What is the web background? Adaptive background images using additional CSS. How it was before

Great videos in the background of websites are a popular trend in web design. Cleverly curated videos can make a website more dramatic and engaging for content users.

In addition, video backgrounds can be created smoothly and without the hassle of replacing backgrounds created with the help of JavaScript, which can be used to capture the original code and images in order to obtain the result of the animation.

There are companies, such as Powerhouse and Adidas, who create videos in the background of the site to convey to the customer a message or story about a product or service.

If you want the most popular way to create a video background, use HTML5 video tag together with actions CSS parameters, Varto also gained respect on alternative videos, for example, YouTube. In this case, you won’t have to worry about the server’s high-speed connections, so you’ll just end up going to YouTube.

In this article, I will show you how you can create a cool site that displays YouTube videos in the background. We will use jQuery.mb.YTPlayer.js to edit and control the look of our video. Hey, let's get started!

enchant the weekend

You will need:

// Big Background Content here

// About Section Content here // Small Background Section Content here

Now it is necessary to fill the skin section instead. For the big-background and small-background-section sections, place a class pattern To create a light texture on our video. You also need to add h1, h2, paragraph and button.



I want to learn this

Place a YouTube video in the background of your site

Want to know how to add video to the background of your site?
It couldn't be simpler! Z jQuery will help MB.YTPlayer, a jQuery plugin, you can insert YouTube videos into the background of the site.
You can easily turn a video into an HTML background. There are no problems with the desired site and access to the servers!

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From social measures

I have used the Font Awesome font for social icons, which will be displayed in the section small-background-section. Then we will add a template for our video, vikoryst plugin jQuery.mb.YTPlayer. Place the applicable code immediately after .

The axis we vikorized to set up the video:

  • class player- this class is supported by a plugin mb.YTPlayer
  • videoURL- posted on video
  • containment- CSS selector in which you need to create a video
  • autoPlay- auto-created video
  • mute- presence of sound
  • startAt- hour from which you need to start the created video
  • opacity- video insight


Add more styles to our site. Persh for everything is significant from outside html view, Body, paragraph tags and bulleted list.

Html (height: 100%) body (font: 15px / 23px "Raleway", sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%) p (font-size: 20px; line-height: 140%; text-align: center) ul li (display: inline-block; list-style: none; padding-right : 10px;)

Wrapper(z-index: 600; position: relative).pattern(background-image: url(../images/pattern.png); background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0).divider(background-image: url(../images/divider.png); display: block; width: 300px; height: 35px; margin: 10px auto ) #colorize (color: #f1c40f; font-family: "Lato", sans-serif; font-size: 40px)

It's time to style the big-background section. installable z-index on 550 і parameter overflow to hidden. This is necessary to ensure that YouTube content (subtitles, annotations) is not displayed on our website. Other styles are required for headers, buttons, and images (more later).

Big-background (z-index: 550; text-align: center; height: 100%; min-height: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden) .big-background .big-background-container (width: 830px ; max-width: 100%; position: absolute top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translate (-50%, - 50%) (-50%, - 50%); -ms-transform: translate (-50%, - 50%); -o-transform: translate (-50%, - 50%); -50%)) .big-background-title (font-family: "Raleway", sans-serif; font-size: 78px; color: #fff; font-weight: 300; text-transform: uppercase; text-align : center; margin-bottom: 22px; padding-top: 20px; background-attachment: scroll; background-position: top center) font-family: "Lato", sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff; border: 2px solid #fff; ; cursor: pointer; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; -webkit-transition: .4s background ease; -moz-transition: .4s background ease; -o-transition: .4s background ease; transition: .4s background ease; ) .Big-background-btn: hover (color: #fff; background: rgba (255,255,255,0.20)) .big-background-default-image (background: url (../images/sunset.jpg); background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover: 100%; z-index: 0; backface-visibility: hidden)

Now let's move on to the section about-section. adjustable parameter background-color on white and padding 60px to the bottom and 20px to the left and to the right.

