Program for cleaning the same files. How easy it is to know the duplicates of your files in Windows and see them.

On a computer with a hard disk, at one moment it may appear that there is not enough capacity. So, prinaymnі, buvaє have more koristuvachiv, yakі actively vikoristovuyut PC. Wu vipadu z hard drive(SSD) the situation is identical to those of other retailers, which, as a rule, is significantly less than the amount of space on such an extension.

One of the three ways to increase the free space is to use remote duplicate files, which will inevitably appear in a day's time. Garne software security for searching for duplicate files can be searched for duplicates by name, by size and / or by zmist. And if you know duplicates, the program is guilty of propagating the right choice, such as files and folders, delete them, and remove them.

With the improvement of everything, the best choice for the identification and removal of duplicates will be. The program offers a wealth of functions in an apparently high-speed workflow and an intuitively understandable interface.

Before scanning the cob, you can specify programs to check for similarities in file names, to exclude files from scanning with a small or zero size, and system files and folders. In addition, it is possible to scan only to files of the singing type and whether or not to a fixed size; and files created or changed between the same dates. And the “Audio Mode” distribution will be correct when searching for duplicate audio files. You can search in the name of the file, by symbol, etc.

how is your hard drive so much downloads that you can’t remember, you can install this program (it’s about 5 MB), you can try the old one, but still working version Easy Duplicate File Finder. The add-on is portable, which means you can download yoga directly to a USB flash drive and twist it without installing it on a hard disk.

This program is not as rich in functionality as Duplicate Cleaner Free or a streaming version of Easy Duplicate File Finder (like, in the meantime, a reasonable alternative to Duplicate Cleaner), but then it is also compact, portable and ... practical.

Search for duplicate images can be collapsible and use a special software. If you want to clean up your albums, maybe you should try it. Tsya program is absolutely cost-free - you can win freely like at home, so in the office.

Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder allows you to know all the duplicate photos with the help of every few clicks. On reconciliation of authors, the program can resize photographs or create pictures, as if correcting the color. Available file formats: JPG, BMP, GIF and PNG.

The skin of these programs can be corisna. Make a scan, and you will be happy, as a lot of duplicate files have been accumulated on your computer.

This program will help you easily and quickly remove duplicate files from hard drive your computer. With the help of this tool, you can clean up your computer from duplicate files, increase disk space and increase the productivity of your PC. Duplicate Remover Free is a very simple utility with an intuitively understandable interface. Vіdkryte installation file, Select a folder, where you want to install the program, and, after a couple of minutes, you can already work with it. After starting the program, enter a folder or disk, de you want to find duplicates, and press the "Start" button. On the loan deposit, you can check the results of the search for duplicate files. You only need to specify those, if you do not need them, and give the program a command to delete them. Yak bachite, everything is simpler.

How to see the same files? This bezkoshtovna program will be simply indispensable in that situation, as it is intensively practiced on a computer or laptop. For example, it is necessary to regularly wick, as you create and edit a large number of different documents. When changing files, they often save the original document just in case, and new version save either in other paps, or under other names. Sometimes it is necessary in the original version of the file to be removed, but, as a rule, the original file is forgotten to be seen. As a result, numerical copies of files are saved on the hard disk of the computer, which means they look at the hard disk, call out the rogue and take up some free space on disk. Given program, How to search for clones, you should know all duplicate files and see them.

Even more often, searches for repeated files can be checked manually, being afraid that the program, for example, searches for and removes duplicates, automatically removes important files that are repeated. Tsі poboyuvannya marnі, oskіlki given utility nothing can be seen without the presence of a koristuvach. The program sees only those files, which are repeated, yakі koristuvach himself knowing the vision. When working with the program, as a search for duplicate files, it is important to remember that all versions of files, including the original, are seen in the mastered sound. Therefore, when designating files for viewing in the selected list, it is necessary to leave at least one of them.

Duplicate Remover Free - short software for finding and removing duplicates for those that are free of cost. The version of the program, so you can get it for a lower price, does not require registration and is absolutely cost-free. The intuitively sensible interface of the utility allows you to use it to navigate the PC to the PC. The program is easy to install, takes up little space on a hard drive and a minimum of hard disk space system resources. Danish tool is suitable for quotation on any version operating system Windows, including Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

The program for searching for duplicate files is most often necessary for those who save a lot of music on disk, photos and documents.

