Team check. chkdsk parameters

Friends, there is an article about the Chkdsk service program built into Windows, with its help you can correct file system damage. The Chkdsk utility can be successfully run on your current operating system and correct disk damages, rather than running Chkdsk, since your operating system itself will not be affected by these damages? Ax here, judging from your sheets, there is plenty to give you a favor and I will tell you about it. So it’s easy to cut out the power supply - why, for no other reason, when the computer is turned on, a check starts hard drive. What is this laborious battle and how to wake up from it? This article is suitable for computer operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

Reader's sheet.

Hello, please tell me why my operating system freezes when enchanted. This story began to finish long ago. At the beginning of the start of the system, there were various errors on the black screen, but after that Windows still started, although it worked with freezes and crashed a couple of times. blue screen. One knowledge that pleased me to get used to Windows Chkdsk program And with her help, check the partition with the installed operating system (C:). I waited and entered chkdsk c: / f into the command line, and then I found a Windows option to check the disk when the system becomes infected.

After reinstalling the drive (C:) and checking for repairs, the check itself took forty minutes and was completed. After this, my computer worked perfectly for two months and there was no problem, but then it turned out that I crashed the computer several times and the problems started again.

Now I simply cannot log into Windows, the operating system freezes even at the words “ Windows startup“Because it is practically impossible to earn anything from “We kindly ask” and earn nothing. If you press the F-8 key while pressed, you will see the menu for troubleshooting the computer and then everything will stop, so you can set the Remain visible parameter and do not exit the configuration. Also, do not go into Troubleshooting or Safe Mode.

Many experienced traders can point out that in such situations you can simply withdraw hard drive, Then we take it to another system from another Windows, and check it for errors and correct them, then we rotate the hard drive in place and the operating system is perfectly restored, that’s all.

Okay, so we can have a laptop right now, because we don’t have anything else at hand system unit, What to do next? Once again, it is correct to note that you can get involved with the installation Windows disk 7 or the update disk, then go to the update environment, select the command line and enter the command.
chkdsk c: /f, which means run a scan system disk(C :) with parameters

/ F - checks the system error on the disk and corrects it

You can say everything correctly, first of all, enter the command chkdsk c: / f, It is necessary to first determine the correct letters of all disks, So, in the near future, the smells may differ from those found in the current operating system. I disk Windows installed there may not be a letter at all (C :), but some other. Report everything.

  • File system corruptions can occur in the event of a frequent computer emergency (information is always written to disk), through the destructive activity of viruses, in the event of corruption of software written with corrections, and incorrect drivers. As a result, the operating system with the hard drive, the files appear to be incomplete or completed incorrectly, and the file system on the disk appears corrupted and destroyed. For example, some clusters (pieces of information) do not belong to the same file in the system (considering disk space), and other clusters belong to two different files (files from the same cluster). Virishity I'll give you the problem The chkdsk program will help, you will find and delete the file system on your hard drive. For most cases, it will be sufficient to run the chkdsk utility with the /f parameter; the second command looks like this: chkdsk c: /f
U program chkdsk There is another important /r parameter that goes hand in hand with the /f parameter, so:
chkdsk c:/f/r
The /r option detects bad sectors on the disk and updates the data that can be read. All you have to do is try to read information from the corrupted sector.

Now friends have a little respect. By changing the /r key, chkdsk will check all sectors on the disk, which will naturally increase the operating time of programs on large disks.

  • It is important to know, friends, that the minimum amount of space on a hard drive is a sector (512 bytes). Consider that it spans eight sectors and occupies one cluster (4 kilobytes). For example, when installing the operating system, format the hard drive into the NTFS file system and if the partition of the hard drive where you install Windows is no more than 16 Terabytes (whichever is less), then all sectors with a volume of 512 bytes are created in one cluster , volume 4 kilobytes
If the Chkdsk utility detects an unread sector, it tries to read information from it several more times, if the information from the sector is still not read, then its cluster is added to the list of bad clusters and then The function starts when a new cluster is created. So, use the /r parameter because the previous /f parameter will not cause your problems.
Well, now let’s first look at how to run the chkdsk program from the Windows graphical interface, and then we’ll take a look at how to run chkdsk, since your operating system is not affected at all. Launch the Chkdsk program from the graphical interface. Open the Computer window and select, for example, the drive (C:), click on it right button targets and choose Power,

If you only tick the item automatically correct systemic benefits , Then the file system will be checked for errors. Having additionally indicated another point Check and update corrupted sectors Then run another scan to read all sectors of the disk being scanned. Know that such a thorough verification will take a lot of time.

