How to restore the tab, how to close it. How to rotate the closed tab

Vipadkovo closed the tab at Yandex Browser? Tse is not a problem. Navіt akscho You didn't forget the name of the site. Golovne - what did the browser save. Tom You can easily restore a tab in Yandex. And why different ways. Which one is better? Tse already virishuvateme to you.

The easiest way to redeem close the tab in Yandex - for the additional function "Remaining page". To that, as if this site was shut down, you can easily open it again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.

This combination opens one remaining tab. Ale Vi can press її again, having renewed the front side. And then again.

In memory of Yandex Browser, there is a number of closed websites, so a couple of them should be taken into account. Vtіm, such a method is less likely to win in order to quickly open the rest of the tab. In other cases, it is better to choose the other option.

Before speech, this method is universal and works in many modern browsers. For example, for additional help, combinations are possible.

In order not to press the keys, you can click RMB on any side and select in the menu “Open the tab carefully”. Possibly, it will be better for you.

Smart Arrow "Back"

Even though you did not close the current tab in Yandex, but opened it to another website, you can also renew it with the help of the smart “Back” arrow. The button is located in the left corner of the address row.

Skin її onslaught turns you one step back. In this rank, you can turn to the front sides, seen earlier.

Before the speech, as if to press on the arrow right button honey, see a list of all sites that are interested in this contributor. And you will not need to steadily push її, trying to know the right side. Just click on the RMB arrow and select any site from the list.

For this very reason, the arrow "Back" is called reasonable. Before speech, you can do the same.

Recently closed sides

Another method of how to restore tabs in Yandex is using the help of the “Closed recently” element. At the new one, the remaining 8 sides are displayed, as they were closed at the current session. The stench is saved by the dots, you will not see the docks with the programs.

To open closed tabs in Yandex Browser in the following way:

Speaking of which, websites can be displayed just a little bit lower, as you can see on other outbuildings (smartphones, tablets or laptops). Ale, think for a moment that the stench was synchronized with the Yandex oblique record. In another way, you will write something like this:

What work, if the list "Recently closed" does not have a website that needs it? For such views, there is another method, for the help of which you can restore the front tabs in Yandex Browser.


If you want to open a site, which you saw yesterday, 3 days or 2 days ago, you can restore tabs in Yandex Browser by speeding up the history manager. Shchob yoga vіdkriti:

After that, a new tab will open in the browser, de bude will be shown when you see the site.

Before the speech, you can go to "History" otherwise. Press Ctrl + H, after which the same window is displayed.

What is it here? And then just joke, be it a site that you need. Everything will be sorted earlier, sorted by the day that hour, so it will not be difficult.

Well, if you visited that site a long time ago, then enter the address or name the side (you can often) at the “Shukat in history” field and press the Enter button. If so, there will be more options, if they are suitable for the criteria.

Before speech, this method is also universal and works in all popular browsers. For example, the same way is possible.

How to restore tabs after reloading

І nasamkіnets is considered one more popular among coristuvachіv diets - how to open tabs in Yandex after re-advancement. On the right, in the fact that after closing the settings can be installed in such a way that after the browser is closed, everything open side know.

Obviously, you can open tabs in Yandex through "History" or the "Recently Closed" element, but not manually. That and why sacrifice so much, if you just finish it up, so that Yandex Browser, when you restart it, opens up a lot of sides.

For whom:

For the first time, after closing the browser, all openings will not disappear anywhere earlier.

From i all. Now the browser has become richly shorter and smarter, right? Aje V knows how to close a tab in Yandex. І with tsyumu - 4 in a different way. Koristaytes them all, choosing the best fallow in the situation.

Vipadkovo close the Google Chrome browser or okrem tab, you can spend a lot of time to turn the necessary sites, if you don’t know simple ways to solve this problem, to expand the middle of the koristuvachiv-pochatkivtsiv. Modern browsers exclaim different things, and moreover simple ways vodkriti like a well-closed window, so i tі, scho were looked over for a few days, navit tizhniv that.

Choose a tab from the list

To open a specific window in Chrome, start by running a streaming session, and do this:

  1. Press the button to set the browser control, which is located in the right corner at the very top of the window of the observer;
  2. W'appear list available tools Google Chrome, In which it is necessary to know the "History" row of recently opened tabs and simply hover over it;
  3. You will immediately see a list of achievements for the entire session of Internet Maidanchiks, from which you can choose whether or not to spend the anniversary by clicking on the name of the bear.

Yakshcho buli vykonanі processes closed okremikh vikon, And the browser as a whole, then the scheme for diy zovsіm trohi vіdrіznyatimetsya. You can use this method to restore the status of the browser at the time of the end of the session, so that you can open all sites at once. For whom:

  1. I will repeat the fortune-telling again until you hover over the row of recently opened sites in the main menu of the browser;
  2. At the new vіknі after vikonannya vykonannya descriptions dіy, vіdmіnu vіd vіd poperednі vpadku, vіdmіnі іnіtіh vtracheniіvіv - after the completion of the work of the browser іn do not take care;
  3. Click on the top row of the list like "Tabs: N", de N - the number of windows at the time the browser was closed.