I, if you want to see such a copy of the application, you can do it manually, special building additions can save a little time.

Especially, if the files are sorted in different folders or in attached directories. Shukati such duplicates are possible for the help of universal software security, or it is insured for a specific type of data.

In the first one, the quickness of the search is promoted, in the other, the ability to reveal all the copies is greater.

universal supplements

Universal programs for downloading copies, basically, work on the principle of file expansion. І, so as the ability to increase the number of bytes in different photos is practically equal to zero, however, the values ​​are taken into account by the sign of a duplicate.

Another algorithm for transferring name reversal is also an important parameter for a search, since more similar data in most of the cases are collected for the name.

The advantages of the program є mozhlivіst know s їх additional files, be it of any type and porіvnjano high swidkіst work. Nedolik - less accuracy of manifestation. So, for example, if you use such utilities, you can’t take one and the same photo for a duplicate, I save it with a different permission.

1. DupKiller

An addendum that secures the search for files practically with any extensions, you can freely download on the official website of the yoga maker.

The middle of the program's scope is the interface of the Russian language, robot cloak and a large number of nalashtuvan.

For the help of DupKiller, you can compare files by size, by date, and by change (remaining possible only for singing types).

Mal. 1. DupKiller software window.

2. Duplicate Finder

The Duplicate Finder add-on allows not only to search for duplicate files with different extensions, but also to sort them.

For the sake of clarity, the customization of the utility allows you to search for names, for control sums, and for names.

In addition, with help you can see empty folders and "null" files. And among the short ones, you can name the hyba that is the essence of the Russian language.

Mal. 2. The result of the Duplicate Finder robot.

3 Glary Utilities

The program is not just one utility, but rather a sprat - for repairing the registry, for cleaning the disk and for managing security.

One of the addenda in the set allows you to search for duplicate files. The middle part of the utility is the Russian interface.

Up to the minuses, you can see the same upgrade of the computer's robots with different programs.

Mal. 3. Utility to search for duplicates in the warehouse of the Glary Utilities package.

How to increase FPS in games: all possible ways 2017 rock

4. CCleaner

The main tasks of the rich functional CCleaner softwareє cleanup of the hard disk of the computer (as well as a tablet and a smartphone, as in the program version є for Android). And the middle of її gains can be seen as:

  • ease of setup;
  • setting dekіlkoh kriterіїv poshuku;
  • the ability to ignore the current files (with the same name or the date of creation, as well as the system or attachment).

Important: If files with zero size are displayed, they cannot be seen in general. Other times, there may be information created in another operating system (for example, Linux).

Mal. 4. Program for system optimization CCleaner can search and duplicate files.


The middle one program, AllDup, can be used to support the current operating Windows systems- from XP to 10. In this case, the search is carried out in the middle of the attached folders, and in the archives.

If you want to match the information behind the locks for the names of the files, then you should change the settings immediately. Then, in the process of searching for the skins of Nydyon's duplicates, you can look over without curving the additions.

And when a copy of її is revealed, you can not only see it, but also change it, or transfer it to another place. Before the supplements, the supplements are introduced to the Russian menu and to the top no-cost robot stretching out for some period of time.

In addition, the compiler releases a portable version in order to copy copies on quiet computers, on which the installation of third-party software is blocked (for example, on a working PC).

Mal. 5. Search files for help portable version of AllDup.

6. DupeGuru

one more brown appendage, How to search for duplicates with any extensions, є DupeGuru. The only shortcoming is the availability of new versions for Windows (at the same time, updates for Linux and MacOS are added regularly).

Tue, now it's outdated utility for Windows 7 badly copes with its tasks and when working in new operating systems. With help, you can easily navigate system files, and the menu is intuitively understandable and Russian.

Mal. 6. Revealing copies for additional DupeGuru utility.

It is noteworthy that, for the first time, a universal variant, the company-maker has created a utility for file search of the single type. Only one other version for images and one more for music.

І, if necessary, clean your computer not only from documents and system files(Yakі, to the point, it is necessary to see it more carefully - sometimes you need to make a copy of the "zayva" copy, lower the system's practicality), varto zavantazhit and ts_ addenda.

7. Duplicate Cleaner Free

The utility for displaying copies of any Duplicate Cleaner Free file is distinguished by the following peculiarities:

  • data filtering by extension;
  • Russian my interface;
  • the possibility of a costless victoria;
  • high speed work.

