Categories of related products. Commodity classification of goods

Commodity recognition of products of similar groups

Lecture notes

Part 2 “Commodity knowledge of non-food products”


Foreman: Marchenko I.S. Commodity recognition of goods of similar groups: lecture notes, part 2. – Murmansk: MDTU, 2016. –

Lecture notes for training courses 03/38/06 (100700.62) “Trading on the Right” and 03/38/07 (100800.62) “Commodity Recognition” is available until initial plans view _____________ and work programs confirmed by ______________ p.

Reviewer: Bayukova N.P., associate professor, candidate. ekon. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Institute of Economics, Management and Law

The lecture notes were reviewed at the meeting of the Department of Economics at the Institute of Economics, management and law are recommended before the end of the initial process.

Minutes of the meeting of the department "___" ___________ 2015

Head department ______________________ V.M. Kuzmenko

© Murmansk State Technical University, 2016

Section 1. Theoretical foundations of merchandising and examination of non-food products
Lecture 1. Commodity and trade classification; specifics of the assortment policy of non-food products
Lecture 2. Compatible characteristics; technological life cycle of non-food products
Lecture 3. Basics of examination of non-food products
Section 2. Commodity knowledge and examination of certain groups of non-food products
Lecture 4. Viruses from plastic butters: classification, characteristics of the assortment, packaging, packaging, labeling, transportation and preservation. Expertise of yakosti
Lecture 5. Bulk chemical products: classification, characteristics of the assortment, storage capacity, packaging, labeling, transportation and preservation. Expertise of yakosti

Section 1

Theoretical foundations of commodity knowledge and expertise

Non-food products

Lecture 1

Commodity and trade classification;

Features of assortment policy

non-food products

Non-food products– these are the products of the fermentation process, intended for sale to the masses and subjects of government activity, rather than through their acquisition by humans or (or) representatives of the created world. Given the designation given by GOST R 51121-97 “Non-food goods. Companion's information. Zagalni vymogi".

Non-food products satisfy a wide variety of needs - from special hygiene items to household appliances, cars, etc. , allowed and in.

Commodity knowledge of non-food products- discipline, the subject of which is sustainable production of non-food products , so that its property will satisfy special needs and special needs. Responsiveness to the product shows the extent to which its responsive authorities satisfy the specific needs of the buyer.

The purpose of discipline- Vivcheniya surviving authorities of non-food products and their conservation at all stages of commodity exchange from the place of their selection to the final profit.

Principles of merchandising of non-food products: safety, efficiency, consistency, reciprocity and systematization.

Safety- The presence of an unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of inflicting goods or service on the poor life, health and life of communities. The principle of safety must be followed throughout the processes of packaging, transportation, storage, pre-sales preparation of goods before sale. Safety is the basic principle of commodity knowledge and is, at the same time, one of the obligatory survivable authorities on goods.

Efficiency- the principle that underlies the achievement of optimal results in the process of production, packaging, saving, sales and distribution of goods for minimal costs.

Crazyness – the attribute of goods, processes and services to the final source, so as not to result in unnecessary inheritances.

Interchangeability - Availability of one product as a substitute for another in order to satisfy the same needs. The interchangeability of goods results in competition between them. Advantage is given to the product that has the best price and cost ratio.

Systematization- a principle that establishes the consistency of similar and interrelated goods, processes and services. This is the basis for classification, identification, registration, coding and other methods of commodity recognition.

Quite often in the literature devoted to the merchandising of goods, non-food goods are called industrial goods. This concept is morally outdated.

The assortment of non-food products includes over 30 thousand varieties. It includes goods of royal significance and goods intended for the creation of comfort, peace of people, and the development of social activity. The current range of non-food products is steadily expanding with the influx of scientific and technological progress: new products are appearing, and old and obsolete products are being withdrawn from the market.

Assortment policy– this is the purposeful management of the commodity mass and assortment of goods, as well as hidden intentions, possibilities and main directions, formulated by the high level of trade organization in the assortment. The goal is to, by consuming commodity resources from market inputs, develop and create a policy that allows for a stable entry of goods into the market and an increase in their sales.

Meta-trade organization in the field of assortment management is the formation of a real and/or predicted assortment, which is as close as possible to the rational one, to satisfy various needs and reduce the planned level of profit.

The assortment policy of trading enterprises is determined by current market benefits, supply, competition strategy, the pace of development and renewal of non-food products, and their availability to consumers. The assortment policy is not entirely consistent with the business strategy, it flows from it and is indicated by a hidden development and goals. Therefore, the enterprise, coming from its competitive strategy, is a document that signifies its assortment policy. Zagalne camp about assortment policy - the basis for further work with assortment.

Before developing the assortment policy of a trade enterprise, it is necessary to:

Develop a business strategy;

Consider the objectives of assortment management;

Identify external factors that influence the range of products and their sales;

Significant target market and target companions;

Read the analysis of the goods;

Determine the structure of the assortment with a focus on the drink, the proposition and the segment of the customers.

A very important role in the formation of the assortment of goods, the type of their sale, is played by the classification and classification system adopted by a particular trading enterprise.

Classification- Consecutive distribution of impersonal objects on the borders of classes, groups, species and other subdivisions with the most obscure signs. With a broad meaning, the words under classification understand the process installation of indicators of systematized groups. Classification is also called the result of an ordered division of objects of a given multiplicity within a category for the most obscure characteristic signs, and below classification system understand the set of rules for the division of objects of a given multiplicity into a submultiple. The division under which subdivisions are called classification groupings . For example, dishes are impersonal; Steel or aluminum cookware is a subset, and the material from which this cookware is made is one of the classification marks of this subset.

