Electronic document management for dummies. How to make friends with ERP and ECM systems. What is the Electronic Document Management System?

Traditionally, the concept of document automation is associated with work with correspondence, documents of a routine and organizational nature, etc. However SED You can also knit a document with actions to complete the work. Therefore, such a system appears to be able to control the performance of new robots. Thus, the SED will ensure not only the effective management of document flows and information security in the company, but also the increased control over document processing and the productivity of employees.

Systems electronic document management(SED) Nowadays, it is practical to get involved in the IT infrastructure of any company - both private and national. Most companies have either already issued SEDs or are planning to issue them in the near future. Electronic document management systems can handle a wider range of tasks, integrate with cloud systems, and allow you to manage indicators of business performance (KPI and BSC systems). For further help SED The enterprise becomes clear and precise: all the simplest government operations (for example, the acquisition of goods from a warehouse or the transfer of materials from a manufacturer) are accompanied by their reflection in the cloud system of the viewer di electronic documents. Government operations can be accompanied by the appearance and recording of indicators of business processes. The accumulated information behind the indicators is integrated to the SED of the indicator upper level, and, in this way, we can select the system of balanced indicators that is displayed on the server panel.

Electronic document management systems There are a number of advantages, which include the possibility of one-time registration of an electronic document, parallel execution of necessary operations with the support for their execution, as well as the visibility of an effectively organized system Search for the document and the faulty reporting system.

In addition, SED, as a rule, to focus on group work on documents and projects, calendar planning and involvement of specialists in work on documents, maintaining the history of work on documents and safe robots with remote offices and business units. On the most widespread platform in Russia "1C:Enterprise 8" butt SEDє. With the new platform "1C: Enterprise 8", the wider family of 1C programs was reoriented from small to medium and corporate segments of enterprises. Electronic document management is an attribute of full-fledged information system for such enterprises, in which the system is classed as workflow, the most advanced version of BPMS is a standard module of the corporate information system of enterprises, in which the number of office satellites reaches more than 50 people .

Electronic document management system Mother Galuzev’s specificity is not her fault. The main and most extensive option for electronic document management are boxed products, and SED on the 1C platform is not to blame.

During the current development of the SED business, there may be problems associated with the optimization of expenditures, with the possibility of saving internal resources of the enterprise. In this case, the best option is this situation for the business if the information is leaked electronic document management system Allows you to pay back your expenses for the vikoristan in 2-3 months. The necessary intelligence for such knowledge is the presence of knowledge in the field of process management, skills in everyday diagrams, descriptions of business processes, and This well represents the business processes that take place in the enterprise that SED operates. Formalized business process diagrams can be an important help.

Vprovadzhennya SED In the future, there may be a significant optimization of business processes and savings in labor costs for both the core business and ordinary personnel of the enterprise. In this case, the maximum effect of stagnation is achieved when electronic document management functions in one information space From the control system and the environment. Such a combined system allows you to manage a significantly larger number of tasks.

There are a number of standard settings SED on the 1C platform, for example, automation of contractual work. However, tasks such as personnel document management, work with delays and advance notices, cash requests, sales support processes, purchasing, procurement and warehouse document management can be achieved only in a single information y system iz system obliku. For example, on the 1C 8 platform electronic document management system "PeterSoft: Process Management" can be used in a single database with the product "1C: Payroll and personnel management" or "1C: Recruitment management", which allows you to comprehensively manage functional tasks (for example, recruitment), and Ikovi (salary compensation) and management (praise for motivational decision about salary increases or fines), and complete interaction and transfer of information (passage of the document along the route, associated with current notifications of all participants in the process, according to a previously confirmed procedure).

V. Balasanyan,
General Director of the company EOS

Documents are the information basis of an organization’s activities, since they themselves contain over 80% of their information resources. In addition, document management is essentially an orderly exchange of information between workers and subdivisions. Thus, the increase in the efficiency of work with documents in the organization is directly related to the effectiveness of the established organization of its functions, which enhances the service of citizens by the state and municipal institutions this improves the competitiveness of commercial enterprises

Working with documents in an organization: basic concepts and normative and methodological documents

Business as a system of rules and technology for working with documents embraces the processes of preparing documents (documentation) and organizing the work with documents (saving, vykoristannya, rukh) right up to their reduction and transfer to the archive of saving.

The most important technological process of working with documents in an organization is document management - the management of documents from the moment they are created or removed until they are completed, sent or put into the right. Document management includes the following processes: registration of documents, organization and control of their review and identification.

It is understood that the coordination, control and implementation of business processes in the organization is handled by a special document management service (rights management, office, secretariat, etc.).

The main regulatory documents that regulate documentation security management Russian Federation, today:

    GOST R 51141-98 "Business and archiving on the right. Terms and meaning", describes the system for understanding business affairs and archival records;

    "Model instructions for business management in the federal bodies of the Victorian government", , which establishes essential capabilities for the functioning of documentation security management services, document management activities and organization of work with documents.

A draft Federal Law has now been prepared "About documentation security of management activities", (Div.).

Electronic document processing transfers a number of documents in electronic form. At the Federal Law "About electronic digital signature dated 10 June 2002 N 1-FZ The legal understanding is that the use of an electronic digital signature is required, for the completion of which an electronic digital signature in an electronic document is recognized as an equivalent hand-written signature on a paper document.

"Electronic revolution" with documents

Previously, local work with documents has been significantly strengthened in business as a technological activity in the production, storage, movement, control and search of documents. The staff of the secretariats and offices were specially engaged in business affairs. Through the war, business automation systems were seen as automation systems for the activities of technological personnel.

Over the past decade, office automation has led to revolutionary changes in document processing in the world. Now, instead of secretaries-typists, documents are prepared by their authors themselves - using personal computers, and in some cases pressing the computer keys is enough to send the created document via a computer network - to their own room on another continent u. Thus, the people who make decisions have become direct participants in the technology of business and document management, starting from the moment of creation of the document right up to the control of its publication and work with the documentary archive. It is important to reconsider the stereotype of document management systems as a way to particularly enhance the efficiency of business personnel. In this case, the electronic document management system is a key tool for the hands-on activity of decision makers – ceremonies.

How to automate business

Today's organizations, as they look to find new solutions for advanced automated document management technology, can choose from a wide range of options, from adding other proprietary technologies to ready-made complex systems. Company approach "Electronic office systems", implementations in the popular system "On right", believes that new technology This is due to the traditional culture of management, the basic regulatory framework and the technology of working with paper documents that has developed.

On the right is that recent traditions are associated with the personal responsibility of the manager for the document and his vykonannya (characteristically, in English Today the word itself is “documentation”). The subject of regulation in traditional external document systems (so-called document management systems) was the systematization of the saving of documents (similar to the traditional archiving). Itself, coming from this tradition, the concept of external systems for managing electronic documents was formulated, and it is not surprising that so many of them are transferred to our own phrases “electronic archives”.

The ancient tradition involves the obligatory registration of a document as soon as it appears in the organization, as well as regulations (and controls) of document management even before the document is finalized. The very idea of ​​such a form and regulation of documents is entirely adequate to the current world trends in the organization of management of computer networks. Prote technology "document management" ( workflow), built into current document management systems, as a rule, are of an even more ignorant nature and usually do not reflect the long-formed and detailed management practice.