Next we press Launch. If you want to check the results of a partition with Windows installed, in most cases (C:), the check will not start in the window and you will reject this notification. Windows cannot verify the disk that is in Danish moment vikorist. Do you want to check the disk for the presence of failures when you start the computer?" pressing " Disk reversal layout“And when the computer is turned on, the operating system will start checking the drive (C:) for damage.

How to run the Chkdsk program command line

For example, you and I intend to check the drive (C:) for repairs.

Start - Viconati, click cmd

At the command line window, enter chkdsk з: / f

Before us is a vinikne vikno with such a meaning: " It is impossible to disable the Chkdsk command, since it is indicated by another process. What is the next step in re-checking this in the event of a re-engineered system? Y (ta) / N (no)"
Weatherable and embossed Y. After re-enactment, our system section will be rechecked for repairs.

How to run the chkdsk program so that your computer is not infected and where novice hackers start making mistakes

According to my friends, my mother often has to deal with such situations. Well, the operating system and that’s all, and most importantly, it freezes at any stage of integration, the mouse and the keyboard obviously stop responding to the actions of the user. You can get out of such a situation like this.
I’ll give an example for two operating systems: Windows 7 and XP, and finally Windows 7.
Here, friends, we need an installation disk or something. On the skin they are present Windows update 7 and the need to work one and the same. For example, I love the computer installation disk Windows 7. If you don’t know how to install a computer from an installation disk, read the article “”.
At the initial stage of downloading the computer from the Windows 7 installation disk, the message “” will appear on the screen, just press any key on the keyboard (for example, a pass), otherwise the writing will take 10 seconds and you will not download it steel disc or upgraded disc Windows 7.

You can select zasib from now on launch update and if it does not help you to invade the system, then we choose Team row.

Now, my friends, there are a lot of people who need to check the system drive (C:) for mercy, immediately entering the command chkdsk з: / f,

First of all, we need to find out the correct letters of all disks, because in the near future they will differ from those we expect in the current operating system. This means that the disk with Windows installed should be assigned not the letter (C:), but something else.
To assign the correct system drive letter, in the command line we need to enter the notepad command and press Enter. The notepad will open. Next, select the File and Open menu.

Opens the update disk instead of the letter (X:). In this window, press the Computer button and enter the Computer window,

Now here we can easily identify the disk on which the operating system is installed. In order to ensure better registration, files should be located in the middle of the sections. Select the File type item in the All files drop-down menu

Before speaking, if you need it, then if necessary, you can copy the files on any disk to yours, a connected flash drive, or move files from disk to disk. For example, if you still want to reinstall Windows, you will naturally want to transfer all the files you need from the drive (C:) to another drive, all of which you can access in this window.
The same disk (C:) appears as the assigned partition of 100 MB (Main partition) System Reserved (reserved by the system) this partition is required first for expansion valuable files Windows 7 protects against the careless actions of the buyer. If we go to this section, then absolutely nothing is needed, so in the middle of the update, these files are not accessible to the public.
The Windows 7 installation disk, which is located in the middle of the update (the disk drive), will always have the letter X on it.
And the axis of the disk on which Windows 7 is installed has a letter (D:).

Therefore, to check the disk with the installed operating system, we need to enter in the command line


The system disk is being checked for file system changes.

It's really bad on the right and chkdsk D: /f won't help, try running the utility with the parameters

chkdsk D:/f/r

You may show up in advance" It is impossible to terminate the Chkdsk command on this volume, since it is subject to a different process. To run Chkdsk, first mount this volume. ALL IDENTIFICATIONS of the descriptor WILL BE FALSE. Volume connection confirmation". Enterable Latin letter Y and press Enter on the keyboard. You will need to check the system disk for bad sectors.

How to run the chkdsk program in the Windows XP operating system, if it does not start

You and I will need a Windows XP installation disk to install from your computer.
At the initial stage of downloading from the Windows XP installation disk, the message “ Press any key to boot from CD...", You must press the key right away, otherwise writing will take 10 seconds and you will not be able to engage with installation Windows XP.

After the file copying process is completed, the program window appears Windows installations XP. You will be asked to install the system again or update the current one using an additional update console (press R). Select Update for additional update console and stamp “R”

In Yaku a copy of Windows Slide Vikonati Login?
If you have one operating system, select No. 1
Enter administrator password. Enter the administrator password. If there is no password, then press Enter on the keyboard.
If you use the Chkdsk program in the Windows XP update console, you will mostly see the /R parameter, which includes the functions of another /P parameter. Therefore, we will use the /R parameter.

