Windows 10 update won't start. Windows will not start after installing the update. The installation will restart your computer again.

Stable work personal computer or the laptop should be kept in check operating system, as updates appear at regular intervals. Ale for koristuvachiv Windows There is a problem with Windows 10, which is expected: after updating Windows 10, the system does not start. There can be a number of reasons for turning on unnecessarily. From the very beginning it appears that the problem itself is screaming.

Reasons why Windows 10 is so popular

The presence of the operating system is visible on the black display screen. This is accompanied by:

  • cursor on screen;
  • the reaction of pressing the keyboard keys.

There could be two reasons for this:

  1. Vidmova has a video card or an integrated video card.
  2. Missed by antivirus is slow security software.

Vidmova robots of the hardware part of the video system

One of the reasons for the presence of a graphical interface on the laptop display is the installation of graphics adjustment of another monitor to which the signal is transmitted. I’m also disappointed that the computer is faulty, although everything is true. To resolve the problem, you need to do the following:

Virus in the operating system

A bad security program, missed by an antivirus, such as Kaspersky, will result in the replacement of the final file, which indicates a standard download. To solve the problem, you need to do the following:

Windows 10 does not work after updating

After installation, Windows 10 does not work, and to remove it you need to re-enable or turn off the life. In this case, you can withdraw for the weekend adjustments. This option is only suitable if the computer does not have the Create update point function enabled. For whom is it necessary:

  1. Restart the operating system using the “Reset” button.
  2. About an hour before entering the BIOS, press the F8 key. This will launch the update menu.
  3. In the menu select “Diagnostics”.
  4. Show up immediately Additional adjustments", in which select "System update".
  5. At the information window that appears, click “Next”.
  6. The system prompts you to select the current update point. Press “Day”. You will need to get ready for the appointment.

Windows 10 freezes after updating

After using a computer or laptop for several hours, it begins to freeze or become addictive for a long time. This is due to silent programs that are launched automatically from the operating system. To remove them from auto-enablement, you can quickly use diagnostic and cleaning programs or put your computer in safe mode to disable the installation of certain services and drivers:

The procedure carried out significantly shortens the time for the system to start. You can also clean the system from any debris that accumulates when running some software or surfing the Internet. Yakscho after Windows installations 10 Windows does not start, then the reason may be a bug or a faulty operating system. If the components of the computer are not suitable for use, the contents must be checked before installation begins.

Hello everyone! Last article we learned from you, as... In this article, we learn how to enter Windows 10 safe mode so that the system is not compromised through any kind of compromise.

Friends, why does our operating system stop being attractive? That's right, through corrupted system files and critical important drivers However, most often, Windows is not supported through programs and drivers we install that are not approved for use in our operating system. I’ll explain a little later.

How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10 without locking the operating system

Recently, one person was angry with me, she upgraded her Windows 7 to Windows 10, and after updating, the drivers for her video card and TV tuner were deleted. I updated the drivers for the video card, and the axis with the TV tuner appeared increasingly complicated; on the official website of the device, only drivers for Windows 7 were posted, there were no drivers for Windows 8.1. I was told by a friend that there are still no drivers for Win 10, which are hundreds of years old, except for beta drivers and who needs it and who doesn’t.

I downloaded and installed the drivers at once from the software on the TV tuner, without creating an update point at any time. The driver installed and asked to re-enable, after re-enable it appeared on the monitor blue death (blue screen), and then the re-enablement led to the same effect - the re-enablement of the system ended with a blue screen.

What happened? The Blue Screen of Death is Windows's reaction to a code that is not working correctly, so that the system is automatically infected with a blue screen due to an incorrectly running TV tuner driver. To remove the incorrect driver, I quickly turned to Safe Mode.

  • Note: everything would have been simpler if I had installed the driver before installing it.

We all know that the safe mode is specially designed to eliminate malfunctions of the operating system. To the careless Windows modes 10 runs with a minimal set of processes that Microsoft can trust. Also, using Safe Mode, we can quickly remove incorrectly functioning drivers or programs that have caused Windows to become unusable or unstable.

Everything is clear, except how to go into safe mode, since Win 10 won’t work!

