Why does the blue screen of death appear and what to do with it. What is the Blue Screen of Death and what to do with it Blood Analysis Instructions

BSOD (English. Blue Screen Of Death

BSOD- this is the name of the notification that appears in the operating room Windows system , with a critical police force in the system, translated into Russian - blue screen death. This screen appeared in Windows NT and has since been present in all versions of this screen operating system, And it’s sadly said that after it appears, the OS effectively “dies” (is about to be reinstalled), dumping the dump and wasting all unsaved data.

What is the cause of BSOD? This pardon checks on you like some kind of the driver tries to cancel an illegal operation, and it doesn’t matter, why would you be a driver? hard disk, it’s really impossible to work without it, because the edge/sound card driver, which doesn’t affect the main functionality of the system... there’s only one option: BSOD and emergency re-installation.

Problems with drivers, what to call blue screen death can be mentally divided into two types:

  • hardware problems (RAM, motherboard, hard drive, non-standard devices...),
  • conflict of software drivers (antiviruses, emulators, firewalls...).

There is an indirect sign that may indicate the cause of the BSOD.

Since the blue screen appears with various fault codes (on default drivers), the most likely cause is problems with computer hardware To check this version, you must first check the equipment for possible overheating: processor, processor, video card, hard drive ta in. The temperature of the devices can be checked in the BIOS or with special programs, which is easy to find out at a glance. The temperature is above 65-70 ° C and the drive is for restlessness.
If you are not afraid of overheating, you should visually inspect the motherboard and power supply unit for swelling of the capacitors (electrolyte).
It is also necessary to recheck setting up the BIOS, you need to reset them to standard settings. We will not request an update BIOS versions From the website of the motherboard manufacturer, or, at a minimum, remove the battery from the motherboard and, having checked close, insert it back.
Try to carry out various tests on your computer (memory, video cards, processors) using special utilities.
If you have a number of modules installed on your computer RAM Try to remove one of them and check the system operation.
The remaining method of rechecking is to completely remove all the boards from the sockets, blow out the compressed air from the computer, clean the contacts on the boards with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, dry and take everything back.

If a critical bug is directly related to the bug code itself (driver names), then this is a major problem Due to a driver conflict or an incorrectly written driver. In this case, the priority for checking the software is given not to system drivers, but to software drivers, operating in kernel mode.
To begin with, you may need to reconfigure the fact that your operating system saves chunks of memory with errors in the minidump file. In Windows, such files are stored in the folder %systemroot%\Minidump (C:\Windows\Minidump). If there are no files in this directory (there is no directory), you must enable this option after the address:
For Windows XP Keruvannya panel - System - Dodatkovo - Zavantazhennya and vіdnovlennya - Parameters...
For Windows 7 Control Panel - System and Security - System - Additional parameters systems - Design and innovation - Parameters...
Under the heading "Recording personal information" you must put Small memory dump(64 KB for Windows XP, 256 KB for Windows 7).

The resulting minidump files will appear in the standard folder after a system crash. The file names will indicate the date of saving and the serial number of the saved file for the date. You can open such files using special programs, which are easy to find on the Internet. asking for a sound. By opening the minidump file for the date you want to download, you can download the driver itself by clicking on the crash, after which you can download/update Denmark driver, reset the software conflict, perform other activities to update the computer’s usefulness.
Blue screen of deathThis informs the operating system about a critical error. So the Windows way gives us an understanding that there are serious problems in the computer's work that require the undue respect of the correspondent. Let's try to figure out what can cause the Blue Screen of Death, how you can avoid its appearance and how you can fight it.

What is the blue screen of death?
In order to identify the reasons for the appearance of the Blue Screen of Death, it is necessary to understand what it is. Blue Screen of Death or BSoD- just like that Danish type Windows vendors themselves call it a mistake. Blue - to the one that is related to the system displayed on the black aphid. Screen of death - fragments are far away Windows robot After such a compromise is impossible, it is necessary to restart the operating system, in which case all unsaved data will be lost. If you have experienced BSoD on your computer 1 or 2 times, don’t worry, occasional operating system failures affect everyone. Since the appearance of the blue screen of death has become a regular occurrence, it’s time to think about the reasons for it and its methods.

