Amd control center setup for igor. Configured by AMD Radeon for igor. How to properly set up games AMD Catalyst Control Center

Absolutely new interface, increased functionality and productivity


We don’t need to often write articles dedicated to the latest versions of video drivers, like special versions and the great increase in productivity in games that we’ve already heard about. There may be some problems with the AMD Catalyst Omega driver, however, a look at some of the products on our website suggests this. This version was a major update to AMD's drivers, offering new features and increased productivity for users popular games. After the release of the Catalyst Omega driver, software from AMD was downloaded over 60 million times - an astounding figure.

The increase in drivers for video cards is even worse, because a modern video card is not just a hardware solution, but a software and hardware solution, in which the most important part can be improved without the need to replace hardware solutions. Drivers for AMD video cards under the basic Catalyst names have been released for a long time, the first version of ATI Catalyst appeared back in 2002, and drivers for Radeon in general have been released for more than 20 years.

Over the course of this hour, drivers for video cards have become much more than just drivers for devices, including those used to ensure their functionality. Now the driver package includes a decent set of software: interfaces for computer users, libraries, tools, add-ons, etc. This entire set of software can be called a video driver, but in reality it is also a small graphics operating system. It's no surprise that clear security software is even more important for businesses, retailers and professionals who work with graphics.

Today is a very big and important update for AMD video drivers. Since the first announcement was about the name of a new subsidiary of the company Radeon Technologies Group, they decided to give a new name - Radeon Software. We say goodbye to our Catalyst drivers; this era has ended and a new era has begun. The first version of Radeon Software drivers was called Crimson Edition, and later global versions were released, called one of the shades of the red color (Crimson - crimson color).

Announcement of the planned release radically new versions There has been great interest among video drivers: dozens of articles and new products have been published, thousands of comments have been written on social networks and forums. AMD video card owners have clearly been looking forward to the new driver with impatience. And not for nothing, but it also gives it a completely new interface for the user with a change in the hour of attraction, a new and reduced capacity, including decreased energy when watching videos and awkward games, as well as optimization This is the productivity of 3D rendering.

In 2015, there were three great releases of WHQL drivers and nine beta versions, all important gaming projects on the platform GTA V, Star Wars Battlefront, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 had optimized versions of drivers from the day they went on sale. But the plans for 2016 are even broader: up to six major releases of WHQL drivers are planned, and additional beta versions are planned as needed and the release of significant popular games.

New user interface Radeon Settings

One of the most important changes in the new driver package is a completely new interface for setting up a video card and a redesigned installer. AMD has reworked its utility for changing the settings of the Catalyst Control Center (CCC), creating a new tool called Radeon Settings. Having removed the current interface of the client, it is simple and reasonable, and the head is significantly advanced, lower than the previous CCC. We also added a few new features to Radeon Settings.

The Radeon Settings robot has a software development toolkit called Qt. Since this set of libraries and tools is cross-platform, it is theoretically possible to simply port the code to other operating systems, for example, Android. However, the new interface of the user interface works on all operating systems of the Windows family - versions 7, 8.1 and 10.

The main improvements of the new driver are significant: a much shorter time for starting programs, an intuitive interface for setting up a graphics processor, a new manager for setting up profiles for game programs, a new interface for GPU overclocking options, as well as There is no adjustment of display display, video processing or configuration of the AMD monitor output Eyefinity.

Top of the line in Radeon Software Crimson Edition - a complete overhaul of the interface for adjusting the installer to improve the quality of the software when installing, launching or installing a new version of the software. Just as the theater begins with the hanger, so understanding any driver package begins with the installer. According to AMD, the new version has an installation hour speed up by approximately 1.4-1.5 times, equal to the previous installer. We also created a new interface – keep it simple and intelligent.

The functionality of the installer has not changed - you can approximately select the driver components required for installation. Of course (perhaps only for the beta version, the current press), it is important that you can choose to install the server interface: either Radeon Settings (AMD Settings) or AMD Control Center (CCC). Then we were fortunate to have been forgiven and greatly improved the progress of the installer - now we are alone.

Otherwise, in addition to a simplified interface and faster installation, the process differs little from the latest version. And the axis of launching the adjustment of Radeon Settings itself after their installation becomes richer, but not with the clumsy CCC. To launch Radeon Settings, just select the option context menu robotnik Windows desktop or click the mouse on the special red icon at the end of the system tray. You can also quickly select a profile for games and videos from this menu.

New settings of Radeon Settings are launched literally in a second, the initial hour for launching programs is 2-3 times faster than previous versions, and this is really noticeable, especially when re-launching the settings.

In addition, the initialization time for connected displays will be reduced from 11 to 3 seconds. Although it is not so important for the main monitor when starting the system, when you connect an external display or projector to the laptop, you can only move quickly.

If you are concerned about the usability of the new interface, then you can reduce the number of necessary actions in order to achieve any adjustments. For example, in order to install the latest driver, you need to press the mouse buttons, and the new Radeon Software Crimson Edition is content with more than three such pressures. The same is true for the Radeon Settings interface itself.

Let's take a look at all the sides of the new Radeon Settings adjustment panel. cob side shown in the screenshot, and the one below shows the side of the verification of the update of the PZ - it is necessary to do it manually, I want to edge the side for the update to ensure that it is not obligatory:

Let's move on to setting up the Radeon Settings utility itself - here you will need to manually update all settings, the ability to enable the tray icon, contact AMD, as well as how to configure the interface face, including the ability to enable advertising banners (of course, sticky on Maybutnє).

The add-on button clicks Okreme vikno with a completely different interface, familiar to us from earlier versions of CCC - here you can configure additional parameters for working with displays and sound, which (yet?) have not changed in Radeon Settings:

Now let’s move on to the main sections of the new utility. The first button next to the game controller icon clicks a menu with a set of game profiles detected by the driver in the player system. Here you can change the global 3D rendering settings:

On the one hand, you need to manually create profiles for games and change them, on the other hand, the games are not cataloged at all, they all lie in one list of names, which is not necessary manually. Global adjustments and adjustments for specific games are approximately the same, and in terms of functionality they differ little from others:

The main thing is the visual impact of the new interface - it stretches and the utility changes the size to any size (maybe, the minimum boundaries are all lost), automatically re-arranging the order of the controls. This is especially important and careful to ensure that there is a great difference in the permissions of the current devices of the koristuvach.