Up to її nedolіkіv vіdnosіt іnіnіkі іnіkі nі nії when looking for an image (for which it is recommended to attach a paid version) and we do not know the exact translation of the okremih elements of the menu from the English movie. Prote, the zavdyaki of his efficiency and victoriousness, the addition to his singing popularity.

Mal. 7. Search for duplicates for additional utility Duplicate Cleaner Free.

Search for duplicate audio files

If the results of the search for duplicate files do not rule out the coristuvacha, you can look at the option for assignments for the song files. For example, for music, scho was stingy on the disk.

Such a need is often blamed for when there are multiple albums and collections of one and the same album - quite often the same tracks appear in different folders.

The stench can mothers are similar to each other and rejoice, behind the great rahunka, only with names. Specially for whom use utilities for searching for similar melodies.

8.Music Duplicate Remover

mid-peculiarities Music software Duplicate Remover - poor swishing noise and bad efficiency. In fact, the addendum is like a bi "hearing" composition and to carry out її matching with other audio files.

When tsimu, naturally, the hour її work more, lower at universal utilities. However, the number of reverifications by the program of data, as a rule, is ten times less, so the average trivality of reverification rarely outweighs a couple of years.

Mal. 8. Showing copies of music and audio files behind albums.

9.Audio Comparer

The middle part of the Audio Comparer utility is an even simpler menu and a quick search for copies of music. So, among thousands of audio files you can know copies and duplicates (naturally, with their presence) in just 1-2 years.

With this for the manifestation, there is no value for the track, no bitrate (bitness, that is the quality of the sound, the change of which to produce to a different volume of data with the same trivality of the melody).

Mal. 9. Search for duplicates for help Audio Comparer.

10. Dupe Guru Music Edition

The add-on is one of the add-on versions of the cost-free DupeGuru utility. The speed is less work, lower in the universal version, but the ability to display a duplicate audio file in a sprat once more.

The principles of work and interface practically repeat the basic program, and one of the main advantages is those that Music Edition uses "original" music with the highest bitrate. And, it means that you won’t bring more duplicates before spending more audio files.

Mal. 10. DupeGuru version for searching for duplicate music.

Search for copies of photos and other images

Not less often, you may need to see duplicate images. Especially, as on the hard disk there is a collection of collections with special photographs, sorted by date or month of the month.

For the help of special software, uploading photos and pictures will be displayed and reduced, and the space on the HDD (SDD, flash drives and other storage devices) will become larger.

11. Dupe Guru Picture Edition

An addendum for searching for the same pictures is another option of the DupeGuru utility, which can also be downloaded when the universal version is available. With this analysis of the photo, the same can be done in parallel with the search for files, whether there is any extension, but the result is true to itself.

Images are assigned to this type, if there are a few duplicates of the same picture on the disk, but with different permissions and, apparently, rozmіrom. In addition, in order to improve efficiency, files with some graphic extensions - from .jpg to .png are rewritten.

Mal. 11. Search for pictures for another version of DupeGuru.

12. ImageDupeless

The ImageDupeless program has a high speed of work and a small amount of space, which can be important in case of victories, for example, for downloading mobile 2G-internet.

If you won't expand without cost and may Russian interface. And the picker periodically releases updates before it, increasing the efficiency of the search for the image.

Mal. 12. Stylish interface of ImageDupeless software.

13. Image Comparer

The advantages of the Image Comparer program, apart from a simple interface, can be called the presence of a cover master, which allows you to learn a quick and effective image search.

It is especially important to use the utility in the form of more others, for the work of which you happen to read the files of the finalization, do not correctly translate (and sometimes only the English language is used).

In fact, the addendum is yet another version of Audio Comparer, and it can be expanded under a "smartly cost-free" license - so you will have to pay for the same functions.

Mal. 13. Image Comparer add-on - a foolproof way to know duplicate images.

Search for copies of films and videos

Crimean music and images, yet another type of data, duplicates of which are joking around, and video recordings. Even with the presence of 1-2 or 4 terabytes of space on a hard drive on a new one, you can “ruin” movies.

Abo home videos, rozpodіlenі for different catalogs. You can save space, looking for copies of videos, for additional specialized utilities, the number of which is less rich in pairs with addendums for searching for other files.

14. Duplicate Video Search

The work of the Duplicate Video Search program is based on equal bitrates, roaming and names.