The front window of the system installation is embossed keyboard connection Shift+F10.

The command line window opens, enter (this is also true for all computers, including laptops with an advanced UEFI interface and the option Secure Boot command:

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

The command made changes to the BCD configuration file.

The operation was completed successfully.

When you re-enable your computer, the Special Vanishing Settings window will open.

Press key F4 or else 4 To enter Safe Mode, you can also use other special modes that will stop you from troubleshooting Windows 10.

If you want to enter the operating system in the most basic way, press Enter on the keyboard.

Axis in safe mode of Windows 10.

Finding an incorrect driver or using the program in a different way.

The drivers are installed into the operating system immediately from the software.

Open the Computer window and select Delete or change the program.

We know the name of non-practicing, proper rank, software security and embossed Vidality.

If you installed the driver manually without an installer, you can uninstall it directly in Device Manager - right-click on it and select Visibility.

If you want to select the Special Attraction Parameters window when the attraction window appears, then get fancy from the fancy one Windows flash drives 10 Wednesday update, launch the command line, enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

This command tells you to make changes to the BCD configuration file.

For insurance against work, you can earn money.

Reading hour: 7 minutes

If Windows 10 does not start, then guess what you installed the system before. This will help you know the reason and remove it.

First events

From now on, you need to remove all devices from the computer: disks, memory cards. Turn it over, this is electricity.

An operating system (OS) that hangs for an hour mainly occurs through damage to the backup sector. Wider reasons:

  1. Viruses.
  2. Incorrect updates.
  3. Installation of new programs.

Help protect against viruses fancy disk Kaspersky Rescue. If you have reinstalled the OS and completely defragmented drive C, do not forget to check other parts of your hard drive for viruses after logging into Windows.

How to fix the blue screen problem in Win 10

When you start the OS, instead of using the graphical shell, a blue screen appears, so there is a problem, and the system suggests ways to fix it. Їх dekіlka. The most affordable option is the current one.


To identify the most common problem, you need to select "Diagnostics".

It's easy to change. Then select "Update".

This will overwrite all system data. Required installation disk or flash drive. The process will be the same as when installing Windows 10 in one admin: the OS is not deleted, but the files new systems pour over the old ones with replacement.

This is to correct corrupted files, drivers and sectors. All your data, folders, photos, videos, music on C and other disks will be saved. There is no need to confuse this function with the updates that run from the caravan panel if you want to return to the previous configuration.


If the previous method did not work, in the “Diagnostics” window, select “Return to weekend camp" This option is to view the system and install it in a new way. Anyway, you can save the files that are in the account manager’s profile. To do this, click “Save my files.”

From the two described options, the choice of OS is corrected. You can also try other methods.

Additional parameters

The third button in Diagnostics is the Additional parameters button. Click on it and see a whole range of options for improving Windows 10.

Revert to old configuration

By pressing the “System Update” button, you will return to the previous configuration, since you have update points. For the coming century, the imprint “Dali”.

Then select the update point.

The system must restart itself after being returned to the previous configuration.

If there are no saving points, then it is necessary to adjust their automatic creation as soon as possible. To do this, use Explorer to right-click on the C drive and select “Power” from the context menu. It’s so easy to show up.

Select drive C and click “Adjust”.

At the new window, put the icon “Clear the protection...”. Step by step adjust the size that allows Windows 10 to be adjusted for update points.

OS image wiki

Using another button in the “Additional parameters” (look at the top of the chapter), you can cancel the update from the system image that was created earlier. For this, all you need to do is press this button and specify the image file to be expanded. You can install Windows 10 on your own.

If there is no such file, create it on May 1st. At the backup panel, find and go to “Backup Copy”.

This method is disadvantageous because it takes up a lot of disk space.

Safe mode

By clicking on the “Additional settings” button, right-handed “Location settings”, you will have more options for logging into the system.

Go to safe mode using additional arrow keys. If after pressing Enter it will be successful, then logging into Windiws 10 will most likely install incorrect drivers.

Safe mode does a lot of work: the system is scanned with an antivirus, programs that you think were downloaded are removed. However, it is not enough to update the OS using the described methods.