Blue screen of death, possible causes:

The main reasons for the blue screen of death are:

  • There is a software problem in the robot driver that I will install. This is the most common reason for BSoD.
  • The conflict in robot programs, as a rule, is resolved if you have installed two anti-virus packages or two firewalls on your computer.
  • Installing drivers from an unknown vendor – often drivers from third-party vendors can contain bugs that can cause the operating system to crash.
  • Troubles in robot ownership - overheating of the processor and video card, bad contact on connectors, defective RAM chips.

Yak Bachimo, a list of reasons has appeared BSoD finish the great one. In order to understand the specific reason, it is important for us to look at the blue screen of death in Windows XP or another Windows versions. The first row on the Technical Information block is the payment code. It is important for non-Fakhists to understand what is involved in this sequence of numbers, in another row of which the system informs us in which file there has been a critical failure, which will lead to the appearance of the blue screen of death. Using the file name, you can determine which device driver has a problem.

How to fight the blue screen of death.

At the first stage, we analyzed the causes of guilt BSoD. Now, based on these data, it is significant why you showed up on our computer blue screen of death and what needs to be done in order to put the jaw in critical pardon.

We first need to know which device driver is installing the file that is faulty. After this, it is necessary to reinstall the driver and install the software in the driver. Now restart the system and let it run again if the problem appears again - you need to look at other reasons why the system crashes. The Blue Screen of Death in Windows 7 is often caused by an incorrect operating system. Try checking with your computer connected to the video that the installation is reliable in the main power supply. motherboard RAM and video card. Most often, the installation is unclear, or the presence of a saw on the contacts can lead to incorrect operation of the system.

The greatest expansion of BSoD. Code saves the blue screen of death

KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED- A blue screen appears as a result of the kernel mode process, which is triggered by an unknown instruction. It may be due to a malfunction or malfunction of the device, as well as errors in drivers or system services.

NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM- This problem appears to be the result of a bug in the driver code file system ntfs.sys. The main reason may be damage to the integrity of the data on the disk or memory, as well as corruption of the SCSI or IDE drivers.

DATA_BUS_ERROR- The Blue Screen of Death appears as a result of a memory failure. The main reason may be incorrect or faulty installation. The problem may also be related to an incorrect driver, or there may be something wrong with the disk.

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL- the blue screen of death sometimes appears as a result of the kernel mode's process attacking the memory area of ​​its vikory and unacceptably high IRQL. Qia mercy You may be using the wrong drivers, system services, or something stupid software security, for example, a software emulator or anti-virus add-on.

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA- A lock appears as a result of the system not finding necessary data, for example, if Windows looks for necessary information in the swap file, but cannot find it. Most often, the appearance of a blue screen of death in this case is caused by malfunctions in the computer, corruption of file systems, or a problem with a service or software, such as an antivirus.

KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR- This error appears as a result of the error appearing while reading from the swap file in physical memory. The main reason for the appearance of the blue screen of death is the zipped sector of the file virtual memory, the robot is incorrect or the controller is faulty hard disks, lack of strength Have a good time on the disk, incorrect hard drive connection, interruption conflict, RAM defect, viruses in the operating system.

Basically, a blue screen of "death" appears on the following page: software (drivers), some installed (videos, conflicts or incorrect operation). In these situations, when the blue “death” screen appears, you need to delete immediately installed programs and the driver, as well as turn it on and off, the device has recently been installed.

You need to view the security software Safe mode Windows. To protect your operating system, you need to press the F8 key and select Safe Mode.

A common cause of the appearance of the Blue Screen of Death is overheating of the equipment (computer components). In connection with this, there is a defense that is the reason for the appearance of BSoD. Why is it necessary to remove the cover? system unit and indicate overheating - this is often the case central processor, First video card and life block. If a malfunction is detected, it is necessary to fix it, otherwise the problem will appear BSoD.

A Windows system crash (BSOD) is most often caused by incorrect operation or driver corruption, due to a series of malfunctions in the computer hardware.

In this article we will look at the basic steps that will help you independently determine the cause of the BSOD and, as a result, put it away.

We will analyze memory dumps using the WinDBG adder; first of all, you will need to install the adder and configure it.
How to earn it you learn from the statistics

WinDBG interface

When you open the memory dump file, enter this:

This means that the display of commands for editing is independent of the main editor window, so you can change its size, move it or fit it in the editor window by dragging its top edge to the bottom edge of the toolbar mentiv, and also light up the whole screen.

If you open the dump file to the administrator, it will take about an hour to connect to the Internet and download the necessary symbols for installation. In the process of acquiring improvement symbols, a message appears in the command line of the administrator Debugee not connected, at this hour you will not be able to vikorist the editor.

