Chi does not bother the printer. The grid printer does not fight. Solution of the problem

As the computer writes about those, that the printer does not have connections, then do not be too tired to get overwhelmed, because the problem is to finish the weekday and wider, in conjunction with which to solve the problem, be it a competent clerk. Obviously, if you can't help you with anything below the recommendations, then you shouldn't be advised to step up to the well-known and well-known master, or to independently introduce your device into service center.

Driver problem

As soon as you tried to turn on the printer, or if your PC started repeating about the ones with the printer, then maybe the problem was “zbyy” in the robot device. If the reason is that the printer is not visible to the computer є the driver itself, open the menu “Printer Attachments” via the “Start” menu. In the list, try to know your printer or BFP. I’m not happy, for the driver was instructed, and they marked the sign of the hail, because of the pardon in robots with software security, it would be better to reinstall the driver again. For the sake of seeing the "beat" driver, press the button in the "Attachment of the printer". Then insert the CD from the software security into the drive, which will reach your device and complete the driver installation. If there is no CD, then, moreover, on the official site of the company-virobnik of your drukuvalny attachment.

As a result, you often get drivers that are designed for old printers for Windows OS presented not in a simple and easy way Instalation file, And at the viglyadi archive. As soon as you get it done, you can remove the folder with no messy files. For їх installation it is necessary to go to the menu "Attachments and printers"; Then take a look at the instructions and set the folder on the disk, you have previously unpacked the driver. Reload and rewrite the computer, and the printer, to rewrite the status of the rest. If the system is turned on, all the same if you write about those that have no printer connections, then you should know about those for possible reasons such a problem.

Redesign of the printer

After the driver has been reinstalled, can you see the power supply for those who cannot see the printer? Building used, rearranging the special software security I was guilty of helping to launch the device into normal robot mode and correct its status, which is displayed on the PC monitor. Ale is not so simple!

Also, if your printer has a serious problem with the fact that the computer is displaying it in the connected station, then change it in the annexes. For the whole, through the "Start" and "Control Panel" go to "Attachments and printers" and brutal respect for the camp of your device. If you remember that your printer has a mill designated as "Offline", then click right button on this icon and select the item "Use Printer Online", which can be used to check the printer in the online mode - the timing is relevant for Windows XP and Vista. For Windows 7 OS, click on the printer icon with the right mouse button, you need to vibrate "Look at the heart of the friend", and send the "Printer" to "Vikoristovuvati printer offline".

In addition, before the hour of reversal, I will add its status to the images of appearances, so that it is “Paused”. If you want to update a friend, you need to vibrate the prompt for clicking the right mouse button on the printer icon, or take the icon from "Prize a friend" for operating systems Windows 7 and Vista.

What are the best ways to address the problem?

If the connection to a PC device is displayed on a computer, as a display, then try reconverting it on other computers. In addition, to accept the "power on printer", you will need to get the device alive and remove all cartridges. In a short time, get up vitrate materials back on the track i, having plugged in the USB cable, plug in the attachment. As a result, some kind of office technology is guilty of making self-diagnostics and switching to readiness modes. With a lot of respect for the indicator, which is guilty of burning permanently. As soon as you try to connect to the PC, please note that the blimp indicator, and not burn, then talk about the offensive: one of the sensors in the device will tell you about the appearance of the readiness pardon before the other. In such a vypad it happens to turn to the service center. As long as you have a guarantee for a printer, it means that the diagnosis and repair of the fault is absolutely free of charge.

In general, we will put up to the problem of the description of the problem with a great deal of seriousness and come with a special respect. It’s not easy to indulge, for the nearest hour it will be lost by itself. Also, we would like to advise you to help you in the nearest hour if you do not need any kind of development, there is also no guarantee that the problem will be settled in the term.

Necessarily because, as the printer is vicious, it is even more common to confuse the problem of replacing the result of the system with Daniy moment set the status "Connection printer". Yak turn on yogo, and fix the problem, read more by other methods.

Any problems

First, accept the solution to the problem, it is necessary to address the problem.

In the middle of the fact that there can be such a breakdown in the robot annex, it is possible to see the next step:

  • the visibility of the physical connection to the computer or the electromechanical;
  • assets are not autonomous mode of the robot;
  • obstructed or empty cartridges;
  • zupinna service to the friend;
  • I'll add problems with the drivers.

Status: "Connection printer". Yak to turn on the pristіy with the simplest rank?

At the first stage of the process, it’s the simplest thing to do, because it’s possible to get away with it, it’s an absolutely banal solution. If the system looks like “Printer Status: Connections”, turn on the HP-attachment, or if it’s a printer, or you can try the MFP by first turning on one of the screens, and after a couple of seconds turn on the alarm.

At the same time, as a rule, all outbuildings A self-test will be carried out (the light will be blinded in a whole hour), when the printer goes to the readiness state (the light will be blamed permanently).

But in some cases, there is no additional help, і the system knows a way about those, for the attachment of the status "Printer inclusions". Yak turn on pristіy? Require revision physical connection for an additional USB cable. To go to the system, I will add the driver to the installation (there is no need to do it and "back up"), but in fact the printer is just visible.

On the other side, when turned on permanently, the problem may lie in the fact that the cartridges run out of powder or blackened. That will need to be replaced with a new one. Well, so, the cartridge is because of the reasons for the obstruction of the surface. In general, you will need to wipe it off and once again rewire the computer with restarting the printer.

Status: "Connection printer". Yak turn on ("Vindovs 7", I will add the parameters)?