This means that the constant supply of ready-made entry systems for complex automation of Russian business is impossible. It is not surprising that today's business developers create powerful systems for business automation and document management, in conjunction with a variety of cutting-edge technologies and software components.

Traditional functions of a business automation system

Traditional functions that replace Russian business and paper document management, in general. These include the reception and delivery of documents, their registration, review and execution of decisions, bringing them to the authorities, control of the circulation and recovery of documents, their reduction or transfer to the archive.

From the beginning, in the mid-1990s, the system "On right" was focused on the automation of traditional business as a real technology and management of the most important paper documents. Further evidence has shown that, regardless of the initial availability of the system, a number of “electronic document management” functions (working with electronic document files and electronic mail, scanning, full-text search, Web-access and what are the functions long time ago were requested by the deputy ministers.

Automation of traditional business activities has made it possible to eliminate a number of important problems in monitoring the documentation activities of the enterprise and its subdivisions. However, today, in order to create a daily automation system for working with documents, it is not enough to simply transfer the cultivated stereotypes of clerical work to an electronic document management system. It is no longer the technical cloud-control functions that come to the forefront, but rather the low problems of working with electronic documents.

New functions of electronic document management systems

In line with traditional paper business, an electronic document management system can ensure the implementation of a whole range of new functions that are most important for any purpose below.

Reception of electronic documents

A business automation system focused primarily on paper document processing can interconnect work with structured information about a document and its details - the so-called registration card. An electronic document management system can also ensure valuable work with the documents themselves in electronic form. In the system "On right", However, a registration card can be associated with a large number of files that represent an electronic document.

The electronic document management system must provide the necessary service for the inclusion of documents from various devices and devices, including those that are received by electronic mail, fax lines or paper. Since documents are generated directly on the desktops of electronic document management systems, it is your responsibility to ensure automated generation of templates for standard documents in standard office applications (for example, in MS Word or else Excel) with the immediate automatic registration of such documents.

Saving electronic documents

This function itself is key for most foreign document management systems ( DMS - Document Management System).

(System "On right", closely, the looming nervous system has the ability to process documents that are stored in document management systems that support the standard ODMA: Open Document Management API- standardization of the software interface to document management systems, purposes for the interaction of document management systems with each other and application systems. At this hour ODMA It is supported by practically all the current light sources of the heating systems and documents.)

For the purposes of traditional business, it is sufficient to save a description of the document in the form of a set of values ​​necessary for the purposes of business and control of details (exit and exit numbers, name, who signed, resolutions, terms of conquest etc.). The electronic document management system is intended for a wide range of clerks, including those who specifically work with documents. Therefore, in addition to the traditional oblast-control details, you may be given additional capacity saving and processing specific to the skin type of documents and details.

Let's say, among the details of the personnel order there may be data about the worker and the plant that is engaged in him, and among the details of the contract - the number, name, lines and amounts of payments by stages. Without seeing such details of the electronic document management system for the replacement of documents in functional departments associated with specific types of activities, it will be ineffective or completely impossible and ineffective Ibnim.

Document management

The system that maintains paper document management is important to the personnel who are involved in monitoring the movement of registered paper documents between subdivisions. The electronic document management system organizes the work of all management personnel of the enterprise at all stages of the life cycle of a document, including work on projects, accounting, registration, registration, debiting and transfer to the archive for saving. This clearly represents a new level of support for the mechanisms of rich document routing and the division of role functions of participants in document management and skin processes.

Authentication of clients and access rights

The paper document handler has access rights to ensure the transfer of paper documents only to persons designated by the relevant resolutions, or to their authorized representatives (secretaries, assistants, etc., depending on their role functions in the process of document processing). Authentication at the paper document processor is carried out for the type of signatures (visa) and seals (forms).

In business automation and electronic document management systems, this level of access rights may be maintained both on the level of registration cards and on the level of electronic documents. (Please note that in modern document management systems, access rights are in no way connected with document flow routes.) When moving to electronic document management, an automation system is installed between participants in the document processing process, which provides identification vati koristuvacha - a participant in the process, and also give the ability affixing an analogue to the signature (digital signature) or an analogue to the document (digital signature of the clerk, which plays the role of saving the stamp of office and forms of the organization).

Electronic document management and new management schemes

The superiority of recent management schemes is often referred to as high rhubarb Delegation is of greater importance, apparently, to “horizontal” document management, for example, document management directly between workers of various departments, other than their bureaucrats.

It is true that in traditional Chinese practice, documents move from a worker of one subsection to a worker of another subsection, usually through the kernels of these subsections, and the kernel, for example, treasure, the organization cannot directly address the document to the Bishop, so that it goes “over the head” of the chief ministers of this priest. With paper document processing, a similar scheme for passing documents “through servers” allows them to control the activity of their subdivisions and officers.

However, it is completely untrue from this point of view that the electronic document management system, which allows you to manage the tasks of “vertical” document management, does not handle “horizontal” document management. However, the very combination of “horizontal” and “vertical” document management allows you to create a truly effective document management system. Zokrem, having “allowed” the direct address of documents and handover to the Viconavians, it is now possible to ensure electronic “information” about the documents that were found at the Viconan’s trustee.

Even more pressing is the problem of transition to more efficient management schemes for document management, which covers the range of geographically distributed installations (offices). Traditional paper document management of natural localization within a local office. Interactions between the offices of one and other organizations are based on the equal exchange of input/output correspondence. In this case, a document, registered in one office, sent to another, is registered in each of them again, and direct control of the work with the document in the middle of a distant branch becomes impossible.

A great management effect in the near future will be the transition from electronic document management in local office systems to a unified document management system for a geographically distributed organization system, as can be seen view document management as one single virtual office. The great advantages of this scheme are: one-time registration of any document, the possibility of addressing documents to specific individuals regardless of their territorial expansion and the city hierarchy; "insight" of the passage and verification of documents in the entire territorially distributed management system.

Electronic and paper document management in one system

Finally, it is important to remember that in the minds of the active transition to electronic document management, paper document management will continue and in the near future we will be deprived of significant warehouse document management. Well, in these minds, the problem of one-hour paper and electronic document management has always been blamed.

In the opposite case, the same document can be printed in electronic and paper copies throughout its entire life cycle, and sometimes paper and electronic copies of the same document can be printed at the same time. Thus, to control paper and electronic documents, introduce confusion and, finally, lead to loss of control over the document flow of the enterprise as a whole. The head of the plant is here - in a natural order, within the framework unified system, ensure control over all the “hypostases” of the document.

warehouse economical effect

The effects of using electronic document management systems include:

    direct economic effect (savings on labor and material costs for work with documents);

    the effect of unifying the documentation activities of the organization and reducing the burden of individual technological information to personnel;

    the shortening of time-consuming cycles of work with documents and the creation of a single documentary space;

    greater control over documents, their management and the Vikonian discipline.


Disciplines:“Corporate information systems and the effectiveness of information systems”



The “DELO” system, developed by the “Electronic Office Systems” (EOS) company, is a comprehensive industrial solution that ensures automation of the business process, as well as the management of electronic document management of the organization. The system is effectively used both in small commercial companies and in divisional holding and subsidiary structures.

The first version of the RIGHT system was released in 1996. Today “RIGHT” is promoted by over 1000 companies, installations, organizations in Russia and the region of the SND, and the total number of installations of workers exceeds 100,000. May “Certificate of the Most Good”.