Once the symbols are loaded and the editor is ready to analyze the dump file, you will be informed Followup: MachineOwner at the bottom of the text window.

Now everything is ready for the beginning of memory dump analysis. All commands are entered in command row, embossed at the lower part of the window.

Memory dump analysis

The first thing you need to pay attention to when opening a dump file is the compilation code, which significantly indicates the main direction of the compilation and analysis methodology.

Kodi pardons will always be entered into sixteenth value and looks like 0xXXXXXXXX. Enter the amend code using one of the following options:

  • STOP: 0x0000009F
  • 06/03/2015 0009F

Advice with codes of amends: Windows Dev Center Bug Check Code Reference

Command!thread and driver analysis

The most common cause of BSOD is third party drivers(Vyrobniki devices). In order to improve the driver and add it to the dump, we need to look at the stack.
Follow the team ! thread you can find it in the results of this wiki Baseі Limit, and their sixteenth values.
The butt smells like this:
Base fffff80000b9b000 Limit fffff80000b95000

Arm the team row dps then through the gap hexadecimal values Limit, and behind it the meaning Base. In this case, the order of insertion of the value is important - it is due to the turnaround, which is displayed as a result of the final command!thread.

dps fffff80000b95000 fffff80000b9b000

If you have a stack of values, you will get a lot of rows of text and values. Among the results of this command, look for information about changes to the designated drivers. This application has a driver igdkmd64.sys and iaStorA.sys and in the administrator it looks like this:

Look for the drivers listed on your computer. Not obov'yazkovo, but bazhano zrobiti because After uninstalling the driver from the device manager or using an additional program, the driver may not be visible, but in this case you can uninstall it manually. Another reason is that the file can be Free programs(Virus, Trojan, miner, etc.), and in such cases, the driver will be installed in unrelated folders.
To simplify the procedure, open the command line running as administrator and enter the command:

driverquery /v > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\drivers.txt"

After executing the command, a file drivers.txt will be created on the desktop, which will contain report information about all drivers installed in the system, with their description and routes for installing the driver file.

The application has a BSOD problem with drivers. Intel video cards(igdkmd64.sys) and SATA/AHCI controller (iaStorA.sys).

Please note that BSOD is not always caused by drivers, but may also be due to hardware problems, but if the error code indicates a problem with the driver, it is recommended to quickly check your Windows drivers.


The!analyze command displays information about the current fault or error code, and the -v parameter forms a report summary of the data. From whom do we need data about blocked IRP packets from the designated Arg4, and meaning FAILURE_BUCKET_IDі BUCKET_ID.

Follow the team !irp adding the value Arg4

!irp ffffe001eb781600

As a result of running the command, a problematic driver was identified. RT630x64.sys

In this version, the driver Rt630x64.sys is included in merging adapter It triggers the alarm DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE when the system is completed.
For taking off reports about the driver file, use the command

As you know, the driver date is old and update it to resolve the problem.


Meta articles about the algorithm for analyzing a memory dump to identify the cause of BSOD. Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to consider all the options for analysis, and many subtleties come only with information. Only one pardon code was looked at because The consistency of the analysis turned out to be less successful than 0x124, for example, as in most cases we talk about a hardware problem, or 0x116, so about a problem with the video driver or a problem with the video card in 95% of cases.

If you haven’t been able to explain the reason for the BSOD, or simply need knowledgeable and qualified help in analyzing the problem, you can now go to the forum

Anyone who has had a computer for a long time, at least once, has been singing with such a thing, like blue screen With a purchase of white letters, you can get any more, call, re-enchantment (and the computer re-enchant on its own).

Within the framework of this article, I will inform you about those who need to fight this blue screen of death (that’s what they call it). In addition, within the framework of this, you will now be able to give up again the effort to fight this scourge, even if you don’t want to or can’t do it on your own. Alright, let's get to the point. Blue screens of death and why they died.

Blue screen of death - hidden description

Blue screen of death(English: Blue Screen of Death, BSoD) - that’s how people called him - the koristuvach informs about, apparently mentally, wrong systemic treatment. The problem is current and may apply to any Windows. Most often, the result is a blue screen of death - when you try to cancel an unacceptable operation with the driver (I wrote a report about drivers in the statistics), or unstable work Some kind of leak on the computer (zocrema, maybe).