More ways

When you press the button “Update at the right time” under “Additional parameters”, an automatic search for and elimination of malfunctions is performed.

This method, and the one that transfers the strength of the command line, rarely gives positive results, but sometimes kills.

For those who are unsure, there is a button “Turn to the front gathering”, which is located at the bottom right. Vikoristuvuch її, koristuvach go to the operating system, which stood up to ten.

If the blue screen does not appear when the game is frozen, you can click on it to restart the mode. For whom should you sign these actions:

  1. Press the Reset button.
  2. Otherwise, uninstall your PC. Give me life again and start the computer.
  3. When you're in love, press the Shift key.

If these methods did not help, it is better to reinstall the OS by inserting the installation disk into the DVD drive and downloading it from it.

The productivity and capacity of the system are determined by its complexity. The more complex the structure, the greater the number of storage mechanisms in it, and this causes the emergence of various problems. The skin of the gears is potentially leaking, and if one goes out of tune, the system does not function normally and malfunctions may occur. Windows 10 let's illustrate how the entire OS reacts to any small problem.

For some reason you may not be able to use Windows 10 (black or blue screen and random errors)

The reasons why Windows 10 may not start or may “catch” a critical (like critical) error are varied. You can provoke something like this:

  • a renovation was installed nearby;
  • viruses;
  • hardware treatments that include voltage stripping;
  • unclear PZ;
  • Various types of malfunctions during work hours or problems and much more.

What do you want your computer or laptop to do correctly? long time ago, this is why you need to blow out the powder. Moreover, both direct and figurative meanings. Particularly problematic is the destruction of old system units due to poor ventilation.

Software reasons

Software causes of Windows failure are the leaders for the most possible options. Damages may appear in the skin area of ​​the robotic system. Even a minor problem can lead to serious breakdowns.

It is most important to ensure that your computer is not infected with viruses. Never switch to sending from unknown devices. Sheets of electronic mail are especially valuable.

Viruses can re-encrypt all files on the device, and they can cause hardware damage to the device. For example, infected system files can command the hard drive to run on the liquid that was transferred below. Tse cause ushkodzhennya hard drive of the magnetic head.

One more operating system installed

The skin operating system in Windows has a different advantage on par with others. It’s not surprising that some homeowners don’t hate the ability to run multiple OSes on one computer. Installing another system may cause damage. Vanguard files first, which will make it impossible to launch.

Fortunately, there is a method that allows you to uninstall old OS files without losing them, so that Windows was not damaged during installation, was not erased or replaced. For further help" Team row» The utilities in it can be turned into a service for extracting necessary files:

Video: how to change the order of installation of operating systems in Windows 10

Experimenting with disk partitions

Various manipulations with hard disk partitions can also cause problems with storage. Particularly important is the partition on which the operating system is installed.

Do not perform activities related to the compacted volume, the disk on which the operating system is installed, as the fragments may lead to failures.

Any actions related to volume constraints for the sake of saving space or increasing other partitions can lead to the OS recognizing problems with the robot. The change in size does not mean that the system may need significantly more space, but it takes up more space at once.

Windows is known as the swap file - a tool that allows you to increase the amount of RAM on your hard drive. In addition, the activities of updating the system take up a lot of space. A compressed volume can lead to an overload of permissible information, which can lead to problems if files are formatted. Nesledok – problems at the time of system startup.

If you rename the volume (replace the letter), all paths to the OS files will simply be lost. The owner's files are literally running to the point of being empty. The situation with changes can only be corrected if there is another operating system (for which the instructions are more appropriate). If only one Windows is installed on the computer and it is impossible for a friend to install it, with great difficulty only flash drives with an already installed advanced system can help.

Unqualified corrections through the system registry

Several instructions on the Internet will show you how to resolve some problems by correcting the registry. It is right to say that such a solution can effectively help in these and other situations.

The trouble is that Windows registry This is a delicate area of ​​the system: one incorrect setting or editing of a parameter can lead to serious consequences. The routes at the registry are actually identical in their names. Finding the right file and properly treating it, adding or obtaining the required element is the same as a surgical procedure.