About-section (font-family: "Lato", sans-serif; color: #7f8c8d; background: #fff; padding: 60px 20px).about-section-container (text-align: center; padding-bottom: 50px) .about-section-title (font-family: "Raleway", sans-serif; font-size: 40px; background: #fff; color: #3d566e; padding: 0 35px; margin-bottom: 22px; background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: center center; text-transform: uppercase) a.about-section-btn (font-family: "Lato", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; text -transform: text-decoration: none; background: 2px solid #34495e; cursor: 2px; inline-block; -webkit-transition: .4s background ease; -moz-transition: .4s background ease; -o-transition: .4s background ease;) .about-section-btn: hover (color: #fff; background: #34495e;)

For the small-background-section, which also serves as a footer, we set the width to 100% and the parameter overflow to hidden. Mi also dodamo little bits padding to the beast and below so that our video can be seen. I will create additional styles for social media buttons.

Small-background-section (font-family: "Raleway", sans-serif; padding: 100px 0; position: relative; width: 100%; overflow: hidden) .small-background-container (position: relative; text-align : center) .small-background-title (font-size: 40px; color: #f1c40f; font-weight: 300; z-index: 10; display: inline-block; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 20px ; margin-top: 20px; position: background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: top center) .socials a (color: #fff) .socials a: hover bdc3c7)

Media queries

To make our site adaptive, add a few media queries.

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) (.about-section-title (line-height: 1)) @media screen and (max-width: 480px) (.big-background-title (font-size: 58px ) .small-background-title (line-height: 1) / *. player (display: none;) -> If you want to remove the video bg on a specific viewport w/o plugin * /) @media screen and ( max-width: 360px) (.big-background-title, # colorize (line-height: 1)) @media screen and (max-width: 320px) (.small-background-title (font-size: 30px))


Now let's turn on ours YouTube video. viklichemo class player in the middle of the jQuery code. Place the approach code before the closing body tag and in the middle of the tags .

Backup option

Background YouTube videos may not display on mobile devices on tablets, as YouTube rules do not allow this.

However, we can use jQuery to add background image For instructions, once the browser recognizes that the client is accessing the site from a mobile device.

hand-made decision

To know that you are using a mobile device or tablet, we can capture an element on a small screen size. For example, we want to have a video background on screens with a width of 480px. You just need to add display: none to the player element:

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) (.player (display: none;))

What's wrong with jQuery, here we'll install it is_mobile with the false parameter. Then we’ll reconfigure what’s cool player Volodya parameters display: none. If it is so, then dodamo class big-background-default-image up to section big-backgroundі small-background-section for the background image wiki. Nothing will change for the turning point.

(Function ($) ($(document).ready(function() (var is_mobile = false; if ($(". Player"). Css("display") == "none") (is_mobile = true;) if (is_mobile == true) (// Conditional script here $(". big-background, .small-background-section"). addClass("big-background-default-image");) else ($(". player "). mb_YTPlayer ();)));)) (jQuery);

Solution for additional jQuery plugin

Another way to set the image behind the scenes is for help. jQuery plugin device.js(Http://matthewhudson.me/projects/device.js/). This will simplify the process of describing the minds under the different sizes of screens of mobile devices. With this plugin, we can simply write the following code:

(Function ($) ($ (document).ready (function () (//Device.js will check if it is Tablet or Mobile - http://matthewhudson.me/projects/device.js/ if (! Device. tablet() &&! device.mobile()) ($(". player"). mb_YTPlayer();) else (// jQuery will add the default background to the preferred class $(". big-background, .small- background-section"). addClass(" big-background-default-image ");)));)) (jQuery);

Here I am a vikorist in the method device.mobile()і device.tablet() For verification, I’ll arrange it for the sake of Zaishov Koristuvach. As soon as you think about it, you get the class big-background-default-image to section big-backgroundі small-background-section. Otherwise class player will be lost and the video will be created.

Putting things in order

Video is a wonderful way to convey information to the audience. This can be an important tool for your website if you have the correct wiki system in place.

I hope that in the world of development and refinement of web design, there are more and more creative ideas for incorporating video into website design. I hope you got the hang of it in this tutorial. Write your thoughts and respect in the comments.

Type of translation. With all my respects and respect for the transfer of the drive, I ask you to contact me in a personal message. Thank you!

Author's view: In this initial article, we'll look at a simple technique for creating a background image that will stretch across the entire width of the browser's viewport. Why do we need the CSS power background-size; No JavaScript required.

