programs, and also close your browser before you start ігор. When you catch up with awkward pleasures, there are a few frames you can do to help you!

Krim browser, I especially respect the merit of such a program like Skype. Unimportant to those that the program is important to you, before the hour grows out, you can help the chimals with a part of the computer's resources. To avoid uncommon moments, just turn on Skype for an hour or so, or use the same utility for voice communication: RedCall or TeamSpeak.


It’s not enough to be happy, ale drank is the best road of any electronics and technology. Nowadays there are not deprived of those books on the police, ale the same on motherboards computer and especially on cooling radiators. Literally in 2-3 months, I drank a lot of time to hammer the radio, to raise the processor temperature to a sharp increase and to get a great deal of attention on the robot.

If you saw it on your own, and you can't, then go to a special computer service - for a few hundred rubles, the master saw the whole drank and brood with ease. system unit, and navi carry out diagnostics of the PC.


I especially respect the most of the programs. For a rakhunok of modern technologies, retailers give the opportunity to koristuvach to self-regulate programs in such a rank, so that the stench was consumed less resources.

Pick up middle or minimum parameters, like allowing gravity with a high FPS indicator. The lightness, the quality of the visualized picture, will be in the lower part, lower than it would have been, then the animation will become more smooth and comfortable for the eyes.


A driver is a ringing component between hardware and software parts of a computer. It is also important for the nobility, that drivers are installed on your PC. the last version to ensure maximum efficiency and stability of the robot. Revision the explicitness new versions You can visit the official website of virobniks.

First for everything you need to update the driver on the offensive components:

  • video card- Display for FPS and image quality to be transmitted;
  • motherboard- a call between small outbuildings;
  • windows- Evidence of new developments.


The operating system is also rich in resources, especially if your version is for Windows XP. For such vipads, it is necessary to change the parameters to "Maximum Shvidkodiya" central processor computer. Zovnishny viglyad The work desk can change easily, but if you want to, you can turn the theme of the design, just like the Windows 98 style.

Achievement of FPS is essential for games. Often times, the tse understands to wander like that, they call it "change FPS". For the most part, it is necessary to increase the indicator.
What about the most zbilshuvati? The price comes from the very FPS user, and the very number of frames per second. Apparently, if there are more frames per second, you will be visualized, tim gra (and the picture as a whole) will be smooth.
FPS adjustments are similar to those described in the statistic. Ping is also infused with the speed of the image, but the speed of the Internet is more "overwhelmed", and the FPS has the productivity of the computer and the system in general, but now the report is about everything ...

1) Updating accessories.

The most effective and 100% method. Similar to those like the change of the provider, or the tariff for increasing the speed of the Internet, giving a smaller ping.
The axis only for changing the FPS will need to change the processor and the minimum.
Due to the fact that we are new and tough and complete, the FPS will be bigger.
It is just as bad to replace it with a high frequency of improvement, since won also flow into the FPS indicator.
The axle is only not everyone wants to touch the parts of the kit, so they are far away.

2) Updating drivers.

It’s better to feel the system and open up its potential. Tim is always productive.
Accentuate respect is required for video cards.

3) Set up a video card.

On the site є of the article, in yak it is described yak in cich video cards, it is necessary to nalashtovuvati. The axis is only magnetized so that the picture is full.
Simple truth - more FPS, better picture quality. However, if it is hard to cope with, then the "picture" of the sacrifice will not happen.

4) Nalashtuvati gru.

At the nalashtuvannya of the self-gris, in the yaku grate, there are the parameters of the image and the graphics. Here are more extensions, and here there are a number of items. However, it is necessary to adjust the gross so that the picture will be girshoy. Yak has already painted a picture, it is necessary to donate pictures in order to play without "lags" and "galms".
Raju will brutalize respect for the parameters of a separate building and less development. If you want to see it this way, everything in the group is "squares" and of the same type, but remember that the growth of the green is growing.

5) Nalashtuvati Windows.

Adjustment is made before the change is made to the productivity of the system.
Before you need to turn on and close the unnecessary programs. For example, and everything else.
The more you see the programs, the more resources you see on them and less use of the load, in which you have a low FPS.