It’s a pity, but you have to pay for everything - we think that the adjustments have been easily lost in precision and accuracy, equal to what happened before, and all the control elements are the same in their place and not fixed - now they will have to joke before -what kind of changes.

Immediately instruct you to get familiar with the overclocking capabilities, primarily after setting up the settings, but also in the new interface. On this panel you can view the current frequency, temperature, fan speed, as well as change target frequencies, accumulated energy and fan speed - all the same.

The on-board panel is designed for adjusting the video output - you can either select a pre-installed profile from the decals configured in AMD, or adjust your settings by turning on all the high-capacity technologies, such as bno. Guess what, the customization steps have been lost in the additional menu, which you can see right away (amazing thing).

This setup panel is used for configuring displays. In our test system, an LG monitor with FreeSync technology was connected, and we were able to manually indicate frequencies, including the current technology: from 48 to 75 Hz. You don’t need to set up your settings, you can also find the settings in the additional menu.

We can no longer admire the panel with information about the software and hardware configuration of the customer’s system - it manually shows everything necessary in maximum detail, even on three pages.

In general, the new Radeon Settings interface can be accessed manually and can be accessed completely. It works effectively with a lot of CCC and does not have much memory. It’s true that if you open a lot of tabs after starting, you’ll experience system memory You can go up to 175-200 MB, which is a lot in today's world.

And now let's talk about subjective shortcomings. One of the shortcomings we have noticed is the lack of direct selection of the language interface - including installations in the system. It would be bad for the mother to be able to install an English interface, and not because the translation is imperfect, but because there are a lot of Russian words that are too long for such an interface and not go into short blocks. Also, we didn’t like the fact that we can’t turn on any new visibility to the interface.

And we still don’t need additional functionality for monitoring temperatures, frequencies, voltage and other parameters from them displayed on the screen for an hour or in the form of graphs, as obtained from third-party utilities. In addition, regardless of the short stability of the new panel, the work of the program in inactive mode was completed several times without any action on the part of the user - there is still something to work on.

However, it is entirely clear that this problem will remain until the latest beta version is released, which is intended for awareness purposes, so that we will not worry too much, relying on those final version Radeon Software Crimson Edition will be spoiled by the poor ones.

In addition, there is no additional information on the topic - a new uninstallation utility AMD drivers and cleaning the system from its “tails” - . This utility removes everything in advance drivers installed AMD Catalyst, including video and audio drivers, as well as cleaning unnecessary files and registry entries. Cory thing.

Productivity optimization

And another important section is the improvement of rendering speed in games, which is one of the biggest benefits for all computer users. This is especially great when special versions are released, such as Catalyst Omega or Crimson Edition. In the Catalyst Omega edition, optimization of productivity was carried out with great emphasis, but for the Crimson Edition the main change was still the new interface. We also received a lot of attention to the speed of 3D rendering and greater comfort at AMD.

Radeon Software Crimson Edition will provide increased productivity to virtually all users of Radeon video cards, and different sizes it lies in the minds. For example, the increase in frame rate for one of the popular DirectX 12 benchmarks Fable Legends is 7-20%, depending on the separate version: FullHD or 4K, in the remaining case the increase in productivity will be less. This test was carried out on a system with an AMD Radeon R9 Fury X video card, using the Radeon Software Crimson Edition drivers with the old release of AMD Catalyst 15.7.1.

Apart from the same benchmarks, AMD representatives also show significant increases in speed in current games. For example, the increase in mid frequency Call of Duty: Black Ops 3's frame count is around 6-8%, which is within the permitted range. This version of Radeon Software Crimson Edition is the same as AMD Catalyst 15.10 Beta.

This chart shows the growth in several popular games during the last hour, after installing Radeon Software Crimson Edition drivers, updated from Catalyst 15.10 Beta. This also means increased speed of rendering in the operating room Linux system. Gains in Radeon Software Crimson Edition for this system are often close to 10-15%, but sometimes on the right it reaches 50-55% (for Games Total War).

As always, AMD is equalizing rendering speed on new drivers and up to older versions on Catalyst 15.7.1 and 15.10, and the increase is not expected to be large according to AMD itself. We are wondering where it would be best to equalize the fluidity of the latest version with the latest drivers, including the beta version of Catalyst 15.11.1 Beta that remains available on the company’s website, which we have built ourselves ійно. We also took another old version – 15.9.1 Beta.

The set of criteria for our high-quality express test is as follows: Star Wars Battlefront, Fallout 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. For our vimirs we have selected the video card model Radeon R9 380 and a test system based on the top Intel processor under the operating system Windows 7 SP1, we took a separate building 1920×1080 and tried to set the maximum game settings (except for the very powerful Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, where the settings were set nya High). One wonders why we have an increase in speed in these games?

While there may still be some small gains in current games, they're not significant compared to the Crimson Edition that's still available in the beta version of Catalyst. Ale updated with the not new driver version 15.9.1, test video card AMD achieved an additional 5-25% increase to speed. Apparently, for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, the driver was already optimized earlier, but the game speed up was decent. And if we compare the new product with Catalyst 15.11.1 Beta, the increase in games was observed between the destruction of the world - up to 2-4%.

Let's look at the frame rate graphs for the most important games taken as a result of testing:

Productivity graphs in the tested games confirm our findings - no particular increase in productivity was noted with the remaining available video driver Catalyst 15.11.1 Beta. And the axis driver of the old version 15.9.1 is clearly present in almost all games that were tested for testing.

Shader caching

It’s not just the frame rate that determines the user’s comfort, but also other indicators that were improved in the new Crimson Edition driver. For example, it is significant that shader caching is becoming possible - storing compiled shader code on storage devices, which can speed up the acquisition and development of rich game projects that use DirectX 10 and DirectX 11.