Apply adaptive whole background images

Nowadays, it has become popular to post in the background of a large photograph that takes up the entire web page. The axis of application of many sites that have adaptive background images installed:

If you would like to achieve a similar result with your upcoming web project, then these articles are what you need.

basic principles

The axis is our plan.

Vikorist the power background-size to ensure that you can view everything completely

The CSS power of background-size is the value of cover. The cover value tells the browser to automatically and proportionally scale the width and height of the background image so that they are equal to or larger than the width/height of the viewport.

Use a media query to render small background images for mobile devices

To make the page look more fluid on small screens, we'll use a media prompt to render a modified version of our background image. It's not obvious. This technique will be used without anything. Why is it such a great idea to create a small background image for mobile devices?

The image, as I have used in the demo application, can be set to 5500x3600px. Whom I allow you to print for most wide-format computer monitors that are currently on sale. For the sake of this, I had the opportunity to produce a file of 1.7MB in size.

Such a great additional emphasis just for the sake of placing a background photo will in any case not bring anything good. I, it’s insane, it’s absolutely rotten to appear on the list of vikors mobile internet. And this is also suitable for devices with a small screen (a report on this later). Let's take a look at the whole process.


For marking you only need:

We're choosing to set a background image for the body element so that the image takes up most of the browser's view.

Prote, this technique will also work for any block element (for example, a div or form). Since the width and height of your block element are “gum”, the background images will then be scaled to fill the entire container.


We set the following styles for the body element:

body (/ * Path to image * / background-image: url (images / background-photo.jpg); / * Background images are always vertically and horizontally centered * / background-position: center center; / * Background images are not repeated * / background-repeat: no-repeat; / * The background image is fixed in the viewport, so it is not displaced if the height of the content is greater than the height of the image * / background-attachment: fixed; / * The axis allows the background image to adjust to the size of the container * / background-size: cover; / * Inserts background color, Which will be displayed while the background image is being displayed * / background-color: # 464646; )

body (

/ * Way to the image * /

background - image: url (images / background - photo. jpg);

/ * Background images are always centered vertically and horizontally * /

/ * Background images are not repeated * /

background - repeat: no - repeat;

/ * The background image is fixed in the viewport, so it is not displaced if the height of the content is greater than the height of the image * /

/ * The axis allows the background image to adjust to the size of the container * /

background - size: cover;

/ * Sets the background color that will be displayed while the background image is being selected * /

background - color: #464646;

The most important pair is power/importance, in order to gain respect:

background-size: cover;

background - size: cover;

This is where enchantment begins. This power/value pair tells the browser to scale the background image proportionally so that its width and height are equal to or greater than the width/height of the element (in our example, the body element).

However, this power/importance pair has one problem: if the background images are smaller than the size of the body element - what will happen on screens with high content and / or if you have a large amount of content on the page - the browser is inevitable Zoom in on the image. I, as we know, when we increase in size raster image, The brightness of the image is reduced (in other words, pixelation occurs).

Larger image sizes and output sizes are indicated on the image brilliance. Keep this in mind when choosing different images. The demo application has a large photo measuring 5500x3600px for widescreen monitors, which will require more great screen, So that the bitterness is eliminated. Let's crumble away. So that the background image is first in the center of the window, when I look at it again, we will write:

background-position: center center;

background - position: center center;

This entry is placed in its ordered background on the coordinate axis in the center of the viewport. Next, we need to determine what will happen if the height of the content exceeds the apparent height of the viewport. When this happens, a scrollbar appears.

In this situation, we need to work in such a way that the background image is lost in the output place when the user scrolls down the page. In this situation, the images will either simply end when scrolling, or they will move as the scroll progresses (which can greatly frustrate the user). To fix the background, we set the background-attachment to fixed.

background-attachment: fixed;

background - attachment: fixed;

In the demo application, I added the ability to “add content” so that you can see what happens when scrolling appears in the browser when the background-attachment strength is set to fixed. You can also take a look at the demo and play with the significant controls that indicate the placement of elements (for example, background-attachment and background-position) to see how it affects the scrolling of the page and the background image. The decision of the significance of the authorities themselves is clear.