1. Behind-the-scenes information about the “RIGHT” system

The “SPRAVA” system is a “boxed” product for replication. Without any further investigations, there is a need for business automation and electronic document management in most organizations. With the help of an additional system, detectives can easily be installed and adjusted by the specialists of the money manager.

· This tool is scaled and adjusted, easily adapting to the specifics of document management in organizations of any size from one to thousands of work places.

· Ensures the necessary level of confidentiality of information and compliance with all regulatory requirements of both Russian business and international standards(ISO 15489 “Information and documentation – Document management” and ISO/IEC 17799:2000 “ Information technologies– A practical guide to information security management")

· Ensures theft of electronic document management using electronic digital signature (EDS) and special cryptographic features. The Electronic Office Systems company holds all the necessary FSB certificates to ensure the protection of information in its products.

· Provides the possibility of mass conversion of paper documents into electronic form and placing them in the system database using the additional “Exact scanning” option.

· Supports a new cycle of work with document projects, including routing and versioning.

· Allows you to process documents as you local measures, and remotely – via the Internet (“RIGHT-WEB”).

· It has an open architecture and allows for integration with other software from both EOS and other software product vendors.

2. Advantages

For pottery from different regions:

· Quick search for documents;

· Updating the flow of documents at all stages of your life cycle;

· effective control and visibility of decisions;

· Shorter terms of preparation and availability of documents;

· Hands-on work on document projects;

· Retrieval of news and magazines;

· The ability to delegate has become more important.

For military offices, secretariats, and business leaders:

· Verification and manual registration of documents using an additional activated system of various providers;

· intensifying the progress of the resolution;

· Easy and quick search for any details of the registration card (RK) for both documents and projects (RKKD);

· Document transfer log, internal and external dispatch registries;

· Formation of information.

3. Basic functions of the "Sprava" system

Basic functions

Ensures the continued life cycle of the document in the organization from the creation of the draft document until it is written off from the right of transfer to the archive.

Working with input and output documents

· Registration, control and appearance of input and output correspondence.

· Registration of documents transmitted by electronic mail in an automated mode, including theft of digital digital signature.

· Adjusting the structure of the registration number to match the nomenclature of certificates adopted in the organization.

· Application of resolutions, control of approval, writing and review of reports with resolutions.

· Transfer of documents for transfer within the organization for given routes.

· Shvidky poshuk for all the details of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Red Red Cross Committee, the possibility of saving and vykoristannya folding sound queries.

· Documents can be written off from the right and the possibility of transfer to the archive is saved.

Working with internal documents of the organization

· The new cycle of work with draft documents is supported:

o the creation of the draft document by the Republic of Kazakhstan, the document “on the viconnary” of the regulatory document;

o changing the project by saving previous versions;

o usgodzhennya and approval of the draft document;

o registration of a document created in accordance with the project.

· Handling of documents;

· Manage document processing with a hassle-free solution. The entire document and all its points can be passed by the powerful hierarchical tree of resolutions, each of them with their rulers and controllers.

· Transfer of imported documents to foreigners for information and confirmation.

· Control of the passage and verification of documents. The role function of the controller has been implemented - the possibility of delegating the function of controlling documents, items and resolutions to individuals and subordinates designated as controllers or control services.

· Controlling access to documents.

· Creation and saving of document templates.

Security information security

· Differentiation of access rights for correspondents to documents. Skin problems are assigned: access rights; rights to access file cabinets from which you can purchase; A set of business operations is consistent with functional obligations.

· Protocol of actions of koristuvachs.

· Various methods of cryptographic protection of information - EDS and encryption.

Possibilities "SPRAVA-WEB"

The capabilities of robots via the Web have become as close as possible to the functionality of the “RIGHT” system at the local level. Employees of the remote branch - due to Web access - become equal participants in the document management of all enterprises. Kerivniki and fakhivtsi, who are in the office, may take part in acceptance, control and control decisions.

· Registration of documents with automatic completion of certain fields of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

· Registration of related documents;

· Verification of files attached to the RK, UDS, as well as verification of UDS of attached files;

· Approval of the resolution of the document, control of the document

· Convenience and signing of draft documents

· Validation of EDS of files attached to the RC of draft documents, and verification of their EDS.

· Search for documents and resolutions for the meaning of their details;

· Removing information about internal and external document management.

4. Option "EDS and encryption"

The activities of current organizations are wary of the trend towards the introduction of paperless information processing technologies.

Documents of the organization are created, finalized and transferred to electronic view. Input documents are often also translated into electronic form using scanning and text recognition methods, or even appear in electronic form.

Electronic document management essentially improves the efficiency of work of management and production personnel: it speeds up the processes of preparation, processing, verification and confirmation of documents, simplifies the procedures for searching and processing documents, exchanging them as a central part of the organization communications, as well as from external correspondents/addressees. In addition, it appears that the paperwork will be sooner expensive materials, the demand for copying and reproducing equipment and service personnel is reduced.

The implementation of electronic filing of documents will require an adequate means of updating the information contained in the document. This way is an electronic digital signature (EDS) - an analogue of the traditional handwritten signature of a paper document (signature).

In addition to the original signature, the EDS not only certifies the person who signed the document, but also guarantees that no changes have been made to the document after its signature.

When registering input documents, the server can put its digital digital signature on the document file to ensure its consistency. Working with draft documents, external and internal documents of the organization, the EDS can deal with the approval, verification, approval, registration and delivery of documents to the addressee.

To obtain an electronic digital signature in the “SPRAVA” system, a special option “EDS and encryption” has been provided.

The option allows you to digitally sign documents that are saved and processed by the business automation system and electronic document management system “RIGHT”. If necessary, the document can be signed by a number of security officers, which is very handy for automating the procedures for approval, verification and confirmation of documents.

Any Internet service provider that has access to the document will retrieve reliable information about signatures - who and when signed Danish document, and you can also check the validity of the skin signature and check that after signing the document was not edited. The procedure for verifying a digital signature is extremely simple - just click the bear once.

The “EDS and Encryption” option also allows you to sign and encrypt documents that are sent by electronic mail to external recipients: branches, subsidiaries, clients or partners. Encryption of information transmitted by external communication channels allows you to guarantee the protection of confidential information from unauthorized access - reading, tampering or replacement.

Since the “RIGHT” system is installed on all participants in the exchange of information, digital signatures attached to the document are simultaneously transferred along with the documents. Thus, the corporate systems provide the ability to sign and distribute documents across all territorial divisions of the organization. In this case, for example, verifying the signature of the president of the corporation at a distant branch ends up in the same way as verifying the signature of the branch’s police officer – one “click” with a bear.

Robot technology with the “EDS and encryption” option.

For the skin reader of the “RIGHT” system, who has the right to sign, a key is formed that consists of two parts: secret and secret.

The secret key is recorded on the device: an electronic tablet Touch Memory or electronic key EToken, which is transmitted especially to the recipients. The secret key can be additionally stolen by the koristuvach password (at times of loss).

The secret key is used for signing documents and for decrypting notifications that are sent via electronic mail. To sign a document or notification file, all you need to do is place the secret key in the reader of your computer and click on the “Sign” button with your mouse.

A private key certificate is generated from the private key. The private key certificate is verified by Vykorist for UDS authentication.

gateway secret keys All certificates and their certificates are processed by the administrator of the Key System Management Center (KSCC), which is a complex software security This is a device for recording/reading keys, which is included before the option is installed.