Why is shader cache needed? It’s a lot of time to imagine a clear “seamless” world, shaders in which the video driver is used right before the start of the game, and they also need to be compiled so that you can create fluctuations in the frame rate and more time to attract rivals And my dear. The shader cache saves shaders before they are compiled and quickly extracts them from their analogues when needed in a ready-made look, which requires less work for the CPU and video driver. As a result, the hour of engagement with friends and peers decreases, and there is also a sharp drop in productivity (frame rate spikes) during the hour of play.

A secondary shader cache is installed in game profiles, and the information is saved in the AppDataLocalAMDDXCache directory. For certain games, Shader Cache is already enabled in profiles after registration, but you can also enable it in the Radeon Settings 3D adjustment manager.

These are all the words, but what in real time fascination, why is it really changing? According to AMD, enabling the shader cache reduces the reload time (if the cache already has shaders compiled) for games such as Bioshock Infinite and Star Wars Battlefront. Running the benchmark in the first game without cached shaders takes 11.35 seconds, and with a larger cache it takes just 9.96 seconds, which is 12% less. For Star Wars Battlefront, the hour of Survival - Endor with cached shaders is 34.5% faster - it takes 11.2 seconds instead of 17.10 seconds. Nasty growth!

While there is an increase in smoothness directly during gameplay, another scenario in which the shader cache is added is games that send shaders to play directly in the world of play, and not the competition of the level. There are many possible productivity gains due to the fact that the CPU starts working on compiling shader code right before the start of the game. The shader cache significantly reduces the likelihood of such problems arising due to shader compilation itself.

How do you perform in the middle of the graphics, with shader caches enabled for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (High Quality tuned, SMAA T2X anti-aliasing enabled at 4K resolution) on a configuration with a pair of Radeon R9 390X video cards in Cross mode Fire is kindly marked for the vindicated keshuvanny. The value of 2149 ms for rendering a frame means a very noticeable “disturbance” in the game process - one frame was shown on the screen for more than two seconds, and the game’s action was not displayed for the entire hour. Increasing the shader cache causes the rendering speed to drop significantly, resulting in consistently smooth video.

Improvement in frame pacing technology

Supporting smoother multi-core rendering with the help of additional frame pacing technology has been available in AMD drivers for a long time now in Catalyst 13.12. The technology works for CrossFire configurations, which are typical for desktop GPUs, and with the increased effort of APUs and GPUs when working on rendering – for AMD Dual Graphics configurations. The new version of Radeon Software Crimson Edition transfers this technology to games that use not only DirectX 10 and 11, but also DirectX 9, including many games, including e-sports.

The graph shows hours of work on rendering frames gri The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which uses DirectX 9 on a test CrossFire system, which consists of a pair of Radeon R9 Fury X video cards - as you know, it is unacceptable for the comfort of changing the frame rendering time, typical for early rich-core systems, in which podku vdayutnі. The technology works on all supported graphics processors from AMD, as well as older APU A8 models.

Improved FreeSync technology

We have already talked more than once about the technology of dynamically changing the update frequency of AMD FreeSync, which eliminates such artifacts when displaying a sequence of frames, such as image tearing (“tearing” appears when vertical synchronization is enabled - V- Sync off) and causes blurring and uneven display frames when synchronization is increased (when V-Sync on is enabled).

Radeon Software Crimson Edition brings support for this technology for CrossFire-configured DirectX 9 games, this version introduces compensation for low frame rates, and AMD also announced that it will work with the monitor's processors іv over the inclusion of dynamic synchronization FreeSync when connecting displays via HDMI.

The biggest concern for us is compensation for low frame rates Low Framerate Compensation (LFC). When the frame rate drops below the minimum refresh rate of the display with FreeSync support, a special adaptive algorithm automatically changes the output frames and their refresh rate to reduce unwanted stuttering frame rates.

In other words, at FPS below the minimum refresh rate and vertical synchronization (VSync on) FreeSync was not working before, which caused unsmoothness in frame changes. But now, with LFC enabled, frame changes will be smooth. When synchronization is turned on, these same minds are wary of frame tearing (so-called tearing), and turning on LFC reduces this.

No settings are required on the computer or updating the monitor, this feature is automatically enabled on all monitors with FreeSync support, the maximum update frequency for some or more exceeds the minimum. For example, our test LG monitor has a minimum refresh rate of 48 Hz and a maximum refresh rate of 75 Hz, and this technology will not work, leaving 75/48 = 1.5625, which is less than twice. It's a pity.

Energy optimization

Another important issue is power efficiency, especially for AMD, whose power supply is not among the leaders. New driver Radeon Software Crimson Edition includes power optimization features that are useful for watching videos and playing slow-moving game projects and features that can be improved for Radeon graphics cards, including the Radeon R7 360 , R9 380, R9 390 and R9 Fury.

For example, there is a clear decrease in the amount of energy accumulated when watching high-definition videos. Energy savings in this type of situation are quite noticeable, and will result from reduced noise from the cooling system of the video card and case, which is regulated according to the temperature in the middle of the PC. The current graph shows the change in energy levels per hour of watching streaming video from YouTube in FullHD on a 4K display.

Equivalent energy savings by a processor-based system Intel Core i7 5960X and Radeon R9 Fury X video cards, with Catalyst 15.7.1 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition drivers installed. The new version allows you to significantly reduce the energy consumption of this system, the energy consumption of the GPU itself is reduced significantly, and the overall energy efficiency of the system is also noticeably improved.

A decent reduction in energy efficiency can be achieved in other games using additional technology Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC), which allows you to set a target frame rate, reducing both the demand on the GPU and its energy consumption. We already wrote about this technology, which appeared in Catalyst 15.7, which allows you to reduce the energy consumption of the graphics processor, so that it does not need to work with the robot, reducing the frame rate at a higher rate. Instead, the GPU uses less energy and produces less heat, which results in less noise from the cooler.