Shortened CSS entry

I have described the background powers in detail so that they are easier to explain. The shorthand notation would be equivalent:

body (background: url (background-photo.jpg) center center cover no-repeat fixed;)

body (

background: url (background - photo. jpg) center center cover no - repeat fixed;

All you need to do is change the URL value to point to your background image.

Dodatkovo: media input for small screens

For small screens I used vikory Photoshop program To proportionally change the output background image to a size of 768x505px, and I also used the Smush.it service to change the size a little more. Now the file size has changed from 1741KB to 114KB. Then the image size has changed by 93%.

Please don't misunderstand me, 114KB is still plenty for a purely aesthetic design element. Looking at the additional space of 114KB, I would become a vikorist of such a file, only if it would increase the ability to significantly compile information about the interaction between the user and the site (UX), in addition to present moment the significant portion of Internet traffic falls on mobile devices background - image: url (images / background - photo - mobile - devices. jpg);

The media input has a max-width margin set to 767px, which means that if you view the browser larger than 767px, a large background image will be attracted to it.

A small advantage of this media query is that if you change the width of your browser window, for example, from 1200px to 640px (or the same), you will immediately get a moment of fascination with a small or large background image.

In addition, because devices with a small screen can display a larger number of pixels - for example, the iPhone 5 with a retina display can display 1136x640px - a small background image will called.

Supply pouches

You can marvel more current version output code from this initial article on GitHub. I can tell you just one thing: be kind, use this technology with care, because large files can seriously damage the UX, especially if the end user of the website is more vulnerable and has an unreliable Internet connection. Nya. Another reason why you should choose a color that matches the background is so that the user can read the content while the background image is being displayed.

How to install a website on your desktop monitor?

It’s amazing, first of all, why any painter will be drawn in, don’t marvel at the trellises that are installed on the work table. It’s quite surprising to see the picture installed behind the scenes, since the system has been reinstalled more than once. All the cashiers are getting a quick start, and they are busy searching for suitable pictures for the desktop. Deyaki koristuvachs are respected for the most beautiful animated trellises. I encourage you to install the main side of your favorite site in the frame of the trellises (even if there is a side, of course). At once, in hours unlimited internet This is for those who do it more easily and even more manually, especially if the computer or laptop is constantly connected to the limit. Whatever the case, this option is bad. This trick appears in Windows XP. Unfortunately, this is where it ends. Interactive tables have disappeared. I especially wanted to keep an eye out for updates to new sites online. Such a setting for the work table would be given to many rich people. Ale, I repeat, creators of new Windows versions You have decided to deactivate the desktop without the ability to display the interactive page. To be honest, it seems really bad. Particularly, I don’t have this kind of possibil- ity for an hour.

Let's go from left to right. Installing a web page on the desktop

  • click right button bears with one free space on the work table
  • What appeared on the desktop in the additional menu, select the item power.
  • Let's select the Worktable tab and press Adjusting the work desk...

  • In the Elementi menu of the desktop there is now a selectable tab web and then press the button create... Well, otherwise vibrati point My current home page. The website side will be displayed in the background as it is installed at home in the browser installed at home.

In the window, simply enter the copy address of your favorite site from the address bar of your browser.

Close the open dialog boxes one by one by selecting the changes and pressing the OK button. Now, instead of the original pictures, you have a page on a similar website and, by visiting the site on your desktop, you can watch for changes in the online mode.


The interface in Dreamweaver CC and later versions has become simpler. As a result, some of the features described in this article may not be available in Dreamweaver CC and later versions. Additional information see this article.

About web add-ons

A web add-on is a website that contains pages that are often or completely unformed. The rest is formed only after the site requests a page from the web server. In connection with this, instead of the side, there is a leftover to lie in the water created on the basis of the action of the koristuvach, such a side is called dynamic.

The range of wiki web add-ons is very wide. This section covers the basics of web add-ons, as well as the introduction of a simple web add-on.

Typical stagnation of web add-ons

The rise of web add-ons brings great value to both website providers and their publishers.

    Web add-ons allow browsers to easily find the information they need on websites with a large amount of information.

    This type of web add-on allows you to create searches together, organize them and move around in a new manual way. Examples of such add-ons may include internal networks of companies - Microsoft MSDN (www.msdn.microsoft.com) and Amazon.com (www.amazon.com).