What does an illegal pardon mean? This means that the operating system cannot solve this problem in any way and is deprived of having to restart the computer and wasting all the unsaved changes.

The only thing left is that at the moment of compromising, the system begins to work - block everything possible, create a dump (about dumps below the text) and display the compromising code so that you can independently identify the reason. It’s true that it’s not always possible to solve the problem on your own, and then the system creates an entry in the system log with the parameters of the error that was logged, and the path to the so-called dump file, which can be accessed by software and driver vendors for a more detailed identification of the reasons for the error ta їkh usunennya.

Essentially blue screen of death(also known as BSOD) is such a victim, and even if it didn’t exist, then they would have started to mess up completely (With a grimace at the non-sys.administrative term) be it the internal components of the computer.

What the blue screen of death looks like and what it tells you about

Since you haven’t done it yet (so you’re lucky :)), then this guide looks like this:

Everything before the Technical Information describes what could happen, what happened behind the screen and what steps you need to complete in order to get it out. It’s written there the same time and again (Install/pick up new drivers, make sure there are no conflicts, connect new things, turn off the power, etc.). And the Technical Information axis is as follows:

  • parity code and its symbolic name (for example 0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)
  • 4 parameters that explain the grinding, are valid for the nutritional PZ (the values ​​of the parameters are stored under the grinding code)
  • address of the place of commemoration (as you can specify)
  • the name of the driver in which the problem occurred (as you can specify)

For this additional information, you can fight against such a thing as a blue screen, or more precisely against system failures, drivers and programs. Before speaking, it is important that you can manually display the blue screen of death by pressing the SCROLL LOCK key and pressing the CTRL key (assuming that this function is enabled in the system settings).

“Do you need to call Primus Primus this thing?” - Feed V. And in order to take a computer memory dump Narazi, And in case of severe current problems, the operation of the operating system.

Adjustment so that you don't see the blue screen of death

It is likely that the computer will restart immediately after the blue screen of death appears. This is easy with a customized system. If you want to contact someone and write down the code of mercy, sign up now:

For koristuvachiv Windows XP: Way: "Start - Nalashtuvannya - Control panel- System - - Parameters - Windows System “Uncheck here” and click OK. For Windows Vista/7/8 users: Way: " Start - Control Panel - - System - Advanced System Settings - "Advanced" tab - "Advanced and Updated" section - "Settings"". Uncheck here" Viconati is automatically re-enchanted and click OK.

Now let's move on to the causes of this problem.

Causes of Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)

Behind the text we talked a little about possible reasons Vinication of the blue screen of death. Let's review a few more of them and report:

  • Driver conflict
  • Incorrect drivers
  • The price of the OS driver is absurd
  • Failures of the drivers themselves
  • Viruses (rarely)
  • Inconsistency with one device (or conflict between devices)
  • Device failures (most often RAM or hard drives fail)
  • Conflict of add-ons (click the blue death tap, click emulators or anti-virus programs installed at the same time)
  • Overheating of components (as a result of the blue screen of death)

Most often, BSoD indicates serious problems with components and drivers. There will be no further identification of the causes of the blue screen of death short choice- you risk pissing yourself in front of the computer, which doesn’t bother you, who has gotten out of the right place, as if you were a slacker.

Which blue screen of death has the greatest extensions

A short description of the broadest types:

  • KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED - the kernel mode process tried to evict an unacceptable or unknown processor instruction. This may be due to a failure to install, a problem with the device, bugs in the driver or system service.
  • NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM - the code of the file system driver ntfs.sys is disabled. The reason may be a corruption of the data on the disk (bad cluster) or memory, or corruption of the IDE or SCSI drivers.
  • DATA_BUS_ERROR - a parity error was detected in the RAM. The reason is a defective or unreasonable device, for example, a cache chip of a different level, the video memory, is faulty. It may also be due to an incorrectly functioning or incorrectly configured driver or a disk failure.
  • IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - the kernel mode process is trying to access the memory area, vikoryst unacceptably high IRQL (Interrupt Request Level). It may be caused by bugs in the driver, system service, BIOS, or a defective driver, service, or software (for example, antivirus).
  • PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - the data to be queried is currently in memory (for example, the system looks for the required data in the paging file, but does not know it). Cause the problem due to hardware failure (defective memory), file system corruption, system services to the antivirus.
  • KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR - it is not possible to read the loaded memory side from the physical memory swap file. Reasons – defective sector of the virtual memory file, failure of the hard drive controller, insufficient disk space, incorrect connection of the hard drive, interruption conflict, RAM defect, virus.
  • MISMATCHED_HAL - hardware abstraction level (HAL) and system kernel do not match the computer type. The most common problem with this situation is when you install another processor on a single-processor system and forget to manually update HAL and ntoskrnl. There may also be different versions of hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe.
  • KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR - it is not possible to read the requested data side from the physical memory. Reasons - defective sector of the virtual memory file, failure of the hard drive controller, failure of RAM, virus, disk controller, defective RAM.
  • INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE - the process of downloading the OS could not deny access to system section. There can be many reasons for this widening pain: defects fancy disk chi disk controller; the absurdity of possession; vandalized virus; clearing the file system, for example, the Partition Table; damage or the presence of unnecessary data on the file, for example - NTLDR; lack of availability of the hard drive controller driver or lack of consistency of the stream driver with the installed hardware; enabling DMA mode in the BIOS; turning on the DRIVE SWAPPING mode for changing drive letters in CMOS Setup; resource sharing conflict between the disk controller and another device; Poskodzhennya data about the acquisition of drivers in system registry; installation of the system in the sections between the first 1024 cylinders of the hard drive; fix for the boot.ini file.
  • UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - the guilt of a paste that is not supported by the kernel (trap) or a fatal loss (like setting it to zero). Equipment malfunction or software failure.
  • STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED- there is a failure in the service that operates in the customer mode. You can get tied up with incorrect work application programs, drivers, third-party system services
  • STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH- the driver or system library file has been corrupted or lost. There may be a problem with the file system or a faulty system file.

These are, so to speak, “a hot dozen” blue screens of death.

Dump blue screens and always need help

As I already said, whenever the blue screen of death occurs, the system creates a dump file. The dump saves information about what happened and who called the error, which allows you to diagnose the problem (such as a blue screen) and resolve it.

Below the text there is information about how to recover and analyze dumps. To start, you need to reconfigure that dump creation is not enabled on the system. For whom is it timid? For Windows XP:

"Start - Setup - Control panel- System - - Parameters - Windows system

Here we check what settings have been set in the column " Recording personal information"let's come in order:

If not, then, clearly, it is stated. Dumps are kept according to the dose indicated in these adjustments themselves. The path can be changed at your own discretion.

%SystemRoot% - ce C:\Windows\, de C:\ - drive where the operating system is installed.

All mini-dumps are in .dmp format and are stored strictly in the folder that was specified in the settings at the time of the blue screen of death. For Windows 7/Vista/8:

"Start - Keruvannya panel("Start - Settings - Control Panel") - System - Additional system parameters- - Parameters - Vidmov system - Recording personal information"

Screenshot illustration (clickable):

All data is entered as in the screenshot. Let me remind you that in order to enter the reset code, if there is a BSOD "e, it is recommended to uncheck the box" Viconati is automatically re-enchanted".

As has already been said above and, as practice shows, the most common problem that occurs through the blue screen of death is the driver. To install any driver that fails and resolve the problem, read after the subtitle " Analyze BSOD dumps independently(written a little below the text). On the other hand, there is an overheating of components or a bit of RAM:

  • To identify the temperature and determine the cause of overheating, I recommend that you read my article: "".
  • To test the RAM and understand that it is not the cause of the blue screen, I recommend running a memtest, for which read the article: " "

In third place, it’s not surprising, there are a lot of Windows assemblies (for ZverCD, GameEdition, etc.) created by foolish authors, as well as a lot of pirated copies of Windows. It’s not funny, but this is the most common cause of the problem, and most often in these cases there is only one recommendation: install a normal, full-fledged distribution of the operating system, without any damage or modification.

Instructions for video format from extracting minidumps of blue screens of death

You can watch the video instructions for removing the minidump from the blue screens of death.

..or familiarize yourself with the text below.

Help and support for common problems with blue screens

If such a problem arises (blue screen of death), I (and my team) are ready to help you with the highest levels of strength and ability in the world absolutely without harm, because I myself have been doing this for a long time and I have hundreds of collected sheets and dumps in my storage.

At the moment I am forming (and having already often formulated) the BSOD-masters command, then. people who are specialized and professionally engaged in the analysis of dumps of such a thing as the blue screen of death, under my sensitive supervision and mentoring.

