Bring in the background and let us see through. Yak clean up the background

When robotic with images, flies are brought out from the cutlets, so that the background is from the picture.

It’s a heartless song, you can download video clips, like, in its greatness, go with a big background. As a matter of fact, it’s clear, it’s necessary to be amused. I have guessed the chotiri ways to make it possible. About them and go ahead in the whole statty.

way 1

Arrive biliy background at the image, having stuck the tool.

One of the simplest ones quick ways vikonannya this kind of operation. Vibrate the eraser on the toolbar, click on the white dust. As a result, all bile pixels will be seen and shake the background, which speaks about the manifestation of vision in lieu of the background.

Or maybe it’s so, well, beyond the white dust, on the very image you can see the pictures close to the whiteness.

Yak bachite, on the image, there was a part of the sword and deyaki elements on the lids of the lyric. There are two reasons for such an unacceptable effect. Flying up to the tool parameters panel.

1. snug pikseliv... wonder if there is a tick in the whole set. It’s possible to talk about those who will be seen all the pixels of the same color (the very same parts of the image were seen). Check the box and Photoshop will see only those pixels, which will stick around.

2.Tolerance. Often the background is stored in a whole set of views, for example, of the same color. If you have a meaningful tolerance, you will see more of the times you see the program. Most often, it should be carried out to the border near the image (a small border is in the background of the pixels). Increase the tolerance and the lining will get smaller and smaller.

Є One more command for a clear lining: Ball - Obrobka edges - Arrange an oblyamivka.

Sposib 2 Seeing the background for help.

Naivazhivishe - don't forget to unlock the background ball. I have already written about it more than once, but I will repeat it again. Yakshho on palіtri balls, bіlya minіatury ball є a small lock, which means vіn blockages. Sliding clink on the whole ball I will make it into a new, Yaky can be redaguvati.

Now, vibravshi Charivna stick, play the clicks in the background. Vin is seen as "marching like a fly." It’s too late to press the Backspace key. Show up again check background.

Yak and with a charming eraser, I respect the parameters of the tolerance of those summery pixels. The smell is similar.

way 3

Briefly tse viglyadє so:

1. We have є an image. I would like to take away all the more so that it’s just the foresight of the background.

2. Stvoryuєmo duplicate of the blue channel. Onslaught Ctrl + L. Onslaught Rivn. Pochinaєmo ruhati povzunki so that all the sere became as close to black as possible. In other words, it is necessary to aspire to such a result, so that, as you would like to see it, it became bilim, and the rashta became obscene.

3. Now there is an onslaught on the miniature of the duplicate channel we have set up with the pressed-in Ctrl key. There was a vision. Shvidshe for everything, the video will be able to invert - the onslaught is Shift + Ctrl + I. Now you can either press the Backspace to see it, or open a duplicate of the ball by pressing Ctrl + J to transfer the video to the new ball. On my butt, I added the texture, the yak axis went:

way 4

If, in the previous ways, when you see a hole in the picture, then at the same time it swoops in on the background. Tsei method of dressing with special overlay Dimming and multiplying modes.

Otzhe, a little lower, evil mi maєmo of all the same person, and right-handed texture.

On the palitri balls, the texture is raised in the mountains and in the case of an overlay. Darkening or Multiplication. The face became visible. Ale є zakovik. Deyaki elements of the image, which are also bully bilimi, have become the color of the texture.

The infection is fixable. Up to the top ball (with texture) dodamo ball-mask. Using the Brush Tool, fix the texture from the visible objects. Gently, not keeping up, the result was like this:

It is awkward, bright, beautiful. Vidminny way.

Leave these ways, I guess. Know more - write about them in the comments.

We have made a note in the text - see її and natisnit Ctrl + Enter. Dyakuєmo!

For the artistic design of the robot in Photoshop, we most often need a klipart. There are a number of design elements, such as frames, leaves, blizzards, quotes, figurines of characters and a lot of them.

Klіpart vidobuvaa in two ways: swim on the drains or make fun in public access through sound systems... Everything is simple with regard to stocks: pennies are paid and I need a picture in great permission and on a clear-cut aphid.