    Web add-ons allow you to collect, save and analyze data collected from a website.

    For a long time, the developed method, with any data entered into HTML forms, was used to process CGI add-ons or specially designated workers in the form of email notifications. The web add-on allows you to save data directly in a database, as well as extract data and formulate data based on the extracted data for analysis. As an example, we can cite interactive pages of banks, pages for inventory control, sociological research and research, as well as forms for the call of the bell with koristuvachs.

    Web add-ons can be used to update websites from time to time.

    Web add-on relieves web designer of routine work steady renewal HTML side of the site. Posters, for example, news editors, vouch for the availability of fresh material, and web supplements are monitored for automatic updates website. As an example, you can cite the web version of The Economist magazine (www.economist.com) and CNN news service (www.cnn.com).

Web app butt

Svetlana works as a web designer and already long time ago Vikorist Dreamweaver in his robot. This responsibility includes ensuring the operation of the internal corporate website and the Internet site of a medium-sized company that employs approximately 1,000 employees. One day, Sergei, a military specialist in the personnel department, approached her with his problem. A number of personnel are involved in the health improvement program for patients with disabilities. As part of this program, athletes will earn special points for every kilometer, walking distance, running or cycling. At the end of the month, the skincare specialist will send a call via email to Sergiy from the designated number of kilometers. After this Sergius on the basis of the derivations email notifications rewards athletes with small penny prizes depending on the points they accumulate.

The problem is that the wellness program has become even more popular. IN Danish moment the number of participants in this program has grown to such a degree that at the end of the month Sergiy does not get around to processing everything until the next email. Therefore, I returned to Svetlana with food about the possibility of solving this problem using additional web technology.

At the meeting, Svetlana suggested creating a web extension to deal with the upcoming problems.

    The athletes will enter data about their sports achievements in a simple HTML form.

    The extracted data will be stored in the database.

    The allocation of points will be calculated on the basis of the deducted data.

    Skin care specialists can view data about their results.

    At the end of the skin month, Sergiy may be able to reverse all subcutaneous results.

    In a short time, Svetlana created and launched the required reading instructions, since Dreamweaver has all the necessary tools for typing and simple door this kind of add-on.

Any web add-on is a set of static and dynamic web pages. Static web page- this is the side that always appears before the kristuvach in an unchanged appearance. The web server delivers the page to the web browser without any changes. On the contrary, the server makes changes to dynamic web page before sending it to the browser. Because the side changes, it is called dynamic.

For example, you can create a side that will show the results of your wellness program. In this case, information (for example, the name of the browser and its results) will be displayed at the moment the page is loaded by the browser.

The current section will look in more detail at the power supply of web add-ons.

Processing of static web pages

A static website contains a set of separate HTML pages and files located on the computer on which the web server is installed.

Web server - tse security software, This is how web pages respond to requests from web browsers. You can create pages by clicking on a message on a web page, selecting a bookmark in your browser, or entering the page's URL in the browser's address bar.

The remainder, instead of a static web page, is identified by the distributor and is lost unchanged during the downloading process of the web page. butt:

Trio Motors Information Page

About Trio Motors

All HTML code is created by the developer until the moment the page is posted on the server. The HTML code remains unchanged after the page is placed on the server; this page is called static.


If we approach it strictly, a “static” page may not really be like that. For example, replacing images or Flash instead (in a SWF file) allows you to “revive” a static page. However, in this context, the page is static, as long as it is used by the browser without changes.

If the web server receives a request for a static page, then after analyzing the request, the server finds the required page and sends it to the browser, as shown below.

A. The web browser loads the static page. B. The web server knows the side. C. The web server sends the request page to the browser.

In case of web add-ons, the code of the page must be updated daily until the page is entered into the previous page. The daily code is generated using a similar mechanism, and only after which the page can be sent to the browser. This mechanism for forming the code can be seen in the next section.

When a web server requests a static web page, it sends the page directly to the browser. However, if the dynamic page is requested, the actions of the web server are not so clear. The server sends the side special program, Yak and shape the remaining side. This program is called an add-on server.