TSUCS is a corporate key system management center, whose activities extend beyond the main organization, branches and subsidiaries. If necessary, certificates issued by the CSKB can be signed by another Center for verification. TSUCS operates on a stand-alone computer, which is securely not connected to the same line.

The CDC administration will not require special training. All necessary information is presented in the documentation of the RIGHT system.

Options for installing and installing the "EDS and encryption" option.

The "EDS and encryption" option is offered in 3 different delivery options:

· Fully functional. Corrists can sign documents and notifications, encrypt and decrypt notifications, and verify the signatures of other corrists. For such devices, the option package includes a hardware device for reading the secret key.

· Only check the signature. The client can verify the signatures of other clients, but he cannot sign the documents himself. For these workers, there is no need for any hardware support.

· Signature verification has been removed. The client can verify the signatures of other clients, but he cannot sign the documents himself. This option is available with version “SPRAV” 8.09 and transfers the signature verification server to the server, which allows you to verify signatures from any work station of the “SPRAV” system.

Depending on the needs of the agent, additional combinations of Option options can be added. For example, add a multi-functional option only for a warehouse that has the right to sign, and for the decision of security personnel, purchase the option “Only verification of signature”.

A special security program that is being tested.

The "EDS and encryption" option is supported by the crypto-protector "CryptoPro CSP", developed by the company "CryptoPro" and FAPSI certifications. Integration of cryptographic software into the business automation and electronic document management system “RIGHT” of the Vikonan company EOS, which holds the FAPS licenses.

5. Functions of the business automation and electronic document management system

The system supports the life cycle of a document in an organization from the creation of a draft document to its decommissioning from the right of transfer to the archive.

Working on document projects

The document preparation functionality allows you to automate the entire document creation process. Working with document projects involves a series of actions such as:

1. creation by the Republic of Kazakhstan of a draft document, approval and “convention” of a regulatory document;

2. change to the project from the savings of previous versions;

3. Usage of the draft document;

4. approval of the draft document;

5. registration of a document created in accordance with the project.

When working with the project, consistent and parallel routing is carried out, the terms of consideration and the terms of preparation of the project are controlled.

Registration of documents

For each document in the “SPRAVA” system, a registration and control card (RC) is formed, before information about the document is entered. Both documents that have been received and those created within the organization can be registered: documents, orders, orders, contracts, acts, etc. Warehouse of details of the Republic of Kazakhstan: correspondent, short note, creation date, registration number of the document, signature, subject, access mark, note about the availability of supplements, nomenclature, document warehouse, resolution, etc. Any details, such as resolutions and messages about their appointments, addressees, correspondents can be multiplied.

Viconny control

The SPRAVA system implements control over the collection of documents. Control can be exercised either by resolution or by document. In this case, the terms of the account are automatically identified, especially the controlled documents and documents with the lines of the account that have passed. It is possible to tell the Vikonians that information about the Vikonian control documents. Other functions of the business automation system are listed in Table No. 1.

Table No. 1. Functions of a business automation system

Processing and preserving documents A number of files can be “attached” to the card, such as a computer-based document (for example, facsimile images of a paper document, text, audio or video material, etc.). These files can be found by linking lines or created in an organization with wikis. text editors for example, MS WORD, scanners, microphones or other devices that are connected to the computer.
Expansion of the warehouse details of the document card The card contains a warehouse of details, which essentially reflects the benefits of business. To display the specifics of the card, the warehouse of card fields can be expanded to include additional details. New fields can be created independently by koristuvachs without programming. Additional details can be of different types: rows, numbers, dates. It will also be possible to control the data that is entered into the account details.
Accurate entry of documents Accurate entry of documents allows you to resolve the problem of mass entry into the document management system of electronic images of paper documents. When registering documents on the first bottles or on the next clean boxes (the boxes of distributors), a unique barcode is created, which is assigned by the system. During the scanning and recognition process on a local work station equipped with a high-performance scanner, the system analyzes the barcode and processes the scanned documents according to the information entered in the new one. As a result, electronic images of documents, taken from a given format, are automatically attached to the corresponding documents.
Rukh Documents The system has a number of mechanisms for organizing the flow of documents. The skin mechanism ensures optimal execution of any business process. During the hour of working on the draft document, the card is automatically transferred along a sequential or parallel route between the other important officials, as required or confirmed. In the process of transferring the project, the nature of the visas issued is ensured and the terms of review are controlled. After the resolution is passed, the completed document is brought to the attention of the Viconavians, and the terms of the Viconnian document are controlled.
The “SPRAVA” system also implements a variety of other document management mechanisms: internal addressing, forwarding of electronic documents to external organizations, complete control of all types of paper document management, etc.
Security of legal status In the process of approval or confirmation of the draft document, the client can certify this document electronic digital signature(EDS). This allows you to ensure the legal correctness of the creation of electronic documents. To save EDS certificates, you can use a third-party center and an internal corporate key system management center (KKS), products based on EOS software products and certified crypto-tools.
Sending documents The system allows you to form a mailing register for forwarding installations, create envelope superstructures, and enlarge documents using electronic mail systems. Documents sent via electronic mail may be subject to encryption and EDS authentication. In this way, certified cryptocurrencies are used in the system.
Dovidkovo-analytical work As the system operates, it accumulates an information base of installation documents. The system will ensure the search for documents in this database by identifying any details of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as searching for the text of the document. Foldable if necessary the sound signal is turned on You can save money and vikoristany more than once. The documents selected as a result of the search can be saved in the personal folders of the correspondents or separated as a transfer.
Full-text search for document substitution A combination of searches has been implemented: one-hour search for the registered details of registration cards and a full-text search for the documents themselves.

Working with interrelated documents

It is possible to establish messages between the Republic of Kazakhstan of documents and project documents related thematically, to relate to each other, and to complement one another. bud. This allows you to look at the lanyards of mutually dependent documents. Postings can be installed on documents that are saved by the document management system (sent URL). Thus, the document of the “SPRAVA” system can be based on external information materials or documents that are stored in other information systems.

Regulation of access rights The rights of the account manager in the system regulate both access to file cabinets and documents related to their signatures, as well as the set of functions available to this koristuvachevi(registration, editing, writing off the document on the right, taking control etc.).

6. Effectiveness of the "RIGHT" system

For data from relevant consulting companies, working with paper documents in an hour:

· About 15% of all documents are irrevocably wasted;

· Up to 30% of the working hour of the sick leavers is spent on searching for necessary materials;

· For a skin document, an average of 19 copies are made.

The system of business automation and electronic document management “SPRAV” creates fundamentally new minds for more efficient organization of work with documents:

Chi is not automated technology Automated technology
manual receipt of documents that were received through electronic channels (fax, telegraph, e-mail) automation of document receipt, which was found through electronic channels
manual preparation of cards, preparation of entries, updates, calls, registers automatic transfer of cards, standard entries, updating of registers, formation of additional entries
manually transferring the draft document to the process due to delay and confirmation automated transfer of the project between usable and confirmed city officials for a predetermined route
duplication of documents and cards, transportation and transfer of them to the Vikonians automatic delivery of the required number electronic versions documents and cards according to computer network
manual registration of the fact of transfer of documents and the resolution of the town councilor, which is often not confirmed due to the lack of officials automatic registration of facts of forwarding and extraction of documents and resolutions using computer monitoring
extensive registration of one and the same documents in journals and card files of various structural subdivisions one-time initial registration of a document in any sub-department and further automatic registration of the document in the electronic file cabinets of sub-departments
manual search of documents and collection of records about their identification from separate file cabinets of various subdivisions Automation of thorough searches for all file cabinets with regulated access rights
postal and courier delivery of documents and resolutions to files and other settings with manual folding of subregisters automation of the function of registration of distribution, sending of documents and resolutions to the file and other settings using additional electronic mail and the protection of their cryptography methods

“PRAVA-Enterprise” is intended for business services (secretariats, offices, outside departments, expeditions, etc.). The system also automates the activities of direct participants in document processing: scribes, specialists - and all the workers of the organization who work with documents.