Enter the command Chkdsk /r

And press Enter to detect sector damage and update the information.

Before speaking, can you enter the command Chkdsk /? and get to know HELP

Why is it that sometimes when the computer is turned on, the hard disk scan starts and what is the problem? Yakshcho Fileova System on your comp -p'yutteri picking, and the reasons described by me in the middle of the statts (the bang of avariyen, virusi, crooked signs of the I Drybeni Toshcho), then Windows Cognition of the Disc "Brudnya Bit"
You can check if the disk is “bad” by entering the fsutil dirty query C: command in the command line, where “C:” is the letter that is checked for the “bad” of the disk.
Yak bachimo in my appearance those - C: not є “brusque”

for cutaneous obsessed with Windows special program Autochk.exe checks all volumes for the presence of a “brute” bit in them. Because installations are difficult, this means that the Autochk.exe program launches the chkdsk / f program. Then the problematic volume will have to be rechecked for reconciliation.
chkdsk / f finds file system changes and can remove them.
Needless to say, in some cases, verification can be done when the computer is turned on for several days.
Rich koristuvachs are fighting for it. To do this, select, for example, the drive (C:), click on it with the right mouse button and select Power, then Service and Convert. Select the grievance items Automatically correct system errors and another item Check and update bad sectors, press startup, then restart the computer and wait until the end of the check.

If we can’t help, we’ll try again. Let's try to enable disk verification using the additional command line.

Press the key combination Win-R or Start -> Vikonati => enter cmd command-> press OK. Enter the command in the window

chkntfs / X C: (where C: is the name of the disk that the operating system constantly checks for errors.

If you have any problems with your hard drive, you will immediately need to know how to run the chkdsk process.

These problems can be very different - from a banal galvania, which cannot be corrected in any way, to the increased importance of the operating system.

On the right in what is shortest method choose everything possible problems s or tell. Most fakers are happy to vikorize themselves in such situations.

We will look at all the effective methods that will help you launch the hard drive update in Windows.


Method No. 1. For more computer help"

This option conveys that the system you want, if not enchanted, means that there is no need to be enchanted. So, you can gallivant, re-introduce yourself momentarily from time to time, and so on, or you can do the same, without even trying, but still improve the work table and other elements of the system. If so, create an axis:

  1. Open “Computer”.
  2. On the main (system), and most often on C, press the right mouse button and select the “Power” item in the drop-down menu.
  1. In the window, go to the “Service” tab at the top. At the “Perevirka” block, click on “Viconati reversal...”.

Fig.1. Viconati button

  1. A new one will appear soon, more friendly. Check the boxes for the entries “Automatically correct system errors”і “Check and update damaged sectors”. However, you don’t have to do anything, or better still check the boxes, since you can’t do it on your own. Click the “Launch” button.

Fig.2. Revision window

After that, there is no need to finish the check while you finish your main task.

In some cases, after completing all the described operations, another window will appear with the text: “Windows cannot verify which victory is currently running.”

This means that there is a problem (chergova), because you do not have access rights to the song files. It may look different all the time.

Without going into details, let’s say that in the future you will be able to press the “So” or “OK” button. So, you just need to do this and then calmly take care of the work of the update.

Small 3. “Windows can’t be viconati”

Important! In such situations, you will need to restart your PC in order to survive. So if nothing appears after all the actions described above, restart your PC or else. It's possible that the computer will restart automatically. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

Method No. 2. Vikorist's window wiki program

In addition, it seems that the update can be launched using a standard program, like everyone has versions of Windows.

Tip: To launch your Windows program, you can go to the Start menu and click on Windows. You can also earn money by pressing the “Win” and “R” buttons for an hour.

  1. Enter the command in the usual format: "Chkdsk [drive letter]: / [command]". For example, to check C, you need to enter “chkdsk c: / f”. Here the vikorist is the one who corrects the data on the disk (“/f”). Cream, you can enter upcoming parameters:
  • / F - verification and automatic correction of pardons;
  • / I - the importance of analyzing the so-called index parts (if you do not know what is important, do not use this parameter);
  • / V - along the way, display notifications about the verified files (and their paths on the hard drive), as well as other information about the progress of cleaning and analysis;
  • / C - the number of cycles in the middle of the folders (again, if you don’t know what’s underneath it, don’t take it);
  • / X - disconnecting the disk before starting (the system will automatically check whether it is necessary and exit from the job);
  • / R - search for “beaten” sectors and, of course, automatic renewal;
  • / L: [size] - to change the file size, the size must be indicated in kilobytes.