To understand the situation: all instructions are copied one after another, and one of the authors of the articles accidentally entered an incorrect parameter or an incorrect path to the file. The bag will completely paralyze the operating system. Therefore, it is not recommended to make extensive adjustments in system registry. The options may vary depending on the version and capacity of the OS.

A wiki of various programs to speed up and decorate the system

There is an entire market cluster of programs that are created to reduce the productivity of Windows in a lot of direct ways. They also contribute to the visual beauty of the design of the system. Varto knows that his job will be put to death. However, if to spruce up the system you simply need to replace standard textures with new ones, then to speed up the work, such programs turn on “unnecessary” services. This can lead to different types of inheritance depending on what services were connected.

If the system requires optimization, it must be carried out independently in order to know what exactly has been optimized. In addition, if you know what you have turned on, you can easily turn the service back on.

As a result of the service being disabled, the services will stop starting and running. Save processor resources and RAM, and your computer will work faster.

List of services that can be enabled without harm for Windows functionality:

  • "Fax machine";
  • NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service (for NVidia video cards if you do not use 3D stereo images);
  • "Service behind-the-scenes access to Net.Tcp ports";
  • "Work folders";
  • "AllJoyn Router Service";
  • "Confirmed supplement";
  • "BitLocker Drive Encryption Service";
  • "Service Bluetooth support» (if you are not a Bluetooth user);
  • "Client License Service" (ClipSVC, once disabled, the Windows 10 store may not be properly used);
  • "Computer Browser";
  • Dmwappushservice;
  • "Geographical Position Service";
  • “Guest robot completion service (Hyper-V)”;
  • "Pulse Service (Hyper-V)";
  • "Session service" virtual machines Hyper-V";
  • "Hyper-V clock synchronization service";
  • "Data exchange service (Hyper-V)";
  • "Virtualization service for Hyper-V remote desktops";
  • "Sensor security service";
  • "Sensor data service";
  • "Sensor service";
  • “Functional capabilities for connecting clients and telemetry” (This is one of the points to turn on Windows 10);
  • "Internal access to the Internet (ICS)." If you do not use the functions of illegal Internet access, for example, for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop;
  • "Merezheva service Xbox Live";
  • Superfetch (for mind that you are vikorist SSD);
  • “Druk Manager” (if you do not use the Druk functions, including Windows 10 PDF Druk);
  • "Windows Biometric Service";
  • “Visions register”;
  • “Second entry” (for the reason that you are not vikorist).

Video: how to manually disable unnecessary services in Windows 10

Windows updates that did not install correctly, or the PC turned off during the installation of the update

Material on the topic Windows update can be stored in gigabytes. The reason for this is the ambiguity of the positions of the koristuvachs before the system was updated. Microsoft Corporation is actually forcing customers to upgrade the “ten”, thereby guaranteeing the effectiveness of the system. However, don’t ever bring renovations to the point of improvement Windows robots. Trying to develop an OS sooner or later turns into major system problems. The main causes of chotiri:

  • The users themselves, who don’t want to hear the message “Do not freeze your computer...” and freeze their device during the update process;
  • Different series of possessions sum up: old and rare processors, on which Microsoft retailers simply cannot model the behavior of the update;
  • pardons for the hour of renewal;
  • force majeure situations: power surges, magnetic storms and other phenomena that can affect the computer’s operation.

The skin, for the reasons described above, can cause a critical breakdown of the system, resulting in the replacement of important storage units. If the file was replaced incorrectly, a problem appeared, the next attempt resulted in the OS freezing.

Viruses and antiviruses

Regardless of all attacks, the constant advances of the Internet about security rules on the Internet, viruses, as before, are the scourge of all operating systems.

In most cases, homeowners themselves install faulty security software on their device, and then suffer. Viruses, worms, Trojans, encryptors - this is not the whole range of types of software that threaten your computer.