With this difference, there are also different formats - .avi, .mpeg4, .mkv, etc. And the results are visible in the thumbnails with the characteristics of the files.

Mal. 14. Search video results with Duplicate Video Search.

15.Video Comparer

Addendum Video Comparer is highly efficient. However, it may be a short time for a votchizny koristuvach - a utility robot without a cost only for the first 30 days (if any happen to be or new version, Be sure to clean the registry and reinstall the information again).

In addition, the program interface is only English. However, for quiet people, like constantly practicing video on a professional level, you can think about buying an addendum.

Tim more cost it's more than 20 euros for a homemade song and it's even more expensive - for 40 minutes you can change up to 500 videos, no matter how much.

Mal. 15. Appointment of duplicate videos for the help of Video Comparer.


The programs for searching for copies of files are serious to do so if you want one of them to be installed on the skin computer.

Especially, as a koristuvach postiyno vykachuє z merezhі raznu іnformatsiyu. For additional utilities that reveal duplicates, you can spare more than one year of your time and a few gigabytes of space on the disk.

Vіdmіnna bezkoshtovna program for searching for duplicate files (pictures, photos, music, etc.).

Let's take a look at this situation... You've got a brand new terabyte hard drive for that. І axis when you try to capture a black movie from torrents, your PC and tell you what, moving, so and so, but there’s no space on the hard drive :). Nightmare !!! Guard!!! Like so, adzhe tsiliy terabyte well buv: (((? !!

And the whole problem may lie in the fact that a lot of duplicated files have accumulated on the new hard drive, or you can create whole folders.

If you decide to manually search your “scars” from the Internet, then you can spend more than one day on those who find two identical installers of one and the same program or a few copies of one and the same songs!

But you can act smarter - entrust your PC to carry out “self-digging” and for the bags of which process will be assigned to them, which one needs to throw out the “bottleneck”, and which one to leave out.

However, in the base Windows versions Functions for the reason that copies of the files were not transferred, so we have to do it for third-party software. One of the best cost-free solutions to this kind of problems is the program DupKiller.

There is practically everything that is necessary for a comfortable and shvidkoy poshuk duplicate files, that can be saved as a whole paid supplements, For example, Duplicate File Remover:

Comparison between DupKiller and paid analog Duplicate File Remover

We are united to finish with the great shortfall DupKiller є vіdsutnіst pіdtrimki NTFS Hard Links. Tobto, the program cannot create a request for a file for yoga robots with dekіlkom with okremimi appendages (without shkod for the rest) :(.

Well, in the folders with the configuration files of the various programs installed on the PC, you can’t get it, then DupKiller is just the tool that will allow you to put things in order on the hard drive.

installing DupKiller

To install the program, we need to start downloading archives and run the installation file. First of all, ask us to select a language installation (choose, naturally, “Russian”), and then everything will be reduced to a simple acceptance of licenses and confirmation of all propositions :). Upon completion of the installation, we will start working with DupKiller:

DupKiller interface

The program interface is simple and handy. Vgorі mi bachimo standard menu bar, which is practically not possible to change, zlіva - panel razdіlіv, and right-handed without middle working space with the necessary buttons and options.

To add a great plus to DupKiller is the ability to automatically switch tabs on the left panel after you click on the next one. In this way, it is implemented as a pokrokovy master of robotics with a program, which, no doubt, is more convenient for a koristuvach who has not mastered the new interface.

For locking, after the launch of DupKiller, we go to the "Disks" tab. Here we can, for the help of a tick, signify that we have divided, as if we were to scan for the presence of duplicates.

For the first time, the Raja needs to work outside scanning, in order to get a real picture of what is going on in your entire hard drive, so we don’t bother with this deposit and press the “Scan” button.

After the initialization of the process of scanning a hard drive, we automatically go to the "Statistics" tab:

Here, in the original form, the whole process of scanning the hard drive is shown. Krim vikna log file, in which the statistics of the DupKiller robot are recorded, we can take the information from the status row at the very bottom of the program's work window.

In first black - tse kіlkіst znaidenih files. Perebuvayushi in razdіlі statistics, we can accept or replicate the process of scanning, the rest of the time, we'll be responsible for starting a new search from the cob itself.