It is important that FRTC does not work only in 3D scenes, but also on the screens of game menus, where FPS often reaches stifling frequencies, and the GPU is at a premium. For obvious reasons, FRTC is most stagnant in “light” games, where the importance of the GPU is small, like older projects, and since the connections to a fully loaded system, the monitor has a low level of separation.

The Crimson Edition has a wider range of frame rates and a wider range of target frame rates. Now all programs like vikory are supported DirectX version 9, 10 and 11 ( previous version D3D9 was simply not supported), and the target frame rate could be between 30 and 200 FPS. The following diagram shows the increased energy efficiency achieved by enabling FRTC in the Rocket League game, which runs DirectX 9, with a separate 1920x1080 partition.

The powered system based on the AMD Radeon R9 Fury X graphics card consumes 297 W per FPS, while the Fury X consumes 175 W, and the frame rate is set to 90 FPS, giving only 172 W and 61 W. obviously. Total savings of 125 W when using Radeon Software Crimson Edition.

FRTC technology has been enhanced for game applications that support DirectX 10 and DirectX 11. Although this support appeared in Catalyst 15.7.1, modifications to Radeon Software Crimson Edition allow achieving better The efficiency has been improved with older versions of drivers. So, with Bioshock Infinite, a separate 4K version with a high-power Radeon R9 Fury X video card has a frame rate reduction of 60 FPS, saving up to 107 W is achieved with a high-power Radeon Software Crimson Edition, although Cat. alyst 15.7.1 allows you to save up to 50 W. Almost the same as playing Sniper Elite in the same minds, but reducing FPS to 55 - Crimson Edition saves 190 W of energy, and the old version of Catalyst is less than 90 W. The increase in energy efficiency is more obvious!

Improved video and image display

With the new features of Radeon Software Crimson Edition, we have significant enhancements designed to increase the power of video creation. New drivers have technologies for adaptive contrast change and increased directional scaling. The new version of AMD drivers has six pre-installed profiles, as well as a pre-installed profile and setup for the user.

When you select a profile, the setup steps change depending on the screen size, the content that is being displayed, and the player that is being viewed. All additional image processing technologies are included behind the scenes. In the camera mode, you can select the values ​​of sharpness, color saturation, steady video and fluid motion technology.

A new feature that has appeared in the Crimson Edition is direct scaling, increased smoothness of lines on the edges of the image displayed when the image is displayed. low tolerance on current displays- when playing separate 1080p video data on 4K monitors. In simpler terms, the technology allows you to significantly change the “bats” in the image displayed using basic scaling algorithms. The easiest way to understand this is in practice (imitation):

The direct upscaling algorithm displays 1080p content more clearly on 4K displays, using an adaptive upscaling filter that enhances the edges of the image and makes it look better. For this filter you need a video card Radeon series R9 Fury Series or Radeon Nano, as well as support for browsers and media players. The technology is automatically turned on when video is played separately in 1080p on 4K displays.

With the release of Crimson Edition, the dynamic video contrast algorithm has become adaptive and can be changed according to the video. Adaptive dynamic contrast allows you to increase the contrast of the image by removing unoccupied dark areas, so that the image on them is no longer visible. Dynamic contrast is set to the selected video profile and is selected. To use the adaptive contrast algorithm for video data, a Radeon R9 285, R9 380 (X) or R9 Fury series video card is required.

New video processing capabilities previously unavailable on hybrid processors have begun to be available on sixth-generation APUs with a TDP of 35 W, such as the AMD FX-8800P and AMD A10-8700P. Options include image reduction, frame rate reduction, and a filter for enhanced detail. The first two options work when burning Blu-Ray discs using CyberLink PowerDVD 15.

The new Crimson Edition drivers have an incentive to add driver permissions, which allows you to create your own power mode, change timings, update frequency, etc. This capability is available in additional adjustments Radeon Settings, which you can click on in the near future.

The ability to create the permissions of a customer for assistance Radeon Crimson Software Edition is available to everyone graphics processors AMD Radeon, which runs on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 operating systems.

Another useful feature has appeared - virtual resolution not only for 3D applications, but for everything, including the Windows 10 desktop. This feature allows you to get more space on the display when Wikoristannya Windows 10 and monitors with high resolution and pixel density of more than 150 DPI.

VSR technology can be used to install a large separate part of the desktop on a display of a smaller part, which can be difficult in certain situations - for example, when displaying the same image and separate settings on two monitors with different separate settings, or for the task, What do you get from more space, larger tables, video and photo editing, when programmed in other situations?

For example, on a laptop that has a separate screen of 1920x1080 pixels and 150 DPI, you can set a separate screen of 2560x1440 pixels to see more This is for reshaping the windows on the work table.

New for retailers

U stable robot And the rich functionality of drivers for video cards is not limited by other AMD solutions, as well as by software developers - 3D video games. For them, one of the good news will be the emergence of technology support AMD LiquidVR The Crimson Edition driver is the first publicly available driver with this functionality.

AMD's initiative is promoting and reducing costs virtual reality Allows developers to take advantage of new driver capabilities related to the operation of VR devices: affinity multi-GPU (a pair of GPUs work over their own VR image frame), Direct to Display (simpler connection of virtual reality devices i), Latest Data Latch locking with fast transmission to GPU data), asynchronous shader shading Asynchronous Shaders. LiquidVR technology supports the operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 10, supporting graphics processors Radeon R9 290, Radeon R9 390 and Radeon R9 Fury, as well as dual configurations.

A couple of words about the asynchronous execution of shader code, which is rightfully written by AMD. All of their solutions, based on graphics processors of the GCN architecture, have hardware support in the form of special Asynchronous Compute Engines, which asynchronously compose commands that need to be sent. Hardware implementation has an advantage over the software approach of competitors and allows you to increase productivity in those situations that are constantly changing different types calculate

This possibility is already being widely exploited by various game developers, including console ones, and not only the asynchronous development of shaders for the creation of virtual reality. So, as greater parallelism in different calculations results in a reduction in delays, it is important for the comfort of those who work in virtual reality.