If you are still looking for help with your problem with the blue screen of death, you can choose one of the two methods below:

  1. You can directly contact the team of BSOD masters for the project, or even more specifically, by providing your fix code and other necessary information. Persh nіzh create a topic there, respectfully understand the s. This method highest priority, because There will be a number of qualified people working on your dumps, and not just me, and you will need evidence that will be removed more quickly (and, perhaps, more competently), in the second way. via email.
  2. Vlasna, there is another way - don’t send me by mail - support [doggy] site, where [dog] - this is the familiar symbol @ (there are no clearings, there are no clearings, in this address, of course there is no) - a sheet with upcoming data:

A few notes:

  • Leaves without a dump cannot be seen;
  • There is no need to enhance your monitor's photos from the Blue Screen of Death;
  • There is no need to strengthen the middle or great dumps (magnificent statistics);
  • It is important to strengthen me all the dumps that є (within reasonable limits) It is IMPORTANT to read the article below to write with bad food on kshtalt "Where to take the dump and what?" or strengthen text files that are clearly not ready for dumping;
  • Since you are not able to read the material that you need and write for you, then why am I guilty of wasting my time on such people? I don’t support such sheets.

The terms will look at the dump via mail, on the basis of the original sheets, vary until the end (more rarely), depending on my employment. If you are not ready to check as much, then you do not need to write a sheet, but rather go to the forum. Terms of reviewing dumps of such a thing as a blue screen, in the clouds, on the forum (sent in more) in the form of up to three (call it swedish).

Blue screen of death and dump analysis on your own

If, for whatever reason, you don’t want to bother analyzing the dump before me or my fakers (the wonder behind the text), then you can analyze them yourself. Below is video, and below video is text, select the manual forward feed format.

Because the greatest a common cause If not the driver itself, then analysis and analysis of the dump will allow you to identify the driver that is faulty, and update/upgrade it to a newer/older one stable version, but there is no alarm and blue screens. How to look instead of dumping a blue screen (two ways): Method First. To finish old and long, but to finish effective and revise for an hour - this is the debugging + kdfe package. How to install and what to work:

  • Please click and install - .
  • (kdfe.cmd). This file needs to be extracted from the archive into the System32 folder.
  • Everything that is lost - open the command line and write there kdfe "%systemroot%\Minidump\Mini050208-01.dmp" de Mini050208-01.dmp – the name of the file from the Minidump folder. The way can be made without paws. Of course, you naturally substitute your own name for the file. The folder may also be different, especially if the dump was downloaded here. Vlasna, I created a bsod folder on my disk and threw all the dumps there, and in the console, apparently, I wrote kdfe C:\bsod\im_dump.dmp. Then press Enter and after about an hour you will remove the name of the driver that is causing your problems. Screenshot with explanation:

Our respectful row probably caused by: whoever is blamed for the blue screen of death. In the screenshot we can see that some habu.sys driver is to blame for this problem, and we need to know sound systems What is the driver, and also consider updating to a new or older stable version. This case includes a USB mouse driver (Razer Habu).

Obviously, it’s good to get rid of the blue screen of death - don’t reinstall the driver to a new one, or you’d like to try just reinstalling the one you already have. Most often, it is necessary to look at the process row because there are indications of an .exe (or .dll, etc.) file, be it any program or part of it, like the antivirus/firewall stuff, and then the problem is most likely in something else, and not in the driver.

Apparently, if you have done something similar, then to eliminate the blue screen, it is recommended to reinstall/change the antivirus/firewall. Before speaking, many antiviruses optimize their drivers, so the “stuff” of the antivirus can light up and in a row probably caused by: Another method. Thing s I'll call you my mother BlueScreenView.

BlueScreenView as a tool for dump analysis

Vlasna, this is a program for analyzing dumps. It’s completely cost-free and can be used more manually, the console method is better because it shows the progress, and you can jump between dumps without constantly entering the name manually. After launching, open the program window, where you will be required to specify the folder in settings where you are storing the dumps. For this, go to Options - Advanced Options and select the folder with dumps.

After adding the folder, copy the dumps there (as there are none at all) and click on the “Refresh” button of the program. Then you see the name of the required dump and download the driver that causes the blue screen (or a plugin). The smell of the program is marked with a red color.

The following procedure is the same as in the first step - let’s find out what kind of driver it is, what kind of device I’ll install, and then install it, install it, and reinstall it.