After all the sites were updated, the robot with Chrome stuck at the moment the browser was completed.

The easiest way to enter the entered addresses in the browser

Google Chrome, like all other browsers based on Chromium, allows you to turn the keystroke pasted in the browser into the window for the help of hot keys. At the same time, you need to press Shift, Ctrl and T on the keyboard.

So it is possible to open not one, but all of a sudden, burn out at the streaming session of the window. For which one, just pressing hot keys, you need to press a few times - the sites will be opened one after one. This way is namingly simple, but the new one is not big enough - a coristuvach can’t choose the right site for you - all the stinks will be in order, the final completion of these processes.

Vіdkrivаєmo vtrachenі sites through іstorіyu

You can spend up to the “History” Chrome section through the same main menu, adjusting and keruvannya. A number of the most common names appear on the list of three below. After the pressure on it, it turns out all the time, in a way that the sites are sorted earlier, not less than an hour later, and then for the dates, so I can open the resource, see the dekilkom days earlier.

Fallow in addition, since the purification of history was carried out in Khromi for a long time, in which in the future there may be an impersonal reflection. If you want to sort out the stench for dates, it is important to know the site you need. To make it easier for the robot, the search function has been implemented in the history book.

Changing web browser tweaks

In order to get rid of the inaccuracies caused by the second opening of the tabs when the browser is closed, you can easily change the correction. For whom:

  1. Press the main button to set up and turn off Chrome, opening the main menu;
  2. Know the row "Nalashtuvannya" and go to the same division;
  3. In the window, you need to know the division of the cob group, put a sign in the opposite row in the selection menu to instruct the browser to proceed with the robot for the rose month.

Changes will be saved automatically, you will lose more time to get out of the window. From now on, after a pop-up close, the Chrome program will open all the tabs at the start, which you worked on earlier.

The retailers of desktop browsers have transferred to Android the function of opening pop-up closed tabs. This function works in mobile versions of Internet navigators. The article describes methods for reactivating Chrome, Opera and Firefox tabs, opening closed browser sides, and simple keyboard shortcuts.

Restoring tabs, closing them in Google Chrome

You can open a closed tab in Chrome in three ways, we can tell you about them.

The first way, how to restore a tab in Chrome

The first way to update Chrome tabs is simple. Vіn polagає in that you need to open the browser tabs immediately after they are closed, "on hot trails".

Try to close the tab in mobile version Chrome (that's Chrome for Android). For whom to add a tap on the button with the number of active tabs in the city, choose an inappropriate browser Chrome tab. At the hour of closing, in the lower part of the active form, a notification about closing tabs will be displayed. Right there at the window of the browser, you can click the button of the negative notification with the inscription “Skasuvati”. By clicking on this button, you will successfully turn all the remaining tabs closed for the rest of the hour in the Google Chrome browser.

A primer on how to restore tabs in Google Chrome. List of recently closed browser tabs

Minus given method I believe that it is possible to turn only the recently closed tabs of Google Chrome in this way, and that is in a large amount.

Porada. If you closed the tabs a long time ago, hurry up: there you will find the archives of the seen sides. Imovirnist to know the closed tab to lie down only in the hour, after passing the clearing of history.

Another way to update Google Chrome tabs

A fat plus of another option is in the fact that for yoga you can turn the tab if you close it Chrome browser or, say, Opera Mini. Go to the form with recent tabs by pressing the button with the yearbook at the bottom of starting side. As an option, to rotate the browser tab in Chrome, you can twist the button with three dots, rotated vertically, and select the "Recent Tabs" item in the program's drop-down menu. What is yours add android synced from face record Google, then this week you can restore the closed tab, so you can use it on your PC or mobile device.

The third way, how to open the closed side of the browser: browser history

The third way to rotate browser tabs is similar to another. Like in the desktop version of Chrome, you can turn the tab for additional history of browsing on the Internet. The difference between history and recent tabs in what you can know behind the help of history, turn it around, wind it up long hour to that tab. You can open the browser history from the same menu.

How could you change the contact, you can open the Chrome tab closed in decalcom ways (in fact, the result is unity). Pro the rest of the version Chroma for Android, so you can find out about the new features of the mobile browser and upgrade to the rest of the version. Please note that the ability to close tabs (in other words, close tabs in windows) is not available for all versions of Chrome, so you can upgrade the browser to the rest of the language for the request:

Reopen tabs in Opera

The Opera browser has a mechanism for recognizing closed implementation tabs in the same way as in Google Chrome.