In most cases, it all comes down to entering a simple command “chkdsk c: / f” and clicking “OK”.

Fig.4. Entering a phrase for correction

  1. After this, the verification process will begin. It looks like it is shown in baby No. 5. There won't be much left to say until it's all over.

Fig.5. verification process

In most newer versions, this process looks practically the same, but the interface changes a little.

I know again, after the completion of the described actions, one more time may appear, in which it will be indicated that the disk “cannot be locked.”

Instead of this information, it comes down to what we were talking about earlier - the disk is currently being corrupted, which means that there is another failure, or you do not have access to the song elements. If you ever get stuck, you will have to enter the “Y” command and press the “Enter” button.

Small 6. Appearance of the additional end

Important! To use both methods, you must have administrator rights on the computer. The best way to earn money is as an administrator. Below in the Start menu there is an additional item - “Command row (administrator)”. In later versions, in order to access this option, you must click on the “Start” menu or the “Windows” menu. A row of traces has opened to enter “Net user Administrator / active: yes”.

Small 7. Introduction to revoke administrator rights

CHKDSK- shorthand for verbiage check disk(Verifying the disk). This is a program for the preparation of those present in operating systems like Dos and Windows. This is necessary for verification hard disks for pardons and the further possibility of correcting the found pardons.

You can launch it from Windows or through the command line. Others will be discussed in greater detail in this article.

Well, let’s say you already have the command row running with administrator rights. When you enter the chkdsk command without parameters, information about the flow disk will be displayed.

The command is entered using the offensive principle:

Chkdsk [to:] [[path] file name]]

Everything that is put in square armsє command parameters that we can enter, both at the same time and separately, depending on our needs and requirements.
Please see the parameters and their meanings in more detail.


Parameter [to:]

Indicate the drive letter (with a double checker), the connection point or the volume name.

Parameter [[Way] file_name]

Danish parameter specifies the location and name of the file; when working with multiple names, the names of all files are indicated. For them, the command must be used to change the symbols and the original - * or ?.
The fragmentation level of the file(s) will be checked.


This parameter can specify the correction of damages on a locked disk. If the disk is not blocked, it will be requested to be rechecked in the event of an attack.


The /v option displays the names of the files being checked (directories).


This parameter is used to identify bad sectors and improve the readability of the part.


Zdatny pratsyuvati only s file system NTFS. If necessary, disconnect the volume. All currently used descriptors will be incorrect.


The same applies to NTFS. The parameter causes a lesser check, which is positively marked at the time the chkdsk command is launched.


Like the two front ones, it works only from the file NTFS system. That's right, the first option is to change the operating hour of the chkdsk command, rather than skipping cycles in the folder structure.


The same applies to NTFS. If the size is not specified, then the parameter displays the exact size. If you enter [: size], the size of the magazine will be set.


Improvements in the team row.

Example of parameters selection

It is necessary to check the disk in drive H. Correct the findings in Windows. The team will follow the approaching order.

You will see on the screen that the disk is in the form that is stored in the file system. team chkdsk It also stores a list of damages on disk and corrects them. Vikonana without parameters command chkdsk display information about the flow disk machine.


chkdsk [that: ][[way] File name] [/f] [/v] [/r] [/x] [/i] [/c] [/l[: size]]


that : Indicate the drive letter (with a double dot), the connection point or the volume name. [ way] File name Sets the location and name of the file or the names of the files for which the command chkdsk check the fragmentation stage. To create multiple files, you can use the original characters (* and?). /f Sets the correctness of data on the disk. The disk is guilty of blocking. If the disk is not blocked by the command chkdsk, It will be necessary to recheck the disk when the computer is restarted. /v Display the names of files and directories being checked. /r Detects bad sectors and updates that part of the data that can still be read. The disk is guilty of blocking. /x Only use the NTFS file system. If necessary, complete the operation to mount the volume in the first activity. All opened disk descriptors will be invalid. parameter /x also includes functional capabilities parameter /f. /i Only use the NTFS file system. Eliminates the need to carefully check index records, which reduces the time required for the command to run chkdsk. /c Only use the NTFS file system. Skips checking cycles in the folder structure, which changes the time required for the command to run chkdsk. /l[:size] Only use the NTFS file system. Sets the size of the journal. Since the size is not indicated, the parameter /l display the exact size. /? Representation of improvements in the command line.


  • Wyconanny command chkdsk

    Vikonati team chkdsk For hard drives, you must be a member of the administrators group.