In addition to the ongoing VR, the new version of the Radeon Software Crimson Edition drivers has added several optional features included with OpenCL 2.0 (Open Computing Language) - the industry standard for high-performance computing. chennya. Among these possibilities are 32-bit support for the Generic Address Space (Windows only), support for buffers larger than 4 GB, support for images with mipmap levels and depth maps.

We can guess another more important solution for retailers, like AMD. Just a few days ago, AMD CodeXL 1.9 was released - a set of utilities for comprehensive work with profiling, analysis and search for errors in software for 3D developers. CodeXL integrates with the Microsoft Visual Studio package, so it is seamless and does not require modification special code additional information.

New features that have appeared or improved in this version of CodeXL: energy profiling (energy, frequency, voltage and core temperature in real time, including related to APU components: video core and universal numerical cores) for more than two graphics processors simultaneously, static analysis, writing OpenGL shaders on Linux, searching for bugs (GPU Debugging) in HSAIL programs, supporting the Ubuntu 15.04 operating system and correcting found bugs.

Fixed bugs in earlier versions of Catalyst

To reach beautiful yakost and stability, the company conducted twice as many automated driver tests as compared to the Catalyst Omega driver, a quarter more hours were spent on testing the driver with a 15% greater number of results their software and hardware configurations.

Moreover, AMD planned to continue the practice of telling the developers about those problems that need to be put first on its mind. That's why, before the release of Crimson Edition, they smelled the strength of AMD's core solutions, and created a list of a dozen of the most important ones for current driver versions. For their leadership, the company created a local team that was engaged in the enforcement of such amendments and their removals, and all these problems were successfully resolved in the driver version, which is being discussed.

This is a list of the ten most important changes in the Crimson Edition driver:

  • Launching a game program with one-hour video playback on the edged display without crashing the system
  • FreeSync technology sometimes did not work as the game was launched simultaneously with various types of video being played on the YouTube video streaming platform.
  • For a pair of Radeon 295X2 video cards, the option to enable and enable CrossFire configuration for additional CCC may not be available
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 crashed when using Radeon video cards
  • Beware of displaying a black screen when using the Windows 10 operating system between the Windows logo and the Windows account login window.
  • Diablo 3 has been on the rise in Act 2 Desolate Sands
  • GTA V completed the game on various configurations with a Radeon R9 390X video card
  • There may be a problem with the installation of the remaining versions of drivers on the Radeon R9 380 series video card.
  • Ashes of the Singularity ran smoothly on various models of Radeon 300 series video cards with 2 GB of video memory
  • Created video in MPEG2 format required processing or decoding of video


Based on our review material, which describes the capabilities of a completely new version of the AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition video driver, it can be seen that the company’s new software is actively Their versions of the driver, which are called Catalyst, give developers and retailers new features that are significantly faster.

The new version of the driver, which was called Radeon Software Crimson Edition, also had improved stability and corrected major bugs in earlier versions, including those recommended by the developers. There has also been a slight increase in productivity for 3D rendering in current games in many minds, albeit slightly, consistent with the remaining beta version of Catalyst.

The main thing you need to see is among the new products from Radeon Software - a completely new interface for adjusting the video driver called Radeon Settings. So, there are some shortcomings, but the new interface clearly looks much more modern than the old CCC, it scales to different sizes of windows, there are a number of new features and adjustments. In addition, it is much easier to use it, since it significantly shortens the time for launching the configuration utility and installing the driver in general.

You can also see improvements in the quality of video data processing: special post-processing algorithms that improve image clarity, increased comfort and smooth frame rates when playing with a shader cache and improved technology ї frame pacing for rich-chip rendering. There is also a significant reduction in the technology of dynamically changing the AMD FreeSync update frequency and increased energy efficiency when watching videos and in games from the stagnant technology of frame rate interchange FRTC - they allow lower and the energy gained by the system once there is a significant reserve of productivity.

For consumers, the new version of the drivers will also not go unnoticed, and for the first time there has been public support for the virtual reality technology LiquidVR, several new functions based on the OpenCL 2.0 standard, support for new versions of utilities and CodeXL, and much more.

It is expected that Radeon Technologies Group will continue to improve both the software and hardware of AMD's graphics solutions, as well as the introduction of new technologies and capabilities in them. The final driver will be available for purchase.

AMD not only produces a wide range of video cards for different price categories, but also provides a new set of software that allows you to customize the equipment for a variety of purposes. This list includes drivers, panels, Game programs but otherwise. This article tells you how to set up a video card for AMD Radeon gaming using various utilities and programs.

Ways to customize

Let's take a look at the methods of adjusting and increasing the productivity of a video card in sight Pokrov's servants. The following instructions will be:

  • by updating drivers;
  • configuration via a proprietary control panel;
  • adjustment in;
  • optimization in the middle of the game.

Using these methods allows you to achieve an increase in productivity in various computer games.


The first reason why current games can be played on your old video card is because the drivers are outdated. You can update them and speed up your video card this way through:

  • AMD official website.
  • Standard Windows add-on.

You can download the package from the official website. To do this, open the resource and go to the “Drivers and support” section. In the “Select driver manually” column, select the video card model, operating system version and download the archive.

Before installing a new driver, you need to uninstall the old one. To do this, open Device Manager. You can do this like this:

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon and select “Power”.
  2. Then go to the “Device Manager” section.
  3. In the “Video adapters” box, find the video card and right-click on it. From the authorities you can find out the characteristics of the AMD Radeon video card and driver settings.
  4. Click on the “Uninstall driver” button. After this, it is possible to reduce the screen size.

Now let's proceed to installing a new version of the driver. We unpack the archives into a folder on your hard drive and launch the installer. During installation, the image on the display may flash for a few seconds. Once the process is complete, promptly restart your computer.

So you can speed up your video card in current games, and with the release of the next great project, AMD is releasing a new version of the driver with optimization and corrections to the front-end fixes.

You can install the driver using standard operating system features:

  1. Go to “Device Manager”.
  2. Click on your video card with the right mouse button and select the “Power” item.
  3. In another government account, click “Update driver.”
  4. Then select the automatic method to search for updates and check for the procedure to be completed.
  5. The system itself will find the new version and install it.