Method #1

Tsej sposіb additionally turn only the browser tab, close in the Opera, stay behind the window. To restore the tabs of the program (or a number of tabs in a row), press on the button with the number of open tabs at the bottom, then press the button with three dots at the bottom and select the Opera menu option "Open stop closing tab".

Tab refresh menu in Opera browser

Method #2

How to restore tabs in Opera as quickly as possible? Similar to the add-on of Chrome, it is easy to revisit the closed pages for the help of your browser history. Pratsyuє svosіb vіdnovlennya vіdnovlennya tabs zvіdmovy, navіt yоu viіrіshily not sync. On the start page of the Opera, instruct from the express panel, open at the web navigator for locking, section "History". Go to it and choose whether it’s a closed side - at a recent hour, or for a few years or months (it’s better to deposit depending on how much the history of visits is taken from your browser). After that Bazhan, the Opera tab will be successfully updated.

How to close a tab in Firefox for Android

In the remaining version, there are three ways to rotate closed tabs. As a matter of fact, they are absolutely identical to the same functions of backing up the sides, which are implemented in Chrome. Prote, so you have a clear picture of the features available in Firefox, we will report on them.

First way

Let's say that on your smartphone there are a few active tabs that are open in Firefox, and literally a few seconds ago one of them was closed. How to rotate the tab in which browser? You can do it in one tap by clicking on the "Skip" button, which is announced immediately after closing one of the tabs. This way is not handy, so that it is necessary to finish the second tab in Mozilla, it is allowed to turn the left side of the closed side.

How to restore a tab through browser history Mozilla Firefox

Another way

While on the home screen of Firefox (the retailers themselves call it "reasonable"), go over the list of available categories right-handed, don't go to the "Stop tabs" option. Itself here, at the list, you can chat all over again vіdkritі koristuvachem tabs, and turn їх at different times.

Third method

One more presence on smart screen category - the history of the browser. Viewing in Mozilla, you can download the latest redirection of websites displayed on your mobile device, and at the same time Firefox's forward synchronization gloomy service, - І on PC.

Summary Yak bachimo, options to close the tab to do it rich (we described 9 solutions - 3 each for the skin browser, Chrome, Opera and Mozilla). Everything that you are deprived of robiti - tse vibrati for yourself best way turn the tabs, and know what is in the descriptions mobile browsers be it, navit the oldest tabs are restored, turn them you can finish it quickly with a minimum of zusil.

Vіdpovіdі on the request of readers

I'm vipadkovo in nalashtuvannyah phone fly android 2.3.5 clearing the browser data (primary) and so my bookmarks were deleted. Help them innovate.

Vidpovid. It's a pity that you were koristovalis standard Android browser, restore bookmarks do not go into. Check Google Chrome and sync all data Google account And there are no more such problems.

I have the following problem: Google Chrome on Android had a lot of saved bookmarks, and all the stench was closed: I can’t restore through history, I didn’t see them for a long time. Ale stinks were needed for me. How to restore tabs in Chrome? What work - I do not know.

Vidpovid. To rotate a closed tab, you can return to , as much as possible, what your search requests more saved from records poke system. Obviously, you can't restore a closed tab in this way, Google's history analysis will help you know the sites that were on closed Chrome tabs.

Knowing how to close the tab by pressing the keys, not all can. It often happens that we vipadkovo turn aside in the process of work.

Take it especially, as if we saw a lot of sides, full of closes. Blame food - how can you be in such a time? Well, it’s necessary to close the sides, as we need the stink.

We rozpovіmo kіlka ways, with which you can vryatuvati camp. For the cob it is necessary to designate a yak with you operating system in any way you practice.

Then, for the help of simple and sensible ways, you will learn how to close the tabs automatically. Mastering them is easy to find faulty PCs.

Hot keys forMacOS thatWindowsOS

Just like you cheat on the Mac operating system, you also need to cheat for , Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex Browser using the Shift + Cmd + T keys. For the Safari browser, the combination Cmd + Z is hacked.

The largest operating system in our Windows hour. If you hack based on a browser, Google Chrome or, then the easiest way to restore a closed tab is to press the Shift + Ctrl + T keys at once.

Important: If you worked in incognito mode, then you should try again, sorry, don’t go in, the stink shards were not recognized by the browser.

Porada: do not mix up the layout, you need to press on the Latin letters.

This method is also used for Internet Explorer that . As well as vicoristing, this method will not help you, but there is another way, it is necessary to victorize using the Ctrl + Z keys, obviously.

Still not all the ways, yakі can help you to clean up the situation. The second option is to open a recently closed side by right-clicking the bear on the area where the tabs are placed and selecting the item "Open close tab". Tse one of themselves handy ways, more it is not necessary to remember the combination of keys

You can go to nalashtuvannya and select an item there "Recently closed sites"


If you need to open more than one tab, but if you want to open a site that you have seen for a few days, or even more, you need to open the browser history (in some browsers it is called "Journal"). You can do it with the help of hot keys "Ctrl" + "H" or "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "H". You can also ask for an additional menu to fix. The button to access the button, practically in all browsers, is located in the upper right corner, under the button to close the window.