You can also go to Start -> Control Panel -> System (or RMB on "My Computer" -> Power) Dodatkov_ parameters Shvidkodii get up Naykrashcha shvidka diya.

Tsim Wee will clean up everything visual effects systems. Viglyad viide is still ancient, but the OS does not have resources on them.

So you yourself can try to turn on the actions of the service, a little additional help.

You can also enable antivirus and firewall.

Zagalom more beautifully, so that the system was running out of resources only on the load.

You can speed up the razgon (as long as the processor and video card are allowed), only be safe.

The axis is so easy to make FPS in games. If you can make your own ways of advancing the FPS, then write in the comments.

Practically, all personal computers, as long as they want to grab a grain in the garn and use the load on a computer, were overlooked, as the FPS was adjusted in the games.

Here we rely on respect for that parameter, which is based on shvidkodiyu.

Chim vishche FPS, tim shvidshe zmіnyuvatimutsya kadri at grі. Apparently, we do not depend on it, but practically.

For some people, the flooring parameter is low, but koristuvach simply cannot normally grate.

Ale kіlka of pre-graduate methods, which really help FPS adjustments in games.

Nalashtuvannya video card

Oscillations of the video card are shown for those, like the image of a gamer to play for an hour, it is quite logical that the very part of the computer needs to be set up, to set the FPS. It’s because of the fact that the video card itself will be vikoristovute - anyway, the process of adjusting will be destructive, as the parameters, on the way to the brutal respect.

Schob nalashtuvati NVIDIA video card, you need to update the following:

1. Draw on the work table right button Misha in any misc of the screen and in the list, select the item "NVIDIA Control Panel".

Small. 1. The item on the NVIDIA work table

2. On the panel there is evil to write "Keruvannya with 3D parameters"... And the axis was left to fix itself. Vona maє na uvazі takі dії:

  • vimknuti waste buffering;
  • set the parameter "find productivity" for filtering textures;
  • supply a variant of "Ні" for textures that can be scaled;
  • vimknuti obmezhennya expansion;
  • vimknuti zgladzhuvannya;
  • reduce the filtering of textures (it can also be called anisotropic optimization);
  • turn on negative visualization of UD;
  • vimknuti anisotropic filtration;
  • vimknuti V-Sync (so you can call vertical sync);
  • let go of the trilineal optimization.

Small. 2. Vіkno nalashtuvan NVIDIA

Small. 8. The process of launching updated drivers

Perevirka on Virus

At bagatokh vipadkakh vіrusnі ta shpigunskі programs do not give pratsyuvati shvidko systems. Through the price value decrease і FPS. For tsogo you can speed up with this antivirus, which is already installed on your attachment. On top of that, you can take one of the special programs designed for the visualization of viruses. You can have a list of the best such utilities at the statti Vee. Хnya perevaga in the fact that the stench does not vimagayut the installation, but at an hour to know the viruses are more beautiful, the lower the anti-virus software.

Varto say, Dr.Web CureIt and Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool show itself even better and just wonderfully cope with other viruses.

Kozhen koristuvach hoch time at the life of the grave at the child іgri. It’s early enough to love new items to fix the greedy galmuvati, and the picture is all happy. The system is more powerful, a lot unnecessary files the program that you use normal robots... Grati still wants to, ale systemic vimogs prodovzhuyut leash zrostati. It’s easy to understand, as you’re trying to push yourself hard, to reduce the productivity of your computer, which will help you to achieve faster optimization. robots windows 10.

Optimization of Windows 10 for Igor: ways to speed up the operating system

Yakoyu b new operating system Windows wasn’t, it’s still going to be needed. OS to bring lightness for koristuvachiv, post-update Ale in deyaky vipadkah wants to improve the productivity of his computer. Even more vasniks in old PCs, who do not have new components, but play in іgry іgry satisfyingly shvidkoy pictures hope for joy. I don’t want to check the docks.