AMD Catalyst Control Center

This utility is similar to the Nvidia control panel. It is automatically installed with a driver package from the official website, so we recommend that you use the first method to update the software as quickly as possible. Through standard search Windows drivers do not install the control panel.

Standard setup

To open the program and set up an AMD Radeon video card for gaming, you need to right-click on the desktop and go to AMD Catalyst Control Center. In the window, click on the “Options” button. Here you can vibrati expanded or standard vistava. If you are an experienced user, you can adjust the skin settings and video card characteristics in addition to additional capabilities. However, we do not recommend that you experiment in this section without knowing what parameters the other parameter represents.

Select the item “Standard presentation” and open the “Games” section. Then we move on to the section “Productivity in Games”. The adjustment of an AMD Radeon video card for gaming is presented in the form of the initial steps of selecting the graphics brilliance. The settings are set to change the picture in the game regardless of the internal adjustments. This way you can achieve high productivity on weak video cards or, for example, improve the picture on weaker systems.

In the first tab, you select the smoothing parameters between softening, 2X, 4X, etc. The image will show the changes as a graphic. Dali let's go get better smoothing method. To get more FPS from the game, click the button next to the “Productivity” position.

The third point is anisotropic filtration. Here you need to uncheck the box “Vikoristovat customize programs”. After this, the video card can be ignored and the system will install its settings. This is where the standard data ends.

More details

Click “Options” again and select “Expand view.” The program for setting up an AMD Radeon video card allows you to set parameters that will be applied to all games that are launched.

Now you need to open the “Play” section on the left side of the window. Here you can select different modes and capabilities. You can also set the smoothing, filtering, and frame rate settings for skin contouring. This function allows you to achieve maximum productivity in various programs. This utility allows you to configure AMD Radeon on Windows 7, 8 and 10 without any problems.

Vikoristovamo Gaming Evolved

AMD also has a similar program, which is analogous Nvidia GeForce Experience. Our main task is to collect information about the installation of the game and optimize it for the size of your personal computer.

From the list of known games you will see everything that is installed on your PC. If the game didn’t work out, you can add it manually. The additional function is also to collect statistics on award-winning players, and so on.

In the table you will see the exact settings of the graphics as set by the game itself, and in the second column a list of optimal picture brightness parameters that will help you achieve the maximum balance between productivity and beautiful images.

Using the adjacent button, you can select parameters aimed at productivity, brightness or a compromise between two extremes. The principle of the program is the same as that of the AMD Catalyst Control Center.

Do not change video card settings in advanced settings without proper knowledge. Otherwise, you will have to re-install all the settings or re-install the driver again.

Keep an eye on the release of new driver versions. All new projects suffer from poor optimization after release, so a graphical shortcut generator software can help you with this.


Now you know how to set up an AMD Radeon video card for gaming so that your computer can see maximum power frames per second without greatly reducing the graphics quality. The methods described in the article will be relevant for weak computers de leather frame on the rakhunka.

In past articles, I have learned how you can improve productivity in games (frames per second FPS) by setting the settings correctly Nvidia video cards. Now it's time for AMD (Ati Radeon).

These recommendations from the article will help you speed up your AMD video card without overclocking, mainly by changing the picture quality. Before speaking, sometimes such a change in the quality of graphics is practically not noticeable for the eye!

And this way we can boost productivity as soon as possible.

1. Setting up drivers - updating

First of all, before changing the video card settings, I recommend checking and updating the drivers. Drivers can have a huge impact on productivity, and they can also impact work in general!

For example, around 12-13 years ago I had an Ati Radeon 9200 SE video card and installed the driver, for sure, version 3 (~Catalyst v.3.x). So axis, long time ago not by updating the drivers, but by installing them from the disk that comes from the PC. In games, I had a terrible fire appear (it was practically not visible), as if I had installed other drivers - the picture on the monitor was completely changed! (small lyrical approach)

Driver Pack Solution - 7-8 GB. You only need to enable it once and then you can use it on laptops and computers that are not connected to the Internet. Tobto. This package is a large base of drivers that can be placed on a primary flash drive.

A program that scans your computer (more precisely, everything you own), and then checks it on the Internet - there are no new drivers. Yakshcho no – apparently green tick, that everything is fine; as they will be - give direct messages, for which you can attract updates. Very handy!

Slim drivers. New drivers were found and installed on the PC.

2. Easy setup to speed up AMD video cards in games

Sorry for what? It’s so easy to get back to the PC itself from these data. Before speaking, we will speed up the video card to change the brightness of the picture that is displayed in the game.

1) Right-click on your desktop and select “AMD Catalyst Control Center” (you will have either the same name or something very similar to it).

4) In this section we have two tabs: “ productivity in games"ta" image brightness". It will be necessary to go through the skin and adjust (more below).

5) In the section " Start/play/productivity in games/standard 3D image adjustments“We recognize the increase in productivity and we recognize the rule of “Koristuvatsk adjustments.” Screenshot below.

6) Start/Play/Image Brightness/Smoothing

Here the proportions of points are clear: morphological filtration and program adjustment. We also turn on the Standard filter and turn it up to 2X.

7) Start/play/image strength/smoothing method

This investment simply has a knock-on effect on productivity.

8) Start/Play/Image Vibrancy/Anisotropic Filtration

This parameter can even affect the FPS of the game. What is important at this point is the visual display of how to change the picture in the game, so as to destroy the slide to the left (for productivity). Before speaking, it is still necessary to remove the rule from the point “Vikoristovuvat customization of programs.”

Please save the settings and restart the game after all changes. As a rule, as the game’s FPS increases, the picture begins to run much smoother and play in general an order of magnitude more comfortable.

3. Expanded customization for increased productivity

Go to the settings for AMD video card drivers and set the parameters to " Expanded manifestation"(Div. screenshot below).

Now, to increase productivity, you need to set advanced parameters (before speaking, their order and names may vary slightly, depending on the driver version and video card model).

Smoothing mode:
Smoothing of the sample: 2x
Filter: Standard
Smoothing method: Multiple selection
Morphological filtration: Vimk.