As soon as we have seen a necessary element in a poshukovyk, then we have one unacceptable surprise - a picture in a large number of vypadkiv roztashovuyutsya on whatever background, which creates an instant vikorstannya.

Let's talk about those with the rank of seeing the black background from the picture. Images for the lesson of the wiggle in the next rank:

One of the most obvious solutions to the problem is that you can display a quote from the background as a suitable instrument.

It’s not such a way to go, so it’s like a hard worker. To see if you saw the card, having stained it at the end of the hour, and then you saw that it wasn’t necessary to go to the composition. The whole robot is nanovets.

Є a number of ways to quickly visualize a black background. Both ways can be similar, but all the stinks catch vivchennya, so as vikoristovyutsya in different situations.

Method 1: best

In Photoshop, there are tools that allow you to quickly visualize a monophonic background from a picture. tse "Charivna stick"і "Charivna gumka"... oskіlki pro "Charivnoi sticks" If you write a treatise on our site, you can quickly use another tool.

Before Tim yak to start working on the robot, do not forget to open a copy of the input image, make a copy of the keyboard CTRL + J... For splendor, visibility from the background ball is not visible.

Background of visions, ale mi bacimo a black halo navkіtki. It should be seen when the lights are seen from a dark background (or dark from a light), since there is a vicious "smart" tool. It is easy to see a halo.

1. Zatiskaєmo Klavishu CTRL and embossed with a single button on a miniature ball with a quilt. Around the object there will be a vision.

2. Go to the menu "Vision - Modification - Stisnuti"... This function will allow us to change the edge of the vision in the middle of the box, by itself having overshadowed the halo of the call.

3. The minimum value of the squeeze is 1 pixel, which can be written in the field. Do not forget about the onslaught OK for spratsovuvannya function.

4. Dali we need to see the picture from the sheet. For the whole inverted view of the keyboard CTRL + SHIFT + I... Beast to respect, that now the region has been seen hunting the whole canvas in one piece, viklyuchayuchi ob'єkt.

5. Just onslaught DELETE on the keyboard, and then tidy up the video on a daily basis CTRL + D.

Klіpart ready to robot.

Method 2: overlay mode "Screen"

The offensive method is seen in the event that the object needs to be placed on a dark background. True, there are two aspects here: the element (bazhano) is guilty of being as light as possible, more beautifully; If you can get a good color, you can tweak, but it’s easy to fix.

With a visible black background in these ways, we were to blame for the long time to put the booklet in the need for a canvas. Really on uvazi, as the dark background we already have є.

The whole way is also to go in order to be quick enough to fit the element into the composition, to just put it on the canvas and remember the overlay mode, without seeing the background.

Method 3: folding

Denmark will help you to fit in from the view of the black background of folding objects. For the ear, it is necessary to maximize the illumination of the image.

1. Zastosovuєmo coriguval ball "Rivni".

2. The extreme right povzunok zrushuєmo as much as possible, respectfully stitching behind the tim, the background has become obscene.

3. Move to the palette of balls and active balls with a letter.

5. By pushing on the miniature of the canals, they are very contrasting. Our vipad is tse blue. It is robust in order to maximize the vision for filling the mask.

6. Vibravshi channel, jam CTRL and onslaught on your miniatures, flashing vision.

7. Go back to the palette of balls, to the ball with a quilt, and onslaught according to the mask icon. The mask is automatically folded into view of the video.

8. Quickly visible ball from "Rivnyi", I took a bila penzlik and zafarbovuє those regions, which have become black on the masts. For some people, it’s not necessary to have a lot of work; In this vypadku center of the quota is necessary for us.

9. Fertilize the black halo. In this case, the operation will be very difficult, the material is repeated. lull CTRL and onslaught by mass.

10. Repeat the action, describing the food (squeezing, inverting the vision). Then we take a black brush and go along the line between the lines (halo).

Lesson from Lottaza

Є Easy ways to get around the background in Photoshop programs. For the visualization of the colour and іnshі methods, I most often use a vicorist feather. I will describe the infection, how to see the background of the picture, to those ways, like, the most common way to see the white. I will describe three simple and easy ways. We will vikoristovuvati channel palette, eraser and charming stick.