Defined classification of non-food products:

Creation of the mind for the planning and appearance of goods, the preparation of applications and negotiations with trade;

harmonization of rational trade organization;

Improvement in the development of survivable authorities of similar groups of goods;

identification of group characteristics of the type of goods, the formation of hidden goods before them;

Development of underground testing methods, as well as organization of control over the quality of goods;

Assessment of the plumpness of the skin classification; development of the assortment directly;

Development of automated control systems (ACS);

Organization of optimal preservation of products.

It is clear that products bear distinctive signs, which can be used to identify and classify them into groups and clearly distinguish them. Therefore, you can learn about the power of the product without going through testing, evaluation and verification of their properties in the processes of production, purchasing and sale, and operation.

One of the main methods of classification is the hierarchical method. Among the various products, it can be seen that the smell is a collection of similar units with strong celestial signs. Such similar product units are clearly differentiated from other similar ones and are called species in the classification.

Product type It is the main classification unit and it is the classification unit that has the same meaning and authority. It is obvious to this significance, the first mental presentation of the product to its appearance is the completion of production, and the other mental one - its recognition. The diversity of species among themselves shows that they can be grouped together in a greater order, called subgroups, groups, subclasses, classes, etc. This sorting of classification units from the initial series, subordinating each other, is called the hierarchical classification method.

Classification marks are divided into main and specific characteristics. The basis of the classification may be based on various basic characteristics depending on the power of goods, the methods of their production, the minds of production/exploitation.

Product assignments This is the most important sign, since it indicates the status of any product (for example, clothing can be divided into casual, fashion, home, sports, and clothing).

Products of industrial-technical significance and related products are differentiated.

At the same time, goods of industrial-technical significance depend on the characteristics of their production and are divided into particular types of work (layouts, machines, equipment, etc.) and items of work (brine, basic and auxiliary materials).

Output materials for production are used for a wide range of products (for example, metal utensils).

The process of production - for example, is more mechanical manual method cooking; physical-chemical power; design (for example, furniture frames and panels).

The article of recognition - at the same time, it is divided into men and women, girls, school for girls, for boys, children for toddlers, booties.

The model is one of the design solutions of the prototype or the original design option (Kodak, Polaroid, FED camera).

The style of the sewing or knitted shirt is defined by three indicators: the shape of the shirt (classic, sporty, fancy); the silhouette of the dress (slim, snug, sleek or straight); edge of details.

Processing - for example, according to the type of processing, dishes are divided into the following classification subdivisions: depending on the coating material - galvanizing, enamelling or tin-plating of dishes; important in the form of surface finishing – sanding or non-sanding of dishes; It is important to embellish - painting, decal, stamp, etc.

Dimensions - the division behind this sign is determined by the adjustment of such parameters as shape, weight and weight. The size of the garment is determined by the girth of the jacket at the level of the chest, as well as the girth of the waist (for women) and the girth of the waist (for men).

Vykoristan season - given the sign of vikoryst in the classification of sewing goods, ready-made craft products, upper body, put on your hats. So, for example, according to the season, the season is divided into winter, summer and demi-season, and in summer - into winter, summer, demi-season and all-season.

A number of specific signs that are used for the classification of goods are included in the composition of the goods, marking the depth of classification that is carried out.

For example, musical products are classified by the method of producing sound using plucked strings, bows, and percussion keyboards, and perfumes, eau de toilette, deodorants and sprays are classified by the type of scent: musky, sweet, fancy, similar, vanilla, fruit. and, from the smell of freshness and other.

There are a number of different classifications of non-food products. Zokrema, classification according to the galuzes of the people's dominion divide products into two groups:

Light trade goods (fabrics, knitwear, fabrics, fabrics, textiles, textiles, etc.);

Goods of cultural, household and government significance (furniture, tools, electrical goods, dishes, cars, motorcycles, toys, sports equipment, etc.).

To enhance the assortment of related products, we serve initial classification, This is how they pass on to the group, which is characterized by the cohesion of affection, recognition, tenacious authorities and other signs that make the process of learning easier. Following the initial classification, all non-food products are divided into nine classes, classes into groups, groups into subgroups, subgroups into types, and types into articles. Classes of non-food products with initial classification:

Materials for clothing and piece textiles;

Clothes and hats;

Cultural goods;

Sports goods;

Transport facilities for special purposes;

Home furnishings;

Gospodar's goods for butcher's purpose;

Sanitary hygiene items

Trade classification has practical implications. Apparently, it is divided into the following groups of non-food products: plastic products; household chemical goods; bottles of goods; ceramic goods; household goods; use electrical machines and adjust them; textile goods; sewing goods; knitted goods; vzuttevі goods; crafts and sheepskin and fur goods; haberdashery goods; perfumes and cosmetics; jewelry products and anniversary items; goods of cultural and cultural significance

Also in trade practice, non-food products are divided into complexes:

1. gospodar's goods: metal products (tools, utensils, etc.), glassware and ceramic products (dishes, household materials, mineral binders, etc.), plastic products, household chemical products (chemicals, lacquer materials, etc. .), household furniture, household materials;

2. naphtha and naphtha products;

3. clothing: textiles, sewing-knitwear, leather-wool, fur-farms;

4. perfumery and cosmetics (perfume, hygiene and decorative cosmetics);

5. electrical goods (wires, lighting fixtures, washing machines, tidying up, cooking and preserving etc.);

6. cultural and cultural: foldable electronic goods (TV sets, VCRs, photographs and movie cameras), anniversary books, sports equipment, transport equipment, music goods, audio video cassettes, books, toys, etc.; goods;

8. haberdashery goods;

9. viruses of mystical crafts.