The add-on server selects the reading code that is on the page, forms the remaining page according to the read code, and then removes it from the page. The result of all these operations is static side, This is transmitted to the web server, which in turn sends it to the client browser. All pages that are viewed by the browser contain only HTML code. A schematic representation of the process:

A. B. C. The add-on server checks the page for the presence of instructions and proceeds to the next page. D. The add-on server delivers the prepared page to the web server. E.

Saving together in the database allows you to enhance the design of the website in accordance with what users will need. Instead of creating all pages in the form of adjacent HTML files, only page templates are written for each type of information that is presented. Then, instead, you will be included in the database, after which the website will be pulled up when the correspondents ask. In addition, you can update information in one page and repeat the change on all websites without manually editing the skin. Adobe Dreamweaver allows you to create web forms to insert, update and update information in a database.

A program instruction designed to retrieve data from a database is called washed down to the base data. The query is made up of search criteria expressed in additional language databases called SQL (structured query language). The text of the SQL query is rendered in side scripts on the server side or in tags.

The add-on server cannot immediately retrieve data from the database; fragments of the database require specific formats for storing data, as a result of which an attempt to retrieve such data will interfere with an attempt to recover it. Microsoft document Word for further help text editor Notepad or BBEdit. Therefore, to connect to the database, the add-on server uses an intermediary - the database driver. The database driver is software module, Following this, the relationship between the add-on server and the database is established.

After the driver is installed, the record is compiled to the base, resulting in a set of records. record set There is no data collected from one or several database tables. The set of records is rotated by the add-on server, which extracts the data for forming the page.

Below is a simple application to the database in SQL language.

SELECT lastname, firstname, fitpoints FROM employees

The following example demonstrates the process of entering a database and returning the retrieved data to the browser.

A. The web browser loads the dynamic page. B. The web server knows the site and transmits it to the add-on server. C. The add-on server checks the page for the presence of instructions and finalizes their preparation. D. The add-on server sends requests to the database driver. E. The driver is saved in the database. F. The driver rotates a set of records. G. The driver sends a set of records to the add-on server. H. The add-on server inserts the data into the page and transfers the page to the web server. I. The web server sends the prepared request page to the browser.

For use in the web add-on, a database driver must be installed on the installation server.

To create low-budget add-ons, you can use a file database, for example, a database created for help Microsoft Access. If you plan to create reliable corporate add-ons, it is recommended to use a server database, for example, based on Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 9i or MySQL servers.

Since the database and web server are deployed on different computers, it is necessary to ensure smooth connections between systems, which will determine the efficiency and reliability of any web application.

Development of dynamic pages

The process of developing dynamic pages consists of writing basic HTML code and then creating server-side scripts or HTML page tags, which help make the page dynamic. If you look at the remaining code, you can see that there are many scripts for inserting into the HTML code of the side page. Apparently, such language scripts are called HTML language. The current application uses ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML).

Note. Dreamweaver CC and later versions have CFML support every day.

Trio Motors Information Page

About Trio Motors

Trio Motors is a leading automobile manufacturer.

Be sure to visit our # department # page.

instilled in I'll give you the side Instructions for completing such actions.

    A change is made with them department, After which the value of the “Sales” row is assigned to it.

    The “Sales” value is placed in the HTML code.

The add-on server turns the front page to the web server:

Trio Motors Information Page

About Trio Motors

Trio Motors is a leading automobile manufacturer.

Be sure to visit our Sales page.

The web server sends the page to the browser, which displays it in this way.

About Trio Motors

Trio Motors is one of the leading car manufacturers.

Don't forget to link to our sales section.

The choice of movie scripts or movies based on tags is based on state-of-the-art server technologies. Below is a list of languages ​​that are the most frequently used in server technologies supported by Dreamweaver.

server technology

ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)

ASP pages

Dreamweaver can create server-side scripts or the necessary tags for pages, or the developer can write the necessary code themselves, using the Dreamweaver coding environment.

Terminology of web add-ons

This section will highlight commonly used terms used in web add-ons.

addon server

A software program that is used by a web server to process web pages to place server-side scripts or tags. When downloading such pages, the web server immediately transfers them to the add-on server for processing, and then sends them to the client browser. Additional reports of miracles. In separate Principles of robotic web applications.

The most extensive extension servers support ColdFusion and PHP languages.