Carry out the optimization for Windows 10 to finish smoothly, even there are a lot of ways to clean up, a lot of files and programs, if you don't need to store a copy on the disk, galvanize the system, and, very well, іgry. First of all, see if you are a program, file or service, if you need to transfer it to the Internet, you can clean it yourself.

How to speed up the installer on Windows 10

Improved computer productivity in games

Vimogi to іgor z rokami all grow up, and in some ways the power of the expensive complementary ones, or they constantly change. Stavati is still very much, if a grave is in love with a galmuvati. Please, as you can reduce the productivity of your system and that computer.

First way

Another way

Third way

Optimization of ping, FPS in online games

First way

The whole method can be used to adjust the ping, as well as the number of frames per second.

Another way

Now you can clean the parts of the system itself.

Programs for optimizing robots Windows

Video: How to Reach Big FPS in Games on Windows 10

The best way to improve productivity. Varto is quicker for skin, schob p_dtrimuvati OS in v_dminnuyu stan_. It is necessary to remember, which for koristuvachіv should be aware of good programs helpers, like to clean your computer from the unnecessary smitty and to reduce the system performance, as well as your mood.

Growing up intensively while the rest of the rock. Іgry grows more and more large-scale, species-specific and steep, scho, zoosumilo, attracting more people. Іgry have become a popular way of making a connection between people and women of a child. Alle the smart development of the industry - do not expect good things, if you are shrinking, you can use some of the most demanding resources of your PC. Everything should be done to the point that in the deyakykh koristuvachіv everything is not so beautiful - a galmuє, hanging and so far. The statistics are reportable, like FPS adjustments in games. Let's be smart. Let's go!

Simple ways to increase FPS in games

First of all, it is necessary to think about it, but also FPS. FPS - the number of frames per second. The most important thing is to be victorious in terms of the productivity of the PC video system. The less the number, the less the less grace. I will create a smooth picture of the video card. It’s not enough to lay down the image quality and FPS.

The reasons, which can be embedded in the FPS, are abundant. It is clear from the skin of the reports given in the statistics.

Immediately it is necessary to say that if a video card was installed on your computer, and not discrete, then it is not supported, that you will be given the opportunity, some of these video cards are rocked for the visibility of such robots, surfing on the Internet.

Otzhe, if you have an admittedly current video card, then the first step is to install new drivers. Drivers are a set of utilities, which regulate the interaction between the attachments and the operating system. New drivers come out frequently. You can activate it manually or vibrate the mode automatic updating... It is also possible to enroll both from the official website of the virobnik, as well as for additional special programs. Beastly respect, scho zavanazhuvati drivers are necessary for a specific virobnik that specific model... To that, if you don’t know, if you have a video adapter model, you should be familiar with it. If you have installed the drivers that are not suitable for the current model of the graphics driver, you will not be able to handle the situation. In buggy and buggy driver updates, it allows you to see the FPS problem.

Another way is to change the adjustment of the graphic primer. You can also get help for some people. Role of the operation data from special utilities, which are installed at once from the drivers. For example, "NVIDIA Control Panel". Having opened the utility, go to the section "Parameters 3D" and vibrate "Keruvannya parameters 3D". Advise on the necessary adjustment: to recognize anisotropic filtration, anti-aliasing (FXAA), vertical synchronization. Then go to "Yakness of filtering textures" and install "Visoka productivity". For video card AMD all viglyad with a similar rank. Such a change in the adjustment of the graphics can be added to the adjustment of the FPS by a quarter.

The same problem can be caused by shkіdlivim software security in the system. It is obligatory for him to run a changeover on viruses, since the above-mentioned methods did not give a good effect.

Try to clean up unused programs s autorun. Enchant special programs to change the temperature of the graphics adapter. As soon as it is busy, it means you need to clean the laptop or the PC from the saw, as it will often cause overheating of the computer's components. For deyakikh vipadkah will be cinnamon programs for the acceleration of іgor.

All the ways are good in their own way in new situations. Yakis from them will help you in a way. Now you know how to advance FPS in games. Write to the comments, which helped you from the article, share your methods with the other criminals in addressing the problem of low frequency of frames in games and whether you are eating, how to cite, on the basis of the statute.