The bright and clear changes that have taken place in the resilient market over the past few years have necessitated the need for a new approach to the formation of the trade assortment of non-food products. Instead of the commodity-galuzev principle of forming the trade assortment, the principle of forming behind complexes of needs has appeared. The most promising development is the classification of goods based on the principle of their livable value. These similar compatible complexes are similar to those shown in Table 1.

Following the change in the very principle of forming the assortment, changes are made in the daily trading volume, in the technology of trading processes, in the methods of selling goods and serving customers.

The organization of trade in non-food products behind living complexes is aimed at increasing the profitability of merchants.

Organizing trade based on the principle of living complexes is simply a change in the grouping of non-food products, and the transition of trade is greater high rhubarb. Such a transition is only possible in the minds of the saturated market with goods and the increase in the number of stores and the size of their trading area.

Table 1 - Classification of non-food livestock goods

Name of the living complex Product groups
“The people have the same comfort” Odyag: - sewing; - knitted; - farmstead; - textiles
Vzuttya: - shkiryans; - Gumova; - felted felt; - athletic
Jewelry products
Haberdashery goods
“Vіdpochinok, work and rozvagi” Transport personal
School writing and office supplies
Cars, what to write
Cultural goods: - radioelectronic equipment; - photos and film products; - musical goods
Goods for sports and for repair: - goods for sports and tourism; - Products for fishing; - products for bathing
"Human Hygiene" Perfume and cosmetic products: - Perfumery products; - cosmetic products
“Living, landscaping, repairs and individual living” Products for home improvement: - Furniture; - kilim and kilim pokrittya; - lamps; - adapt for burning and supporting the microclimate
Products for repair and individual household use: - Household goods; - Installation products; - Conductor products (systems); - Instruments; - special chemicals for cosmetic repairs and home improvements
Items for looking after your life and household items and special needs: - Items for tidying up your life; - production machines and fittings; - dishwashers; - sewing and knitting machines
"Domestic Dominion" Products for preserving and preparing hedgehogs: - equipment for thermal processing of hedgehogs; - jigs and jigs for mechanical and manual cutting grub products; - kitchen utensils; - Gospodar's dishes; - refrigerators and freezers; - thermosi and siphon
Items for serving the table: - tableware and tableware; - tableware, teaware, coffeeware
Specifics of household chemicals for the care of life, household items and special handicrafts: - specifications of household chemicals for the care of household items; - special household chemicals for taking care of household items; - special chemicals for monitoring viruses of special production from textiles, hides, leather substitutes
“Garden, city, special subsistence state” Gardening tools
Specialties of everyday chemicals for looking after the garden, city and indoor forests

The classification of living complexes allows for marketing research in trade. The study of living complexes conveys, on the one hand, the development of the needs themselves, and on the other hand, the development of specific forms and ways of satisfying these needs in young socio-economic minds.

The development of liveable complexes can and may become one of the necessary solutions for the formation of an assortment of liveable goods in commercial enterprises.

Caution over the sale of goods behind the living complexes shows that in these minds the implementation of an alternative drink, as well as the stimulation of an impulse drink, is ensured. Through the war, product sales are growing significantly.

With such a combination, it is easier to determine what a specific group of buyers will require, what their interests, tastes, what capabilities the store is satisfied with, and why buyers are encouraged to purchase certain goods from the store. i. With great certainty, you can see that the needs of the group of buyers who are unfastened are not satisfied; As the possibilities of satisfying consumers for the range of products of various industries are expanding, they are producing goods of the same value.

The assortment of products may be shaped to satisfy the needs of a variety of needs.

The most important tasks in these minds are:

The organization of stable markets will be

The production of germs in enterprises was further divided, and the production of commercial products was divided into regions and trading systems, ensuring the highest level of satisfaction with the consumption of the population.

The possibilities for information about drinking, the level of treatment, forecasting and molding are obviously increasing.

The division of non-food products into similar groups is not considered dogmatic. Thus, several groups of goods came out of mass production, for example, saddlery, cod and baggage; The activities of the group changed and expanded; The goals of the subgroups, seen in classifiers as “others”, began to play a more significant role, regardless of the previously described products.

Product nomenclature– transfer of similar and different goods of foreign or similar significance. The nomenclature of goods for a trade enterprise includes the ordering of a list of goods with their current and exact names, A single product nomenclature facilitates mutual interaction between traders and allows for the elimination of problems, difficulties in work and the return of goods by buyers. The names of the goods are intended to be such that they can be corrected when completing the documentation. In a well-developed nomenclature, goods from the corrupt authorities are divided almost one to one. Having a well-divided range of goods for business, it is possible to eliminate a significant number of items from the business, and this allows you to reduce the level of inventory of goods, and rationally increase inventory.

The foreign power classification is presented in the foreign Russian classification of products. The foreign power classification of products is intended for processing information in automated systems for the purpose of foreign power and economic management. There is also concern in the sphere of standardization, statistics and marketing research.

Trans-Galno-Russian Product Classifier (OKP)– systematization of codes and naming of product groupings based on a hierarchical classification system. It is clear that before the OKP, all products of the people's dominion would be divided into 98 classes. Skin class - for 10 subclasses, skin subclass - for 10 groups, skin group - for 10 subgroups, and subgroup - for 10 types. Accepted six-digit digital products. The first two digits indicate the class of the virus; third – subclass; fourth – group; p'yata – subgroup; shosta – view. All at once, six numbers create the most basic classification grouping, which defines the characteristics of the product in appearance. Products in the complete assortment nomenclature are indicated by ten characters, then four more characters are added before further classification grouping. They can indicate a registration number or indicate an internal specific characteristic of a product. Volume 2 OKP 005-93, for example, has textile products under code 900000; products of cultural, household and sovereign significance - under the code 96 0000; Shkiryane vzuttya ob'ednan under code 880000; farmhouses, farmsteads and sheepskin-fur coats - under the code 89 0000, etc.

Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity (TN ZED) It is the basis of the system of government regulation of Russia’s foreign economic activity and the establishment of minimum tariffs. It is divided on the basis of the Harmonized System and Combined Nomenclature of the European Union. Products must have a nine-digit digital code. It consists of the following elements: the first six digits indicate the product code according to the Harmonized Product Description and Coding System; The seventh and eighth digit is the product code for the Combined Nomenclature of the European Union; The ninth digit is a detail of the position with respect to the interests of Russia.

Product code - a technical technique that allows you to represent the object that is being classified as a group of signs. The coding system is maximally optimized before processing on the EOM and provides the following advantages: simplifies the storage of commercial and official documents; easier automated processing; allows you to save money on the classification and appearance of foreign trade interests; will make it easier to collect, display and compile data from external trading, as the information becomes more accessible and reliable; facilitates the exchange of tariffs between countries.

Line coding of goodsє drawings of dark (strokes) and white (glades) dark colors of different clothes. The most important stroke or omission is taken as a unit of chemistry - a module. Each digit code is indicated by two bars and two spaces. The EAN (European Article Numbering) barcode has been widely expanded, subdivided by the International Coding Association. At the beginning and end of the code there are edge strokes, which indicate the beginning and end of the code being read. In the middle of the code there are central strokes, intended for visual verification of the correctness of the code entry. The EAN code can consist of thirteen (late code) or eight (short code) digits. The 13-digit EAN code consists of four parts: the first part is the code of the country in which the data bank for this barcode is located. The country code is provided centrally by the EAN association. In this case, ranges are visible at various edges. Since the region code consists of three characters, the business code following it may be shortened to four characters. Another part is the code of the enterprise - the manufacturer of the product. It takes up at least five digits and is issued by the national coding authority of the region; third - the code of the product itself (five digits), which contains information about its registration number or related authorities. Yogo is a self-employed winemaker; a quarter is a control number (one digit). Serve to verify the correctness of the information being read by the scanner.

The 8-digit EAN code is applied to small-sized products. This structure includes: country code, registration barcode, product manufacturer code, control number.

In Russia, barcode identification is handled by the External Economic Association of Automated Identification UNISKAN (since 1992). Only UNISKAN has the right to issue official registration certificates to Russian EAN system accountants. The activities of UNISKAN focus on the following areas: the development of advanced technologies for the production of white blood in Russia; providing companies with an EAN system registration number; Saving data banks from bar coding. UNISKAN serves enterprises and organizations operating in various fields.

When buying goods, the skinned people noted in a sing-song tone that there is a code in the appearance of numbers or letters. This is called the article. Without this, the same product can be sold, and today there is an obov'yazkova mind for full-fledged functioning over the market. product article- an element that indicates the type and type of virus has special purposes for coding.

To designate an article, you will need to include numbers, different names, next to the letter and the next letter (do not leave the same), numbers with letters, names with numbers and other combinations. Over time, the intellectually designated table is associated with the product, which, called the article, is respected by the product with all its clear features and powers. The article is assigned to the product only after the integrity of its production has been determined and the product has been approved by technical experts. The article is indicated in price lists, standards, packages, contracts, product labels, and other information on the product itself.

In practice, there are such systems of articles: ordinal, semantic and combined.

Ordinal system This means that the specific flow of goods (importantly classified into groups and subgroups) is given numbers in order (overall numbering). In this way, each type of product is assigned an article-number that corresponds to the number of its place in the lane. The provisions will not change, as statistics instead of numbers will be designated by letters or names in alphabetical order. For such a system, it is difficult to identify any article, and the fragments of the article are removed sequentially. The order system is recommended for products with a small, uncomplicated and stable nomenclature. This system is the most extensive.

Smislov system is based on the fact that the numbers and letters in the articles are given a certain meaning, which is why the article takes away the meaning of the concept. This system becomes stagnant with the specified skin or humic content.

The description of the types is encrypted in the following order: the first two digits indicate the type of the model and the features of the model, the third digit is the article mark, the fourth digit is the method of fastening and sole material; first letter - color of the top product, friend - type of top product (varnish, chevro, chrome, etc.). Ozhe, for example. article 4444 ChSh is deciphered as follows: 44 – shoes of a figured cut with a low fit, 4 – women’s shoes, 4 – welts on a leather sole, black, W – chevro. With the system, it is necessary to remember a small number of numbers and letters, including the article number, and the meanings of these numbers and letters. This system is short - there are problems when finding a given article. The system is manual for verification and control.

Combined system It is believed that the first two digits in the article numbers have meanings, and the others indicate the ordinal place of the product in a group or subgroup. The combined system is used for seam fabrics and jewelry items. For first-seam fabrics, the number of the article indicates the group of fabrics, for example: 1 - fabrics with natural seams, 2 - fabrics with natural seams with added yarn, 3 - fabrics with piece seams, etc. Another number in the article indicates a subgroup of fabrics in a group of fabrics with natural seam: 1 - crepe, 2 - linen, 3 - satin, etc. Thus, article 1114 is deciphered as follows: fabric with natural seam, crepe weave, place in subgroup 14. This system, despite all the advantages of the significant, also preserves the advantages of the ordinal, the fragments of the articles are rearranged sequentially.