The advantage of another method (using BlueScreenView programs) is that it is more convenient, simpler, and more accurate, and it shows a number of drivers instead of just one. Since you have not understood anything and you have been spending a lot of time on the analysis, then we always check for you on our forum or in my bsod-mail (the interesting thing behind the text in the sub-site is “Addressing the most common problems with BSOD”)


The axis is such a thing, it’s a blue screen. I strongly recommend that you do not start the computer on the desktop so that you can deal with the blue guide. Bye bye.

As always, if there is any food, then you can safely ask them in the comments before this entry or on the project forum, since the comments are already closed (for among other reasons). I thank you for your respect.

Let the blue screen of death bypass you :)

I will continue to inform you about the blue screen of death, please contact me.

However, if the computer reboots or freezes, and the blue screen of death does not appear or appears for a second, then information about the causes of the failure can still be updated.

On the right is that the operating system at the time of failure saves instead of RAM in the so-called dump file(may be expanded .dmp). Next, the dump file can be analyzed and the same information seen on the blue screen and a little more can be seen.

If the creation of a dump can be enabled in the system, it will be possible to re-convert because, first of all, the system creates dumps during failures, and, in another way, it is possible to find out the place on the disk where the smells are saved.

For whom you need to go to the section System.

In Windows 10, you can earn money through searching, and in previous versions operating system through the Control Panel.

This is due to the inclusion of entries in the system log, and so that the computer does not automatically restart and present us with a blue screen of death instead, you need to check the automatic restart if it was turned on.

The route to the dump is also displayed here, so the dump is saved in the %SystemRoot% folder, which is the designated Windows folder.

Here you can also select “small memory dump”, which will be completely sufficient to search for the damage codes.

So, the system went to the blue screen of death, after which a memory dump was created.

To analyze dumps, go to special programs And one of the most popular is the BlueScreenView utility.

The program is very simple and does not require installation - it can be downloaded from the official website and unzipped. You can download a file from the official website and use it to Russify the program. For whom Denmark file you will need to place it in a folder with the unzipped program.

If after launching the program the dumps are not displayed, although the system shows a blue screen of death, then you can go to the settings of the program and reconfigure the path to the memory dump correctly, so that the fault is the same as in the settings of the system .

After this, you need to update the information in the program window, and all the creations in the dump system will be displayed. If you dump a file, then we focus on the date of the failure. Select the required dump, and then show up Detailed information according to nom.

Here the name of the problem is displayed, the STOP code, the parameters and if the cause is the driver, then its name is visible in the appropriate field.

Also, at the bottom of the program window, files are visible that could also cause the crash. Come and deal with each of them in order. The algorithm here is similar to that discussed in the previous post - we look for a solution on the Internet, and as a search key we will name the file or the search code.

In this case, it is not obligatory to manually enter data into the search system. Please click right button move in the dump row, then context menu You can select an item that will allow you to find a description of the problem itself in Google.

You can search Google for the fix code, search for the fix code and name the driver, or search for the fix code for the parameter.

Also, using this utility, you can quickly find out the location of the problematic file on the disk.

Sometimes there is a file that, when you click on the problem, go to any program or program. When moving a file on the disk, you can quickly determine which program or program will be affected.

Well, you should know that cleaners often see memory dumps, since you use such programs, then in the hour of identifying the reason for the appearance of the blue screen of death, you should avoid them.

And the rest of the nutrition, as I emphasize within the framework of this note - What should you do if your computer no longer starts after a blue screen appears? Then the computer freezes or is constantly restarting, and therefore there is no way to analyze the memory dump.

The answer is logical and simple - you need to create I'll get a flash drive To help, you can “pull out” the dump file from your hard drive and analyze it on another computer. For whom are we interested in the flash drives on the hard drive of my dad’s computer? Windows or in the subfolder minidump We find a dump file that is copied to a flash drive. Then on another computer for additional utilities BlueScreenView We analyze the dump as received from this note.

Or what else is called BSOD, it can certainly affect life on both the computer and the server, and also it was explained virtual machine. Today we know how to analyze the blue screen dump memory in Windows, so that the diagnosis is correct and the cause of what your system is not working through, 99 hundreds of vertices, and more systems engineer, simply guilty of paying attention to the work, and even in the short term, so that from this business you can end up spending a lot of pennies on a simple service.

BSOD decryption

Let's take a look at what this abbreviation means, BSOD in the English Blue Screen of Death, or the STOP mode.