“RIGHT” represents all the possibilities that appear before current systems electronic document management, and to classical business automation systems.

Supporting the full-time business of paper and mostly electronic documents, “PRAVA-Enterprise” allows you to implement a system of mixed, paper-electronic document management in your organization. The system gives unique ability Creation of highly effective paperless business in particularly demanding areas of management activities from savings on the surrounding areas of high-value paper document processing. This allows for a smooth transition to current management technologies, without the risk of failures in the document management system that is being modernized.

The business automation and electronic document management system was created as a result of extensive research into the development and operation of dozens of similar systems at the largest installations in the entire USSR and Russia. There is a VINSTEA of the VIMOGOMA of the DIY -Wilovods Standev, and such a rule (for the number of non -formalized) is the same, vicoristovy in the dilovodniy practitioners of the Vitchyznoyani Pіdprimani Ta.

In the “SPRAVA-Enterprise” system, it is possible for a person to be directly designated in the documents of the town councilor, or for another employee to establish who is delegated to the secondary duties.

7. Systems of the “RIGHT” family

Systems of the “PRAVA” family are scalable, they support a centralized, distributed and decentralized business organization scheme:

· “SPRAVA-Secretary” can be installed on one computer and provides centralized registration and control over the printing of documents.

· “PRAVA-Enterprise” encourages insurance coverage for the rich corporate regime and ensures centralized management of a single business process.

· Since the establishment is based on independent business activities, “PRAVA-Enterprise” supports mutual business processes of these affiliates.

The scaling of the system is also ensured by the use of current technologies:

Work on the Internet / Intranet networks To provide access to documents, the system has a web interface. We will provide simple and effective access to documents from any local or from a remote computer via the Internet.
Divisional electronic document management The system allows you to automate the exchange of legally competent electronic documents between organizations or geographically distant sub-units. In this case, all standards of domestic business are adhered to. Confidentiality and confidentiality of documents are ensured by certified crypto-security.
Supporting great volumes of documents The data saving system allows you to process privately with a large number of documents. Real, practical confirmation of feasibility - over 4,000,000 documents, over 500 clients who are working at the same time. In this case, there is a single-source version of the system, which works with a smart-costless DBMS.

"ON RIGHT" - system is unlocked. It integrates with any Windows add-ons through a proprietary API interface that you can log in to after installing the system.

The API allows controlled access to data that is stored in read mode by other programs. Such programs, if necessary, can be fragmented by the forces of the deputy, if it is necessary to expand the existing powers of the system, for example:

· To display system data in the most manual form of calls;

· To formulate queries that are necessary for searching and selecting data;

· To access system data via INTERNET (INTRANET);

· To export system data to other databases of the deputy manager.

"RIGHT" is tightly integrated with the MS Office package, which allows you to register documents directly from editors or email programs. The system has also already implemented integration with existing products of the EOS company:

Subsystem "ARCHIVE ON THE RIGHT" “ARCHIVE ON THE RIGHT” is a multi-system subsystem designed to automate the preparation of documents before transferring them to the archives, maintaining the content of archival documents. Integrated programs for maintaining the nomenclature of certificates, making changes in the organizational structure of the organization, as well as importing and exporting electronic documents.
"KADR" system The “KADR” software system is designed for automated personnel management of enterprises and installations. The system can be combined with both neighboring enterprises and organizations, and organizations that have a complex structure: a holding type, which has numerous subsidiaries, with an organized structure of phyla, etc.

8. Features of systems of the "RIGHT" family

The system "RIGHT-Start" as a DBMS is based on MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine).

Function RIGHT-Enterprise RIGHT-Secretary* RIGHT-Start
Processing of documents at the border has been divided + - -
Divided access rights to various documents and system functions + - -
Maintaining a large number of document files + - -
Working with document projects + - -
Integration with the subsystem “ARCHIVNA PRAVA” + - -
Possibility of interaction with a cryptoserver + - -
Registration of documents + + +
Introduction of resolution before documents + + +
The division of documents that are on the document is divided into “folders” depending on the document’s stage: Found, On Wikonanny, Under control ta in. + Unlock the folder Under control" -
Control over the number of documents** + + + just in jokes
Rich criteria search for documents + + +
Formation of standard links + + +
Exchange of documents by electronic mail + + -
Write-off of documents on the right + + -
Moving paper originals and copies of documents, maintaining registries of internal document transfers + + -
Maintaining lists of community members, organizations, thematic headings, groups of documents + + -
Editing templates for other output forms + + -
Maintaining a register of external distribution of documents + - -

* - As a DBMS, the MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine) is used and is included in the installation package.

** - operational control over the identification of documents can be achieved in two ways:

· In an hour I’ll look through the list of control resolutions from the father “On Control”;

· The regime is looking for the details of the resolution.

9. Structure of the "RIGHT" system

The structure of the system “RIGHT” and this option are pointed at the baby 1.

Small 1. The structure of the "RIGHT" system and its subsystems.

10. Main technical benefits

"ON RIGHT" - application system business automation and electronic document management that operates between the client-server.

The DBMS can be installed on Oracle 9i ( or newer versions), Microsoft SQL Server 2000.


The means to the server are first identified by the means of the assembled DBMS, the transferred number of employees of the “SPRAVA” system, and the document management of the organization. For each type, the server configuration is determined individually.

The amount that occupies the database “RIGHT” on the hard disk is calculated based on the size of the database - 50 MB per database size plus 2 KB per registration card (without accounting for the files that are attached).

Average server characteristics:

· Processor Pentium IV and higher;

· RAM not less than 512 MB;

· The right place on the hard drive is designated as the organization’s document management. It is calculated based on the allocation of 50 MB for system consumption plus 2 KB for each registration card (without accounting for the files that are attached). The minimum starting database size is 50 MB.

If you use the Oracle DBMS on a Windows platform, to provide such optional capabilities of the “SPRAVA” system, such as contextual search for attached files and “SPRAVA-WEB”, you will need an additional Windows server with MS Internet Information Server, MS Index Server installed.


Full-function client

The client part of the “SPRAVA” system operates under keruvannyam Windows 2000, Windows XP. The client part of the standalone DBMS may be installed on the workstation, as well as for all functional capabilities systems "RIGHT", MS Internet Explorer 6.0 and MS Office 2000 (or later versions).

· Pentium II processor and higher;

· RAM not less than 128 MB;

· free space on a 200 MB hard disk;

· Monitor with separate part, 800x600, 65 thousand. colors

· Windows2000Professional.
"Thin client:

To work with the “SPRAVA” system via the WEB interface (“SPRAVA-WEB”), you need a computer with Internet Explorer 6.0 installed and above.