In order to competently formulate the assortment of goods, competently manage them, it is necessary to restore order to everyone. systematize. No system – no order, no order – no control, no control – no management. All items of goods in a trading enterprise may be structured and classified, and not just from the classification, but arising from the fundamental concept of a trading enterprise and its positioning in the market.

In the minds of the globalization of the world economy, the process of annexing Russia to SOT (Vsesvetnya trade organization) the importance of government regulation of foreign trade activities is growing, including government regulation as one of its most important elements.

Foreign trade activity is activity that benefits the sphere of foreign trade in goods, services, information and intellectual power. The main document is the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of sovereign regulation of foreign trade activities.” The main principle is the protection by the power of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in foreign economic activity, as well as the rights and legitimate interests Russian producers both goods and services.

A product that crosses Russia's official border is subject to official registration and control. In the course of military control, a military examination may be required to establish the range of movement, the cheese warehouse, the method of preparation, the quality, etc. Our knowledge of goods and services has a lot to offer in order to provide effective countermeasures to violations of military regulations and mischief in the military sphere. The Mitna examination, in addition, is one of the barriers to the healthy market of the region from the import of unscrupulous, wasteful, unsafe, falsified and counterfeit goods.

Only highly qualified specialists in the field of merchandising can perform expert activities. As a practical worker, it is also important to note the separation of goods according to their completeness, the level of readiness to the selection, see the evaluation indicators, know obov'yazkovі vymogi before them are the criteria for the assessment.

The inspector of the mint service monitors the safety of goods being imported. In addition, the inspector is responsible for knowing the benefits of goods within the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, transportation, and insurance. At these stages, both materials and influences manifest themselves in different ways, and power for participants in external economic activity is as important as those that appear in the final partner.

And the significance of the designated term “product” is in commodity science and international practice.

Manufactured goods are the widest range of products that satisfy a variety of needs: from the need to wash hands with each other to the purchase of passenger cars as a handy solution for re-supply. These are the products of naphtha refining plants and workshops for woodworking. Non-food products are presented in an assortment so wide that they can be completely described in two words. Let's look at the classification, rules of trade and exchange of such products.

Types of non-food products

Let's talk about such viruses. What are non-food products? This totality product groups, what to unite behind the singing sign, and yourself:

  • for reasons;
  • they are directly satisfied with their needs;
  • based on the similarity to the base material;
  • arising from the peculiarities of the defined functions.

A number of types of classification of non-food products have been identified. The stench is grouped together under the influence of Galuzev's moisture:

  • light trade goods, such as textiles, textiles and skins, fabrics;
  • goods of cultural, household and government significance - furniture, dishes, household appliances, cars, motorcycles, sports equipment.

Classifier of types of manufactured goods

The main official document, which reflects the confirmation of the transfer of non-food goods to equal powers, is the introduction of Russian classifiers. Today, the Galuzev sign is adopted as the basis for the classification.

Academic, the initial classification is based on the same principle that it is a foreign power, but there are a number of features that allow the material to be presented in a more accessible form, as well as to provide descriptions of goods made from new materials and for help with alternative sources of electricity.

For convenience, non-food products are divided into a number of folding complexes:

  • sovereign goods - dishes, household materials, plastic containers, household furniture, other goods and other similar goods;
  • naphtha and naphtha refining products;
  • food-related goods;
  • perfumery and cosmetic products;
  • electrical goods;
  • cultural-cultural viruses;
  • jewelry embellishments;
  • haberdashery;
  • viruses of folk crafts.

This list is not constant - the types of non-food products change constantly due to the obsolescence of some and the appearance of others - new ones.

The main areas of trade in non-food products

Rules for the sale of non-food products are regulated by a specific Regulation Russian Federation Issued 01/19/1998 No. 55 with changes and additions. This article will briefly examine the mechanism for assessing the quality of goods, and, obviously, the exchange and return to sellers of items that do not meet the established standards of quality.

Manufactured goods - their beauty and safety

Assessment of quality, or, in other words, examination of goods, in conflict and risk situations should be carried out using the following conventional methods:

  • organoleptic – visual inspection for the presence of various types of defects;
  • assessments of physical and chemical indicators for additional instrumental, registration (for many types of products) and structural characteristics, such as, for example, in comparison with the noise of electrical equipment in chemical, physico-chemical and other laboratories;
  • compliance with sanitary and chemical standards and hygiene standards;
  • extinction of microbiological indicators and level of toxicity.

It is impossible to assess the natural power of a product using objective methods - so-called heuristic methods of expert or sociological assessment are used here. For this type of work, specialists are obtained—experts, which constitute a distinct specialization.

Packaging of goods may be carried out regularly until the latest requirements.

Rules for the exchange and return of industrial goods

Returns of non-food products are possible both due to the lack of compatibility of the yakness indicators, and also if the wines simply do not reach the buyer. The procedure is regulated by the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Spouses (hereinafter referred to as the Law), abbreviated to Article 18. In this case, the buyer can request a cost-free examination as a basis for further reversal of the costs. Most often, the seller himself inspects the house.

Even before the verification of complex types of equipment, such as televisions and tablet computers, such examination can cover a long period of time, which outweighs the warranty term of the product - most often for a two-year period. In this case, an independent examination is required.

Terms of exchange and return of goods

According to the Law, the refund of pennies may be made no later than ten days from the moment the buyer submits a corresponding application. Therefore, the seller of goods must pay a penalty of 1% for the goods. An independent examination is the only way to return money to the buyer once, if the seller does not recognize the buyer and addresses the claims to the buyer.