Scanning trivatime is not necessary for a long time (everything should be deposited in the size of your hard drive). For me, for example, 80 Gigabytes could scan trochs less, lower for three hvilin :). Upon completion of the process of searching for duplicates, we will be immediately redirected to the remaining section of the "List":

Viewing duplicates and other non-required files

In fact, the most important thing is the program, so let's look at it in detail. The first thing I want to do is spread DupKiller either to the full screen, or expand it horizontally in order to manually kill the entire status row below.

On it, we prefer a number of dubbed files, their wild expansion, and when choosing duplicates, they offer a pitiless scourge, a more wild expansion, which sounds after their death.

With the approach of the rajah, we will arrange all the known duplicates for the amount of money borrowed by them in the Winchester space. For what you need, just click the left button of the mouse on the inscription "Rozmir" (fourth column of the list).

After that, all files will be sorted by the size of their "appetites" on the hard disk space. So the “important” files themselves will be in the end of the table, and the next ones will be in the top (you can open and close by clicking on the “Rozmir” again and ending up with a new list).

Now you can proceed and see non-required files. In the main list, the stench is divided into groups, so that they display duplicates of the same file in different folders (naturally, with their own insert).

For certain types of files (text and graphics, and when the plug-in is activated, sound) DupKiller has a forward lookup function. Tobto, just as you choose a song file, immediately jump in the end, in which you can sing yogo together, without voicing yogo.

For other files, this function seems to be easy to do, but large files can be done for a long time, which is a lot of noise, like a robot program, so the system as a whole.

To that end, deactivate the function by clicking the "Enable Front" button (and then you can re-enable it by clicking the "Preview" button on the toolbar above the list of files).

If all the preparations are finished, we will only have to check the uncommonly duplicated files and press the “View Viewed Files” button on the toolbar. All of us - we pozbulissya zayvogo ballast on zhorstkom disk and zvіlnili so we need space for re-charging :).

Yak bachite, everything turned out to be easy to finish - You're the first time without a day additive installations could “double up” a significant commitment to space in Winchester.

However, DupKiller has no concessions thin lashings, And navpak just clear them up. In the world of that, as you will explore them, all new and new functions of the program will be revealed for you! Let's take a look at the most important of them.

Additional functions

Also, DupKiller allows you to scan not only the entire hard drive in a row, but also the next folders:

Files and folders

To set up directories for rewriting on duplicate files, you need to go to the "Files and folders" tab. Here they split two.

At the top ("Shukani files") you can tell what types of files you need to add to the comparison (for locking everything is activated). And in the lower one (“Folder Browser”), switching to the “Only Assigned Folders” mode, set the list of folders, which should be checked for the presence of duplicates.

Folders can be added, as for the help of the "Add" button, so we'll just drag it, but you can also add more convenient option.


The next tab - "Vinyatki" - allows us to specify those extensions of files and folders that are not guilty of being included in the scanning process:


The work with this tab is similar to the one in front, we won’t put our respect on it, but let’s move on to the offensive division - “Nalashtuvannya”:

Axis de razgulyatsya something you can! :) Here we can set criteria for which files to follow, the levels of similarity, for which files will be considered the same, the expansion of the processed files, as well as a lot of other parameters.

If you don’t like it, then in DupKiller there is another “Other settings” :)

Just as in the front section the parameters were changed, which are interchanged with the process of scanning files and folders, then the settings are more dependent on the program interface.

Here you can change the priority of the search process, change the parameters for displaying the list of duplicated files, and also improve savings and renewals. From the drive of the rest - є small secret;).

DupKiller can be downloaded in portable mode (from flash drive or disk). For which it is necessary to activate the “Save settings” item in the “File” menu and save the file with the program parameters in the folder, in the same way as DupKiller installations (for locking C:\Program Files\dupkiller). Now it's just a matter of copying the guessed folder to your own pocket and you're done;).

The rest of the program group has been updated with the parameters of the “Verified” files:

Here all the settings are marginally clear, so we don’t focus on them, but look at the global advantages and shortcomings of DupKiller.

Advantages and shortcomings DupKiller

  • byte ordering of files;
  • function of forward review of files;
  • gnuchki settings for scanning;
  • the function of automatically writing files;
  • the ability to win as a portable add-on.
  • there is no possibility to create “zhorstki” messages on files.


Like a bachite, a short DupKiller is practically not possible, so yoga can be done as an ideal no-cost program for fighting with clones of files on a hard drive! Good luck to you and schob іz you are POWER !!! :)

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article for the sake of understanding, expressing an active contribution to the savings of the authorship of Ruslan Tertishny.