But few people know that antiviruses can also harm the system. Everything on the right is basically their own robot. The malicious programs operate behind a unique algorithm: they search for infected files and, once they know them, try to add the file code to the virus code. This is not always possible, and corrupted files are often isolated when you try to delete them soon. There are also options for remote recording and transmission to servers antivirus programs To clean up malicious code, it is important to remove viruses system files And if the antivirus is isolated, then when you try to restart your computer, there is a high chance that one of the critical fixes will be removed, and Windows will not be affected.

"Poshkodzheni" programs in autorun

Another cause of problems with in love with Windows It’s unclear whether or not you can fix autorun programs, so you can avoid them. Only if you replace corrupted system files with auto-recovery programs, you can always start the system, even with some delays over the course of an hour. In cases where the problems are more serious and the system cannot be controlled, it is necessary to quickly switch to “Safe Mode” (BR). If you don't use autorun programs, you can easily install the operating system and remove dirty software.

If you don’t want to turn on the OS, use Safe Mode to get an additional installable flash drive:

Once you have upgraded to BR, delete all suspicious programs. When you restart your computer, you will go through the default mode.

Video: how to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10

Hardware reasons

Very often there are hardware reasons for Windows not starting. As a rule, if there is something wrong with the computer, you won’t be able to launch it without having to worry about changing the OS. However, minor problems with various types of manipulations with equipment, replacement and addition of certain devices are still possible.

Changing the order of setting up hard drives in the BIOS or connecting the hard drive not to its port on the motherboard (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE change)

During major home repairs, cleaning the computer or adding/replacing the operational board or hard drive, it may fail pardon is critical type INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE. It may also appear that the order of the media has been changed in the BIOS menu to change the operating system.

Methods to combat the evil sprat:

The problem may arise after the master finishes his work in search of mercy.

Video: how to install hellishness in the BIOS

RAM malfunction

With the development of skin technology, the core components of a computer are becoming smaller, lighter and more productive. As a result, the parts lose their rigidity and become more creaky and susceptible to mechanical damage. Navigation can negatively harm robots due to the taken chips.

If the problem is running out of memory sticks, then the only way to solve the problem is to buy a new device

RAM is not to blame. DDR sticks are gradually becoming unusable, problems appear that do not allow Windows to be installed and run in the correct mode. Most often breakdowns are associated with operational memory, The speakers of the motherboard are accompanied by a special signal.

Unfortunately, in practice, repairing the memory strips in the first place does not allow for repairs. The only way to resolve the problem is to change the device.

Output of the elements of the video system

It is very easy to diagnose problems with any element of the video system of a computer or laptop. You feel that the computer is warming up, and you are attracted to the operating system with its characteristic vital sounds, and the screen turns deathly black. At this point, it immediately became clear that the problem was with the computer’s video. The trouble is that the video information system consists of a complex of devices:

  • video card;
  • mіst;
  • motherboard;
  • screen

Unfortunately, you can only check the contact of the video card with motherboard: Try a different connector or connect another monitor to the video adapter. If these simple manipulations did not help you, you need to contact the service center for a more in-depth diagnosis of the problem.

Other equipment malfunctions

If you think about it, then any problems with owning a computer will lead to mercy. Damage to the appearance of a broken keyboard may be due to the fact that the operating system cannot be restored. There may be other problems, and some of them are characterized in their own way:

  • problems with the life support unit of the computer;
  • Externally, the drying of thermoplastic and insufficient cooling of the elements of the system unit are accompanied by rapt re-engineering of Windows.

Ways to deal with software reasons for Windows 10 not starting

Himself in the best possible way Windows resuscitation is a system update point (SUP). This tool allows you to download the OS at the earliest possible hour, as long as the computer is still up. By doing this, you can both avoid the original problem and turn the efficiency of your system back to normal. In this way, all your programs and adjustments will be preserved.

Updating the system for additional fuel assemblies

To identify system update points, you need to click on them and set the following parameters:

  1. Wiklichte context not menu Icons "This computer" and select "Power".

    Select the context menu of the “This computer” icon

  2. Click the “System Lock” button.

    The “System Protection” button opens the middle of the adjustment point of the update

  3. Select the disk labeled “(System)” and click the “Adjust” button. Uncheck the “Enable system protection” checkbox and move the checkbox next to the “Maximum corruption” setting to the manual value. This parameter will specify the information that is collected for update points. It is recommended to select 20-40% and no less than 5 GB (depending on the size of the system disk).