The Blue Screen of Death may occur for a variety of reasons, including problems with drivers, a faulty add-on, or a faulty RAM module. As soon as you have a blue screen in Windows, your system will automatically create a crash memory dump file, which we will analyze.

How to fix memory dump

behind zamovchuvannyam windows when the screen is blue, I create a crash dump file memory.dmp, I’ll show you how to configure it and where it’s saved, I’ll show you on the app Windows Server 2008 R2, because I recently had a problem with the blue screen on my virtual machine. In order to find out how to configure dump memory windows, go to Start and right-click on the Computer icon and select the authority.

How to analyze the blue screen dump memory on a Windows computer

How to analyze the blue screen dump memory in Windows system settings

Let's go to the Dodatkovo Zavantazhennia and Renewal tab. Emboss the Options button

How to analyze blue screen dump memory in Windows - Advancement and update

The file memory.dmp is saved

It is important that first of all you have to check the box to automatically re-enable, to record the necessary information, you have selected Kernel memory dump and below, do not forget where the memory dump is saved %SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP

Let's go to the folder c:\windows\ and find the MEMORY.DMP file that contains the blue screen of death code

How to analyze the blue screen dump memory in Windows-memory.dmp

Yak nalashtuvati mini dump

Small memory dumps are also recorded in the blue screen of death, they are adjusted there, you just need to select them.

Saved in daddy c:\windows\minidump. The advantage is that it takes up less space and the blue screen is created with a shortened file. Later you can look at the history of the blue screen.

Now that we are ready to download the memory dump file, we need to learn to interpret it and understand the reason why the blue screen of death appears. Microsoft Kernel Debugger will help us. You can download Microsoft Kernel Debugger from the official website, select the required version of the OS if you are hacking, you can download it from the Yandex disk for direct instructions. You can also enter the ADK warehouse.

Thanks to Microsoft Kernel Debugger, the result is a small file that allows you to download everything you need from the Internet. Let's launch Yogo.

We will not join the program for the reduction of jakost's fate

embossed Accept and eligible for license

How to install Microsoft Kernel Debugger - licensed

get sick Microsoft installed Kernel Debugger

How to install Microsoft Kernel Debugger - installing MKD

Bachimo, Microsoft Kernel Debugger was successfully installed

Lastly, the Debugging Tools for Windows folder appeared in the launcher for both 32 and 64 bit systems.

In addition to the Debugging Tools for Windows package itself, you also need a set of Debugging Symbols. The set of improvement symbols is specific to the skin OS, whichever way BSoD is detected. Then you will have to select a set of characters for the skin OS and analyze the robot that you will have to work with. For 32-bit Windows XP you need the character set for Windows XP 32-bit, for a 64-bit OS you need the character set for Windows XP 64-bit. For other operating systems of the family Windows typing characters are selected according to the same principle. You can enchant the symbols of prosperity. It is recommended to install them at the address %systemroot%\symbols I would like to install them next to the folder and not mark them Windows folder.

Blue Screen Analysis in Debugging Tools

After installing Debugging Symbols on the system that displays the blue screen of death, launch Debugging Tools

How to install Microsoft Kernel Debugger-Run

Before analysis, instead of a memory dump, it is necessary to carry out minor adjustments. Specifically, tell the program which way you can use to find the juicy symbols. For which, select from the menu File > Symbol File Path…

Press the Browse button...

and indicate the folder in which we have installed the badge symbols for the memory dump, as you can see, you can specify a number of folders through which you can obtain information about the necessary badge characters directly via the Internet, from public server Microsoft. In this manner you will have yourself New version symbols. You can do this this way - in the menu File > Symbol File Path... enter:


How to analyze the blue screen of death

Copy from the computer, pop up a blue screen, file memory.dmp or minidump, and open it, select the File > Open Crash Dump… menu and select the file you need to view.

How to analyze the blue screen of death-01

Selectable for butt minidump

How to analyze the blue screen of death - open minidump

Once the analysis of the minidump has been completed, if a repair has been sent, click on it for more detailed information about the blue screen.

How to analyze the blue screen of death-03

And it’s a very dangerous addition that can damage your system, so you can marvel in more detail at what’s on the right by poking the message.

How to analyze the blue screen of death-04

Take more detailed information through the blue screen.

How to analyze the blue screen of death-05

If you open memory.dmp you will see a similar picture and therefore a blue screen will appear.

How to analyze the blue screen of death-06

It’s so easy to diagnose and see the blue screen of death.