When victorious Internet Explorer it is necessary to click on the button from the image with a plus sign. If someone wants to appear at the end with three bookmarks, and then choose to write "Journal". Give us a choice of cicavia for us, an hour interval, and we will need a tab or a sprinkling of tabs. Click on the name of the site and the material, the side automatically opens.

Google Chrome turning your history into a new side of the world, which is more convenient. For whom it is necessary to press the icon "nalashtuvannya" and choose from the window that it was. On the tab, which has been shown, will be placed in chronological order all the sites you enter with fixed hour and date. Also in the city of the village there is a row of jokes from the history, which is easy to ask you to work, but it’s better to remember the name of the closed tab.

Rice. 2 - History behind the blown sides

For review of history in Opera it is necessary to click on the Opera icon, after which the menu will appear. From the list, select the item "History". Dali all fight for an analogy with other browsers. Here, too, in the end, I will ask about history.

Rice. 3 – Look for history in Opera

Home page Firefox she herself promotes the closing of the sides. A button has been installed at the lower right corner, you need to press it more. If Firefox is not available for you home side, then you can go to the "Journal" menu and select the item "Look forward to the previous session".

IN Yandex browserє element to the interface, which allows you to enter a list of parties, which should be closed for an hour of the streaming session. For this, schob vodkriti yogo, it is necessary to work, as described in Dan cover instructions:

  • Open the checkout panel with the functions of a web browser, a wink button, which can be found in the form of buttons "Sign up" and "Close".
  • At the menu, we know the section "History".
  • In retail "Recently Closed" Bachimo the list of the used sides, which were closed in the process of work.

As if you didn’t close the tab, but somehow you can name it on the other side, it’s enough to press the button “Back”, the arrow is straight to the left, it’s turned to the left hand in the address row.

Rice. 4 - History in Google Chrome

Today, most people spend the left part of their time on the Internet. Vlasne, and most often a victorious program on a computer is an Internet browser or a browser. At the browser today, a lot of corny and important information is exchanged, and often coristuvachi stick with the problem, if you need a tab the bula was kindly closed. In my own article, I will tell you how to restore closed tabs in your browser.

Zvichayno, even better, as you remember the name of the site, which you saw. And if you went to the site in a sneaky way, for example, through a poke system, then for the introduction of the tab it’s better to speed up in the ways described below for a popular skin browser.

Ways to restore closed tabs Google browser Chrome.

1. IN to the open browser Chrome press the Ctrl+Shift+T key combination on the keyboard.

2. Right-click on the mouse on any depositor and select the item "Open close tab".

3. Open the Chrome browser menu and select "History". You can also quickly go to the history for an additional key combination Ctrl + H. In the history, you can look through all the sites, as you have seen.

Ways to restore closed tabs Mozilla browser Firefox.


2. Open the Firefox menu, select "History" and then "Close tabs recently". A list of closed tabs is displayed, among which you need to know and choose. If you need to redeem all tabs, select the option "Enable all tabs".

3. You can also know the closed tab in the journal. For this type on the keyboard keys Ctrl+H or Ctrl+Shift+H.

Ways to restore closed tabs in the Opera browser.

1. Type the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl+Shift+T in the open browser.

2. Right-click on the mouse on any open tab or on an empty area in the tab bar and select the item "Open close the closed tab". In this way, a few clicks can open a few tabs, as if they were closed.

3. Select the icon at the top left corner of the browser. The menu is displayed, where we need to click on the item “Closed recently”. Vіdkriєtsya vіkno zі the list of uѕіh tabs, yakі whether-if closed.

4. Select the browser menu at the top left corner and select "History". Through the journal of peresglyadіv, you can know what was sent to the site, which is kind of a mercy closure. Also, the menu can be clicked by a combination of hot buttons on the keyboard Ctrl + H.

Ways to restore closed tabs in Yandex.Browser.

1. Press the keys Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard.

2. Select the browser menu and open "History". At the list of recently seen sites, you need to know the power of that yogo.

Ways to restore closed tabs in Internet Explorer.

1. Type on the keyboard keys Ctrl + Shift + T.

2. Open in browser new tab or press Ctrl+T. For new tabs, go to the “Re-open closed tabs” area and find the site you need.

3. In the opened browser, select the "Service" menu and select "Retry the rest of the review session." New tabs are being opened, in which all messages will be occupied, launched an hour ahead of the browser.

As a result, it became clear that any browser has far more than one way to open closed tabs. If you don't know your browser in the list, try speeding up the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+T. The same combo for opening tabs is practical for all browsers.