    Turn off the system protection and adjust the permissible procedure for saving fuel assemblies

  4. Change the content using the “OK” buttons.

  5. The “Create” button will save you the exact system configuration of the fuel assembly.

    The “Create” button will save you the exact system configuration of the fuel assembly

As a result, we have fixed the original OS, which can be updated. It is recommended to close the renewal points once two to three times.

To speed up the fuel assembly:

Video: how to create, remove update point and shortcuts in Windows 10

System update using the sfc/scannow command

To ensure that system update points are not always necessary for creation, and they can also be infected with viruses or disk corruptions, it is possible to update the system programmatically- the sfc.exe utility. This method works like the system update mode for additional help. fancy flash drive, so I'll ask for help." Stove-free mode" To launch programs on Windows, launch the command line, enter the command sfc /scannow and run it on Windows using the Enter key (suitable for BR).

The current problem and corrections for the “Team Row” in the update mode look different for those who may have more than one operating system installed on one computer.

It is necessary to follow the drive letter if the OS is not installed in the standard directory of drive C. After completing the utility, restart your computer.

Video: how to update system files using “Command Row” in Windows 10

Update on a new image of the system

Another opportunity to turn around the productivity of Windows is to update the additional image file. If you have dozens of distribution kits saved on your computer, you can quickly use it to turn the OS up to scratch.

Restore your computer and enjoy it operating system, whenever corrupted or defective files are replaced.

Video: how to create an image of Windows 10 and update the system with help

Ways to deal with hardware reasons for Windows 10 not starting

I am qualified to help you with a hardware failure of the system and may not be able to provide any assistance. service center. If you have no experience with electronics, it is not recommended to unscrew, connect, or solder anything lightly.

Troubleshooting hard disk problems

Please note that most hardware reasons for non-startup are related to the hard drive. Since most of the information is saved on its own, the hard drive often succumbs to the attacks of data files and sectors. Obviously, a lot of space on the hard drive will lead to the system freezing, and the OS simply won’t work. Luckily, Windows has a tool that can help you in difficult situations.

Cleaning your computer with a saw

Overheating, bad contacts of busbars and devices can be caused by the high volume of the system unit of the saw.

  1. Turn over the connected devices from the motherboard without using excessive force.
  2. Clean and see all the sawdust, as far as you can get, vikory pulp or cotton sticks.
  3. Turn over the darts and tires to ensure they have no defects or swelling. It is not to blame for there to be exposed parts and plugs without connection to the power supply unit.

If cleaning the saw and checking the connection did not produce results, updating the system did not help, you need to go to the service center.

Video: how to properly clean the system unit with a saw

Windows may not start for a variety of reasons. Possibly both software and hardware fixes, or anything else, may be critical. This means that they can be corrected without the help of counterfeiters, with just simple instructions.

Good health, my dear readers, brothers in the computer theme, and also just guests of the site.

Yesterday, having updated the operating system, I couldn’t get rid of it. The fact is pedal, but entirely virishavany. Having dug into the root cause of the problem, I knew the best way out. So today I will let you know that Windows 10 will not work after updating. Read with respect and remember!

Why can this happen?

There may be a lot of factors that lead to the reasons. They caught a virus (for which Comodo Internet Security can help), the update was crooked, the add-on store doesn’t work, and much more. It is entirely possible that the structure of the registry has simply become corrupted, so that Windows simply cannot recognize the important sectors. To avoid such a situation, you can ensure the stability of your personal computer and other additional programs.

For example, SS Cleaner. Ideal for professionals with minimal knowledge computer technology. Come along in the same way. Reg Organizer. There is also a admin software that will help you clean and adjust the system.

It often happens that the update package fails, so due to a conflict with some drivers, the operation can be disrupted, for example, the computer freezes on the screen saver. The whole problem can be corrected, and most of the problems will be discussed below.

It is important to understand that any service packs and patches need to be downloaded only from the Microsoft website. Otherwise, you can zip the installed graphic shell unclear content, to the extent that it is entirely possible that the hand of an uninformed programmer, or even worse, a hacker. So how can you harm the most important aspect - carelessness.