Anisotropic filtration mode: Re-value parameters and programs
Level of anisotropic filtration: 2x
Texture filtering brush: Productivity
Optimization of surface format: Uvmk.

Cecati on vertical update: Zavzhdi vimk.
OpenLG Triple buffering: Vimk.

Tessellation mode: Optimized by AMD
Maximum tessellation rate: Optimized by AMD

After this, save the setup and launch the game. The speed of FPS is growing!

That's all, good luck to everyone!

Catalyst Control Center is a security program released by AMD, which is designed for the management and adjustment of video cards (AMD brand only). This software is a single control center that does not require additional software programs and includes all the necessary tools.
The Catalyst Control Center program allows you to fine-tune the parameters of your video card, keep track of updated drivers, which are installed automatically from the official AMD website. If you are the owner of AMD's video card, then you simply need to use this program in order to properly adjust and increase the productivity of your video card for comfortable work.

Unfortunately, this security program has ceased to be released and supported. In early 2014, the AMD company released a major update of Catalyst Omega drivers, and then decided to once again introduce a large brand that it had been using for thirteen years. Thus, the Catalyst Control Center program is no longer supported as of 2015, and in its place a new software program, Radeon Software Crimson Edition, was released, which is still relevant today and may include remaining drivers with expanded functionality.

Many people continue to use Catalyst Control Center to configure their video cards, because this program has a simple and intuitive interface with a wide range of tools.

Main functionality:

  • Adjusting productivity.
  • Desktop control.
  • Adjusting productivity for work and watching videos.
  • Adjustment of communication between two graphics processors.
  • Adjusting productivity in games.
  • Keruvannya zhivlennyam vіdeokarta.
  • Driver updates.
  • Information about innovations in updated drivers.
  • Secret information about the video card.
  • Controlling the frequency of the CPU processor.
  • Control and adjustment of more than one monitor.

Through steady renewal drivers for their video cards, AMD needs to adjust the parameters of your video card for optimal and most productive work with various programs and games, for which you will need the Catalyst Control Center program.

This software can help you deal with the problem that you have an old video card, the program will help you properly configure your video card and access optimal robot With programs you can slightly increase FPS in games.

This program independently monitors all changes in updated video card drivers and notifies the customer about it.

Also, Catalyst Control Center will help you connect and configure 2 or more monitors to one or more video cards.

You may notice that the monitor is dark and does not clearly convey color and contrast, but with the help of this program you can adjust these parameters yourself, bypassing the standard monitor adjustments.

Having understood all the space and functionality of the Catalyst Control Center programs, you can clearly understand that you are the master of a computer or laptop based on AMD platforms, you just need to install this program in order to use it in the adjusted and controlled settings of your computer or video card.


To begin with, we need to download this security program from the official website, for which we follow the instructions:

In the window, click on the message indicating the version and capacity of your operating system, after which you will need the installation package. This software is suitable for operating systems Windows 7/8/8.1/10 with a capacity of X64 and x32.

After you have installed Catalyst Control Center, launch the installer and go through all the installation steps, when selecting the installation type, select “Sweep installation”, in which option the installer will check how to install the driver for your video card and install the Catalyst Control Center software itself .

After the installation is complete, we restart the computer and launch the program.

When you launch the program for the first time, it may take a long time to launch, so be patient and watch it.

The installation of the Catalyst Control Center software has now been completed.

Checking updated video card drivers

Catalyst Control Center automatically updates the drivers for your video card. In order to check the updated version of the driver, go to the “Information” menu and select the “Firmware update” item.

The deposit is pressed “Check for updates”. In this case, when driver updates are detected, you will be prompted to download the download option, press the “Download now” button and the program will automatically download and install them.

Adjusting productivity for your benefit

The first thing you need to do when you first start it is to change the default window to the extended one. This can be accessed in the “Options” menu, which is located in the upper right corner. In the menu, select the “Expanded display” option.

Thus, all tools will be available to us from setup in this program.

Remember that if you are using a computer that is mostly based on the AMD platform, then you have 2 graphics cores, an integrated video core in the processor, and a discrete video card. In this situation, when the system is configured through the Catalyst Control Center program, parameters with the “Energy Saving” icon will be set to the video core built into the processor, and all parameters with the “Highly Productive” icon will be set to the discrete video card, which plugged in to the socket PCI express.

Adjustment by reviewing videos and photos

In order to adjust the color transmission of your video card while watching movies, you need to open the “Video” section and go to the “Color (power-saving graphics adapters)” tab, place the adjustment icon on the section and “Koristuvachi”.

After using additional tools, adjust the image to the parameters that suit you best.

Next, in the “Video” menu, select the “Yakness (power-saving graphics adapters)” tab. In this window, we remove all the checkboxes from all items, except for “Deinterlacing”, so as not to use the graphics processor again and increase the number of FPS per hour of watching high-quality 2K and 4K video .

Once you have adjusted the parameters, you will be able to view the video and photo in the “AMD Steady Video” section of the “Video” menu. This function allows you to stabilize the video during filming of any kind. This option allows you to change the video level for comfortable viewing, and if you need a graphics adapter again, you may want to deactivate this option if your video card is low-powered.

In the “Color (High-Performance Graphics Adapters)” and “Brightness (High-Performance Graphics Adapters)” sections, parameters are set in the same way.
And finally, after adjusting the parameters for viewing videos and photos, in the “Accelerated video processing” section, put a checkmark on “Turn off the accelerated hardware.” This parameter allows you to revitalize the graphics processor during the creation of high-format videos, or during the editing and creation of videos through special programs.

Setting up for igor

In order to adjust the productivity of your video card in games, you need to go to the “Games” menu and then adjust the 3D graphics parameters of the programs. For which we need to open the sections “Adjustment of 3D add-ons (Energy-saving graphics adapters)” and “Adjustment of 3D add-ons (High-performance graphics adapters)”, we can carry out adjustments in these sections no graphics in games different models video card

Please note the AMD Radeon Dual Graphics section, this option is developed by the AMD company and if your computer is based on the AMD platform, it allows you to enable a number of graphics processors for powerful robots not the benefits and productivity of graphics. If you enable this function, it will significantly increase the productivity of the video card in games and applications that require faster graphics processing.