Once the item is identified by an independent expert, the seller loses the legal right to confirm an unclear purchase from the buyer. An important point in connection with the sale of goods is that in any situation the seller has to spend on assessing the cost, obviously, the type of payment becomes the subject of judicial review. Most often, the seller accommodates the buyer and issues non-food items as returned.

Exchange of goods for a similar one

Article 25 of the Law states that residents can present their rights to exchange non-food goods for another copy with similar characteristics. The basis for such purchases may be the following:

  • formie;
  • style;
  • dimensions;
  • zabarvlennya;
  • complete set;
  • the size of the added virobus.

The exchange is carried out over a period of fourteen days without clearing the day, if there is a place for selling goods, and it is possible for the buyer to obtain clear minds:

  • the goods are not guilty of wasting the cob vial, as well as seals and labels;
  • a sales receipt for the fact of purchase from the applicant in hand, in which case the presence of the rest cannot be a drive for the residual evidence - it is possible to show evidence of certificates;
  • exchange goods are not included in the special transfer of goods that facilitate the exchange, approved by the Russian Federation.

The rules for trading non-food products also require the buyer to write a definitive statement to the seller in two examples, one of which is accepted by the seller. It is important that this seller has alternative way This application can serve as a recommendation sheet with notifications about the delivery, sent by mail to the address of the store, which is also the first indication on street traffic.

If non-food products, similar to those offered for exchange, are available in the store at the time of display, the seller behaves kindly and does not appear to be victorious about the legal side of the conflict in which As a follow-up, we have all rights under the terms of the purchase agreement - sales from further transfers of lost pennies. Most pennies can be turned in letter forms. From this point on, the seller has three days to satisfy the buyer’s claim. However, the buyer can generally check the availability of the corresponding product from sales.

Rules of conduct for sellers and associates

Under the hour of any supercharger from the drive of the product, each of the parties is not guilty of showing unmotivated aggression and not complying with the norms of the law. Various cases of inappropriate behavior fall under the jurisdiction of law enforcement agencies and are subject to the respect of the operational police, so all parties to the conflict must comply with the norms of behavior in the community scyah. In a calm environment, super glasses are easier to develop.

Particular situations and their directions

What happens if defects are discovered even after the warranty period for non-food products has passed, and not even two years have passed since the moment of purchase? The solution is still possible: lawyers maintain that point of view, if the choice of the buyer is less likely to be possible, the exchange of goods and the return of pennies. In accordance with the generally accepted ethical rules of trading in any goods, the buyer is right in the first place, or rather, so that this rightness is confirmed by supporting documents, the main one being a sales receipt.

Non-food goods are highly lucrative items that people can use to satisfy their other needs, on account of hunger and sprague. In other words, such products are not acceptable for use like hedgehogs, as well as additives before it. The flow of non-food goods is very large and varied, including clothing, products from metallurgical plants and factories, and much more.

Classification of types of non-food products

Currently, a whole system of classification of different types of non-food products has been developed. However, such a system has the ability to separate and divide items into different subcategories according to the type being discussed.

All non-food products are divided into groups that can be added to the current list:

In addition, non-food types of goods are also included in different categories of food: seasonal, fashionable, impulse, special and everyday.

In addition to similar classifications, retail outlets establish separate branches to ease searches consumer goods, With the method of satisfaction with lively consumption.

Features of the characteristics of manufactured goods

The following criteria apply to the head rice of non-harvest sparrows:

  • there is a need for special cleaning, transportation, and preservation of goods;
  • the foldability of the object of trade is increased;
  • there is a need for advanced preparation or special training for the correct or safe handling of this item.

Through such a complex specificity of the discussed group of goods, manufacturers have developed special sales standards and rules for the process of assessing the clarity of such products and objects.

The main methods of checking the contents of goods

All non-food products are required to undergo verification for compliance with the basic standards of DSTU.

There are a number of variations in such turning operations.
  1. Rozrakhunkov, registration or instrumental methods.
  2. Organoleptic methods.
  3. Heuristic methods.

Now there is more information about the various options for assessment work.

Registration, development and instrumental methods of evaluation work may be used to calculate the physical and chemical parameters of non-food products sold. In the process of evaluation in this way, the subject goes through various testing stages. The complexity of this procedure depends on the type of verification object. As practice shows, most of the testing work using this method takes place within the walls of the laboratory.

In addition, with the help of instrumental, structural and registration methods of assessment, an examination is carried out to determine hygienic, toxicological, physical-chemical, sanitary-chemical and demonstrators. Basically, these indicators are necessary to confirm the safety of products that directly come into contact with the human body, or grub products (toothpaste, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.).

Organoleptic methods for evaluating a product consist of many stages.

  1. The process of inspecting the object to detect any damage or breakage of the object.
  2. Careful review of all documentation that is supplied to the goods, thereby increasing compliance with the requirements of DSTU quality standards. On the other hand, at this stage the presence of all warehouse parts that are included in the product package (for consumption) is verified.

In such a manner designated methods Evaluation work includes a control verification of absolutely all technical features and characteristics of the item, which does not require special minds to carry it out.

With the help of heuristic techniques, in addition to the aesthetic powers of the virus, evaluations and other components of non-food products are supported. Such verifications are carried out by a very human person, who is a highly qualified accountant in this country.

All verifications and investigations are carried out only in specialized laboratories.

Helpful features when choosing manufactured goods

When choosing a product using the method of purchase, the buyer is left with an independent assessment of the ramifications that apply to this or any other item of trade. The leather type of non-harvest goods has special features that are characteristic of only one. Over the course of many years, the farmers have seen the rapid flow of rice, which is attached to all categories of goods that do not fall under the “food” type.