1. Vikoristannya palіtri Kanali. There is a picture in the shop, it is necessary to see the background. In this way, by hand, you can use it to prepare the scanned image beforehand in Photoshop. They showed the image jumper and immediately a subscript on the background with a lock, then transform it into a ball.

As the picture is in the gray color mode (gray gradation), before the pinking, it is necessary to convert it to RGB (Image menu - Mode - RGB; Potentily not Bulo Skoda just svoykh). Distances in the channel palette (for the views of all channels), however, the very extreme evil of the icon (a circle with a dotted line) - all the colors on the images are visible.

On the other hand, DEL (Delete), you can see the number of colors and CTRL + D - see the picture. Clean line art ready. For a fake vikorystannya zberigaєmo yogo in PNG format.

2. Vikoristannya gumki for a vivid background, not a simple gumka, but charming. Before speech, tsim and in an offensive way it is possible to see a kind of monochromatic color. Often, pictures from the Internet, especially GIFs and monochrome (black-and-white) are saved in the indexed color mode for changing the file. The axle and mine were caught. How robotic is it? It is simply translatable into the mode we need - Image - Mode - vibrate required - I vikoristy the most functional and acceptable for displaying color image - RGB.

Otzhe, the file was displayed, the mode was set, the lock was pressed against the background (subkey), the remote was vibrated on the instrument panel Charivna gumka and the mouse was clicked as a bear to borrow the pictures on the images.

You can save the picture like this with a brush: menu Edit - Save a brush, or you can take a distance and create a vector happy figure... For the whole, it is necessary to see a ball with a picture (CTRL + click on the ball), go to the outline palette (by ordering the Shari and Channel palette) and vibrate at the bottom of the palette icon Confirm the working outline (right in the middle of the seven icons). Writing a lot of activations on the toolbar Pen and clicking right button bears, vibrate Visnachiti to a figuru.

3. Charivna stick. Dіє for a similar principle. They saw the picture, vibrated the tool Charivna stick, clicked on the screen in the Vidilennya + mode, saw the background, saw the vid. In an unprepossessing way, I am creeping, say, in extreme cases, and there’s an unfortunate result to come, as I need a smooth edge. Do not check smooth and clear between visions in a way. However, in deyaky vipadki vіn buvaє, all the same, indispensable. For example, if there is a background with fuzzy color segments, or if there is a need for the size of the view.

Yak to re-make the vidіlene as much as possible for storing klіpart PNG? For the sake of convenience, in the further processing, it is possible to set the parameters for the background for the additional function. Viklicaєmo tse dialogo wіkno: click with the right button І revolving Clarification of the edge. The axis is here and all the flaws - and the torn edges and the shading.

Trochus infestation on the edge of the vision. I set the Zgladzhuvannya parameter to the value 3, I push it and I see it (DEL). A new ball, heavy below the clip art, filled with a contrasting color and bachimo, which needs to be tweaked over the edges.

The easiest way is to see the lining around. Menu Shari - Editing the edges - Add a border ... and find the value. I put 2.

Crumbs are more beautiful, but all is one disorder. Stroke the edge with the Rosmitt tool

The hardness is restored at approximately 20 inches, the size is 8-10 pixels, the intensity of the inches is at 10, and it is accurately driven along the edges. In addition, it can be seen that at the edge of the spoon, at once in the background, there is a light and a little saucer, and the edge of a spoon. Well, here you can already update in all sorts of ways you can see it. I skimmed to see a little saucer and pulled it onto a scrappy dilenka, and the edge of the spoon was tweaked with a stylus + circled with a penzlik in the dynamical form mode. The axis went so

I residual PNG

And the axis is everything. Ways є for the sake of being helpless, photoshopped images - tse to finish the hard graphic editor with bagatma functions and possibilities. I described a lot of simplicity and hand.

The axis is now exactly an ending lesson. Far away creative experiments!)