Adjusting system productivity

In order to adjust the productivity of the entire system, we need to open the “Productivity” menu and select the “CPU Management” item. If you are using a computer, set the processor frequency to the maximum value. If you are the owner of an AMD-based laptop, then it is better to go to this adjustment more carefully, since we will have access to 2 parameters for adjusting the processor frequency.

  • Battery type. This parameter can be adjusted so that when the maximum parameter is set, the rate of battery discharge will increase, allowing the processor to handle more power. If you want to keep your laptop running for an hour on battery power, do not set the maximum value.
  • Connected. This parameter can be set to its maximum value to increase productivity central processor This means that your laptop is connected to the limit and does not consume battery resources.

Switching between these modes is automatic. Be aware that the processor temperature may increase.

As for the “AMD OverDrive” item, this parameter allows the Catalyst Control Center program to independently evaluate all overclocking options for your central processor and select the most suitable ones for increased productivity. Also, in some versions of AMD OverDrive drivers, it allows for smoother wrapping of video card or laptop coolers. Please enable this option and manually adjust these parameters in the more described section “CPU Management”.

Adjusting life

In this section, you can fine-tune the living parameters for laptops, and the energy saving of the laptop itself is limited to the battery or battery. If you are the owner of the computer, then I recommend setting such parameters as “PowerPlay”, “Global graphics settings that are mixed” to “Maximum productivity”. When selecting such parameters, the system does not save electricity.

If you have discrete and embedded graphics from the same AMD brand, then when you select the “Maximum performance” option, the system will always render graphics from the discrete video card. If you select another parameter, the system will switch between two video cards to save energy, which can have a negative impact on productivity in games, or increase battery life.

Let’s take a closer look at the item “Graphics settings to switch.” For which section you can adjust special parameters of productivity and specific needs graphics core Suitable for every installed program on your computer. Thus, for games or programs that create high-quality videos, you can set “high-productivity” parameters, and for add-ons that do not require good graphic processing, and so that system, you can set the “Energy Saving” parameter, which in every system Vikoristovat for many programs to use the video chip.

If you select the “Monitor programs” function, which is enabled in the “Monitor programs of graphics adapters that are interconnected” item, you can set the automatic re-mixing of graphics adapters between add-ons.

We looked at the parameters in which you can adjust the productivity of your video card to maximum values. The existence of other sections will be briefly described below, since their adjustment does not affect the productivity of the system.

Reasons why Catalyst Control Center does not start

The reasons why Catalyst Control Center stopped starting could be a problem. Let's look at the broadest causes and methods for solving them.

Outdated driver. One of the reasons that the program stopped starting may be that the drivers are outdated, resulting in a conflict between the Catalyst Control Center and the video card drivers and the launch cannot be carried out. The most serious problem may arise from updating drivers, for which go to the official AMD website and install the latest version of drivers for the video card.

Nonsense. The same reason that the launch does not occur may be that the version of the Catalyst Control Center software is installed incorrectly.
The solution to this problem will be to install the correct software that suits your needs. operating system. To do this, please check the capacity and version of your Windows OS, then go to the official website and download the version that is suitable for you.

Antivirus programs. The reason could be that the Catalyst Control Center is blocked by antivirus programs.
More severe problems may be promptly disabled by antivirus software or listed by Catalyst Control Center as disabled.

Corruption of program files. You may have easily deleted certain directory files using the Catalyst Control Center program, or your antivirus program has created it for you. So it’s not easy to reveal the sector option hard drive there were troubles.

A solution for this reason may be outside view that reinstallation of software security.

If the problem with startup could not be resolved, and the error “Unable to launch AMD Catalyst Control Center in present moment" is lost, then you need to update all drivers in Windows.

Yak vidality software

To view the AMD Catalyst Control Center, the program is quickly set to standard especially Windows.
For which we open the ceramic panel. To open the Windows panel, press the Win + R key and enter the “control” command in the “Viscont” row.

At the window of the control panel, click on the “View programs” item.

We know the Catalyst Control Center program, click on it with the right mouse button and select the “Change” item in the menu.

In the installation wizard, which opens, select “Show access to ALL AMD software components” and click on.

We check for completion of the transaction, after which we will restart the computer.


After reading this article, you became aware of software security AMD company, a unified control center AMD Catalyst Control Center. With additional programs, you can configure your video card as efficiently as possible to increase productivity in games or watching high-format videos and films. The great advantage of this program is the ability to configure a system with more than one graphics processor.

As of today, AMD Catalyst Control Center is no longer supported by AMD and has since been released. new program Radeon Software Crimson Edition, which includes new features and customization tools. Well, after all, there are a lot of people who continue to use it, because there is a very user-friendly and sensible interface with a set of all the necessary tools.

If you have an old AMD branded video card and want to run programs that require high graphics processing, then you need to set up video card parameters through the AMD Catalyst Control Center to improve productivity.

In this article I will show you exactly how to adjust your video card for maximum productivity in games. This article is for those who have updated their drivers to the latest version with a changed interface.

To go to the video card driver control panel, you need to click on the desktop with the right mouse button and select “Radeon setup”.

In the window, select the “Play” tab.

Next, select “Global parameters”. When you select global parameters, we configure settings for all game settings that you have.

For global parameters, the settings can be set as follows, as if they were a little lower.

1. Smoothing mode: vikoristovvati adjust the program
2. Smoothing method: multiple selection
3. Morphological filtration: stir
4. Anisotropic filtration mode: adjust the program settings
5. Texture filtering power: productivity
6. Optimization of surface format: stick in
7. Cecati on the vertical update: vimknuti
8. Triple buffering Opengl: on.
9. Shader cache: viknuti
10. Tessellation mode: customize your program
11. Energy efficiency: stick in
12. Frame rate control: turn on

Once adjusted, FPS in games will be stable, and gaming will be much more comfortable.