File the trace here:
  • inconsistency (the product is not guilty of being subject to any disadvantages, subject to the same category);
  • durability (the buyer insures the long term service of the product he is buying);
  • aesthetics ( external look design for a companion is by no means an unimportant factor when choosing a product);
  • physical and technical correctness (the added item is to be repaired without causing breakdowns or defects);
  • ergonomics (provides a feeling of comfort and quietness);
  • repairability (the buyer always insures the possibility of carrying out repair work in the event of a breakdown of the item being purchased);
  • the popularity of the brewer (most buyers choose the bark of the bean brand of the famous brand of the grower).

Selecting manufactured goods, you should take into account all available for assessing the specificity.

Legislative regulation of trade in manufactured goods

It is important to know that sales of non-food products are regulated by strict legal norms of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Rights of Spouses,” the state established Rules for the sale of the specified type of goods, published in the Decree of the Russian Federation No. 55 dated January 19, 1998. This Resolution regulates not only all the subtleties of the purchase and sale process itself, but also clarifies the mechanism for assessing the quality of goods, and also outlines the entire procedure for exchanging or returning uncleared (defective) goods.

It is impossible not to understand that in accordance with these Rules, every buyer in any trading floor is obligated to ensure the attention of a competent sales consultant, who can advise on all purchases to provide food. Cream technical characteristics the product that the buyer is purchasing is responsible for informing about all the features of the operation of the item.

The rules govern the basic legislators' powers to proper transportation, packaging of products, as well as adherence to all rules for preserving this or that type of goods.

Algorithm for action under the hour of exchange or return of goods

Subject to the current regulations of the Russian Federation, it is possible to exchange or return non-food products. These very norms established a fourteen-day term for the implementation of such a procedure.

It is important to know that any product can be rotated. So, I turn around and say: get up, accessories and clothes. The reason for the reversal for overinsurance of product categories may be the unconventional size and color. Please note that in order to refund your purchase, this item must be in undamaged packaging and show no signs of wear. The presence of a cash receipt, which confirms the current purchase and sale of the item, which encourages the return, will help speed up this process.

At the vipads, if the defect is viyozhach in the process in the process of the Coristan, such as the legwort for the Baso of Rosії, Ale for the Tsoogo carried out expertise, yak, at his worm, Maid Confurdity, Shcho gateways not a bouu of the extraction of the PD hour of the Eexplit.

The classification of goods is necessary for the formulation of a marketing strategy for the distribution of goods. The manufacturer has to deal with the need to classify goods in terms of coexistence, a praiseworthy solution for dressing, etc. Let me put it in simple terms new system Classification of goods, at any time, I will classify the goods as much as possible. It’s nice to say to yoga that there simply isn’t enough classification on the Internet.

Classification based on material sensitivity, trademark:

  • product - as an object, product;
  • goods - like servants;

Classification of goods based on revenues:

  • comrades of the trivalo korystuvannya;
  • comrades of short-hour shopping.

Trival goods- material vibrations, which call for vitrification of the rich vikoristan. The butts of such products can be refrigerators, workbenches, and clothes.
Short-hour shopping products- Products that can be purchased in one or several cycles. The butts of such goods can be beer, sweet, salt.

Classification of goods according to rhythm Business purchases:

  • comrades of everyday drinking;
  • comrades of the first choice;
  • impulse purchase goods;
  • goods for emergency situations;
  • goods of special drink;
  • comrades passive drink

Everyday drinking products- goods that people know every day, buy often, without hesitation and with minimal effort on their equalization with each other. The butts of such goods can be Tyutun's viruses, cute and newspapers;
- goods that are present in the process of selection and purchase, as a rule, are equal to each other in terms of applicability, quality, price and external design. Examples of such products can be furniture, clothing, living quarters
neither cars nor basic electrical equipment.
Specialty goods- goods with unique characteristics and/or other branded goods, for which a significant portion of buyers are ready to spend additional money.
Products for emergency seizures buy during the winter season the need for them, for example, parasols during the hour of anger, for shovels after the first snow, new toys;

Classification of goods for the following reasons:

  • goods for living (all goods that are produced using the method of living);
  • goods of production value (for intermediate production, which are included in the process of production);
  • materials and components: milk, finished products, parts, workpieces, which are purchased through further processing, polished, with method creation of goods;
  • capital: possession, being and sporudi;
  • additional products and services: business services, additional materials.

Classification of goods based on activity:

  • Active drinking products;
  • Passive products

Active drinking products- those for everyday drinking, seasonal goods, special drinking products, emergency products (for singing minds);
Passive products- goods that people don’t know, or they know, otherwise they don’t think about buying them. New items such as indicators of dimness and kitchen machines for processing grub products are available in the range of passive drinking products, docks
Advertising will not ensure that your roommate is informed about your life. Classic butts are familiar to everyone and they no less call for the supply of goods, life insurance, tombstones and encyclopedias.

Products can be classified based on the sign of newness:

  • New product;
  • Excessive goods;
  • Vidomy, the most popular product;
  • Old goods (Rare goods);

According to the seasonality of purchases, goods are classified:

  • Peak sale products (large sets, new products, plantings and sowing before sowing);
  • Seasonal goods (sporting goods, clothing for the season);
  • Permanent pet products (this means some of the live cat products);

Classification of goods based on the number of customers who are satisfied with them:

  • mass merchandise;
  • piece (single) goods;
  • exclusive product;

Classification of goods by place of production:

  • export goods;
  • Imported goods;
  • mіscevy (vіtchiznyany) goods;

Classification of goods with special distribution:

  • goods of high quality;
  • bulk goods;

Classification of goods marked military/mirny:

  • goods of military significance;
  • goods of civilian significance;
  • goods of secondary value.