“RIGHT” represents all the benefits that come with both modern electronic document management systems and traditional business automation systems. Supporting the full-time management of paper and mostly electronic documents, “SPRAV” allows you to implement a system of mixed, paper-electronic document management in your organization. The system provides a unique opportunity to create highly effective paperless business in particularly demanding areas of management activities by saving on the surrounding areas of high-value paper document processing. This allows for a smooth transition to current management technologies, without the risk of failures in the document management system that is being modernized.

The development of the economy is prioritized by the management of enterprises and the organization of any form of power related to business automation, the organization of document management and the creation of document management systems (DMS).
Electronic document management systems (EDS) include tools that allow:
  1. create documents;
  2. process documents;
  3. circulate documents;
  4. deliver documents;
  5. preserve documents;
  6. control vikonannya doruchen;
  7. create aspects of the organization of sleeping work
  8. archive documents.
In fact, the COURT and the SEC are expected to work together within a single system, called the system of business automation and electronic document management (SADED), which is a strong contributor to the software market. There are more than 10 SADs on the Russian market, which are divided into one type for a variety of parameters: the quality of the product (including the need to add and support additional PZ - for example, a database), the availability of basic and additional functions this etc. Benefits of living companions: minimal expenses for the development, administration and support of such systems, the possibility of adapting the SADED, which is purchased, to the specific needs of a particular business area.
Such systems must allow document management both in functions and in business processes. CADED buildings support either the DMS (documents management system) standard or the Workflow standard (document flow automation).
The market for software products in the area that is being looked at includes:
  • software products aimed at document automation - electronic offices (Delo, Popelushka, LanDocs);
  • software products based on Lotus Notes (Company Media, Bos-referent);
  • software platforms created by power solutions (Documentum, Hummingbird);
  • We are ready for solutions with the coordination of powerful software platforms (DocsVision, Directum, Optima, Euphrates).
The implementation of SED does not allow access to paper documents through the regulations of official legislation; for example, accounting documents in many cases may be obligatoryly duplicated on paper documents. The advancement of paperless document management technology will increase the cost of paper during the time of identification of various issues, which allows the creation of SED.
SADE is required to enable modules for the protection of information and remote access to it in order to ensure reliable system administration:
  • archiving and backup copy;
  • anti-virus protection and protection against unauthorized access;
  • support for electronic digital signature and data encryption;
  • support from remote employees and remote administration.
Security of data by SADED and access to historical documents important function to ensure the stability of the paperless document management system and organize a full-function search for all company documents. Integration with systems antivirus protection for the viability of SADED, the possibility of action group policies enterprise security, access control to electronic document management system databases, access delimitation, ready-made access templates, formed according to specific sections (personnel department, accounting, etc.), features of remote access and remote admin The structure of SADED allows you to use web technologies for document management.
Please note that before Saded there is a minimization of the total wariness of the conflict. When choosing such a system, the important thing is the database management system (DBMS), as well as the development methods. To minimize wastage, the trace will be Saded on the licensed PZ, which is already there. In addition to minimizing the cost of access, the promotion of this approach will allow the recruitment of facists into the enterprise before the development of SADED, and integrate them into the corporate IT environment. Spend on the necessary spices
sheet with which they can be switched off from the total vartosti zastosuvannya and volodinya Saded. Similarly, for expanded DBMSs, it is easier to know a developer and a ready-made solution to adapt the software to a specific area of ​​business activity.
When choosing SADED analysis of the main post-consumers, you may be connected with a demonstration of the capabilities of the systems and their regular analysis. SADED employees manage and adjust system changes for specific purposes of enterprises and purchasing organizations, in order to prepare solutions.
When choosing Saded, you must use faith upcoming aspects.
  1. Compliance with the set of functions of SADED to the needs of the customer: functionality and the price-value factor, the complexity of the system and the inclusion of functions, the inclusion of some low-level ones, and simplicity, which benefits from additional investments in necessary modules.
  2. Width of software provision on the market (overwhelming on the regional level).
The term presence of this market indicates its breadth, the visibility of counterfeiters, as well as the ability to support the robotic system, the reduction of payments, the availability of detailed technical documentation ( including from third-party experts), a change in the total volume of energy in the system.
  1. Availability of ready-made solutions and configurations in the business sector of the enterprise (organization) - Deputy SADED. Various business spheres (life activities, health care, etc.) have their own specific features that facilitate the adaptation of SADED. For obvious developers (distributors), ready-made solutions can be significantly spared in adaptation.
  2. Vykoristovuvanі tools (DBMS). Due to the presence of a licensed software, before working with a DBMS, it is entirely necessary to use a single platform for the formation of the IT core of the enterprise (organization). Uploading TCO will help you download software products from open-source code.
  3. The need to add additional modules and additional customer licenses. Virobniki PZ please include in the basic package the quantity is limited korystuvac licenses. When connecting new clients, you may be required to obtain an additional license. Various modules (for example, web access, full-text search, etc.) may be available as options.
  4. The need for additional training for research, support and administration. Software product and Saded
    will require periodic updating of the knowledge of facists in order to promote and support the increased complexity of the system, its supra-dimensionality, and the development of leaders. For the lack of training of the staff, there is opposition from the side of the staff. Replenishment of a large number of advisers will require the acquisition of IT service specialists. System administrators are obliged to deal with administrative functions only!
  5. User-friendliness of the interface and organization of remote work. The intuitive clarity and simplicity of the interface allow us to prevent the development of SADED at the early stage. The possibility of restricting access to the system is not only from the head office in many situations, but also to the work of the correspondent SADED of the enterprise (organization).
The resisted of the rifle about the tangle of the same, the Automatic Distribution Systems of the Elektron Documentary Documentation, to lie from the sphere of personally, the administration of the administration of the Pidpromism of the Kerivniki It-Service.
Submissions to the Russian market of companies that sell software for business automation and organization of electronic document management are shown in Table. 6.4.
Table 6.4. Main software products for the Court of Justice and the Surveillance System
Software product Rozrobnik Website on the Internet
Directum Directum http://www.directum.ru
DocsVision Digital Design http://www.docsvision.com/
LanDocs Lanit http://www.landocs.ru
NauDoc Naumen http://www.naudoc.ru
OfficeMedia Intertrust http://www.intertrust.ru
OPTIMA-Workflow OPTIMA http://www.optima-workflow.ru
Bos-Referent IT http://www.boss-referent.ru
On right EOC http://www.eos.ru
Electronic office "Popelyushka" STC IRM http://www.mdi.ru/
Eskado Interprokom LAN http://www.interprocom.ru

Below is a description of the purposes of the systems with an analysis of their capabilities.

Directum is a business automation and electronic document management system that reflects the ECM (Enterprise Content Management) concept. The creators of the system comply with the Workflow standard with sufficient independence, such as automation of work, first of all to the office and the secretariat of the enterprise (organization): maintenance of documents, control over processes that require Modes of subdivisions and care, preparation of people. The main modules of the system are:

  • office management: registration of input and output documents up to the required standards, maintenance of a list of certificates, control of distribution lines, identification and routing of paper documents;
  • management of electronic documents: creation and storage of documents in different formats, organization of full-text search, document version control, assignment of access rights to documents, support for digital signature;
  • management of business processes: support of document creation and control of document creation; organization of interaction between sub-units (functions and processes); document routing;
  • management of committees: organization of collective work from the preparation of committees, formation and distribution of protocols, control of final decisions;
  • customer relationship management (CRM): maintaining a unified customer base, planning negotiations, supporting the sales process and marketing inputs.
The demo version can be downloaded from the company's website.
For the sake of reliability in separate organizations (a company with subsidiaries, etc.), a solution has been developed for replication. Remote users can deny access to the system using additional web services.
As part of the development process, the IS-Builder tool is installed, which is a proprietary program that allows you to modify and generate new cards of electronic documents, documents and reports. The system can be integrated into the IT center of the enterprise.
As a means of business automation, the Directum system allows you to register incoming and outgoing correspondence, internal documents from various registration and control cards (RCC) (Fig. 6.13), Implement control over the location of paper documents. In addition, there is a clear possibility of effective control over the decree.