When robots with graphical files, it is not often necessary to clean the background near the object. The whole thing is tied with the insertion of a photographic element into the composition, otherwise the background of the picture is changed. There is a more popular food in the zyazyvka vinyk: "Did the yak in Photoshop see the background of the photograph?"

View to a solid background

Look at the food about clearing the background on the photograph, and look at the food about those, like in "Photoshop" you can see the background, like a one-sided video. It is necessary to allow the unique robots to be unique, which is necessary for the visualized part of the picture.

Before you see the necessary fragment of the photograph, you need to see it. Dozens of prices can be saved different ways If it is necessary to see a singing vidtinok color, then in "Photoshop" there is a special tool, which allows the creation of the whole process as quickly as possible. Vibravshi in the panel quick access menu item "View", you need to know the item "Color range".

At the window, you will lose vibration and the instrument "Pitette" and click on the background, which is necessary to see. For the help of bіgunkіv, you will be deprived of being able to see, and "So". The result of this is the vision of all areas of photography, to avenge the images. For a better view, it is necessary to press the "Del" keys on the keyboard. Daniy sposibє One of the simplest, obviously to show the background, like in "Photoshop" you can see the background.

"Charivna" purification

An analogue of such a vivid background is the "Eraser" tool, which can be visually appealing to the background. To complete the vibrati "Charivna Gumka" and click once on the background - as a result, a shah's background appears on the second occasion, which symbolizes the manifestation of the vision of a part of photography. The minus of such a move is the visibility of the control of the region, as it will be seen, the visitor will see a clear vision.

In order to secure the control over the team, as you can see in "Photoshop" without any inheritance for the other part of the photograph, it is more quickly possible with one "charming" tool, like working for an analogous algorithm with an eraser, but I can substitute a visual alternative for seeing. There are two such instruments, and they smell like the same acts - and "Shvidke Vidilennya". Only one vidminnistyu are those who "stick" to the vimag of the full selection, and the vision allows you to move the cursor across the great expanse of the picture at once.

Shvidkoy mask mode

In front of you - look at the food, as you saw the background. In "Photoshop", in addition to the one-color backgrounds, there is an opportunity to clean up and to clean up. Such a need can be seen, as there are images that are inconceivable to the landscape. So how do you see the background in Photoshop?

For an accurate visualization of the necessary part of the photograph, there are also many ways. The first one of them is a pole at the "Shvidkoi Masks" victorian. The mask is a special mechanism, which allows koristuvachev to use tools for the help of others in the region, as needed. For a quick transition to the "Shvydka Mask", add the letter Q on the keyboard. Turning into a special mode to the onslaught of these keys, in addition, the area of ​​the picture is needed to be seen - for the visitor to see the already known key Del.

Seeing the background behind the "Laso"

If you have an object, where you need to see the background, you can get a clear line, then there is one more convenient way, like in "Photoshop" you can see the background. For a whole slide, you can use the Laso tool. Win nadayutsya koristuvachev in three types. I will name the first analogous one, "Lasso", - it is permissible to quite carry out the lines of the vision of the region. It’s not easy for me to achieve exactly what I need to see the necessary part, and more often than not, there are two other options for the tool.

Offensive - tse "Straight line laso" - from which you can see the area of ​​vision, vikoristovuchi straight lines. With such a rank, you can make a reading of the border, for example, about the awakening of some non-grabbing geometric figures.

For larger folding elements, for example, people are silhouetted, then the speedy "Magnetic Lasso". Vono, zavdyaky their algorithm go, collapse along the contour of the object, and then for the additional difference of colors - to bring the bear's cursor close to the element of the photo.

As a result of the "Lasso" victorian, the element itself will be seen. For this purpose, you can see it, see the next image, by pressing the Ctrl + I key once. Alternatively, you can view the background.

іnshі ways

It is obvious that, when you are looking at it, as in "Photoshop" you can see the background, you can know more than a few different ways. However, the majority of them are able to make it up smoothly, allowing them to be seen more clearly. However, it is possible to covet a result that is consistent with simple methods, vitraising the whole room and trying hard, at the same time it can be done, in a good way, sparing three hours.