Ale the most frequent problems are associated with software problems, or wrong settings... For a cob, selected in the power supply, in order to change the status of the printer "Connections" (how to turn on the attachments), you need to wonder at the first stage and set the parameters.

At the standard "Control Panel" it is necessary to enter the distribution of printers and faxes;

From now on, I will add the necessary settings for the "Printer" menu and pick up the checkboxes from the rows attached to the friend (attached to the friend) and the installation of the robot, which has been installed. For Idea, I will change to "Ready". Inodi dopomagaє cleansing of the house for a friend.

Restarting service to a friend

Or you can trap, so, everything is in order with the printer itself, and from the service, which seemed to be a friend, for some reason, it was turned on, or it gave us something.

In general, it is necessary to select services, victorious for the services.msc command, which can be entered in the Viconati console (Win + R), to find out the service there ("Dispatcher to a friend" or Printer Spooler), to display the information on the printer, see the printer for about 60 seconds, if you want to restart the service and turn on the pritry itself.

Correcting driver problems

Likewise, there are often problems with the appearance of the system about the inclusion of the printer status can be caused in the event of problems with the drivers (old, damaged in robots, files, etc.).

In this situation, you will be able to see the drivers from the system, if you want the "Attachments Manager". I see the stench in the middle the establishment of programs, Deinstalation is more beautiful than breaking out of the program and components. Pislya tsyogo to the best solutions will be locked up the best driver from the site of the virobnik.

You can make it simpler. If the driver is stale, or simply not available given type I will add, you can choose to automate the driver upgrade programs on the Driver Booster.

Vikoristannya Utilit-Fikseri

A few sleeps on the back

It’s not so common in front of the staff of office equipment of the splice, that they are tied with them, but not a regular printer. To solve the problem, you need to look at two different types of problems. For the first one, you can easily install and connect, for example, a hedgehog device via Ethernet, for the other one, you have a very handy FFP, which is attached to an additional USB cable and for new, in its own way, crushed the settings for the overhead access.

As soon as the printer is in normal mode, once again the printer is in normal mode, respectfully read the re-insured below recommendations. If the stench doesn’t help it, then it’s a great way to get away with it, or a comrade, who’s more readily available in food, isn’t worth the office equipment.

The first vipadoc: a festoon printer

If your attachment is included in the out-of-the-box, but if you look at the other documents, on the screen, you will need to check the IP address settings. Otrimati the supplementary information about those that you can see in the statistics :.

At the next stage, you will need to reconsider the availability of the whole mesh address on the PC, which cannot be handled by the process. For the sake of typing, press the Win + R keys, for which to enter "CMD" in the razpotatyy end next to the name "Launch programs". Press on the key introduced. The command line has appeared in the black color, you will need to enter "ping" and through the probil IP-address to the attachment, by typing into "Enter". If you have a problem, if you have "ping yde", then proceed with the setting, re-adjusting to the onset of crocs, we will describe the distance. In addition, turn the stan on the patch cord, for the additional help of a setting and a PC from a single line to a hem. Ale nkareshche, sob druk zapratsyuvala new, open the new patch cord.

Reverse the adjustment of office equipment, as it is connected to your PC, as long as your ping prodovzhu "it".

  • For a good overview, see the attachments and printers.
  • I will know the icon and I will name my device and click on the right mouse button to open the menu. In the middle of the list, look at "Printer power" (in the English OS version: "Printer properties").
  • Click on the tab with ports and select "Add port".
  • Now you can see a new one at the end, you need to click on the "Standard TCP / IP port", click on the button, so you can respect the new port.
  • Now you have to set an IP-address, and the one that you asked for, or wondered at the BFP. Virіshivshi tiu not much zavdannya, click on "Dali".
  • Pislya zroblenykh nalashtuvan, but another device is guilty of connecting to the PC. So that the computer is more likely to fail and you don't need to run a test, so it’s okay if the problem is, if the computer doesn’t run the fingered printer, it’s okay.

Another type of ado: a very special printer

If an extraordinary printer is not a friend, if I want connections to a PC for an additional USB cable and adjustments like "zalny", then check out all the following recommendations:

  • For a cob, cross over from your personal computer to where your printer is connected to. For example, try re-plugging the USB cable to its original size. Also, change the position of the device in the form of an attachment for the device and the autonomous mode of the robot is not enabled. In addition, perekonayte, well, the seal does not stand on pause. All prices can be marveled at the power of the device.
  • If some other children didn’t help it, the problem was tied to it, but it’s not another fancy printer, but it’s been lost before, then change the availability of the PC, before adding another device from a computer, for some reason it’s necessary. It is possible to restore the price by typing "ping" in command line- a similar story is described in the first section of this statute.
  • On the offensive start, take care of the adjustment of the installation to exchange the annex. For a wide view of the power and the access tab. Know there a point under the name “ Zagalny access»І put a check mark on him, and then ask him the wrong name - you can vibrate be-like, smut, then all the buzzing soundly, like pristіy. To save the changes, click on "OK".

If the printer is not visible to the computer, then try:

  1. Go to the section "Attachments and Printers" and select an item that allows you to add a new other technology.
  2. Press on the installation and check, while the system completes the noise. At the top of the list is a selection of needs and information "Dal".
  3. At the same time, if the driver is installed on the PC, to which one is connected to a friend, go, then it will be seen in front of you at the end, you will be energized about those who add the printer to the given printer. If the special PZ does not come, then it will be necessary to have a way to install a specific model by attaching the driver, or to take care of its installation in advance.
  4. In the beginning, if you need, you should ask for a message and pressure on "Dal".
  5. In such a rank, the printer has been successfully installed and is now ready for robots.