After registration, the input document goes through the primary stages of the traditional business system of reviewing the procedure, issuing a resolution, putting the document under control, and issuing a document. Further work with the document can be carried out entirely in electronic form. This significantly reduces the time spent by the Viconavians and saves the time spent on the original. Due to the style of the kerevnik's work, the document is viewed in either paper or electronic form. On the support of the resolution, submitted by the kerivnik, the document can be put under control from the recognition of the Vikonavians, the document and the lines.
The Directum system has a wide range of capabilities for supporting business processes. Document routes can be set as standard. are molded according to templates and are suitable for specific processes. It is possible to monitor the importance of employees within the business processes of the organization. Typical routes are configured using a special editor. For ease of control over the flow of documents and written documents, it is possible to introduce specific terms.

To prepare, it is important to plan according to the system's specifications. The results of preparation can be followed by a protocol using a single template, the decisions of which are controlled within the document control system. Koshti Directum allows you to carry out a meeting without the real presence of spyvrobitniks and make decisions using the method of experimentation (with Wikoristannyam EDS).
Integrated capabilities allow CRM to automate the work of sales and marketing, saving on the addition of additional software.
Organiza Zbenegannya Documentys ґ Rounth on the pinkishly Documented at the єdin іnformata expanse of the dannia sql server, the organized execution of spial access to the Documents, with the storage of the Koristuvas. This also essentially expands the possibilities of searching for electronic documents (Fig. 6.14).
Directum also has a wide range of integration options with a package of add-ons Microsoft Office, What allows directly from
Additionally, you can add documents to the document later, review the history of work with the document, linked documents, and also insert fields from the electronic document card to the text. Integration with Microsoft Outlook makes it possible to quickly and easily save electronic sheets in the Directum system and transfer them for review and logging.
In addition, there is a strong mechanism for document version control, which allows you to save multiple versions of documents. As a result, it is possible to look through the change history of a document (for example, during a changeover) and return to any version whenever necessary.
The confidentiality of documents stored in the Directum system is ensured by additionally setting up access rights to each document or folder ( public access, change, relook, full access). Encryption of electronic documents allows you to additionally steal the text of an electronic document, including users with administrator status. Encryption can be based on a certificate private key koristuvach, and set a default password. The EDS, implemented with the help of MS CryptoAPI, allows you to integrate the Directum system with various cryptosystems for information security, together with certified FAPSI (FSB).
For the robotic system it is also necessary to add Microsoft SQL Server.
DocsVision allows you to manage documents and business processes in a business or organization. The software platform includes two main modules:

  • module “business”, which allows you to automate functions related to business and processes related to document management;
  • The “process management” module, oriented towards supporting business processes based on the workflow concept, is up to ISO 9001:2000 standards.
Docsvision is width -by -sided with the most programmable products, the overwhelming of automation of the management of the control of the management of the management: 1s Microsoft Axapta, Microsoft Scharepoint T Office, Active Directory.
When the server part is installed, web access to the system is immediately organized. In addition, to organize the work of remote sub-units, there is a main module for data replication between remote and main servers.

The “Business” module is based on the DocsVision platform, in connection with which the correspondent robot works in addition to the main tool of the platform (Navigator) and the objects (folders and applications) described in the document Handbook of platforms and DocsVision. The basis of the program is the following objects (detailed descriptions of these objects can be found in the relevant departments of the department):

  • document cards, where you can add additional fields and allow you to register documents of the following types: input documents; weekend documents; internal documents; archival documents;
  • file cards, which add a description to the file and allow you to edit files in add-ons according to their format, as well as simplify the inclusion of files to document cards;
  • processes that allow you to automate business operations;
  • process templates, which simply describe the launch of new processes;
  • Advisers to replace various internal organizational information;
  • Addendums:
  • training in business practice to avenge data about additional adjustments(provisions to ensure encryption and signing of electronic documents, adjustment of scanning after registration, list of accountants who are allowed access to all fields of cards, etc.);
  • scanning of barcodes, which ensures streaming scanning of a large number of documents with further distribution of the extracted graphic file on the side of the document and attaching them to the corresponding document cards;
  • a business calendar that allows you to arrange working hours for sick leave workers, either a standard work schedule or a specific one (for example, a special one);
  • information;
  • weather card;
  • zavdannya card.
In line with the functional business model, a hierarchy of folders for subdivisions is created (Fig. 6.15). For ease of administration, the expanded data of the skin adenoma are entered. An unimportant function is the task in cloud

data from the correspondent of your nickname, name and father's name in all accounts for further use in the system.

The customization of the EDS also has its own peculiarities: it is possible to replace the signature of the clerk with the signature of an authorized worker, who replaces him (either temporarily or steadily) according to the internal subordination tsії. Access rights up to sleeping folders are set directly through the interface operating system.
To synchronize with the paper office, the system must simultaneously enter the nomenclature using the electronic registration documents The DocsVision structure has the ability, similar to the original nomenclature, to maintain the physical location of documents, including the registration of names

The document’s name, date of creation, term of saving (with the possibility of guessing about the need to write off or submit to archives), number of volumes, index and other operations (Fig. 6.16).

To organize electronic document management, the following types of cards are transferred to the “Business” module:

  • input document - before working with a document with the “input” flow type;
  • output document - before working with a document with the “output” flow type;
  • internal document - before working with a document that is in circulation within the organization, such as internal regulations;
  • archival document – ​​for registering a document that is stored in the archive;
  • card to file – created to save and save the file in the DocsVision system;
  • command - allows you to register commands, add files to them, set their authorities, and also overpower the commands of the Vikonians and the controllers of the singing route;
  • zavdanya – intended for molding bags of knitted zavdanya;
  • process – allows you to link tasks from one document into a single sequence. p align="justify"> The process is created, launched and completed in the world of the new order from which it is formed;
  • process template - allows you to create templates for action processes that are regularly repeated in the organization (for example, training of medical professionals). Templates prepare processes on the basis of which so-called instances are created - independent processes;
  • notification - allows you to save any notification that was sent to the document card in which the notification was created. The notification card can be created automatically: 1) by the router for the author of the assignment at the time of the appointment or when forwarding the assignment to the protector of the appointment; 2) by the user himself to save information in the system, which can be used for various purposes;
  • business calendar – allows you to adjust the work schedule of the organization or other employees. Maintaining business calendars allows you to determine, for example, the terms of the final task;
  • convenience – allows you to automate the stages of document processing.
The “Process Management” module allows you to automate the management of documents and business processes based on the DocsVision platform, and the business process management system (BPMS).
Conforming to the ISO 9001:2000 standard, the DocsVision system understands the process as “ordering the totality of work and tasks from their beginnings to the precise assignments of inputs and outputs.” The stage of automation of processes in an organization is preceded by the stage of their formalization. The DocsVision toolkit allows you to formalize business processes, including
subprocesses and additional processes (both synchronous and asynchronous) that are relevant to production and organization. This module integrates closely with other DocsVision modules, which allows you to process objects to organize seamless process sequences.
The creation of business processes is based on templates: process cards, process diagrams, process authorities (changes, gateways), functions that are included in the process. The DocsVision system allows you to manage the processes and functions of sub-units and spyware while maintaining their interconnections.
There is also a wide range of possibilities for the development of processes, the setting of priorities, their control and control.
Complete formalization of all processes in the enterprise - a simple and long-lasting process, which makes a significant contribution to the development of advanced training and system adaptation. DocsVision's ability to support the development of documentation security management at the enterprise, which will create a management system based on ISO 9001:2000 standards.
Thus, the DocsVision system allows you to not only automate the business management system in an enterprise, but also includes even wider possibilities for automating processes with the coordination of interconnected functions in an enterprise. The robotic system requires Microsoft SQL Server. Integration with software products Exchange, Axapta, Active Directory services will become a great help for organizations that will have their IT infrastructure based on Microsoft software products.
LanDocs software products, which are developed by the LANIT company, serve to implement document management systems in enterprises and organizations and can be adapted for any direct activity. LanDocs software can be implemented using wikis different decisions To improve the IT infrastructure of the enterprise. Within the framework of the analyzed topics, the main ones are apparently:
  • business automation and document management system, which is based on current Russian norms and standards for organizing the volume of documents, control is consistent with the processes and functions of the subsystems iv;
  • organizing access to documents on the basis of a stolen document with the possibility of a search and limiting the access of clients to documents, including saving electronics
    copies of paper documents (written by EDS mechanisms and certified by FAPSI);
  • supporting the organization's business processes in line with the Workflow concept and managing document flows in line with route diagrams;
  • content management system for publishing corporate documents on the Internet.
The system is implemented within the framework of two architectural solutions: the Dolank architecture “client-server” based on industrial DBMSs from Oracle and Microsoft, as well as the Trilank architecture with a special web server of add-ons that will provide It is possible to remotely access system information via the Internet, like platform-independent client Microsoft Internet Explorer
Integration with electronic mail systems makes it possible to seamlessly include not only business managers, but also other categories of organization personnel - workers, ceremonies, and other categories of personnel in the business flow Any operation on the right side of MS Outlook (MS Exchange Client) or Lotus Notes.
The system implements a document application programming interface (API), which provides the ability to install document management services from external sources. Windows add-ons, as well as support for a number of standards, which allowed LanDocs to be integrated with a number of external software systems and specialized equipment – ​​electronic mail systems, the Fine Reader system (for text recognition of scanned documents), project management systems MS Project and Open Plan, scanner equipment (TWAIN interface).
The module "Business" LanDocs is a basic subsystem that includes the basic functions of automation of office work and electronic business management (including maintaining an electronic archive of documents):
  • registration of documents - the ability to customize the registration card warehouse details for the specific type of different types of documents has been implemented; It is possible to create and save an unlimited number of versions of document texts (files). Creation and modification of document texts is carried out using the integrated voice link office programs. Methods for scanning paper documents and visualizing their electronic images, as well as recognizing scanned texts, have been introduced;
  • navigation and search for documents stored by the corporate body - search for documents is ensured, both for the details of the registration card and for the texts of documents based on the morphology of the language;
  • establishing business connections between documents, grouping documents in a folded folder structure;
  • exchange of documents and notifications, sending documents and sending them to the doctor;
  • Convenience of documents in electronic viewing;
  • control of documents and assignments (in which the system will provide support for work in the replacement mode); Formation of different information from document management and control of documents.
It is implemented in a client-server architecture based on an industrial DBMS and functions in the computing environment of personal computers running Windows OS. Supplied with Oracle DBMS or MS SQL Server. Provided with a documented application programming interface (API) for the implementation of server services with LanDocs documents in third-party Windows applications.
OPTIMA-Workflow is a comprehensive system for automating document management and document flows. The main automation processes are:
  • creation of electronic documents and electronic analogues of paper documents (OCR & Production Systems technologies);
  • registration and type of documents (Documents Records);
  • group work and collective access to documents (GroupWare);
  • The activity of the personnel is consistent with the processes and functions adopted at the enterprise (Workflow);
  • information exchange, the appearance of versions of electronic business and government documents.
This system is released by UpScale Soft, which has the status of Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. Vibir this software productє reasonable solutions for businesses that will base their IT infrastructure on Microsoft solutions. The demo version can be downloaded from the website microsoft.ru (software library section).
The system is based on the principles of open architecture, which allows it to achieve a high level of integration with other systems (scanning, text recognition, electronic mail, etc.).
It is focused on automating business processes, which allows them to be implemented in enterprises, management of which
will comply with ISO 9001:2000 standards. OPTIMA-Workflow is a method for organizing confidential document processing that automates the creation and processing of objects that occur before business processes in an enterprise, and not a method for automating document processing iv. The system may be subject to mechanisms for ensuring your confidentiality, licensed (certified) FAP and information encryption methods.
The open architecture of the system allows it to be adapted to the specifics of any organization. As in any similar system, there is a necessary, brief, time-consuming preparation period before the throat is filled, filling the significant number of precursors. The system is positioned as “oriented towards supporting personnel who are not experts in computer technology, but are knowledgeable in the field of business” (Fig. 6.17).

To benefit from the capabilities of OPTIMA-Workflow, you will always need to have Microsoft Exchange Server,

Microsoft SQL Server. To increase the possibility of integration with other Microsoft products, it is also necessary to add Microsoft Project Server (the ability to exchange data with this add-on, as well as the wider possibilities of visual presentation of information).
For the convenience of the staff, there are modules such as reporting, registering, inventory, and identifying critical issues. To simplify the work with calls, which allows you to create OPTIMA-Workflow, there is a large selection of query templates.
The system allows you to automate the preparation of documents and control over documents according to the specifics of the enterprise or organization (Fig. 6.18). It is possible to establish restrictions on access to paragraphs of the document to ensure the ability to get acquainted with the changes except those paragraphs of the document, in some cases, access will be blocked until all others. In addition, a notification about registration for control can be sent to the address indicated on the document of the Vikonavians.
An important advantage of the system is a special approach to the circulation of documents, in which the work is processed with one copy of the document, and information about the progress of the document, transmitted to the controller, the fact of the document is entered before the document itself.
By the way, the system is not “boxed” solutions, so you are ready to work here and now. Vaughn is the basis of a designer who can adapt document management to the processes that operate in a specific enterprise.

  1. Describe the main functions of the Internet portal of a government authority integrated with document management.
  2. What is the direct contribution of the functional model of document management to the law-making process?
  3. Guide the organization of electronic document management banking sector.
  4. What are the main advantages of the open Internet trading protocol - IOTP?
  5. Give a description of the system for placing government contracts and the system of electronic services. What is the role of the electronic commerce system?
  6. Describe the structure and management information flows integrated information system for automation of industrial design
  7. What are the results of standardization of electronic submission of medical documents?
  8. Conduct a thorough analysis of business automation and electronic document management systems.
  9. What is the main purpose of documentation security of client management?