What should you do if your laptop freezes on the screen saver?

I would like to get ahead of the start. The tenth version of Windows will have a lot of updates installed. It takes 2-3 minutes for the initial screen to start the operating system. This does not mean that the system is faulty. Please, at this hour, let’s start the process of adjusting file installations and script databases. You can borrow up to 10 units - depending on the size of the update. It's better to check it out. And now the OS is not responding at all. Then you can deal with the worst of this problem.

If the laptop freezes on the screen saver, we need to upgrade to a version that works reliably.

I want to make it clear that this method is not a panacea and cannot immediately help correct all problems with Windows. It also helps to repair the registry section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet. The original menu of the remaining operating configuration in remaining version The operating system is not standard, this point can be added.

Let's go to start and type the command in the login row regedit.

The registry is opening, we need to change to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager. The key here is to focus on a parameter called BackupCount. This indicates how many times the system saves your machine for rolling. There is only one behind the standard, but you can change this number yourself.

Now let's go, as shown in the little picture below, to the OS configuration manager. There's a need to create a new structure there. To be called guilty is so - LastKnownGood. You need to create a parameter under the name – DWORD, don't have mercy on them. Set the value to Enable.

This may also help because after the update a blue screen is displayed.

How to update the system more correctly?

It also happens that after installing the drivers, a black screen appears. A simple summary will not help here, since the software part of the operating system is embedded. It is necessary to carry out a complete renovation. You can earn money in 5 different ways.

First. Go to the start menu, go to our system settings and select “ System protector».

Now you need to select I will update from control points then press far. A sign with hourly parameters will appear, in which you need to select an early point. We press and renew. This way we won’t waste files and won’t need to go to the BIOS.

Other. More radical method. These are based on the sold-out Windows until the initial factory adjustments. This is a reinstallation, but there is no need to copy and then update the files. The OS is not in the same place. We go to the parameters of our laptop, then to the update and security section. Then click on the update row and select - turn the computer to the exit page.

Third method, in case of vikoryism backup copy files. Come with the release 1607. In the remaining version of the operating system, it is possible to copy and update almost all files. Whenever necessary, you can download and install them as the main version of the software, thereby solving problems with new versions. In this case, you will need to add a function called file history. There will also be a need for external storage - a flash drive or hard drive. Let's go to the settings of our computer and open the section renewal and safety.

On the left side, select from the menu archiving service. Now right side you need to click on the plus and select division of the external hoarder, how the data will be saved after the last copy.

Once everything is completed and carried out correctly, a remikach will appear. It has a blue color, which means the function is enabled.

All now selected files that can be manually adjusted, compressed and sent to an external device.

Fourth. Vikoristanny disk update. Use the best method, even if it lasts for a few hours. Help with incorrectly installed video card drivers. It will also help, since the bear does not work on the laptop. Now, let’s insert a clean flash drive into our USB port. Next, go to the start menu and there, in a row, we type the words - update disk. The creation of such a thing appears.

You can also press the key from the Windows icon and the K key (R English).

Finally, with a description, this kind of trick is actually needed. We need to click the checkbox below and press the further button.

I would like to immediately inform you that a flash drive requires at least 4 gigabytes. This means that the tenth Windows will be great in itself and the hard drive with the latest data will be important. This will be written on the upcoming anniversary. If everything is in order, the operating system itself will recognize the problem and extract all data from it.

Next you will see the format of the flash drive. Borrow a little more than 5 khvilins. The files will then be copied. The axle here will have to be loaded from 10 to 30 units.

If everything is miraculous, then post this sign.

If you see a black screen or key f8 It doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, you can vikorize this update disk. Just become interested in it and choose the first icon for the beast of evil.

P'yatiy. Vikoristannya installation disk. Since you don’t have enough of this, I’ll explain how to earn it. We take a flash drive of 8 or more gigabytes. We copy everything required files and format it. Download image operating system and checks for viruses using AVG AntiVirus Free.

A steering axis UltraICO program. Then we install it and open it. Continue clicking here.