Classification of goods from distribution:

  • companions of the creature's journey;
  • comrades of the roslinny hike;
  • processing goods; industrial goods;
  • mineral and syrup products.

Non-food products represent a large number of product groups, which are grouped under different headings: for reasons of satisfaction, for the satisfaction of needs, for the variety of materials or functions.

There are a number of different classifications of non-food products. Zokrema, classification for the reason of the people's rule to divide goods into two groups: goods of light industry (fabrics, knitwear, vuttya, textiles from skins and skins, farm goods, etc.) and goods of cultural and household goods goods (furniture, tools, electrical goods , dishes, cars, motorcycles, toys, sports equipment, etc.). These goods are generated by both the industry and the lungs. The classification of goods according to the Galouze principle has been preserved until Russian classifiers are in use. Classifiers are based on official documents.

The initial classification of non-food products is based on this principle, due to the simplicity and logic of explanation of the initial material, as well as the need to describe the current assortment of goods, and the research of which new materials, energy sources, principles and functions are being developed.

Non-food products are divided into warehouse complexes:

  • Gospodar's goods: metal products (tools, utensils, etc.), glassware and ceramic products (dishes, household materials, mineral binders, etc.), plastic products, household chemical products (, varnish materials, etc.), bі butovі, buddhіal;
  • naphtha and naphtoproducts;
  • clothing: textiles, sewing-knitwear, leather-wool, fur-farms;
  • (perfume, hygienic and);
  • electrical goods(wires, lighting fixtures, washing machines, tidying up, cooking and preserving etc.);
  • cultural and cultural: foldable electronic goods (TV sets, VCRs, photographs and movie cameras), anniversary books, sports equipment, transport equipment, music goods, audio video cassettes, books, toys, etc.;
  • jewelry products;
  • haberdashery goods;
  • viruses of artistic crafts.

The division of non-food products into similar groups is not considered dogmatic. Thus, several groups of goods came out of mass production, for example, saddlery, cod and baggage; The activities of the group changed and expanded; The goals of the subgroups, seen as “other” in classifiers, began to play a more significant role, in addition to the previously described products.

Non-food products satisfy a wide range of consumer needs - from special hygiene items to household appliances, cars and others. Current authorities and classification for non-food products are described in topics 1 and 2.

The assortment of non-food products is so wide that it is impossible to give a brief description of all assortment groups within the framework of this initial-methodical guide; we will look at only a few groups of products briefly or later. Students are responsible for independently studying specific similar groups of non-food products for recommended literary references.

Assessment of the quality and examination (in cases of conflict, uncertainty and risk) of non-food products is carried out according to proper regulatory documents and the use of such methods.

Conducted using organoleptic methods visual inspection goods, documents, the presence of visible defects, completeness, serviceability of the goods, the type of labeling and packaging required by GOST (usually for 3% of the lot of goods presented).

Physico-chemical indicators should be assessed by objective methods - instrumental (with the addition of technical methods of measurement), registration (a number of views) or structural methods. For example, the concentration, pH, temperature, softening or drops, color, electrical conductivity, electrification, and noise are important. Investigations are carried out in chemical, physical, physico-chemical and other testing laboratories. A representative selection of physical and chemical indicators is indicated in the GOST of this product.

Sanitary, chemical and hygienic indicators are used as a characteristic of the safety of goods that come into contact with water, hedgehogs, and the human body (sweets, clothes, dishes, cosmetic products, etc.).

Microbiological and toxicological indicators are assessed for perfumery and cosmetic products, oral hygiene.

To identify aesthetic and other powers that can be assessed by objective methods, heuristic methods, scientific research, expert and sociological methods are used. To carry out an examination using the expert method, you need to obtain qualified accountants who know this group of products and have special knowledge.

Packaging of goods be carried out in accordance with current GOST standards. Provision of packaging is to protect non-food products from external influences - mechanical (impact, pressure), moisture (wetness, freezing, corrosion), light (corrosion), etc. ta ін), perfumery and cosmetic products. Fabrics, hems, polymer melts, etc. are respected with great respect. Piece items include blankets, scarves, hoodies, fur coats, suits, etc.

The instructions before packaging are specific. For small products, you need to create partitions (for example, bottles, mirrors), for electronic goods - shock-absorbing pads and inserts in containers, for expensive clothes - a plaster, etc. Artistically designed cases are used for perfumes, jewelry, anniversary items, souvenirs, etc.

The widest range of materials for packaging goods are cardboard boxes, paper, plastic bags and liquid, bandaging materials. The group packaging is placed in a heat-heated melt (dishes).

Labeling of non-food products is covered in topic 3 (section 3.2).

Umovi sberіgannya for most non-food products of the same type - humidity at the boundaries is 65-70%, temperature +5 to +25 ° C (average 10-18 ° C). The placement of non-food products should be no closer than 0.5-1 m from the heating devices when using a rose-colored light and piece lighting (most products require protection from a direct light ). When placing goods, it is necessary to maintain their shape. Please adhere to the rules of commodity circulation (do not save goods separately, which may lead to mutual transfer).

For craftsmen's viruses The recommended temperature is -4°C to +5°C. For cosmetics, perfumes, water-emulsion preparations and varnishes, however, the required protection against freezing. Metal products can be cooled to low temperatures, as well as heated without losing their moisture. Easy-to-use, flammable or toxic (disposable) products (including those in aerosol packaging) will require special care to be stored in the following areas.

Hygroscopic goods (fabrics, skins, clothes, furniture) should be stored in dry places to ensure air exchange and protection from microbiological diseases (fungi, molds, etc.).