  • Checking blocked disks when re-enabled

    If you need to correct errors on the disk using the following command chkdsk, You cannot open files on your drive. Otherwise, the telephone number will be available to notify you about the settlement:

    It is impossible to disable the Chkdsk command, since it is indicated by another process. What is the next step in re-checking this in the event of a re-engineered system?

    Yakshto koristuvach vibere cu mozlivist, team chkdsk check the disk and automatically correct errors when the computer is restarted. To verify the disk partition is valid, the command chkdsk Automatically reboot your computer after checking your disk.

  • It's about the benefits

    team chkdsk Converts disk space and storage for FAT and NTFS file systems. team Chkdsk allows you to view information about the skin with information about the skin file system. The report about the disk mill includes the transfer of found benefits. what's the team chkdsk launched without parameter /f In the active partition, notification about the presence of serious errors may be omitted, since the disk cannot be locked. To search for mercy the team chkdsk It is necessary to run hour after hour on the skin disc.

  • Administration of pardons

    If the command line parameter is specified /f, program chkdsk corrects errors on the disk. When working chkdsk It is necessary to ensure the possibility of blocking the disk to correct errors. When the data is corrected, the file allocation table is changed and data is lost, the program chkdsk asks for confirmation in the forward view:

    Current clusters: 10; Lansyuzhkov: 3.

    Convert spent clusters into files?

    How to enter Y, Windows saves the skin in the root catalog as a file in the File format nnnn.chk. After the end of the war chkdsk You can check these files for the presence of required information. How to enter N, Windows corrects disk damage without saving data from wasted blocks.

    What's in the command line parameters? /f do not vikorist, program chkdsk It only displays notifications about the presence of defects in the file, but does not correct them.

    what's the team chkdsk /f launched on a large disk (for example, 70 GB) or the disk contains a large number of files (for example, many millions), to complete the work of the program chkdsk You may need it for quite an hour (maybe a few days). For now, the computer will be inaccessible to foreigners, as chkdsk does not turn the control until the operation is completed.

  • Converting disks with the FAT file system

    chkdsk To create a disk with the FAT file system in the modern format:

    Serial number: B1AF-AFBF

    72214528 bytes of everything on disk

    73728 bytes in 3 received files

    30720 bytes in 12 directories

    11493376 bytes in 386 files assigned to koristuvach

    61440 bytes in small sectors

    60555264 bytes on disk

    2048 bytes per skin cluster

    Total clusters on disk: 35261.

    29568 clusters on disk

  • Converting disks with the NTFS file system

    Windows system output sound from programs chkdsk To create a disk with the NTFS file system in the modern format:

    File system type: NTFS.

    Verifying files...

    The file verification is completed.

    Verification of indexes...

    The verification of Indians has been completed.

    Re-verification of zakhist descriptors...

    The verification of the zakhist descriptors has been completed.

    12372 KB of everything on disk.

    3 KB in 1 purpose for koristuvach files.

    4217 KB is vikorized by the system.

    8150 KB free on disk.

    Cluster size: 512 bytes.

    Total clusters on disk: 24745.

    16301 clusters on disk.

  • Vikoristannya chkdsk with closed files

    What parameter is specified /f, team chkdsk display notifications about the damage that is found on the disk Open files. What is the parameter /f not specified and there are no hidden files found on the disk, chkdsk You can display notifications about wasted blocks on the disk. This will only happen if the opened files are not already recorded in the file allocation table. What is the program chkdsk informs about the large number of wasted blocks of disk space, which necessitates the possibility of disk repair.

  • Revealing physical damage to the disk

    Vikorista command row parameter /r to detect physical disk defects in the file system. To remove information about updating physically corrupted files, use the following command recover click on the message "".

  • About bad sectors of the disk

    Zipped sectors, as reported by the team chkdsk, Bullets are marked when the disk is first formatted. Such sectors should not become unsafe.

  • Secret information about program termination codes

    This table shows the completion codes that may be present in the programs chkdsk after completion of the quest.

  • team chkdsk With other parameters, the update is available in the update console.

apply it

If you need to check the disk in drive D and correct all defects in Windows, enter the following command:


When a pardon was revealed, a program was announced сhkdsk is paused and daily notifications are displayed. After the end of the team's victory chkdsk A sound will be displayed on the screen to show information about the disc threading mill. Until completion chkdsk It is not possible to open any files on the specified disk.

To check the fragmentation of all files in the streaming directory on a disk with the FAT file system, enter the following command:

chkdsk *. *

Chkdsk You will see information about the disk size, and then a list of fragmented files, as indicated by the command template.